A Case of Patient With Cerebellar Variant of Stiff Person Syndrome
A Case of Patient With Cerebellar Variant of Stiff Person Syndrome
A Case of Patient With Cerebellar Variant of Stiff Person Syndrome
Case report
Article history: Stiff person syndrome (SPS) is a rare autoimmune neurological disorder with antibodies
Received 2 July 2014 against antigens involved in neurotransmission of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). About
Accepted 7 November 2015 10% of patients with SPS may develop ataxia. This cerebellar variant is a distinct subset of
Available online 1 December 2015 SPS with more severe and complex clinical phenotype.
We report the clinical, neuropsychological and neuroradiological findings in a 39-year-
Keywords: old female with cerebellar variant of SPS.
Stiff person syndrome Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o. on behalf of Polish Neurological Society.
Cerebellar ataxia
Cognitive impairment
Glutamic acid decarboxylase
* Corresponding author at: Department of Neurology, John Paul II Specialist Hospital, 80 Prądnicka Street, 31-202 Krakow, Poland.
Tel.: +48 126142730; fax: +48 126142729.
E-mail address: neurologia@onet.eu (E. Maludzińska).
0028-3843/Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o. on behalf of Polish Neurological Society.
60 neurologia i neurochirurgia polska 50 (2016) 59–62
2. Case report
treatment, her muscle cramps and stiffness diminished and by cerebellar signs or SPS and ataxia may begin concurrently.
her gait improved within a few days. Unfortunately, she had In all patients limb ataxia, dysarthria and visual disturbances
experienced adverse effects (sedation and nausea) and are prominent and are more disabling than axial muscle
levetiracetam was discontinued. Currently, she cannot stand stiffness [1,11,24].
or walk without assistance. At a follow-up visit two months In patients with stiff person syndrome and concomitant
after her initial presentation, she noticed a moderate decrease cerebellar dysfunction increased intrathecal synthesis of anti-
in her stiffness, but loud noises and stressful situations still glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (anti-GAD) was found
induced abrupt muscle spasms, primarily involving her lower [1,11]. Intrathecal anti-GAD synthesis is suspected of inducing
back. symptoms in the CNS, presumably by affecting the GABAergic
system. It is suggested that anti-GAD antibodies may also
recognize additional antigenic targets on the inhibitory
3. Discussion
cerebellar interneurons resulting in ataxia [24]. As GABAergic
neurons are critical for brainstem control of eye movements,
Cerebellar variant of SPS results in a combined clinical disruption of GABAergic transmission was proposed as a
symptomatology of SPS and cerebellar disease. Symptoms pathogenic mechanism of oculomotor disturbances in SPS
may start with cerebellar signs followed by muscle spasms and resulting in commonly reported by patients diplopia
stiffness or disease begins with stiffness and spasms followed and blurred vision [3,11,12]. Circulating anti-GAD cause a