1ST Assessment Possible Answers

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Explain the importance of “Cargo Distribution” according to the Principles

of Safe Stowage and Securing of Cargoes.

The proper stowage and securing of cargoes are of the utmost importance for the
safety of life at sea. Improper stowage and securing of cargoes have resulted in
numerous serious ship casualties and caused injury and loss of life, not only at sea but
also during cargo loading and discharging operations.
Shipboard operations typically equate to major risk concerns especially in the
field of cargo handling and transportation; thus, it is the utmost priority for each seafarer
onboard their respective merchant vessels to ensure the safety and efficiency of
transporting cargo from one port to another by considering the proper way of stowage
and securing of each specified cargo onboard.
As a seafarer, and especially being directed as the designated Cargo Officer
onboard your vessel, it is vital to be fully knowledgeable of the cargoes that should not
be kept together with the presence of one another with the risk of developing some sort
of dangerous chemical or physical reaction thus invalidating the safety of the crew, the
vessel and the surrounding marine environment in the process.
It might already be a common idea that weather and other maritime factors tend
to fluctuate a lot and each vessel should be ready to face this varying weather
conditions and maintain safety when transporting their respective cargoes. When the
ship is in motion, and especially during bad weather, accompanied by rough seas, the
cargo on board is subject to abnormal forces. Proper securing of cargoes ensures that
there would be a lesser risk of damages to the vessel and to the cargo itself could

Enumerate and explain the important data available in the cargo securing manual.

A cargo securing manual details all the cargo-securing equipment on board the
vessel, whether fixed or portable. It specifies their locations and how they should be
used to secure the different types of cargo that are transported. This manual also shows
details of the chains, lashings, rods, etc. that are used to secure the cargo on the ship.
This document should provide information on the cargo securing equipment's
ability to withstand harsh weather and rough sea conditions, as well as the procedures
used to secure the cargo and other equipment maintenance instructions.
The manual required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes
other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes. Cargo units, including containers, shall be
loaded, stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with Cargo Securing
Manual approved by the Ship Administration.
What are the nine classes of IMDG code? Explain its importance during cargo
stowage and segregation.
(Writer Note: For the assessment, it would be okay to not state the sub-classes. But It’s still up to you if you want to include these info)

These 9 hazard classes have been established internationally by a United Nations (UN) committee
to ensure that all modes of transport (road, rail, air and sea) classify dangerous goods in the same way.

Class 1: Explosives:
Any material or item listed in the explosives category is one that can quickly conflagrate or
detonate due to a chemical reaction. You can find items like fireworks, airbag inflators and
ammunition listed under this class.
Explosives are further broken down into six subdivisions.

1.1 Substances and articles which have a mass explosion hazard.

1.2 Substances and articles which have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion
1.3 Substances and articles which have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a minor projection
hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard.
1.4 Substances and articles which present no significant hazard.
1.5 Very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard.
1.6 Extremely insensitive articles which do not have a mass explosion.

Class 2: Flammable Gases

The class encompasses compressed gases, liquefied gases, dissolved gases, refrigerated liquefied
gases, mixtures of one or more gases with one or more vapors of substances of other classes, articles
charged with a gas and aerosols.
This clause has three sub-categories that talk about highly flammable gases that are not inflammable and
gases that are neither flammable nor toxic.
2.1 Flammable gases
2.2 Non-Flammable gases
2.3 Toxic gases

Class 3 : Flammable liquids

This include liquids transported at or above their flashpoints. Primary examples of flammable
liquids include paints, acetone, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuels, alcohols and adhesives. This has
no sub divisions.

Class 4: Flammable Solid

If a material is easily combustible under common transportation conditions, it’s classified as a
flammable solid. This classification also includes self-reactive substances that may go through
solid desensitized explosions or exothermic reactions. Common items include sodium batteries,
metal powders, activated carbon and matches.
There are three subdivisions in this class.

4.1 Flammable solids

4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustion
4.3 Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases. (Dangerous when wet)

Class 5: Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxides

Organic peroxides are substances with a chemical structure where organic radicals have replaced
a single hydrogen atom or both hydrogen atoms.
Oxidizing substances include those that may cause or at least contribute to combustion due to the
possibility of chemical reactions causing oxygen yield.
These hazardous materials include sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate fertilizers, nitrites, nitrates,
chemical oxygen generators and more.
` This has two sub classes:
5.1 Oxidizing substances (agents) by yielding oxygen increase the risk and intensity of fire
5.2 Organic peroxides - most will burn rapidly and are sensitive to impact or friction

Class 6: Toxic and Infectious Substances

Infectious substances are defined as materials that have, or are likely to have, pathogens, such as
fungi, parasites and bacteria, that can give animals and humans diseases.
If a substance can cause harm when swallowed, inhaled or contacted, it’s classified as a toxic
Common examples of these types of dangerous substances are arsenic, cyanides, chloroform,
nicotine, acids, dyes, tear gas, biomedical waste and biological cultures.
Class 6 has two sub classes:
6.1 Toxic substances
6.2 Infectious substances

Class 7: Radioactive Materials

If a material contains radionuclides where the activity concentration and total activity exceed
predefined values, it’s classified as a radioactive material.
Since these materials can be very harmful to human health, it’s important to transport them
Examples of these radioactive materials are density gauges, depleted uranium, radioactive ores
and medical isotopes usually used in the scientific, medical, and pharmaceutical field.
This has no sub classes.

Class 8: Corrosive Substances

Substances that degrade or disintegrate other materials with chemical actions via contact are
classified as corrosive. When these substances aren’t transported appropriately, they can damage
living tissue and leak during transit.
Some of the main types of corrosives include batteries, flux, paints, dyes and acids.
This has no sub classes.

Class 9: Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods and Environmentally Hazardous Materials

When materials don’t fit under the previously mentioned categories, they’re put under the
miscellaneous hazardous materials banner.
You can find magnetized materials, genetically modified organisms, substances transported at
high temperatures and environmentally hazardous substances in this classification. Examples of
these materials include fuel cell engines, first-aid kits, life-saving appliances, lithium-ion batteries
and dry ice.
This has no sub-classes.

During on board crew training in handling IMDG, The Chief officer showed the
(Emergency Response Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods). What is the
purpose of this IMDG Code Supplement and how is this use?

This EmS Guide contains guidance on Emergency Response Procedures for

Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods including the Emergency Schedules (EmS) to be
followed in case of incidents involving dangerous substances, materials or articles, or
harmful substances (marine pollutants), regulated under the International Maritime
Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code).

The main purpose of this Guide is to provide guidance for dealing with fires and
spillages on board ships involving the dangerous goods listed in the International
Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code). Safety is the utmost priority during
every shipboard operation, not pertaining only to the safety of the crew, but as well with
the vessel, the cargo, and the surrounding marine environment. Each crew of a vessel
carrying dangerous goods should be equipped with the knowledge and aware of the
guidelines (available on these manual) that should be take in consider in case of
specified emergencies to occur during cargo loading, discharging and transit.

In the event of a fire or spillage incident, initial actions should be carried out in
accordance with the shipboard emergency plan. Where dangerous goods are involved,
the responses in the emergency plan should be based on this Guide for specific
dangerous goods having regard to, the type of ship, the quantity and type of packaging
of the dangerous goods and whether the goods are stowed on or under deck.

Capabilities and Limitation of ECDIS

The Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a development in the
navigational chart system used in naval vessels and ships. With the use of the electronic chart
system, it has become easier for a ship’s navigating crew to pinpoint locations, determine the
own ship's position, efficiently create passage planning and maintain safety in navigation.
Besides enhancing navigational safety, ECDIS greatly eases the navigator’s workload with its
automatic capabilities such as:
• route planning
• route monitoring
• automatic ETA computation
• and real time ENC updates

On the other hand, despite being a highly sophisticated piece of shipboard

navigational equipment, the ECDIS still has its limitations which every seafarer onboard
should be aware of, as this could affect the safety and ease of navigation of the vessel
during transit. The following are some of the limitations of the ECDIS:
 The accuracy of the information received via AIS is only as good as the accuracy
of the AIS information transmitted. The same is applicable for all other equipment
interfaced with the ECDIS.
 Position of ships received on ECDIS display might not be referenced to WGS 84
 Over-reliance on ECDIS for navigational safety should be avoided until it is
confirmed that all the data transmitted, received and displayed are accurate.
 Users must be aware that any erroneous information is detrimental to the safety
of own as well as other vessels.
 Some sensors might lack integrity with regard to accuracy and those that have
not been tested.
 Not all ships are fitted with ECDIS and hence one cannot be sure of technical
ability with regard to positioning as well as navigation; the kind that ECDIS

What are the Meteorological data available in ECDIS. Discuss its

importance/functions they provide as additional navigational information to
maintain safety of navigation through use of ECDIS
The ECDIS also provides information regarding the state of the tide, current as well as
the wind speed and direction that assists the navigator in determining the proper actions
to take during the transit.
ECDIS also incorporates and displays information contained in other nautical
publications such as Tide Tables and Sailing Directions and incorporates additional
maritime information such as radar information, weather, ice conditions and automatic
vessel identification.
With the availability of data regarding the tides and currents, the navigating officer can
easily determine areas to avoided which can risk the vessel to be aground and utilized
the direction of the current to determine the speed and direction for which the vessel
should follow to maintain its course.
Wind direction and speed also affects a vessel during the voyage thus this information
can be readily accessible on the ECDIS system and which assist the navigator to
monitor and possibly predict the weather patterns on the voyage route. The wind also
has an effect on the current thus, a responsible officer with this data can easily adjust
and maintain a good navigational watch.

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