FT Measuring Criteria Selection Part-3

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In-line measurement of fluid properties 35

Build-up index with Proline Promag

Operators of water treatment plants often face unexpected
downtime due to build-up clogging their pipes. The patented
build-up index integrated into Heartbeat Technology offers
permanent monitoring of build-up for trend analysis, there-
by enabling condition-based maintenance.

With this information, customers are able to optimize their

cleaning cycles to save costs and to reduce the risk of un-
expected downtime. Thus, customers benefit from a higher
plant availability and reliability in their processes.

More about Proline Promag ‣ page 40

Advanced gas analysis with Proline Prosonic Flow G

The advanced gas analysis of Prosonic Flow G is unique
worldwide. It gives users powerful process control with
functions for pure gases or user-defined gas mixtures
with up to 8 components using several gas compensation
models. Based on these models, the advanced gas analysis
calculates additional process variables:
• Volume flow, corrected volume flow and mass flow
• Energy flow
• Calorific value, Wobbe index
• Molar mass
• Methane content, e.g. in biogas
• Density and viscosity

Additionally, Prosonic Flow G ensures optimal process moni-

toring thanks to the simultaneous measurement and evalu-
ation of directly measured variables, such as, flow velocity,
sound velocity, pressure and temperature.

More about Proline Prosonic Flow G ‣ page 52

36 Flow measuring technology for liquids, gases and steam

Coriolis mass flowmeters

Proline Promass – Multivariable sensors and highest accuracy: just two of
the many reasons why the Coriolis measuring principle is being used more
and more frequently to measure gases and liquids
Simultaneous measurement of mass flow, density and
temperature opens up entirely new perspectives for process
control, quality assurance and plant safety. Additional
important characteristic values can also be calculated from
the primary variables measured:
• Volume flow and standard volume flow
• Solid content and concentration of binary mixtures:
e.g., °Brix, °Plato, %mass/vol
• Characteristic variables in the petroleum industry:
e.g. net oil, water cut, °API, weighted averages

The Coriolis measuring principle is used in a wide range

of various industrial branches, such as the life sciences,
chemicals, petrochemicals, oil and gas, food and – no less
importantly – in custody transfer applications. Virtually all
Measuring principle fluids can be measured: cleaning agents, solvents, fuels,
Each Coriolis flowmeter has one or more measuring crude oil, vegetable oils, animal fats, latex, silicon oils,
tubes which an exciter causes to oscillate artificially. alcohol, fruit solutions, toothpaste, vinegar, ketchup,
As soon as the fluid starts to flow in the measuring mayonnaise, gases or liquefied gases.
tube, additional twisting is imposed on this oscillation
due to the fluid‘s inertia. Over 1 million Endress+Hauser Coriolis flowmeters have
Two sensors detect this change of the tube oscillation been successfully installed since 1986.
in time and space as phase difference. This difference
is a direct measure of the mass flow. In addition, the
fluid density can be determined from the oscillation
frequency of the measuring tubes.
The temperature of the measuring tube is also
registered to compensate thermal influences. The
process temperature derived from this is available
as an additional output signal.

Advantages at a glance
• Universal measuring principle for liquids and gases
• Multivariable – simultaneous measuring of mass
flow, density, temperature and viscosity
• High measuring accuracy:
– typically: ±0.1% o.r.
– optionally: ±0.05% o.r. (PremiumCal)
• Measuring principle independent of the physical
fluid properties and the flow profile
• No inlet/outlet runs necessary

Measuring principle movie:

Coriolis mass flowmeters 37
38 Flow measuring technology for liquids, gases and steam

Promass sensors

Promass F Promass E Promass K

For universal use For basic applications For utilities

• T ube material: stainless • Cost-effective sensor • Cost-effective general-

steel, Alloy C22 • Tube material: purpose device
• Up to ‒196 °C (–321 °F)/ stainless steel • Minimized total cost
+350 °C (+662 °F) • DN 8 to 80 (3/8 to 3") of ownership
• For custody transfer • Optimum usability
(MI-005, cryogenic fluids, via SmartBlue app
MI-002) or touch screen
Cubemass C
• DN 8 to 250 (3/8 to 10") • DN 8 to 80 (3/8 to 3")
For low flows

• Space-saving, multi-
Promass A variable measuring Promass I
For low flows system Straight single-tube
• Tube material:
• Tube material: stainless steel • Easy-to-clean
stainless steel, • DN 1 to 6 (1/24 to ¹⁄₄") single-tube system
Alloy C22 • Tube material: titanium
• Self-drainable single- • Optionally with viscosity
tube design Promass G measurement
• DN 1 to 4 (1/24 to 5/32") Compact, high pressures • DN 8 to 80 (3/8 to 3")
(up to 430.9 bar/6250 psi)
• Ultracompact de-
sign with threaded Promass S
Promass Q connections Food industry
The top specialist • Up to 350 bar
(5076 psi) • Hygienic single-tube
• Highest perfor- • Tube material: system
mance in density stainless steel • Standard approvals:
and custody trans- • DN 8 to 25 3-A, EHEDG and FDA
fer applications (3/8 to 1") • Tube material: stain-
• Unmatched less steel
accuracy in foaming • DN 8 to 50 (3/8 to 2")
liquids with “Multi-Frequency Promass H
Technology” For aggressive fluids
• DN 25 to 250 (1 to 10") Promass O
• Single-tube system For highest pressures
• Tube material:
Promass P zirconium, • For oil and gas
Life sciences industry tantalum • Corrosion resistant
• Highest corrosion measuring tubes made
• Hygienic single-tube resistance of Super Duplex
system • DN 8 to 50 (3/8 to 2") • Stainless steel housing
• Complies with • For custody transfer
ASME BPE, ISPE, • DN 80 to 150 (3 to 6")
FDA, EHEDG and 3-A Promass X (PN 250)
• Tube material: Maximum flow rates
stainless steel
• DN 8 to 50 (3/8 to 2") • For oil and gas
• Highly accurate four-
tube measuring
• Tubes and housing:
stainless steel
• For custody transfer
• DN 300 to 400
(12 to 16") (up to 4100 t/h)
Coriolis mass flowmeters 39

Proline transmitters

Proline – the perfect transmitter for every application

Whether applied in the life sciences, water, or food industry, the new generation of Proline transmitters can be freely
combined with many of our sensors, all tried and tested for decades – while maintaining full backwards compatibility.
This means a high level of added value and maximum flexibility matching your industry and application demands.

Detailed description of all Proline transmitters ▸ page 9 to 11

Promass Proline transmitters

10 100 200 300 500

Promass F –    
Promass E –    
Promass K  – – – –

Promass A –    
Cubemass C –  –  
Promass I –  –  
Promass Q – – –  
Promass G –  – – –

Promass S –  –  
Promass P –  –  
Promass H –  –  
Promass O –  –  
Promass X – – –  
40 Flow measuring technology for liquids, gases and steam

Electromagnetic flowmeters
Proline Promag – Universally applicable in all industries and in pipes from
2 millimeters to 3 meters. Since 1977, Endress+Hauser has delivered over
3 million devices.

Measuring principle The popularity of magmeters across innumerable sectors

Faraday’s law of induction states that a metal rod of industry continues to be unabated, further proof of the
moving in a magnetic field induces electrical voltage. worldwide success that this measuring principle has been
This dynamo principle also governs the way electro- enjoying for more than 60 years. Magmeters can be used
magnetic flowmeters work. to measure all electrically conductive liquids above 5 µS/cm
As soon as the electrically charged particles in a fluid with or without solids, e.g. water, wastewater, sludge,
cross the artificial magnetic field generated by two slurries, pastes, acids, alkalis, juices or fruit mashes.
field coils, an electric voltage is induced. This voltage,
tapped by two measuring electrodes, is directly The rule of thumb for magmeters is: anything that can
proportional to the velocity of flow and thus to the be pumped can also be measured – a highly valued trait in
flow volume. The magnetic field is generated by a measurement technology. Typical tasks include measuring
pulsed direct current with alternating polarity. This and monitoring continuous flow rates, filling and dosing
ensures a stable zero point and makes the flow as well as applications in custody transfer.
measurement insensitive to multiphase or inhomo-
geneous liquids, as well as low conductivity. In the industrial environment, magmeters are primarily
used in water management and in the processing, life
sciences and food industries. In tunnel construction and
Advantages at a glance mining, robust magmeters are often the only option for
• The measuring principle is virtually independent measuring highly abrasive ore slurries with entrained
of pressure, density, temperature and viscosity solids, sand-water mixtures, filler materials or bulk solids
• Even fluids with entrained solids can be metered, with the required accuracy.
e.g. ore slurry or cellulose pulp
• Wide range of nominal diameters: DN 2 to 3000
(1/12 to 120")
• Free pipe cross-section: CIP/SIP cleanable, piggable
• No moving parts
• Minimum outlay for maintenance and upkeep
• No pressure losses
• Very high turndown up to 1000:1
• High degree of measuring reproducibility and
long-term stability

Measuring principle movie:
Electromagnetic flowmeters 41
42 Flow measuring technology for liquids, gases and steam

Promag sensors

Promag H Promag S
Food industry For demanding fluids

• For food industries, life sciences, • For inhomogeneous or abrasive

chemicals and process industry fluids (ore slurry, cement,
• Robust stainless steel housing paper pulp, etc.)
(3-A, EHEDG) • Industry-optimized measuring
• CIP/SIP cleanable electrodes
• PFA liner: –20 to +150 °C • Linings: PTFE, PFA,
(–4 to +302 °F) polyurethane or natural rubber
• Flexible connection concept • High-temperature version
• DN 2 to 150 (1/12 to 6") up to 180 °C (356 °F)
• DN 15 to 600 (1/2 to 24")

Promag P
Chemical and process industry Promag E
Chemical and process industry
• For high fluid temperatures
• With all common hazardous area • For the economical and cost-
approvals efficient flow measurement
• For custody transfer in basic applications
• PTFE: –40 to +130 °C (–40 to +266 °F) • PTFE lining: –10 to +110 °C
PFA: –20 to +180 °C (–4 to +356 °F) (14 to 230 °F)
• DN 15 to 600 (1/2 to 24") • DN 15 to 600 (1/2 to 24")

Promag W Promag D
Water & wastewater Water & wastewater

• For hazardous areas • Wafer device with shorter installation

• Drinking water approvals length and less weight
• IP68 (Type 6P) for underground • Drinking water approvals
or underwater applications • Lining:
• For custody transfer Polyamide: 0 to 60 °C
• Linings: (32 to 140 °F)
Hard rubber: 0 to 80 °C (32 to 176 °F), • DN 25 to 100 (1 to 4")
Polyurethane: –20 to +50 °C
(–4 to +122 °F)
PTFE: –20 to +90 °C (–4 to +194 °F)
• DN 25 to 3000 (1 to 120"), without
inlet run

 nother highlight with Endress+Hauser

Magphant magmeters is the flexible installation indepen-
Limit switch dent of flow profile and without pressure loss,
e.g. directly after bends.
• For cost-effective flow monitoring
• For steel or plastic pipes
• DN 15 to 2000 (1/2 to 80")
Find out more in this animation:
Electromagnetic flowmeters 43

Proline transmitters

Proline – the perfect transmitter for every application

Whether applied in the food, water, chemical, mining or other process industries, the new generation of Proline
transmitters can be freely combined with many of our sensors, all tried and tested for decades – while maintaining full
backwards compatibility. This means a high level of added value and maximum flexibility matching your industry and
application demands.

Detailed description of all Proline transmitters ▸ page 9 to 11

Promass Proline transmitters

10 100 200 300 400 500 800*

Promag H     –   –

Promag P     –   –

Promag E –  – – – – – –

Promag W  – –     
Promag D  – – – – – – –

* battery-powered

Flow metering in a pocket-sized format

• Reliable measuring and monitoring of industrial

water, cooling water or warm water
• Simultaneous measurement of flow,
temperature and conductivity
• Flexible integration into all fieldbus systems
using IO-Link
• Intuitive commissioning and operation using
Bluetooth and the SmartBlue app
• Cost-effective measuring device for the use
where space is at a minimum
44 Flow measuring technology for liquids, gases and steam

Vortex flowmeters
Proline Prowirl – Robust and universally applicable. For measuring the
volume and mass flow of liquids, gases and steam up to 250 bar (3626 psi)
and 450 °C (842 °F) reliably.

In chemicals, petrochemicals, power engineering and heat

supply, a wide variety of fluids can be measured using vortex
flowmeters, e.g. saturated steam, superheated steam,
compressed air, nitrogen, liquefied gases, flue gases, carbon
dioxide, fully demineralized water, solvents, heat-transfer
oils, boiler feedwater or condensate. Vortex flowmeters are
also in widespread use for measuring mass flow. Therefore,
modern vortex meters such as the multivariable Prowirl 200
are built for more than merely measuring volume flow, and
come complete with pressure and temperature sensors as
well as a flow computer.

Whenever gas mass flow has to be measured, external

pressure values can be read in digitally and with high
accuracy via HART, PROFIBUS or FOUNDATION Fieldbus.
Measuring principle Prowirl 200 is also available with reduced line sizes, which
This measuring principle is based on the fact that permits measurements even at very low flow velocities –
turbulence forms downstream of obstacles in the with the same installation length and accuracy.
flow, such as a bridge pier.
Inside each vortex flowmeter, a bluff body is located Prowirl 200 is the world’s first vortex flowmeter with the
in the middle of the pipe. As soon as the flow velocity option of monitoring the steam quality and immediately
reaches a certain value, vortices form behind this generating an alarm message in case of wet steam. Prowirl
bluff body are detached from the flow and transported can also be used for flow monitoring systems up to SIL 2
downstream. The frequency of vortex shedding is and SIL 3 and is independently evaluated and certified by
directly proportional to the mean flow velocity and TÜV Rheinland in accordance with IEC 61508.
thus to the volume flow.
The detached vortices on both sides of the bluff
body generate alternately a local positive or negative
pressure that is detected by the capacitive sensor and
fed to the electronics as a primary digital, linear signal.

Advantages at a glance
• Universally suitable for measuring liquids, gases
and steam
• Largely unaffected by changes in pressure, density,
temperature and viscosity
• High long-term stability: no zero-point drift,
lifetime K-factor
• No moving parts
• Little pressure loss
• Easy installation and commissioning
• Large turndown of typically 10:1 to 30:1 for
gas/steam, or up to 40:1 for liquids
• Wide temperature range: –200 to +400 °C
(–328 to +752 °F) (450 °C / 842 °F on demand)

Measuring principle movie:

Vortex flowmeters 45
46 Flow measuring technology for liquids, gases and steam

Prowirl sensors

Prowirl D Prowirl F
Compact wafer device Versatile standard device

• With centering rings for high fitting • Suitable for detecting wet steam
accuracy • Correction function for short inlet runs
• Worldwide standardized installation • Worldwide standardized installation
length (65 mm) enables one-to-one lengths
replacement of orifice plates • Sensor made of stainless steel
• Sensor made of stainless steel (CF3M) (CF3M/316/316L) or Alloy C22
• PN 10 to 40 (Class 150 to 300), 10 to 20K • PN 10 to 100 (Class 150 to 600)
• –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F) • –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F)
• DN 15 to 150 (1/2 to 6") (450 °C / 842 °F optional)
• DN 15 to 300 (1/2 to 12")

Prowirl R
For low flows Prowirl O
The high-pressure specialist
• With a single and double line
size reduction for: • Flange or butt-weld version
– Increasing the flow velocity • Sensor made of stainless steel
–E xtending the lower • PN 160 to 250
measuring range (Class 900 to 1500)
• PN 10 to 40 (Class 150 • –200 to +400 °C
to 300), 10 to 20K (–328 to +752 °F)
• DN 25 to 200 (1 to 8") (450 °C / 842 °F optional)
(single reduction) • DN 15 to 300 (1/2 to 12")
• DN 40 to 250 (11/2 to 10")
(double reduction)

Integrated pressure measurement Robust DSC sensor

As a multivariable vortex flowmeter, Endress+Hauser’s unique, patented DSC (Differential Switched
Prowirl 200 provides an all-in-one solution: Capacitor) sensor ensures high-precision measured values even
simultaneous measurement of mass flow, under the toughest conditions and features a lifetime calibration
corrected volume flow, energy flow, factor. With an installed base of over 500 000 devices, this sensor
temperature and, for the first time, even concept has been proving its value for decades.
the process pressure. The sensor is highly resistant to:
Regardless of the amount of fluctuation in • Vibration
the process variables, Prowirl makes it pos- • Water hammer and condensation-induced water hammer
sible to measure with high precision and • Dirty fluids
thus offers extensive energy management • Temperature shocks (>150 K/s)
for different fluids like steam, gases, water
or hydrocarbons. Optionally, Prowirl is also available with an integrated pressure
and/or temperature sensor, for example for direct mass
measurement of wet steam, saturated steam and superheated
Vortex flowmeters 47

Proline transmitters

Proline 200
Two-wire loop-powered technology (4–20 mA)
• Four-line display with push buttons or touch control
• Display module with backup and transfer function for configuration data
frequency/switch output
• Heartbeat Technology for diagnostics, verification and monitoring
• Versatile system integration:
– Current input for reading in external measured variables such as pressure or temperature (optional)
– Current output for multiple measurement parameters (optional)

Advantages of the Proline 200 transmitter ▸ page 9 to 11

Prowirl is the world’s first vortex flowmeter developed entirely in accordance with IEC 61508, allowing
it to be used in SIL 2/3 applications at any time.

Multivariable measurement
Energy management made easy
All industries have utilities with steam, cooling water or
hot water. Generating, transporting and distributing these
fluids consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, Proline Prowirl
200 offers everything in one device for a comprehensive
energy management:
• Integrated flow computer for calculating:
– Mass, heat and energy flow of steam and liquids
– Corrected volume flow and energy flows of gases
• Reading in of external temperature and pressure values
well as via an optional current input
• Integrated pressure and temperature measurement One-of-a-kind wet steam detection
for direct mass measurement of saturated steam and Process reliability and efficiency
liquids (temperature compensation) Many industries use large quantities of steam,
the generating costs of which are extremely high.
Moreover, the transfer of heat energy is ener-
 or energy management we offer everything from
F getically efficient only for saturated steam. Often,
a single source: flow computers, pressure and however, wet steam is what predominates, since
temperature sensors as well as Data Manager fluctuations in pressure and temperature cause
Memograph M RSG45 with software solutions water to condense out, or water gets into the
for energy monitoring. steam lines due to disruptions in the boiler
system. The consequences are usually serious:
• Low efficiency for the transmission of energy
• Hazardous water hammer and condensate-
induced water hammer
• Heavy corrosion from the salts dissolved
in the water carried over

 ovie – Steam quality:

Prowirl measures all types of
steam right in the pipe inclusive
steam quality and condensate
EngyCal RS33 RSG45 Cerabar TM131 www.eh.digital/3wFpVSr
48 Flow measuring technology for liquids, gases and steam

Thermal mass flowmeters

Proline t-mass – For direct mass measurement of industrial gases,
compressed air and aqueous fluids even at the lowest flow velocities
and pressures Thermisch

Measuring principle
Many people are made uncomfortably cold by just a
small draft. The thermal flow measuring principle is
based on the fact that heat is drawn from a heated
body when a fluid flows past.
A thermal flowmeter contains two PT100 temperature
sensors for this purpose. One sensor measures the
current fluid temperature as a reference. The second
sensor is heated and has a constant temperature
differential relative to the first sensor at “zero flow.”
As soon as the fluid begins to flow in the measuring
tube, the heated temperature sensor cools off due to
the fluid flowing past – the higher the flow velocity,
the greater the cooling effect.
The electric current required to maintain the
temperature differential is thus a direct measure
of mass flow.

Advantages at a glance
The thermal measuring principle is widespread in industry
• Multivariable – direct measurement and display
and is being used successfully in many applications with
of mass flow and fluid temperature
gas flow, for example:
• No pressure or temperature compensation required
• Compressed air (consumption, distribution)
• High turndown (max. up to 1000:1)
• Carbon dioxide (beverage production, chilling)
• Excellent low-end sensitivity
• Argon (steel production)
• Quick reaction to fluctuations in flow
• Nitrogen and oxygen (production)
• Negligible pressure loss
• Natural gas (burner, boiler feed control)
• Maintenance-free, no moving parts
• Air and biogas measurement (wastewater plants)

Whenever high turndown or low pressure losses are impor-

tant in gas metering applications, thermal mass flowmeters
offer a real alternative to traditional measuring techniques
– whether for process control, consumption and supply
monitoring, detecting leaks or monitoring distribution
networks. Using insertion versions, it is also possible to
Measuring principle movie: measure gas flows in very large pipelines or in rectangular
www.eh.digital/3m2U7TP ducts.
Thermal mass flowmeters 49
50 Flow measuring technology for liquids, gases and steam

t-mass sensors

For basic gas applications

t-mass A t-mass B
Inline version Insertion version

• Max. measured error: • Suitable for large pipelines and

±3% o.r. (15 to 100% o.f.s.) rectangular ducts
±0.45% o.f.s. (1 to 15% o.f.s.) • Max. measured error:
• Process pressure: ±3% o.r. (15 to 100% o.f.s.)
PN 10 to 40 (Class 150 to 300) ±0.45% o.f.s. (1 to 15% o.f.s.)
• –40 to +100 °C • Process pressure: –0.5 to +20 barg
(–40 to +212 °F) (7 to 290 psig)
• DN 15 to 50 (1/2 to 2") • –40 to +100 °C (–40 to +212 °F)
• DN 80 to 1500 (3 to 60")

For demanding gas applications

t-mass F t-mass I
Inline version Insertion version

• Max. measured error: • Suitable for large pipelines and

±1% o.r. (10 to 100% o.f.s.) rectangular ducts
±0.1% o.f.s. (1 to 10% o.f.s.) • Max. measured error:
• Process pressure: Up to PN 40 ±1% o.r. (10 to 100% o.f.s.)
(up to Class 300) ±0.1% o.f.s. (1 to 10% o.f.s.)
• –40 to +100 °C • Process pressure: up to 40 barg
(–40 to +212 °F) (580 psig)
• DN 15 to 100 (1/2 to 4") • –40 to +130 °C (–40 to +266 °F)
• DN 80 to 1500 (3 to 60")

Flexible installation
Whether in rectangular ventilation ducts or in
pipes – t-mass sensors are always the perfect
fit. For installation, both inline and insertion
versions in various nominal diameters are
available: 1

Inline version
1 With flange (t-mass A and F)
2 With lap-joint flange (t-mass A)
3 With external thread (t-mass A and F)

Insertion version
4 Suitable for pipelines or rectangular 2

ventilation ducts up to DN 1500 (60")

5 Optionally with “hot tap” mounting tool

for inserting or removing the sensor under

operating conditions:
– For recalibration
– For certification
– For service purposes 3 4 5
– For mobile use
Thermal mass flowmeters 51

Proline transmitters

t-mass Proline transmitters Proline 150

sensors For basic applications (cost-effective measurement)
• For t-mass A, B and T sensors
150 300 500 • Easy-to-understand, four-line display with three
push buttons
• Display/outputs for flow and temperature
• Free selection of up to 4 fluids
• Switch and/or relay output for alarm messages
• Totalizer functions
t-mass A  – –
t-mass B  – –
t-mass F –  
t-mass I –  
t-mass T  – –

Detailed description of the Proline 300/500

transmitters ▸ page 9 to 11

Gas Engine t-mass T 150

Gas programming made easy For simple liquid flow monitoring
Depending on pressure and temperature, gases change Many industrial processes and utilities require reliable
their volume and their specific properties such as measurement, monitoring and control of liquid flows.
operating density, heat capacity or viscosity. Converting Proline t-mass T 150 works according to the thermal
operating volume to standard volume is highly labor- measuring principle and measures all aqueous fluids,
intensive and inconvenient. for example cooling water, heating water, demineral-
With the t-mass transmitter’s integrated “Gas Engine” ized water (condensate), industrial water, WFI water,
function, and an automatic temperature and pressure irrigation water or fluids in the wastewater area:
compensation, gases and gas mixtures can now be • Independent of the electrical conductivity
measured highly reliably: • Fast commissioning via the local display
• 22 freely selectable gases (4 gases for Proline 150) • Compact insertion version (DN 40 to 1000/1½
• 2 gas mixtures with up to 8 user-definable to 40")
components (Proline 300/500) • Standard or hygienic version (3-A, EHEDG)
• Toggling between 2 gas mixtures (Proline 300/500) • Maintenance-free, no moving parts
• Programmed gases can be changed at any time • Wide variety of applications: monitoring, flow
(without recalibration) measurement, switch function, etc.

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