Prosafe-Rs Vnet/Ip: User'S Manual
Prosafe-Rs Vnet/Ip: User'S Manual
Prosafe-Rs Vnet/Ip: User'S Manual
IM 32Q56H10-31E
IM 32Q56H10-31E
4th Edition
Vnet/IP is a control communication network that conforms to the IEEE802.3 standards.
The ProSafe-RS can configure a safety control system using Vnet/IP as its control bus.
This manual describes the Vnet/IP network and its engineering.
This manual provides information for systems consisting of ProSafe-RS alone or systems
where ProSafe-RS is integrated with CENTUM VP/CS 3000.
The structure of this manual is as follows:
Vnet/IP Network
This part describes an overview of a Vnet/IP network, system configuration, connection,
and time synchronization.
This part describes how to use the system builders to create Vnet/IP domains.
With the release of CENTUM VP R5.01 and ProSafe-RS R3.01, the guidelines have been
changed so that Vnet/IP networks are used for control communications and other communi-
cations are performed on information networks other than Vnet/IP. This manual covers this
ALSO For more information about legacy guide, refer to:
Vnet/IP Network Construction Guide (Legacy Edition) (TI 30A10A10-01E)
For more information about integration of ProSafe-RS with FAST/TOOLS (Yokogawa SCADA system), refer
A., “Integration with FAST/TOOLS function” in Integration with FAST/TOOLS (IM 32Q56H20-31E)
Media No. IM 32Q56H10-31E (CD) 4th Edition : Jan. 2015 (YK) IM 32Q56H10-31E 4th Edition : Jan.30,2015-00
All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2011, Yokogawa Electric Corporation
n Notes on Software
• YOKOGAWA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the Soft-
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• Purchase the appropriate number of licenses of the Software Product according to the
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• No copy of the Software Product may be made for any purpose other than backup; other-
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• Keep the software medium of the Software Product in a safe place.
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• No part of the Software Product may be transferred, converted, or sublet for use by any
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Documentation Conventions
n Symbols
The following symbols are used in the User's Manuals.
Identifies instructions that must be observed to avoid physical
injury, electric shock, or death.
n Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used throughout the User's Manuals.
n Drawing Conventions
Drawings used in the User's Manuals may be partially emphasized, simplified, or omitted for
the convenience of description.
Drawings of windows may be slightly different from the actual screenshots with different set-
tings or fonts. The difference does not hamper the understanding of basic functionalities and
operation and monitoring tasks.
n Station Types
A safety control station (hereafter referred to as SCS) is named according to the type of the
safety control unit used in it.
In the User's Manuals, the following abbreviations may be used to describe functions of these
SCS as a whole.
n Trademark Acknowledgments
• CENTUM, ProSafe, Vnet/IP, and STARDOM are registered trademarks of YOKOGAWA.
• Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Server, Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Vis-
ual Studio are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and other countries.
• Adobe, Acrobat, and Adobe Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incor-
• Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
• HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation.
• Modicon and Modbus are registered trademarks of Schneider Electric SA.
• All other company and product names mentioned in the User's Manuals are trademarks
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• TM or ® mark are not used to indicate trademarks or registered trademarks in the User's
• Logos and logo marks are not used in the User's Manuals.
ProSafe-RS Vnet/IP
PART-A Vnet/IP network................................................A-1
A1. Overview of Vnet/IP network.............................................................A1-1
A2. Vnet/IP network system configuration.............................................A2-1
A2.1 System with ProSafe-RS only................................................................... A2-4
A2.2 System integrated with CENTUM............................................................. A2-5
A3. Vnet/IP network connections............................................................A3-1
A3.1 Connect devices included in Vnet/IP domain..........................................A3-2
A3.2 Connection between Vnet/IP domains..................................................... A3-4
A3.3 Connection between Vnet/IP and V net domains....................................A3-7
A3.4 Network connection through a wide area network............................... A3-11
A3.5 Vnet/IP bus status.................................................................................... A3-12
A4. Time synchronization of Vnet/IP...................................................... A4-1
ProSafe-RS Vnet/IP
PART-B Engineering......................................................B-1
B1. Overview of engineering................................................................... B1-1
B2. Network engineering......................................................................... B2-1
B2.1 Setting addresses on hardware................................................................B2-2
B2.2 Procedures and precautions for adding a station or domain................B2-3
B3. Engineering safety control stations on SENG................................ B3-1
B4. Engineering on CENTUM.................................................................. B4-1
B4.1 Engineering safety control stations on CENTUM................................... B4-2
B4.2 Setting domain properties.........................................................................B4-3
B4.3 Setting V net routers..................................................................................B4-4
B4.4 Setting up wide area communication routers......................................... B4-5
A. Vnet/IP network
This part describes an overview of a Vnet/IP network, system configuration, connection, and
time synchronization.
Bus 1 side
V net router
FCS domain 3
V net domain 4
TIP There are two types of Safety Control Stations that connect to Vnet/IP: SCSP2 and SCSP1. In this manual,
SCSP2 is the representative station unless otherwise specified.
l Vnet/IP station
A Vnet/IP device equipped station that is connected to a Vnet/IP network is referred to as a
Vnet/IP station. A Vnet/IP station in a domain is connected to Layer 2 switches provided one
for each bus. Vnet/IP stations are described below.
SENG is a Safety Engineering PC. It is connected to a Vnet/IP network through a VI702/
VI701 Vnet/IP interface card installed in the PC. The VI702/VI701card has two ports and
each port is connected to a transmission cable for Vnet/IP to support redundant Vnet/IP
The Safety Control Stations that can be connected to a Vnet/IP network are SC60S/
SSC60D (SCSP2) and SSC50S/SSC50D (SCSP1). The transmission speed of SCSP2/
SCSP1 is 100 Mbps.
• V net router (AVR10D)
A V net router is a device dedicated for connecting a Vnet/IP domain with a V net domain.
It performs the frame conversion and filtering between Vnet/IP and V net. The V net rout-
er is a station of CENTUM system.
TIP V net routers (AVR10D) are classified into two types of behavioral specification, based on their hardware style
and system software revisions. In this document, the two types are defined as "V net router style S3 or
above" and "V net router style below S3", as follows.
• V net router style S3 or above
AVR10D is style S3 or above and the "operating mode" of V net router is set to [Standard mode] in the
System View of CENTUM VP R5.01 or later.
• V net router style below S3
Cases that do not meet the conditions of "V net router style S3 or above".
If no style is mentioned in explanations about the operation of the V net router in this document, the operation
is common to all AVR10D styles and ProSafe-RS/CENTUM VP software revisions.
l Vnet/IP domain
A Vnet/IP domain consists of two independent subnets of bus 1 and bus 2. Each domain can
have a maximum of 64 Vnet/IP stations (SENG, SCSP2, etc.).
If a safety system is integrated with a CENTUM system, the integrated system can have a
maximum of 16 Vnet/IP and V net domains.
l Layer 2 switch
Vnet/IP stations and general-purpose Ethernet communication devices in a domain are con-
nected to Vnet/IP buses through the Layer 2 switches (L2SW). At least one L2SW is required
for bus1 and bus 2 respectively.
l Layer 3 switch
A layer 3 switch (L3SW) is used to connect between Vnet/IP domains on each bus.
Under the following circumstances, the ProSafe-RS should be integrated with CENTUM sys-
• When ProSafe-RS stations on a V net domain are communicating with other ProSafe-RS
stations on a Vnet/IP domain through V net routers.
• When ProSafe-RS stations on multiple Vnet/IP domains are communicating with each
other through Layer 3 switches.
Bus 1
V net router
V net L2SW L2SW L2SW Vnet/IP Vnet/IP
domain Bus 2 domain domain
Vnet/IP domain L3SW
TIP Wide area communication routers can also be used to connect Vnet/IP domains through a wide area network.
ALSO For more information about connection between Vnet/IP domains using the wide area communication router,
refer to:
8, "Wide Area Communication Router" in the Communication Devices Reference (IM 33K03M10-50E)
Multiple stations are connected to Layer 2 switches. It is strongly recommended to provide an
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for Layer 2 switches so that they will not stop due to pow-
er failure.
If the Layer 2 switches stop due to power failure, there will be the following effects:
• A communication error will occur if Layer 2 switches for the buses stop due to power fail-
• For dual-redundant SCS, if the Layer 2 switches for both buses fail, the control will be
switched to the standby CPU in rare cases, causing the dual-redundant SCS to operate
in non-redundant mode.
• If a Layer 2 switch is restarted after momentary power failure, it takes several tens of sec-
onds for the communications between stations to recover.
The connection between any two communicating stations must avoid multiple routes. Other-
wise, the communication may not be properly performed.
UTP cable
Max. 100 m
UTP cable
Max. 100 m
L2SW: Layer 2 switch
Multiple stations are connected to a Layer 3 switch. It is strongly recommended to protect
Layer 3 switches with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) so that Layer 3 switches will not
stop due to power failure.
TIP Wide area communication routers can also be used to connect Vnet/IP domains through a wide area network.
ALSO For more information about connections between Vnet/IP domains using the wide area communication router,
refer to:
8, "Wide Area Communication Router" in the Communication Devices Reference (IM 33K03M10-50E)
The connection between any two communicating domains must avoid multiple routes. Other-
wise, the communication may not be properly performed.
Bi-Directional Bi-Directional
Domain 4 Domain 5
L3SW Bridge
Domain 6
L3SW: Layer 3 switch
l Bi-directional connection
This connection type does not differentiate the upper and lower relationships between Vnet/IP
domains. This type of connection can be established by setting the domain to receive HIS
messages, FCS messages and FCS TCP communication frames from other domains. More-
over, when the domain is set to receive FCS messages, it can also receive SCS messages
(such as system alarm messages). If the domain is set to receive FCS TCP frames, it can al-
so receive the SCS TCP communication frames. By the default settings on the Domain Prop-
erties dialog box, the domain is set to receive all the transmissions.
l Hierarchical connection
This connection type differentiates the upper and lower relationships between Vnet/IP do-
mains. This type of connection can be established by setting a lower domain not to receive
HIS messages, FCS messages and FCS TCP communication frames from upper domains;
but all the stations in the upper domains can receive HIS messages, FCS messages, and
FCS TCP communication frames from the lower domain. Moreover, when the domain is set to
receive FCS messages, it can also receive SCS messages (such as system alarm messag-
es). If the domain is set to receive FCS TCP frames, it can also receive the SCS TCP commu-
nication frames.
l Bridge connection
This connection type guarantees the independence of a domain. It can be established by set-
ting the domain not to receive HIS messages, FCS messages and FCS TCP communication
frames from another domain and by setting the time group to "0" so as not to perform time
• If the SENG and the SCSP2 stations are located in 2 different Vnet/IP domains, both do-
mains should be set to allow the reception of FCS TCP communication for engineering
and maintenance purpose.
• When two SCS stations in two domains are performing inter-SCS safety communication,
both domains should be set to allow the reception of FCS TCP communication.
• When two SCS stations in two domains are performing inter-SCS safety communication
and one domain is a V net domain, both domains should be set to allow the reception of
FCS TCP communication. Moreover, the V net router, the bus converter (BCV) and the
communication gateway (CGW) should also be set to allow the reception of FCS TCP
ALSO For more information about Time Group, refer to:
“n Time groups” on page A4-2
For more information about domain properties, refer to:
• "Vnet/IP Domain Properties" in 2.1.1, "File Menu of System View" of the CENTUM VP Engineering
Reference Vol.1 (IM 33K03G21-50E)
• B2.3, “Setting Domain Properties” in the CENTUM VP Vnet/IP (IM 33L01A10-40E)
• B2.3, “Setting Domain Properties” in the CS 3000 Vnet/IP (IM 33Q06H90-31E)
network V net
V net router
Allocate only one path from a Vnet/IP network to a specific V net domain via a V net router. If
a V net router is defined so that two or more paths exist as paths to a specific V net domain,
the following problems will occur:
• The path from the Vnet/IP side to the corresponding V net domain changes randomly.
• Communication frames to nonexistent domains converge depending on the definition of
the routing of the V net router.
If a V net router style below S3 is used, communication between Vnet/IP domains cannot be
performed through a V net domain.
Vnet/IP Vnet/IP
domain 2 domain 3
V net domain 1
ALSO For more information about the scope of implementation when combining multiple domains of Vnet/IP and V
net, refer to:
“● Inter-SCS Safety Communication in Systems in which a V net Domain and a Vnet/IP Domain are
Connected” in “■ Communicable Extent” in 2.1.1, “Overview of the System Configuration” in Engineering
Guide (IM 32Q01C10-31E)
V net V net
ALSO For more information about the number of levels of bus converters connecting a V net, refer to:
• 2.1, "Outline of Bus Converter for V net" in the CENTUM VP Communication Devices Reference
(IM 33K03M10-50E)
• L1.1, "Outline of Bus Converter for V net" in the CENTUM VP Communication Devices Refer-
ence(IM 33M01A30-40E)
• L1.1, "Outline of Bus Converter for V net" in the CS 1000/CS 3000 Reference Communication De-
vice (IM 33S01B30-01E)
For more information about the scope of implementation when combining multiple domains of Vnet/IP and V
net, refer to:
“● Inter-SCS Safety Communication in Systems in which a V net Domain and a Vnet/IP Domain are
Connected” in “■ Communicable Extent” in 2.1.1, “Overview of the System Configuration” in Engineering
Guide (IM 32Q01C10-31E)
If you intend to connect Vnet/IP domains through a wide area network without using wide
area communication routers, the following conditions have to be met.
• The transmission delay between any two Vnet/IP domains must be less than 80 ms.
• If inter-SCS safety communications are performed between domains connected through
a wide area network, the recommended bandwidth of the wide area network is 100 Mbps
or faster.
ALSO For more information about the specifications of connection between Vnet/IP domains using the wide area
communication router, refer to:
8, "Wide Area Communication Router" in the Communication Devices Reference (IM 33K03M10-50E)
Based on this diagnostic information the communication statuses of all stations in a domain
can be displayed on the HIS Network Status Display dialog box.
ALSO For more information about communication status, refer to:
• 4.9.4, "Network Status Display Dialog Box" in the CENTUM VP Human Interface Stations Refer-
ence Vol. 1 (IM 33K03F21-50E)
• C2, "Network Status Display Dialog Box" in the CENTUM VP Vnet/IP (IM 33L01A10-40E)
• C2, "Network Status Display Dialog Box" in the CS 3000 Vnet/IP (IM 33Q06H90-31E)
Vnet/IP L3SW Vnet/IP
domain 1 domain 3
domain 2
ALSO For more information about precautions for time synchronization, refer to:
“■ Precautions for Time Synchronization” in 2.15, “Time Synchronization” in Engineering Guide (IM
The system software of a Vnet/IP station references the network time, and adjusts its own
system time according to the network time. Because of the differences in the time adjustment
methods, the deviations between the system time and the network time are as shown below:
n Time groups
The time group denotes a range in which time synchronization is performed. The entire
Vnet/IP network can be defined on one time group. On the other hand, by separating domains
in the same Vnet/IP network into time groups, the range in which time synchronization is per-
formed can be limited.
The time group number to which the domain belongs is 0 to 7. The default time group number
is 1. To perform time synchronization only within a domain, set the time group number to 0.
If an SNTP server does not exist in a time group, one of the Vnet/IP stations in a time group
will act as the time master station, and other Vnet/IP stations in the same time group will syn-
chronize with the time of the time master station.
If there is a notification that the SNTP server that exists in a time group is not synchronized
with the standard time, all the stations in the time group will synchronize their times with the
time master station in the Vnet/IP network. When the SNTP server becomes ready for time
synchronization, all stations in the time group will synchronize their time with the SNTP server
instantly instead of the time master station.
B. Engineering
This part describes an overview of engineering, network engineering, engineering of safety
control stations on SENG, and engineering on CENTUM.
ALSO For more information about the wide area communication router, refer to:
• B4.4, “Setting up wide area communication routers” on page B4-5
• 8, "Wide Area Communication Router" in the Communication Devices Reference (IM
n Domain number
The Vnet/IP domain number needs to be set within the range of 1 to 31 (When integrated with
CENTUM: 1 to 16). The domain numbers of the connected Vnet/IP network and V net net-
work should not be identical.
The domain number can be set by the DIP switch on the hardware.
n Station number
The Vnet/IP station number needs to be set within the range of 1 to 64. The station numbers
in the same domain should not be identical.
The station number can be set by the DIP switch on the hardware.
• Before you add a station, make sure that there are no duplicate station addresses.
• Turn off the power of the additional station before you connect the cables.
TIP Alternatively, you can add a station to Layer 3 switches directly instead of Layer 2 switches.
l Case 2: When you need to add Layer 2 switches (no ports are available on
existing Layer 2 switches)
Firstly, carry out steps 1 to 11 as shown below to add Layer 2 switches for BUS1 and BUS2.
Next, carry out the procedure for "Case 1" above to add a station.
1. In the Network Status Display dialog box on an HIS, check that both buses are normal.
2. Disconnect the cable between any one of the existing stations and a Layer 2 switch for
3. Connect the additional Layer 2 switch for BUS1 to the existing Layer 2 switch for BUS1
with a cable.
Make sure that there are no duplicate station addresses (domain number + station number) in
the system.
l Case 2: When you need to add Layer 3 switches (no ports are available on
existing Layer 3 switches)
Firstly, carry out steps 1 to 7 as shown below to add Layer 3 switches for BUS1 and BUS2.
Next, add stations by following the procedures in "Procedures and Precautions for Adding a
Vnet/IP Station."
1. In the Network Status Display dialog box on an HIS, check that both buses are normal.
2. Make the necessary settings on the Layer 3 switch for BUS1 that you are going to add.
3. Connect the additional Layer 3 switch for BUS1 to an existing Layer 2 or Layer 3 switch
for BUS1 with a cable.
4. In the Network Status Display dialog box on an HIS, check that both buses are normal.
5. Make the necessary settings on the Layer 3 switch for BUS2 that you are going to add.
6. Connect the additional Layer 3 switch for BUS2 to an existing Layer 2 or Layer 3 switch
for BUS2 with a cable.
7. In the Network Status Display dialog box on an HIS, check that both buses are normal.
8. Add stations for the new domain by following the procedures in "Procedures and Pre-
cautions for Adding a Vnet/IP Station."
*1: In the case of a system consisting of only ProSafe-RS stations, use an SCS status display window (either SCS Status Over-
view or SCS State Management) of SCS Maintenance Support Tool on an SENG to check the bus status. When you call up
the SCS status display window, select the project of a running SCS and then call up the window.
When passing data between SENG and HIS, or when SENG is sharing database with other
SENG, if the network addresses of the devices are different, the names of other devices or
PCs should be put into the hosts file for name resolution.
ALSO For more information about the wide area communication router, refer to:
• B4.4, “Setting up wide area communication routers” on page B4-5
• 8, "Wide Area Communication Router" in the Communication Devices Reference (IM
The domain number defined in the newly created SCS station should be the domain number
of the Vnet/IP domain instead of the V net domain. If the V net domain is defined, the station
needs to be deleted and then created again with the correct Vnet/IP domain number.
ALSO For more information about creating SCS project on CENTUM, refer to:
2.2, “Engineering on the CENTUM side” in Integration with CENTUM VP/CS 3000 (IM 32Q01E10-31E)
ALSO For more information about defining SCS stations on CENTUM, refer to:
2.2.1, “SCS creation” in Integration with CENTUM VP/CS 3000 (IM 32Q01E10-31E)
Revision Information
Title : ProSafe-RS Vnet/IP
Manual No. : IM 32Q56H10-31E
Jan. 2015 / 4th Edition / R3.02.20 or later*
*: Denotes the release number of the Software Product corresponding to the contents of this Man-
ual. The revised contents are valid until the next edition is issued.
Introduction ProSafe-RS document map has been removed, descriptions of “Safety, Protection, and
Modification of the Product” have been modified.
Oct. 2013/3rd Edition/R3.02.10 or later
Introduction Description of station types has been changed.
A2, A2.2, A3, A3.2, A3.4, A4, Descriptions of the wide area communication router have been added.
B3, B4.4
A3.1 Descriptions of redundant configuration have been changed.
A3.2, A3.3, A3.4 Transmission delay time between Vnet/IP domains has been changed.
Dec. 2012/2nd Edition/R3.02 or later
A, B A summary page has been added.
A1, A2, B2 Descriptions of Ethernet have been changed due to elimination of Vnet/IP open commu-
nication-related descriptions.
A2, A3.3 Ethernet has been added to figures.
A3.4 A figure showing examples of wide area network connection has been deleted, and de-
scriptions have been changed.
Aug. 2011/1st Edition/R3.01 or later
Newly published