Independent Critique: Prepared By: Maria Cristila Ymbong

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Prepared by: Maria Cristila Ymbong


At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

a. Unlock meaning of terms used in the lesson or topic.

b. Note important points in writing or making individual critique.
c. Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group
d. Express thoughts and feelings through assessment or evaluation of a
piece or article.
Direction: Read the paragraph below. Give the meaning of the underlined words. Choose your answers
from the choices given. Write only the letter of your answer.

Michael Angelo is a famous artist. He displayed and sold much of his paintings to people from various
places in the world. Many of the art lovers considered his works in their finest and are exceptional.
Comments of these people were shared to everyone thus these made him more popular. Despite of his
popularity for sure, he also experienced (1) criticism. Good that a bunch of (2) critique from personalities
applauded his works in a way that these continued to make him more famous. The (3) structure of his
works has its own uniqueness that made him (4) independent in expressing his thoughts and feelings.
Over-all (5) assessment of Michael Angelo’s work is excellent.

A. The arrangement of and relation between parts of something
B. Points towards the disapproval based on faults or mistakes
C. Estimation of the nature of quality
D. A detailed analysis
E. Free from outside control
F. No specific identity
Michael Angelo
-considered the greatest living artist in
his lifetime, and ever since then he has
been held to be one of the greatest artists
of all time. A number of his works in
painting, sculpture, and architecture rank
among the most famous in existence.

Pieta- a statue depicting a draped Virgin

Mary with her dead son resting in her arms.
The Sculpture of David- a huge male figure
for the cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.
The Sistine Chapel- depict the 12 apostles
on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in
Vatican City.

Critique is a genre of academic writing that briefly

summarizes and critically evaluates a work or concept. It
can be used to carefully analyze a variety of works such as:

Creative works- novels, exhibits, film, images, poetry

Other examples of creative works are:

Movie and television scripts.
Fiction (novels, novellas, and short stories)
Personal essays

Research- monographs, journal, articles, systematic

reviews, theories

Media- news reports, feature articles

Modern media examples are: print media (books,

magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video
games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software,
and the Internet.

Just a few examples of new media include: blogs, email,

music and television streaming services, social media
networks, virtual and augmented reality, websites
Why do write or make a critique?

It helps to develop:

• Knowledge of the work’s subject area or related works

• Understanding of the work’s purpose, intended
audience, development of argument, structure of
evidences or creative style
• Recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the
How to write a critique?

• Study the work under discussion or the prompt or

• Make notes on key parts of the work.
• Develop an understanding of the main argument or
purpose being expressed in the work
• Consider how a work relates to a broader issue or

Sample Structure
of a critique

• Name the work being reviewed as well as the date it was created and the name
of the creator
• Describe the main argument or purpose of the work.
• Explain the context in which the work was created. This could include the social,
political context, the place of the work in a creative or academic tradition, or the
relationship between the work and the creator’s life experience.
• Have a concluding sentence that signposts what your evaluation of the work will
be. (It may indicate whether it is positive, negative, or mixed evaluation.)
Briefly summarizes the main point and objectively
describe how the creator portrays this by using
techniques, styles, media, characters, and
symbols. This summary should not be the focus of
the critique and is usually shorter than the
critical evaluation.
Critical Evaluation:
Examples of key critical questions:
• Who is the creator? Is the work presented
• This section should give a
objectively or subjectively?
systematic and detailed • What are the aims of the work? Were the aims
assessment on the different achieved?
elements of the work, • What techniques, styles, media were used in the
evaluating how well the work? Are they effective in portraying the
creator was able to achieve
• What assumptions underlie the work? Do they
the purpose through these. affect its validity?
• This also highlights • What type of evidence or persuasion are used?
strengths and weaknesses: Has evidence been interpreted freely?
evaluate the success, in the • How is the work structured?
• Does the work enhance understanding of key
light of its purpose. ideas or theories?
“Violence against women in the Philippines: barriers to seeking support”
With the pandemic further threatening women's safety, the priority is ensuring functional, responsive, and
accessible VAW responses that are survivor-centered and trauma-informed. Community-based first responders
should still be reachable during quarantine. Healthcare providers must be trained for selective enquiry and first-line
support of survivors. Referral pathways should be simplified to expedite care and assistance: upon identification of
victims, a blanket referral to sexual and reproductive health providers, psychiatric aid, legal assistance, protective
shelters, and livelihood assistance can be made. Establishing an active, centralized VAW surveillance system must
take into consideration mobility under community restrictions. More accessible communication channels, like social
media, must be made available and maximized. Marginalized women should be included in surveillance and
protected in legislation, and VAW survivors should be consulted to improve service delivery.

Organizing women, educating them of their rights, promoting rights to pleasure and safety, and encouraging help-
seeking behaviors while changing policies that increase vulnerability to VAW will foster women empowerment.
Ensuring full implementation of the Magna Carta of Women is imperative in eliminating discrimination. This includes
changing gender bias norms, non-discriminatory employment, leave benefits, equal opportunity for education and
training, increased information access, and more women in leadership roles to advocate policy reform. Women
prefer getting help from their community, hence community-based reporting and response systems should be
strengthened in conjunction with bystander education to change sociocultural norms that condone VAW. Ultimately,
institutional cultures perpetuating VAW must be tackled with interdisciplinary and intersectoral social and public
health interventions, and the community must work hand-in-hand with an accountable government to end VAW in
the Philippines.
Direction: Answer directly the following questions.

1. What are the different ways and means mentioned in the

article that will foster women empowerment?
2. How to advocate against gender violence in community?
3. Cite a significance of the Magna Carta of Women as
seen in the article.
4. What are the reasons for the survivors of gender-based
violence may feel hesitant to report this human rights
5.What do you think now the effects of gender-based
violence on survivors?
1. What do you call a type of writing summarizes and
evaluates a piece of work?
2. This includes works such as novels, exhibits, films,
images and poetry.
3. It is the feature of a critique that summarize the
main points and describe how the creator portrays
them using techniques etc?
4. It is the overall evaluation of the work?
5. What is the first step to do you make an
independent critique?
6. The last step to do before making a critique?
7. What are the structure/features of a critique?
(Create and Express)

Direction: Make use of all your answers in activity 2 to create a one-paragraph

essay. The last 2 sentences should contain your point of view regarding the
content of your recreated essay. Be guided with the given rubrics.

In this activity you were guided to start a critique, the end part of your output
is an initial move for an individual critique. Always have in mind the key
points stated in the discussion under what to learn. Remember that a good
critique is composed of strengths and points to improve about a work or

Direction: The students will be divided in to six; each

group will be given pieces of paper with critique
writing approaches written on them. They will be
asked to make a critique of their chosen Cebuano
writing/text observing the 3 basic structure.
Moreover, as much as possible they should avoid
choosing the same titles. Lastly, follow accordingly
the given rubrics in checking their outputs.

References: Module 3 English 10

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