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Datu Taganiog, St. Brgy. Peñaplata
Island Garden City of Samal
Province of Davao del Norte, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course GE 006:

Action Plan Outline
The Impact of Pharmaceutical Pollution on Freshwater
Ecosystem, Wildlife and Human Health

Submitted by Group 3






December 2023-

Table of Contents

I. Introduction 3
II. Problem Statement 4
III. Goals and Objective 4
IV. Action Steps 4
V. Timeline 5
VI. Resources 5
VII. Responsible Parties 5
VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation 5
IX. Communication and Outreach 5
X. Budget 5
XI. Conclusion 6
XII. Appendices 6

I. Introduction

Executive Summary
Pharmaceuticals (excluding recreational substances, such as caffeine) are
defined as chemicals used for diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic
purposes in humans and animals (Aus; Xin et al., 2020). Pharmaceuticals are
an important pillar in modern medicine, providing benefits to both humans
and animals. Worldwide, the use of veterinary and human pharmaceuticals is
increasing due to aging and growing populations, economic growth, and the
increased demand for animal protein intensifying food production (Lyons,
2014; Aus der Beek et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2017a; Kovalakova et al., 2020). In
water and soil environments, the presence of these pharmaceutical residues
(antibiotics) in the environment distorts the functions and structures of
microbial species. The ecotoxicological human health implications as a result
of the occurrence and accumulation of these contaminants in water sources
are the principal dangers associated with these emerging pollutants (D.
Fanny, L. Malleret, C. Tiliacos, I. Laffont-Scwob, 2018). Drug residues and
their derivatives can permeate the aquifers, rendering water hazardous for
plants, aquatic organisms, and even humans (V. Sesethu, M. Sandile, P.
Nosiphiwe 2020).

Drug administration is an important component of animal and human

lives. These pharmaceutical products are formulated to exact specific effects
on host organisms. These drugs contain organic ingredients that have been
historically employed in veterinary and human medicines. When these
medicines are unused or become spent and expired, they are disposed of
indiscriminately, especially in sinks and lavatories which subsequently end
up in leachates, landfills, sludges, and wastewater treatment plants where
they pollute aquatic ecosystems and receiving water bodies. The occurrence
of antibiotics and their concentrations in the ecosystem affects microbial
communities by enhancing the proliferation of microorganisms and
contributing to the growth of pathogen-resistant antibiotics ( J. Sorensen, D.
Lapworth, D. Nkhuwa, M. Stuart, D. Gooddy, R. Bell, S. Pedley, 2015)

In recent decades, the presence of pharmaceutical residues in water bodies

has been reported around the world. The need to determine the impacts of
their bioavailability, persistence, and bioaccumulation across trophic levels in
the environment has necessitated the need for more studies. However,
existing research indicates that these contaminants pose threats, albeit in
substantial concentrations to the environment, animals, and humans ( H.
Shinn, 2019). Owing to this increase in the consumption of drugs, there is a
need for a retrospective analysis of possible environmental impacts when in
large quantities. These polluted waters are often employed for irrigational
purposes. When these contaminated water sources are used for agricultural
purposes, they may contain significant amounts of nutrients and harmful
contaminants that are responsible for causing damage and harm to
agricultural products. The appropriate determination and quantification of
pharmaceuticals, particularly in environmental samples has proved to be a

challenging issue where the analytical methods have not been in existence for
many years. Thus, this review paper focuses on the presence of
pharmaceutical residues in the environment, its impact on plants, animals,
and humans, and the associated fate.

II. Problem Statement

This action plan focuses in the following key aspects:

1. Thousands of tons of biologically active compounds are excreted, and
our drug-riddled feces and urine are dumped into the environment as
pharmaceuticals are not degraded or removed in most sewage
treatment plants.
2. The global increase in pharmaceutical consumption has led to an
enhanced international awareness of the issue of unused
pharmaceuticals in households and the harmful environmental and
health effects of their improper disposal.
3. Pharmaceuticals have been detected primarily in surface waters, but
also in groundwater, soil, manure and even drinking water.

III. Goals and Objective

Goal: To significantly reduce pharmaceutical waste and promote sustainable

used of medication and support good health for the wildlife.
 Raise awareness of the pharmaceutical waste and its hazardous
impact to the environment, humans and wildlife.
 Reflections concerning alternatives for better management
aiming to reduce pharmaceutical pollution.
 The importance and significance of proper medication disposal,
describe the correct methods to dispose of unwanted and
expired medications.

IV. Action Steps

A. Awareness and Education

 Increasing awareness of proper disposal of unused and expired
medication using a knowledge-based disposal management system
 Working on community awareness, workshops and school
campaigns on the environmental impact on pharmaceutical waste.
B. Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Initiatives
 Encouraging households on the proper disposal of skin care
products and other medical supplies.
 Encourage medical facilities to implement proper disposal of
pharmaceutical waste.
 Promote and set awareness for proper disposal of pharmaceutical
waste and building infrastructure for hazardous waste.
C. Segregate pharmaceutical waste from biohazardous waste.

 Separate out all pharmaceutical waste, and ensure it is not placed in a
red biohazardous waste container.

V. Timeline:

 Awareness and education initiatives: Ongoing throughout the three-

year period.
 Pharmaceutical disposal initiatives: To be implemented within the first
and half year.
 Pharmaceutical waste management improvements: To be implemented
within the first and half year.

VI. Resources:

 Manufacturing initiatives for the proper disposal of pharmaceutical

medicines and products.
 Funding for educational materials and community events.
 Donations and support from local businesses.

VII. Responsible Parties:

 Pharmaceutical companies and medical facilities

 Environmental organization for hazardous waste.
 Community leaders and local waste management
 Households

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation:

 Track pharmaceutical waste levels along the coast and landfilled.

 Conduct surveys to assess changes in pharmaceutical disposal

especially to hospitals and pharmacies
 Measure the success of recycling initiatives of the medical facilities.

IX. Communication and Outreach:

 Use of social media platform to establish good campaign for these

disposals and awareness.
 Education outreach program and local community campaigns
 Reaching out for the better policy through congressional attainment

X. Budget:

 Estimated budget: Php 500, 000 for educational materials and

community events.
 Seek grants and partnerships for infrastructure improvements and
facilities for hazardous waste.

XI. Conclusion:

The presence of pharmaceutical by-products and their active
ingredients in the environment, especially in aquatic ecosystems cannot be
efficiently ameliorated, mostly due to the ever-increasing presence of
pharmaceutical industries. However, deleterious effects on aquatic flora and
fauna can be controlled by the avoidance of indiscriminate discarding of
hazardous pharmaceutical waste in waterbodies from industrial processes
and individuals alike. It is recommended that waste programs should be
implemented by industries, with proper legislation, guidelines, and control
on how hospitals and pharmaceutical industries can manage their
disposable hazardous wastes. In addition, health professionals should display
educational materials in drug stores, and community takeback schemes for
unused and expired drugs should be encouraged.
By implementing the actions outlined in this plan, we are committing to the
following outcomes:
 Regulations Relating to Pharmaceuticals:
Pharmaceutical waste is highly regulated by numerous state and
federal agencies. Proper and regular training is key for all staff who
handle pharmaceutical waste.
 Proper collection, categorization, storage and disposal
Pharmaceutical waste:
Not all pharmaceutical waste is alike and therefore, it’s important to
ensure that employees handling the waste know and understand the
differences between each category and how to handle, collect and
dispose of it. Also, in household setting, the proper disposal of
medicines and skin care is a must.
 The Cost of Non-Compliance:
One violation related to noncompliance of pharmaceutical waste can
cost an organization upwards of Php 837,840.00 which means you
could potentially face millions in fines for improper disposal.
 Community Engagement: We will foster a sense of responsibility and
action within our community. Through our educational outreach and
community awareness we can reduce the hazardous waste that can kill
our aquatic species and wildlife
 Environmental and Health Benefits: our efforts it can lead to
environmental and health benefits, by minimizing the impact of
hazardous chemicals to the environment and to benefit the health of all
 Economic Savings Efficient: waste management practices offer
significant economic and environmental benefits, including job
creation, resource conservation, cost savings, pollution mitigation, and
improved public health.

XIII. Appendices:

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Küster, A., 2016. Pharmaceuticals in the environment—global

occurrences and perspectives. Environ. Toxicol. Chemistry 35 (4), 823–


Beek, T. a. D., Weber, F., Bergmann, A., Hickmann, S., Ebert, I., Hein, A., &

Küster, A. (2016). Pharmaceuticals in the environment—Global

occurrences and perspectives. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,

35(4), 823–835.

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V.K., 2020. Occurrence and toxicity of antibiotics in the aquatic environment:

Lyons, G., 2014. Pharmaceuticals in the environment: a growing threat to our

tap water and wildlife. A CHEM Trust Report.

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Sorensen, J., Lapworth, D., Read, D. S., Nkhuwa, D., Bell, R., Chibesa, M.,

Chirwa, M., Kabika, J., Liemisa, M., & Pedley, S. (2015). Tracing enteric

pathogen contamination in sub-Saharan African groundwater. Science

of the Total Environment, 538, 888–895.

Vumazonke, S., Khamanga, S. M., & Ngqwala, N. P. (2020). Detection of

pharmaceutical residues in surface waters of the eastern Cape

Province. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public

Health, 17(11), 4067.

Walakira, P., & Okot-Okumu, J. (2011). Impact of industrial effluents on water

quality of streams in Nakawa-Ntinda, Uganda. Journal of Applied

Sciences and Environmental Management, 15(2).

Wang, Y., Liu, J., Kang, D., Wu, C., Wu, Y., 2017b. Removal of

pharmaceuticals and personal care products from wastewater using

algae-based technologies: a review. Rev. Environ. Sci. Biotechnol. 16,


Wang, Z., Du, Y., Yang, C., Liu, X., Zhang, J., Li, E., Zhang, Q., Wang, X.,

2017a. Occurrence and ecological hazard assessment of selected

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Supporting Documents

 Emerging challenges of the impacts of pharmaceuticals on aquatic

ecosystems: A diatom perspective
 Pharmaceuticals in the environment—Global occurrences and
 Impacts of pharmaceutical effluents on aquatic ecosystems

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