ASSIGNMENT in Earth Science

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DATE: DEC. 5, 2022

DUE: DEC. 6,2022


Nitrogen is critical to plant growth and

NITROGEN reproduction and it so vital because it is a
major component of chlorophyll, the
compound by which plants use sunlight
energy to produce sugars from water and
carbon dioxide. And nitrogen also make sure
that plants are healthy as they develop and
nutritious to eat after they’re harvested.
AGRICULTURE Magnesium is the central core of
MAGNESIUM chlorophyll molecule in plant tissue.
Magnesium is one of the most important
plant nutrients. And magnesium is one of
the most important plant nutrients. And
central importance in essential for the
development of leaf green.

MARBLE Marble are usually used in buildings and

sculptures, construction aggregate,
cemetery marker, and it also used as
dimension stone for statuary,
architectural and ornamental purposes.
CONSTRUCTION LIMESTONE It is used mainly in the manufacture of
Portland cement, the production of lime,
manufacture of paper, petrochemicals,
insecticides, linoleum, fiberglass, glass,
carpet backing and as the coating on
many types of chewing gum.
SAND Sand is tiny particles and important
material used for house construction.
Sand has been used as a construction
material for centuries due to its

numerous benefits.
Lithium is used in the batteries of electric
vehicles. However, lithium is also used in
batteries of laptops and cell phones, as
well as in the glass and ceramics industry.
CALCIUM Calcium most often associated with
healthy bones and teeth, although it also
plays an important role in blood clotting,
helping muscles to contract, and
MEDICINE regulating normal heart rhythms and
nerve functions.
ZINC Zinc is found in cells throughout the body.
It is needed for the body’s
defensive(immune) system to properly

2. why was dolomite used in the rehabilitation of manila bay?

The DENR chief, who has repeatedly defended the use of dolomite sand against critics, said the
dolomite sand actually “cleans the water” of the Manila Bay, prevents erosion, and increases
the width of the beach. “Dolomite contains high amount of heavy metals such as aluminum,
lead and mercury, which would contribute to the pollution and acidity of Manila Bay”. And It
aims to restore the water quality of Manila Bay in accordance with the Writ of Continuing
Mandamus of the Supreme Court.

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