History of The Solar System Events
History of The Solar System Events
History of The Solar System Events
This is the Solar System as it appears today. Events in the future are predictions
based on the natural evolution of the Solar System.
Other +5 Lyapunov time of the Solar System - The Lyapunov time describes the characteristic
timescale for which a system is chaotic. Since any system with more than three
bodies is chaotic, after this time, the exact locations of Solar System bodies become
impossible to predict.
Phobos impact - Phobos, the closer of the two moons of Mars, is slowly spiraling
inward towards Mars. By this time, Phobos’ orbit would have decayed, causing
Mars +43 Phobos to collide with Mars.
Big Island of Hawaii sinks - Like the many mounds that have formed and sank in the
last hundred million years on the Hawaiian hotspot, Big Island will eventually sink
Earth +80 beneath the waves.
Next large impact event on Earth - A dinosaur extinction-sized asteroid is expected
Earth +100 to collide with the Earth every 100 million years or so.
Days become 25 hours long - Earth’s rotation gradually slows down due to the
Earth +180 effects of the Moon. By this time, an Earth’s day will be one hour longer.
Saturn’s rings disappear - At the current rate of decay, Saturn will have lost its rings
Saturn +200 at this time.
Upper limit of the Lyapunov time - After this time, the exact orbits of the Solar
Other +230 System becomes impossible to predict.
Next supercontinent forms - The supercontinent cycle on Earth completes another
cycle with the formation of another supercontinent. Among several predictions
Earth +250 include Pangaea Proxima, Amasia, Novopangaea, and Aurica.
Next resurfacing event on Venus - Venus’ mantle would have heated up enough by
now to cause another planetwide eruption event, covering all present-day features
Venus +450 with lava.
Last solar eclipse on Earth - The Moon, which drifts away from Earth at about an
inch a year, will have moved far enough away that total solar eclipses are no longer
Earth +600 possible on Earth.
Carbon cycle disrupted - As the Sun brightens, increased temperatures cause
weathering to increase, removing enough carbon dioxide to cause a mass extinction
Earth +600 of all plant species utilizing C3 photosynthesis.
Earth +700 Extinction of animal life - Without plants, cellular respiration becomes impossible in
most animals. Large mammals become extinct, followed by other land life, all ocean
vertebrates, and finally invertebrates. The last animals likely would only be active at
night, live near the polar regions, or underground, where conditions are more
End of the ozone layer - Oxygen levels decrease dramatically following the
extinction of a majority of plant species. As a result, the protective ozone layer
Earth +750 disappears entirely.
End of photosynthesis - Carbon dioxide levels will have fallen so low that even C4
photosynthesis becomes impossible. After this time, the Earth’s land will be a vast
Earth +800 barren desert.
Telikozoic Eon begins - (Unofficial, coined term) Greek for “final life,” all complex
Earth +1000 life on Earth becomes extinct at this time, leaving just single-celled organisms.
Oceans evaporate - A runaway greenhouse on Earth as a result of increased solar
luminosity causes the oceans to completely evaporate away. As a result, plate
Earth +1100 tectonics, which has slowed in the past few hundred million years, ends completely.
Eukaryotic extinction - Following the extinction of all complex life on Earth, all
eukaryotes become extinct by this time as a result of already dwindling carbon
Earth +1300 dioxide levels.
Life reduced to polar regions - The remaining prokaryotes would survive in ponds
Earth +1800 of shallow surface water near the poles or in underground caves.
Magnetic field shuts down - The core of Earth completely solidifies, if the present
rate of growth of the inner core continues. Without the magnetic field, the solar
Earth +2300 wind begins to erode Earth’s atmosphere.
Nekrozoic Eon begins - (Unofficial, coined term) Greek for “dead life,” all life on
Earth becomes extinct. By this time, conditions would be too harsh to allow any life
Earth +2800 to occur, even on the poles or underground.
Earth’s rotation becomes chaotic - The Moon, whose gravity once stabilized Earth’s
Earth +3000 rotation, can no longer do so because it has receded enough away from the Earth.
Chaos in the inner Solar System - There is a small chance that chaotic perturbations
will have sent the inner Solar System into chaos. Namely, an ejection or a collision
Other +3300 could occur, usually involving Mercury in simulations.
Destruction of Triton - Due to its retrograde orbit, Triton’s orbit decays slowly. By
this time, it will have fallen too close to Neptune, causing it to disintegrate into a
Neptune +3600 ring system.
Milky Way and Andromeda collide - The two galaxies are headed into a collision
course that would not take place for billions of years. Because the interstellar gas
becomes compressed during a collision, the resulting galaxy will enter a period of
rapid stellar birth, likely the last such period of both galaxies. There is a small
Other +4000 probability that the Solar System will be ejected and sent into intergalactic space.
Sun becomes a subgiant star - Nuclear fusion finally ceases in the Sun’s core. As a
result, the Sun exits hydrostatic equilibrium and the inert helium core begins to
contract, increasing temperatures, and thus the rate of fusion in the shell of
hydrogen around it increases. The increase in energy causes the outer layers of the
Sun +5978 Sun to expand significantly.
Sun’s core becomes degenerate - Compression of the helium core causes increasing
temperature and pressure. However helium fusion does not occur to counter
gravity due to a bottleneck in the fusion of helium, namely the fast radioactive decay
of beryllium-8. After some time, compression stops due to electron degeneracy
pressure, as a consequence of the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no
Sun +6827.5 two electrons with the same energy and spin may occupy the same location.
First dredge-up - A dredge-up is an event where the convective layers in a star
reach down into the star’s core, bringing up material from deep within the star,
changing its surface composition. This occurs when a star enters the red giant
branch. On higher mass stars, this event is accompanied by a noticeable reduction
Sun +7233 in luminosity.
Titan becomes habitable - Titan, the only moon in the Solar System with an
atmosphere and thought to resemble primordial Earth, now has conditions similar
to that of the Earth long ago. However, such life will have to evolve quickly and will
Saturn +7500 not live for long as the Sun’s evolution at this stage becomes rapid.
To simplify the further evolution of the Solar System, the orbits of the planets will
(Note) +7656 no longer precess.
Rapid increase in solar wind - During the Sun’s red giant phase, its outer layers
become extremely diffuse, with the density less than one-tenth of that of air. These
layers are very loosely-bound to the star and thus are easily lost. By the time the
Sun reaches the tip of the red giant branch, it will have lost a quarter of its initial
Sun +7800 mass. This decrease in mass causes the orbits of the planets to expand.
Destruction of Mercury - The Sun’s expanding layers will have reached the orbit of
Mercury. Drag from the Sun’s atmosphere causes the planet to spiral inwards. The
increasing temperature causes the planet’s mantle to be vaporized, followed by the
Mercury +7809 quick destruction of its core.
Fate of Venus uncertain - This video shows the expansion of orbits without drag
from the Sun, which is a gross simplification. Expansion alone would ensure Venus
Venus +7814 survives, however, the effects of drag may be enough to seal Venus’ fate.
Helium flash - Until now, no significant amount of carbon-12 was produced from
helium fusion due to the fast radioactive decay of beryllium-8. However, the core of
the Sun now becomes hot and dense enough that sufficient Be-8 is produced to
allow C-12 to be reliably created. The production of C-12 releases enormous
amounts of energy which heats up the core, further increasing the fusion rate and
causing a thermal runaway. For a brief moment, the Sun will produce enough energy
Sun +7815.6 to outshine all stars in the galaxy, though it is unnoticed on the surface.
Sun becomes a red clump - Following the helium flash, whose energy goes into
lifting the degeneracy of the core, the Sun re-enters hydrostatic equilibrium. As a
result, the Sun shrinks and becomes dimmer again. At this point, the Sun is now
Sun +7816 undergoing nuclear fusion in two locations: its helium core, and hydrogen in a shell.
Sun enters the asymptotic giant branch - Helium fusion now ceases at the Sun’s
core. Immediately afterwards, the core, made primarily of oxygen and carbon,
becomes degenerate. At this point, the Sun will expand and cool once again, similar
to the way it did when hydrogen fusion ceased. Two shells of nuclear fusion take
Sun +7876.7 place.
Thermal pulsations of the Sun - The last stage of the Sun’s nuclear-burning is brief
but complex. As the helium shell begins to run out of fuel, the star expands.
Eventually, enough helium falls from the hydrogen shell above to reignite the shell
to cause a shell flash, restabilizing the star. This process occurs in cycles which take
about 100000 years to complete. Following each flash is a dredging event, known as
Sun +7930 the third dredge-up. During this time, the Sun will lose one-fifth of its initial mass.
Fate of Earth uncertain - Similar to Venus, the Earth may be destroyed as it is pulled
Earth +7930.8 into the Sun due to drag. If it survives, it will be nothing more than a charred rock.
Sun +7931 Death of the Sun - After a period of only 1 million years, the Sun has finally
exhausted all of its fuel. By now, it has shed virtually all of its outer layers, becoming
a planetary nebula, leaving only a hot core. Nuclear fusion ceases entirely, save for
any residual hydrogen left. What is left is a carbon-oxygen white dwarf, about 54%
of the Sun’s initial mass, which will cool slowly over billions of years.
Gas giants lose mass - During the Sun’s planetary nebula phase, extreme solar wind
may strip the outer layers of the gas giants. Depending on the exact parameters,
Jupiter, in particular, could lose 20%-70% of its mass due to hydrodynamic escape. If
Other +7931 it loses its gaseous envelope, what is left is a chthonian planet.
The evolution of the Solar System essentially ends here. Assuming the Sun does not
become part of another system, it will cool and eventually become a black dwarf.
Over the course of the next quadrillion years, stellar encounters will cause all
Other +10 remaining planets to be lost.
If planets remain bound to the Sun, after a quintillion years they will have collided
with the dead Sun due to gravitational radiation. Following this, the Sun will remain
Other +1012 bound only to the merged Local Group galaxy.
The Sun itself will likely be ejected into the void following multiple gravitational
encounters or fall into the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy. If the
Sun survives, it, along with all other remaining objects in the universe, will be
Other +1014 completely isolated from one another.
In the end, the Sun, along with the entire universe, will disappear entirely either by
proton decay, or after several quantum tunnelling events ultimately ending in the
Other +10 Sun becoming a black hole and decaying via Hawking radiation.
Other +1096 -∞ After this point, the universe itself is dead.
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