AReplicationof Waughand Norman 1965 Primary Memorystudy
AReplicationof Waughand Norman 1965 Primary Memorystudy
AReplicationof Waughand Norman 1965 Primary Memorystudy
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Marilou Poitras a , Lucie Péléja a , Gardy Lavertu a , Anouck Langlois a , Katia Boulerice a ,
Pauline Berthelot a B , Philippe Vincent-Lamarre b , Sandy Beaulieu a , Vanessa Bournival a , Lau-
rence Brault a , Jenna Charlebois a , Eve Camille Galloway a , Ariane Gauthier a , Rose-Marie Gibeau a ,
Nicolas Giroux a , Grace Jacob a , Myriam La Flèche a , Lély-Rose Laurin a , Véronique Legault a , Marie
Lessard a , Chelsea McAlpine a , Camille Mercier a , Albino Nikolla a , Dominique Perras a , Bryanna
Marie Pidgeon a , Sydney Running a , Kim Thériault a , Marissa Hailey Trudel a & Mikaela Rose
Winder a
Université d’Ottawa
Université du Québec à Montréal
Abstract Waugh & Norman’s experiment (1965) is among the most influential studies in the field Acting Editor De-
of cognitive psychology. Using a probe digit memory test, they proposed that the proportion of cor- nis Cousineau (Uni-
versité d’Ottawa)
rectly remembered items, digits in this case, depends on the number of interfering items shown
between the recall item and the signal, or probe, identifying the recall target. This indicates that Reviewers
interference alone accounts for forgetting in short-term memory. The following study aimed to No authors of
the origal article
replicate these results with greater statistical power as the original study used a small sample of 4 reviewed this article
participants. In a second study, we used shorter lists to examine potential effects of the relative dif-
ficulty of the task. Both studies’ results partially support Waugh & Norman’s claim, as participants
were more likely to recall a digit that was followed by fewer interfering items. Additionally, we ob-
served an interaction involving presentation rate and interference, as participants performed best
with a low amount of interfering items presented at 1 item per second. However, lists with a higher
number of interfering items (7 and above) had similar correct recall proportion regardless of the
presentation rate. These findings further support the prevalence of interference theory over the
decay theory but also call for a closer look at the possible interaction between the two. Future stud-
ies should examine the latter as well as the possible effect of cognitive fatigue due to the difficulty
of the task, underlining the importance of replication studies.
Keywords Short-term memory, Interference theory, Decay theory, Replication study.
Figure 1 Visual representation of the results expected based on the theory of interference (left) and the theory of decay
(right). The curves were generated using a power curve, 0.98 × n−0.85 , where n is the number of interfering items, 0.98,
the initial performance, and 0.85, the forgetting rate (Cousineau, Hélie, & Lefebvre, 2003).
(a) (b)
no difference. Therefore, we should expect two identical list of stimuli to examine the potential effect of the diffi-
curves regardless of the rate of presentation of items. culty of the probe digit task.
On the other hand, the right panel of Figure 1 shows
Study 1
the curve expected according to the decay theory, which
states that the sole factor of forgetting is the amount of time The goal of Study 1 is to validate the mechanisms under-
elapsed. Contingent to this theory, varying the rate of pre- lying short-term memory forgetting using lists of unre-
sentation predicts different curves. However, the recall is hearsed digits, by modifying the presentation rate and the
identical for a given amount of time elapsed between the number of interfering items. Following the original study
target and the probe. (Waugh & Norman, 1965), this paradigm tests the theory of
This well-known study has been very influential and decay against the theory of interference. The procedure is
is found in nearly all textbooks on cognitive psychology. an exact replication of the classic study done by Waugh and
However, it has a major representativity limitation as it Norman (1965). The replication study was pre-registered
used a sample size of only 4 participants, constituted exclu- prior to beginning the data collection and the stimuli as
sively of Harvard undergraduate students. The APA (Van- well as the raw data for the experiment have been made
denBos, 2010) recommends that there are always at least available online (
20 participants per group. It is meant to minimize the risk
that a homogeneous –but unrepresentative– sample biases
the results under cluster sampling (Cousineau & Lauren- The experimental session was divided in 4 blocks, with
celle, 2015). breaks in between each block of a duration determined by
The purpose of this replication is to verify the results the participant. Each block contained 27 trials. One trial is
obtained by Waugh and Norman (1965) because their par- composed of a list of 16 randomly generated single digits,
ticipants do not constitute a statistically representative in which the same digit could not appear more than twice
sample due to its lack of size and diversity (Faber & Fon- in a row. The lists were presented at a rate of either one
seca, 2014). Two studies were conducted. Study 1 is a direct digit per second (slow list) or four digits per second (fast
replication of the original whereas Study 2 used a shorter list). Each participant did both lists, the first 2 blocks were
Figure 2 Results obtained in the present replication (full lines) and in the original Waugh and Norman (1965) study
(dashed line). The proportion of correct answers is presented as a function of the number of interfering items; error bars
shows correlation and difference-adjusted 95% confidence intervals of the mean (Cousineau, 2017). There are no error
bars on the original study because the raw data are not available.
chance to win one of three 25$ Amazon gift cards. proportion of correct answers almost equal to 1.0 for both
presentation speeds. For the same amount of interfering
items, our replication found a mean accuracy around 0.5
The participants were 24 individuals from the greater Ot- for the slower rate and around 0.3 for the faster one. The
tawa region, Ontario. The sample was composed of 63.8% small sample size of the original study could partially ac-
females and most of the participants were undergraduate count for these differences, as the original sample might
students at the University of Ottawa. The average age of have been less representative.
the participants was 21.4 years (SD = 2.2). The study was
Study 2
conducted in a computer room with 30 stations at the Uni-
versity of Ottawa. Waugh and Norman derived their experiment by taking
The mean proportion of correct recall is given in Fig- into account a model of short term memory with two pro-
ure 2 as a function of the number of interfering items, cesses in which repetition serves both to maintain the
separated for fast presentation rate and slow presentation items in primary memory and eventually to record them
rates. For comparison, we also added (dashed lines) the in a secondary memory; the modal model (Watkins, 1974).
results of the original study. However, the original methodology with the initial lists
Informal examination indicates no effect of the lan- of 16 digits does not take into consideration the memory
guage in which the stimuli were presented and likewise no span of 7 plus or minus 2 items of the short-term memory
effects of gender. (Miller, 1956).
A one-way within-subjects analysis of variance We therefore considered that it would be interesting to
(ANOVA) comparing the effect of number of interfering bring some modifications to Waugh and Norman’s (1965)
items on short-term memory recall in both slow and fast original study. The goal was to observe whether the re-
presentation rate found a significant effect of presentation sults would remain the same with shorter lists and ascer-
rate, F (1, 22) = 32.90, p < 0.001. Moreover, the effect of tain that the performances in the original study were not
interfering items on memory recall also yielded a signifi- partly caused by the presentation of too many digits which
cant effect of interference, F (8, 176) = 7.84, p < 0.001. would have made the task too difficult.
Finally, there was also a significant interaction between In the original study, there was an important effect of
rate of presentation and number of interfering items, the number of interfering items, yet no effects were re-
F (8, 176) = 2.47, p = 0.015. ported regarding the rate of presentation (1 item/sec and
4 items/sec). However, a study by Altmann and Schunn
(2012), showed that the two factors interact more than
The results obtained from this experiment partially sup- what was initially believed. Indeed, when the rate of pre-
port Waugh and Norman’s (1965) conclusion that only in- sentation is fast, the first items in the list benefit from the
terference affects retention in short-term memory. It can reduced effect of decay. Conversely, when presentation
be noted that the average proportion of correct recall de- is slow, the later items benefit from the decay of previ-
creases with the number of interfering items, as predicted ous items and the resulting reduction in proactive inter-
by Figure 2. However, the curves are distinct at first and ference.
then converge to an asymptotic performance at about 20% To examine this point, we tested these two presenta-
correct recall. Whereas the decay theory predicts that the tion rates on shorter lists to observe if the influence would
two curves would diverge, we see the inverse effect. be the same on the modal model illustrated by Waugh and
When there were less interfering items, participants Norman as with the original lists of 16 digits.
had overall a better performance when the listed numbers The theories of decay and interference were contrasted
were presented at a rate of one digit per second than a rate by using two different presentation rates. Also, having less
of 4 digits per second. However, as the number of inter- interfering items in this study aimed to test the theory of
fering items increased, performance for both presentation interference and how much it would influence the partic-
rates tend to be similar. Although this supports the inter- ipants’ results. This study is not an exact replication of
ference theory, the fact that at a slower rate performances Waugh and Norman’s (1965) original study as the lists in-
are higher indicates another possible variable causing this cluded fewer items.
A notable difference between our results and those ob-
tained in the original experiment is the starting mean ac- Study 2 aimed at evaluating once again the mechanisms
curacy. As presented in Figure 2, at a minimum of three of short-term memory, this time using lists of eight unre-
interfering items, Waugh and Norman (1965) reported a hearsed digits, instead of sixteen. Each block included 25
Figure 3 Mean proportion recalled across participants as a function of the number of interfering items for both presen-
tation rates in Study 2 (full lines) and the original experiment (dashed lines).
trials of eight randomly generated single digits, with the for the slower presentation rate is superior to the faster
constraint that the same digit could not appear more than presentation rate. A weaker performance is noted when
twice in a row. The probe was the 8th digit presented, fol- the number of interfering items increased (3 to 6).
lowed by a 250 ms tone to indicate the end of the list. A two-way repeated measure ANOVA revealed a sig-
As in Study 1, the objective of the task was to identify nificant main effect of presentation rates on proportion
the number having immediately followed the probe digit, of correct recall (F (1, 29) = 25.85, p < 0.001). Par-
which was presented only once before in the list, in posi- ticipants showed an increased performance in the 1 item
tions 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. The position of the probe digit and the per second compared to the 4 items per second condi-
length of the lists are the only differences in methodology tion. It also revealed a significant main effect of the num-
between the two studies. Participants were entered in the ber of interfering items on proportion of correct recall
same draw as those of Study 1 for a chance to win one of (F (4, 116) = 13.12, p < 0.001). Participants’ performance
three 25$ Amazon gift cards. For further details, refer to improved when there were less interfering items follow-
the methodology section of Study 1. ing the probe digit. Finally, there was a significant interac-
tion between presentation rate and number of interfering
items (F (4, 116) = 4.01, p = 0.004) such that participants
Study 2 had a total of 29 participants of which 69.1% (N = scored the highest when they were in the 1 item per second
20) were women. Most subjects were undergraduate stu- condition with a small number of interfering items follow-
dents from University of Ottawa and their age ranged from ing the probe digit. However, this effect seems to disappear
17 to 25 years old (M = 20.56, SD = 1.9). Most partic- when the probe digit is at the very beginning of the series
ipants completed the test in a University of Ottawa com- (interfering items = 7). Participants scored similarly with 7
puter laboratory with 30 stations; 5 did it alone in an indi- interfering items regardless of the presentation rate.
vidual booth.
Figure 3 shows the proportion of correctly recalled
items as a function of the number of interfering items. When comparing our results with those obtained by
When there are fewer interfering items, the performance Waugh and Norman (1965), we noticed that for the larger
number of interfering items (6), there seems to be no dif- number of participants as well as the limited amount of
ference between the two. However, a faster presentation is time given to replicate the original study, multiple partic-
associated with a reduced recall performance for a smaller ipants were tested in one location at the same time. This
number of interfering items. This is contrary to the results decreased the amount of control the experimenters had on
that would be predicted by the decay theory. The impli- the experimental setting and increased the amount of bi-
cations and suspected causes of this phenomenon will be ases. For instance, the amount of distractions both in the
further discussed in the next section. It is also possible surroundings, such as movement or conversations, and in
to graphically observe that the data of the last interfer- the participants’ own vicinity, such as their phone, could
ing item of both presentation rates are almost layered on have decreased concentration on the task. Over 30 exper-
top of each other which could potentially be the result of imenters also took part in the making of this study which
a primary effect. The participants’ average performance increases the variability of the experimental flow from one
in study 2 is lower than the average obtained by Waugh & participant to the other. Furthermore, because some par-
Norman but higher than the one obtained in study 1. ticipants were given shorter lists than others, they finished
the task sooner and were free to leave. This could have ex-
General discussion
erted a social pressure on the remaining participants with
In Study 1, performance declines, reaching a floor, regard- longer lists who were unaware of the time difference be-
less of presentation speed, after 6 interfering items. Av- tween the two experimental conditions. It is possible that
erage performance thereafter is just slightly above chance this additional pressure further decreased performance.
level, indicating that accurate recall was highly unlikely.
Authors’ note
This coincides with the maximal capacity of short term
memory of 7 plus or minus 2 items reported in the liter- The first six authors have contributed equally to the article.
ature (Miller, 1956). With the results found in study 2, we
can see that performance for both presentation speeds also
rejoins after 5 or 6 interfering items. This, in combination Altmann, E. M., & Schunn, C. D. (2012). Decay versus in-
with the higher average recall when the length of the list is terference: A new look at an old interaction. Psy-
reduced such as in study 2, accentuates the concerns that chological Science, 23(11), 1435–1437. doi:10 . 1177 /
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The Open Material badge was earned because supplementary material(s) are available on
The Preregistered badge was earned because the experiment(s) was preregistered at
Poitras, M., Péléja, L., Lavertu, G., Langlois, A., Boulerice, K., Berthelot, P., . . . Winder, M. R. (2020). A replication of Waugh
and Norman (1965) Primary Memory study. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16(2), r1–r7. doi:10 . 20982 /
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