History of The Solar System Events

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Category (Ma) Description

Neutron star merger - About 80 million years before the formation of the Solar
System, two neutron stars merged, producing a large amount of heavy metals and
Other -4650 seeding the solar nebula.
Formation of the Sun - The Sun forms inside a stellar nursery, surrounded by a
large protoplanetary disk. The Sun produced no energy from hydrogen fusion at this
Sun -4570 time, instead its heat coming from gravitational collapse.
Formation of planetesimals - Dust grains in the protoplanetary disk clump together
into pebble-sized objects and collapse into planetesimals, the building blocks of
Other -4569 planets.
Formation of Jupiter - Jupiter was likely the first planet to form, quickly
accumulating mass from planetesimals. It probably formed somewhere around 5
Jupiter -4566 AU, beyond the frost line.
Jupiter at 20 Earth masses - Jupiter becomes large enough to accrete an envelope of
gas. The formation of gas giants necessitates that a core form quickly before the gas
Jupiter -4565 dissipates.
Jupiter at 50 Earth masses - When the gaseous envelope’s mass is greater than the
Jupiter -4562 mass of its core, the envelope becomes unstable, starting a runaway accretion.
End of the Hayashi track - The Hayashi track is a path traced on the Hertzprung-
Russell diagram by low-mass young stars which is nearly vertical as the star
contracts while maintaining its surface temperature. At the end of Hayashi track,
Sun -4561 the Sun develops a radiative zone at its center.
Saturn -4560 Formation of Saturn - Saturn was likely the second planet to form after Jupiter
Formation of the ice giants - The ice giants likely formed in a different manner than
Jupiter and Saturn. One model proposes that several super-Earths formed here or
were ejected out, which collided with one another before a gaseous envelope
Other -4555 formed. Such collisions would likely explain Uranus’ sideways rotation.
Uranus -4547 Giant impact on Uranus - If the ice giants formed from the collisions of super-
Earths, then the impact that knocked Uranus on its side dates here. This impact
would also form Uranus’ moon system.
Start of nuclear fusion in the Sun - The onset of nuclear fusion in a star is called the
“zero-age main sequence” (ZMAS). The Sun’s core becomes hot and dense enough
to fuse hydrogen into helium, mostly via the proton-proton chain (pp-chain) and a
Sun -4543 smaller amount via the catalyzed CNO-cycle.
Start of the Grand Tack model - This model states that Jupiter migrated quickly
inwards the Sun to 1.5 AU before being halted by Saturn and moving outwards. The
migration causes the disk of material that form the terrestrial planets to be
truncated, explaining the small size of Mars and the composition of the asteroid
Other -4541 belt.
Formation of the terrestrial planets - The terrestrial planets begin to form following
Other -4540 the early migration of the gas giants. It would take 100 million years to complete.
Gas giants enter resonance - Following the grand tack of Jupiter, the gas giants
enter into a resonant chain, likely 3:2 3:2 2:1 3:2. Resonance occurs when the ratio
of the period of two planets’ orbits are close to small integers. Resonances like this
Other -4540 are common in newly-formed planetary systems.
Borealis impact - Geologically, Mars formed relatively quickly compared to the rest
of the terrestrial planets, forming in only a few million years before migrating out of
the formation region. Mars’ northern basin is noticeably at a lower elevation than
the rest of the planet, which may have been formed by an impact, though this is not
Mars -4535 formally recognized.
Dissipation of the gas disk - By now, the gas in the disk had completely dissipated.
Outside of Neptune’s orbit, a primordial Kuiper belt remains, with about several
Other -4533 thousand times more objects than that of the modern Kuiper belt.
End of the Henyey track - For stars around the half of mass of the Sun or higher,
the Henyey track is a horizontal path traced by stars as they reach a stable point on
the main sequence. Stars on the Henyey track slowly collapse until they reach
Sun -4527 hydrostatic equilibrium.
Theia impact - A Mars-sized object named Theia collides with Earth in a glancing-
blow after being destabilized from Earth’s L4 or L5 Lagrange point, forming the
Earth -4520 Moon.
Other -4500 Giant impacts on Mercury and Venus - Both planets likely suffered massive impacts
during their formation. In the case of Mercury, an impact may have blown off its
mantle, leaving a disproportionately-large core, and in the case of Venus, causing its
slow rotation.
Rapid migration of Neptune - By now, the protoplanetary disk had dissipated,
leaving a disk of Kuiper belt objects outside of the orbit of Neptune causing it to
migrate outwards. Evidence of this migration is in the orbits of KBOs seen today,
many of which are in resonance with Neptune, including a 3:2 with Pluto. The
Neptune -4490 migration breaks the resonant chain of the gas giants, causing instability.
Triton captured by Neptune - Neptune’s rapid migration outwards scatters the
most KBOs and capturing some. Neptune likely captured Triton at this time,
evidenced by Triton’s retrograde orbit. Triton was likely in a binary system before
Neptune -4485 the encounter and would have destroyed Neptune’s original moon system.
Start of the Nice Model - The Nice model, named after the city in France, states
that the gas giants were once in resonant orbits and became unstable. The Nice
model explains the eccentricity and inclination of the gas giants as well as the Trojan
asteroids. This video shows the Nice model with five gas giants and also much
Other -4480 sooner than originally proposed.
Jumping-Jupiter scenario - Part of the Nice model, this scenario states that an ice
giant was scattered inwards by Saturn and then ejected by Jupiter, causing the orbits
of both planets to jump. This is necessary to preserve the circularity of the inner
planets’ orbits and also results in the ejection of the scattered giant. During this
Other -4475 time, the irregular moons and Trojan asteroids of Jupiter were captured.
Ejection of the fifth gas giant - Five-planet Nice models have the luxury of allowing
one planet to be ejected, which often occurs with four planets. While not
universally-accepted by scientists, it is likely the Solar System once had another
Other -4473 planet.
Due to the vast timescales of this video, the orbital precession of the planets cannot
be shown accurately. What is shown is a simplified precession of the planets 1000
(Note) -4443 times slower than simulation speed.
First water on Earth - By now, water was common on Earth’s surface. The Earth
formed with no water as it was inside the frost line, so water was likely delivered by
Earth -4410 KBOs scattered inwards during instability or by comets.
Oldest dated mineral - Zircon crystals from this time are the last crustal remnants
Earth -4404 of the Earth’s Hadean eon.
Oceanus Procellarum forms - The Moon’s largest mare likely formed when the
Moon’s surface was still covered with a magma ocean, and may have formed from a
single large impact or by internal processes. In Latin, it means the “Ocean of
Moon -4400 Storms”
First orbit around the galaxy - The Solar System completes a full orbit around the
Other -4335 center of the Milky Way, which takes place about once every 200 million years.
South Pole–Aitken basin forms - The SPA basin is the oldest, largest, and deepest
impact basin on the Moon. It is located on the far side. Compared to the rest of the
Moon -4300 far side, it has a darker appearance.
Earliest date of first life - Indirect evidence points to life appearing as soon as Earth
became habitable. Early life likely lived around undersea vents, using the material as
Earth -4280 a source for metabolism.
Magnetic field weakens - Mars once had an extensive magnetic field, as well as a
thick atmosphere and oceans. However, as a smaller planet compared to the Earth,
its interior cooled much more quickly than the Earth, causing its magnetic field to
Mars -4200 dwindle.
Tharsis rise begins to form - The Tharsis rise is continent-sized mass on Mar’s
western hemisphere at a higher elevation than the rest of Mars. Formed by
volcanism, it is likely atop a Martian hotspot and the product of a large igneous
Mars -4200 province similar to those found on Earth.
Beginning of the Noachian period - Named after the Noachis Terra, Mars suffered
from many impacts during this period. Despite this, Mars was covered with oceans,
had a thick atmosphere, and was warm. Volcanism of the Tharsis rise continued,
Mars -4100 releasing gasses into the Martian atmosphere.
Other -4100 Late Heavy Bombardment begins? - Characterized by a dramatic increase in impacts,
the LHB is evidenced by the age of lunar samples taken from the Apollo missions.
However, recently it has been put into question. While the size distribution of
craters on the Moon is consistent with impactors originating from the Kuiper belt,
agreeing with the Nice model, simulations usually take only a few million years to
become unstable. To incur late instability, models must be fine-tuned or have
unlikely initial conditions for the Kuiper belt.
Herschel crater forms on Mimas - Mimas is famous for the Herschel crater, giving
the moon an appearance similar to the Death Star found in Star Wars. Had the
Saturn -4100 impactor been larger, Mimas would have been destroyed entirely.
Oldest known intact crust - The Acasta Gneiss in Canada, the oldest known
Earth -4031 exposed rocks, form.
Magnetic field active - The Earth’s magnetic field was active by this time, though
about 10-50% of its strength today. It is likely the magnetic field is older than this
Earth -4000 age,
Beginning of the Archean Eon - The Archean Eon on Earth is characterized by the
Earth -4000 formation of the first continents and the development of early life.
Hellas Planitia forms - Hella Planitia is a large impact crater on Mars’ southern
Mars -4000 hemisphere. The base of the structure is more than 7 km below the rest of Mars.
Huygens impact - The crater left behind contains carbonates and channels, evidence
that water once flowed and that a thicker carbon dioxide atmosphere once existed
Mars -4000 on Mars.
Isidis Planitia forms - A large impact on Mars formed this feature. Covered in dust,
Mars -3950 it appears brighter than surrounding regions.
Mare Imbrium forms - Latin for “Sea of Showers,” it is the second largest mare on
the Moon, Mare Imbrium formed from a lunar impact before lunar lava filled the
Moon -3938 crater. It has been explored by Luna 17, Apollo 15, and Chang’e 3
Mare Nectaris forms - Latin for “Sea of Nectar,” it is a small lunar mare on the near
side. Its formation marks the beginning of the Nectarian Period of the Moon, where
Moon -3920 most maria form.
Rembrandt crater forms - Named after the Dutch painter, the Rembrandt crater is
the second largest on Mercury. Unlike lunar mare, the interior of the crater is
Mercury -3900 lighter than the rest of Mercury.
Argyre Planitia forms - This impact basin is one of the better preserved basins from
the same period. The basin was home to several water channels and once contained
Mars -3900 a lake.
Mercury -3900 Tolstoj impact - Marking the beginning of the Tolstojan period on Mercury, the
Tolstoj crater is formed by two rings and a partial third ring. Between the inner two
rings lies one of the darkest areas on Mercury, while the interior is bright.
Caloris Planitia forms - Named after the Latin word for hot, the formation of
Caloris Planitia marks the beginning of the Calorian period. On the opposite side of
the planet is hilly terrain, likely caused by the impact which formed the basin. The
Mercury -3850 Caloris Montes also formed from the impact.
Mare Serenitatis forms - Latin for “Sea of Serenity,” it formed near the boundary of
the Nectarian and the Imbrian period on the Moon. It was explored by Luna 21 and
Moon -3850 Apollo 17. The Isreali lander Beresheet was due to land here but crashed instead.
Plato impact - The Plato crater is a large lava-filled crater on the Moon, dark in
comparison with the lunar surface similar to the lunar mare. Its surface is relatively
Moon -3840 smooth with a few more recent craters.
Mare Tranquillitatis forms - Latin for “Sea of Tranquility,” it was the site of the first
Moon -3800 Moon landings of Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969.
Loss of the magnetic field - Mars’ magnetic field had disappeared by now, leading to
its atmosphere being stripped away from solar winds over a period of a billion
Mars -3800 years. Eventually, this led to all surface water evaporating away.
Tharsis volcanism begins - The three shield volcanoes making up the Tharsis
Mars -3800 Montes, Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons and Arsia Mons, began to erupt at this time.
Late Heavy Bombardment ends? - If the LHB hypothesis is true, then the cataclysm
ended after several hundred million years. This cataclysm is not seen on other
terrestrial bodies and would have vaporized Earth’s oceans and any nascent life. The
first undisputed evidence of life is also believed to have arisen too early with
respect to the LHB, while indirect evidence is contemporary with it when any life
would be sterilized by such impacts. In addition, it is theorized that Apollo samples
Other -3800 were contaminated with younger rocks from nearby basins.
First banded iron formations - BIFs, for short, form as a result of free oxygen in the
atmosphere that react with dissolved iron in the oceans, rusting the iron and
Earth -3750 causing it to precipitate into layers.
Mare Orientale forms - Located near the edge of the near and far sides, it is difficult
Moon -3750 to observe from Earth. It has a bullseye shape.
Moon -3740 Mons Hansteen forms - Mons Hansteen is a lunar volcano with a triangular shape
located on the near side, named after the Norwegian scientist.
Olympus Mons forms - The highest mountain in the Solar System begins eruptions
Mars -3700 at this time
Beginning of the Hesperian Period - The Hesperian is a transitional period, where
Mars transformed from a warm and wet world to a cold and dry planet. The
Mars -3700 Hesperian saw extensive volcanism and vast flooding.
Mons Rümker forms - Mons Rümker is an isolated volcanic formation formed from
Moon -3640 several lunar domes located on the near side of the Moon.
Mare Frigoris forms - Latin for “Sea of Cold,” Mare Frigoris is a wide lunar mare
Moon -3600 located near the lunar north.
Alba Mons forms - The largest volcano on Mars in terms of area, it is roughly one-
third the height of Olympus Mons. It would be active for hundreds of millions of
Mars -3600 years, leaving preserved lava flows and tectonic features.
Valles Marineris begins to form - Latin for “Mariner Valleys,” Valles Marineris is a
deep tectonic wound near Mars’ equator, whose formation is associated with the
volcanism of the Tharsis rise. It is among one of the largest canyon systems in the
Solar System, about ten times longer and seven times wider than the Grand
Mars -3500 Canyon, whose size is only surpassed by Earth’s rift valleys.
End of volcanism on Mercury - Mercury’s volcanoes are believed to have shut down
just a billion years after the formation of the Solar System, very early compared to
the rest of the terrestrial planets as a consequence of Mercury’s large core and thin
mantle. The surface of Mercury would contract and seal openings, preventing any
Mercury -3500 magma from reaching the surface.
Earth -3500 Earliest undisputed appearance of life - The oldest microfossils date to this time.
Utopia Planitia forms - Utopia Planitia is the largest recognized impact basin on
Mars and was explored by Viking 2. In the past, it was likely covered in a
Mars -3400 permafrost. Underground, a large volume of water-ice was discovered here.
Arsia Mons forms - The southernmost of the three volcanoes of the Tharsis
Montes, Arsia Mons is home to some of the youngest eruptions on Mars, dating to
just 10 million years ago at the latest. The last major eruptive period at Arsia Mons
Mars -3400 peaked 150 million years ago.
Earliest evidence for photosynthesis - Bacteria begin to use the Sun as a source of
Earth -3400 energy, producing sulfur compounds and utilizing near-infrared light.
Earliest life on land - Bacteria were the first to colonize land on Earth, becoming the
Earth -3220 only life on land for more than a billion years.
Eratosthenian Period begins - Named after the Eratosthenes crater, lunar craters
Moon -3200 from this time are not as eroded as earlier craters and also do not have rays.
Lomonosov impact - On Mars, this crater is located in the northern plain and may
Mars -3000 have caused catastrophic tsunamis in its ancient ocean.
Valhalla impact - On Callisto, the impactor created a series of ring systems as a
result of the impact affecting softer material underneath the surface. It occurred
Jupiter -3000 somewhere around this time, give or take a billion years.
Amazonian Period begins - On Mars, the Amazonian is the current period though
its exact start date is unknown. The Amazonnian is characterized by low rates of
Mars -3000 impacts and the overall cold and dry climate of Mars, which persists today.
Mansurian Period begins - On Mercury, the Mansurian began after the contraction
of Mercury’s surface ceased and the overall reduction in geologic activity. Similar to
the Eratosthnian on the Moon, craters from this period did not have rays and were
Mercury -3000 much less frequent.
Pongola glaciation - Earth’s first ice age resulted after Earth’s climate cooled enough.
It lasted for over 100 million years and was probably a minor event compared to
Earth -2900 later glaciations.
Banded iron formations accelerate - Towards the end of the Archean, the rate of
BIFs increased due to the photosynthesis of cyanobacteria. A majority of iron ore
Earth -2700 mined today was deposited at this time.
Great Oxygenation Event - An unprecedented amount of oxygen begins to
Earth -2500 accumulate in the atmosphere as a result of the success of cyanobacteria.
Beginning of the Proterozoic Eon - The longest eon in Earth’s history, the
Proterozoic is characterized by the development of complex single-celled life, the
transition to an oxygenated atmosphere, increased tectonic activity, and multiple
Earth -2500 global glaciations. Most of the land found on Earth today dates to the Proterozoic.
Earth -2500 Earliest terrestrial large igneous province - The Mistassini dike swarm in western
Quebec is evidence for a large ancient magmatic eruption. Though much earlier
eruptions did occur, such evidence has since been destroyed.
Oxygen Catastrophe - A poison to almost all forms of life in the era, the
Earth -2450 accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere causes the first mass extinction.
Huronian glaciation - The remaining methane in the atmosphere breaks down due
to the presence of oxygen, severely reducing the greenhouse effect. As a result, the
Earth -2400 Earth cools down and becomes completely frozen for about 300 million years.
Suavjärvi impact - Earth’s oldest preserved impact crater is located in Karelia. The
Earth -2400 impactor created the 3 km-wide Suavjärvi lake.
Mistassini-Otish impact - Believed to have been responsible for the creation of Lake
Mistassini in Canada, it would be the largest crater on Earth with a diameter of 500
Earth -2100 km, if confirmed to have been created from an impact.
Anoxic Catastrophe - A relatively recently-discovered extinction caused by
declining oxygen levels that saw the extinction of 99.5% of all microbial life. It may
Earth -2050 have paved the way for extreme anoxic conditions for the next billion years.
Vredefort impact - This impact is the largest confirmed crater on Earth at 300 km
Earth -2023 wide. It is found in South Africa.
Bushveld Igneous Complex forms - Found in South Africa, it is the source of some
of the richest ore deposits on Earth, containing the largest reserves of platinum
Earth -2000 group elements.
Veneneia impact - On the asteroid Vesta, the Veneneia crater is the second largest.
Other -2000 It is partially destroyed by the younger Rheasilvia impact.
First eukaryotes - The first bacteria with a nuclei form, though they may have
developed as far back as 2100 Ma. The evolutionary lineage of prokaryotes and
Earth -1900 eukaryotes diverge here.
Mitochondrial symbiosis - At around this time, an aerobic protist enters the system
of a larger protist and avoids digestion, becoming a source of energy instead.
Earth -1850 Eventually, the aerobic protist becomes an organelle inside of the largest protist.
Sudbury Basin impact - An asteroid about 10-15 km wide collided with the Earth in
present-day Canada, likely bringing valuable minerals from below to the surface,
Earth -1849 where it is mined today.
Banded iron formations end - With no more iron dissolved in the oceans, the last
Earth -1800 Proterozoic BIFs on Earth form.
Beginning of the Boring Billion - Named due to the relative stability in the Earth’s
environment, for the next billion years, the Earth would be marked by low oxygen
Earth -1800 levels and high sulfur in the oceans, called the Canfield ocean.
Elysium Mons forms - Located in the eastern hemisphere of Mars, Elysium Mons is a
relatively young volcano, forming at a time when volcanism on Mars had slowed
Mars -1640 considerably.
Moonaree Dacite eruption - This eruption is the oldest preserved effusive eruption
Earth -1591 known on Earth, found in the Gawler craton of Australia.
Cyanobacterial symbiosis - Like with mitochondria, a cyanobacteria becomes
integrated into a eukaryotic cell, becoming yet another organelle within it. This
Earth -1547 eukaryote became the ancestor to all plants and algae.
Earth -1538 First fungi - The fungi and animal evolutionary lines diverge here.
First algae - Algae blooms become abundant around this time as algae, some of the
Earth -1400 first multicellular organisms, colonize the oceans.
Formation of the inner core - Though estimates vary wildly depending on sources,
the solid inner core of the Earth is likely to have formed by this time, coinciding
Earth -1250 with a strong increase in the strength of the magnetic field.
Evolution of sex - All previous life relied entirely on asexual reproduction. Sexual
reproduction was a revolution in the history of life on Earth, allowing for increased
Earth -1200 genetic variation of offspring that would be difficult to obtain asexually.
Copernican Period begins - On the Moon, the Copernican is the current period.
Craters formed during this time have ray systems formed from lunar ejecta, which
Moon -1100 are brighter than the lunar surface due to space weathering darkening the surface.
All Martian surface water lost - By now, a planet once covered with sprawling
oceans and channels of water had been made completely dry. Water would remain
Mars -1000 underground in the form of ice.
Kuiper impact - Marking the beginning of the current Kuiperian period, craters from
this time have ray systems, similar to that of the Moon during the Copernican.
Mercury -1000 There are also craters named Kuiper on the Moon and on Mars.
Rheasilvia impact - The largest crater on Vesta, it is perhaps younger than this. The
Other -1000 impact partially destroyed the earlier and smaller Veneneia crater.
Land plants and algae diverge - The ancestor to all land plants evolved from algae
Earth -850 living in shallow water around this time.
Cryogenian glaciations - Two major periods of glaciations occurred during the aptly-
named Cryogenian period on Earth. It is debated whether or not these events
Earth -720 contributed or harmed biodiversity later in Earth’s history.
All water on Venus lost - Like Earth and Mars, Venus likely had water on its surface
and remained habitable for up to 2 billion years. Unlike the Earth, Venus’ crust
probably healed too quickly for plate tectonics. Unable to recycle carbon, Venus
Venus -700 underwent a runaway greenhouse effect, leading to the conditions seen today.
First animals - Fossils found in the Trezona Formation in South Australia may be
Earth -665 evidence of animal evolution, the first being sponges.
Formation of the ozone layer - Oxygen levels at this time became high enough for a
Earth -600 protective layer of ozone to first form.
Avalon explosion - A biodiversification event that produced the Ediacaran biota, the
first complex multicellular organisms. Many of today's animal phyla appear at this
Earth -575 time.
Phanerozoic Eon begins - Greek for “visible life,” the current eon in Earth’s history
begins with the Cambrian explosion. In a few million years, almost all major phyla
begin to appear. The rate of diversification during the explosion reached
Earth -541 unprecedented levels, leading to the acceleration of the evolution of life.
First vertebrates - Comprising the vast majority of the chordates, vertebrates first
Earth -520 appear here and would evolve into everything from frogs to whales.
Resurfacing event - Due to a lack of plate tectonics on Venus, any heat generated by
the core remains trapped. Eventually, this leads to a planetwide volcanic eruption.
As a result, the surface of Venus, dominated by volcanic features, is young
compared to the other terrestrial planets. Volcanoes such as Maat Mons date to
Venus -500 this time.
First land-breathing animal - The Pneumodesmus was a species of millipede that
Earth -420 contained respiration structures that could only have worked on land.
Mead impact - Most craters on Venus are young, from 200 to 700 million years old.
Venus -400 The Mead crater is the largest on Venus.
The Great Dying - The Siberian Traps causes the Earth's most severe extinction
event, leaving 96% of marine life and 70% of terrestrial vertebrates extinct. It marks
Earth -252 the end of the Paleozoic and the beginning of the Mesozoic eon.
Tycho impact - The Tycho crater, named after the Danish astronomer, is one of the
most striking and also one of the youngest features on the Moon with a vast ray
Moon -108 system.
Amazonis Planitia forms - Compared to other Martian features, the Amazonis
Planitia is one of the youngest on Mars and thus is a prime subject of modern
Mars -100 research. The terrain of Amazonis bears similarity to that of Iceland.
Formation of Saturn’s rings - Saturn's rings are believed to have been formed at this
time, based on Cassini data, though they could be potentially much older. The rings
Saturn -100 are made mostly out of ice, with some rocky material.
Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction - Known as the event that killed the dinosaurs,
the Deccan Traps eruption along with the Chicxulub impact likely caused the
extinction of 75% of all life on Earth, paving the way for mammals to take over. This
extinction marks the end of the Mesozoic and the beginning of the current
Earth -66 Cenozoic era.
End of Tharsis Montes activity - The last eruptions of the Tharsis Montes on Mars
Mars -50 ended fairly recently.
Last eruption of Olympus Mons - Olympus Mons is estimated to have erupted one
last time very recently in Mars’ history. While inactive today, Olympus Mons, along
Mars -25 with the Tharsis Montes, may in fact be dormant volcanoes.

This is the Solar System as it appears today. Events in the future are predictions
based on the natural evolution of the Solar System.

Other +5 Lyapunov time of the Solar System - The Lyapunov time describes the characteristic
timescale for which a system is chaotic. Since any system with more than three
bodies is chaotic, after this time, the exact locations of Solar System bodies become
impossible to predict.
Phobos impact - Phobos, the closer of the two moons of Mars, is slowly spiraling
inward towards Mars. By this time, Phobos’ orbit would have decayed, causing
Mars +43 Phobos to collide with Mars.
Big Island of Hawaii sinks - Like the many mounds that have formed and sank in the
last hundred million years on the Hawaiian hotspot, Big Island will eventually sink
Earth +80 beneath the waves.
Next large impact event on Earth - A dinosaur extinction-sized asteroid is expected
Earth +100 to collide with the Earth every 100 million years or so.
Days become 25 hours long - Earth’s rotation gradually slows down due to the
Earth +180 effects of the Moon. By this time, an Earth’s day will be one hour longer.
Saturn’s rings disappear - At the current rate of decay, Saturn will have lost its rings
Saturn +200 at this time.
Upper limit of the Lyapunov time - After this time, the exact orbits of the Solar
Other +230 System becomes impossible to predict.
Next supercontinent forms - The supercontinent cycle on Earth completes another
cycle with the formation of another supercontinent. Among several predictions
Earth +250 include Pangaea Proxima, Amasia, Novopangaea, and Aurica.
Next resurfacing event on Venus - Venus’ mantle would have heated up enough by
now to cause another planetwide eruption event, covering all present-day features
Venus +450 with lava.
Last solar eclipse on Earth - The Moon, which drifts away from Earth at about an
inch a year, will have moved far enough away that total solar eclipses are no longer
Earth +600 possible on Earth.
Carbon cycle disrupted - As the Sun brightens, increased temperatures cause
weathering to increase, removing enough carbon dioxide to cause a mass extinction
Earth +600 of all plant species utilizing C3 photosynthesis.
Earth +700 Extinction of animal life - Without plants, cellular respiration becomes impossible in
most animals. Large mammals become extinct, followed by other land life, all ocean
vertebrates, and finally invertebrates. The last animals likely would only be active at
night, live near the polar regions, or underground, where conditions are more
End of the ozone layer - Oxygen levels decrease dramatically following the
extinction of a majority of plant species. As a result, the protective ozone layer
Earth +750 disappears entirely.
End of photosynthesis - Carbon dioxide levels will have fallen so low that even C4
photosynthesis becomes impossible. After this time, the Earth’s land will be a vast
Earth +800 barren desert.
Telikozoic Eon begins - (Unofficial, coined term) Greek for “final life,” all complex
Earth +1000 life on Earth becomes extinct at this time, leaving just single-celled organisms.
Oceans evaporate - A runaway greenhouse on Earth as a result of increased solar
luminosity causes the oceans to completely evaporate away. As a result, plate
Earth +1100 tectonics, which has slowed in the past few hundred million years, ends completely.
Eukaryotic extinction - Following the extinction of all complex life on Earth, all
eukaryotes become extinct by this time as a result of already dwindling carbon
Earth +1300 dioxide levels.
Life reduced to polar regions - The remaining prokaryotes would survive in ponds
Earth +1800 of shallow surface water near the poles or in underground caves.
Magnetic field shuts down - The core of Earth completely solidifies, if the present
rate of growth of the inner core continues. Without the magnetic field, the solar
Earth +2300 wind begins to erode Earth’s atmosphere.
Nekrozoic Eon begins - (Unofficial, coined term) Greek for “dead life,” all life on
Earth becomes extinct. By this time, conditions would be too harsh to allow any life
Earth +2800 to occur, even on the poles or underground.
Earth’s rotation becomes chaotic - The Moon, whose gravity once stabilized Earth’s
Earth +3000 rotation, can no longer do so because it has receded enough away from the Earth.
Chaos in the inner Solar System - There is a small chance that chaotic perturbations
will have sent the inner Solar System into chaos. Namely, an ejection or a collision
Other +3300 could occur, usually involving Mercury in simulations.
Destruction of Triton - Due to its retrograde orbit, Triton’s orbit decays slowly. By
this time, it will have fallen too close to Neptune, causing it to disintegrate into a
Neptune +3600 ring system.
Milky Way and Andromeda collide - The two galaxies are headed into a collision
course that would not take place for billions of years. Because the interstellar gas
becomes compressed during a collision, the resulting galaxy will enter a period of
rapid stellar birth, likely the last such period of both galaxies. There is a small
Other +4000 probability that the Solar System will be ejected and sent into intergalactic space.
Sun becomes a subgiant star - Nuclear fusion finally ceases in the Sun’s core. As a
result, the Sun exits hydrostatic equilibrium and the inert helium core begins to
contract, increasing temperatures, and thus the rate of fusion in the shell of
hydrogen around it increases. The increase in energy causes the outer layers of the
Sun +5978 Sun to expand significantly.
Sun’s core becomes degenerate - Compression of the helium core causes increasing
temperature and pressure. However helium fusion does not occur to counter
gravity due to a bottleneck in the fusion of helium, namely the fast radioactive decay
of beryllium-8. After some time, compression stops due to electron degeneracy
pressure, as a consequence of the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no
Sun +6827.5 two electrons with the same energy and spin may occupy the same location.
First dredge-up - A dredge-up is an event where the convective layers in a star
reach down into the star’s core, bringing up material from deep within the star,
changing its surface composition. This occurs when a star enters the red giant
branch. On higher mass stars, this event is accompanied by a noticeable reduction
Sun +7233 in luminosity.
Titan becomes habitable - Titan, the only moon in the Solar System with an
atmosphere and thought to resemble primordial Earth, now has conditions similar
to that of the Earth long ago. However, such life will have to evolve quickly and will
Saturn +7500 not live for long as the Sun’s evolution at this stage becomes rapid.
To simplify the further evolution of the Solar System, the orbits of the planets will
(Note) +7656 no longer precess.
Rapid increase in solar wind - During the Sun’s red giant phase, its outer layers
become extremely diffuse, with the density less than one-tenth of that of air. These
layers are very loosely-bound to the star and thus are easily lost. By the time the
Sun reaches the tip of the red giant branch, it will have lost a quarter of its initial
Sun +7800 mass. This decrease in mass causes the orbits of the planets to expand.
Destruction of Mercury - The Sun’s expanding layers will have reached the orbit of
Mercury. Drag from the Sun’s atmosphere causes the planet to spiral inwards. The
increasing temperature causes the planet’s mantle to be vaporized, followed by the
Mercury +7809 quick destruction of its core.
Fate of Venus uncertain - This video shows the expansion of orbits without drag
from the Sun, which is a gross simplification. Expansion alone would ensure Venus
Venus +7814 survives, however, the effects of drag may be enough to seal Venus’ fate.
Helium flash - Until now, no significant amount of carbon-12 was produced from
helium fusion due to the fast radioactive decay of beryllium-8. However, the core of
the Sun now becomes hot and dense enough that sufficient Be-8 is produced to
allow C-12 to be reliably created. The production of C-12 releases enormous
amounts of energy which heats up the core, further increasing the fusion rate and
causing a thermal runaway. For a brief moment, the Sun will produce enough energy
Sun +7815.6 to outshine all stars in the galaxy, though it is unnoticed on the surface.
Sun becomes a red clump - Following the helium flash, whose energy goes into
lifting the degeneracy of the core, the Sun re-enters hydrostatic equilibrium. As a
result, the Sun shrinks and becomes dimmer again. At this point, the Sun is now
Sun +7816 undergoing nuclear fusion in two locations: its helium core, and hydrogen in a shell.
Sun enters the asymptotic giant branch - Helium fusion now ceases at the Sun’s
core. Immediately afterwards, the core, made primarily of oxygen and carbon,
becomes degenerate. At this point, the Sun will expand and cool once again, similar
to the way it did when hydrogen fusion ceased. Two shells of nuclear fusion take
Sun +7876.7 place.
Thermal pulsations of the Sun - The last stage of the Sun’s nuclear-burning is brief
but complex. As the helium shell begins to run out of fuel, the star expands.
Eventually, enough helium falls from the hydrogen shell above to reignite the shell
to cause a shell flash, restabilizing the star. This process occurs in cycles which take
about 100000 years to complete. Following each flash is a dredging event, known as
Sun +7930 the third dredge-up. During this time, the Sun will lose one-fifth of its initial mass.
Fate of Earth uncertain - Similar to Venus, the Earth may be destroyed as it is pulled
Earth +7930.8 into the Sun due to drag. If it survives, it will be nothing more than a charred rock.
Sun +7931 Death of the Sun - After a period of only 1 million years, the Sun has finally
exhausted all of its fuel. By now, it has shed virtually all of its outer layers, becoming
a planetary nebula, leaving only a hot core. Nuclear fusion ceases entirely, save for
any residual hydrogen left. What is left is a carbon-oxygen white dwarf, about 54%
of the Sun’s initial mass, which will cool slowly over billions of years.
Gas giants lose mass - During the Sun’s planetary nebula phase, extreme solar wind
may strip the outer layers of the gas giants. Depending on the exact parameters,
Jupiter, in particular, could lose 20%-70% of its mass due to hydrodynamic escape. If
Other +7931 it loses its gaseous envelope, what is left is a chthonian planet.
The evolution of the Solar System essentially ends here. Assuming the Sun does not
become part of another system, it will cool and eventually become a black dwarf.
Over the course of the next quadrillion years, stellar encounters will cause all
Other +10 remaining planets to be lost.
If planets remain bound to the Sun, after a quintillion years they will have collided
with the dead Sun due to gravitational radiation. Following this, the Sun will remain
Other +1012 bound only to the merged Local Group galaxy.
The Sun itself will likely be ejected into the void following multiple gravitational
encounters or fall into the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy. If the
Sun survives, it, along with all other remaining objects in the universe, will be
Other +1014 completely isolated from one another.
In the end, the Sun, along with the entire universe, will disappear entirely either by
proton decay, or after several quantum tunnelling events ultimately ending in the
Other +10 Sun becoming a black hole and decaying via Hawking radiation.
Other +1096 -∞ After this point, the universe itself is dead.

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