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In their attempt to save the world, those

those who believe in hope noble and holy warriors who stand against
Where there is evil, there must be good to challenge evil have been in search of the lost book
that evil and guarantee that the world is not overrun of Rihova for decades. Though the book
and destroyed. Although the ultimate doom steadily may be missing, the hope that the holy text
approaches, there are those who see the prophecies promises persists to this day.
of Nechrubel as a warning rather than a foregone
conclusion. Those who believe that the world can While it is unlikely that the PCs will ever
be saved have dedicated their lives to defeating the discover the book, they may be so fortunate
oncoming apocalypse. as to locate a power or two on a dusty scroll.

1 ❖ angelic overseer 2 ❖ aura of hope
The caster summons an angel – a divine being The scroll itself shines with a
charged with the power of a holy force – that brilliant, pure light as bright
hangs high overhead in the air, the holy form’s as the noon sun. The caster is
wings beating silently as it watches from bathed in the glow, shimmering
above. and sparkling as holy power
courses through their veins. All
For 2d3 Rounds the angel keeps watch, firing companions, allies, and protectees
a holy blast that deals d6 damage against any of the caster within 30’ gain a +2
evil characters or creatures who threaten the bonus to all die rolls for so long as
caster. When the power expires, the angelic they do not move away from the
overseer nods a curt, simple greeting to the caster. The illuminating power of
caster and then ascends to the heavens. hope vanishes after 2d4 Rounds,
at which point the scroll reverts to
If the scroll is read in-of-doors, the angelic normal and may be put away. (The
overseer is somewhere in the skies above, caster must keep it out in one hand
unable to reach the caster. for the power to properly function.)

3 ❖ circle of transformed time

On a day in which one of the Miseries of Nechrubel is triggered, the caster may read
from this sacred scroll in an attempt to block the unfortunate event and protect the
world from destruction. The caster must make a DR18 Presence test. If successful, time
slips slowly back and resets, the foul event never happening. Only the caster and their
allies can even remember the alternate timeline.

If the caster fails the Presence test, a second Misery instantly occurs. Do not toy with
the greater powers of the universe.

4 ❖ divine strength
The caster – or any one character within 20’ targeted by the caster – is filled with a
mighty power, a divine blessing that grants them +3 Strength and +3 Toughness for
3d3+1 Rounds. Additionally, the holy aura that surrounds the affected character terrifies
all undead characters and creatures within sight of the affected character. Treat all nearby
undead as if they have failed a Morale check.

5 ❖ divine strike 6 ❖ guiding light

This power only works when the caster The caster names a location – being as
can see the sky. If attempted in a closed specific as possible – when reading from
location, the magic backfires and this scroll. Instantly a ball of light the size
instantly kills the caster and inflicts 4d12 of a human fist appears in the air directly in
damage to every character and creature front of the caster, appearing from a distant
within the location. plane of existence that cannot be reached.

When cast, bolts of lightning flash in the The ball of light moves fast in the direction
heavens, illuminating even the darkest of of the stated place. It moves fast enough
nights as if it were day. For the next 1d4 that there is a one in six chance every 30
Rounds, the caster may make a ranged minutes that the ball moves out of sight. If
attack against any target they can see. If the caster can keep up, the ball eventually
the attack succeeds, lightning deals 3d6 reaches the desired location. (The ball
damage to the target. vanishes if the caster loses sight of it.)

7 ❖ healing touch
On the same Round in which the scroll is read, the caster places one hand on a target,
instantly bestowing the healing benefit of the power on the touched character or creature.
This power restores 2d4 HP to the target (up to their maximum number of HP, of course).

When the scroll is read, the caster may elect to sacrifice their own health to improve the
healing strength of the power. For every 1 HP sacrificed by the caster, increase the number
of restored HP by +d3. (A caster sacrificing 2 HP heals the target by 2d4+2d3 HP.)

8 ❖ holy radiance 9 ❖ holy shard

A pure and unnatural white light of Reaching one hand toward the heavens
holy energy is unleashed by the caster, as the power is summoned from the gods
bathing the immediate area in a themselves, the caster rips a crystalline
radiance brighter than even the noon shard from out of thin air, the dagger-like
sun. This holy radiance comes from object gleaming as it catches whatever light
within the character and is so brilliant illuminates the area.
that it transforms them into a glowing
being of pure energy that deals d4 This shard of crystal is a holy weapon
damage to any characters or creatures handed to the caster by an unseen divine
within 10’. power, a god or demigod who is linked
to the object by a strand of invisible holy
The shining brilliance of the holy energy that cannot be broken.
light persists for 1d4+1 Rounds,
during which time all characters The caster may use the shard like a knife
and creatures who can see the caster or dagger that deals d6 damage – d8+2 to
are blinded and cannot see. This any undead foes – but only they may wield
blindness subsides 2d4 Rounds after the weapon. The shard vanishes after 2d4
the caster’s inner light is extinguished. Rounds.

10 ❖ imbue item with divine power

The caster may charge any one item with holy power. The exact results depend on the
type of object selected.
• Armor – For 3d6 Rounds, treat the armor as one tier higher. If tier three armor is
imbued with divine power, it heals the wearer by 1 HP each Round.
• Weapon – The weapon glows for 2d4 Rounds, during which time it grants a +2 to
attack rolls as well as +2 damage. (Double damage against undead.)
• Other – As the GM wishes. The benefit may be as simple as the item glows for a
short time or as complicated as the object is now a weapon.

11 ❖ kill evil
A divine being seizes control of the caster’s body for one Round during which the power
is activated, changing the character into a human-sized sphere of holy flame that lashes
out at any characters or creatures it perceives as agents of evil.

The holy sphere of fire flings dozens of screeching skulls of flame into the area, creating
a terrifying display of holy strength that survivors will never forget. All characters and
creatures within 100’ of the caster are attacked by the skulls – the power sees even the
kindest of souls as having committed some evil in their past – which deal 5d6 damage
to everyone in the affected area (except for the caster, who is unable to speak or move as
they are under the complete control of the sphere).

12 ❖ mighty
A protective field of holy
magic envelops the caster
and up to two companions
so long as none of them
are more than 10’ from the
caster. The field remains
for so long as the caster
focuses on maintaining the
holy magic; if the caster
attempts any other action
– including movement –
the power is disrupted and

While so protected, all

those within the field of
holy magic are immune to
damage caused by external
forces. Attacks against
the protected characters
bounce harmlessly off of
the field.

13 ❖ unlucky 14 ❖ wings of an angel

Any one character or creature The caster – or any one target within 10’
touched by the caster (requiring a chosen when the scroll is read – instantly
successful melee attack that deals sprouts the feathered wings of an angel from
no damage) is instantly overcome their back. The magic affects the character
by an aura of ill fate. The caster and all worn objects, adapting clothing and
must successfully touch a target armor to accommodate the giant wings.
within 1d6 Rounds of reading
the scroll or they are the power’s The character possesses the ability to fly as
target. a bird for 2d4 Rounds, during which time
they gain -d2 protection against all attacks
Until sunrise, the affected as the magical wings help shield them from
character or creature must make harm. Additionally, the character inflicts +d2
every die roll twice and use the bonus damage when attacking any undead
worst result. characters or creatures. Once the power is
exhausted, the angelic wings drop from their
back and the feathers are all that remain.

The Sacred Teachings of Titus the Unliving The Sacred Teachings of Titus the Unliving Magus is an independent production
Magus is copyright © 2021 by Philip Reed. by Philip Reed and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm
Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
The truly incredible artwork used in this book is ©
Warm_Tail, under license from MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

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