ASSIGNMENT in Earth Science
ASSIGNMENT in Earth Science
ASSIGNMENT in Earth Science
numerous benefits.
Lithium is used in the batteries of electric
vehicles. However, lithium is also used in
batteries of laptops and cell phones, as
well as in the glass and ceramics industry.
CALCIUM Calcium most often associated with
healthy bones and teeth, although it also
plays an important role in blood clotting,
helping muscles to contract, and
MEDICINE regulating normal heart rhythms and
nerve functions.
ZINC Zinc is found in cells throughout the body.
It is needed for the body’s
defensive(immune) system to properly
The DENR chief, who has repeatedly defended the use of dolomite sand against critics, said the
dolomite sand actually “cleans the water” of the Manila Bay, prevents erosion, and increases
the width of the beach. “Dolomite contains high amount of heavy metals such as aluminum,
lead and mercury, which would contribute to the pollution and acidity of Manila Bay”. And It
aims to restore the water quality of Manila Bay in accordance with the Writ of Continuing
Mandamus of the Supreme Court.