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Irregular Verbs

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re Irregular verbs Present Pastsimple | Past participle Present Pastsimple | Past participle be bi been iin lay lev Iaido Taide —_ ii ————— learn ‘lain learnt nt learnt become bvian’ [became jvicin’ | become {also learned) _| (also learned) begin bon [Began hive | begun gon Teave ii left tcl left break brek/ | Bon /BRSOK | broken Porckon Tend end Tent ent Tent bring fay Brought iis’ | brought Tete tet tet blll built built lose fiz lost int lost buy iba bought ai!___| bought make insik made iid made can en could ‘kod = meet ini met ct met catch ike) caught i caught pay ipod paid eid paid choose juir) | chose avr chosen jain put io put put come las ame ei come read isl read fil read ic cost kos’ cost cost Fing iy tang fe) rung cut ha cut cut run rn ran run do dws id tia done i say be said sa said dream isi | dreamt vem) | dreamt ent see A saw 50 seen Ain (also dreamed) | also dreamed) are en Se drink dink) [drank Gren | drunk dink ea ae = ive ira drove ili) | driven ‘divin Fata ae ae eat i ate [eaten is aa ae ama Ea falls fell “allen ison a ae a fel felt fe [fete Faye aaa Flag find Hand found fund found a | Ss fly la 2 ewes spend spend’ [apentispent) _| spent forget tage forgotten faye) Stand tend’ | tod tod stood adi steal st stole Nicol stolen saul give iv gave jer ‘swim (swim) swam sven) swum swam 99 4 ae aon take ji to0k i taken “ikon cnn seo exennusenin teach iis) tought tought haved fede bee tell el told iu told hear hi heard 6 heard Gana cee oa Ei (te ge throw Qinu | threw Sins thrown ran ras al Eee ee ‘understand indersiood Undested know nou! knew ju | known ‘noun’ fanda'staendl ‘nda wake ck woke iv woken /wavkon write wrote 0 written nin

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