Pesticides in Drinking Water - The Brazilian Monitoring Program
Pesticides in Drinking Water - The Brazilian Monitoring Program
Pesticides in Drinking Water - The Brazilian Monitoring Program
Brazil is the world largest pesticide consumer; therefore, it is important to monitor the
levels of these chemicals in the water used by population. The Ministry of Health coordi-
nates the National Drinking Water Quality Surveillance Program (Vigiagua) with the objec-
tive to monitor water quality. Water quality data are introduced in the program by state
and municipal health secretariats using a database called Sisagua (Information System
of Water Quality Monitoring). Brazilian drinking water norm (Ordinance 2914/2011 from
Ministry of Health) includes 27 pesticide active ingredients that need to be monitored
every 6 months. This number represents <10% of current active ingredients approved
Edited by: for use in the country. In this work, we analyzed data compiled in Sisagua database in a
Alberto Mantovani, qualitative and quantitative way. From 2007 to 2010, approximately 169,000 pesticide
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy
analytical results were prepared and evaluated, although approximately 980,000 would
Reviewed by:
Gulnihal Ozbay,
be expected if all municipalities registered their analyses. This shows that only 9–17% of
Delaware State University, USA municipalities registered their data in Sisagua. In this dataset, we observed non-compli-
M. Jahangir Alam,
ance with the minimum sampling number required by the norm, lack of information about
University of Houston College of
Pharmacy, USA detection and quantification limits, insufficient standardization in expression of results,
*Correspondence: and several inconsistencies, leading to low credibility of pesticide data provided by the
Marize de L. M. Solano system. Therefore, it is not possible to evaluate exposure of total Brazilian population;
Gisela de A. Umbuzeiro
to pesticides via drinking water using the current national database system Sisagua. Lessons learned from this study could provide insights into the monitoring and reporting
Auria M. C. Barbosa and of pesticide residues in drinking water worldwide.
Marize de L. M. Solano have
contributed equally to this work. Keywords: drinking water criteria, drinking water standards, pesticide risk, Sisagua, Vigiagua
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to INTRODUCTION
Environmental Health,
a section of the In 1997, at Mar del Plata, the Action Plan from the United Nations Water Conference recognized
journal Frontiers in Public Health
water as a right for the first time and, in 2010, the same organization stated that a sufficient and safe
Received: 06 June 2015 supply of water is essential for the realization of many other human rights (1). Since the 70s, the
Accepted: 19 October 2015 global population has nearly doubled, while the urban population almost tripled, in similar amount
Published: 04 November 2015
as the number of people using drinking water sources (2, 3). To serve public health, economic and
Citation: human rights necessities, monitoring programs are used to track global, regional, and national
Barbosa AMC, Solano MLM and
progress on access to drinking water and sanitation (4). The lack of data regarding the occurrence of
Umbuzeiro GA (2015) Pesticides in
drinking water – the Brazilian
contaminants in waters inhibits the prioritization of substances to be regulated and the establishment
monitoring program. of criteria for drinking water in relation to the risks associated with drinking water consumption (5).
Front. Public Health 3:246. The selection of compounds to be regulated is not easy and quantity, physical and chemical proper-
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00246 ties, occurrence and potential hazard to non-target species need to be considered, for example (6).
Generally, when pesticide is applied following Good help in the definition of new priority contaminants that will be
Agricultural Practices (GAP), the acceptable Maximum Residue listed in the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List. This
Limits (MRLs) are not exceeded (7, 8). When a pesticide is list will be used by the US EPA to define the need of the inclusion
approved, these maximum residue levels must not present risk of new compounds in the drinking water standard. Their regula-
to human health. However, the misuse of pesticides can occur tory infrastructure is based on good practice analytical methods,
and concentrations above the MRL can be found in crops (7, laboratory certification, treatment technology (to identify and/
8). Pesticide residues also can reach surface and groundwater, or develop high quality, cost-effective treatment technologies to
and consequently expose humans via drinking water. The meet regulation), a periodical review of standards, the National
contamination of water bodies can occur by leaching processes Contaminant Occurrence Database, and the non-regulated con-
from plants and soil followed by rainwater drainage in rural and taminant candidates. This list is divided as follows: substances that
urban environments, as well as from sewage discharges, because are priorities for additional research, those that need additional
of pesticides uses in pets and gardens. occurrence data, and those that are priorities for consideration in
To establish drinking water standards for chemical rulemaking (20). This Non-regulated Contaminants Monitoring
substances, a Chemical Risk Quantitative Assessment meth- Program could guide developing countries such as Brazil for the
odology has been used. The steps are hazard identification, inclusion of priority compounds in a drinking water norm.
exposure assessment, dose-response evaluation, and risk Since 2008, Brazil is leading the global consumption of
characterization (9, 10). The World Health Organization agrochemicals, a position previously occupied by the United
(WHO) and the Organization for Food and Agriculture of States (1, 2). In addition to protecting crops from pests, diseases,
the United Nations (FAO) have established acceptable daily and weeds, pesticides also pose a risk to human health and the
intake levels (ADIs) of pesticide residues. ADIs are values that environment through contamination of food, agricultural soil,
indicate the maximum daily intake of a substance that does surface, and ground water. Brazilian consumption of pesticides
not represent risk to human health throughout the individual’s reached around 496,000 tons of active ingredients in 2013 accord-
life. Therefore, a pesticide ADI is usually obtained from its ing to the last report available (1, 2). Suitable chemical analytical
NOEL or NOAEL (no-observed-effect-level, or no-observed- methods are needed for the detection of pesticides and emerging
adverse-effect-level), estimated from toxicity studies with contaminants. Recently, a method for quantifying several pesti-
laboratory animals with appropriate safety factors (varying cide residues in water was developed and used to test drinking
from 10 to 10,000) (11, 12). However, the additional risk due water samples from 9 cities, and surface waters from 13 rivers of
to simultaneous exposure to several substances and different the State of São Paulo, Brazil after 1 year of sampling collection
forms of exposure (i.e., drinking water, plant and animal foods (21). This was not the first time that difenoconazol, epoxiconazole,
consumption, dermal exposure, etc.) cannot be disregarded tebuconazole, atrazine, azoxystrobin, carbendazim, and fipronil
because synergism can occur (13, 14). were detected in Brazilian water bodies (21–24). One of the rivers
Many factors are involved in the establishment of a drinking that is the main source of drinking water to the city of Campinas
water standard. Neto made a comparison in 2010 between the pat- have been studied for several years for the presence of emerging
terns of Brazilian drinking water criteria, international guidelines, contaminants (5, 6, 21, 23) and endrocrine-active compounds
and other countries data, finding a great variability in the way of (25). Recently, an in vivo study conducted with drinking water
establishing these values (15). The United States, for example, when samples from this river showed evidence of endocrine disruption
establishing their criteria, take into account the potential adverse in prepubertal female rats (26).
effects of contaminants on human health, the frequency and level Currently, in Brazil, there are 380 active ingredients authorized
of occurrence in public water supply systems, the available treat- by the Ministry of Agriculture for pesticides used on crops and
ment technologies, and if the cost of regulation of the substance 1,670 formulated plant protection products on the market (27).
will represent a significant opportunity to reduce risks to public Pesticide registration is regulated by Decree No. 4074/2002. It is
health (16). Otherwise, the values defined in Directive 98/83/EC a shared responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
adopted by the Member States of the European Community are and Supply (MAPA), Ministry of the Environment (MMA), and
not based on the chemical’s toxicological properties, differently Ministry of Health (MH). The Ministry of Health is responsible for
from WHO guidelines and those of other countries, but in the the analysis of the health aspects of the registration procedure and
assumption that these substances must not be present in the drink- also for monitoring pesticides in food (among other activities).
ing water, using a pragmatic cut off value of 0.1 μg/L for single One of its departments, the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency
pesticide and 0.5 μg/L for the sum of those present (17). Australia (ANVISA) coordinates the Pesticide Residues Analysis Program
has a default value for pesticides, which is the quantification limit in Food (PARA). For example, in 2010, 28% of the samples were
of the analytical method, therefore the quality criteria is not based found unsatisfactory because of the presence of unauthorized
on the toxicological properties of the substances, unless the ana- pesticide residues or authorized ones above the MRLs (28).
lytical quantification limit is too high (18, 19). Therefore, setting a Drinking water quality is not regulated by ANVISA but by the
drinking water standard is not an easy task and includes not only General Coordination of Health Surveillance (CGVAM) from
scientifically but also economic, technological, and political factors. Health Surveillance Secretariat (SVS), also sectors of the MH. The
With regard to the approach used by the United States, there drinking water norm that is in place is the Ordinance No. 2914/11
are water monitoring programs to verify the occurrence of regu- and it defines standards and procedures related to the control
lated and non-regulated compounds. This information is used to and surveillance of water quality. CGVAM also coordinates the
National Monitoring Water Quality for Human Consumption MATERIALS AND METHODS
Program (Vigiagua), a monitoring water quality program that
operates through the Monitoring Information on Water Quality Water Quality Control
for Human Consumption System (Sisagua). Sisagua compiles the Quality control of drinking water in Brazil is assured through the
data that is included in the database. The drinking water suppliers evaluation of several parameters, which include microbiological,
are responsible for the quality control of drinking water; however, physical–chemical, and pesticides analyses (for details, please see
the water quality surveillance activity is a task of CGVAM, in col- Ordinance MH No. 2914/2011). The laboratories must perform
laboration with state and municipal secretariats (7).The latter are their analyses under quality control systems, e.g., ISO17025 (30).
responsible for the inclusion of the data in the Sisagua database. Unfortunately, no information on the analytical methods applied
In summary, the norm indicates that the data on the drinking was available in the Sisagua dataset.
water quality needs to be provided to MH through Sisagua, and
then, the public health authorities are able to verify if the water Vigiagua Pesticides Data Analyses
consumed by the population complies with the current regulation, CGVAM/MH provided the monitoring data set corresponding to
including with regard to the risks it may pose to human health. the years 2007–2010 because the Sisagua dataset is not publicly
The water quality Ordinance MH No. 2914/2011 regulates 64 available. The Brazilian drinking water ordinance states that analy-
chemical substances, of which 27 are pesticides monitored every sis of pesticides must be performed in the water produced by the
six months and with data insertion in Sisagua. Table 1 shows the Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP). If a sample presents a
regulated pesticides and their Maximum Allowed Concentrations result not in compliance with the norm, the same pesticides should
(MAC). be then analyzed in the respective distribution network. As a conse-
The aim of this study was to evaluate the monitoring of pesticides quence, limited data on the distribution network were retrieved, and
data from the National Monitoring Water Quality for Human therefore, only data from DWTPs were considered in our analyses.
Consumption Program (Vigiagua), available on the Monitoring We excluded invalid results in our data analysis after we
Information on Water Quality for Human Consumption System observed different types of inconsistencies in the data set and
(Sisagua). Therefore, in this paper, we will critically evaluate the inclu- reported them in number of non-valid results. Pesticide active
sion, compilation process, and assessment of pesticides data in the ingredients in drinking water were reported by region, state,
drinking water database available from the Vigiagua federal program. state capitals, and other municipalities (31). The verification of
TABLE 1 | Pesticides regulated by Brazilian Ordinance MH No. 2914/2011 and their maximum allowed concentrations (MAC) (29).
Pesticide (active ingredient) CAS registry MAC Pesticide CAS registry MAC
number (μg/L) (active ingredient) number (μg/L)
compliance with the drinking water standard was performed Northeast region has the third highest GDP; the Southeast has
using the previous Ordinance MH No. 518/04, because during the highest GDP with the highest population density and it is
the period of this research it was the norm in place. When the where the two most populous cities are located: São Paulo, with
information was reported as below certain value, we assumed 11 million inhabitants and Rio de Janeiro with 6 million. The
that this was the limit of quantification and, if this was above the South has the smallest area and a middle-size population, but
maximum allowed concentrations, the sample was considered is the second richest region in the country, and the one with the
non-compliant with the norm. highest Human Development Index (HDI), the highest literacy
rate and levels of education, health and social welfare of the
Evaluation of Pesticides Under the Current country.
Ordinance MH No. 2914/2011 The data available in Sisagua comes from the municipalities
A survey was conducted on the best-selling active ingredients in (state cities) of the Center-West, Southeast, and Southern regions
Brazil to assess whether the regulated pesticides in the current of Brazil. The participation of municipalities in the North and
drinking water were representative. The survey was based on the Northeast was poor and did not contribute significantly to the
marketing data from ANVISA (from 2nd half of 2010 and 1st half data in the system. Table 4 shows the number of municipalities
of 2011), the Agrofit system (System of Phytosanitary Pesticides per state and region and the number of those that contributed
from the MAPA) and the most recent Pesticides Trading Report, pesticides data to Sisagua from 2007 to 2010 (31). We observed
released by IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and that the municipalities’ participation increased, although not
Renewable Natural Resources) (27, 32, 33). We considered only consistently, along the years.
the most sold pesticide active ingredients in Brazil, from 2009 to
2012, which were used in a minimum of 1,000 tons/year. This list Pesticides Data from Sisagua
was compared with the Ordinance MH 2914/11, as well as with Taking into account, the Canceled number of municipalities
the canceled pesticides or the ones in registration revaluation that provided data in the system, failure to comply with the
(27, 33, 34). For information we consulted the monographs or minimum Brazilian drinking water norm sampling request
toxicological reassessment files available at the official website was also observed. Assuming that all municipalities have
of ANVISA. The information about the registered pesticides in at least one DWTP and a minimum of two samples per year
Brazil was obtained in Agrofit (27, 32, 34). analyzed, we would expect at least 979,440 records in Sisagua
during the studied period. However, only 169,080 (17%) were
found. Failure to comply with the minimum pesticides analysis
Drinking Water Quality Criteria Calculation
required by of the norm is therefore observed for all regions of
Drinking water criteria were calculated using the ADIs publicly
Brazil (Figure 1).
available in the ANVISA monographs, and the proposed WHO
algorithm, applying 20% of allocation factor, 60 kg of body weight
Compliance to the Ordinance
and 2 L of water consumption per person per day (10, 32, 35, 36).
The percentage of results above the drinking water standard
ranged from 0.1 to 0.4%. Of the non-compliances (414), the
RESULTS highest percentage was for aldrin and dieldrin (38%), chlordane
(19%), heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide (16%), endrin (7%),
Pesticide Active Ingredients Consumed in atrazine (5%), and other pesticides (15%). The non-compliance
Brazil events could be related to the compounds with the lowest stand-
The pesticide active ingredients most consumed in Brazil from ard values, which suggest the need of a review in the analytical
2009 to 2012 were glyphosate, mineral oil, 2,4-D, atrazine, sulfur, procedures to verify if false positives are being detected.
methamidophos, vegetable oil, carbendazim, acephate, manco-
zeb, and diuron. Table 2 shows data on the substances whose sales Sisagua Data Quality
were more than 1,000 tons in each reporting year, accounting for To verify if a sample is in compliance with the drinking water qual-
more than 80% of total sales (33). ity standard, a suitable analytical method power (LOQ – Limit of
Quantification) is necessary. Usually a “desirable LOQ” is 30% of
Vigiagua Data Analysis the established standard (38, 39). The recorded data in Sisagua
Participation Assessment of Municipalities by State did not indicate the LOD and/or LOQ (Limit of Detection and/
and Region or Limit of Quantification) or the analytical methods used. We
Geographically, the Brazilian states are grouped in regions for observed that 10–30% of the reported analyses were considered
statistical interpretations, common public service manage- as not valid, mainly because of inconsistencies in the data, such
ment systems and implementation of public policies of the as: (a) lack of information on the LOD and the LOQ of the
federal and state governments. Currently, there are five official analytical method used; (b) typing errors, the use of unidenti-
regions: Midwest, Northeast, North, Southeast, and South. fied acronyms, numerically unacceptable expression of results,
Area, population and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are and no standardization on the number of decimal figures for
presented in Table 3. The North and Midwest regions have the same analytical method measurement; (c) a high number
the largest areas, but the smallest population density and the of identical results, expressed in whole numbers, for different
lowest GDP, and it is where the federal district is located. The pesticide and for the same pesticide within the same drinking
TABLE 2 | The highest volume pesticide active ingredients in Brazil from 2009 to 2012 (above 1,000 tons/year).
water provider; (d) results expressed as less than a value that Drinking Water Criteria for the Pesticides
was actually, above the standard established by the norm; and with an ADI Established by ANVISA
(e) several results reported as “not detected” preventing us from From the 380 active ingredients approved as pesticides, 210 have
verifying compliance of the sample with the norm because of ADIs established by ANVISA, and among them 13 are listed in
lack of information on the LOD/LOQ of the analytical method the current drinking water norm (29). For 170 pesticides that do
used. Table 5 summarizes the available data and the results not have established ADIs by ANVISA, 60 of these active ingre-
considered as valid. dients are of biological origin (pheromones, live bait, biological
Region Area (km2) % of national territory Population % of population GDP US$ thousands (2012)
Data from IBGE – (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) (2014) (37); GDP: Gross Domestic Product (estimated in US dollars).
TABLE 4 | Number of Brazilian municipalities by state and region and the number that recorded data in Sisagua (2007–2010).
insecticides, plant extracts, among others) (32). Thus, there are calculated value for glyphosate, the most consumed pesticides
110 active ingredients without an established ADI. in Brazil, was 252 mg/L, while the standard established in the
Because of the lack of readily available water quality criteria for current norm is 500 mg/L. For aldicarb, carbofuran, chlorpy-
several pesticides, these values were calculated for 197 pesticides that rifos, 2,4-D, parathion-methyl, permethrin, and trifluralin, the
are not listed in the current Brazilian drinking water norm. For water calculated values are all greater than those in the norm (Table
quality standards, please see Table S1 in Supplementary Material. S2 in Supplementary Material). It seems that ADIs different
After calculating the drinking water criteria (Table S1 in from the ANVISA ones were used in the Brazilian norm1 or
Supplementary Material) according to the WHO and ANVISA
ADIs, we identified some discrepancies in relation to the Brazilian 1
norm standard currently in use. We found, for example, that our elaboracao-da-Portaria-MS-2914.pdf
North Northeast Midwest Southeast South Total
FIGURE 1 | The expected and actual number of pesticides analyses informed by each Brazilian region in Sisagua from 2007 to 2010.
TABLE 5 | Number of pesticides analysis results after Sisagua data consistent dataset comprising a comprehensive period of study.
selection for the period (2007–2010). The Monitoring Information on Water Quality for Human
Number of records in 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Consumption System (Sisagua) in Brazil is a management tool
Sisagua used by Vigiagua for monitoring the quality of drinking water
(40, 41). Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to verify
Reported 34,900 52,561 30,818 50,801 169,080
Reported as not detected 2,727 7,742 5,249 10,183 25,901
if the analyzed samples are in compliance with the Drinking
Considered as non-valid 9,757 7,324 3,186 5,954 26,221 Water Norm. As described here, several inconsistencies on the
Considered as valid 25,143 45,237 27,632 44,847 142,859 monitoring data were identified, and could be attributed to
insufficient standardization of the expression of the analytical
See text for clarification of categories.
results, as well as difficulties of the health sector to critically
evaluate the data informed by the water suppliers. However,
different allocation factors were applied in the calculations. The part of this deficiency may also be due to the lack of informa-
values for carbendazim, mancozeb, profenophos, tebuconazole, tion about the LOD and LOQ values and the analytical meth-
and terbuphos were identical, indicating that the federal norm ods used. In 2012, a new Vigiagua form was launched with the
applied the same ADI from ANVISA (Table S2 in Supplementary requirement to include LOD and LOQ information. Currently,
Material). For aldicarb and DDT, DDD and DDE, the criteria sug- the system is under a redesign process to be adjusted with the
gested by WHO were used. For diuron and mancozeb, the Health new requirements of the MH Ordinance No. 2914/11 (41). This
Canada ADI was used (15.6 and 30 μg/kg bw, respectively). For renovated system will be of high importance to the Health sec-
the latter, the ADI is the same as the one published by ANVISA. tor in the critical evaluation and validation of monitoring data,
For 2,4-D, alachlor, aldrin/,dieldrin, atrazine, chlordane, endo- and will support enforcement actions.
sulfan, endrin, lindane, metolachlor, molinate, pendimenthalin, Since the first water quality norm was published in 1977, the
permethrin, simazine, and trifluralin, the calculation of how the number of regulated pesticides has increased (29, 42), reflecting
criteria were established was not reported and it appears that the increasing concern on the use of pesticides in the country.
the values adopted were from WHO guidelines. For glyphosate, Although the norm lists fewer than 10% of the authorized
the value used was the same as the previous version of the norm, pesticide active ingredients in Brazil, the current drinking water
which was based on a previous WHO report. However, the WHO Ordinance has been assertive on the choice of parameters,
no longer provides a guideline value for glyphosate using the including the most widely consumed in the country. It is possible
rationale that this substance would occur in drinking water at that the established minimum sampling number per year (one
concentrations well below those of health concern (10). In this sample every six months) is not sufficient considering the con-
scenario, a new Maximum Allowed Concentration value could sumption and conditions of use of certain pesticides, as well as
be calculated using the ADI set by ANVISA (0.042 μg/kg bw). the differences in each region of the country. The main concern,
however, is not on what should or should not be regulated, but
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION whether and how the Ordinance is being enforced. We observed
an urgent need for action for the Vigiagua program to work with
A review of the actual exposure of the population to pesti- the health sector to make an effort to have complete pesticides
cides via drinking water is only possible with a complete and information in the dataset.
Although the Ordinance MH No. 2914/11 included the main example, there is web-based service called Water Information
active ingredients that have been used in Brazil at the time the System for Europe (WISE) provided by a web-portal entry to
norm was issued, important pesticides were left out, such as water related information, with comprehensive information of
clomazone, ametryn, tebuthiurom, malathion, picloram, and the quality of inland and marine waters. For users from EU
paraquat dichloride, among others (27, 43, 44). It is important institutions or other environmental administrations, WISE
to emphasize that approximately 30% of the 27 pesticides in the provides input to thematic assessments in the context of EU
current Ordinance are no longer authorized for use in Brazil. water related policies; for water professionals and scientists,
Among those that have been canceled are aldrin/dieldrin, chlor- WISE facilitates access to reference documents and thematic
dane, DDT, endrin, and lindane. Aldicarb, methamidophos, and data, which can be downloaded for further analyses; and for
endosulfan were canceled recently. Most of these substances are the general public, WISE illustrates a wide span of water related
persistent organic pollutants (POPs), known as bio magnifier information by visualizations on interactive maps, graphs and
contaminants, and often are monitored and detected in several indicators (56).
countries; therefore, they should stay in the norm. However, There is no doubt that monitoring of pesticides in water
Sisagua monitoring data suggests that there are some analytical is a complex activity which starts with the sampling plan and
shortcomings in their analyses. priority substances that will be analyzed. Chemical analyzes
According to Umbuzeiro, the monitoring only of regulated are expensive, require modern equipment and labor skills. As
substances usually is not sufficient to ensure the protection advised by WHO, it is necessary to discuss and assess whether
of the exposed population (45). There are several other the sampling procedures are appropriately selected, especially
pesticides sometimes used in specific regions that must be sampling sites and sample preservation (10). Therefore, the
analyzed in the drinking water. However, considering the evaluation and validation of the data needs to occur systemati-
inability to regulate all pesticides with potential occurrence cally, with effective actions to improve the information quality. A
in drinking water, it is necessary that each state or region constant interaction with the water supplier through guidance,
identify their priority compounds and include them in reporting and monitoring is also important. In conclusion to
regional monitoring programs. Another important limitation our work, we observed that monitoring data of Sisagua during
for the establishment of Brazilian drinking water standards the study period does not assess the exposure of the popula-
is that several ANVISA monographs, does not inform the tion to pesticides via the drinking water, especially because of
ADI values, although in this work we were able to obtain inconsistent and/or absence of data.
data and offer interim drinking water quality criteria for 197 The strengths and pitfalls of the Vigiagua program pre-
substances (46). But this approach was not possible for about sented in this study represent what was observed during the
110 pesticide active ingredients due to the lack of their ADIs database evaluation and should not be viewed as a criticism,
in the ANIVSA monographs. but as an opportunity for improvement. We believe that
We also suggest that an allocation factor used for food risk the provided information can enhance the awareness and
analysis should be used in ANVISA monographs. It would help highlight the importance of monitoring toxic chemicals in
to determine the proper allocation factor to be used in drinking drinking water as well as in the source waters. The majority of
water criteria as well. This choice is usually guided by physical and elements highlighted in this study may be relevant in a similar
chemical properties of the active ingredients. Another important scenario in other developing countries when considering the
consideration is that, even non-food crop substances should be need to respond to the world’s future drinking water situation.
considered for inclusion in the drinking water norm because The expectation of this study is to positively mobilize different
they may end up in water bodies too, as verified elsewhere (21, social actors to the issue, to describe, characterize and identify
23, 47–54). knowledge gaps and, in particular, to protect the health of
In our study, we observed important differences in ADI people and the planet.
reference values between ANVISA monographs and the cur-
rent Drinking Water Ordinance 2914/11 (e.g., glyphosate, and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
others; Table S2 in Supplementary Material). Therefore, one
intention of the proposed list of drinking water criteria for The authors thank the Ministry of Health for providing the
197 pesticides is to offer calculated values based on ANVISA’s data from Sisagua. This article reflects the scientific opinion
ADIs to the next revision of the Ordinance. The allocation of the authors and not necessarily the policies of the Brazilian
factor can be discussed and altered if necessary, always in Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). The authors also
agreement with the food risk assessors, to make sure that no acknowledge the Toxicology Applied to Sanitary Surveillance
more than 100% of the ADI is used in the water and food Post-graduation Program, Health Science Center, University
reference calculations. of Londrina-UEL, Brazil.
The effective dissemination of water quality information
to consumers via Sisagua and by the water suppliers would be SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
also an important form of social control, which could lead to a
request to increase the number of monitoring data in Sisagua The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at
and to improve the data quality of the system (55). In Europe, for
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de Qualidade da Água para o consumo humano no Brasil. São Paulo: terms.