Community health nursing involves applying nursing principles and processes to promote health and prevent disease across communities. It aims to raise the health status of communities through activities like health education, disease screening, and supporting community health resources. Community health nurses practice in public health departments and schools to assess community health needs, develop policies to address them, and ensure access to necessary health services for communities.
Community health nursing involves applying nursing principles and processes to promote health and prevent disease across communities. It aims to raise the health status of communities through activities like health education, disease screening, and supporting community health resources. Community health nurses practice in public health departments and schools to assess community health needs, develop policies to address them, and ensure access to necessary health services for communities.
Community health nursing involves applying nursing principles and processes to promote health and prevent disease across communities. It aims to raise the health status of communities through activities like health education, disease screening, and supporting community health resources. Community health nurses practice in public health departments and schools to assess community health needs, develop policies to address them, and ensure access to necessary health services for communities.
Community health nursing involves applying nursing principles and processes to promote health and prevent disease across communities. It aims to raise the health status of communities through activities like health education, disease screening, and supporting community health resources. Community health nurses practice in public health departments and schools to assess community health needs, develop policies to address them, and ensure access to necessary health services for communities.
Basic Concepts and Principles of Community Organized, legislated, and tax-supported efforts
Health Nursing that serve all people through health departments or
related governmental agencies. Health So, organizing these benefits as to ENABLE A state of complete physical, mental, and social EVERY CITIZEN TO REALIZE HIS BIRTHRIGHT well-being and not merely the absence of disease TO HEALTH AND LONGEVITY or infirmity. ---DR. C. E. WINSLOW--- -WHO (1958)- The art of applying science in the context of politics “The extent to which an individual or group is able, so as to reduce inequalities in health while ensuring on the one hand, to realize aspirations and satisfy the best health for the greatest number. needs; and, on the other hand, to change or cope ---World Health Organization--- with the environment. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource for everyday life, not the objective of Community Health Nursing living; it is a positive concept emphasizing social Service rendered by a professional nurse or and personal resources, and physical capacities.” midwife to communities, groups, families, and individuals at home, in health centers, in clinics, in “A state of well-being in which the person is able to schools and in places of work for the promotion of use purposeful, adaptive responses and process health, prevention of illness, care of the sick at physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and home and rehabilitation socially.” (Murray et al., 2009) ---RUTH B. FREEMAN-- “Actualization of inherent and acquired human - potential through goal-directed behavior, competent Nursing and midwifery practice in a wide variety of self care, and satisfying relationship with others.” community services and consumer advocate areas, (Pender et al., 2006) and in a variety of roles, at times including “A state of well-being in which the person is able to independent practice use purposeful, adaptive responses and process Is certainly NOT confined to public health nursing physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and agencies socially.” (Murray et al., 2009) ---JACOBSON, 1975--- “Actualization of inherent and acquired human The utilization of the NURSING PROCESS in the potential through goal-directed behavior, competent different levels of clientele – individuals, families, self care, and satisfying relationship with others.” population groups, and communities, concerned (Pender et al., 2006) with the promotion of health, prevention of disease and disability and rehabilitation Community ---DR. ARACELI MAGLAYA, “A collection of people who interact with one et al.--- another and whose common interests or The goal of CHN is to raise level of health of the characteristics form the basis for a sense of unity or citizenry by helping communities and families cope belonging.” (Allender et. Al, 2009) with the discontinuities in and threats to health in “A group of people who share something in such a way as to maximize their potential for high- common and who interact with one another, who level wellness may exhibit a commitment with one another, who the synthesis of nursing practice and public health may share a geographic boundary.” practice applied to promoting and preserving the (Lundy and Janes, 2009) health of populations. (ANA, 1980) “A locality-based entity, composed of systems of subspecialties: public health nursing, school formal organizations reflecting society’s institutions, nursing, occupational health nursing informal groups and aggregates.” The practice of nursing and midwifery in national (Shuster and Goeppinger, 2008) and local government health departments and geographical boundaries public schools social attributes of people
Public Health PRACTICED IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health and efficiency --- Standards of Public Health Nursing in the through organized community effort for: Philippines--- a. sanitation of the environment; Special field of nursing and midwifery that b. control of communicable diseases; combines the skills of nursing & midwifery, public c. education of individuals in personal health and some phases of social assistance and hygiene; functions as part of the total public health program d. organization of medical and nursing for: services for the early diagnosis and preventive a. promotion of health treatment of disease; b. improvement of conditions in the e. development of the social machinery to social and physical environment ensure everyone a standard of living adequate for c. rehabilitation the maintenance of health. d. prevention of illness and disability ---WHO Expert Committee on Nursing--- Community-Based Nursing Determinants of Health and Disease “Application of the nursing process in caring for Income and social status individuals, families and groups where they live, Education work or go to school or as they move through the Physical environment health care system. Employment and working conditions Social support networks Related Terms Culture Population Genetics - typically used to denote a group of people Personal behavior and coping skills having common personal or environmental Health services characteristics Gender Aggregates - subgroups or subpopulations that have Focus of PHN some common characteristics or concerns Health promotion - activities enhance resources directed at Community: Main Types improving well-being Geopolitical communities Disease Prevention a.k.a. Territorial communities - activities protect people from disease and Formed by man-made and natural the effects of disease boundaries Phenomenological communities → a.k.a functional communities Levels of Prevention → people share a group perspective Primary Prevention or identity based on culture, values, history, - directed at preventing a problem before it interests and goals occurs by altering susceptibility or reducing exposure for susceptible individuals. Community: Defining Attributes -General health promotion People -Specific protection Place Activites/Examples: Interaction • Immunization Common characteristics, interests, or goals • Promotion of good nutrition • Provision of adequate shelter • Encouraging regular exercise Primary Function of Public Health Secondary Prevention - early detection and prompt intervention ASSESSMENT: Regular collection, analysis, and during the period of early disease pathogenesis information sharing about health conditions, risks, Activites/Examples: and resources in a community. • Screening for sexually transmitted disease • Mammography POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Use of information • Blood pressure screening gathered during assessment to develop local and • Newborn screening state health policies and to direct resources toward • Sputum examination those policies. Assurance: Focuses on the availability of Tertiary prevention necessary health services throughout the - targets populations that have experienced disease or injury and focuses on limitation of community. disability and rehabilitation. Essential Public Health Functions - aims to reduce the effects of disease and injury and to restore individuals to their optimal • Health situation monitoring and analysis level of functioning. • Epidemiological surveillance/disease Activites/Examples: prevention and control • Teaching how to perform insulin injection • Strategic management of health systems • Referring a patient with a spinal cord injury and services for population health gain for occupational and physical therapy • Regulation and enforcement to protect public health Population-Focused Approach and Community • Health promotion, social participation, and Health Nursing Interventions empowerment • Focuses on the entire population • Human resources development and • Is based on assessment of the populations’ planning in public health health status • Ensuring the quality of personal and • Considers the broad determinants of health population based health service • Emphasizes all levels of prevention • Research, development, and • Intervenes with communities, systems, implementation of innovative public health individuals and families solution Philosophy of Community Health Nursing a. atomistic Practice b. holistic
Defined as a system of beliefs that provides a basis Proposed by Byrne and Thompson for and guides action ➢ Views man as an organism It provides the direction and describes the whats, ➢ Sees the whole as equal to the sum of its whys and hows of activities within the profession parts or subparts ➢ Levels of organization include: 8-12 Philosophy of CHN Practice a. chemical level H – humanistic values of the nursing profession b. organelle level upheld c. cellular level U – unique & distinct component of health care d. tissue level M – multiple factors of health considered e. organ level A – active participation of clients encouraged f. system level N – nurse considers availability of resources I – interdependence among health team members practiced B. HOLISTIC APPROACH S – scientific and up-to-date ➢ Traces the pattern of man’s relationship with T – tasks of CH nurse vary with time and place other beings in the suprasystem of society I – independence or self-reliance is the end goal ➢ How man acts and reacts to situational stimuli C – connectedness of health & development provide clues in understanding his responses regarded and the reasons behind them ➢ Man as a whole is different from and is more Basic Principles of CHN then the sum of his component parts The COMMUNITY is the PATIENT in CHN ➢ Dimensions include: physical, social, spiritual, FAMILY is the UNIT OF CARE cognitive and psychological FOUR LEVELS OF CLIENTELE: a. individuals Five Dimensions of Man b. families c. population groups 1. PHYSICAL BEING d. Community Genetic endowment Sex Physical attributes Client is considered an ACTIVE PARTNER 2. SOCIAL BEING Affected by developments in health technology in Capable of relating to others particular and changes in society in general Process of social learning by which a person The goal is achieved through MULTISECTORAL acquires KSA and roles appropriate to sex, social EFFORTS class, and ethnic or cultural group CHN is part of HEALTH CARE SYSTEM and the larger HUMAN SERVICES SYSTEM Five Dimensions of Man Levels of Clientele CLIENT PATIENT 3. SPIRITUAL BEING May or may not be sick • sick capable of virtues such as faith, hope and charity •From the Greek word Believes in a power beyond himself and in pathein which means transcending one’s limitations in order to become a "to suffer" better person Collaborates with the Dependent on health 4. THINKING OR INTELLECTUAL BEING health professionals professionals for Capable of perception, cognition & communication when it comes to decisions and health Capable of logical thinking and reasoning his/her care care 5. PSYCHOLOGICAL BEING Assumes an active role Passive receiver of capable of feeling, rationality, and all conscious and in healthcare health services unconscious mental states Health professionals Health professionals perform health generally perform FAMILY promotion and disease disease prevention Defined by Murray and Zentner, 1997, a small prevention activities activities social system and primary reference group made up of two or more persons living together who are Individual as a Client related by blood, marriage, or adoption or who are • Deals with sick or well living together by arrangement over a period of time • Consults the health center & receives health services in different forms • Can be seen both as clients and patients • Can be used as an “entry point” in working with the whole family • Can be seen in two ways/approach: POPULATION GROUP OR AGGREGATE 3. Maintains coordination/linkages with other health Is a group of people sharing the same team members, NGO/government agencies in the characteristics, developmental stage, or common provision of public health services exposure to particular environmental factors 4. Initiates and conducts researches relevant to Examples are: CHN services to improve provision of health care a. children 5. Initiates and provides opportunities for b. women professional growth and continuing education for c. farmers staff development d. cultural minorities 6. NOTE: The Public health nurse will take charge e. elderly of the Municipal Health Officer’s (MHO) responsibilities in the event that the MHO is unable to perform his/her duties/functions or is not A. CHILDREN available Most vulnerable to different types of diseases, especially those brought about by socio-economic IN THE CARE OF FAMILIES difficulties ➢ Provision of primary health care services Predominantly afflicted with infectious diseases and ➢ Development/utilization of family nursing care nutrition problems plan in the provision of care B. ELDERLY IN THE CARE OF THE COMMUNITIES Individuals belonging to the age group of 60 years ➢ Community organizing, mobilization, and above community development, and people With the lengthening of the lifespan of the Filipinos, empowerment it is best that health professionals understand the ➢ Case finding & epidemiological investigation health needs of the elderly ➢ Program planning, implementation & C. WOMEN evaluation Roles of the Public Health Nurse ➢ Influencing executive and legislative individuals or bodies concerning health & development
Specialized Fields of CHN
A unique clinical process which includes an integration of concepts from nursing, mental health, social psychology, psychology, community networks and the basic sciences OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING The application of nursing principles & procedures in conserving the health of workers in all occupations Duties and Responsibilities of a Nurse SCHOOL HEALTH NURSING 1. Provides nursing care through the utilization of Application of nursing theories & principles in the the nursing process care of the school population 2. Establishes linkages with community resources and coordination with the health team Public Health Interventions 3.Provides health education to individuals, families and communities Surveillance 4.Teaches, guides, and supervises students in ➢ Describes and monitors health events nursing education programs including the through ongoing and systematic administration of nursing services in varied settings collection, analysis, and interpretation such as hospitals and clinics of health data for the purpose of 5. Undertake consultation services. planning, implementing, and evaluating 6. Engages in such activities that require the public health interventions. utilization of knowledge and decision-making skills of a registered nurse; and Disease and other health event intervention 7. Undertakes nursing and health human resource ➢ Systematically gathers and analyzes data development training and research, which shall regarding threat to the health of populations, include, but is not limited to, the development of ascertains the source of the threat, identifies advance nursing practice. cases and others at risk, and determines control measures. Duties and Responsibilities of a Community Health Nurse Disease and other health event intervention 1. Participates in the development of an overall ➢ Systematically gathers and analyzes data health plan, its implementation, and evaluation for regarding threat to the health of populations, communities ascertains the source of the threat, identifies 2. Provides quality nursing services to the four cases and others at risk, and determines levels of clientele control measures. Outreach Community organizing ➢ Locates populations of interest or populations ➢ Helps community groups to identify common at risk and provides information about the problems or goals, mobilize resources, an nature of the concern, what can be done develop and implement about it, and how services can be obtained. ➢ strategies for realizing the goals they collectively have set. Screening ➢ Indentifies individuals with unrecognized Advocacy health risk factors or asymptomatic disease ➢ Pleads someone’s cause or acts on conditions. someone’s behalf, with a focus on developing the community, system, and individual or Case finding family’s capacity to plead their own cause or ➢ Locates individuals and families with act on their own behalf. identified risk factors and connects them with resources. Social marketing ➢ Utilizes commercial marketing principles and technologies for Referral and follow-up programs designed to influence the ➢ Assists individuals, families, groups, knowledge, attitudes, values, beliefs, organizations, and/or behaviors, and practices of the communities to identify and access necessary population of interest. resources to prevent or resolve problems and concerns. Policy development and enforcement ➢ Places health issues on decision makers’ Case management agenda, acquires a plan of resolution, and ➢ Optimizes self-care capabilities of determines needed resources, resulting in individuals and families and the laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, and capacity of systems and communities policies. Policy enforcement compels others to coordinate and provide services. to comply with laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, and policies. Delegated functions ➢ Direct care tasks that a registered III. Brief History of Community Health/Public professional nurse carries out under the Health Nursing Practice in the Philippines authority of a health care practitioner as allowed by law. Pre-Spanish and Spanish Periods (before 1898) ➢Use traditional health care practices Health teaching ➢Establishment of the first medical ➢ Communicates facts, ideas, and skills dispensary for indigent patients of Manila by that change knowledge, attitudes, Franciscan Friar Juan Clemente values, beliefs, behaviors, and 1690 practices of individuals, families, Installation of water system in San Juan del systems, and/or communities. Monte and Manila by Dominican Father Juan de Pergero Counseling 1805 ➢ Establishes an interpersonal Introduction of smallpox vaccination by Dr. relationship with a community, a Francisco de Balmis system, and a family or individual, with the intention of increasing or enhancing 1876 the capacity for self-care and coping. Appointment of the first medicos titulares 1888 Consultation Graduation of the first cirujanos ministrantes from ➢ Seeks information and generates UST optional solutions to perceived 1901 problems or issues through interactive Creation of the Board of Health of the problem solving with a community Philippine Islands by the United States system and family or individual. Philippine Commission through Act 157. 1905 Collaboration Foundation of La Gota de Leche by ➢ Commits two or more persons or an Asociacion Feminista Filipina organization to achieve a common goal 1912 through enhancing the capacity of one Creation of sanitary divisions by the Fajardo or more of the members to promote Act and protect health. 1915 Organization of the Social and Home Care Coalition building Service unit of PGH ➢ Promotes and develops alliances among organizations or constituencies for a common purpose. Before WW II ➢ Exercise oversight functions and monitoring Establishment of municipal and charity and evaluation of national health plans, clinics programs, and policies. 1947 ➢ Ensure the highest achievable standards of Reorganization of DOH into bureaus quality health care, health promotion and 1954 health protection. Approval of R.A.1082 (Rural Health Act) by the Congress Administrator of Specific Services 1957 ➢ Manages selected national health facilities Enactment of R. A. 1891 amending certain and hospitals and referral centers. provisions in the Rural Health Act ➢ Administer direct services for emergent health 1970s concerns that require new complicated Restructure of the Philippine health care technologies. delivery system classifying health services ➢ Administer health emergency response 1954 services. Approval of R.A.1082 (Rural Health Act) by the Congress Vision of DOH The DOH is the leader, staunch advocate 1957 and model promoting Health for All in the Enactment of R. A. 1891 amending certain Philippines. provisions in the Rural Health Act 1970s Mission of DOH Restructure of the Philippine health care Guarantee equitable, sustainable and delivery system classifying health services quality health for all Filipinos, especially the poor 1991 and shall lead the quest for excellence in health. enactment of R.A. 7160 ( Local Government Code) Core Values of DOH 1999 1. Integrity Launched the Health Sector Reform Agenda 2. Excellence 3. Compassion and respect for human Its implementation framework FOURmula One (F1) dignity in 2005 and Universal Health Care in 2010 4. Commitment September 2000 Signed to the United Nations Millennium 5.Professionalism Declaration 6.Teamwork IV. The Philippine HealthCare Delivery System 7. Stewardship of the health of the people
Levels of Health Care Delivery and the Rural
Health Unit General Hospital ➢ Provides services for all kinds of all illnesses, injuries, or deformities. ➢ Services offered are classified as level 1, level 2, or level 3.
Hospitals Other Health
Facilities General A. Primary Care Roles and Functions of DOH • Level 1 Facility Leadership in Health • Level 2 B. Custodial Care ➢ Serve as the national policy and regulatory •Leyel 3 Facility institution. (teaching/training) C. Diagnostic/ ➢ Provides leadership in the formulation, Therapeutic Facility monitoring and evaluation of national health Specialty D. Specialized policies, plans, and programs. Outpatient Facility ➢ Serve as advocate in the adoption of health policies, plans and programs to address national and sectoral concerns.
Enabler and Capacity Builder
➢ Innovate new strategies in health. ➢ Initiate public discussions on health issues. ➢ Disseminate policy research outputs. Hospitals Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 ➢Public Health Nurse (PHN)-Registered Consulting Level 1 plus: Level 2 plus: Nurse specialists Departmentalized Teaching/ ➢Rural Health Midwife (RHM)- Registered in: clinical services training with Midwife Medicine accredited ➢Dentist Pediatrics residency ➢Nutritionist OB-Gyne training ➢Medical Technologist Surgery program in ➢Pharmacist four major ➢Rural Sanitary Inspector (RSI)- must be a clinical sanitary engineer Clinical services services The Rural Health Unit Emergency Respiratory unit Physical for and medicine and ➢Primary level health facility in the inpatients municipality. outpatient rehabilitation services unit ➢Focuses on preventive and promotive health services. Isolation General ICU ➢Supervises the BHSs Facilities ➢1 RHU: 20,000 population Surgical/ High-risk Ambulatory maternity pregnancy unit surgical clinic Barangay Health Station facilities ➢ first-contact health care facility offering Dental MICU Dialysis clinic basic services at the barangay clinic ➢ Manned by the RHM and BHWs Secondary Tertiary clinical Tertiary clinical laboratory clinical The RHU Personnel facilities laboratory Municipal Health Officer (MHO) with ➢ A.k.a. Rural Health Physician Ancillary histopathology ➢ Administrator of the RHU services Blood Bloodbank ➢Community physician station ➢Medico-legal officer of the municipality First-level Second-level X- Third-level X- ➢1 MHO: 20,000 population X-ray ray ray Pharmacy Public Health Nurse (PHN) ➢ Supervises and guides all RHMs in the Other Health Facilities municipality. ➢ Prepares FHSIS quarterly and annual Primary Care Facility (Category A) reports of the municipality for ➢ A first-contact health care facility offers submission to the Provincial Health basic services including emergency Office services and provision for normal ➢ Public Health Nurse (PHN) deliveries ➢ Utilizes the nursing process in responding to health care needs, Custodial care facility (Category B) including needs for health education ➢ Provides long-term care, including basic and promotions, of individuals, families, services, to patients with chronic conditions and catchment community. requiring ongoing health and nursing care due ➢ Collaborates wit the other members of to impairment and a reduced degree of the health team, government agencies, independence in ADLs, and patients in private businesses, NGOs, and rehabilitation. people’s organizations to address the community’s health problems. ➢ 1:20,0000 population Diagnostic/therapeutic facility (Category C) ➢ For the examination of the human Rural Health Midwife (RHM) body, specimens from the human body ➢ Manages the BHS and supervises and for the diagnosis, sometimes treatment trains the BHW. of disease, or water for drinking water ➢ Provides midwifery services and analysis. executes health care programs and ➢ Laboratory facility, radiologic facility, activities for women of reproductive nuclear medicine facility age. ➢ Conducts patient assessment and Specialized Outpatient Facility diagnosis for referral or further ➢ Performs highly specialized procedures on an management. outpatient basis. ➢ Performs health information , education, and communication Public Health Workers (PHW) activities. ➢ Members of the health team who are ➢ Organizes the community. professionals namely: ➢ Facilitates barangay health planning ➢Medical Officer (MO)-Physician and other community health services. ➢ 1;5,000 population V. The World Health Organization The World Health Organization The Health Referral System Constitution was established on April 7, 1948 Referral Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland ➢ A set of activities undertaken by a health care Has 147 country offices provide or facility in response to its inability to Has 6 regional offices ( Africa, the Americas, provide the necessary health intervention to Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Southeast Asia, satisfy a patient’s need. Western Pacific Internal referrals ➢ Occur within the health facility. Core Functions: External referrals • Providing leadership on matters ➢ Movement of a patient from one health facility critical to health and engaging in to another partnerships where joint action is needed. • Setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation. • Articulating ethical and evidence- based policy options. • Providing technical support, catalyzing change, and building sustainable institutional capacity. • Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation, and disseminating valuable knowledge. Priorities Organization Standards Translation Capacity The Inter-Local Health Zone ➢ Defined catchment population within a defined geographical area. Sustainable Development Goals ➢ Covers all sectors involved in the delivery off health services. The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of ➢ Components 17 goals defined by the United Nations launched in People September 2015. It addresses a number of social Boundaries and environmental development issues. The goals Health facilities are also known as “Transforming our World: the Health workers; 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Health System ➢ Consists of all organizations, people, and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore, or maintain health. ➢ Building blocks Service delivery ➢ Building blocks ✓ Service delivery ✓ Health workforce ✓ Information ✓ Medical products, vaccines, and technologies ✓ Financing ✓ Leadership and governance or stewardship
Factors Influencing the Health Care Delivery
System ➢Health care “reforms ➢Demographics ➢Globalization ➢Poverty and growing disparities ➢Social disintegration