Safe Bearing Capacity Calculation For Shallow Foundation (IRC Subtructure Code, IS: 6403, IS: 8009 Part I, IS: 1904)
Safe Bearing Capacity Calculation For Shallow Foundation (IRC Subtructure Code, IS: 6403, IS: 8009 Part I, IS: 1904)
Safe Bearing Capacity Calculation For Shallow Foundation (IRC Subtructure Code, IS: 6403, IS: 8009 Part I, IS: 1904)
G.L 100.000
D = 2.00 m
F.L 98.000 B = 3.0 m
1.5 x B
Founding Strata
General Data:
Field data:
Description of Strata where SBC is required Medium Dense Brownish Sand with Silt
Angle of internal friction of soil (Ø) (as per IS 6403 fig 1) Deg 25.00
Foundation details: