Model SOP 2018
Model SOP 2018
Model SOP 2018
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
Preamble to Model SOP 2018
Model Schedule of Power (SOP) was issued first time from the Railway Board on October 26, 2018. Subsequently, a need was felt to
bring out its revised version, incorporating the correction slips, Railways’ best practices and enhanced delegation of power introduced by
Railway Board. A revised Model SOP “Model SOP 2018” is therefore being issued.
This Model SOP document is intended to bring in uniformity in delegation of financial and administrative powers across the Zonal
Railways, Production Units/NAIR/RDSO (to the extent applicable) and empower PHODs/CHODs & DRMs/CWMs (CWMs include all SAG
officers incharge of workshops/depots), including the field officers. GMs could however add further to this delegation in consultation with their
PFAs keeping in view the local requirements while being within the overarching powers delegated to them and in accordance with Government
of India rules.Chairman RRBs will exercise powers as available to SAG officers (Head Quarter) for items pertaining to them.
This Model SOP 2018covers Works, Medical, Stores, Commercial, Establishment, RPF and Miscellaneous matters including CTIs, IT,
PR. Part G of this document contains the SOP for RPF which includes the latest delegations for RPFin March 2018, over and above those
existing in Section C (Miscellaneous) of this SOP. CHODs will exercise same powers as available to PHODs. It may be seen that powers
delegated to DRMs are generally same for CWMs (in SAG). Principal Chief Security Commissioners (PCSC) of RPF will exercise the powers
available to PHODs for matters concerning them.Similarly, the ADRMs (NFSAG) will exercise same powers as ADRMs (SAG). Also, the
branch officers in Senior Scale (Independent Charge) will exercise same powers as available to divisional officers in JAG/SG. A branch officer
is an officer in the division who directly reports to DRM and is to be treated as independent incharge for all purposes. Also, wherever CWMs are
in SS/JAG/SG, the CWE or concerned SAG officer in Head Quarter will exercise same powers as applicable to CWMs (in SAG) for matters
pertaining to workshop/depots. The Station Directors and the Administrators of the Central Hospitals, both in JAG/SG, will exercise same
powers as available to Branch Officers. Proposals submitted for GM’s sanction will be cleared by AGM,unless GM’s personal sanction/approval
is required as per extant rules. Wherever finance concurrence is not required, it has been specifically mentioned. Wherever nothing is mentioned
it should be presumed that finance concurrence is required.
The exercise of the powers delegated is subject to the observance of provisions of the existing code, rules and other extant orders. The
sanctioning authorities shall paydue regard to the cannons of financial propriety which are enumerated in Para 116 of Indian Railway Finance
Code Vol – I. The exercise of powers by various authorities is subject to availability of funds against the appropriate head of account under the
relevant demand.
Orders/delegations issued by Railway Board, from time to time, shall be applicable, with prospective effect. Railways may issue
Correction Slips as and when such orders/ delegations are issued.
Dated 23.07.2018
Table of Contents
PART Page No
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
1. Accordance of administrative approval to Lump Sum Works and Out of Turn works A4-9
2. Technical sanction to detailed estimates A9-13
3. Sanction to excess over estimates A13-15
4. Material Modification in works A15
5. Contracts or tenders A16-23
6. Signing of contract agreements including rider agreements A23-24
7. Introduction of additional Standard/ Schedule items in contract for works A24
8. Introduction of new non-schedule items in contract for works A24-25
9. Variation in quantities specified in contracts A25-27
10. Extension to the date of completion of contracts A27
11. Contract Management, Advances,PG, EMD,SD,Extensions,LD A27-30
12. To cancel / terminate contracts A30
13. Revocation of termination of contracts A30
14. Reappropriation A31-32
15. Special repairs of Railway Quarters and rolling stocks A32-33
16. Sanction of urgency certificate chargeable to special revenue A33
17 Sanction to dismantlement of assets A33
18. Temporary arrangements at stations for festivals A34
19. Transfer of machinery and plant from one station to another A34
20. Payment of petty bills for demarcation of land A34
21. Compensation for cutting of trees of private parties A34
22. Lease of natural property A34-35
23. Write off of ground rent A35
24. Write off of stores and tools and plant A35
25. Write off of ballast found short during verification A35
26. Adjustment of charges of credits A36
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
27. Acceptance of claims settled by arbitration award A36-37
28. Staff quarters and residential / service buildings A38
29. Payment to outsiders for supply of water to Railway in respect of Stations/ Colonies A38
30. Water tap connection to outsiders A39
31. Track machines A39-47
32. Disposal of dead and live trees by sale/auction A47
33. Disposal of unserviceable wooden sleepers by auction or tender. A47
34. Purchase of horticultural products A48
35. Acquisition of land A48-49
36. To sanction payment of Arbitration fees and expenses A49
37. Sanction of proposals for Outsourcing A50-52
38. Repairs/AMC to Machinery & Plants A52-53
39. Repairs/ AMC of equipments (other than T&P and M&P) A53-55
40. Hire of Plant and Machinery from outsiders or Govt. Bodies A55
41. Hiring of Trucks/Mini trucks/equivalent A55-56
42 Licensing of Railway Land for Sidings and giving connectivity to sidings A56
43. Sanction of expenditure on testing charges A56
44. Delegation of powers in case of service contracts A56-57
45 Projects to be undertaken on BOOT basis A57
46 Entering into contracts /formal understanding Central, State or Local Bodies (Municipalities, etc.). A57
47 Works undertaken in workshops for Government Departments and outside public bodies. A57
48 Issue of Work Orders for execution of a contract work against a zonal contract A57
Annexure ‘A’ A58
Annexure ‘B’ (Deleted) A58
Annexure ‘C’ A59
Annexure ‘D’ A59
Annexure ‘E’ A60
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To accord administrative approval to Authority:
(A) Lump sum 1. Railway Board’s Letter no F(X)II-
2015/PW/7 dated 12-06-2017
1. Works Plan Heads: 2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
(i) Passenger Amenities (PH 53), Traffic PHOD/CHOD DRM Nil 3. Finance Concurrence required
Facilities PH 16, Track Renewal PH 31, Up to Rs.2.5 Cr. up toRs. 2.5 Cr 4. *In terms of Ltr No.
Bridges PH 32, RSW –& L/Cs PH 29 , 30, 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017,
for work in PH-52, Staff Amenities,
Schools, Dispensary, Institute, Officers
Club, ORH, Holiday Home - GM can
sanction up to Rs. 1 Crore per case
(ii) S&T Works (PH 33) Rs. 1 Crore DRM Nil
Other electrical works (PH-36) Rs. 1 Crore
Traction Distribution Works (PH 37)
Workshops incl. Pus (PH-42) CWM (in SAG)
Staff Quarters (PH 51) Rs 1 Crore for PH
Amenities for staff (PH-52)* 42 only
Other Specified Works (excluding Rest
House) – PH 64 DRM
Traing/HRD(PH-65) Rs. 20 lakhs in each
including works related to CTIs case for existing
Railway Schools,
Institutes, Officers
Club, Rest Houses
and Holiday Homes
and CMD / DRM -
Rs. 20 lakhs in each
case for existing
Railway Hospitals
& Dispensaries.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
(iii) Railway Research (PH-18) ADG Nil Nil
(For RDSO only) Rs 1 Crore
Rs 30 Lakh
Note for Item 1(A)-1:
1. Lump Sump Grant (LSG) will be distributed by PCE in consultation with plan head coordinator and approval of GM. Total LSG not to be exceeded.
2. Proper guidelines will be issued by respective PHODs to all Branch Officers for adequate scrutiny of the proposals, fixing priority of work, margin to
propose new works etc.
3. Monthly reports in specified format to be submitted by divisions to HQ to ensure close monitoring.
4. The powers delegated to PHODs/ DRMs/ CWMs are subject to availability of adequate permissible cost under each plan head for consideration of any
proposal. Permissible cost is to be worked out as follows. Permissible Cost i.e., PC = {Ceiling (C) X Norms (N)} – Throw Forward (TF), C = The lumpsum
grant allocated to a particular Division. If grant is yet to be allocated, the grant of the previous year can be taken as the ceiling till the actual grant is
allocated. N = Likely period of completion of works as per the norms stipulated by the Board for PWP. TF = Throw forward of ongoing works under each
Plan Head.
5. a) For Divisional Officers - Administrative approval shall be obtained by the Sr.DEN/Co-ordination of the division for item no. 1(A). On administrative
approval, the Sr.DEN/Coordination shall be responsible for the publication of the DRM’s MINI LAW BOOK. It shall be seen at the time of according
administrative approval that administrative approval is not accorded for more than PC (Permissible Cost) available to the DRM under a particular plan head.
Any item of work that features in the MINI LAW BOOK for 2 years or more without sanction of the detailed estimate must be dropped from the MINI LAW
b) For Headquarters Officers - Administrative approval shall be obtained by the CE/P&D for item no. 1(A). All the items of work proposed to be included in
theLAW BOOK should have been concurred by the divisional Finance and approved by the DRM. On administrative approval, the CE/P&D shall be
responsible for the publication of the LAW BOOK. It shall be seen at the time of according administrative approval that administrative approval is not
accorded for more than PC (Permissible Cost) available to the GM. To calculate PC, above formula will be used with ‘Ceiling’ = budgetary ceiling available
to the GM minus budgetary ceiling delegated to the DRMs, under a particular plan head and the TF= throw forward under that plan head for works
sanctioned by GM. Any item of work that features in the LAW BOOK for 2 years or more without sanction of the detailed estimate must be dropped from
6. Whenever any work originally included under category of lump sum works is subsequently found to cost more than the power of authority who sanctioned it,
fresh sanction of higher authority has to be obtained as per the current sanctioning power.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
1. (A) 2. Machinery & Plant costing not more PCME DRM/CWM (in SG/JAG Authority:
than Rs. 50 lakhs each (PH 41) Up to Rs. 50 lakhs SAG) Up to Rs. 10 lakhs 1. Railway Board’s Letter no F(X)II-
Up to Rs. 20 Lakh 2015/PW/7 dated 12.06.2017.
in each case subject 2. Railway Board’s Letter no
to the annual ceiling 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017
limit granted for the
Note for item 1(A)-2:
These powers will be exercised by PCME up to Rs. 50 lakhs in each case.
1. Total LSG should not be exceeded
2. LSG will be distributed by CME under PH 41 to various divisions/workshop. The limit of Rs.50 lakhs is for the entire proposal and not for the individual
machine as per Rly. Bd’s letter No. 2008/M/ M&P/ 1063/GL dtd. 20.2. 2008.
3. Prior associate finance concurrence should be obtained
4. Proper guidelines will be required to be issued by respectivePHODs to all BranchOfficersfor adequate scrutiny of the proposals, fixing priority of work,
margin to propose new works, fund control /utilization, etc.
5. Monthly reports in specified format be submitted by divisions and workshops to HQto ensureclose monitoring
Note: Definition of M&P for tools and plants–The limit for tools and plants enhanced fromRs.1 lakh to Rs.10 lakh (tools and measuring equipment costing
above Rs.1 lakh was procured as M&P earlier). The machinery/tools costing more than Rs.10 lakhs will be covered under category of M&P and such items
costing upto Rs.10 lakhs will be treated as T&P chargeable to Revenue. Authority: RBLtr.No.2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.18.10.2017
Note: Sanctioning of procurement of two wheelers under M&P–GMs–Fullpowers to sanction two wheelers for RPF Post incharge. Authority:
RBLtr.No.2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.18.10.2017
1. (A)3. Computerisation (PH 17) Authority:
i) New works and replacement related works PHOD/CHOD DRM/ Nil 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
of over aged IT assets Up to Rs. 1 Crore Rs. 25 lakhs per
per case with case with finance 1. officer nominated by GM in HQr and
GM can sanction up to Rs 1 crore per case finance concurrence nominated by DRM in Division shall be
with finance concurrence concurrence the Nodal Officer and coordinate this PH
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
GM can sanction up to Rs 1 crore per case concurrence. finance concurrence
with finance concurrence
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
1. To accord administrative approval to Authority:
1. Board’s letter No. FX(II)2008/PW/7
(B) Out of Turn Works dated 05.12.2008 and 27.08.2009 (i.e.
GM may sanction out of turn works costing Item No. 39 of GM’s delegation)
not more than Rs. 2.5 Crores per case with 2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
annual ceiling of Rs. 25 Crore (other than
lumpsum) on other than safety works.
However, this restriction will not be The exercise of the powers is subject to
applicable to safety related works. Safety availability of funds, observance
works should be completed within a of codal provisions regarding the
maximum period of 8 months from the date preparation /sanction to estimates etc. and
of sanction of detailed estimate. other orders issued from time to time.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
6. The works thrown forward from previous year may be taken up only if the funds required for them can be found by the appropriation within the sanctioned
7. For passenger amenities works, emphasis should be on creation of amenities of durable and lasting nature and funds should not be frittered away on provision
of superficial items like furnishings and furniture etc. Prescribed norms/parameters regarding passenger population should be followed in providing the
8. All the safety works sanctioned on out of turn basis shall be completed within a maximum period of eight months from the date of sanction.
9. Once administrative approval of GM/DRM is accorded for any work on ‘out of turn basis’, sanction to the detailed estimate for the works will be within the
competence of authority vide Item No. 2(a) of SOP.
10. Before obtaining Out of turn sanction of GM for traffic facilities/ line capacity work, approval of PCOM should be taken.
(A) Works itemized in the works programme/RSP/M&P / LAW/LSWP/ Mini Law/Deposit /Composite Works (chargeable to both Railways and party)
(i). All works in (A) above except RSP and CAO (C) in HAG DRM – SG/JAG Authority:
M&P items and chargeable to Capital, Up to Rs. 500 Cr. Up to Rs75 Cr. Up to Rs. 25 Cr. 1. Para-703 of Engg. Code.
Capital Fund, RRSK, Depreciation Reserve 2. Item No.40(1) (a & b) & 40(2) of
Fund, Development Fund, and Open Line AGM ADRM GM’s delegation.
Works Revenue . Up to Rs.500 Cr. Upto Rs.50 Cr. 3. Board's letters No. F(X)II-2006/PW/17
dated 04-12-2006 &24.05.2007.
PHODs / CHODs CWM in SAG 4. Board’s letter No. F(X)II/2015/PW/7
Up to Rs.100 Cr. Up to Rs. 75 Cr. dt.12/06/2017
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
SAG 5. Board’s Lr No.2018/TF/Civil/Works
Up to Rs. 50 Cr. dtd.12/06/2018
For any Deposit Work: Administrative approval is required as per item 1 (C) above before any survey, planning/execution of the work. Regarding Composite
works (involving Railway and Deposit works both), the administrative approval of the Railway portion of the work is limited upto the values specified in Item
1(A ) above.
Note for item 2(A)-(i):
1. Associate Finance vetting is necessary.
2. For open line works, costing more than Rs. 500 Cr, vetting by PFA and for construction works costing more than Rs. 500 Crores vetting by FA&CAO /
Construction is requiredfor obtaining personal sanction of GM.
3. Excess over the abstract cost for works shall be governed by item 3 of SOP (Works matters)
4. Detailed estimate may be prepared in the initial stage by taking services of a consultant wherever required. Change in scope may be done only on account of
change of technology or change in local conditions but not due to change in planning/layout. All the existing provisions will be retained [Authority: RB Ltr. No.
2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017].
5. Deposit works are defined in accordance with para 1843 of IR Code of Engineering Department. The method of execution is also defined therein. The limit of
variation by 20% due to reasons other than escalation etc may not be applicable for Deposit Works. Sanction, execution and variations in these Deposit works
shall be made by the Railway administration in consultation with the sponsoring authority bearing the cost of the deposit works, within the broad guidelines
provided in IR Code of Engineering Department and Model SOP. Revised detailed estimate should however be within the powers of the sanctioning authority
(Authority: RB Ltr. No 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated: 08 - 02- 2018)
(ii) Rolling stock items provided in the Rolling AGM Up to Rs. 50 cr. Authority:
Stock approved programme. Upto Rs 500 Crore 1. Para-703 of Engg. Code.
2. Item No.40(1) (a, b & c) & 40(2) of
PHOD/CHOD GM’s delegation.
Up to Rs. 100 Cr. 3. Board's letters No. F(X)II-2006/PW/17
dated 04-12-2006 &24.05.2007.
SAG 4. Board’s letter No. F(X)II/2015/PW/7
Up to Rs. 50 Cr. dt.12/06/2017
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
1. Finance vetting is required
2. This power will also apply for sanction to sub-estimates or detailed estimates which may form part of a work, the abstract estimate of which has been
sanctioned by higher authority.
3. Excess over the abstract cost for works shall be governed by item 3 of SOP (Works matters).
RB Ltr. No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Up to Rs.5 lakhs in
respect of all other
plan heads for
surveys included
in the sanctioned
budget or
Notes for item (iv) (Survey) above:
1. Finance vetting is necessary.
2. Final location survey chargeable to preliminary expenditure of the work requires GM’s personal sanction.
3. These powers also cover sanction of part estimates costing up to 5% of the work as originally sanctioned in the budget.
4. Part estimate may be sanctioned towards incurring expenses for preliminary activities like Final Location Survey, Geo-technical studies, designs, preparation
of plans and drawings etc., which will help in preparation of detailed estimates.
The detailed estimate can be prepared and got sanctioned only after these preliminary activities are completed.
2. (B) To incur expenditure onTrial and PHOD DRM/CWM (in Nil 1. Expenditure for Trial and Experimental
Experimental works Up to Rs. 10 SAG) works in excess of Rs. 10 Lakhs shall
Lakhs with finance Up to Rs. 5 lakhs be incurred with the prior concurrence
concurrence per case with of FA&CAO/ PFA and the sanction of
finance concurrence AGM
and annual ceiling
limit of Rs. 20 Lakh
2. (C) Sanction of estimate andadministrative Full powers Full powers SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is required.
approvalfor work chargeable to revenue Full powers 2. Judicious and reasonable distribution of
(Ordinary & Special) for which budget Revenue funds for routine repairs and
allotment has been made, during the current maintenance of existing assets with
year. canons of financial propriety must be
3. DRM/ADRM must be kept informed.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Notes for Item 2 (C)
1. The powers delegated to PHODs/ DRMs/ CWMs and SG/JAG are subject to availability ofbudget under different Demands for consideration of any proposal.
Permissible cost is to be worked out as follows. Permissible Cost i.e., PC = {Ceiling (C) X 1.5} – Throw Forward (TF), C = The Revenue Budget allocated to a
particular Division/Demand. If grant is yet to be allocated, the grant of the previous year can be taken as the ceiling till the actual grant is allocated. TF = Throw
forward of ongoing works under corresponding demand. Permissible Cost refers to the cost of Revenue proposals being considered for sanction in any particular
year under each demand. Classification of Revenue Expenditure and Demands are as per the explanation given in Indian railway finance Code Vol II.
(D) Sanction of estimate and administrative CEnHM DRM/CWM (in Authority:
approval for Environment related works Up to Rs. 2.5 SAG) 1. Ref: Rly Board No. 2016/EnHM/13/02
using 1% provision of sanctioned estimates Crores Up to Rs. 2.5 Crores dtd 13.05.2016
2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
GMs – Full powers up to Rs. 2.5 Crores
3. Sanction to excess over estimates (Including those sanctioned by higher authority at the time of preparing revised/ Authority:
completion estimates.) 1. Item No. 40(1) of GM’s delegation
vide Board’s letter No.
(A) For itemized works, and LAW/Minilaw items Other than M&Pand surveys F(X)II/2015/PW/7 dt.12/06/2017
Full powers where
original estimate
cost is up to Rs.
500 Crores.
(ii) Increase in cost due to reasons other than up to 20% of the up to 20% of the up to 20% of the
escalation original estimate. original estimate. original estimate.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
(ii) Increase in cost due to reasons other than PHOD/CHOD DRM/ADRM/CWM JAG
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
escalation up to 10% of the (in SAG) up to 10% of the
original cost or up to 10% of the original cost or
Rs.25 lakhs original cost or Rs.25 lakhs
whichever is less Rs.25 lakhs whichever is less
whichever is less
1. Finance vetting is necessary.
2. Powers indicated for increase in cost due to reasons other than price escalation cover material modification also.
3. Personal approval of GM with the personal concurrence of PFA is required in cases of material modifications costing above Rs. 10 Lakhs each.
4. These are the overall variations with respect to original sanctioned cost as included in the Budget at the time of sanction and cannot be exceeded even if more
than one revised estimate is sanctioned.
5. These powers are subject to the condition that the total cost (including the excess) does not exceed the powers of the original sanctioning authority. The total
cost including excess should be regulated as per the provisions contained in GM’s delegation of powers re-delegated under the columns 3,4&5.
6. This delegation will not affect rules in force regarding Material Modification.
7. These powers are subject to the restrictions stipulated in Codes, Railway Board’s letters and GM’s instructions from time to time.
8. LS M&P estimates: In case, a detailed LS estimate exceeds the sanctioned cost during execution, it requires the sanction of DRM/CWM for any excess up to
Rs. 20 Lakhs, CME up to Rs.50 lakhs and if it exceeds Rs. 50 lakhs, the same requires the sanction of Railway Board.
4. Material Modification in works estimated to PHOD Up to Rs.25 lakhs. Nil Authority:
cost at least Rs.2.5 Cr. and above. Up to Rs.50 lakhs. 1. Para-1110 of Engg. Code and Item
No.49 of GM’s delegation.
SAG 2. Board’s Lr. No F(X)II-2006/PW/17
Up to Rs.25 lakhs. dated 18-10-2006
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
5. Works Contract for approved and sanctioned Authority:
works- or supplies related to sanctioned 1. Railway Board’s letter No. 2007/CE-I/
works or zonal contracts. CT/18 Pt. II dated 30.07.2010. Railway
2. Board's letter No 2007/CE-I/CT/18 Pt.
(A) Calling ofTenders: XII dated 31.12.2010 (Para No 4).
3. Railway Board’s letter No. 94/CE-I/
(i) Open Tenders. PHOD/HOD DRM JAG CT/4/Pt.17 dated 13.08.2012.
Full Powers /ADRM/CWM (in Full Powers 4. Board’s letter no. 2017/CE-I/CT/10-
SAG) Procurement Cycle dtd 23.10.2017.
Full Powers 5. Railway Board’s letter No
Trans/01/Policy dated 08.02.2018
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
9. Eligibility criteria need not be stipulated for open tenders up to Rs.50 lakhs each. For relaxation in the prescribed eligibility for open tenders costing above
Rs.50 lakhs, personal approval of GM is required with PFA’s concurrence in case of Open Line. In cases of Construction Organization, personal approval of
CAO/C is required with personal concurrence of FA & CAO/C. However, for inserting eligibility criteria in specialised tenders, decision of PHOD shall be
final in all cases.(REFER RLY. BD’S CORRIGENDUM SLIP NO. 2 Dt.12/12/2018)
10. Sufficient notice period should be given for the submission of tenders, which in the case of large works should not be less than a month. The above
prescribed tender notice period may be departed from in the most exceptional circumstances only and then too in consultation with the Principal Financial
Adviser. However:
i) For tenders valued up to and including Rs. 1 Crore invited through e-tendering, the tender notice period can be reduced up to 21 days by
CAO/PHOD/CHOD/DRM/CWM (in SAG) without finance concurrence and up to 14 days with the concurrence of Associate Finance
ii) For tenders valued above Rs. 1 Crore and up to & including Rs. 2 Crore invited through e-tendering, the tender notice period can be reduced up to 14 days
by CAO/DRM/CWM (in SAG) with the concurrence of Associate Finance
11. For Service ContractsGCC for Services shall be followed.
(ii) Limited Tendersfrom approved list for PHOD/ CHOD DRM/ADRM/CWM JAG /JAG(SG) Authority:
Works Contracts. More than Rs.1.5 (in SAG) Up to Rs. 37.5 lakhs 1. No.2013/CE-I/CT/0/20/PO/Pt. II (ii)
Cr. and up to More than Rs.37.5 dated 26.11.2013.
Rs.7.5 Cr. lakhs and Up to
More than Rs.37.5
lakhs and up to
Rs.1.5 cr.
Notes for Item 5(A)-(ii):
1) Pre-vetting of tender schedules is not necessary except in the rare urgent cases where tenders are called without sanction of detailed estimate. Pre-vetting
is also not necessary in case of zonal works and revenue works in Open Line up to Rs.5 lakhs for which detailed estimates need not be framed. It shall be
ensured that the tender schedules are prepared based on the rates/quantities/scope of the work as included in the sanctioned estimates.
2) For formulating approved list of contractors and invitation of Limited Tenders, the norms specified in the Board’s letter No.94/CE- I/CT/4 dt.17.10-02,
12/16-5-06 and No. 2007/CE/ I/CT/18 dt. 28-9-2007 and subsequent revisions on the subject shall be followed.
3) At least 10 names should be on the approved list of contractors.
4) Tender Notice period should not be less than 14 days.
(iii) Special LimitedTender Authority:
1. (Rly. Bd’s letter No. 94/CE-I/CT/4
dated 22.10.2001 and 17.10.2002
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
(a) Works of specialized nature PHOD/CAO/C Up to Rs. 10 lakhs Nil 2. Rly. Bd’s Ltr. No. F(X) II/2006/RW3
Full Powers. dt. 27-2-2006 and
16-05-2006 and F(X)II/2006/PW/13 dt.
(b) Works of urgent nature CAO/C Up to Rs. 10 lakhs Nil 9-8-2006.
Full Powers 3. Rly. Bd’s. Lr. No. 2007/CE/I/CT/18 dt.
Notes for Item 5 A(iii) Special Limited Tender:
1) Associate Finance concurrence is necessary.
2) As per Rly. Bd’s. Lr. No. 2007/CE/I/CT/18 dt. 28-9-2007 CAO/C wih the concurrence of FA&CAO/C may invite special limited tenders not only for
specialized nature of work but all types of works depending upon the merit of the case.
3) Special Limited Tenders may be invited from specialised and reputed contractors/organisations/agencies. (Rly. Bd’s letter No. 94/CE-I/CT/4 dated
4) Tenderers from whom Special Limited Tenders are to be invited should preferably be more than Six but not less than Four (Rly. Bd’s letter No. 94/CE-
I/CT/4 dated 17.10.2002)
5) Tender Notice period should not be less than 14 days.
5. (B) Consultancy PHOD/CHOD DRM NIL Authority:
(i) Consultancy works for other than property Upto Rs 20 Lakh per Upto Rs 10 Lakh 1. Item No.30(a) of GM’s delegation. Bd’s
development schemes from outside bodies case with an annual per case with Letter No. F(X)II-2016/PW/ 3
including PPP projects ceiling of Rs 1.5 annual ceiling of dt.14.09.2016
Crore Rs 1.5 Crore 2. Railway Board Letter no F(X)-
II/2015/PW/7 dated 12.06.2017
(ii) Consultancy works for property CAO/Construstion 3. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
development schemes i.e., for commercial Upto Rs 50 lakh per
exploitation from outside bodies case with annual Railway Board letter no No.
ceiling of Rs 5 Crore 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated: 27 - 11- 2017
GM – Full powers in consultancy contracts on the subject Process Reforms –
with the concurrence of PFA upto Rs 10 CAO/C (in charge of Engagement of Consultants
Crore USBRL project) can
award consultancy
contract upto Rs. 2
crores per case with
an annual ceiling of
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Rs. 6 crores with the
personal concurrence
of FA&CAO/C. The
level of tender
committee shall be
SAG. These powers
have been delegated
in respect of
Baramulla rail link
(USBRL) project
subject to availability
of amount in
sanctioned estimate
(Authority: Board’s
letter no. f(X)II-
2010/PW/I dtd.
Powers to CAO/Con
are in addition to
powers delegated to
General Managers
5 (C) Single Tender Authority:
1. Para-1214-A & 1260 of Engg. Code
(i) in case of accidents, breaches involving PHOD DRM Nil along with Railway Board’s letter no
dislocation to traffic. Up to Rs.20 lakhs per Up to Rs. 10 2007/CE-I/CT/18 dated 7th Mach 2008.
case subject to annual Lakhs per case 2. Railway Board Letter no F (X)II-
limit of Rs.1 Cr. subject to annual 2010/PW/1 dated 11.05.2010
limit of Rs.50 3. Works of specialized nature pertaining
lakhs. to Construction organization to be
personally approved by CAO/CN with
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
(ii) Works of specialized nature CAO/Con Nil Nil prior concurrence of the FA&CAO/CN.
Full Powers This power is not to be redelegated to
(iii) Any other situation Nil Nil Nil any other authority. For works of
specialized nature pertaining to Open
CAO/C- (in charge of line, personal approval of GM is
USBRL project) required with prior concurrence of
of NR only FA&CAO.
Upto Rs. 2 crores in 4. 97/CE-1/CT/32 dt. 27-08-97
each case to tackle 5. 97/CE-I/CT/32 dated 27.08.1997.
emergency situation 6. For any other situations only GM has
arising out of Full Powers to award work on Single
geological condition Tender basis with PFA’s concurrence
with prior including award of work on single
concurrence of quotation basis. (Personal sanction of
FA&CAO/C. The GM is required)
justification for
taking up the work on
single tender basis
should be recorded on
Note for item 5(C) Single Tender:
1. To be operated in times of cyclone, floods, accidents, sabotage, enemy action, explosions, cases of extreme urgency such as works or supplies necessary to
safeguard life or property or repair damage to track caused by flood breaches, washaways, accidents or other unforeseen contingency so as to maintain
through communication.
2. Lighting, transhipment, hiring of plant, machinery, and equipment (including communication equipment) in cases listed under 1 above will be covered in this
3. Report to GM is necessary for incorporating it in the annexure to the PCDO
4. The discretion to classify any item of work as one of extreme urgency for the purpose should be exercised personally by the DRMs.
5. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
5. (D)Invitation of single tender in case of CAO/C, CAO/RE: Nil Nil Authority:
works pertaining to doubling, Traffic facility, Up to Rs. 5 Cr. 1. Para-1214-A of Engineering Code
New lines, gauge conversion and railway 2. Railway Board's letter No. 2007/CE-
electrification projects, which are targeted for I/CT/18 dated 07.03.2008
completion in the current financial year. 3. Railway Board's letter No. 2007/CE-
I/CT/18 Pt. XII dated 31.12.2010 (Para-
4. Bd’s Letter No.2011/CE I(Spl)/CT/0/4
dated 27.06.2011 and 11.10.2012 &
Letter No.2011/CE-I/CT/0/4 dated
14.11.2013 followed by 02.05.2017.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
least one step higher than the members
nominated in case of Open
Tenders/Limited Tenders except where
G.M. is the accepting authority.
(F) To dispense with calling of tenders for Up to Rs. 10 Up to Rs. 10 Lakhs JAG/SG & SS Authority:
works which are urgent in nature and to Lakhs per case for per case for all officers Board’s Letters Nos.
accept offers received in response to all works including works including (Independent 1. 2007/CE-I/CT/18/Pt. dt 05.03.2009.
quotations. works directly works directly charge) 2. 2007/CE-I/CT/18 Pt.13 dt.06.09.10.
related to safe related to safe (i) Works directly 3. 2007CE-I/CT/18/Pt.13 dt.11.09.17
running of trains running of trains related to safe
with annual limit with annual limit of running of trains:
of Rs.1.2 Cr. Rs.1.2 Cr.
Up to and including
Rs.2 lakhs per case
without finance
concurrence subject
to annual ceiling
limit of Rs. 10
(ii) All other works
including works
directly related to
safe running of
Up to Rs.5 lakhs per
case with annual
limit of Rs.60 lakhs
(including (i)
above).SG and
JAG in workshop-
same as above
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Notes for Item 5 F (Quotations):
1. Finance concurrence is necessary except for delegation under col. 5(i) for which certification by accepting Authority that the work is of urgent nature and
directly related to safe running of trains in his jurisdiction is required to be recorded.
2. The powers shall be exercised by the officers with their own administrative approval and no separate administrative approval is necessary.
3. The powers should be exercised sparingly. The circumstances under which quotations have to be called should be spelt out.
4. The powers are also subject to the availability of provision in sanctioned estimate or preparation/ sanction to the detailed estimates wherever necessary.
5. The work should not be split up for the purpose of bringing it within the ambit of this dispensation
6. The reasonableness of rates should be gone into objectively and in detail by the accepting authority.
7. Quotations should not be for fancy (expensive but of low utility) items.
8. Quotations should only be for works which are urgent in nature.
9. Quotations should normally be invited from at least three well experienced contractors/ agencies not necessarily borne on the approved list.
10. Accepting Authority must take precautions to see that the quotations are from genuine firms (and not from fictitious firms).
11. A Register showing the full particulars of works authorized through quotations shall be maintained by the officer having powers to dispense with calling of
tenders. The register shall be sent to associate finance while seeking their concurrence.
12. The powers delegated are specific to the department/division concerned.
13. Cross utilization of powers of equivalent officers in a division/single administrative unit shall not be allowed.
14. Notice period of at least 7 days from the date of NIQ (Notice inviting Quotation) shall be maintained. In case of emergency, the period can be reduced with
approval of the authority accepting quotation
(G) To call for and accept tenders for supply Nil DRM /ADRM/ DME(Power)/ 1. Constitution of Tender Committee and
of sieved, dried sand packed into 30 - 50Kg. CWM (in SAG) Sr. DME/DSL: acceptance as per Annexure ‘A’.
Bags as per the specifications. Up to Rs.50 lakhs Sr. DEE/TRO,
Up to Rs.30 lakhs
6. Signing of contract agreements including One stage below One stage below the One stage below the Authority:
rider agreements in respect of tenders the Tender Tender Accepting Tender Accepting 1. Para-1259 of Engg. Code & Para-410 of
accepted by the competent authority for all Accepting Authority as per the Authority as per the Stores Code Vol. I.
types of contracts including Authority as per extant delegation of extant delegation of 2. Railway Board’s letter No.2007/CE-
works/service/BOOT etc. the extant Powers of open Powers of open I/CT/0/20/1 dated.08.10.2015. Rly. Bd’s
delegation of tenders tenders Lr.No.2007/CE-I/CT/O/20/1
Powers of open dt.19.10.2016.
tenders 3. Current delegation of Powers regarding
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Open Tender Acceptance is as per
Notes for Item 6:
1. Finance vetting is necessary.
2. The powers under this item are to be exercised only after the contract, purchase, lease etc. are approved by competent authority.
3. Contract/Lease agreement to be got vetted by Law Officer where no standard agreement exists.
4. Rider agreements to the main agreement may likewise be signed by the authorities who signed the original agreement provided the approval of the competent
authority is obtained.
7. Introduction of new SOR items in contract PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM/ SG/JAG/SS
for works. Full Powers CWM(in SAG) (independent
Full Powers Charge)
Full Powers
Note for item 7:
1. The items of work proposed for inclusion should be relevant to the main scope of work.
2. Revision to contract value shall be proposed by way of variation statement.
3. The variation shall be governed as per notes in item no 9 of this SOP works matters Part-A.
8 (A) Introduction of new PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM/ SG/JAG/SS (independent Charge) Authority:
non-schedule items in Up to Rs 5 Lakh CWM (in SAG) Up to Rs 5 Lakh in a contract (or 10% of 1. Board’s letter No. 87/WI/CT/10 dated
contract for works in a contract (or Up to Rs 5 Lakh in the original value of the contract whichever 17.3.1988 and No.94/CE-I/CT/37 dated
Without Finance 10% of the a contract (or 10% is less) 6.6.95.
Concurrence original value of of the original 2. Railway Boards Letter No. 2007/CE-
the contract value of the I/CT dated 31.8.2007 and Cs no dtd
whichever is less contract whichever 04.01.08
is less 3. Board’s, letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy
(B) Introduction of new Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers dated 18.10.2017
non-schedule items in 4. Board’s Lr No.2018/TF/Civil/Works
contract for works with Dtd.12/06/2018
finance Concurrence
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Note for item 8:
1. It should be ensured that the rates sanctioned for such non- schedule items, are comparable to the rates for similar works executed in the area.
2. Rates should be derived from Last Accepted rates of SOR/NS items of similar conditions and where new items can not be derived from such SOR/NS items, market rates
should be taken.Rates of such NS items accepted without finance concurrence cannot be quoted as Last accepted rate (LAR) for justifying similar rates in future tenders.
3. The variation shall be governed as per notes in item no 9 of this SOP works matters Part-A.
9. Variation in quantities specified in contracts Authority:
1. Rly Board’s letter No. 94/CE-I/CT/4 dt.
(A) Increase in quantities specified in the PHOD/ HOD DRM/ADRM/ SG/JAG/SS 17.10.02.
Contract. Full powers CWM (in SAG) (independent 2. Rly Board’s letter No. 2007/CE-
Full powers Charge) I/CT/18 dt. 28-9-2007.
(Provided the Full powers 3. Rly Board’s letter No.2007/CE-
conditions given in (Provided the I/CT/18/Pt.XII dated 31.12.2010.
the remarks conditions given in (Provided the 4. Railway Board’s letter No.2007/CE-
column are the remarks column conditions given in I/CT/18/Pt.XII dated 08.07.2016.
adhered to and the are adhered to and the remarks column 5. Railway Board’s Transformation Cell
revised monetary the revised are adhered to and Letter no 2017/Trans 01/policy dated
value of the monetary value of the revised 08.02.2018.
amended contract the amended monetary value of 6. (Authority: RB Ltr no
does not exceed contract does not the amended 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 27-03-
their current power exceed their current contract does not 2018)
of Tender power of Tender exceed their current 7. Board, letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy
acceptance). acceptance). power of Tender dated 18.10.2017
acceptance). 8. Board’s letter No. 2018/TF/Civil Works
dt 12.06.2018
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
a. Since there is an in-built rate reduction Clause of 2% & 4% for variation between 125% & 140% & between 140% and 150% respectively on the accepted rates it
will only require the prior approval of the Tender Accepting Authority (TAA) who is an officer not below the rank of JAG without finance concurrence subject to
other conditions mentioned in Clause 42(4) of GCC 2014.
b. However, a Supplementary Agreement/Addendum to original Agreement should be drawn subsequent to sanction of the variation by an officer not below the rank
of JAG, which needs to be vetted by Associate Finance.
c. Quantities operated in excess of 125% but up to 140% of the agreement quantity of the concerned item, shall be paid at 98% of the rate awarded for that item in
that particular tender.
d. Quantities operated in excess of 140% but up to 150% of the agreement quantity of the concerned item shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that
particular tender.
4. Variation in quantities of individual items beyond 150% will be prohibited and would be permitted only in exceptional unavoidable circumstances with the concurrence
of Associate Finance and shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender.
5. The variation in quantities as per the above formula will apply only to the individual items of the contract and not on the overall contract value.
6. Execution of quantities beyond 150% of the overall agreement value should not be permitted and, if found necessary, should be only through fresh tenders or by
negotiating with the existing contractor, with personal concurrence of PFA and personal sanction of General Manager.
7. The limit for varying quantities for minor value items shall be 100% (as against 25% prescribed for other items). A minor value item for this purpose is defined as an
item whose original agreement value is less than 1% of the total original agreement value.
8. No such quantity variation limit shall apply for foundation items.
9. As far as SSR/SOR items are concerned, the limit of 25% would apply to the value of SSR/SOR schedule as a whole and not on individual SSR/SOR items. However, in
case of NS items, the limit of 25% would apply on the individual items irrespective of the manner of quoting the rate (single percentage rate or individual item rate).
10. For tenders accepted by Board Members and Railway Ministers, variations up to 110% of the original agreement value may be accepted by General Manager.
11. The aspect of Vitiation if any, shall be governed as per Railway Board’s Transformation Cell Letter no 2017/Trans 01/policy dated 08.02.2018.
12. In zonal contracts, the variation in the contract should not exceed 25% of the contract value
13. Overall agreemental Value, arrived at by adding the positive variation and subtracting the negative variation from the accepted value of the contract, shall be taken for
deciding the competency of sanction. (Authority: RB Ltr no 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 27-03-2018)
14. The estimate provision/ preparation of revised estimate shall be ensured. The extant rules for excess over estimate, if any, due to escalation/ other than escalation, shall
be followed.
(B) decrease in quantities specified in Full Powers Full Powers SG/JAG/SS Authority:
contract. In respect of In respect of (independent 1.Railway Board’s letter No.2007/CE-I/
contracts the contracts accepted Charge) CT/18/ Pt. XII dated 31.12.2010
amended contract by them. Full Powers
does not exceed In respect of
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
their current power contracts accepted
of Tender by them.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
machinery. tender. Full Powers as per
terms of accepted
Notes for Item 11
1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
2. Grant of advances is to be restricted to such of works which are capital intensive, specialized in nature and for high value tenders of Rs.25 Crs and above
3. Suitable provisions may be included in the Specialconditions of the tender so that.
a. Stipulations of GM’s delegation under item no. 48 shall be followed.
b. All Relevant Conditions and Method of Recovery of Interest may be fulfilled as per the ACS No.46& 54 to Para 1264 of IRC for Engineering department and
subsequent Railway Board guidelines from time to time should also be followed.
(C) (i) Release of Performance Full Powers within Full Powers within SG/JAG/SS 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Guarantee their current their current powers (independent 2. To be released after satisfactory
powers of signing of signingof Charge) completion of the work duly deducting dues
of Contract Contract Full Powers within if any, no finance Vetting/ concurrence
Agreements as per Agreements as per their current powers required.
Item no 6 above. Item no 6 above. of signing of
Agreements as per
Item no 6 above.
ii) Refund of /Earnest Money and Security Full Powers within Full Powers within Full Powers within 1. To be released after expiry of the
deposit of contractors their current their current powers their current powers Maintenace period duly deducting dues if
powers of signing of signing of of signing of any, no finance Vetting/ concurrence
of Contract Contract Contract required.
Agreements as per Agreements as per Agreements as per
Item no 6 above. Item no 6 above. Item no 6 above.
(D) (i) Determination of amount of Full Powers within Full Powers within SG/JAG/SS 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Liquidated Damages recoverable from their current their current powers (independent
contractors failing to fulfil contracts for powers of signing of signing of Charge) Authority:
works in accordance with Clause-17 B of of Contract Contract Full Powers within 1. Para-1267 of Engg. Code & Clause 17
GCC Agreements as per Agreements as per their current powers B of General Conditions of Contract
Item no 6 above. Item no 6 above. of signing of (GCC).
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Agreements as per
Item no 6 above.
(ii) Levy of Token penalty recoverable from Full Powers within Full Powers within SG/JAG/SS 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
contractors while granting extension of their current their current powers (independent 2. Token Penalty shall be quantified.
contract under Clause 17 B of GCC. powers of of signingof Charge)
signingof Contract Contract Full Powers within Authority:
Agreements as per Agreements as per their current powers 1. Para-1267 of Engg. Code & Clause 17
Item no 6 above. Item no 6 above. of signingof B of General Conditions of Contract
Contract (GCC).
Agreements as per 2. Rly. Bd’s letter No. 2007/CE-1/CT/18,
Item no 6 above. dt. 28-09-07.
(iii) Waiver of Liquidated Full Powers Full Powers within SG/JAG/SS 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
damages /Token Penalty recovered from within their current their current powers (independent
contractors. powers of of signingof Charge) Authority:
signingof Contract Contract Full Powers within 1. Para-1267 of Engg. code & Clause 17
Agreements as per Agreements as per their current powers B of General Conditions of Contract
Item no 6 above. Item no 6 above. of signingof (GCC).
Contract 2. Rly. Bd’s letter No. 2007/CE-
Agreements as per 1/CT/18dated 28-09-07
Item no 6 above.
(E) Forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit and Full Powers within Full Powers within SG/JAG/SS Authority:
Security Deposit and encashment of their current their current powers (independent 1. Para-1243 and 1244 of Engg. Code.
Performance Guarantee for works. powers of signing of signingof Charge) 2. Rly. Bd’s letters No.2003/CE-1/CT/
of Contract Contract 4/PT. I dt. 12-05-06 & No. 2007/CE-
Agreements as per Agreements as per Full Powers within 1/CT/18, dt. 28-09-07.
Item no 6 above. Item no 6 above. their current powers
In respect of of signingof
contracts accepted Contract
by GM and higher Agreements as per
authority the Item no 6 above.
powers will be
exercised by
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Notes for item 11 (E):
1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
2. Contract signing authority shall forfeit the SD and advise in writing to associate accounts to ensure credit to earnings in the same month with a copy to the contractor.
3. Contract signing authority shall advise in writing for encashment of PG to associate accounts to ensure realization from the Bank Credit to earnings in the same month
with a copy to contractor.
12. To cancel/ Terminate contracts in accordance Full Powers within Full Powers within SG/JAG/SS Authority:
with the conditions of contract. their current their current powers (independent 1. Para-1270 of Engg. code.
powers of signing of signing of Charge) 2. Board’s lr.No.87/W1/CT/5 dt.18.12.87
of Contract Contract Full Powers
Agreements as per Agreements as per Full Powers within
Item no 6 above. Item no 6 above. their current powers
of signing of
Agreements as per
Item no 6 above.
Notes to Item 12
1. No finance concurrence required for determination of contract under Clause 62 of GCC
2. Finance concurrence is necessary for determination of contract under Clause 61 of GCC.
3. The cancellation/termination of contracts shall be conveyed to the contractor under the signature of the authority not lower in rank than the contract signing authority.
13 Revocation of termination of contracts.
(A) After issue of 48 hours notice but brfore The Contract is alive till the notice of Termination is issued. As such, there is no need of its revival during this
issue of final termination notice in terms of period. Notice may be withdrawn if the contractor is able to demonstrate his earnest intention to re-start the work
clause 62 of GCC to the satisfaction of the Agreement Signing Authority.
(B) After issue of final termination notice Once the formal notice of Termination had been issued, revival of the contract, even if on the same terms and
conditions, is possible only as a single tender,
Notes to Item 13:
1. Board’s letter No. 99/CE-I/CT/28 dated 24.05.2001.
14 (A) Re-appropriation of Revenue Grants Full powers to DRM/CWM NIL 1. Powers of Zonal Railways for re-
distribute/redistrib Full powers to re- appropriation under revenue grants will be
ute the budget of appropriate the communicated by Rly.Bd in the letters
their Department budget allotted to advising spending units.
between the Division/unit for (Authority: Boards’s letter No. 2011-B-174
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Divisions/units same department, dt:03.07.2015.)
under same same demand/sub 2. As per Board’s letter No.2018-B-200/SL
Demand (sub- major head and dt:23.04.218, Zonal Rlys may carry out re-
major head), same same PU between appropriations suitably between Pus 27, 28
PU with sub-heads with and 32 in view of safety related urgency
concurrence of Associate Finance during 2018-2019. These powers will be
FA&CAO/Budget. concurrence. vested with GM and requires Finance
ADRM: NIL Concurrence.
(B) Re-appropriation of funds from one work Full powers to Full powers to re- NIL 1. General Guidelines for re-appropriation
to another under same plan head/ same distribute/redistrib appropriate from as contained in the extant Board’s
source of fund in respect of Lumpsum works ute the Lumpsum one sanctioned letter/orders should be followed.
under Demand No.16 outlay (i.e., for lumpsum work to 2. Outlay for works costing below Rs.2.5
works costing less another sanctioned crores (Lumpsum) for ‘New works’ and
than Rs.2.5 cr lumpsum work of ‘works in progress’ cannot be clubbed and
each), as per pink the Division/Unit as have to be treated distinctly.
book for current per progress/priority
financial year, within the same plan
among head and source,
Divisions/Units subject to not
during the year as exceeding the total
per BG/RG/FG outlay for the year
within the same for Lumpsum works
plan head and as advised by plan
source head Coordinator.
Concurrence of
associate Finance is
(C) Re-appropriation of funds from one work NIL NIL NIL 1. GM’s approval with Associated Finance
to another under same plan head and same concurrence is required.
source of fund for itemised works under 2. Sanction Memorandum should be
Demand No.16 generated only through Budget VPN
3. Instructions as per Rly.Bd’s letter No.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
2011-B-174 dt:03.07.2015, 16.02.2017 and
any other orders issued separately are
applicable as amended from time to time.
(D) Re-appropriation of funds from one plan NIL NIL NIL Need to be referred to Railway Board for
head to another plan head/from one source to sanction with the recommendation of GM
another source of fund in respect of itemised and vetting of FA&CAO/Budget (Authority
works under Demand No.16 Rly.Bd letter No. 2011-B-174 dt:03.07.2015
and 16.02.2017).
(E) For Other Instructions on Reappropriation, Refer Annexure-E
15. Special repairs (i.e.) other than ordinary
repairs and maintenance excluding repairs
due to flood damages to -
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
from time to time.
5. Powers to be exercised for repair works to restore to the original condition only
Subject to observing the restrictions envisaged in item No.55 & 56 of GM’s delegation of powers and provisions of Para -1524 of Medical Code.
16. To sanction urgency certificate chargeable to PHODs only Up to Rs.25 lakhs. JAG 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
special revenue. Up to Rs. 50 Up to Rs. 5 lakhs. 2. Provision contained in 1103 & 1104 of
Lakhs Engg. code and other instructions issued
from time to time shall apply.
17. Sanction to dismantlement of assets not PHOD Up to Rs.50 lakhs in Nil Authority:
proposed to be replaced other than Full Powers each case. 1. Item No.41 and 42 of GM’s delegation
dismantling/ permanently closing to public vide RB letter no FX (II)-2015-PW/7
traffic of any open line section. SAG Officers dated 12.06.2017.
in Construction
Up to Rs.50 lakhs
in each case.
Notes to Item 17:
1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
2. The value refers to the realizable sale value of the asset.
3. The powers to be exercised subject to the approval of user department and concurrence of associate finance.
4. Sanction of necessary estimates to be ensured
5. The dismantled assets should be disposed off as per normal procedure and realizable resale costs obtained
6. Detailed estimate as required vide para – 701-of IR Code for Engineering for Renewal and Replacement works chargeable to revenue costing more than Rs.5 lakhs and for
repairs and reconditioning works costing more than Rs.1 lakhs chargeable to revenue will be prepared and sanctioned with Associate Finance vetting in each case.
7. A rough estimate may be prepared and kept where the cost of renewal and replacement works chargeable to revenue is less than Rs.5 lakhs & repairs &reconditioning
works less than Rs.1 lakhs
18. Temporary arrangements at stations for PHOD DRM JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
festivals. Full Powers Full Powers up to Rs. 25,000/- 2. For ceremonial occasions and other
in each case. functions refer to SOP Miscellaneous
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
19. Transfer of machinery and plant from one PHOD Full Powers JAG Authority:
station to another. Full Powers Full Powers Para-3507 of Way and Works Manual.
(B) rights for fishing in ditches etc. in PCE / HOD of Civil Full Powers Sr. DEN / DEN /
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
railway limits. Engg. dept. by public auction or AEN
Full Powers on tender basis. Full Powers
by public auction by public auction or
or on tender basis. on tender basis.
(C) cutting grass etc. in railway limits. PCE / HOD of Civil Full powers Sr. DEN / DEN / 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Engg. Dept. AEN
Full Powers Full Powers Authority:
1. Board’s lr. No.74-EB/3000 dt.14.1.75.
Notes for item 22
1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
2. Lease to be effected through public auction or on tender basis. SSE/JE Pway& Works up to Rs.1000/- in each case by public auction.
3. The reserve price and sale price to be reviewed once in six months by Sr. DEN/Co-ord. for issue of necessary guidelines for future.
23. Write off of ground rent. PHOD DRM Nil 1. Prior finance concurrence is necessary.
up to Rs. 10,000/- up to Rs.5000/-
when when irrecoverable. Authority:
irrecoverable. 1. Item No.27 of GM’s delegation
24. Write off from the numerical returns of stores PHOD Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
and tools and plant lost/ detected during Full Powers
stock verification (i.e.) when no adjustment Authority:
of value is necessary. 1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
25. Write off of ballast found short during PCE / CAO/CN Nil Nil 1. Prior finance concurrence is necessary.
verification. Full Powers 2. If the shortage is due to theft or other
irregularities and is over Rs. 10,000/- in
value, a report should be sent to G.M.
1. Item No. 44 of GM’s delegation.
26. Adjustment of charges of credits relating to PHOD DRM /ADRM / Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
completed works after the completion report Full Powers CWM
(CR) has been drawn awaiting sanction. Full Powers Authority:
1. Para-1717 &1718 of Engg. code.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
27. (A) Appointment of Arbitrator Nil Nil Nil Authority:
GM – Full powers 1.RB Ltr.No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.
AGM – Full powers 18.10.2017.
(C) Payment of claims decreed by the Court PHOD/CAO/CN DRM/ CWM (in SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary beyond
of Law Full Powers SAG) SrScale Rs. 50,000/-.
Rs 50000/, Rs.5000/- each case 2. Legal Vetting is necessary
3. Railway Board should be informed of the
particulars of cases involving expenditure
of more than Rs. 25,000/- in each case.
4 Each case of Division must be reported to
Hq Law Officer(Dy GM Law or
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Note for above item no 27 (B):
1. For acceptance of awards, Finance concurrence is necessary along with legal advice
2. (a) Arbitration awards beyond Rs. 25Lakh in open line and beyond Rs 50 lakh in Construction
i. PHOD/CHOD/CAO shall specify the administrative decision either to honour or contest the Award and seek finance concurrence.
ii. After finance concurrence, for obtaining approval of Additional General Manager, the file should be routed through respective PHOD/ CHOD and FA & CAO.
(b)Arbitration Awards up to Rs. 25 Lakh in open line and upto Rs 50 lakh in Construction
i. The concerned HOD shall specify his / her views either to honour or contest the Award and seek Finance concurrence before putting up the case to PHOD/CHOD for
decision. A decision to accept/reject the Award in such cases can be taken at the PHOD/CHOD level.
ii. In case it is decided to contest the Award, such decision to be taken by PHOD/CHOD in consultation with HQrs. Finance.
3. The awards accepted should be put up to AGM along with their comments duly concurred by finance if any, in a statement form at the end of each half-year ending 31st
March and 30th September.
4. The Railway Board should be informed of the details of cases:
i. where payment to a Contractor as a result of the Arbitrator’s award exceeded by more than Rs. 10,00,000/- of the amount considered due by the Railway
administration before the Arbitration proceedings began and
ii. Where deficiencies in the general conditions of Contract or flaw in procedures/ practices noticed by the Railwaysduring the course of arbitral proceedings/award,
regardless of the value of award.
28. (A) classification of quarters for PCE DRM/ADRM Nil
1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
subordinate staff. Full Powers Full Powers
1. Para-1902 and 1904 of Engg. code.
(B) conversion of vacant service PCE/CAO/C DRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
building into staff quarters Full Powers Up to 50 sq. mts.
(Type-II Qtrs.) Authority:
1. Para-1967 of Engg. code.
(C) to approve utilization of residential PCE / CAO/Con / Full Powers Nil Authority:
buildings as service buildings. Full Powers 1. Board’s letter No. 79/W2/18/130/0 dt.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Notes for 28 (C)
1. Such residential buildings are surplus to requirement at the station and there are no essential staff for whom quarters of the particular type have to be provided at
the station as confirmed by the Divisions
2. For any additional expenditure by way of providing partition walls or alterations, prior finance concurrence is necessary.
29. Payment to outsiders for supply of water to PCE / HODs of DRM / ADRM / JAG/SS Authority:
Railway in respect of Stations/ Colonies. not Engg. Dept. SAG Officers in (Independent 1. Board’s lr. No.74-EB/3000 dt.
having own source of supply or shortfall in Full Powers as per independent charge sharge) 14.01.1975.
supply. Works Contracts Full Powers as per Full Powers as per
Works Contracts Works Contracts
Notes for Item 29
1. Finance concurrence is not requiredupto Rs 20,000 per case/ occasion.
2. Where Railways not having developed its own sources of water supply at that particular station.
3. Railways’ own sources of water supply have fully/partially dried up/ failed and there is necessity to purchase water from outside.
4. Where departmental arrangements are in progress at any location, the arrangement for supply of water from external source has to cease on commissioning of
departmental facilities.
In case of advance payment, necessary safe guards for protection against failure of supply to be ensured.
30. Water tap connection to outsiders including PCE / CAO/CN Full Powers SG/JAG/SS (IC)
1. The rate for recovery should be fixed
railway contractors doing Railway work. Full Powers Full powers as per
with prior finance concurrence and
Contract Conditions
necessary agreement executed duly
vetted by finance. Powers of CAO/CN
are in respect of contracts entered into
by Construction branch duly taking
permission from divisions.
1. Board’s lr. No.74-EB/3000 dt.
31. Track Machines and small track machines
(i) for planned procurement of the PCE Nil Dy. CE/TM/TMC
componenets, spares, consumables and tools Same as PCMM dealing with Track
of heavy track machines machines
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
CE/TM or HOD in Same as Dy. CMM
charge of Track
Machines/Small XEN/TM/TMC
track machines dealing with Track
Same as CMM Machines
Same as SMM
For Planned procurement of Track Machine Spares, Consumables and Small Tools, and of small track machines/their tools and spares, the officers of Engineering
department dealing with Track Machines have powers equal to those of the corresponding purchase officers in Store department (Railway Board's Letter No.
96/Track-III/TK/28 dated 09.09.1998).
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
(B) Authority:
(i) for emergency repairs and purchases of PHOD/CHOD DRM/ADRM Divisional Officers, 1. Board’s letter No.78/WSC/ TK/11 dated
spares incidental to such repairs of heavy Full powers with SAG Officers Extra Divisional 15.06.1978.
track machines finance in Field Units Officers & Officers 2. Board’s letter No. 96/Track-III/TK/28
concurrence. in Headquarters dated 09.09.1998.
3. Board’s letter No. 96/Track-III/TK/28
CE / TM or HOD DRM Dy. CE/TM/TMC dated 18.07.2006.
in-charge of Track Full powers with dealing with track 4. Board’s letter No. 96/Track-III/TK/28
Machine: finance concurrence Machines: dated
Above 4 lakhs and Up to Rs. 4 lakhs 5. Board, letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy
up to Rs. 10 lakhs per case without dated 18.10.2017
per case with finance concurrence
finance (including PAC
concurrencewith items) with annual
annual ceiling ceiling limit of Rs. 1
limit of Rs. 1 Crore
Sr. DEN/CO: -
Up to Rs. 50,000/-
per case without
finance concurrence
including PAC.
The overall ceiling
limit will be Rs. 2.0
Up to Rs. 2 Lakh
per case without
finance concurrence
(including PAC
items) with annual
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
ceiling limit of Rs.
50 lakhs
Up to Rs. 50,000/-
per case without
finance concurrence
including PAC item.
The overall ceiling
limit will be Rs. 20
1. Procurement of spare parts along with the emergency repairs should not be in piecemeal in order to avoid finance concurrence and the purchase should be
resorted to only when planned procurement has not materialized.
2. A register showing the details of expenditure incurred on each break down should be maintained so as to enable a watch being kept over the ceiling limit
3. Prior concurrence is not necessary for repairs up to values mentioned here, for different authorities in each case subject to the following: –
i. Emergency of repairs to be certified by competent authority.
ii. Minimum three quotations to be obtained from the reputed Firms duly following the procedure except in case of PAC item or repair from OEM/Authorized
iii. A copy of the work order placed on the Firm, the details like date on which repairs carried out including purchase of spares incidental to such repairs with
bills should be furnished to the Associate Finance.
4. In respect of PAC Items, the same should be purchased duly following the procedure.
5. Reasonability of rates should be certified by the accepting authority.
(B) Full Powers with DRM JAG/SG
(ii) Emergent hiring of road crane, finance Full power with Up to Rs. 50,000/-
vehicle/truck for break down maintenance of concurrence Finance concurrence per case with annual
heavy track machines above Rs. 50,000/- ceiling limit of Rs. 6
lakhs without
finance concurrence
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
(C) Scheduled overhauling and for purchase PCE/ CE / TM or DRM/ADRM DY. CE/TM/TMC
of spare parts incidental to such repairs HOD in-charge of Full Powers as per dealing with track
including reconditioning, repairs of heavy Track Machine the Works Contracts machines
track machines Full Powers as per with Finance
the Works Concurrence XEN/TM/ TMC
Contracts dealing with track
With Finance Machines
Concurrence Full Powers as per
the Works Contracts
with Finance
(D) Overhauling/reconditioning/ repairs Full Powers as per DRM/ADRM SG/JAG/ in
to small track machines and for purchase of the Works Full Powers as per Division
spare parts thereof. Contracts the Works Contracts Full powers up to
With Finance With Finance Rs. 50,000/- in each
Concurrence Concurrence case for
rs to small Track
Machines without
finance concurrence
and above Rs.
50,000/- and up to
Rs. 1 Lakh per case
with finance
concurrence with
the annual ceiling
limit of Rs. 10 lakhs
by clubbing both
type of cases.
Sr. Scale officers
with independent
charge only -
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Full powers up to
Rs. 25,000/- in each
case for
rs to small Track
machines without
finance concurrence
and above Rs.
25,000/- and up to
Rs. 50,000/- per
case with finance
concurrence with
the annual ceiling
limit of Rs. 5 lakhs
by clubbing both
type of cases.
Notes for item no 31 c , d
1. The above powers are subject to the conditions that a register showing the details of expenditure incurred on repairs on each case should be maintained and
shown to Associate Accounts as and when demanded by them to enable them to keep a watch over the ceiling limit fixed above.
2. The above powers for purchase of spare parts can only be exercised in the urgency. Normally the procurement should be made through COS by placing
3. The annual year for the ceiling indicated above, should be w.e.f., Ist April to 31st March.
4. The procurement of spare parts should not be in piece-meal to avoid finance concurrence.
(E) To enter into AMC (other than Single Full Powers DRM, CWM (in Full Powers as per Authority:
Tender) for Track Machines/ Appliances/ SAG) works contract. 1. Board’s L.No.2011/F(X)II/5/11 dtd.
Equipment other than office equipment Full powers as per 15.06.2016 CS No. 11 dtd. 23.8.2016;
works contract. 2. Board’sL.No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
(F) Annual Maintenance Contract for Full powers DRM/ADRM/CWM SG/JAG 18.10.2017
equipment including small track machines on /SAG: Up to Rs. 2 lakhs 3. 324-S, S-226/1 of 21.06.1971
single tender basis to be placed on OEMs / Up to Rs.10 lakhs per case with annual 200/F(S)i/PW/7/2 dated 12.10.2001
Authorised dealers of OEMs per case finance ceiling of Rs. 30 4. 05.09.2003 2007/F(S)/PW/7/1 dated
concurrence with lakhs 07.02.2007
annual ceiling of Rs. 5. 706-S & 328-S81/F(S)I/PW/7/1 dated
50 lakhs 28.04.1981 6. IRSTMM-2005
(G) Annual Maintenance Contract on single PCME, Pr. CE, & DRM SG/JAG
tender basis for Track Machines, equipment P CEE Full powers Up to Rs. 2 lakhs
of Disaster Management viz. HRE, HRD and Full powers per case with annual
140 T DSL BD cranes, electronic equipment ceiling of Rs. 30
of SP-ART, SP-ARMV & Tower Wagon Other PHODs lakhs
with OEM or their authorized agent with Up to Rs. 10 lakhs
finance concurrence. per item subject to
maximum ceiling
limit of Rs. 50
lakhs per annum.
Other SAGs
Up to Rs. 5 lakhs
per item subject to
maximum ceiling
limit of Rs. 30
lakhs per annum.
Note on Items 31 E, F, G:
1. The AMC of critical equipment on single tender basis may be awarded to OEMs or authorized dealers. The decision to award work to OEMs or authorized dealers on
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
single tender shall be decided by the sanctioning authority while obtaining finance concurrence.
2. This would need the prior concurrence of finance.
3. Since AMCs are in the nature of Service Contracts and OEMs/Authorised Dealers are often reluctant to submit Earnest Money or Security deposits, this need not be
insisted upon in each case. Care may, however, be taken to enter into such contracts only with reputed dealers so as to ensure satisfactory performance and minimum
downtime of the equipment.
4. The above powers may be exercised subject to availability of funds.
5. In workshops where workshop in charge are in JAG, the powers will be exercised by CWE.
6. Normally the work of repair of window AC, split AC, water coolers is undertaken departmentally. However, to enter into AMC for such repairs from outside agency, a
certificate to this effect that the work cannot be undertaken departmentally, may to be given by controlling officer. Such repairs may normally be done through open
tender from reputed firms.
7. As per the laid down procedure of works matters tenders. In case of Single tender the Tender committee and the accepting authority should be one step higher than in case
of open tender excepting where GM is the accepting authority.
8. The AMC can be of the following types: -
“Full services maintenance agreements” which as the name implies is all inclusive of labour, consumables and spares.
“Annual Maintenance Agreements” where labour and consumables are included.
A schedule of rates for spares and non-recurring spares can be drawn up before entering into the AMC to facilitate fixing of rates during AMC.
It is also to be understood that the cost of yearly AMC is to be defined clearly. The materials from spares list actually used together with AMC value should not exceed the
sanction limit.
9. In all cases not covered above, AGM shall be the competent authority to approve such cases with full powers.
10. Constitution of TC and Accepting Authority shal be as per the delegations of Works matters (Annexure-A) read with note 7 above.
32. Disposal of dead and live trees by Full Powers Full Powers JAG / SS/Jr Scale in Authority:
sale/auction. Engg. Dept. 1. Board’s lr. No.74-EB/3000 dt.14.1.75
Full Powers
Notes Item 32
1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
2. SSE (works/Pway) up to Rs.500/- per tree when the reserve price is not fixed by ADEN and up to Rs.1000/- when reserve price is fixed by ADEN.
3. Reserve price to be fixed prior to sale/auction.
4. The reserve price and sale price to be reviewed once in six months bySr. DEN/Co-ord. for the issue of necessary guidelines for the future.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
33. Disposal of unserviceable wooden/concrete Full Powers Full Powers JAG/SS in Engg. 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
sleepers by auction or tender. Dept. including 2. Delivery to be witnessed as per extant
Construction orders.
Full Powers 3. The reserve price and sale price to be
reviewed once in six months by Sr.
DEN/Co-ord. for the issue of necessary
guidelines for the future.
34. (A) Purchase of seedlings/ saplings. Full Powers DRM ADRM/ Sr. DEN /DEN
CWM Up to Rs. 100,000/-
Full Powers per year.
Chairman/RRB AEN
Full Powers up to Rs.1000/- in
each case.
Annual ceiling limit:
Officer in charge of
Training Institutions
Rs.5000/- in each
case. Annual ceiling
Rs. 50,000/-
(B) Purchase of black/red soil, manure, Same as above Same as above Same as above
flower pots, seeds etc., required for
maintenance of Gardens including those
within the workshop premises
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
35. Acquisition of land- 1. Finance vetting is necessary as regards
funds availability.
(A) against provision made in a sanctioned PCE / CAO/CN / DRM ADRM JAG 2. Subject to overall sanctioned cost for
estimate CE/CN Full Powers Full Powers land in the estimate not being exceeded
Full Powers by more than 20%.
1. Para-913 of Engg. Code.
(B) in case of urgency PCE/CAO/CN DRM / ADRM JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
Full Powers Full Powers subject NIL including availability of funds.
to submission of 2. Total cost of the work including
report to higher acquisition of land in such cases should
authorities be within the respective powers of
immediately. sanction.
1. Para-913 and 914 of Engg. Code
36. To sanction payment of Arbitration fees and Authority:
expenses. 1. Rly. Bd’s Letter No. E(G)/2010 HO
1/20 dated 11.09.2010
(i) Retired Rly officers. PHOD/CHOD DRM NIL 2. Rb Letter no 2009/CE-I/CT/14/Main dt.
(REFERCORRECTION SLIP No. A-3 Full Powers as per NIL 17.01.2018
Dt.06/09/2019) extant Railway 3. Rb Letter no 2009/CE-I/CT/14/Main dt.
Board Instructions 16.05.2018
4. Board’s letter No. F(X)II/2015/PW/7
(ii) Serving Rly officers. Full Powers as per NIL NIL dt.12/06/2017 item no 33
(REFERCORRECTION SLIP No. A-3 extant Railway
Dt.06/09/2019) Board Instructions
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
Notes for Item 36
1. Finance concurrence is not necessary for payment of fee to Railway arbitrators i.e. (Serving/Retired Rly. officers).
2. Finance concurrence is necessary for payment of fee to outside arbitrators. For item No.(ii), the cost for Incidental charges viz. Clerkage, Peon, Stationery,
Stamps, and other misc. expenditure shall be shared equally by the Claimant and the Respondent as per ESO can be sanctioned by PHOD/DRM
3. The incidental charges are exclusive of the fees indicated under Col. (3) &(4).
37. A) Sanction of the proposals for Outsourcing PHOD DRM/CWM Nil 1. Board, letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy
of the following Full powers Full powers dated 18.10.2017
i. Upkeep and Maintenance of Rolling Stock including Coaches, wagons, locomotives, EMU, DEMU, Trainset,
MEMU, Tower Cars, power car, Spart, ART, ARMV, other specila purpose coaches & wagons and rolling
ii. Upkeep and Maintenance of stations including mechanised cleaning.
iii. Upkeep and Maintenance of running rooms/ Crew Lobbies.
iv. Rag picking and garbage disposal.
v. Onboard Cleaning and Hygiene Scheme (OBHS).
vi. Clean Train Station (CTS)
vii. Upkeep and Maintenance of coaching depots/Loco sheds, carsheds, workshops,railway canteens,railway
installations,premises and buildings.
viii. Upkeep and Maintenance of crew lobbies including CTR data entry.
ix. Upkeep and Maintenance of offices, rest houses, training institutes, hospitals, railway colonies and major
x. Manning of waiting halls, retiring rooms, operation of PA system, passenger information systems and face-to-
face enquiry.
xi. Supply of subsidized food in running rooms
xii. Upkeep/ Housekeeping including Cooking in Camp Coaches of Track Machines.
xiii. Manning/ upkeep of non-core electric traction assets such as sub-stations, PSI/OHE and non-traction aseets
like pump house lifts escalators etc.
xiv. Provision of AC coach attendants and AC coach mechanics.
xv. Manning of power car.
xvi. Provision of Box Boy, sand filling in locomotive.
xvii. Maintenance activities of various assets of technical departments.
Xviii. Maintenance /upkeep of non-core assets
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
xix. And any other activity planned to be outsourced as per the decision of PHOD/CHOD.
B) Security guards for non-core activities. CSC Nil Nil
SLIP NO. 1 Dt.17/10/2018)
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
duly keeping in view the last accepted rates/rate analysis/ prevailing minimum labour rates fixed by respective Government authorities/mandatory payments
such as subscriptions to ESI/EPF/ GST thereon (but not based on mean pay of Railway employees).No separate detail estimate is required as the
proposal/estimate is already sanctioned by higher authority.
4. In case of exigencies, quotation process can be resorted to sparingly, for works less than Rs.10 lakhs as per competency shown in Columns 3 & 4. Once
sanction is obtained, the Acceptance of Quotation can be done as per the powers delegated vide item No.5(F)
5. The power of sanction to detailed estimate, calling and acceptance of tenders, signing of contract agreements, performance guarantee, security deposit,
penalties, variations and termination, etc. should be same as per the respective powers delegated under Works Matters.
6. (a)The proposals of security require Associate Finance Concurrence and Sanction of CSC.
(b) The divisions are authorized to formulate an approved list of Security agencies for the outsourcing of Private Security on the division.
(c) CSC will circulate guidelines for formulation of approved list of Security agencies and terms and conditions of outsourcing including payment of
minimum wages.
7. The efficacy of the outsourcing contracts should be reviewed during mid-term of the currency and quarterly thereafter by the Executive and results put up for
decision of the accepting authority to continue the contract. In order to enable foreclosure, there shall be a special condition in the contract for pre-closure of
the outsourcing arrangement with due notice.
8. This delegation of powers does not include certain activities for which separate delegation is available elsewhere in the SOP (eg: Repairs & Maintenance of
Plant & Machinery, entering into AMCs, , any work traditionally being done on contract basis on Division/ Workshop, hiring of vehicles, outsourcing of
medical services, consultancy contracts or any other activity). Execution of various revenue and sanctioned works (in different Plan heads) is already
outsourced , even before introduction of thisdelegation , outsourcing of these works should not get affected because of thisdelegation. This item is not
applicable for the works under various Plan Heads and regular Zonal and Maintenance works conventionally done through contracts.
9. Necessary funds should be ensured throughout the contract period.
10. Above list of outsourcing activities is indicative. PHOD/CHOD may circulate detailed list as per requirement.
38 Repairs/AMC to Machinery & Plants Authority
including material handling vehicles 1. 1. Rly Bd letter no 2011/F(X) II/5/11
(excluding motor trolleys and motor dated 15.06.2016.
vehicles) including cost of spares incidental
to repair. 2. Board, letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy
dated 18.10.2017
Full power with Full power with SG/JAG/SS(IC) –
(a) Expenditure on diagnosis of fault Associate Finance Associate Finance Upto Rs. 25,000 , For (a) Finance concurrence is necessary
Concurrence Concurrence per case with overall above Rs. 15,000/-
annual limit of Rs 1
lakh only. Processing of cases shall be dealt as per
works contract matters.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
(c) Repair on single tender basis with Full power with Full power with SG/JAG/SS(IC) Rs (REFER RLY. BD’S CORRIGENDUM
OEM or authorised dealer of OEM. Associate Finance Associate Finance 50,000/per case SLIP NO. 1 Dt.17/10/2018)
Concurrence Concurrence with Finance
Concurrence subject
to annual limit of Rs
5 lakh.
(d) Annual Maintenance Contract on Full power with Full power with SG/JAG/SS(IC) –
other than single tender basis Associate Finance Associate Finance Rs.5 lakh, per case
Concurrence Concurrence with Finance
(e) Annual Maintenance Contract on Full power with Full power with Unit Incharges
Single tender basis with OEM or Associate Finance Associate Finance (JAG/SG)
authorised dealer of OEM. Concurrence Concurrence Rs 2 lakh per case
with annual ceiling
of Rs 30 lakh
finance concurrence
39 Repair /AMC of equipments (other than T&P Authority
and M&P) including rolling stock 1. Rly Bd letter no 2011/F(X) II/5/11 dated
equipments, S&T equipments, electrical 15.06.2016.
equipments, Engineering equipments etc.
2. Board, letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
dated 18.10.2017
(a) Expenditure on diagnosis of fault Full power with Full power with SG/JAG/SS(IC) –
Associate Finance Associate Finance Upto Rs.25,000 , per For (a) Finance concurrence is necessary
Concurrence Concurrence case with overall above Rs.15,000/-.
annual limit of Rs 1 For others, Finance concurrence is
lakh only. necessary.
(c) Repair on single tender basis with Full power with Full power with SG/JAG/SS(IC) Rs
OEM or authorised dealer of OEM. Associate Finance Associate Finance 50,000/per case
Concurrence Concurrence subject to annual
limit of Rs 5 lakh.
(d) Annual Maintenance Contract on Full powers as per Full powers as per SG/JAG/SS(IC) –
other than single tender basis their powers in their powers in case Rs.5 lakh, per case
case of Open of Open with Finance
Tenders/Quotation Tenders/Quotations Concurrence
s of Works of Works Mattters
(e) Annual Maintenance Contract on Full power with Full power with Unit Incharges
Single tender basis with OEM or Associate Finance Associate Finance (JAG/SG)
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
authorised dealer of OEM. Concurrence Concurrence Rs 2 lakh per case
with annual ceiling
of Rs 30
40 Hire of Plant and Machinery from outsiders PHOD only DRM/CWM (in SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for
or Govt. Bodies in case of emergency Full Powers SAG) Up to Rs.50,000 transaction of more than Rs. 50,000/-
Full powers
1. Para 1923-S
41 Hiring of Trucks/Mini trucks/equivalent in PHODs for Extra DRM/ADRM/ Authority:
the same segment as required for Divl.Unit/COC/C CWM (in SAG) 1. Item No.17 Note 2 of IRFC Vol. I
transportation of material on regular basis or for construction Full powers with 2. Rly. Bd. letter No. 2006/PW/II dt.
on a case to case basis /for day to day Full powers with finance concurrence 21.11.2006, 07.02.2007, 15.5.2007 &
maintenance of Track/Track finance subject to certificate 11.10.2010 CS No. 6 dtd 10.2.2015
machines/Bridges/electrical/mechanical/S&T concurrence that no Railway 3. Rly. Bd. Letter No. F(X)II-2006/PW/11
assets and for supervisory staff in subject to vehicle is available. dtd 10.10.17
construction projects and workshops. certificate that no Note:
Railway vehicle is 1. Approval of DRM should be obtained
available only when ADRMs are not posted in the
2. Proper record should be maintained for
watching the expenditure towards hiring
of Trucks/Mini Trucks.
3. There should be clear availability of
-- -- funds under proper allocation of head.
4. As far as possible division should assess
its requirement for the year and enter
into a rate contract.
1. RB Ltr No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
42 Licensing of Railway Land for giving DRM Authority:
connectivity to Private sidings to increase Full powers with 1. Rly. Board’s letter no.
Railway earnings recommendation of 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
three member
standing committee Along with related Freight Marketing and
on Land Matters Land & Amenities circulars on the subject
comprising issued from Railway Board laying policy on
Sr.DEN(Co), the subject.
43 To sanction expenditure on testing charges of PHOD DRM/ CWM (in JAG/SG/SS Authority:
steel, concrete cubes, ballast, soil, drinking Full Powers SAG)/ SAG independent charge 1. From reputed institutes Like IIT/NIT/
water etc. from Govt. Institutions/ Govt. Up to Rs. 25,000/- in each Shriram Institute for Industrial Research/
approved laboratories HOD Rs. 50,000/- in each case. MSME etc 2.Rates, Finance concurrence
Up to case required For cases in excess of Rs 25000/
Rs. 50,000/- in
each case ADRM
Rs. 35,000/- in each
44 Delegation of Powers in case of Service PHOD/CHOD: DRM All Other officers 1. DRMs can enter into service contract for
Contracts (inviting and accepting tenders) Full Powers Up to Rs. 100 Crore Powers as per the a period of 3 months irrespective of
As per Delegation in each casefor long delegations in value of contract, only in case of
(REFER RLY. BD’S CORRIGENDUM of Service term contracts as per Service Contracts termination of existing service contract
SLIP NO. 10 Dt.21/09/2020) contracts Service Contracts with finance concurrence, by calling
(follow extant quotations from approved list of vendors
guidelines of 2. Extant Guidelines of Board to be
Service Contracts, followed
earlier DRMs had
power only up to Rs. Authority:
20 Crore) 1. Rly.Bd’s Ltr.No.2017/Trans/01/Policy
Divisional Officers,
PHOD/CHOD Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers SAG REMARKS
/HOD Officers & Officers
in Headquarters
45 Projects to be undertaken on BOOT basis As per Delegation DRM/CWM (in Powers as per the 1. Technical Approval of PHOD/CHOD to
of Service SAG delegations in be taken.
contracts Full powers with Service Contracts 2. Extant Guidelines of Board to be
Finance followed.
concureence within
their powers of Authority:
Acceptance as per 1. Rly.Bd’s Ltr.No.2017/Trans/01/Policy
Service Contracts dt.18.10.2017.
46 Entering into contracts/formal understanding Full Powers DRM/ADRM/CWM JAG 1. Format of MOU to be vetted by Law
in the prescribed forms for performance/ (SAG) Up to Rs. 20 lakhs Branch.
provision of the agreed services, etc., by Full Powers 2. Finance concurrence is necessary along
Departments/ Sr. Scale with vetting of Draft MOU.
Statutory Bodies of the Central, State or Upto Rs. 5 lakhs
Local Bodies (Municipalities, etc.) for
Railway’s use and payment of fees and other
amount there for as per the scale prescribed
by the respective Authority.
47 Works undertaken in workshops for PHOD/CHOD CWM(SAG) Nil CWE & CME must be kept duly informed
Government Departments and outside public Full Powers Rs 50 Crore
bodies. Stipulations of Para 1417 of Workshop code
(REFER CORRECTION SLIP No. A-5 to be followed
48 Issue of Work Orders for execution of a JAG/Sr.Scale(IC)- The powers proposed are as per Railway
contract work against a zonal contract. Rs 5 lakhs board letter No 2001/CE-I/CT/17/ Pt III dt
(Work-order values). 27.09.2017 (CS 51 of Engg Code)
(REFER CORRECTION SLIP No.A-1 Dt.18/08/2018)
(REFER CORRECTION SLIP No.A-2 Dt.11/10/2018)
(REFER CORRECTION SLIP No.A-6 Dt.02/12/2020)
Annexure ‘A’
Annexure ‘C’
All Stores related matters pertaining to procurement of spares, consumables, and small tools for Track machines and Small Track
machines as mentioned in Item 31(a) includingConstitution of tender committee and accepting authority etc, shall be as per SOPon
Storesmatters(Part –D).
Annexure ‘D’
Constitution of Tender Committee and Accepting Authority for Consultancy Contracts (Standing Tender Committee)
Shall be as per the Railway Board letter no No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated: 27 - 11- 2017 on the subject Process Reforms –
Engagement of Consultants”
Annexure E
Annexure ’E(i)’
A) General:
1. Re-appropriations should be done in exceptional cases only and when is known/anticipated that the work from which funds are being re-appropriated will not be
utilized in full or if savings can be effected in the appropriation/outlay for the work.
2. All re-appropriations shall be processed for sanction of GM/Railway Board by the concerned nodal department/branch based on the recommendation of the user
department/branch. Prior Concurrence of Associate Finance is required in all cases. For re-appropriations sanctioned at Zonal Railway level, FA&CAO (Budget)
would issue sanction memoranda duly reflecting changed funds position through Budget VPN (Virtual Private Network).
3. All re-appropriation proposals should be accompanied by details as per the Proforma annexed in ' Annexure-E (ii)'.
4. Funds cannot be re-appropriated to a work not having administrative approval and technical sanction of competent Authority.
5. Amount re-appropriated to any work shall not exceed the sanctioned cost of that work.
6. Once funds are diverted from any work through re-appropriation, it renders the work as lowest in priority for that financial year and funds cannot be restored to
the work during the financial year. Hence temporary/reverse re-appropriation cannot be resorted to. Authority: Rly. Board Lr.No.2015-B-174 dated 04.12.15.
7. Since both itemized works as well as lumpsum provision for works costing below Rs.2.50 Crs. each are Pink Book items, Re-appropriation between/among them
is permitted. Authority: Rly. Board Lr.No.2011-B-174 dated 09.12.2015.
1. Re-appropriations cannot be done against the Outlay and during the currency of “Vote on Account” allotment.
2. Re-appropriations are not permissible between: i) Between One Grant (Demand) and another. (ii) Voted and Charged allotments, (iii) Capital, Railway Funds,
and Railway Safety Fund and (iv) One Railway Fund and another.
3. The Re-appropriation may be done, without relating to issue of RE/RG.
Refer Item No. 14
1. Inter-Plan-Head Re-appropriations within Demand No. 16.
2. Re-appropriations/Re-distribution from/to and among Plan head 21-Rolling Stock (Bulk Order Items).
3. The outlays for priority/ targeted works are not re-appropriated to non-priority works.
4. To/From and among works being executed by Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL).
5. On portions of work constituting 'material modification' which are above Rs.2.5 Crs if the material modification pertains to the current year.
6. Railways may carry out re-appropriation among pink book itemized works within the same plan head and same allocation head, irrespective of increase in outlay
of the Pink Book itemized works due to re-appropriation.
7. Railways may carry out re-appropriation from pink book itemized works in all plan heads subject to the original outlay not getting reduced to below Rs. 1 lakh
with the stipulation that the outlays of priority / targeted works are not re-appropriated to non-priority works.
8. Any Re-appropriations/Re-distribution under allocation EBR (Extra Budgetary resources) eg. PPP, Deposit, Institutional Finance, Market Borrowings/Bonds etc.
(Authority: Railway Board's letter No.2011-B-174 dated 03.07.2015, 02.08.2016 & 16.02.2017. Pt 3 & 4 of letter dated 16.02.2017 may be connected to ensure
correct compliance).
Annexure ‘E(ii)’
Proforma for dealing with Re-appropriations
( thousands)
Financial Expenditu Balance Amount Total Outlay
Latest Amount now
Pink Progress re during outlay already re- Resultant after
Name Sanctio B.E. outlay proposed for
Book Plan (%) up to the in the appropriated outlay for proposed re- Remarks/
of the ned cost for the re-
Item Head end of current current at zonal/ Local the year appropriation Reasons.
Work of the year appropriatio
No. previous year till year level during (6+9) during the
work n
year date (6-7) the year year (10+11)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) * (7) (8) * (9) * (10) * (11) (12) (13)
To from To from
(+) (-) (+) (-)
PART – B: Medical Matters
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
Payment of fees to practitioners for consultation / professional service to Railway servants/beneficiaries and also to the
persons injured in Railway accidents B5
2. Expenditure on diet, transport conveyance, and medicines at accident site B5-9
3. Miscellaneous medical expenses including apparel, equipment, and medallions for SJAB B9-10
4. Funeral expenses and expenses on unclaimed dead bodies B10-11
Sanction of reimbursement of medical expenses for treatment including pacemaker of railway servants and members of
their families B11-13
6. Purchase of drugs & medicines & other items of Medical Stores B13-15
7. Local purchase of drugs and emergency purchase of equipment B15-18
8. Purchase of blood B18
Purchase of family planning medicines, publicity/advertising material and other conveyance related expenditure for
camps B18
10. Procurement of artificial limbs and hearing aids B18
11. Drawl of advance for sterilization camp and other health promoting activities B19
Miscellaneous hospital expenses like repair of equipment, supply of dietary essentials, and washing of linen and purchase
of milk B19-21
13. Fixing up of contracts for disposal of waste from railway premises and hospitals B21-23
14. Waiver of hospital charges in respect of non-railway patients B23-24
15. Supply of Medical Stores when not as per requirements and timelines B24-25
16. Admission of Non-Railway patients in Railway Hospitals B25-26
17. Medical Boards-holding for decategorisation and invalidation B26
18. Naked eye vision – relaxation of medical board B26
19. Acceptance of gifts by Railway Hospitals on behalf of the medical department B26-27
20. Sanction for special diagnostic investigations in non-railway identified institutions B27-29
21. Sanction the cost of special drugs for TB/AIDS patients treated in non-railway sanatoria /hospitals B29
22. Sanction of estimates for purchase of medical equipment B29
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
Replacement/addition of small medical equipment, apparatus, appliances including instruments, spares and accessories
for Hospital and Dispensaries chargeable to revenue B29-30
24. Write-off and disposal of medical-related products / apparatus B30-32
25. Purchase of items for accident relief medical equipment including first aid articles and cash imprest for ART/ARME B32-33
26. Purchase of Medical Books and Journals B33
27. Hiring of Ambulances for Divisional Hospitals B34
28. Invitation and acceptance of tenders for supply of catering items including cooked food and milk to hospitals B34-35
29. Supply of Dietary articles for Railway Hospitals by spot purchase committee B35-36
Call and acceptance of limited tenders for sale of waste fixer Hypo solution, waste exposed X-Ray Films, empty bottles,
and tins B36
Miscellaneous expenditure on objects other than those recognized as fit object for Railway expenditure (other than
Photographic materials) B36
32. Payment of incidental expenditure for Blood Donation Camp B36-37
Purchase of Crockery/ Cutlery linen / napery / Glassware, cooking servicing articles in urgent cases on limited tender
basis for hospitals/ Dispensaries where indoor patients are being treated B37
34. Procurement of items under Mass Media B37
35. Charges for testing of drugs, medicines & other medical items in Govt. laboratory/ Pvt. laboratory B37-38
36. Condemnation of machines and instruments belonging to Medical department B38
Expenditure on hiring of ambulance, taxi or other conveyance for transport of sick/ injured Railway beneficiaries in
emergent cases B38-39
38. Organization of refresher/ induction courses for Doctors/Para-Medical/ Health staff B39
39. Artificial limbs-related procedures for railway employees and family B39-40
40. Recovery of Hospital charges B40
41. Temporary arrangement at stations for coping with needs on account of extra ordinary traffic due to any Mela B40
42. Petty purchases during emergencies in connection with conservancy arrangements B40-41
43. Payment to outside agencies for monitoring the radiation received for staff working in the radiology department B41
44. Sanction of expenditure on Taxi for transport of patients from Railway Hospital to non-Railway hospitals B41
45. Contribution or subscription to Medical Institution if Medical aid is rendered by such Institution to Railway employees B41-42
46. Appointment of House Surgeons B42
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
47. Procurement of medical implants such as hearing aid, Bi-Pap/C-Pap and other implants B42
48. Extension of contract of Part time Dental Surgeons for a period up to 3 years B42-43
49. Annual Maintenance Contract on single and limited tender basis for medical equipment B43-44
50. Sanction of occasional purchases of ice B45
51. Sanction of engagement of special nurses B45
52. Procurement of VVIPace – Maker and direct payments to supplying agencies in Planned/Elective cases B45-46
53. Powers of reimbursement of cost of Intraocular Lens Implantation B46-48
54. Reimbursement of medical expenses for Breast implants prosthesis B48
55. Repair of Audio Visual equipment available in hospitals B48
56. Sanction of estimates chargeable to revenue for works related to smooth working of hospital and in emergency B48
57. Invitation of tender for repair of oxygen points and suction points in hospitals by open/limited tender B49
58. Powers for reimbursement of Dental procedures B49
59. Engagement of doctors as contract medical practioners B49-51
60. Engagementof doctors as honorary visiting specialists (HVS) B51
61. Engagement of para-medical staff on contract basis B51-52
62. Sanctioning for transplant of liver B52
63. Empanelment of Private Hospitals for referral B52
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Payment of fees to PCMD CMS/CMO Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Government medical Full Powers Full Powers 2. The guidelines with respect to payment
officers/private practitioners limits etc. given in Rly.Bd.’s letter no.
(Specialists/Super MD (Zonal Hosp) 2005/H/1/12/34/ptdt. 05.05.06 and No.
Specialists) for consultation/ Full Powers 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
professional service to (Para G-2) should be adhered to.
Railway 3. CMS/MD/CMO are empowered for
servants/beneficiaries and payment of fee of doctors engaged on
also to the persons injured in case to case basis Rs. 1,000/- for first
Railway accidents patient and Rs. 200/- for each subsequent
1. Para 712 of Indian Railway Medical
Manual (IRMM).
1. Rate should be fixed by the Railway
Doctor attending, in consultation with
CMS of the division.
2. Expenditure on:
(a). Free diet to indigent PCMD DRM/ADRM/CWM/CMS/ Full Powers as Sr.Scale/ 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
passengers and trespassers Full Powers CMO per extant orders In charge of
undergoing treatment in Full Powers as per extant H.Unit Authority:
Railway Hospitals as indoor MD (Zonal Hosp) orders Full Powers up to 1. Item No. 50 of GM’s delegation.
patients Full Powers as per extent permissible 2. Para 641-B Note (iv) of IRMM.
extant orders
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SAG (Zonal hosp)
Full Powers up to extent
(b). Road ambulance PCMD/CHD Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
charges etc. for Full Powers 2. Subject to non-availability of railway
conveyance of railway CMP/HU vehicles.
employees/beneficiaries MD (Zonal Hosp) Full Powers
(expenses may be managed Full Powers where regular
from cash imprest) ADMO/DMO is Authority:
SAG (Zonal Hosp) not posted 1. Para 712 of IRMM
Full Powers
(c). Transportation of passengers PCMD/CHD Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
involved in train Full Powers
accidents/untoward ADRM Authority:
incidences MD (Zonal Hosp) Full powers 1. Para 711(15) (iii)and 716 of IRMM
(expenses may be managed Full Powers
from cash imprest)
SAG (Zonal Hosp)
Full Powers
(d). Diet items in respect of Rly. PCMD Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
servants injured in the course Full Powers
of duty for such periods they Authority:
remain as indoor patients in MD (Zonal Hosp) 1. Para. 641(a) to (d) note below (ii) of
Rly. /non-Rly Hospitals for Full Powers IRMM (Vol. I)
one year if they are declared
unfit permanently and
discharged from service.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(e). Powers for procurement of PCMD Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
additional lifesaving drugs Full Powers
from the market at the site of ADRM Authority:
accident. MD (Zonal Hosp) Full powers 1. Railway Board’s letter No.2002/H/7/4
(Expense to be managed from Full Power dt.20/5/2003.
cash imprest)
HOD & SAG (Zonal
Full Power
(f). Expenditure on referring of PCMD DRM/ADRM/CWM/CMS/ Senior most Senior most 1. The injured are to be provided
cases injured in train Full Powers CMO/Senior most Doctor in Doctor in charge Doctor in charge emergency first aid at the site of
accidents and untoward charge of the medical team of the medical of the medical accident/incidence and then promptly
incidence to government/ MD (Zonal Hosp) Full powers team team shifted to suitable
private hospitals and making Full Power Full Powers Full Powers Government, Railway Hospital, or
on the spot payment thereof. (for referral) (for referral) Private Hospital. A close watch is to be
HOD & SAG (Zonal kept on medical treatment need of the
Hosp) patient and to the extent of medical
Full Power facilities available in the hospital and in
case there is inadequate medical
facilities the patient should be promptly
shifted to a higher medical centre, which
can be a Government, Railway, or
Private Hospital.
2. When a private hospital has different
scales of charges for accommodation and
diet the injured should normally be
admitted in the lowest
accommodation/diet. As
per doctor’s discretion and depending on
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the severity of the injury the injured can
also be referred to higher class, if it is
necessary for the recovery of the patient.
3. If the injured person or any other adult
member of his family decides for a
higher class of accommodation/ diet,
there should be no objection to this being
done, provided the injured person or
adult gives in writing to pay extra cost
directly to the hospitals concerned.
4. The CMS should draw up a list of such
private hospitals in the vicinity so that
the injured can be referred in an
emergency without loss of time to the
hospitals concerned.
5. The bills of the Government/private
Hospital should be scrutinized and
passed by theMD/ CMS/MS in charge
with the concurrence of Associate
Finance ..
6. Payment to private hospitals under this
para can be locally arraged by the
Railway for which a procedure is
required to be laid down by GM in
consultation with respective PFA for on
the spot payment to private hospitals.
1. Railway Board’s letter
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No.2003/H/7/5/3(32) dt.23/08/2005 &
2003/4/7/1/SCR dt. 14/11/2006,
2. Para 712 of IRMM and Advance
Correction Slip to Paras711(7) & 8
and Para 712.
3. Expenditure on:
(a). Uniform, clothing of Chief Surgeon DRM Distt Officer Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
St. John’s Ambulance Full Powers Full Powers SJAB
Brigade(SJAB) as per Authority:
Brigade rules. Dist. Supdts. CMS Full Power 1. Para 1110(6) of IRMM.
Full Power Full Power
Dist. Surgeons/Distt
Full Power
(c). Parade allowance Chief Surgeon, Dist. CMS Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Supdts. and Dist. Full Powers 2. As rates specified by SJAB.
Full Powers Authority:
1. Para 1111 of IRMM.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(d). Expenditure on Addl. Commissioner Nil Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
voucher/medallion for the (Medical)
candidates of SJAB Full Powers Authority:
1. Para 1106(8) of IRMM.
4. a) Funeral expenses for PCMD Up to Rs. 8,000/- Up to Rs. 8,000/- Up to Rs. 8,000/- 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
indigent employees who die Up to Rs. 8,000/- in each case in each case in each case 2. Subject to amount being recovered from
in railway hospitals in each case. the settlement dues of the deceased.
3. Bill drawing and the concerned Accounts
MD (Zonal Hosp) Officer to be advised immediately.
Up to Rs. 8,000/-
in each case. Authority:
1. Para 1602(15) of IREM, Second Edition.
SAG (Zonal Hosp) 2. Board Lr. No. E(W)98/WE6/8, dt. 05-03-1999
Up to Rs. 8,000/- 3. Amount can be withdrawn from Station
in each case Earnings.
4. Para 711(5(g) of IRMM
b) Expenses on disposal PCMD Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers
of unclaimed dead bodies in railway Full Powers
hospitals. ADRM
MD (Zonal Hosp) Full powers
Full Powers
Up to Rs. 2000/- in each
Up to Rs. 2,000/- in
each case
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c) Transportation of dead MD (Zonal Hosp) CMS/CMO Nil Nil 1. Finance Concurrence is not necessary
bodies of Railway Upto Rs. 5,000/- in each Upto Rs. 5,000/- in each Authority:
beneficiaries, who die in case case 1. Rly. Bd. Letter no.
Railway Hospitals, in 2018/Trans.Cell/Health/Zonal Hospitals
indigent cases dated 13.06.2018
SLIP No. B-2 Dt.02/11/2018)
5. To sanction reimbursement of medical expenses for treatment including pacemaker of railway servants / RELHS-97 and members of their families
(a). Under normal circumstances PCMD/SAG DRM/ADRM/CWM/SAG Up to Rs. Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
when referred by authorized Full Powers Full Powers 30,000/- 2. For GM/AGM powers, Ltr. No.
Railway Medical officer to 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
Govt.including autonomous MD (Zonal Hosp) may be referred to. Limit of rates for
body hospitals and precede in Full Powers Pacemaker, stents etc. will be as per
accordance with his/her CGHS rates issued from time to time.
1. Rly. Bd. letters no. 2011/ H/6-4/ Policy-1
dt.30.9.2011, 2005/H/ 6-4/Policy dated
1. Powers as indicated are for officers of Medical department only.
2. DRM/ADRM/CWM will exercise these powers as indicated in column 4 where no SAG Officer of medical department is available.
(b). For treatment taken in emergency without proper reference by authorized Railway Medical Officer: 1. For GM/AGM powers, Ltr. No.
(i) Private non- PCMD DRM/CWM Nil Nil 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
recognized/recognized 5 lakhs in each case Rs. 2 lakhs per case may be referred to [AGM – Full power
hospitals for (b)(ii) and Rs. 10 lakhs in each case
MD (Zonal Hosp) CMS/CMO for (b)(i); GM – Full power for both
Rs. 2 lakhs per case Rs. 1 lakh per case without (b)(i) &(ii)].
without annual ceiling annual ceiling 2. Limit of rates for Pacemaker, stents etc.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(ii) In Government hospital PCMD DRM/CWM will be as per CGHS rates issued from
including Autonomous body Full powers Rs. 5 lakhs per case time to time.
hospitals that are fully funded 3. Concurrence of associate finance is
from Govt. funds but given required.
autonomy for administrative MD (Zonal Hosp) CMS/CMO
purposes like AIIMS, NIMS Rs. 2 lakh per case Rs, 1 lakh per case without Authority:
(Hyderabad) etc.) without annual ceiling annual ceiling 1. Rly. Bd. letter no. 2005/H/6-4 /Policy-II
dated 31.01.07 & 22.06.10
2. 2011/H/6-4/ Policy-I dated 24.09.13 &
3. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
4. Rly. Bd. Letter no.
2018/Trans.Cell/Health/Zonal Hospitals
dated 13.06.2018
(c). Advance payment on estimate AGM DRM/CWM Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
from Govt. and other Full Powers Up to Rs. 5 lakhs in each Note
autonomous body* hospitals case * Hospitals that are fully funded from Govt.
to sanction referral in PCMD funds but given autonomy for
emergency of Railway Full powers CMS/CMO administrative purposes like AIIMS,
beneficiaries. MD (Zonal Hosp) Rs. 1 lakh per case without NIMS (Hyderabad) etc.
(REFER CORRECTION Rs. 1 lakh per case annual ceiling
SLIP No. B-2 Dt.02/11/2018) without annual ceiling Authority:
1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
(d). Advance payment thereof, to AGM DRM/CWM Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Private Non-recognized Up to Rs. 10 lakhs in Up to Rs. 2 lakhs in each
hospitals for treatment of each case case Authority:
referral in emergency if the 1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
treatment is neither available PCMD CMS/CMO
at Railway hospital nor at Up to Rs. 5 lakhs in Up to Rs. 1 lakh in each
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
recognised hospital each case case without annual ceiling
6.1.2 Direct purchase of GEM Delegation may be made in terms of Rly Board letter no. 2014/RS(G)/779/13 dated 28.12.2015. Refer part D, stores matters.
items when urgently required
(a) Drug & medicines
(b) Other than medical stores
like instruments, appliances,
dressings, medical
consumable & disposables
(c) X-Ray films
6.2 Non-GEM items:
Drugs and other consumable items of IRP-1995 or later edition:
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6.2.1 By open tender 1. Delegation may be made in terms of Rly
6.2.2 (a) By limited tender on Board letter no. 2014/RS(G)/779/13
normal circumstances dated 28.12.2015
(b) By limited tender in 2. Refer part D, stores matters
6.2.3 Single Tender:
(a). For proprietary article, where 1. Delegation may be made in terms of Rly
it is possible to certify that a Board letter no. 2014/RS(G)/779/13
similar medicine which could dated 28.12.2015
be used in lieu is not 2. Refer part D, stores matters
manufactured/ sold by any
other firm in the country.
(PAC, 6/c)
(b). In case of single tender for
items where it has not been
possible to certify that a
similar item / which could be
used in lieu, is not
manufactured /sold by any
other Firm(PAC/6A)
6.3 (b) Procurement of non- Delegation may be made in terms of Rly Board letter no. 2014/RS(G)/779/13 dated 28.12.2015
disposable tools and plants,
per case
6.4 Advance payment for PCMD Rs. 5000/- Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
purchase of consumable Up to Rs. 20,000/- 2. Subject to provision of safeguards for
essential medical items like per case per occasion the protection of railway’s interest such
oxygen /Ethylene oxide as obtaining bank guarantee for
cylinders and spare parts for MD (Zonal Hosp) insurance against failure, defective and
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
medical equipment not UptoRs. 5000/- short supplies.
appearing in GeM 3. Request from firms for advance
payment along with order should be
discouraged and not accepted unless
there are exceptional circumstances
justifying departure from the rules.
7. (a) Local purchase of Drugs: PCMD CMS/CMO Upto Rs. Health Unit In- 1. Local Purchase should be resorted to
for day-to-day local cash Up to Rs. 50,000/- in Up to Rs. 20,000/- in each 10,000/- in each Charge: when there is:
purchase of small quantity of each case case case Upto Rs. 2,000/- i. Non-supply / delayed supply against
medicines – patient-wise from in each case annual indents.
panel of suppliers. MD (Zonal Hosp) ii. The annual supply is consumed
Up to Rs. 30,000/- in earlier than the scheduled.
each case iii. Specific brand requirements of
(b) Bulk purchase of drugs PCMD CMS/CMO Nil Nil individual patient’s due to brand
which are out of stock Up to Rs. 50,000/- in Up to Rs. 20,000/- in loyalty even when a different brand
(excluding PCMD approved each case each case is available etc. with the approval of
low money value items of treating doctor. Attempt should be
annual indent) through MD (Zonal Hosp) made altogether to avoid this
quotations from the Firms Up to Rs. 30,000/- in practice and if not possible to,
which are registered at each case minimize such purchases.
PCMD’s Office iv. Drugs, which are not in common use
(REFERRly.Bd’s with short shelf lives, hence not kept
CORRIGENDUM No. 9 in stock.
Dt.29/04/2019) v. For the Items not included in the
(c) Local Purchase of Serum PCMD/HOD/SG/JAG Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Indent due to the reasons –
and Vaccines Full Powers a) Newly introduced items of
MD (Zonal Hosp) technology.
Full Powers b) New disease profile has come to
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
surface, which was not
c) New technology introduced in
the hospital for which
disposable items are essential
d) New prescription from referral
hospital that was not anticipated
while preparing indent.
2. Finance concurrence is not required for
7(a), for others concurrence is required
above Rs.10,000/- in each case.
3. Prior approval of Medical Officer in
charge in Health Unit/ Sub- Divisional
Hospital or the Medical Officer in
charge of Stores in Divisional Hospitals
has to be obtained in each case before
resorting to local purchase.
4. Emergency purchase powers of all
designated SAG Officers of Medical
Department for Medicine shall be Rs.
50,000/- per each case, duly following
the procedure for emergency purchase.
5. Proprietary article Certificate (PAC),
Wherever applicable, will be certified
by the sanctioning authority under the
powers delegated vide Columns 3, 4, 5
& 6 in each case, before making the
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Local Purchase under 7(a) & (b) under
normal circumstances should not
exceed 15% of the total annual budget.
Any purchases exceeding 15% of the
total annual budget should be to the
minimum extent necessary and have
specific approval of PCMD and with
duly recorded valid grounds.
1. Para 14 & 14.1 of IRP 2002 & Board’s
letter No. 2006/H/4/1 dated 19.06.2008.
1. Local purchase of Serum & Vaccines
will be restricted to requirement for
providing immediate treatment like ATS/
ADS/ ARV/ Immunoglobulin for patient.
vaccines for prophylactic measure are
beyond the scope of the delegation of
this power.
(d) Emergency purchase for PCMD CMS/CMO Up toRs. Nil 1. Prior finance concurrence not necessary.
items of medical stores like Up toRs. 5 lakhs per Up to Rs. 50,000/- per case 15,000/- per No quotations are required up to Rs.
instruments, appliances, case item. 20,000/- per item. However, past
surgical dressing, X-Ray purchase records to be consulted for
films etc. and equipment MD (Zonal Hosp)/SAG verifying rate reasonability and prior
repairs. Up to Rs. 50,000/- per approval of SAG officers should be
(REFERCORRECTION case taken for such purchase without
SLIP No.B-1 Dt.18/08/2018) quotation.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SG/JA Grade 2. Normal procurement process for
Up to Rs. 20,000/- per purchases above Rs. 20,000/-
8. (a) Purchase of PCMD Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
blood for transfusion Full Powers
from recognized blood banks Authority:
in emergencies. MD (Zonal Hosp) 1. Para 639(6) of IRMM.
Full Powers
Full Powers
(b) To sanction local purchase PCMD/ CHD Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
of blood and blood products Full Powers
from Non-Govt. Institutions ADRM Authority:
including vaccines. MD (Zonal Hosp) Full Powers 1. RB’s letter no. 62/F/PM/PE/7/3 dtd.
Full Powers 07.06.63
9. Purchase of family planning PCMD Up to Rs. 5,000/- up to Rs. 2,000/- Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
medicines, Full Powers per camp per camp.
publicity/advertising material Authority:
and other conveyance related MD (Zonal Hosp) 1. Board’s letter No. 98/H(FW)/1/1/Pt dt.
expenditure for camps. Up to Rs. 5,000/- 18.9.98.
per camp
10. Procurement of artificial PCMD CMS/CMO up to Rs. 5,000/- Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
limbs from Govt./ recognized Full Powers Full Powers in each case
institutions, including Authority:
advance payment therefor. MD (Zonal Hosp) 1. Railway Board’s letter No. 80/H/ 6-
Full Powers 4/33
2. 85/H/6-4/9 dated 13.03.1985.
3. Para-637(ii) of IRMM
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11. Drawl of advance for PCMD CMS/CMO Full powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
a) sterilization camp Full Powers Full powers 2. Subject to rendering accounts to the
concerned Accounts Officer within 15
MD (Zonal Hosp) days from the date of the event to clear
Full Powers the advance outstanding against
1. Railway Board’s Ltr. No.98/H(FW)/1/1
b) health/family welfare PCMD Up to Rs. 10,000/- per camp Up to Rs. 3,000/- Nil Pt dated 18.09.1998
camps and other health Full Powers per camp 2. Railway Board’s Ltr. No.99/H(FW)/1/
promoting activity 1/J dated 02.08.1999
MD (Zonal Hosp)
Up to Rs. 10,000/-
per camp
12. Incurring expenditure PCMD DRM/CWM/ CMS/CMO Up to Rs. 2 lakhs Nil 1. Finance concurrence is required if the
towards: Full Powers Full Powers expenditure exceeds Rs. 25000/- on each
a) Repair and occasion.
servicing of X-Ray and 2. Repairs can be undertaken on single
other electric/ electronic MD (Zonal hosp) quotation from OEM, authorized dealer,
therapeutic apparatus Full Powers or agent or 3 quotations from reputed
including other medical firms.
equipment & apparatus. 3. Powers delegated includes cost of spares
replaced by the Firm entrusted with
4. Advance payments can be made by
PCMD only up to Rs. 5000/- with
finance concurrence and on furnishing a
bank guarantee.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. Purchase of spares required for
replacements to carry out repairs either
departmentally or through outside Firms
is governed by the delegation of powers
under Stores matters.
6. In case of repair of equipment on single
tender/quotation through
OEM/Authorized dealer power will be
exercised by SAG officer or above.
Rly Bd letter no. 2011/F(X)II/5/11 dated
b) supply of dietary PCMD CMS/CMO Full Powers Sr. Scale(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
articles: Full Powers Full Powers Full powers on 2. Subject to observance of tender
i) Open/Limited MD (Zonal Hosp) limited tender basis procedures.
Tender Full Powers
1. Para 405 of IRMM Board’s letter No. 83/F
(3)/PW-7/1dt. 2.3.94.
ii) Single Tender PCMD DRM/CWM Nil Nil
Full Powers Up to Rs. 8 lakhs in each case
c) Washing of linen PCMD CMS/CMO Full powers Sr Scale 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Full Powers Full Powers (independent 2. Subject to mechanical laundry facilities
Open/ Limited charge) not being available or not functioning in
Tender MD (Zonal Hosp) Full powers the Medical department.
Full Powers 3. Observe Tender procedure and powers
given in SOP on Works matters
d) Purchase of Milk for PCMD CMS/CMO Full Powers Nil 1. The powers are applicable for purchase
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
in-patients in Railway Full Powers Full powers of Milk for Railway Hospitals through
Hospitals. State Dairy Development Corporation/
MD (Zonal Hosp) Public Sector or Govt. Undertaking
Full Powers Organization only.
2. The powers indicated are also
applicable for making advance
payments for required quantity for a
period of one month and for payment of
increased rates as and when revised
without Finance Concurrence.
13. a) Fixing up of contracts for PCMD CMS/CMO Full Powers Sr. Scale(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
transport of refuse and Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 2. Tender procedure& powers given in
rubbish from railway SOP on Works matters to be followed.
premises including desilting MD (Zonal Hosp) 3. In extreme cases of breakdown of
of drains and septic tanks and Full Powers conservancy services/ hospital wastes,
similar other works contracts may be fixed without calling
SAG/SG/JAG/Sr Scale tenders for a period of three months
Full powers without further extension.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Health Units where sanitation MD (Zonal Hosp) CMS/CMO Policy dtd 15.11.2002 CS No. 11 dtd.
is under Medical Department Full powers up to Rs. 40 Full powers up to Rs. 40 05.02.03 and JPO No. 177-
and full/part time Health lakhs per case lakhs per case MC/O/cleanliness/ 2006 dtd 04.01.2007.
Inspectors are posted, with CS.No. 02 dtd. 07.10.2011.
prior finance concurrence and 2. Para 910 of Indian Railway Medical
specific availability of funds Manual 2000, Railway Board's letter no.
for the following items. 2011/H-1/10/6 dated 28.01.2011
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. The Power for various stages of tendering, operation of contracts, extension of dates of completion, penalties, termination, etc. should be as per powers given inSOP on Work
6. The estimate for conservancy contracts/tender, conditions will need to be formulated by the concerned executive department and thereafter be submitted for Headquarters
scrutiny prior to invitation of bids for first time and later on if there is any modification in tender conditions.
7. Powers can be exercised subject to budget allotment being made.
d) Purchase of tools and PCMD CMS/CMO/MS, I/C of hosp Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if the
plants required for carrying Full powers up to Rs. 5 Full powers up to Rs. 1 lakhs expenditure exeeds Rs.10,000/- per case.
out various sanitation related lakhs per case. per case.
activities such as pest control, Authority:
large components of MD (Zonal Hosp) 1. Rly.Bd letter no. 99/TG-IV/sanitation
mechanized cleaning, etc. Full powers up to Rs. 1 Policy dated 15.11.2002
lakhs per case. 2. CS No. 11 dtd. 5.2.03 and JPO No. 177-
MC/O/Cleanliness/2006 dtd. 4.1.2007.
1. This item will not be exercised for any class of stations.
2. Normal procedure of tender for procurement of tools and plants under these activities should be followed through Stores.
3. Purchase of tools and plants must be restricted for the purpose of mechanized cleaning only.
4. Payment may be made under demand No. 11.
5. The power for various stages of tendering, operation of contracts, extension of dates of completion, penalties, termination, etc. should be as per powers given in SOP on works
6. The estimate for conservancy contracts/tender, condition will need to be formulated by the concerned executive department and thereafter be submitted for Head Quarters
scrutiny prior to invitation of bids for first time and later on if there is any modification in tender conditions.
7. Powers can be exercised subject to budget allotment being made.
14. Waiver of hospital charges in PCMD Up to Rs.5000/-in each case Up to Rs. 2000/- Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary when
respect of non-railway Full Power in each case the amount exceeds Rs. 1000/-
patients 2. These powers are to be exercised in respect
MD (Zonal Hosp) of deserving indigent non-railway cases
Up to Rs.5000/-in each admitted in railway hospital in emergent
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
case circumstances only.
3. Report to be sent to PCMD.
SAG (Zonal Hosp)
Up to Rs. 5000/- in each Authority:
case 1. Item No. 27 of GM’s delegation.
15. (a) Supply of Medical stores PCMD Nil Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Imposition and waiver of Full Powers
penalties for failure to deliver in respect of purchases Authority:
medical stores within made under his own 1. Item 4 of 132-S.
stipulated time. purchase powers.
(b) Acceptance of excess or PCMD Nil Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
shortage in quantities Full Powers 2. Subject to provisions of Para 441-S.
received against supply orders
placed. Note:
1. Prior finance concurrence is required for
(c) Extension to the period of PCMD Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers extension of delivery in the following
delivery Full Powers cases vide Para 445-S.
i. Where the rate in the contract was
MD (Zonal Hosp) accepted against other lower tenders in
Full Powers consideration of the date of delivery
ii. where loss or damage is caused on
(d) Cancellation of orders PCMD CMS/CMO Full Powers Sr. Scale(IC) account of late delivery.
placed Full Powers Full Powers in respect of Full Powers iii. For item No. 15(c) Authority: Board’s
in respect of orders placed purchases made in respect of letter no. 86/RS(G) 779/12 dt 02-01-
MD (Zonal Hosp)/ under his power of purchase. under his own purchases made 1987.
SAG/SG/JAG/Sr. Scale purchase powers. under his own
Full Powers purchase powers. 3. Subject to reasons being recorded for
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
in respect of purchases such cancellation and that there are no
made under his own financial repercussions as a result of
purchase powers. cancellation.
4. Vetting of purchase order will be
necessary if the value exceeds Rs. 4
1. Item 5 of 132-S.
(e) Acceptance of stores PCMD/MD (Zonal Same as column 3 Same as column 3 Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
dispatched after the expiry of Hosp)
delivery period by the Full Powers as per Authority:
consignee tender accepted by them 1. Rly. Bd.’s L. No. 2007/RS(G)/779/1 dt.
(a) Delay up to 6 months for orders valued
up to Rs. 3 lakhs.
(b) Delay up to 21 days for orders valued
between Rs. 3 lakhs to Rs. 6 lakhs
provided the initial delivery period does
not exceed 6 months
1. For all other orders, valued over Rs. 6
lakhs prior extension of delivery period
from the purchase office will be
16. Admission of Non-Railway PCMD Full Powers Full Powers I/Cof the 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
patients in Railway Hospitals Full Powers Health Units 2. Subject to availability of spare
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Full Power accommodation after meeting the
MD (Zonal hosp) up to extent requirements of the Railway staff and
Full powers permissible. their families.
3. The prescribed charges under the
SG/JAG relevant rules should be recovered from
Full Power the patients so admitted.
1. Para 622 of IRMM
17. Medical Boards-holding for PCMD CMS/CMO JAG/SG 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Full Powers Full Powers Divisional 2. Exercise of powers by MD/CMS/CMO
i)AEMG In-charges only Nil is subject to standing medical boards
MD (Zonal Hosp) Full Powers being nominated by PCMD, if not in
Full Power existence.
ii) Invalidation PCMD Nil Nil Nil 1. Board’s letter No.98/H/5/14 dt.6.4.99.
Full Powers 2. Board’s letter. No. 85/H/5/10 dt 31.12.96
18. Naked eye vision – relaxation PCMD Nil Nil Nil Authority:
of medical board As per IRMM para 512 1. Para 512 Note 8 of IRMM.
19. Acceptance of gifts by PCMD CMS/CMO Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Railway Hospitals on behalf Full Powers Full Powers 2. Subject to advising PCMD, PFA and GM
of the medical department of such gifts as part of hospital dead stock
MD (Zonal Hosp)
Full Power
Scale/Jr. Scale
Full powers
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
20. a) Sanction for special PCMD/CMO of PU CMS Up to Rs. 10,000/- Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for
diagnostic investigations Full powers Up to Rs. 15,000/- in each in each test identifying and fixing rates with such
including CT scan/MRI in test institutions.
non-railway identified MD (Zonal hosp) 2. A six-monthly statement of such
institutions for service Full Powers up to Rs. expenses should be sent to PCMD.
/consultation rendered for 15,000/- in each test 3. This power will not apply to artificial
cases referred by aids like hearing aids, prosthetic valves
AMA for heart, sophisticated artificial limbs
4. Beyond Rs. 15,000/-, associate finance
concurrence and approval of
PCMD/CMO of Zonal Railway/PU is
required. The rates would be governed
by notified CGHS rates.
5. Treating doctor to recommend
6. MD/CMO/CMS or any other doctor
nominated by MD/CMO/CMS to
accord approval
1. Board’s letter No.99/H/6-4/ Policy dated
2. Board’s letter No.91/H/6-4/ Policy dated
07.12.2000 and 30.04.2007.
3. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 &
b) Referral of Rly. PCMD/CMO of PU CMS or equivalent Add CHD/Add Nil 1. Limit of Sanction:
beneficiaries to Non-Railway Full powers Full Powers CMS/Sr. DMO Limited to NABL/Non-NABL rate
Medical Institutions for PET MD (Zonal Hosp) (as detailed in the remarks Full Powers specified by CGHS for the city/nearby
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Scan Full Powers column) (as detailed in the city where PET scan is to be/has
(as detailed in the the remarks been got done.
remarks column) column) 2. In exceptional cases, to be recorded in
writing, where PET scan rates exceed
prescribed CGHS rates and no hospital
is agreeing to conduct PET scan on
CGHS rates, then three quotations shall
be called for and PET scan be allowed
to be done by Medical Board at the
institution/ hospital quoting the lowest
rate with concurrence of the associate
finance and with the approval of CMD
of Zone/ CMO of PU
3. Treating doctor to recommend
4. MD/CMO/CMS or any other doctor
nominated by MD/CMO/CMS to
accord approval
1. Rly.Bd letter No.2011/H/6-4/Policy
dated 12.12.2012,
2. Para 664(i) IRMM - 2000.
3. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
4. Rly. Bd. Letter no.
2018/Trans.Cell/Health/Zonal Hospitals
dated 13.06.2018
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. 60,000/- subject to maximum of Rs. 1,500/- per investigation
21. To sanction the cost of special PCMD CMS/CMO Up to Rs. 2,500/- Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
drugs for TB/AIDS patients Up to Rs. 2,500/- per Up to Rs. 2,500/- per year per year per case
treated in non-railway case per case Authority:
sanatoria /hospitals 1. Railway Board’s Ltr. No.F(X)II-68/PW-
MD (Zonal Hosp) 4/97 dt. 21.7.69.
Up to Rs. 2,500/- per 2. Railway Board’s Ltr. No.78/H/S/3 dt.
year per case 5.7.78.
22. Sanction of estimates for PCMD Up to Rs.25 lakhs Up to Rs. 1 lakh Nil 1. Finance vetting is necessary.
purchase of medical Full Powers in each case
equipment Authority:
MD (Zonal Hosp) 1. Item No. 40 of GM’s delegation.
Up to Rs.25 lakhs
Up to Rs 2 lakh in each
23. Replacement/addition of PCMD CMS/CMO Holding Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary, if the
small medical equipment, Up to Rs.3 lakh Up to Rs.2 lakh per item independent cost of an item exceeds Rs. 25, 000/-.
apparatus, appliances Per item (Unit Rate) charge up to Rs. 2. The exercise of powers is subject to
including instruments, spares (Unit Rate) 10,000/- budget provisions.
and accessories for Hospital Per item 3. The powers should be exercised with
and Dispensaries chargeable MD (Zonal Hosp) (Unit Rate) great circumspection and justification for
to revenue. Up to Rs.2 lakh the purchase thoroughly examined. So as
Per item not to place undue burden on ordinary
(Unit Rate) Revenue.
1. Board’s letter No. F.(X)II/2009/PW/10
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Rly. Bd. Letter no. 2018/Trans.Cell/
Health/Zonal Hospitals dated 13.06.2018
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
iv) of tools & plant material & stores in respect of drugs (including expired date medicines) and technical medical equipment for
medical stores. viz. fire and other acts of God, book losses of stores, material & tool plants i.e. losses discovered at periodical &
special stock verification generally traceable to errors in accounting & impossible to bring home to individual responsibility.
(iv) a) When a railway PCMD Up to Rs. 50,000/- in each Up to Rs. Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
employee is in any way Up to Rs. 1 lakh in each case 10,000/- in each
responsible case case
MD (Zonal Hosp)
Up to Rs. 50,000/- in
each case
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Railway Board Lr.No.2000/H/4 dated
(b) Replacement of sugar, tea, PCMD/CHD CMS/CMO Full Powers Medical officer in 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
coffee, K.Oil& Spirit Full powers Full Powers charge of Health
Methylated in Emergency. Unit
MD (Zonal Hosp) Full Powers
Full Powers
(c) Cash Imprest for medical MD (Zonal Hosp) Full powers Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 20,000/- 1. Subject to stipulating the condition that
officers in charge of Full Powers exercising the Powers only for the
ART/ARME accidents where there are injuries and
casualties duly certifying the occasion by
the Hospital in charge.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Associate finance concurrence is
1. Item no.41 of High level Committee
Report on Disaster Management.
Ref: 2002/H/7/4 dated 20.5.2003 from
26. Purchase of Medical Books PCMD CMS/CMO Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
and Journals Full Powers up to Full Powers up to Rs.
Rs. 45,000/- per annum. 50,000/- per annum for Authority:
hospitals without DNB 1. Para 1037& 1038 of Financial Code
courses Volume I
2. Para 241 of IRMM Vol. I
MD (Zonal Hosp) Addl.CMS (sub-divisional 3. Railway Board Letter
Full Powers up to Rs. hosp) No.2013/H/16/Purchase dated
50,000/- per annum for Full powers up to Rs. 30.08.2013
hospitals without DNB 30,000/- per annum
Full Powers up to
Rs.1,50,000/- per annum
for hospitals with Super
Specialty DNB course
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
27. Hiring of Ambulances for PCMD DRM/CWM/CMS/CMO Nil Nil 1. Hiring to be done with finance concurrence.
Hospitals Full Powers Full powers 2. Prescribed procedure is to be followed while
hiring ambulances.
MD (Zonal Hosp)
Full Powers Authority:
1. Bd’sLtr.No. F(X)II-2006/ PW/11
2. Bd’s Ltr.No.2017/F(X)II/ PW/1/II,
3. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
28. Invitation and acceptance of tenders for supply of catering items including cooked food and milk to hospitals.
(a) Calling of Tenders. PCMD CMS/CMO Full power Nil Note:
Full power Full power 1. Open tender should be invited for items
estimated to cost Rs.2 lakh and above,
limited tenders may be invited for
MD (Zonal Hosp) tenders costing up to Rs.2 lakh.
Full Power 2. GM’s prior sanction should be obtained
for calling limited tenders- the estimated
SAG/SG/JAG/ value of which exceeds Rs. 2 lakhs and
Sr. Scale above.
Full power 3. A tender committee should be constituted
(b) Acceptance of tenders. PCMD/SAG CMS/CMO Up to Rs.3 lakh Sr. Scale as per rules.
Up to Rs.25 lakh in each Up to Rs.15 lakh in each in each case. Up to Rs. 1 Lakh in 4. The provision in para-410-S. 411-S, 412-
case. case. each case. S, 413-S may be kept in view while
finalizing the same.
MD (Zonal Hosp)
Up to Rs.15 lakh in each
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SG/JA Grade up to Rs.3
lakh in each case.
Sr. Scale
Up to Rs. 1 Lakh in each
(c) Signing of contracts PCMD/SAG CMS/CMO Up to Rs.3 lakh Sr. Scale (IC)
Full power Up to his Up to Rs.15 lakh in each in each case. Up to Rs. 1 Lakh
powers of acceptance. case. in each case.
MD (Zonal Hosp)
Up to Rs.15 lakh in each
SG/JA Grade
Up to Rs.3 lakh in each
Sr. Scale
Up to Rs. 1 Lakh in each
29. Supply of Dietary articles for PCMD CMS/CMO Up to Rs. Sr. Scale I/c of Note:
Railway Hospitals by spot Up to Rs. 50,000/- at a Up to Rs. 25,000/- at a time. 20,000/- at a Sub. Div. H.U. 1. The purchase should be made without
purchase committee. time. time. Up to Rs. 10,000/- contravening any orders of the
at a time. central/state Govt. and local Statutory
MD (Zonal hosp.) Authorities.
Up to Rs. 30,000/- Jr. Scale I/c of 2. The necessary Accounts should be
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H.U. rendered to the Associated Accounts
SG/JAG Up to Rs. 5,000/- Officers.
Up to Rs. 20,000/- at a at a time. 3. An Accounts Officer should be
time associated with the spot purchase
30. To call and accept limited PCMD/SAG/SG/JAG CMS/CMO Full powers Sr. Scale Grade 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
tenders for sale of waste fixer Full Power Full Power subject to report subject to report I/c of hospital /
Hypo solution, waste exposed MD (Zonal Hosp) being sent to PCMD being sent to Sub. Divns.
X-Ray Films, empty bottles, Full Power subject to PCMD Full Powers
and tins. report being sent to subject to report
PCMD being sent to
31. Miscellaneous expenditure PCMD/SAG/SG/JAG CMS/CMO Full power Sr. Scale I/C of 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
(other than Photographic Full power Full power Divl. / Sub. Divl.
materials) like Hospital
(1) Death Certificate and MD (Zonal Hosp) Full power.
Jury reports. Full Power
(2) Dhobi Charges. Jr. Scale I/C of
(3) Expenditure incidental to Health Unit
PFA work. Full power.
(4) Expenditure incidental to
Drug Analysis and
similar other tests
performed in Government
or Private Institutions.
32. Payment of incidental PCMD/SAG/SG/JAG/Sr CMS/CMO Full Power Sr./Jr. Scale I/C of 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
expenditure for Blood ./ Jr. Scale Full power the H. Unit.
Donation Camp. (inside as Full power Full Power
well as outside hospital)
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MD (Zonal Hosp)
Full Power
33. Purchase of Crockery/ PCMD Up to Rs. 2,000/- in each Up to Rs. 2,000/- Nil. 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Cutlery linen / napery / Up to case in each case
Glassware, cooking servicing Rs. 5,000/- Note:
articles in urgent cases on in each case 1. Normal procurement of these articles is
limited tender basis for to be made through the Stores
hospitals/ Dispensaries where MD (Zonal Hosp) department as in the case of other Stores.
indoor patients are being Up to Rs. 2,000/- in 2. The nature of urgency should be recorded
treated. each case in each case.
Up to Rs. 1,000/- in
each case
34. Procurement of items under PCMD/SAG DRM/CWM Up to Rs. 5000/- Nil Note:
Mass Media Full power Up to Rs. 10000/- in each in each case 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if the
case cost of purchase exceeds Rs. 1,000/- for
each item.
MD (Zonal Hosp) SAG
Up to Rs. 5000/- in each Up to Rs. 5000/- in each
case case
35. Charges for testing of drugs, PCMD Full Powers Full Powers Nil
medicines, other medical Full Powers
items and water and food
samples in Govt. laboratory/ MD (Zonal Hosp)
Pvt. laboratory. Full Powers
i. To avoid duplication, PCMD will fix items to be tested for different Hospitals.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ii. MD/CMS/CMO/MS should be delegated power to send sample to any NABL accredited Drug testing Laboratory on their own and without finance concurrence up to Rs.
25,000/- in each case to maintain confidentiality as well as prompt drug testing. However, this is restricted to one sample per month per hospital and payment is to be made
from cash imprest.
iii. To send Drug sample (as per quota fixed by PCMD) to recognized Drug Testing Laboratory, recognition being given by PCMD with Finance concurrence.
36. (a) Condemnation of PCMD CMS/CMO Nil Nil 1. Condemnation to be done duly following
machines and instruments Full powers for Full Powersfor the guideline in Part-C.
belonging to Medical condemnation of condemnation of machines
department machines in terms of in terms of extant orders
extant orders
MD (Zonal Hosp)
Full powers for
condemnation of
machines in terms of
extant orders
(b) Condemnation of PHOD/SAG Full Powers Rs. 10,000 in Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
unserviceable petty articles Full Powers each case 2. Every article must receive due scrutiny
(Medical & conservancy) of the Medical Officers. Condemned
MD (Zonal Hosp) articles must be disposed of as per extant
Full Powers rules.
3. Hospital conservancy items used for
SG/JAG disposal of night soil need not be
Rs. 10,000 in each case returned to store. Those must be
destroyed & disposed under certificate of
a Gazetted Officer.
37. To sanction the incurring of PCMD CMS/CMO/MS, I/C of div Full Powers Sr. Scale/Jr Scale Authority:
expenditure on hiring of Full Powers or sub-div /CMP(Independen 1. Para No. 1050 to 1055 F(I)
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ambulance service, taxi, or MD (Zonal Hosp) Full Powers t Charge of H.U.) 2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
other conveyance for shifting Full Powers Full Power
the sick/injured railway
beneficiaries in emergent
cases to Railway Hospitals/
Health Units Non-recognized
non-Railway Hospitals on
referral by Railway Medical
1. No separate finance concurrence is required for the above. The expenditure on above may be met from the sanctioned imprest of Health Unit/Hospital
2. Information of each expenditure should be sent to PCMD office on monthly basis.
38. To organize refresher/ PCMD/MD (Zonal Nil Nil Nil 1. For prescribed refresher/ induction
induction courses for Hosp) courses, subject to Finance concurrence
Doctors/Para-Medical/ Health Rs. 10,000/- for each in each case and inclusion in the ceiling
staff. course subject to a register maintained by PCPO.
maximum limit of Rs. 2
lakhs per Annum Authority:
1. Rly. Bd. Letter no. 2018/Trans.Cell/
Health/Zonal Hospitals dated 13.06.2018
39. (a)To refer cases and to PCMD/SAG/SG/JAG Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Finance Concurrence is required.
accept bills issued by Military Full Powers
Hospital, Pune, or other Govt. Authority:
Hospitals towards provision MD (Zonal Hosp) 1. Para- 636 of IRMM Vol-I
of Artificial limbs & Full Power
hospitalisation charges of Rly
employees & family members
injured on duty or outside
duty and their renewal from
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
time to time.
(b) To sanction artificial limb PCMD/MD (Zonal CMS/CMO Full Powers I/C of H.U. 1. Associate finance concurrence is
appliances and payment Hosp) Full Powers Full Powers required.
thereof to the Railway Full Power
employee and members of Authority:
their family both in the case 1. Para 636 IRMM Rly. Bd.'s letter
of injured and non-injured on no.80/H/6-4/33&85/H/6-4/9 dtd.
duty. 13.03.85, C.S. No. 5
2. Letter No. 98-G/O/Pt. V dtd 11.09.98
40. Recovery of Hospital charges. PCMD/HOD/MD Same as PCMD Same as PCMD Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
(Zonal Hosp)
Full powers to recover
in suitable instalment
not exceeding 12 in
respect of staff under
41. Temporary arrangement at PCMD DRM Up to Rs. 5,000/- Nil 1. Subject to finance concurrence
stations for coping with needs Up to Rs. 25,000/- in Up to Rs. 25,000/- in each in each case.
on account of extra ordinary each case. case. Authority:
traffic due to any Mela. 1. Para- 1050 to 1055 F-I
MD (Zonal Hosp)/ SAG
SAG Up to Rs. 10,000/- in each
Up to Rs. 10,000/- in case.
each case.
42. Petty purchases in emergency PCMD DRM/CWM Up to Rs. Nil 1. Subject to finance concurrence
for rubbish carts, night soil Up to Rs. 2 lakhs in Up to Rs. 2.0 lakh in each 50,000/- in each 2. Procurement through Store Dept.
carts, bins, buckets, dustbin each case case case 3. This will be subject to annual ceiling
etc. required in connection limit up to Rs. 20.0 lakh in the
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
with conservancy MD (Zonal Hosp)/ SAG Division/HQ
arrangements on the lines, the HOD Up to Rs. 1.0 lakh in each
emergency being recorded Up to Rs. 1.0 lakh in case
specially. each case
Up to
Rs. 50,000/- in each case
43. Payment to outside agencies PCMD CMS/CMO Full Sr. Scale(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for the
accredited by Atomic Energy Full Powers Full Powers. Powers. Full Powers first time and for subsequent payments,
Regulatory Agencies lime concurrence is not necessary.
M/s.Bhaba Atomic Research MD (Zonal Hosp)
Centre for monitoring the Full Powers Authority:
radiation received for staff 1. Para 1040 of Financial Code Vol.I.
working in the radiology
44. Tosanction expenditure PCMD/SAG/SG/JAG Full Power Full Power Sr./Jr. Scale I/C of 1. Prior accounts concurrence is not
on Taxi for transport of Full Power theHealth Units: necessary.
patient from Railway Full Power
HospitaltoRailway MD (Zonal Hosp)
hospital/Institutions of Full Powers
specialized treatment
and back from hospital
imprest cash whenever
hospital Ambulances are out
of order or not readily
45. Contribution/subscription to PCMD//SAG Nil Nil Nil 1.Finance concurrence is not required
Medical Institution if Up to Rs. 1,000/- per
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Medical aid is rendered by annum Authority:
such Institution to Railway 1. ItemNo. 33(b) of Ann.II to Chapt.V FC
employees VoI. I
2. RB’s L. No. F(X)II-2015/PW/7
46. Appointment of Junior PCMD: Nil Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
Residents (House Surgeons) Full power 2. Extension of tenure beyond 2 years will
be done only after the approval of
3. Other conditions as laid down in para
243 of medical manual to be followed.
1. Rly Board L.No. 2018/Trans
Cell/Health/SR & JR dated 06.06.2018
47. To sanction works contract MD (Zonal Hosp) CMS/CMO Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence will be taken
and purchase order for Up to Rs. 5 lakhs for Up to Rs. 5 lakhs for each wherever necessary
procurement of medical each item through item through
implants such as hearing aid, quotation/tender subject quotation/tender subject to Note:
Bi-Pap/C-Pap and other to annual ceiling of Rs. annual ceiling of Rs. 60 1. Subject to cost ceiling governed by the
implants to be purchased for 60 lakhs lakhs CGHS policies issued from time to time
supply/implant to the patients
& other hospital related items Authority:
1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
48. Re-engagement of Part-time MD (Zonal Hosp) DRM/CWM Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Dental Surgeons and that of Full Powers Full Powers 2. Re-engagement of Part-time dental
part time lady doctors for a surgeons to be done on recommendation
period up to 5 years. (terms of nominated SAG medical officer(Zonal
not exceeding one year each) Hosp)/CMS/CMO.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. For PUs, the extension will be with the
approval of GM/CAO of PU
4. Re-engagement of part-time lady doctors
is to be done on lines similar to that of
Part-time Dental Surgeons for Hospitals/
Health Units which do not have lady
1.Rly Bd letter No 2000/H-1/12/27Pt I
dated 6.10.2000 & 2002/H-1/12/53 dt
2. Rly Bd letter No. 2012/H-1/12/13/Dental
SECR dated 10.12.2013
3. Rly bd letter no. 2018/TransCell/
Conclave/ Health dtd 23.3.18
4. Rly.Bd letter No. 2018/Trans.Cell/
Health/CMP & PTDS dated 06.06.2018
49. (a) To enter into Annual PCMD DRM/CWM/CMS/CMO SG/JAG Nil Authority:
Maintenance Contract for Full power Full power Up to Rs. 2 lakhs 1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
medical equipment on single per case with
tender basis to be placed on MD (Zonal Hosp) ADRM annual ceiling of
OEMs/Authorised dealers. Full power Up to Rs. 2 lakhs per case Rs. 30 lakhs
with annual ceiling of Rs.
30 lakhs
(b) To enter into Annual PCMD DRM/CWM/ADRM Nil Nil
Maintenance Contract for 2 lakhs each case per Up to 1 lakhs each case per
medical equipment through item subject to a item subject to a maximum
limited tender basis. maximum ceiling limit ceiling limit of Rs. 20 lakhs
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
of Rs. 50 lakhs per per annum.
1. The Annual Maintenance Contract on single tender basis may be awarded on Proprietary Articles Certificate items.
2. Since AMCs are in nature of service contracts and OEMs/ Authorised Dealers are often reluctant to submit Earnest Money or Security deposit, this need not be insisted upon
in each case. Care may, however, be taken to enter into such contracts only with reputed dealers so as to ensure satisfactory performance and minimum downtime of the
3. The above powers may be exercised subject to availability of funds.
4. This would need the prior concurrence of finance.
5. *As far as possible AMC/CMC should be done through OEM or its authorized service providers. In case it is not possible, reasons should be recorded in writing and it may
be got done from reputed dealers.
6. *As far as possible all such similar items should be clubbed and brought under one AMC.
7. In case of single tender, the Tender Committee and the accepting authority should be one step higher than in case of open Tender expecting where GM is accepting authority.
8. Accepting authority must take precautions of works authorized. Accepting Authority should undertake a monthly review. A register showing full particulars of works
authorized will be maintained by each officer and this should be open to verification by accounts while passing the bills. The annual ceiling limits will be watched through
this register. While seeking concurrence the register should be provided with the file.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
50. To sanction occasional PCMD CMS/CMO/ACMS I/C of Full powers IC of H.U. 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
purchases of ice in summer Full Powers up to Rs. sub div Up to Rs. 1000/- Full powers up to
for heat stroke cases for 2000/- p.m. Full powers up to Rs. 2000/- p.m. Rs. 1000/- p.m.
preserving sera and vaccine p.m.
and for developing of X-Ray MD (Zonal Hosp)
films. Full Powers up to Rs.
2000/- p.m.
51. To sanction engagement of PCMD CMS/CMO Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
special nurses when Full Powers Full powers
considered necessary in
railway or other Govt. MD (Zonal Hosp)
Hospitals after reviewing LR Full Powers
52. (a) Procurement of VVI Pace 1. It has been decided to remove Heart Pace
– Maker Maker from Para 666 &redelegate
i. As Reimbursement - To a PCMD/MD (Zonal Nil Nil Nil powers to Zonal railways.
beneficiary on production Hosp) 2. Word “Heart Pace Maker may be deleted
of valid documents and on Up to Rs. 60000/- in from Para 666.”
the recommendations of each case. 3. Concurrence of associate finance is
A.M.O. in case the necessary
implantation has been
done at govt./Pvt. Hospital Authority:
in emergent circumstance. 1. Word “Heart Pace Maker may be deleted
ii. Single Chamber Pace Should not exceed Rs. 1 from Para 666.”
Maker with or without Lakh 2. Rly. Bd’s letter No. 2000/H/6-
Rate Response (Including 4/policy/pace maker dated 21/2/2003. &
Pacemaker; Leads; Rly. Bd’s letter No. 2005/H/6-4/policy
Accessories & all da ted 17/08/2009
associated Hospital 3. Ref: 2007/H/6-4/policy/dt 26/11/07
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Charges. 4. Rly. Bd. Letter no. 2018/ Trans.Cell/
iii. Double Chamber Pace Health/Zonal Hospitals dated 13.06.2018
maker: with or without Should not exceed
Rate Response (Including Rs.2.0 Lakh
Pacemaker; Leads;
Accessories & all
associated Hospital
i. Bills for Biventricular Pace-Makers; Single & Double chamber implantable Cardio verter defibrillator & Combo devices, costing more than Rs.2. Lakhs may be referred to
Rly Bd.
ii. The claimant shall be required to submit the STICKER of Pace Maker in ORIGINAL with the reimbursement claim. The cash memo should include(A) Pacemaker generator
model & serial No, & Lead model(s) & UNIQUE Serial Nos & Life Time Warranty for the Pulse Generator
iii. The beneficiary shall be required to obtain all above details from hospital & submit before Railway Administration finally settles the claim for reimbursement.
iv. ACS to Para 648; 651 & 666 of IRMM, 2000.
(b) On Bill System: The PCMD Nil Nil Nil Authority:
Administrative authority Up to Rs. 60000/- in 1. Rly. Bd’s letter No. 2000/H/6-
directly making the payment each case. 4/policy/pace maker dated 21/2/2003.
to the supplying agencies in
Planned/Elective Cases.
53. Powers of reimbursement of
cost of Intraocular Lens
(i) Powers for reimbursement PCMD DRM/ADRM/CWM/CMS/ Full Power Nil Authority:
of Intraocular Lens Full Power CMO 1. Para 668 of IRMM 2000
Implantation for Railway Full power 2. Railway Board's letter no. 2003/H/28/7
beneficiaries in Government MD (Zonal Hosp) dated 09.05. 2003
hospitals as referred case Full Power 3. Railway Board's letter no. 2005/H/6-
when facilities for this 4/Policy II dated 31.01.2007.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
procedure are not available in
Railway Hospital or in
complicated high-risk cases.
(ii) Powers for reimbursement AGM DRM/ADRM/CWM Nil Nil Authority:
of Intraocular Lens Full Power Up to Rs. 50,000/- 1. Para 668 of IRMM 2000
Implantation for Railway 2. Railway Board's letter no. 2003/H/28/7
beneficiaries in Government dated 09.05. 2003
hospitals without referral 3. Railway Board's letter no. 2005/H/6-
from AMO when facilities for 4/Policy II dated 31.01.2007.
this procedure are not
available in Railway Hospital
or in complicated high-risk
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
high-risk cases or in
complicated high-risk cases.
1. Adequate justification for referral as well as for settling reimbursement claims of IOL in deserving cases based on merit shall be given by Ophthalmologist.
2. The above reimbursement is to be done after seeking concurrence from Associate Finance.
54. Reimbursement of medical PCMD Nil Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
expenses for Breast implants Up to Rs. 5000/- once in 2. Scrutiny and examination by suitable
prosthesis five years lady doctor.
1. Rly. Bd’s letter No. 2003/H/23/3dated
55. Repair of Audio Visual MD (Zonal Hosp) CMS/CMO MS, I/C of sub Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
equipment available in Up to Rs. 5000/- in each Up to Rs. 5000/- in each div
hospitals case subject to finance case subject to finance Up to Rs. 2000/-
concurrence. concurrence in each case
subject to
56. To sanction estimates PCMD CMS/CMO Nil Nil Authority:
chargeable to revenue Up to Rs. 10,000 in each Up to Rs. 5,000 in each case 1. Letter no. 98-G/ O/ Pt. V dated 11.9.98
(ordinary & special) for case
which budget allotment has
been made for works related MD (Zonal Hosp)
to smooth working of hospital Up to Rs. 5,000 in each
and in emergency where the case
concerned works Dept. is not
able to take immediate action.
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
57. Invitation of tender for repair PCMD DRM/ADRM/CWM Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
of oxygen points and suction Rs. 5 Lakhs in each case Rs. 3 Lakhs in each case
points in hospitals by
open/limited tender MD (Zonal Hosp) CMS
Rs. 3 Lakhs in each case Rs. 50,000/- in each case
58. (i) Powers for reimbursement PCMD/MD (Zonal CMS/CMO/Addl CMS Full power as per Nil Authority;
of Dental procedures Hosp) Full power as per charges charges levied by 1. Railway Board's letter no. 2012/H-
undertaken by Railway Full power as per levied by the Government the Government 1/12/1/Dental/ Policy dated 14.12.2012
beneficiaries in Government charges levied by the hospital hospital 2. Railway Board's letter no.2012/H-
hospitals or Government Government hospital 1/12/1/Dental/ policy dated 30.8.2013
(ii)Powers for reimbursement PCMD/MD (Zonal CMS/Addl CMS/CMO As per CGHS -
of Dental procedures (Listed Hosp) As per CGHS non-NABH non-NABH city
in the C.G.H.S. list only) As per CGHS non- city specific rates for specific rates for
undertaken by Railway NABH city specific procedures listed on CGHS procedures listed
beneficiaries in Private non- rates for procedures list on CGHS list
recognized hospitals. listed on CGHS list
i. This facility will automatically stand withdrawn in case a Railway Hospital/Health Unit is provided with part-time/full-time dental surgeon and requisite infrastructure.
ii. In cases of treatment taken in Government hospitals reimbursement of material & lab charges from outsourced agencies shall not be admissible.
iii. Reimbursement is restricted to CGHS approved dental procedures and rates, if done in private non-recognized hospital.
iv. No Finance concurrence is required for the reimbursement of the above.
59. Engagement of doctors as GM(orCAO)of DRM/CWM - - 1. DRM will exercise powers based on
contract medical practioners PU/DG(RDSO) Full powers recommendations of the committee
(including part-time dental Full Powers headed by CMS, Sr.DPO, Sr.DFM
surgeons and part-time lady 2. CWM will exercise powers based on
doctors) MD (Zonal Hosp) recommendation of a committee headed
Full Powers by one SAG doctor nominated by
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CWM, one JAG personnel officer and
one JAG finance officer. If the officers
of required grade are not posted under
CWM, the officers from the nearest
division will be got nominated from
DRM of that division.
3. MD(Zonal Hosp) will exercise powers
based on recommendations of the
committee headed by one SAG doctor
nominated by MD, DyCPO(HQ),
4. GM(or CAO) of PU/DG(RDSO) will
exercise powers based on
recommendations of the committee
headed by CMO, one JAG personnel
officer and one JAG finance officer
5. For engagement of Part-time Dental
Surgeon, an IRMS Dental Surgeon not
below the rank of JAG will be included
in the committee.
6. One member not below JA Grade of
SC/ST may be co-opted if not already
on the committee to be nominated by
7. Engagement of part-time lady doctors is
to be done on lines similar to
engagement of Part-time Dental
Surgeons for Hospitals/ Health Units
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
which do not have lady doctors
1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
2. Rly board letter no. 2018/TransCell/
Conclave/Health dtd. 23/3/18
3. Rly.Bd letter No. 2018/Trans.Cell/
Health/CMP & PTDS dated 06.06.2018
4.Rly. Bd. Letter no. 2018/Trans.Cell/
Health/Zonal Hospitals dated 13.06.2018
1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
2. 2014/H-1/12/8/HVS/Policy dated
61. Engagement of para-medical MD DRM/CWMAs per 1. Associate finance concurrence is
staff on contract basis As per procedure laid procedure laid down from required.
down from time to time time to time
1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 and
2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt. I dated
17.01.2018 & 12.04.2018
SG/JA Grade
DRM, CWM(SAG)&SAG Officers of
PCMD,other HQ Officers in independent Divisional/ Sr. Scale and
S.No. Nature of Powers officers & MD (Zonal charge of divisional/sub- Sub Divisional/ Asst. Scale REMARKS
Hospital) divisional/Workshop /PU Workshop Officers
hospitals Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
62. Sanctioning for transplant of GM – Full powers (subject to CGHS policy) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
63. Empanelment of Private DRM/CWM Nil Nil 1. Power to be exercised with concurrence
Hospitals for referral Nil Full Power of associate finance and consultation
with CMS.
GM- Full Power with Finance 2. Extant procedures/guidelines including
Concurrence (personal the ones given in 2016/H-
sanction of GM is required) 1/11/69/Hospital Recognition dtd
23.12.16 & 2014/H-1/19/3/PNM dtd.
05.10.15 to be followed.
1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt. I dtd
3. 2016*H-1/11/58 dtd.25/04/18.
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
Office and Miscellaneous Expenses
1. Cash imprest C5-7
2. Purchase of rubber stamps, office seals, special seals, embossing seals etc. C7
3. Purchase, and hiring of office machines chargable to Revenue. C7
4. Supply of brief cases/laptop Bag/Sling bag C8
5. Transfer of railway quarters from one department to another C8
6. Sanction of expenditures for ceremonial or special occasions C8-9
7. Sparing of railway materials to railway schools, institutes etc. C9
8. Payment of bill for transhipment/unloading of sick wagons including those involved in accidents C9
9. Contingent office expenditure C9-10
10. Expenditure at accident site or damages due to floods, breaches, cyclones, earthquakes, bandh/hartal/strikes etc. C10-11
11. Payment of Charges for external technical audits and analysis C11-12
12. Providing railway quarters or private accommodation for employees and non-employees C12-13
13. Office bicycles procurement, repair & maintenance, and condemnation C13
14. Payments and execution of agreements for supply of electric energy C13
15. Condemnation and disposal of items including office equipment, M&P articles, and others C13-15
16. Repair and servicing of equipment and machinery C15-16
17. Temporary service connection or strengthening thereof in railway premises C16
18. Provision of LPG connection and procurement of Acetylene and Oxygen cylinders in ART C16
19. Annual service/maintenance contract for office equipment and other equipment C16-18
20. Replacement/ addition to small items of equipment for stations and technicians C18-19
21. Purchase of blank invitation cards and covers for printing in emergent cases C19-20
22. Grant of way leave facilities/easement rights C20
23. Disposal of unserviceable and scrap materials by tender or auction C20
24. Sale of redundant structures or articles, including gunny bags C20-21
25. Sale of waste paper C21
26. Write-offs of supplies and raw materials C22-23
27. Write-off of demurrage charges on railway coal loads C23
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
28. Payment of ex-gratia relief to passengers killed/injured in train accidents C23
29. Payment to municipalities or Government/local bodies towards registration/license fees, taxes etc. C23
30. Payment of statutory fee to factory inspectorate/ Pollution Control Board of Central/State governments C24
31. Condemnation of wagons and coaches C24-26
32. Linen management including maintenance, and condemnationnn C26
33. Emergent Repairs to Tower Cars including spares incidental to such repairs C26-27
34. Sanction of rewards to persons other than Railway Employees C27
35. Exercise of powers of “Head of Office’ C27
36. Payment of Subscription for Cable TV connections for all Officers’ Rest Houses etc. C27
37. Procurement of maintenance spares and consumables for Rolling Stock and M&P C28
38. Grant of monetary award to the members of the RPF or other railway servants of gallantry C28
Technical Books / Newspapers and Training Centres
39. Purchase of technical and sports literature C28-32
40. Provision of entertainment facilities to trainees in Training Centres C32
IT Related
41. Procurement of PC based systems, works under PH-17, LAN works and software developmentn C32-41
42. BSNL Telephones C41-43
43. Railway Telephones C43
Hiring of Road Transport and Hospitality including Air travel on duty
44. Hire of launches and boats to attend for repair works C43
45. Hiring of outside transport facilities for carriage of railway stores C44
46. Hiring of plant and equipment, machinery C44
47. Hiring of motor vehicles for inspection, transportation &emergency requirements and Air travel on duty C44-48
48. Incurrence of expenditure for entertainment purposes C48-49
49. Sanctioning of payment for legal expenses and general conveyance reimbursements C49-51
50. Sanction to payment of award/compensation passed by various State and District Consumer Forums C51
51. Travelling and conveyance allowance to outsiders / magistrates in court proceedings C51
52. Purchase of dogs C51-52
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
53. Sale of surplus litters in the open market C52
54. Feeding charges of dogs and provision of utensils for the kennel C52
55. Medical-related expenses with veterinary consultations C52-53
56. Registration with dog kennels and participation in dog shows C53
57. Calling for award of annual contracts for management services at RPF / MLY C53
58. Charge for feeding of offenders detained in Railway Custody C53
Public Relations
59. Insertion of advertisements C54
60. Participation in exhibitions C54
61. Hospitality charges in connection with Publicity and Public relations C54-55
62. Repairs to photographic/video graphic equipment C55-56
63. Hiring of audio/video multimedia materials C56
64. Expenditure towards jobs done through outside agencies relating to photography C56-57
65. Purchase of photographic consumable items C57
66. Printing work in outside presses C57-58
67. Preparation of Cinema Slides C59
68. Exhibition of Cinema Slides in Cinema House C59
69. Press conference (excluding hospitality and entertainment charges etc.,) C59
70. Signing of agreement in respect of advertising in Time Tables and other publicity matters C59
Powers applicable to NAIR & CTIs
71 Local purchase of non-stock items, petty items for offices, stationary, training material, etc C59
72 Hiring of transport and other hiring in connection with conduct of courses C60
73 Expenditure on Ceremonial Occasions C60
74 Honorarium and other facilitiesto visiting lecturers. C61
75 Hospitality during visit of dignitaries and eminent and distinguished visitors C62
76 To enter into consultancy contract for developing training materials C62
77 To enter into contract for printing technical literature/in-house magazines/ newsletters/ Calendar/ Invitation Cards. C62
78 To invite & accept Tenders for Annual Contract for linen maintenance. C62
79 To incur expenditure towards presenting mementos to visiting Faculty and Faculty on transfer. C62
80 To enter into contracts and make payment for conducting courses with the help of outside Institutes /Faculty C62
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
81 Deputation of faculty members and staff for training courses, workshops, conferences etc. in non- railway Institute C62
82 To incur expenditure on Newspapers, Magazines and Recreation facilities to be provided to trainees. C62
83 To enter into contract for general housekeeping activities. C63
Production Units
84 Ordinary and special repair and maintenance works, chargeable to revenue/WMS C63-64
85 Power to sanction Out Of Turn works- and Other works costing up to Rs 1 Cr. C65
86 Local purchase by office of other Deptts. When material (Stock & Non-stock) is out of stock: C65
87 Sanction advance payment for meeting small expenses with the approval of competent authority in the contract. C66-68
88 To sanction expenditure in connection with calibration, testing and repair etc for equipment. C69
89 Procurement which is not covered in GeM: C69
90 To submit quotation and enter into contract for sale of Locomotives / DG sets / Spares to non-railway customers. C69
91 Expenditure on hospitality to customers and entertainment on special occasion for Marketing of product. C70
92 Payment of GST on account of I.C. Engines / Nuts & Bolts etc. manufactured in PU C70
93 To write off outstanding payment of locomotives & spares when it is not practicable to recover the amount. C70
94 Purchase of tender / bid documents for submission of tender for sale of locos/ spares. C70
95 To hire motor transport and material handling equipment at identified Non- Railway Customer (NRC) projects & sites C71
96 Development proposal for new item or involving development of vendors. C71
Disaster Management
97 Disaster Management C71-75
Railway Recruitment Cell
98 Establishment of 'Railway Recruitment Cell' C75-77
Annexure ‘A’ C78
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
Office and Miscellaneous Expenses
1. Cash Imprest
(A) Sanction of cash Full Powers DRM/ADRM/CWM/ DSC/RPF – 1. Finance concurrence is necessary. The amount of an imprest must
imprest to Officers and SAG Special imprest at each not be larger than is absolutely necessary. It should be reckoned at
supervisors Full Powers post of Rs. 500/- each the lowest possible figure calculated to suffice for meeting the
for feeding of expenses.
Chairman/RRB: arrested/accused in 2. Appropriate amount of imprest cash shall be assessed&created
Full Power custody. purely on need basis and to be reviewed periodically.
3. It should be ensured that the total amount of expenditure out of the
Sr CDO/CDO/Sr imprest does not exceed the projected budget for the purpose during
DEE/DEE(IC), Sr the year.
DME/DME(IC) of 4. Apart from the above, cash imprest can be used for -
EMU/MEMU/DEMU (i) Petty office expenses, petty repairs, petty works
Car Shed with a coach (ii) Cost of raw material for the diet of indoor patients of hospitals.
holding of 750 coaches (iii) Emergent charges which cannot be foreseen.
or more will have (iv) Other petty expenses up to an amount of Rs. 15000/-- in each
imprest of case without inviting quotations/bids subject to a certificate to
Rs 1.5 lakh be recorded by the procuring official/imprest holder as under
“I am personally satisfied that these goods purchased are of the
For a holding of less requisite quality and specification and have been purchased
than 750 coaches will from a reliable supplier at a reasonable price”.
have imprest of (v) Field units are authorised to buy safety items (stock and non-
Rs 1 lakh stock) from the sanctioned cash imprest subject to a certificate
being recorded by the Imprest Holder that the items concerned
SrDME/Sr DEE of Loco are not in stock and are emergent.
Sheds will have imprest (vi) Emergent petty advances may also be made on the
of Rs 1 lakh responsibility of the imprest holder out of the imprest money
placed at his disposal.
1. Para 1050 to 1055 of Financial Code-Vol. I.
2. Railway Board’s letter No. 2016/F(X)II/10/27 dt.10.04.2017 and
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
13.03.2018Railway Board Letter No. D-43/1/2017-F(X)II
(B) Stores imprest Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
2. The powers to be exercised should not exceed the limits prescribed
in the code.
Chairman/RRB 3. All changes of quantity or items in the imprest should be advised to
Full Powers the concerned Stores Depot and Accounts Officers.
1. Para-1801 to 1812 of Stores Code-Vol. II.
(C) Cash Imprest for Specific Purposes
(i) For purchase of petrol CAO/CN / PCE / DRM/ADRM Sr. DEN / DEN 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
for track welding purposes CTE / CE/CN Full Powers Up to Rs. 10,000/- 2. Proper accountal of petrol, kerosene, HSD drawn should be
Full Powers only. maintained and the quantity actually, required per joint established.
(ii) Forpurchase of petrol PCEE/CESE DRM/ADRM/CWM Depot In Charge 3. The powers delegated under 1(C)(i) is for departmental welding.
for starting of DG sets. Full powers Full powers Officers of Coaching 4. Depot Incharge Officers means the Executive who is the overall in-
Depots, Car Sheds, charge of the depot/car shed/loco shed/freight maintenance depots etc.
Loco Sheds, Sr. DEE of
Divn Authority:
Full powers. 1. Para-1052 of Financial Code-Vol. I.
(iii) For purchase of CTE/CE(TM) DRM/CWM
kerosene, petrol, HSD for Full powers Full powers
track machines
(iv) For loading of franking Full Powers DRM / ADRM/CWM/ Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
machines by postal Chairman, RRB
authorities. Full Powers Authority:
1. Para-1052 of Financial Code-Vol. I.
(v) For purchase of service Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 10,000/- JAG/SS(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
stamps. 15,000/- at a time. Up to Rs. 250/-
at a time. at a time. Authority:
Chairman/RRB 1. Para-1047(v) of Financial Code-Vol. I.
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
Up to Rs. 10,000/- DGMG- Up to Rs
at a time. 10000/- at a time
(vi) Postage of letters Full powers Full powers JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
through Courier Service. Full powers 2. Minimum three quotations should be obtained from the reputed
Courier Agencies.
3. Proper Agreement to be entered into with the Agency.
4. It should be ensured that all important letters pertaining to Court
matters, covers containing money matters and other letters / parcels
deemed important shall be sent through Registered Post with
Acknowledgement due.
2. Purchase of rubber stamps, Up to Rs.1000/- Up to Rs.1000/- for Up to Rs.1000/- for 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
office seals, special seals, each. each. each. 2. The stamp should be in bilingual form.
embossing seals etc.
Chairman/RRB *Powers to DGM(G) are applicable only in respect of Zonal HQ office
up to Rs.1000/- for DGM(G)*
each. Full powers. Authority:
1. Para-1016 of Financial Code Vol. I.
2. Railway Board Letter No. Hindi/76/G.25/8 dt.29.6.1976.
3. Purchase, and hiring of Full Powers Full Powers Office incharge 1. Finance concurrence is necessary urchase to be done through Stores
office machines like (JAG/SG Department only.
Photocopiers, Printers, Full powers
Scanners, fax or any other Authority:
equipment certified as 1. Para – 1020 of Financial Code Vol. I
office equipment Chargable
to Revenue.
SLIP No. C-1
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
4. Supply of brief cases/laptop Briefcases may be procured by the officials (Officers/Sr Supervisor; 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Bag/Sling bag. Inspectors/Chief OS) as per their entitlement on self-declaration and 2. Officers entitled for briefcase should sanction it themselves on a
claim reimbursement duly furnishing the original invoice/bill self-undertaking
3. After expiry of normal life i.e.3years, no money is required to be
deposited and the brief case can be retained.
4. Authority: Rly.Bd’s O/O No.23 of 2013 (File No 2006/STNY/15/3
dt. 01.04.13). Zonal Railways to follow the limits as given in this
5. Transfer of railway quarters PCPO DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
from one department to Full Powers Full Powers 2. The department concerned should be consulted and should be
another. within the division/ agreeable to such transfer.
1. Board’s letter No. E(G)85 QR1-14 dt. 18.8.86.
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
5. Rly Bd. No. F(X)-II/2015/PW/7/Pt.2 Dt. 29.12.2017
(B)Other important CAO/C Nil Nil 1. Where the requirement exceeds Rs.1.50 lakhs per occasion the
functions which are Up to Rs.1.5 proposal for entire amount should be processed for GM’s sanction
attended by President/Prime lakhs per
Minister/Ministers of occasion. Authority:
Railways. 1. Item No. 29(b) of GM’s delegation.
7. Sparing of railway materials Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary, provided no extra expenditure
such as tables, benches, PCs is involved.
etc. to railway schools,
institutes etc.
8. Payment of bill for Full Powers Full Powers Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
transhipment/ unloading of Up to Rs. 25000/-in 2. Rates to be decided through tenders/quotation route.
sick wagons including those each case 3. Co-operative Labour Contract Society may be preferred.
involved in accidents. DCM Rs 10,000/-
in each case. Authority:
1. Board’s letter No.66/E/Co-op/L/2/4 dt.27.11.68.
9. (A) Contingent office Full Powers Full Powers Up to Rs. 5000/- in each 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for special/unusual contingencies
expenditure case. only
Full Powers DGM(G) / CPRO Authority:
Full Powers 1. Chapter-X Para-1005(iii) of Financial Code Vol. I.
(B)Withdrawal of amounts Nil Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary up to Rs. 5,000/-
in advance to meet the
contingent expense DGM(G)* Authority:
pertaining to Parliamentary/ Full powers 1. Chapter-X Para-1001 to 1005(iii) of Financial Code Vol. I.
other Committees including
providing transportation. Nodal Officer (to be * These powers are applicable in respect of proposals of General
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
nominated by DRM) Branch in HQ. Accounts should be rendered within 15 days.
Full powers
(C) Local purchase of Refer to item 2 of Refer to item 2 of DGM (G) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
stationery. remarks. remarks. Full Powers in respect 2. Delegation of powers for local purchase of stationery may be
(REFERCORRECTION of General Branch. exercised through powers delegated to Stores Officers vide item
SLIP No. C-1 No.6(A) (Local Purchase) of Stores SOP.
Dt.18/08/2018) Office incharge
(JAG/SG) Authority:
Full powers 1. Board’s letter No.97/RS(G)779/13 dt.28.8.97.
10. Expenditure at accident site or damages due to floods, breaches cyclones earth quakes, bandh/hartal/strike etc.
(A) Providing food, drinks, Full Powers DRM / ADRM Divl. Officers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
and transport of injured Full Powers Full Powers 2. The cases in which the Asst.Officers exercise these powers should
passengers to hospitals and be put up to DRM for ratification.
to stranded passengers. 3. The Officers who are empowered to incur expenditure for supply of
(B) Food and drinks for Full Powers DRM / ADRM Divl. Officers food to persons in emergent cases are authorized to utilize station
staff attending to Full Powers Full Powers earnings as per codal provisions, without prior finance concurrence in
breakdown duties. cases where it is not possible to meet the expenditure in the normal
manner (Board’s letter No. F(X)I-64PW4/6 dt.12.6.1967)
4. In respect of Item 10(c) categories to whom cash-in-lieu of food
(C) Sanction of expenditure Full Powers Full Powers Divl. Officers supply given has to be excluded.
to supply food to labour Full Powers 5. Accounts should be rendered within 2 weeks.
temporarily employed in 6. A nodal officer at the level of SAG shall be nominated by GM/AGM
accidents/breaches for to approve drawl of station earning in case of a disaster. Necessary
transhipment. procedure may be framed by the individual Railways in this regard.
(D) To incur expenditure on Full Powers Full Powers Divl. Officers
setting up Camp, lighting, Full Powers Authority:
and transhipment 1. Rule 1420 of Indian Railway Establishment Code (IREC) – Vol. II
arrangements on (1987)
breaches and accidents.
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
(E) Hiring of road mobile, Full powers Full powers JAG/SG Officers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
restoration machinery like 2. The cases in which the Assistant Officers exercise these powers
Bulldozers, road cranes etc. Full powers should be put up DRM for ratification.
from outside agencies. 3. Accounts should be rendered within two weeks.
11. Payment of Charges for:
(A) Physical/ Metallurgical/
Chemical/Forensic analysis
of samples or test of articles
or materials and calibration
of instruments by
(i) Govt. labs and Govt. Full Powers Full Powers Branch officers and 1. Finance concurrence is necessary beyond Rs 15000/- per occasion
approved lab or Govt incharges of sheds and
Institutions/ Chemical workshops Authority
Examiner/other Full Powers 1. Rly Bd. L/No 2018/Trans/01/Policy dt. 23.03.2018
(ii) Other outside agencies. Full Powers Full Powers. SG/JAG incharges of 1. Finance concurrence is necessary beyond Rs 15,000/- per occasion. .
(REFERCORRECTION sheds and workshops, 2. To be resorted to when no Government or recognized agencies are
SLIP No. C- Sr DSC/DSC(IC) available.
4Dt.13/02/2020) Full Powers 3. Sanctioning authority to ensure reasonableness of rate.
(iii)To sanction advance Full Powers Full Powers SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary up to Rs. 15,000/-
payment against proforma Rs50000/- per case 2. To be resorted to only when no Government or Govt. recognised
invoice towards physical, agencies are available.
metallurgical & chemical SS/JS Officers of 3. Sanctioning authority to ensure reasonableness of rates.
analysis of samples or tests Division/Workshop
of articles or materials & Rs 25000/- per case
calliberation of
(B) Statutory testing/ Full powers Full powers JAG Officers 1. Testing/Certification shall be done through agencies approved by
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
Certification of fitness as Full powers Inspector of factories/pollution control Board etc.
per pollution control act, 2. Finance Concurrence is not necessary up to Rs.5000/- per item per
Factories act etc. for Road case, through agencies approved by inspector of factories/pollution
Mobile Cranes, Material control Board etc.
handling equipment, 3. Sanctioning authority to ensure the reasonableness of rate
Pressure vessels in 4. These powers are given to ensure compliance of statutory acts.
Workshops, C&W depots,
Diesel/Elec. Loco Sheds.
12. (A) Hiring of railway PCE Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
quarters to outsiders. Full Powers 2. The ceiling of rent fixed by the Board is the maximum limit within
which the actual rentals should be fixed in respect of item No.12 (B).
3. Item No.12 (A) will be exercised in consultation with SDGM for
Gazetted Officer and CPO for Non-Gazetted staff.
4. Leasing of private building for non-gazetted staff for the first time
require sanction of General Manager.
(B) Leasing of private CAO/CN, PCE, DRM: Nil 5. Hiring of private buildings for use as residence by non-gazetted staff
buildings for PCSTE / PCCM Full Powers is subject to:
residential/office Full Powers (i) it is necessary in the interest of the Railway, for the employee to
accommodation for non- reside in a particular locality and suitable accommodation owned by
gazetted staff. the Railway does not exist in that locality, and
(ii) houses are not engaged which provide a scale of accommodation in
excess of what is usually allowed to the employees in question.
1. 1917 of Engg. Code and Board’s lr. No.73/W2/22/21/SE dt. 20.8.82
(C)(i) Hiring of private SDGM / Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
building for use as CAO/Con 2. The hiring by the administration of a private building for use as
residence within the ceiling Full Powers for residence by a gazetted officer for the first time requires the prior
rent fixed by Board for Gaz sanction of the Railway Board.
officers in various grades.
PCPO / CAO/C Authority:
PCSTE/Con 1. Board’s letter No.92/LM(B)/22/1 dt.8.5.92, 97/LM(B)12/23
Divisional Officers,
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Full Powers for dt.1.1.98 and 97/LM(B)12/18 dt. 26.7.99.
(C)(ii) for the payment of SDGM / CAO/C Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
advance rent. Full Powers for
Gaz. Authority:
PCPO; CAO/C; 1. Board’s letter No.92/LM(B)/22/1 dt.8.5.92, 97/LM(B)12/23
PCSTE/Con dt.1.1.98 and 97/LM(B)12/18 dt. 26.7.99.
Full Powers for
13. Office bicycles Full Powers Full Powers Full powers Remarks for (a) & (b)
(A) Repairs and 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary. Useful life of a bicycle is 5
maintenance Chairman/RRB years.
(B) Condemnation, Full Powers
(C) procurement on Authority:
replacement and additional 1. Para-236 of Financial Code Vol. I.
Remarks for (c)
1. Finance concurrence is necessary
2. Procurement through Stores only
14. Payments and execution of PCEE / HODs of DRM / ADRM/CWM Sr. DEE/Dy 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
agreements for supply of Elec.Dept. Full Powers CEE/DEE(IC) including 2. The exercise of powers by the officials mentioned in previous
electric energy from supply including Construction columns is subject to prior acceptance of the tariff and draft
authorities. Construction Organisation agreements by PCEE/CEE/Con in HT (≥11 KV) cases only.
Organisation Full Powers 3. Supply authorities would include SEBs and licensed bodies through
Full Powers SEBs.
4. Advances as applicable to supply authorities are also covered within
the powers mentioned in column Nos 3,4 and 5.
1. Para 1259 of Engg. Code.
15. Condemnation and disposal of
(A) Petty articles, T&P, Full Powers Full Powers CWM(JAG) 1. If in the opinion of the PHOD/DRM the cost of sending the material
Divisional Officers,
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Instruments etc. other than Full powers to the nearest stores depot or even the cost of processing for sale is
office equipment. likely to exceed the cost likely to be realized by sale, the material may
JAG - be destroyed/disposed of locally through tender/ auction sale in the
(REFERCORRECTION up to Rs. 10,000/- presence of the Accounts representative following the prescribed
SLIP No. C-1 per item Scrap value norms/procedure. A certificate to this effect may be recorded by the
Dt.18/08/2018) concernedSanctioning Authority.
SS 2. The powers delegated for destruction are only in respect of those
(REFER RLY. BD’S up to Rs. 5000/- per items which in the opinion of the Sanctioning Authority are of trivial
CORRIGENDUM SLIP item Scrap value value and unsaleable.
NO. 4 Dt.14/01/2019) 3. No article condemned by one officer should be disposed of by the
same officer, excepting those coming under para-2314 of Stores Code.
(REFERCORRECTION JS/Asst. Officers 4. List of items for disposal by Sr Supervisors is as per Railway
SLIP No. C-3 up to Rs.2500/- Board’s letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Stores dt. 05/01/2018
Dt.09/01/2020) per item Scrap value
Sr. Supervisor (IC) Authority:
Rs.2500/-per lot 1. Para-2314 of Stores Code Vol. II
2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Stores dt. 05.01.2018
(B) For office equipment. Full Powers DRM ADRM JAG
SLIP No. C-1 Full Powers For exercising this power, maintenance of T&P Register is must.
Finance concurrence is not necessary.
(C) Condemnation of M&P PHOD DRM/ADRM/CWM JAG Officers 1. Finance concurrence is necessary in case the M&P to be condemned
including vehicles & Full powers (in SAG) Full powers for has not achieved more than 75% of its life.
ambulances. Full powers with overaged machinery 2. Standing committee for condemnation shall be as per Annexure-A.
respect to M&P more 3. For condemnation of vehicles, extant instruction of Board if
HODs than 75% life achieved Sr Scale otherwise, shall take precedence
Full powers for without finance Up to Rs. 2,00,000/-
Dept. assets concurrence (initial cost for overaged Authority:
M&P) 1. Rly. Bd’s Ltr. No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
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Full power of condemnation of underaged M&P with concurrence of
Workshop Finance and approval of CWE/Concerned HOD.
15 (D) & 15 (E)(REFERCORRECTION SLIP No. C-1 Dt.18/08/2018)
16. (A) Repair (including PHOD/CHOD/ Up to Rs. 1,00,000/- JAG/SG 1. Finance concurrence is required if the expenditure exceeds Rs.
servicing, lubrication, and HOD per occasion. Upto Rs 40000/- per 40,000/- on each occasion.
oil changes etc. of motor Full powers up to occasion. 2. Single quotation from OEM/Authorized Dealer and 3 quotations
vehicles by local firm) to Rs. 1,00,000/- from other than authorized dealers.
motor trolleys, motor per occasion. Sr. Scale/Jr Scale(IC) 3. Annual ceiling limit for such repairs per vehicle should be limited to
vehicles by authorized/ Up to Rs. 10,000/- per Rs. 1 lakh/- for LMV and Rs. 1.5 Lakh for HV.
local firms of repute. occasion 4. The powers delegated includes cost of spares replaced by the firm
entrusted with repairs.
Full powers up to Rs. 1 Note:
lakh per occasion. All concerned should critically examine and pre-audit past repairs so as
CPRO up to Rs 50000/- to guard against and prevent tendency towards occurrence of repetitive
per case repairs of similar nature.
(B) Repairs/Diagnostics/ i) up to Rs. i)up to Rs. 1,00,000/- SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if expenditure exceeds Rs.
Refurbishing/Rehabilitation 2,00,000/- per per machine for Up to Rs. 25,000/- 25,000/- per occasion.
/ Caliberation of tools & machine for diagnosis. per occasion. 2. The description covers survey equipment and weighing machines as
plants and office diagnosis. Annual ceiling: Rs. 5 well.
equipments. ii) Full Powers on Lakhs 3. Procurement of spares incidental to repairs shall be included
ii) Full Powers on single quotation/tender 4. Powers delegated under this item will also include payment of
(For M&P items, refer to single basis with original Principal/ZTC/STC/Oth inspection/diagnosis/supervision charges etc. imposed by the firm.
Para 38of Works Matter) quotation/tender equipment er Training Schools 5. Single quotation from OEM/Authorized Dealer.
basis with manufacturer (OEM) up to Rs. 10,000/-
original or his Authorised per occasion. Authority:
equipment Dealer Annual ceiling: Rs. 1. Board’s letter No.78/WSC/TK/II dt. 15.6.78 & 87/RS-G753/I dt.
manufacturer 50,000/- 29.2.88.
(OEM) or his 2. Board’s letter No.98-BC-AP-4.2.3/96-97 dt. 13.4.99.
Authorised (i) Tenders shall be invited for the repairs costing more than Rs.5
Dealer lakhs each and the rate reasonableness shall be decided by duly
Divisional Officers,
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constituting the tender committee;
(ii) Tender committee shall be at the same level as specified at
Annexure ‘A’ and ‘B’ for works matters.
3. AM/PU letter No 2017/M /(W)/814/8 dated 03/10/2017
17. Temporary service PCEE Full Powers CWM(JAG) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
connection or strengthening Full Powers Sr.DEE/Dy CEE/WS 2. It should be ensured that the temporary work carried out by the party
thereof in railway premises, Full Powers conform to the requirements of Indian Electricity Act and Rules.
supply of energy for short 3. All charges to be paid in advance viz.:
periods on special occasions (i) Connection and disconnection charges at fixed rates.
/ social functions favouring (ii) Estimated cost of energy to be consumed (subject to adjustment on
serving employees or actual consumption)
employee’s associations in (iii) Deposit to be paid for installation of meter.
railway premises.
1. Board’s letter No. 84/Elec.I/137/93 dt. 3.7.85, 30.9.86.
2. Board’s letter No. 85/Elec.I/137/6 dt. 19.2.87.
3. Board’s letter No. 93/Elec.(G)/150/1 dt. 13.12.93.
18. Provision of LPG PHOD/CHOD DRM Full powers 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
connection and procurement Full Powers Full Powers
of Acetylene and Oxygen Authority:
cylinders in ART. 1. Board’s letter No. E(W)90CN1/21 dt. 19/29.8.91.
19. To enter into annual service/maintenance contract for office equipment and other equipment through tender/quotations.
(A) For all equipments, PHOD/CHOD Up to Rs. 40,000/- JAG/SG 1. Contract can be entered for more than 1 year if it is advantageous to
T&Ps (other than Office Up to Rs. per item without finance Up to Rs. 40,000/- Railways, subject to the residual life of the equipment.
Equipments) 40,000/- per concurrence& above Rs per equipment without 2. Powers have to be exercised by the officers only after checking the
equipment 40,000/- Full Powers finance concurrence& reasonableness of the rates proposed, residual life of the equipment,
without finance with finance concurrence up to Rs 2 lakh with credentials of the firms, past experience with the firm wherever
concurrence& finance concurrence applicable etc.
Full Powers 3. Protective clauses as follows have to be incorporated.
above Rs Full powers in the case (i) In cases involving advance payment, submission of bank guarantee
40,000/-, of AMCs with original of equal value should be insisted upon if the value of the Annual
with finance equipment Maintenance Contract is beyond Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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concurrence manufacturers thousand only) with OEMs/Authorized agents. If bank guarantee is not
(OEMs)/authorized submitted, quarterly payment after the service is rendered should be
Full powers in the dealers on single tender JAG/SG Officers considered to protect against failure on the part of the contractor/firm
case of AMCs basis with finance Up to Rs 2 lakh per case to take up service/maintenance of equipment and repairs as stipulated
with original concurrence. with annual ceiling of in the contract agreement.
equipment Rs 30 lakh in case of (ii) In the event of the failure on the part of contractor/firm to take up
manufacturers AMC on Single Tender maintenance of servicing/repairs as stipulated in the terms and
(OEMs)/authorize with OEM/Authorised conditions, the advance maintenance charges paid, shall be returned to
dealers on single agencies with finance the customer at once with interest.
tender basis with concurrence (iii) In case of delay in remittance of the advance by the firm, the
finance Railway administration shall be entitled to adjust this amount against
concurrence. any advance due in respect of any other equipment, for which a similar
contract has been entered into either afresh or on renewal basis.
(B) For office equipment, PHOD/CHOD Up to Rs.20,000/- per Up to Rs. 5,000/- per (iv) It has to be stipulated in the acceptance letter to the contract that
such as duplicators, Up to Rs. itemwithout finance item without finance along with the bill, rendered in duplicate, a certificate is to be endorsed
Photo copier machines, 20,000/- per item concurrence. concurrence. that the charges claimed do not exceed the lowest rate the firm may
Franking machines etc. without finance charge for similar repairs and replacements of component/service to
concurrence & Above Rs.20,000/- and Principal/Rly Trg any other Central or State Government Institutions/any Office.
above Rs. up to Rs. 1 Lakh with Centres (v) Advance payments to firms for maintenance of all type of
20,000/- per item finance concurrence. Up to Rs 5000/- without equipment should not exceed Rs.2 lakhs in any single case.
with finance finance concurrence (vi) The powers vested with the PHODs/DRMs for AMCs with OEMs
concurrence. Up to Rs. 1 lakhs per on Single Tender basis will have to be exercised subject to observance
item per annum in the DGMG/CPRO of guidelines issued from time to time.
Up to Rs. 1 lakhs case of AMCs with Up to Rs. 20,000/- per 4. For AMCs (from other than OEMs/Authorized dealers) costing less
per itemin case OEM/authorized item without finance than Rs.5 lakhs, 4 to 6 quotations of reputed firms shall be obtained
of AMCs with dealers on single concurrence & up to Rs. from the market in a most transparent manner for getting competitive
OEM/authorized tender basis with 1,00,000/- with finance rates.
dealers on single finance concurrence. concurrence with 5. Tenders shall be invited for the AMCs costing more than Rs.5 lakhs
tender basis with OEM/Authorised each and the rate reasonableness shall be decided by duly constituting
finance dealer. the Tender Committee.
concurrence. 6. For Tender Committee Constitution, refer Annexure ‘A’ and ‘B’ of
SOP, Part – ‘A’.
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7. The powers vested are for ‘Per item per annum’ irrespective of the
number of items/value of the proposal.
8. AMC shall be resorted to only when the maintenance cannot be
done through departmental staff/ resources. Approving / sanctioning
authority has to satisfy himself in this regard.
1. Board’s letter No. F(X)II-87/PW/12 dt.20.9.89.
2. Board’s letter No.97/CE-I/CT/32 dt.24.2.99.
3. Board’s letter No. F(X)II-99/PW/3 dt.20.10.99 & dt.27.6.2000.
4. Board’s letter No. F(X)II2004/PW/8 dt.30.11.05
5. Board’s letter No. F(X)II/2011/5/11 dt. 15/06/2016
6. Board’s letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.18/10/2017
20. Replacement/ addition to small items of equipment for Gangmen, train examiner, stations, offices, tools and plant, jigs for maintenance, safety equipment and equipment in RPF
and fire service stations (other than medical equipment, computers, etc.)
(A) (i) Replacements/ PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM Up to Rs. 10,000/- 1. Technical Specifications to be approved at appropriate level.
additions chargeable to Up to Rs.8 lakhs Up to Rs.5 Lakhs per per item 2. Procurement through non-stock indents arise when a stock item in a
revenue including T&P for per item item (unit rate) (unit rate) depot goes out of stock or for an item, which is not a stocked item at
Workshops like Gauges, (unit rate) all.
Power Tools, Measuring ADRM 3. Finance concurrence is required for procurement of non-stock items
Instruments, etc. HOD Up to Rs 3 Lakhs costing above Rs. 10,000 /-- each.
Up to Rs 5 Lakhs 4. Indent vetting is not required up to the value of Rs.2.5 Lakhs for
non-stock items.
5. Definition of M&P for tools and plants – Up to a limit of Rs. 10
lakhs i.e. up to Rs. 10 lakhs can be procured under revenue. Beyond
Rs. 8 lakhs, and up to Rs. 10 lakhs, to be sanctioned by AGM
1. Para-705(6) of Financial Code Vol. I.
2. Rly. Board’s Ltr.No. F(X)II-2009/PW/10 dated 31.08.2015.
3. Rly. Bd’s Letter. No.88/RS(G)/779/14. Pt., dated 06.01.2017.
4. Rly. Bd’s Letter. No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
Divisional Officers,
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(ii) Replacements/ additions PHOD/CHOD Up to Rs.5 lakhs JAG 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary where specific provision is
of items not chargeable to Full Powers in each case. up to Rs. 50,000/- available in the estimate except for in case of road vehicles and
revenue provided for in the in each case. stipulations in Board’s letter No. 2017/Trans Cell/S&T/Processes
sanctioned estimates. Dtd.06/04/2018 should be adhered to.
(B) (i) Repairs to PHOD/CHOD Full Powers SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary, if expenditure exceeds Rs.
furniture/furnishing Full Powers Up to Rs. 50,000/- per 50,000/- per occasion.
items.(REFERCORRECT occasion
(ii) Replacement of Full Powers Full Powers SG/JAG/Sr Scale(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if the expenditure exceeds Rs.
furniture/furnishing items. Up to Rs 50,000/- per 50,000/- on each occasion for Repairs and for Replacement on
(REFERCORRECTION occasion completion of reasonable period of usage certified by the user
SLIP No. C-1 department.
Dt.18/08/2018) 2. (i) Age for Replacement of furniture is minimum 5 years.
(ii) For premature replacement proposal to be processed for GM’s
3. If procurement through spot purchase committee, DRM/GM’s
sanction has to be obtained.
(C) (i) Purchase of new Up to Rs.5 Lakhs Up to Rs. 2,00,000/- DGMG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if the expenditure exceeds Rs.
furniture/furnishing items per occasion. per occasion. Rs.1,00,000/- (for G- 15,000/- on each occasion Bulk procurement of furniture, either on
on additional account for Branch) per occasion replacement or on additional account, shall be made against sanctioned
running rooms, retiring estimate with adequate provision. Purchase of furniture for new assets
rooms, waiting rooms/halls shall be included in the estimate concerned.
rest houses, RPF Barracks
Crew/Guard/TTE lobbies,
Stations, Hospital, Training
Insttitutes, Offices etc.
NO. 4 Dt.14/01/2019)
(ii) Purchase of furniture Full powers Full powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence/ vetting is Not necessaryand stipulations in
provided for in sanctioned Board’s letter No. 2017/Trans Cell/S&T/Processes Dtd.06/04/2018
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estimates for newly created should be adhered to.
21. (A) Purchase of blank Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 1,500/- Rs. 1,000/- 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for expenditure above Rs 25,000/-
invitation cards and covers Per occasion Per Occasion Per Occasion
for printing in emergent Authority:
cases. 1. RB Ltr.No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
(B) Printing of publicity PHOD/CHOD Rs.1 lakh per occasion
material such as leaflets, Up to Rs 2 lakh CPRO’s Powers given
folders, stickers and posters per occasion at Item 66 (A) (ii)
including invitation cards,
brochures and handouts etc.
21 (C) (REFER CORRECTION SLIP No. C-3 Dt.09/01/2020)
22. Grant of way leave PCE DRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
facilities/easement rights. Full Powers Full Powers without 2. Granting of way leave for unreasonably long stretch over/across
any further delegation railway land should be avoided and particularly for oblique crossings
unavoidable & bare minimum railway land parallel to track should be
1. Board’s letter No.97/LM(L)/24/3 dt.27.11.2001.
2. Board’s letter No.97/LML/24/3, dt. 01.09.2014
3. Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans.01/Policy dt. 26/12/2017
23. Disposal of unserviceable Full Powers Full Powers Divisional Officers 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
and scrap materials (other Full Powers 2. To be resorted to when the freight and loading charges likely to be
than scrap wooden sleepers) incurred on transporting the same to Stores Depots are out of
by tender or auction. Chairman/RRB CMS ADMOs proportion to the value that may be realized.
Full Powers subject to (in charge of health 3. The departments should take the prior approval of COS.
following the extant units) 4. To dispose of the empties at their own station by auction or on
guide lines regarding Full Powers tender basis.
preservation and 5. For disposal of low value scrap lying in remote locations in the
destruction. Divisions, the stipulations in Board’s letter No.2017/Trans /
Divisional Officers,
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Policy/Stores Dtd.05/01/2017 may be followed.
1. Para-2314 Stores Code- Vol. II.
24. (A) Sale of redundant PCE DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
buildings/structures not Full Powers Full Powers
required by the Railway Authority:
through tender or by 1. Item No.41 of GM’s delegation
(B) Sale of empty Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
gunny bags through tender
or by auction. Authority:
1. Para-2319 Stores Code- Vol. II.
25. Sale of waste paper. HOD Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Full Powers 2. The value realized should be credited to sundry earnings under head
3. The sale is to be affected on tender or by auction.
1. Para-2409A Stores Code- Vol. II.
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26. (A) Write-off of losses of Cases where Cases where railway Cases where railway 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for more than Rs. 1,000/- in each
stores, tools, and railway employee employee is not employee is not case.
plant.(REFERCORRECTI is not responsible. responsible. responsible 2. Losses may arise due to accidents, theft, stores verification etc.
ON SLIP No. C-1 Up to Rs. 5,000/- 3. Report to Railway Board.
Dt.18/08/2018) PHOD / CAO/CN DRM ADRM/CWM in each case. 4. Final enquiry report of the police in case of theft is required except
Up to Rs. 2lakhs Up to Rs. 2 lakhs when it is definitely known that the case would prolong.
In each case. in each case. Cases where railway 5. Losses of cash is not to be written off except with the sanction of
employee is responsible General Manager.
HOD SAG Officers Up to Rs. 1,000/-
Up to Rs. 1 lakh Up to Rs. 50,000/- in each case. Authority:
in each case. 1. Para-1102 Financial Code Vol. I.
. 2. Para-1113 Financial Code Vol. I.
Cases where Cases where railway 3. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
railway employee employee is
is responsible. responsible.
Divisional Officers,
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1. Board’s letter No.85/Fuel/116/10 dt.11.7.1985.
2. Board’s letter No.88/Fuel/116/26 dt.11.11.1988.
27. Write-off of demurrage charges on railway coal loads.
(A) Due from fuel handling COM / CCM DRM / ADRM Up to Rs.200/- 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
contractors. Full Powers Full Powers in each case without
finance concurrence. Authority:
Above Rs.200/- and 1. Board’s letter No.TC1/201/72/27 dt. 10.9.1982 and 23.4.1986.
up to Rs. 1,000/-in each
case with finance
(B) Due to departmental COM / CCM DRM / ADRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
reasons. Full Powers Full Powers
1. Board’s letter No.TC1/201/72/27 dt. 10.9.1982 and 23.4.1986.
28. Payment of ex-gratia relief Refer Commercial Matters, Part-E, Item 23
to passengers killed/injured
in train accidents.
29. Payment to municipalities Full Powers Full Powers Up to Rs. 50,000/- in 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
or Government/local bodies each case.
towards registration/license Authority:
fees, taxes etc. Independent workshop 1. Para-1040 Financial Code-Vol. I.
Full powers
Divisional Officers,
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30. Payment of statutory fee to Full Powers Full Powers Sr.DME/Sr. DEEs/Sr. 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
factory inspectorate/ DENs/Dy. CEs/CDOs – 2. For every disbursement to such outside bodies, the extant legal
Pollution Control Unit Incharges provisions to be reviewed in consultation with Law Officer to check if
Board/similar Statutory Full Powers any exemption/waival for such payments are available.
Bodies etc. of Central/State
governments Authority:
(REFER RLY. BD’S 1. Rly Bd’s Letter No 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
31. Condemnation of wagons and coaches (Powers for coaches also apply to EMU, DEMU, Trainset, MEMU, Tower Cars, SPART, ART, ARMV and other special type of
coaches. Their codal life may vary.)
(A) Overaged wagons and PCME/CWE/CR CWM Dy. CME (independent 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
coaches. SE Full Powers charge of the workshop)
(REFERCORRECTION Full Powers Full Powers Authority:
SLIP No. C-1 1. Board’s letter No. 70/M/N/951/19 dt. 7.6.72.
Dt.18/08/2018) 2. Board’s letter No. 76/M(C)/650/14 dt. 30.6.76.
3. Board’s letter No. 85/M(N)/951/60 dt. 27.9.83.
4. Board’s letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
(B) Under aged coaches
(i) involved in accident PCME Nil Nil 1. Finance Concurrence is not necessary in case of (B)
Full powers 2. All other cases of underage condemnation of coaches except those
(ii) Coaches which come for PCME CWM Nil referred at (i) and (ii) shall be sanctioned by GM, duly concurred by
POH with residual life less Full powers Full powers Finance.
than one POH cycle if
found beyond economic Authority:
repairs. 1. Rly Bd’s Letter No.96/M(N)/140/3 dt 02.03.2001.
2. Rly Bd’s Letter No.2012/M (C)/650/1 dt. 10.05.2012.
3. Rly Bd’s Letter No.2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
(C) Under Aged Wagons
(i)All accident damaged PCME Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
wagons and vacuum Brake Full Powers
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stock. Authority:
1. Board’s letter No. 2007/M(N)/60/7 dated 21.10.2010
(ii) Non-accident air brake PCME Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
stock of more than 25 years Full Powers
of age. Authority:
1. Rly. Bd’s Letter No.2007/M(N)/60/7 dated 21.10.2010
(iii) Non-accident air brake Nil Nil Nil 1. Railway Board’s sanction with Personal Concurrence of FA&CAO
stock of the age 25 years or and approval of GM.
1. Rly. Bd’s Letter No.2007/M(N)/60/7 dated 21.10.10
(iv) Condemnation of over- 1. Procedure laid down for condemnation of over aged Diesel / Electric
aged Diesel / Electric Locomotives:
Locomotives. (i) The Condemnation of over aged Diesel / Electric Loco-motives
shall be done on age-cum-condition basis and not simply because they
have achieved their codal life.
(ii) The over aged Diesel / Electric locomotives proposed to be
condemned shall be personally inspected by the Sr. DME/
Sr.DEE/CWM of the Diesel / Electric shed/ workshop recommending
the condemnation.
(iii) In case it is uneconomical to retain the locomotive in service, the
inspecting officer shall send his recommendations for the
condemnation to the Zonal Railway HQrs. along with the condition
(iv) Condemnation of over-aged locomotives shall be permitted only
with the personal approval of the PCME /PCEE of the Zonal Railway
owning the locomotive after he is satisfied that the locomotive is
uneconomical to be retained in service on age-cum-condition basis and
not merely because the coal life is over and it has been vetted by the
Associated Finance.
(v) The Board should invariably be kept informed before the approval
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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2. Proposals for condemnation of under-aged locos continue to be sent
to Railway Board as per guidelines issued vide Board’s letter No. 99/
M (L)/466/ 801(NR) dated 14.12.1999.
Railway Board’s letters:
1. No.2002/M(L)/466/1901 dated 25.11.2002.
2. No. 2007/Elec/ (TRS)/440/17 dated 03.09.2007.
32. (A) To call for Open PCME SG/JAG/ 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Tenders for contracts in Full Powers Full Powers Sr. Scale (IC) 2. Such contracts are to be treated and dealt with as Service Contract
connection with Linen
management, washing and Full powers Authority:
supply of Bed Rolls i.e., 1. Railway Board's letter No. 2009/ M (C)/165/6 dated 17.12.2009.
Bed Sheets, Pillow Covers, 2. Railway Board's letter No. 2009/ M (C)/165/6 dated 02.07.2010.
Blankets, Towels, Curtains
(B) Condemnation of Bed Nil Nil SG/JAG 1. Condemnation shall be recommended by a Committee consisting of
Rolls/Mattresses /furnishing Sr. Scale (IC) Assistant Scale Officers of Mechanical, Commercial and Accounts.
items/furnitures. Full powers
SLIP No. C-1
33. Emergent Repairs to Tower Full Powers Full Powers Sr.DEE 1. Procurement of spare parts along with the emergency repairs
Cars including spares Up to Rs. 1 Lakh should not be piecemeal in order to avoid finance concurrence and
incidental to such repairs. per breakdown the purchase should be resorted to only when planned procurement
has not materialized.
2. Prior concurrence is not necessary for repairs up to Rs. 50,000/- in
each case subject to: (i) Emergency of repairs is certified by JAG
Officer (ii) Minimum three quotations are obtained from the reputed
firms duly following the procedure.
3. For repairs through OEM/Authorized dealer, single quotation route
to be followed.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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4. Reasonability of rates should be certified by the Accepting
A copy of the work order placed on the firm, the details like date on
which repairs carried out including purchase of spares incidental to
such repairs with bills should be furnished to the Associate Finance.
34. To sanction of rewards to DRM Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
persons other than Railway Up to Rs. 10,000/- in 2. GM can sanction up to Rs. 50,000/- in each case.
Employees, who have done each case
exemplary work in averting Authority:
accidents and saving 1. Item No.28 (b) of GM’s delegation (Board’s Letter No.
passengers life. F(X)II/2016/PW/3, dated 14.09.2016)
35. To exercise the powers of Full powers Full powers JAG & above Authority:
“Head of Office’ in respect Full powers 1. Paras 1011, 1015, 1043, 1044 & 1045 of Financial Code Vol. I
of ordinary contingent
expenditure mentioned in Note:
paras 1011, 1015, 1043, Officers in SAG/JAG will exercise these powers only when they are in
1044 & 1045 of Financial charges of their respective offices.
Code Vol. I.
SLIP No. C-1
36. Payment of Subscription for Full powers Full Powers SG/JAG 1. Sanction of AGM at Headquarters level and DRM at Divisional
Cable TV connections for Full powers level is necessary for providing cable TV connection initially.
all Officers Rest 2. Associate Finance concurrence is necessary.
Houses/Other units etc.
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
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Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
37. Sanctioning of Procurement PHOD/CHOD Rs. 15 lakhs to Rs 45 JAG Officer 1. Associate finance concurrence is necessary beyond Rs 2.5 lakhs
& signing of Non- Stock Beyond Rs. 45 lakhs per occasion Above Rs 2 lakhs upto 2. Adequate funds to be ensured duly maintaining the liability register.
demands for procurement of lakhs Rs 15 lakhs per 3. It shall be ensured that procurement shall be made on need basis to
Rolling Stock maintenance per occasion. occasion. avoid overstocking of spares. Accountal of spares shall be maintained.
spares and maintenance
spares for other assets HOD Sr Scale Officer Authority:
connected with train Rs 15 lakhs to Rs Above Rs 25000 upto 1. No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017
operation (including linen) 45 lakhs per Rs 2 lakhs
& other departmental assets, occasion.
consumable for other M&P. Jr Scale Officer
(REFER RLY. BD’S Up to Rs 25000
NO. 1 Dt.17/10/2018)
38. Grant of monetary award to SDGM / CSC / Up to Rs. 2,500/- Dy. CVO / DSO / DSC 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
the members of the RPF/ CSO: in each case Up to Rs. 1,000/- 2. The limits referred to will apply not to each individual case but to all
rewards to other railway Up to Rs. 2,500/- in each case. individuals collectively proposed to be rewarded for their performance
servants for in each case. in one single case vide Board’s letter No.61/Security/6/1 dt.13.7.1961.
gallantry/averting accidents
for giving clues for Authority:
detection, apprehension of 1. Item No.28 of GM’s delegation.
offenders, criminals, or
corruption cases.
39. Technical Books / Newspapers and Training Centres
(A) (i) Purchase of PHOD/CHOD DRM/CMS Principals of 1. PHODs will exercise powers for purchase of Indian and Foreign
Technical books, technical Full Powers Up to Rs. 50,000/- per ZRTI/STC/Other Standard specification books without finance concurrence. For other
periodicals, and digitized annum Training Schools books, finance concurrence is necessary.
books. CPRO Up to Rs. 20,000/- 2. PHODs/CHODs/DRMs will have full powers for codes &
(REFER CORRECTION Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 1 lakh per perannum for each unit. manuals.Finance concurrence shall be required beyond Rs. 20,000/-
SLIP No. C-5 10,000/- annum for SAG in per Anum.
Dt.19/03/2020) per annum independent charge of Other Training Centres: 3. Subscription payment can be made in advance up to one year.
Workshops. Officer in charge 4. For purchase of books, advance payment can be made subject to
Up to Rs. 5,000/- submission of vouchers within 15 days from the date of payment.
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
Chairman/RRB per annum. 5. Supply should be arranged through leading/reputed agencies and
Up to Rs. 5,000/- book sellers.
per annum. CWMs (JAG officers in 6. Number of copies should be restricted to the minimum to be decided
independent charge of by the sanctioning authority.
Workshops/ Depots/ 7. Newspapers/Magazines are exempted from finance concurrence
Sheds) subject to adhering to the norms prescribed for their purchase.
up to Rs. 5,000/- per 8. The procurement of books/ magazines shall be restricted based on
annum for item A (i) & Board’s order issued from time to time.
(ii) together. 9. Items which require foreign exchange require personal sanction of
(ii) Purchase of newspapers, PHOD/CHOD Up to Rs. 10,000/- per Principals GM.
other periodicals, e-books Full Powers annum Chairman/RRB ZRTI/STC/Other
and e-periodicals in CD or Up to Rs. 2,500/- per Training Schools Authority:
mail format & Electronic CPRO annum. Up to Rs. 5,000/- 1. Para-1037 and 1038 of Financial Code Vol. I.
media up to per annum per unit. 2. Authority: Para-711 and 711(A) of Stores Code Vol. I.
(REFERCORRECTION Rs.2,00,000/- per
SLIP No. C-5 annum Other Training Centres -
Dt.19/03/2020) Officer in charge
Up to Rs. 3,000/-
per annum per unit
PRO (Independent
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
Up to Rs. 10,000/- per
(iii) For RDSO& CTIs ADG/PED/ED These powers are specific to RDSO& CTIs for Purchase of Books/ Periodicals /Specifications (in print/e-format),
Only Director/CTIs Electronic Database (in CD/Network version/Online version/ Mail format), Purchase of specific Technical Book/Paper/
Full Powers Article/Specification through Internet & training material for Probationers & Trainee Officers
Technical Books and
Newspapers for Central 1. Individual books costing over Rs. 20,000/- requires finance concurrence.
Library & 2. Journal for which subscription is more than Rs. 20,000/- per annum requires finance concurrence.
Sectional Library 3. It should be ensured by the Pr. ED / ED / HODs and Directors/Sr Professors/CTIs that only day to day
requirement of books be procured for the Sectional Library. All other books should normally be purchased for
For Central Central Library.
Library 4. In case of purchase of books authored by any railway employee, specific approval of DG/RDSO will be obtained
DD/L&I & Other before purchase.
Faculty Members 5. After approval for the purchase of the Technical Book, Paper/ Article/Specification of the sanctioning authority
of CTIs through Internet in case of urgency, payment can be made through credit card by indenting officer. In such cases,
upto Rs 3000 Credit Card Statement duly certified by sanctioning authority to be submitted for reimbursement.
6. For item (c) Payment can be made through credit card by user and Credit Card Statement duly certified by
sanctioning authority to be submitted for reimbursement.
7. Annual Ceiling Limit of Rs. 1 lac per Directorate for all purchases in Sectional Libraries including Specific
Technical Paper / Article / Specification through internet.
8. Supply should be arranged through leading reputed agencies and book sellers.
9. Subscriptions payment can be made in advance upto one year.
10. Purchase of News paper and magazines are exempted from finance concurrence subject to the adhering to the norms
prescribed for their purchase.
11. Items which required foreign exchange require personal sanction of GM.
12. For Advance Payment 100% against pro-forma invoice, purchase through internet ADG has power of Rs 10 Lakhs
and ED Admin/RDSO Rs 1 Lakh only.
(B) Purchase of Sports Full Powers DRM/CWM Director/JJR & 1. Prior finance concurrence is necessary
materials including Full Powers Principals of Zonal RPF
provision of Gym (at Training Centres Authority:
Barracks, Training Full Powers 1. Rly Bd. L/No 2018/Trans/01/Policy dt. 23.03.2018
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
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Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
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Academy, Training Centres)
Principal/ZRTI, STC
and other Zonal /
Divisional Training
Up to Rs. 10,000/- on
each occasion subject to
a limit of Rs. 30,000/-
per annum without
finance concurrence.
(C) Newspapers and PCSC/CSC Full powers Director/CTIs/Sr 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
magazines for running Full Power (Subject to entitlement DSC/DSC(IC) 2. Newspapers/Magazines to running rooms may be supplied subject to
rooms, TTE rest rooms & As per yardstick as per bed strength) the maximum of as per the following yardstick:
RPF/RPSF barracks and Full Powers as per Bed strength No. of Newspapers / Magazines
SIB & CIB Units. yardstick English Hindi Vernacular
Up to 10 1 1 1
Sr. DME From 11 to 20 2 2 2
Sr. DEE (O) From 21 to 50 3 3 3
Sr. DCM/Sr. DOM From 51 to 4 4 4
Full powers Above 100 5 5 5
(Subject to entitlement
as per bed strength) 3. The bed strength indicated above shall be on the basis of the average
occupation for the previous six months.
1. Rly Bd. L/No 2018/Trans/01/Policy dt. 23.03.2018
(D) Books, periodicals, and Mukhya Up to Rs. 5,000/-per Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for books only.
newspapers in Hindi. Rajbhasha annum. 2. Newspapers/magazines are exempted from finance concurrence
Adhikari: subject to adhering to the norms prescribed for their purchase.
Up to Rs.
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
10,000/- per Authority:
annum. 1. Para-1037 and 1038 of Financial Code Vol. I.
(E) Payment of subscription PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary. Subject to a limit of Rs.
towards institutional Full Powers Full Powers 5,000/- per annum for each institution.
membership fee. up to three up to three institutions.
institutions. Authority:
1. Board’s letter No. F(X)II/94/PW/3 dated 26.06.1996.
40. Provision of entertainment PHOD/ Full powers Divisional Officer In 1. Finance concurrence is not required
facilities to trainees in CHOD charge of the Training
Training Centres/Hospitals Full Powers Institution/Principals
like Cable Full Powers up to Rs
Connection/DTH, Music 5000/-on each
etc. connection per annum
41. IT Related
(A) Procurement of PC based systems chargeable to revenue
(i) Procurement of PCs on PHODs/CHODs DRM JAG Officers 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
additional account. 10 Nos. Per 10 Nos. Per financial independent charge 2. For procurement of PCs on replacement account, only after
(REFER RLY. BD’S financial year year 05 Nos. per financial completing their codal life (on condition basis) as prescribed in
CORRIGENDUM SLIP year Board’s letter No.2002/AC-II/10 dated 24.05.2006 (ACS F-I No.62) as
NO. 4 Dt.14/01/2019) Other SAG ADRMs amended from time to time, full powers may be exercised by PHODs /
Officers 05 Nos. per financial CHODs / DRMs / SAG / JAG officers handling independent
05 Nos. per year establishments.
financial year 3. All procurements to be done preferably by Stores Department (i.e.
SAG Local Stores officers or officers nominated to look after stores
Officers handling functions)
independent 4. Total cost per PC including CPU and TFT Monitor etc., should
establishments generally should not exceed Rs. 75000/- chargeable to Revenue.
10 nos. per financial 5. Fields units shall define the configuration/specifications based on
year their requirements as approved by the respective nominated officers of
Railways for ensuring technical standards/guidelines issued by C&IS
Other SAG Officers Directorate from time to time. As far as possible free software such as
05 Nos. per financial ‘Open Office’ etc. should be used.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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year 6. While procuring requirement, it should be ensured that as far as
possible IT equipment is purchased with minimum three years’
warranty so as to take life cycle cost in account.
7. PCs will be classified as ‘equipment’ in terms of Para 705(6) of the
Indian Railways Financial Code Vol. I.
8. The above powers are independent of systems procured against any
specific provision in a work, which may be chargeable to other plan
9. The ceiling limit on annual purchase prescribed above is not to be
10. Bulk procurement of PCs wherever required shall be included in
the estimates concerned to avoid burden on revenue.
11. GM can sanction 10 Laptops, costing up to Rs. 25,000/- each, per
year with finance concurrence. (The item Laptop includes Laptop,
Notebook, Net book, Tablet computers).
1. Board’s letters No. 2006/C&IS/ Oth. / Delegation of Powers/36
dated 10.12.2008.
2. Board’s letter No. 2006/C&IS/Oth/ Delegation of Powers/36-Pt
dated 11.09.2012
3. Board’s letter No.2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd.18/10/2017
(ii) Repairs to Computer Item No.16 (B) Authority:
and IT related hardware. are applicable for 1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.18.10.2017
IT related
hardware also.
(iii) Minor cabling, data PHODs/CHODs DRM/ CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
conversions, ribbon refilling Full Powers Up to Rs. 40,000/- per 2. Quotation/tender route should be followed.
in Computer Centre/ occasion.
PRS/Ticket Issuing Offices CCM/PM
covering items like PCs / Full Powers
peripherals and work
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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(iv) Computer training PHOD/CHODs DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Full powers Rs. 10,000/- in each 2. Proposals should be routed through CPO/Sr. DPO/WPO.
subject to a limit case with an annual 3. Quotation/Tender route to be followed.
of Rs. 10,000/- in ceiling of Rs. 1 Lakh.
each case with an
annual ceiling of .
Rs. 1 Lakh
(v) Non-stock Computer Full powers as Full powers as JAG/ Sr. Scale (holding 1. For purchase of non-stock computer consumables viz. storage media
Consumables (including indicated in the indicated in the the independent charge) (include pen drives, CDs, Floppies), cartridges/toner, ribbons,
consumables related to remarks column remarks column Full powers as indicated batteries, other related consumables/small parts like computer
photocopiers, duplicators in the remarks column cable/adaptor, key board, Mouse etc. following powers may be used:
(REFERCORRECTION Purchase of goods up to the value of Rs.15000/- (Rupees Fifteen
SLIP No. C-1 thousand only) on each occasion may be made without inviting
Dt.18/08/2018) quotations or bids on the basis of a certificate to be recorded by the
competent authority in the following format.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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6. Adequate funds to be ensured duly maintaining the liability register.
1. Board’s letters No. 2006/C&IS/Oth. /Delegation of Powers/36 dated
(vi) All peripherals of Full powers Full powers SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
CPU, other high-end Up to Rs.10000/- per 2. Peripherals and accessories (CPU like MB, HDD, RAM, CD/DVD
computer related occasion writers, Processor, LAN/Sound cord etc. AND Others like UPS,
accessories and licensed Printers, Scanners, projector, LaserJet printers, card readers, Bluetooth
software. dongles etc.,) to be procured as per norms for standard non-stock items
circulated by Railway Board (Stores Dte.) from time to time.
3. Separate copies of licensed software should only be procured for
each PC along with licenses for Antivirus and firewalls as a standard
non-stock requisition in terms of (2).
4. Every PC need not be provided with a separate printer. Instead Desk
Jet/LaserJet printers may be provided on the network which may be
shared by a number of users, especially amongst the non-gazetted users
or where confidentiality is not an issue.
5. All procurements to be done preferably on DGS&D rate contract
and by Stores Department (i.e. Local Stores officers or officers
nominated to look after stores functions).
6. No pirated software may be used vide Board’s letter No.2006/C&IS/
PRS/Audit/4/Pt-1 dated 16.04.2008. In case, specific software is
required for any officer/ staff, the same may be purchased keeping in
view the instructions contained in Railway Board’s letter
No.2006/C&IS/Oth/ Laptop/14 dated 26.05.2008.
1. Board’s letters No. 2006/C&IS/Oth. /Delegation of Powers/36 dated
(vii) Procurement of Local PHOD/CHOD Full powers 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
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in Field Units
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Area Network Full powers 2. This does not apply to PRS/UTS/FOIS or other IT applications
Infrastructure. (preferably networks for which proposal should be sent to C&IS Directorate of
secured wireless LAN) Railway Board for sanction.
3. Where Rail Net connectivity is provided, efforts should be made to
use the Rail net network.
4. Expenses incurred on LAN infrastructure shall be chargeable to
1. Board’s letters No. 2006/C&IS/Oth. /Delegation of Powers/36 dated
(viii) AMC of hardware and PHOD/CHOD Full powers 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
software. Full Powers 2. While procuring equipment, it should be ensured that as far as
possible, IT equipment is purchased with minimum three years’
warranty so as to take the life cycle cost into account.
3. Expenditure on AMC of hardware and software shall be chargeable
to revenue.
4. Contract has to be limited to not more than two years at a time.
5. Powers have to be exercised by the officers only after checking the
reasonableness of the rates proposed, residual life of the office
equipment, credentials of the firms, past experience with the firm,
wherever applicable etc.
6. Protective clauses as follows have to be incorporated -
(i) in cases involving advance payment, submission of bank guarantee
of equal value should be insisted upon if the value of the Annual
Maintenance Contract is beyond Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty
thousand only) with OEMs/Authorized agents. If bank guarantee is not
submitted, quarterly payment after the service is rendered should be
considered to protect against failure on the part of the contractor/firm
to take up service/maintenance of equipment and repairs as stipulated
in the contract agreement.
(ii) in the event of the failure on the part of contractor/firm to take up
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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maintenance of servicing/repairs as stipulated in the terms and
conditions, the advance maintenance charges paid, shall be returned to
Railway at once with interest.
(iii) in case of delay in remittance of the advance by the firm, the
Railway administration shall be entitled to adjust this amount against
any advance due in respect of any other equipment, for which a similar
contract has been entered into either afresh or on renewal basis.
(iv) it has to be stipulated in the acceptance letter to the contract that
along with the bill, rendered in duplicate, a certificate is to be endorsed
that the charges claimed do not exceed the lowest rate the firm may
charge for similar repairs and replacements of component/service to
any other Central or State Government Institutions/any Office.
(v) Advance payments to firms for maintenance of all type of
equipment should not exceed Rs.2 lakhs in any single case.
(vi) The powers vested with the PHODs/CHODs/DRMs/SAG
Officersof independent establishment for AMCs with OEMs on Single
Tender basis will have to be exercised subject to observance of
guidelines issued from time to time.
(vii) For AMCs costing, less than Rs.5 lakhs, 4 to 6 quotations of
reputed firms shall be obtained from the market in a most transparent
manner for getting competitive rates.
(viii) Tenders shall be invited for the AMCs costing more than Rs. 5
lakhs each and the rate reasonableness shall be decided by duly
constituting the Tender Committee.
a) For Tender Committee Constitution, refer Annexure ‘A’ and ‘B’
of SOP, Part – ‘A’.
1. Board’s letter No. F(X)II-87/PW/12 dt.20.9.89.
2. Board’s letter No.97/CE-I/CT/32 dt.24.2.99.
3. Board’s letter No. F(X)II-99/PW/3 dt.20.10.99 & dt.27.6.2000.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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(ix) Internet connection Full Powers Full Powers 1. Wherever internet connection is essential, the PCs shall be
through Railnet / connected to Railnet through S&T Department.
Broadband. 2. In case of Divisional/Field units where Railnet facility does not
exist, a certificate to that effect may be obtained from
Sr.DSTE/Dy.CSTE. This is subject to a maximum limit of Rs.3000/-
per annum.
3. In case of Broad Band connections to Laptops/PCs at residence of
JAG and above Officers, irrespective of the availability of Railnet, the
Officers are permitted to avail the Internet through Broadband (Wired
or Wireless) of other Service Providers. For wired connection,
broadband facility can be provided either on existing landline
telephones at residence or through hiring a separate broadband
connection. In such case, the reimbursement of the amount payable to
the officer will be -
(i) A maximum one-time installation charges allowed is Rs. 2,000/-
(ii) The cost of the lowest unlimited download plan of MTNL or BSNL
for broadband, available in the area. Officers may also opt for services
of other service providers but the ceiling will be as per the lowest
unlimited download plan of MTNL or BSNL available in the area.
4. In case of personal residential telephones taken over on official
account, the Officer can subscribe to broadband services and claim
reimbursement thereafter within the financial limits, as per extant
1. Board’s letter No. 2010/Tele/ 11(5)/ 1 dated 29.09.2010.
(x) Procurement/ Repair and Full Powers in Full Powers in respect Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not required.
maintenance of Laptops to respect of eligible of eligible Officers. In respect of eligible 2. Laptop, Notebook, Tablet and Notebook Computers are referred as
Officers in-lieu of Desktops Officers. officers Laptop.
or for official use by the 3. Codal life of Laptop will be considered as 4 years from the date of
officer. the receipt of material &taken into account.
Divisional Officers,
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Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
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4. Officers in confirmed JA Grade (including ad-hoc JAG) and above
are eligible for a laptop with cost ceiling of Rs. 55000/- inclusive of all
accessories. The officers below JA Grade and the Probationary
Officers of Group A Railway Service are eligible for a laptop costing
≤Rs 25000/- inclusive of all accessories. These accessories can be
purchased along with the laptop or any time during the codal life of the
5. Eligible Officers can procure laptops either directly from market or
through Store Department (PCMM for Zonal Headquarters, Dy. CMM/
Sr. DMM/DMM for Divisions/ Work-shops) by placing indent. When
the officer procures laptop directly by paying himself/herself, he/ she
shall claim for reimbursement.
6. Officer can procure the Laptop costing any amount, which may be
more or less than the corresponding prescribed ceiling amount.
However, the amount to be reimbursed shall be equal to cost of
purchase or corresponding prescribed ceiling amount, whichever is
7. The Ceiling amount towards repairs and maintenance shall be Rs.
30,000/- for the laptops procured with ceiling limit of Rs. 55,000/- and
Rs. 20,000/- for the Laptops procured with the ceiling limit of Rs.
25,000/- regardless of the actual cost of Laptop and accessories. AMC
for 1/2/3 years may be purchased with the laptop and reimbursement
8. The concerned Department shall maintain the necessary records and
ensure entry of details in the Service Record and LPC of the Officer
provided with Laptop.
9. General Managers & equivalents/DGs/Heads of CTIs may procure
laptops on additional/replacement account as per Rly Bd’s L/No.
2006/C&IOS/OTH/Delegation of Powers/36-Pt dt.11.09.2012
1. Railway Board’s letter No.2011/C&IS/Committee/Laptops/Pt. II
Divisional Officers,
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S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
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in Field Units
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dated 23.01.2012. All other instructions contained in Railway Board’s
letter to be followed.
(xi) Procurement of Digital Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance Concurrence is not necessary.
Signature Certificate &
Encryption Certificate. Authority:
1. Rly. Board’s L.No.2007/DRS(M)EPS/01 dtd 09.10.07
(xii)Development of PHOD/CHOD: DRM/SAG Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Application Software Upto Rs.10 lakhs Officer heading 2. Beyond PHOD’s power, sanction of AGM has to be obtained.
chargeable to revenue in each case, independent field 3. Tender/Quotation route may be followed as detailed in works
byoutsideagencies. subject to a unit: matter.
ceiling of Rs.50 Upto 5 lakhs in
lakhs each case, subject Authority:
to a ceiling of 1. Bd’s letter. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd. 18/10/2017, Para A-13
Rs.25 lakhs
1. Item No. 41(g)- Provision of Local Area Network Infrastructure/System includes all necessary hardware, software, networking, peripherals, software development, training,
consultancy work etc. that are necessary for it to be used as desired.(REFERCORRECTION SLIP No. C-1 Dt.18/08/2018)
2. Procurement of software should normally be with the system; however, if a separate requirement comes up later, it shall be dealt with as a standard non-stock purchase.
3. IT equipment must be maintained in running conditions on 24X7 basis especially in case of ‘on-line critical’ and ‘flagship’ applications (PRS/UTS/FOIS) and any break-down
in these systems and their associated Datacom networks etc. may be treated at par with the breakdown in through communication of Railway traffic and may be got attended to
with the same seriousness and urgency by the GMs/DRMs/Unit Heads, under the provisions of the instructions already issued for the purpose of restoration of through
4 Rules, as current, for vetting of non-stock requisitions shall apply to all IT cases.
5 The overall coordination, progress monitoring, budgeting, and interaction within the Railway and also with Railway Board in respect of all matters related to information
technology would continue to be the responsibility of the AGM of the Railways, who may, if considered necessary, constitute an appropriate Steering Committee of concerned
HODs to assist him in the discharge of these functions. He may also take the help of Sr. EDPM’s organization for discharge of his functions such as budgeting.
6. The concerned department at Headquarters would continue to be responsible for Planning, Formulation of proposals, monitoring the progress of the work etc. Accordingly,
Workshop computerization would be under PCME, Stores computerization underPCMM, PRS under CCM/PM and so on. Similarly, on Production Units the concerned HOD,
Divisional Officers,
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which is most commonly the FA&CAO, shall look after the EDP Centre.
7. On Divisions, the situation would be similar to Headquarters and an ADRM shall be responsible for overall coordination, budgeting, monitoring and interaction within the
Division and with Headquarters. On divisions where the major workload in the EDP centre is limited to PMIS and FMIS, close coordination with the Zonal; EDP centre under
FA&CAO would be essential.
8. In all Training Institutes, the institute in-charge shall be responsible for overall coordination, budgeting, monitoring and interaction within the institute and with Headquarters.
9. For the proposals of General Manager’s Office, in respect of procurement of computers and other related proposals, SrEDPM/Dy CM(IT)/CM(IT)is empowered for giving
technical clearance, wherever necessary.
10. The following officers are nominated to ensure technical standards as well as keeping a record of the population of all systems within their jurisdiction irrespective of either the
end-user or the method of procurement/sanction. They shall be held directly accountable for this number. They shall also ensure technical standards of systems via technical
vetting of indents
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in Field Units
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Para-1001 and 1040 of Financial Code Vol. I.
(B)Shifting of Dept. of PHOD/CHOD DRM, CWM(SAG) Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Telecommunication BSNL Full Powers Full Powers 2. Proposal is to be routed through PCSTE/Sr.DSTE/DSTE.
phones. 3. Powers limited to shifting within the sanction from the old
(REFERCORRECTION incumbent of a post to the new incumbent.
SLIP No. C-1 4. Retention of residential BSNL phones by Officers during leave,
Dt.18/08/2018) transfer, and retirement. Retention beyond a period of fifteen days will
require the sanction of SDGM.
(C) Provision of STD PHOD/CHOD: Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary in respect of all DOT Phones
facility. Full Powers with STD facility and dynamic locking arrangements being provided at
(REFERCORRECTION residence and offices of Branch Officers and at residence of JA Grade
SLIP No. C-1 and above Officers.
Dt.18/08/2018) 2. PFA’s concurrence and GM's approval is necessary for all cases
other than (1) above.
1. Board’s letter No. F(X) 11-94/EXP/2 dt. 19.11.97.
2. Board’s letter No. 87/W-3/Tele/TN/23 dt. 6.8.99.
(D) Payment of telephone PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
rental and call charges, Full Powers Full Powers 2. Proposal is to be routed through PCSTE/Sr.DSTE/DSTE.
whose private phone is used 3. Subject to the condition that the post should have sanction for
for official purposes residential DOT.
1. Board’s letter No. 90/TELE/TN/6 dt. 22.10.98.
(E) Hiring of voice and data 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
circuits. 2. Sanction and payment can be cleared by PCSTE subject to:
(i) Provision in any of the sanctioned estimate for hiring of the
(i) Advance payment of PCSTE / Full Powers Nil channels should exist.
registrationfee, search fee CCM/PM (ii) In other cases, as per the need of the user department.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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to DOT Full Powers 3. Hiring of voice circuits include non-exchange lines used for
(REFERCORRECTION emerging railway telephones.
SLIP No. C-1
(ii) Payment of advance PCSTE / CCM Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
annual rental to DOT (PM) 2. PCSTE/DRMs can sanction the payment for continued hiring of
(REFERCORRECTION Full Powers DOT channels provided:
SLIP No. C-1 (i) that there are no Railway owned circuits to replace the DOT
Dt.18/08/2018) channels.
(ii) budget provision exists/would be made available.
(iii) DOT phones, PCSTE / CCM Full Powers Nil (iii) the user department should certify the necessity for continued
casual/temporary (PM) hiring for such circuits.
connections for special Full Powers
occasions. Authority:
(REFERCORRECTION 1. Para-1040 of Financial Code Vol. I.
SLIP No. C-1
(iv) (REFER
C-1 Dt.18/08/2018)
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in Field Units
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43. Railway Telephones PHOD/CHOD DRM/ ADRM/CWM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
1. Item 17 of GM’s delegation.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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46. Hiring of plant and 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for transaction of more than Rs.
equipment, machinery 50,000/-
including road cranes, 2. Reasonableness of rates is to be ensured after obtaining a minimum
hydraand trucks of three quotations.
3. The agreement executing authority will exercise the powers if
(A) From private agencies Full Powers Full Powers SG/JAG Officers: provision for hiring out of plants as exists in the agreement. If not,
or Government bodies. Up to Rs. 1,00,000/- up to Rs. 50,000/- per accepting authority of the tender will exercise the powers.
per occasion. occasion without 4. Rates, when giving Railway’s M&P/Equipment including Cranes on
finance concurrence hire to private agencies or Govt. bodies to be fixed in consultation with
finance where standard rates do not exist.
(B) To private agencies or Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers up to
Government Rs. 50,000/- per case Authority:
bodies.(REFERCORREC without finance 1. Para-1923 of Stores code.
TION SLIP No. C-1 concurrence
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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(C) Regular Hiring of PHOD/ DRM/ SAG officer 1. PHOD/CHOD/DRM/SAG officer heading independent field unit
Motor Vehicle CHOD heading independent full powers including Ambulance with concurrence of finance
field unit 2. Total number of vehicle (Hired+Govt) should not change unless
(i) To sanction hiring of Full Powers for Full Powers with there is an increase in working strength of eligible officers
their departments finance concurrence. 3. The post of driver of the condemned vehicle should be surrendered
a. Vehicle on replacement with finance and driver gainfully employed
account provided the concurrence. MUV may be hired for 4. Any imprest for the condemned vehicle should also be surrendered
existing vehicle has been supervisors – in – 5. Hiring need not be against condemnation in case of vehicles for field
condemned and grounded. charge in field for units of construction organisation where the hiring should be against
carrying men & the sanctioned project estimate. CAO/C may sanction with
b. Hiring for construction material concurrence of Construction Finance.
organisation. 6. As SAG officers are entitled for AC vehicle as per Board’s policy,
same can be hired even if no Govt. vehicle is available for
c. Hiring for eligible condemnation/ replacement.
1. Item 18 note (2) of Annexure II Chapter V of IRFC Vol. 1.
2. 2002/CE-II/Genl/1 dated.01/10/2002
3. No. F (X) II-2006/PW/11 dtd. 21.11.2006, dt.15/05/2007
4. No. E(Trg)2010(31)/3 dtd.03/05/2016
5. F (X) II/2006/PW/11 dated 31.03.2017
6. F (X) II-2016/PW/3 dated 14.09.2016, dtd. 04/05/2017
7. 2017/F(X)II/PW/I/II dtd.18.05.2017
8. Board’s letter- 2017/Trans/Policy dtd.18/10/2017
(ii)Hiring of vehicle for PHOD/CHOD DRM/SAG officer 1. PHOD/CHOD/DRM/SAG officer heading independent field unit
select field officers/senior Full powers with heading independent may sanction hiring of vehicle for any other officer of a division/ unit,
supervisors who are finance field unit where no Govt. vehicle is available to be condemned, strictly based on
assigned specific section as concurrence Full powers with need/ justification and taking into consideration the pool of vehicles
part of their normal duties finance concurrence available in the division/unit, with concurrence of associate finance.
based on criticality of
Divisional Officers,
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need. Authority:
1. Board’s letter- F(X)II-2006/PW/11 Dtd. 10/10/2017
Officers up to JS in the 2. Board’s letter- 2017/Trans/Policy dtd.18/10/2017
field unit can be provided
with such hired vehicle.
Independent BOs
For reimbursement to
Up to Rs 5000/- per
(E) Hiring of vehicle in case PHOD/CHOD Full Powers CPRO 1. In case of emergencies other than train accident like OHE
of emergency/accident by Full Power Up to Rs. 25,000/- Breakdown, S&T failure, rail-weld failure, hot axles etc., (47.E) is
Supervisors where per occasion. applicable when Breakdown vehicle is not available or under repair for
Supervisors have to rush to transportation of men and material. Concerned BO has to give post
the spot with men HOD DGM/G facto sanction. No finance concurrence is required.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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&material. Up to Rs. Full Powers
25,000/- Authority:
per occasion. Independent BOs 1. Board’s letter- - 2017/Trans/Policy dtd.18/10/2017
For reimbursement to
Up to Rs 5000/- per
(F) Hiring of Vehicles for Full Powers DRM Nil 1. Prior concurrence of Divisional Associate Finance is necessary.
Crew Management, Control Full Powers 2. Hiring of outside transport should be kept down to the barest
Duty, assets maintenance minimum.
and Disbursement of Salary, 3. Hiring of outside transport should be made only if the vehicles
if considered necessary and available with the Railway cannot be spared for the purpose.
1. Railway Board’s letter No. F(X) II-2006/PW/11 dated
(G) Hiring of Road vehicles PHOD/CHOD Full Powers SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
for Railway Officers Full Powers Full Powers 2. Hiring of outside transport should be kept down to the barest
coming from outside or minimum,
going to attend 3. Hiring of outside transport should be resorted to only if staff cars or
meeting/conferences/ other vehicles available with the departments cannot be spared for the
seminars or to conduct purpose.
inspections. 4. The hiring of vehicles should be for the officers of SAG and above
(REFERCORRECTION visiting on duty.
SLIP No. C-3 5. Hiring of vehicles for official visits of officers of SG/JAG and
Dt.09/01/2020) below requires the sanction of AGM/DRM/CWM with finance
(H) Air travel on duty. GMs may permit air travel on duty to not below JS officers. 1. These are discretionary powers to be exercised with personal
approval of GM. Personal concurrence of PFA shall be required for
officers of NFSAG/SG and below
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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1. RB Ltr.No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017
2. F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 dt.24.04.2018 & 08.05.2018
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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Public Relations) CWM Sr. DOM 12.6.1996 and F(X)II-2000/PW/2 dt. 27-06-2000.
(REFERCORRECTION PCCM up to Rs 25,000/- per Up to Rs. 2,500/- per
SLIP No. C-1 Up to Rs. annum annum
Dt.18/08/2018) 50,000/- per
(D) Expenditure on safety PCSO Dy CSO, Sr DSO, 1. Finance Concurrence necessary above Rs 15,000/-
seminars, safety camps, Full Powers DSO(IC)
safety audits, safety Full Powers Rs 10,000/- on each
workshops, safety meetings, occasion subject to an
Nukkad- Natak, safety annual ceiling of Rs Authority
related bulk sms, safety 50,000/- 1. Rly. Bd. Letter no. 98/Safety-1/27/1, dt. 20.10.2004
trainings etc.
SLIP No. C-1
48 (E)(REFERCORRECTION SLIP No. C-1 Dt.18/08/2018)
49. To sanction payment of:
(A) Pleaders fees within the Full Powers Full Powers JAG 1. Finace concurrence not necessary if rates are as fixed by High Court
scales fixed by the High Full Powers or Railway Board
Court or separately approved
by Board. Sr Scale Authority:
Full powers up to Rs. 1. Railway Board’s letter No. 2015/LC/17/2 dated 13/06/2017
1,000/- in each case.
Jr Scale/Asst Officer
Full powers up to
Rs.500/- in each case.
Sr LO/LO: Rs.15000/-
in each case
Divisional Officers,
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(B) Incidental legal Full powers up to Full powers up to Rs. JAG 1. Finance Concurrence is not required up to Rs. 25,000/- each case.
expenses connected with Rs. 25,000/- 25,000/- Full powers up to Rs.
suits filed in Court of Law. 15,000/-
Sr Scale
Full powers up to Rs.
5,000/- in each case.
Jr Scale/Asst Officer
Full powers up to Rs.
3,000/- in each case.
SrLO/LO: Rs.15000/- in
each case
(C) Conveyance charges of Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Finance Concurrence is necessary.
pleaders engaged on lump
sum fee when they
undertake journeys outside
their Headquarters in
connection with Court cases
to which the Railway is a
SLIP No. C-1
(D) Incurrence of Law Full Powers 1. This power is specific to RDSO. Any other organisation may use
Charges on Patents. this power subject to certification of the same by RDSO.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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50. Sanction to payment of Full Powers Up to Rs. 50,000/- JAG 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary up to Rs 50,000/-
award/compensation passed in each case. up to Rs. 10,000/- 2. While according sanction it should be specifically indicated whether
by various District in each case. the same is a case in which the amount awarded should be recovered
Consumer Forums and State from the employee responsible for the deficiency in service.
Consumer Forums/ Claims Sr. Scale 3. Law Officer to be consulted
decreed by Court of Law & up to Rs. 5,000/- 4. Particulars of cases involving expenditure more than Rs. 25,000/- in
tribunals. in each case. each case will be reported to Railway Board for information.
5. Authority: Board’s Lr.No. F(X)II-2015/PW-7 dtd.12/06/2017 (GM’s
Delegation- Para- 35(ii))
51. (A)Travelling allowance to Full Powers DRM /ADRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
outsiders summoned to give Full Powers 2. Amount to be paid in accordance with the rule.
evidence (railway accidents
and in legal/vigilance Authority:
cases.) 1. Rule 1693, 1695 and 1696 of IREC-Vol. II (1987).
2. Board’s letter No. E(G)39AL6-9 dt.24.3.1961.
(B) Conveyance allowance PHOD/CHOD DRM / ADRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
to Railway Magistrates. Full Powers Full Powers 2. Railway Magistrates are eligible to receive conveyance allowance at
specified rates depending upon the mode of transport employed and the
distance of the Magistrate’s residence from the Court.
3. Amount to be paid in accordance with the rules.
1. Para-1003 of Financial Code Vol. I.
52. Purchase of dogs
(A) Private bodies or from PCSC DRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
police kennels/ para military Full Powers Full Powers. 2. Purchase to be done on need basis only& through SPC.
organization kennels. 3. Subject to vacancy being assessed in the light of 52(b) below.
4. The details of purchase of dogs / bitches done in each case in the
Division to be furnished to CSC.
1. 95/SEC/ASC/DS/2/1/PT dated 01.10.1997.
2. Rly Bd. L/No 2018/Trans/01/Policy dt. 23.03.2018
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(B) To lend the services of PCSC Nil Sr DSC/DSC (In- 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
RPF dogs to mate with Full Powers Charge) 2. The arrangement proposed should be reciprocal.
bitches for service to other Full Powers 3. Collect one male pup. If no male pup is available collect charges
police/ para military/reputed from public per mating. (charges are fixed from time to time.)
private kennels.
1. Standing Orders Vol.I of Board’s letter No. 93/Sec(ABE)DS/2/1/Pt.
dt. 1.10.97.
53. Sale of surplus litters in the PCSC Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
open market. Full Powers 2. The sale should be given wide publicity through advertisements,
keeping in view the value of the litters to be sold.
3. The proceeds should be credited to sundry earnings.
1. Standing Orders Vol. I of Board’s letter No. 93/Sec(ABE)DS/2/1/Pt.
dt. 1.10.97.
54. Feeding charges of dogs PCSC Nil Sr DSC/DSC(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
and provision of utensils for Full Powers Full Powers 2. The extant orders in regard to the monthly diet charges issued by the
the kennel. Board from time to time should be followed.
Procurement of dog practice
items, dog attire, practice Authority:
explosive samples etc. for 1. Board’s letter No.87/Sec(ABE)/DS/1/Confdl dt. 21.3.95.
dog squad.
55. (A) Medical expenses to be PCSC Nil Sr DSC/DSC (IC) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
incurred on medicines and Full Powers Full Powers
consultation with veterinary Authority:
doctors including 1. Board’s letter No.87/Sec(ABE)/DS/1/Confdl dt. 21.3.95. (To be
conveyance charges from the checked)
kennel to the veterinary
attendant and back.
SLIP No. C-1
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(B) Sanction to payment of PCSC Nil Sr DSC/DSC(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
honorarium to the veterinary Full Powers Full Powers 2. Expenditure in connection with the protection of dogs against
honorary consultant in distemper & rabies to be included.
Government hospitals and
fees to the private veterinary
consultant in emergencies.
56. (A) Registration of RPF dog PCSC Nil Sr DSC/DSC (In- 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
kennels with the Kennel Full Powers Charge)
Club of India. Full Powers
(B) Expenditure incurred PCSC Nil Sr.DSC/DSC (IC) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary up to Rs 15, 000/-.per occasion
towards the participation of RPF Full Powers Full Powers
dogs in dog shows or
exhibitions organized by
railway or non-railway
57. Invite and accept open PCSC Nil Sr DSC/DSC(IC)/Sr 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
/limited tenders for Annual Full Powers CO/CO, 2. By levy of appropriate license fee and other charges.
Contract for Dir/Academy/Principal
washing/ironing/dry Zonal RPF Training Authority:
cleaning of linens/blankets Centres 1. Para-621 of Financial Code Vol. I.
in hostel, guest house, Full Powers 2. Rly Bd. L/No 2018/Trans/01/Policy dt. 23.03.2018
barracks & mess.
58. Charge for feeding of PCSC &PCCM Up to Rs. 50/- per Sr. DSC / DSC ASC 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
offenders detained in Up to Rs. 50/- per individual offender per (Independent Charge) 2. Powers to be exercised by Commercial and Security Departments.
Railway Custody. individual day. Up to Rs. 50 per
(REFERCORRECTION offenders per day. individual offender per Authority:
SLIP No. C-1 day. 1. Railway Board’s letter No. 2004/Sec (Spl) 200/23 dated 21.07.2004
Dt.18/08/2018) and 25.08.2004.
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Public Relations
59. Insertion of advertisements
(A) Tender notices and CPRO Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
campaign advertisements in Full Powers 2. To be published at the request of department/division.
publications at DAVP
approved rates. Authority:
(REFERCORRECTION 1. Board’s letter No. 86/PR/4/6 dt. 7.8.1991.
SLIP No. C-1 2. Board’s letter No. 86/PR/4/4 dt. 24.8.1999.
(B) Souvenir /special CPRO Nil Nil 3. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
publications. Up to Rs. 3,000/-
(REFER RLY. BD’S per case.
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018)
(C) Non-DAVP newspapers CPRO Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
(REFER RLY. BD’S Full Powers 2. Prior approval of General Manager is necessary.
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018) Authority:
1. Board’s letter No. 86/PR/4/4 dt. 24.8.1999.
2. Para 2.1 of Annexure to Board’s letter No. 2006/PR/5/62
59 (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) REFER RLY. BD’S CORRIGENDUM TO PR MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018
59(D) & 59 (H) (REFER RLY. BD’S CORRIGENDUM TO PR MATTERS Dt.18/10/2019)
Divisional Officers,
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60. Participation in exhibitions. CPRO DRM/CWM: Full 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary. However, the advance taken
Full Powers Powers Nil earlier should have been cleared by rendering accounts to the associate
2. Subject to ceiling laid down per case and per annum by Railway
Board from time to time.
1. Railway Board’s letters No.90/PR/8/Policy dt.29.11.1990 &
96/PR/23/Policy dt.27.1.97)
61. Hospitality charges in connection with Publicity and Public relations
(A) Conducted tours for CPRO Nil Nil 1. Expenditure on this account may be incurred by CPRO within the
press and other publicity Full Powers ceiling without finance concurrence.
media, purchase of kits and 2. For entertaining media personnel vide Board’s letter
mementos. No.2003/PR/4/11 dt 18.08.2003.
61 (A)(i)REFER RLY. (i) If the expenditure on one occasion does not exceed Rs. 50,000/-, it
BD’S can be incurred by the CPROs with the Administrative approval of
CORRIGENDUM TO AGM/GM. This would not require finance concurrence.
PR MATTERS (ii) Expenditure beyond Rs. 25,000/- on any occasion would, in
addition, require prior Finance concurrence.
(B) Hospitality: Authority:
(i) A ceiling of Rs.250/- per 1. Rly Board’s letter. 2007/PR/4/5 dtd.13/07/2007
meal per head OR Rs. 500/-
per day subject to an annual
ceiling of Rs. 3 Lakhs
would be observed.
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018)
(ii) The amount of cash
imprest being maintained by
CPRO for the purpose
Divisional Officers,
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raised to Rs. 8,000/-
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018)
MATTERS Dt.20/03/2019)
MATTERS Dt.12/04/2019)
61 (B)(iii)REFER RLY.
(C)Press Tours &
(i) There would be a ceiling
of Rs. 500/- per head per
day for meals within the
overall P.R. Budget. The
expenditure can be incurred
by the CPROs with the
administrative approval of
AGM/ GM and would not
require finance concurrence.
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018)
(ii) In exceptional
Divisional Officers,
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circumstances CPRO Authority:
(REFER RLY. BD’S Full Powers up to Railway Board’s letter No. 2003/PR/4/1 dated 18.08.2003
CORRIGENDUM TO PR Rs. 750/- per Rly Board’s letter. 2007/PR/4/5 dtd.13/07/2007
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018) head per day for
meals may be
incurred with
prior finance
62. Repairs to CPRO / PCSO / Full Powers JAG Heads of 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if the value is more than Rs.
photographic/cine PCME / PCSC Workshop, Training 15,000/-.
photographic equipment & Full Powers Institutions, Schools,
Video cameras and and Colleges Authority:
replacement of spare parts. up to Rs. 5000/- at a 1. Para-236 of Financial Code Vol. I.
63. Hiring of audio/video PHODs: Full Powers Heads of Workshop, 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if the expenditure exceeds Rs.
multimedia materials for Full Powers Training Institutions, 15,000/- for each occasion.
special occasions, training Schools, and Colleges 2. Rate reasonableness to be certified personally by the hiring
institutions, workshops, up to Rs. 5,000/- at a authority.
Hindi training. time.
NO. 3 Dt.18/12/2018)
MATTERS Dt.20/03/2019)
SLIP No. C-3
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in Field Units
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63(A) (ii)(REFER CORRECTION SLIP No. C-3 Dt.09/01/2020)
(B) Production of films by CPRO CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary, if the expenditure exceeds Rs.
railways including up to Rs.5 lakhs Full Powers 15,000/- on each occasion.
documentary and quickies per annum.
and dubbing of films
received from Board, Films
Division, etc.
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018)
NO. 3 Dt.18/12/2018)
MATTERS Dt.20/03/2019)
MATTERS Dt.18/10/2019)
MATTERS Dt.08/01/2020)
(C) Cine/documentary film CPRO Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
shooting by outsiders. Full Powers 2. Necessary bank guarantee, insurance etc. to be complied with as per
the extant procedure.
1. Railway Board’s letter Nos. 82/PR/13/6 dt. 4.5.1983, 82/PR/13/6
dt.25.1.1984 and 83/PR/13/32 dt.17.5.1984.
(D) Payment of fee for CPRO Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary up to Rs. 5,000/- in each case.
telecast/ broadcast & Full Powers 2. Finance concurrence is not necessary at DAVP approved rates.
screening of railway 3. Such publicity material can be disseminated as films/documentaries/
Divisional Officers,
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publicity material. quickies/ publicity slides/film and radio spots in Doordarshan, AIR,
(REFER RLY. BD’S Cinema halls and other audio or visual channels/mediums.
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018)
64. Expenditure towards jobs CSO / PCSC DRMs/CWM Sr.DSC/DSCs 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary up to Rs. 5000/- in each case.
done through outside Full Powers Up to Rs. 10,000/- (independent charge) 2. CPRO to exercise the powers for such repetitive jobs through
agencies relating to subject to an in each case. Rs. 5,000/- per quotation route.
photography, annual ceiling subject to an annual case/occasion subject to
videographyincluding limit of Rs. 1 ceiling limit of Rs. 1 a maximum of Rs. Authority:
developing, printing of Lakh. Lakh. 5,000/- per Annum on 1. Para-1010 of Financial Code Vol. I.
photographs, par with
translites, lamination and CPRO otherJAG/SS(IC)
video editing. Full Powers at accident site
(REFER RLY. BD’S subject to an
CORRIGENDUM TO PR annual ceiling
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018) limit of Rs.1.5
(REFER RLY. BD’S lakhs.
MATTERS Dt.20/03/2019)
65. Purchase of photographic CPRO /CSO / Full Powers Sr. DSO, Sr. DSC, 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if the cost of consumables exceeds
consumable items. PCSC /PCEE / ZTC, Rs. 5,000/- per occasion.
CORRIGENDUM TO PR Full Powers incharge of Authority:
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018) breakdown/ART 1. Para-1017 of Financial Code Vol. I.
Full Powers
66. Printing work in outside presses
(A)(i) Safety propaganda PCSC DRM/ADRM/CWM/S JAG/SS (Independent 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for >Rs.50000/-.
literature/Security Full Powers AG Charge) 2. The printing work in outside presses is to be done only on a
propaganda literature. CPRO / CSO Full Powers certificate issued by the Executive that it is not possible to get this
Full Powers Full Powers work done through railway resources.
3. The printing of diaries, greeting cards, personal letter heads and
other expensive items in connection with the new year and other
Divisional Officers,
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festivals are totally banned vide Railway Board’s letter No.
F(X)II/86/Exp/2 of 4.8.89. Further restrictions if any issued from time
to time have also to be considered.
4. The reasonableness of printing charges has to be certified by the
officer proposing the printing work from outside (proposed for
entrustment outside) has to be certified byManager/ Printing Press,
(where it exists).
1. Para-1129 Stores Code Vol. I.
2. Rly Bd. L/No 2018/Trans/01/Policy dt. 23.03.2018
(ii) Other than the CPRO DRM/CWM ZRTI/
above including posters, Up to Rs. Up to Rs 1 lakh per Principal/Training
folders, brochures, and 50,000/- per case Centres
other publicity literature. occasion without Up to Rs. 5000/- on
(REFER RLY. BD’S finance each occasion subject to
CORRIGENDUM TO PR concurrence a limit of Rs. 50,000/-
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018) subject to an per annum.
(REFER RLY. BD’S annual ceiling of
MATTERS Dt.20/03/2019)
(B) Printing letter pads by PHOD /CHOD/ Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
outside presses. CPRO 2. For others, PHOD/CHOD/DRMs should accord personal approval
(REFERCORRECTION Full Powers Chairman/RRB on a case to case basis based on merits.
SLIP No. C-3 Full Powers 3. Railway Press (where it exists) to certify that the rates are
Dt.09/01/2020) reasonable and the Press has no capacity available to print the same.
1. Para-1030 and 1048 of Financial Code Vol. I.
(C) Printing of visiting Full powers Full powers up to Rs. Full powers up to Rs. 1. Finance concurrence not necessary
cards. 1,000/- per annum for 500/- per annum for
(REFER RLY. BD’S each officer each officer
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018)
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SLIP No. C-3
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67. Preparation of Cinema CPRO Rs. 2,500/- per Nil 1. Finance concurrence is required if the expenditure exceeds Rs.
Slides. Rs. 5,000/-per occasion. 2,000/-
(REFER RLY. BD’S occasion.
MATTERS Dt.17/12/2018)
MATTERS Dt.20/03/2019)
68. Exhibition of Cinema Slides CPRO Rs. 2,000/- per month Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not required.
in Cinema House. Rs. 2,000/- per per Cinema house.
(REFER RLY. BD’S month per (Item deleted as this powers are included in item 63(D)
MATTERS Dt.20/03/2019)
New item in place of
existing item
MATTERS Dt.20/03/2019)
69. Press conference (excluding CPRO Rs. 1,500/- on each Nil 1. Finance concurrence is required if the cost exceeds Rs. 1,000/-
hospitality and Rs. 7,500/- on occasion.
entertainment charges etc.,) each occasion.
70. Signing of Agreement in Full powers in Full powers in respect Sr. Scale Only 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
respect of Advertising in respect of of contracts approved Full powers up to Rs.
Time Tables and other contracts by them. 50,000/-
publicity matters. approved by
Powers applicable to NAIR & CTIs (Item 71 to 84)
71. Local purchase of non-stock items, petty items Director/CTIs: Powers of DG as per Rly. Bd. Letter dated 09.04.2018.
for offices, stationary, training material, low Upto Rs. 50,000 per item without finance
priced books on advance technology for supply concurrence and upto Rs. 1,00,000 per item with
to trainees, audio video films, software, finance concurrence subject to ceiling of Rs. 30
equipment from labs, classroom/office furniture, lakhs per annum.
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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office automation equipment, linen/
bedding/blankets etc. for hostel.
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in Field Units
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72. (A) Hiring of transport in connection with Director/CTIs: Powers of DG as per Rly. Bd. Letter dated 09.04.2018
conduct of courses. (A)Up to Rs.5 lakh for any particular course 1. Up to Rs.5 lakh for any particular course subject to annual ceiling of
subject to annual ceiling of Rs.30 lakhs. Finance Rs.30 lakhs. Finance concurrence is required.
concurrence is required. 2. Full Powers with Finance Concurrence
(B) Regular Hiring for Officer Trainees. (B) Full Powers with Finance Concurrence 3. As per the provisions of Model SOP
(C) Other hiring. (C) As per the provisions under item 47
73. Expenditure on Ceremonial Occasions. Director/CTIs For DG/NAIR
UptoRs. 2.5 Lakh per occasion for annual day As per Model SOP Item 6 (A) of Part C
celebration / Foundation day / passion our
ceremonies and Rs. 50,000/- for other occasions.
Annual ceiling will be Rs. 15 lakhs only.
74. (A) Rate of honorarium to visiting lecturers. (a) Up to Rs. 15000/- per session of up to two hours for Guest Faculty of Eminence (non-railway/ serving or retired) only if
there are reasons to justify such payment, which should be duly recorded in writing by DG/NAIR & Directors/CTIs.
(b) Up to Rs. 5000/- per session of up to two hours to the Govt./ Railway Officer (serving and retired) of SAG and above
(c) Up to Rs. 2500/- per session of up to two hours duration to the visiting lectures other than (a) & (b) mentioned above.
No finance concurrence is required in all the three above.
DG/NAIR, Vadodara may permit air travel by those eminent VLs / Retired Railway officers who were entitled to air travel
during their service subject to the following conditions:
1. The distance involved is about 500 km or more.
2. The journey cannot be performed overnight by train/slip coach.
3. The journey would invariably be by Economy class.
(B) Travelling facilities to visiting Faculty 4. The annual total expenditure is limited to Rs 5 lakh.
5. The powers to grant the facility of air travel may be exercised with finance concurrence
(i) Permission for air travel facility to eminent Note:
visiting Faculty. 1. For eminent visiting lectures, other than working or retired Railway Personnel, DG/NAIR may also permit air travel
within the financial limit defined in 4 above, with financial concurrence.
2. The conditions mentioned at 1 to 3 are for retired Railway officers who were entitled to air travel facility during their
service. These do not apply to non-Railway visiting faculty.
3. Items 4 and 5 are conditions stipulated for NAIR for both the categories non-Rly & retired RIy personnel.
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(ii) Other visiting Faculty including Railway 1. I AC complimentary pass for self only or II AC complimentary pass for self and spouse with authority to travel by
officers retired in SA Grade and above. Rajdhani/ Shatabdi Express. Finance concurrence is not required.
(iii) Retired Railway Officers who were entitled 1. Rail Travel: The entitlement may be linked to last post held in the Railway. The passes can be issued for the same class as
to Gold Pass facilities during their service. per what he would have got on duty, as per last post held before retirement, for SELF and SPOUSE
2. The retired persons (GM and above) can travel by economy class for air travel. However, any relaxation in conditions
would require Finance concurrence.
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(C) Boarding and lodging and local transport 1. Free boarding facility to visiting Faculty. Finance Concurrence is not required.
facility to visiting lecturers. 2. Free local transport facility to visiting Faculty/Reimbursement of taxi charges on KM basis as applicable for Railway
officers for non-Railway faculty. No Finance concurrence is required.
75. Hospitality during visit of dignitaries and 1. Within the ceiling limit prescribed by Board from time to time with an annual limit of Rs.2.5 lakh.
eminent and distinguished visitors.
76. To enter into consultancy contract for developing Director/CTIs DG/NAIR
training materials including audio-video works, Consultancy Powers of DRMs / PHODs as Up to Rs.4 lakh per case subject to a maximum of Rs10 lakh per
training design and development from a list of applicable subject to annual ceiling as fixed by annum.
consultants on a limited tender basis. Board.
77. To enter into contract for printing technical Director/CTIs DG/NAIR
literature/in-house magazines/ newsletters/ Up to the powers given to PHODs/ DRMs in Item Full Powers within allotted Budget with Finance Concurrence. No
Calendar/ Invitation Cards. No.66 as applicable. Finance concurrence is required upto Rs. 25,000 per case.
78. To invite & accept Open or Limited Tenders for Director/CTIs DG/NAIR
Annual Contract for washing and ironing of Full powers with finance concurrence subject to Full powers with finance concurrence subject to observation of tender
linens and dry-cleaning of blankets in Hostel, observation of tender procedure and availability procedure and availability of funds.
Guest House and Mess. of funds.
79. To incur expenditure towards presenting DG/NAIR/ Director CTIs
mementos to visiting Faculty and Faculty on Full powers with annual ceiling of Rs 1 lakh. Finance concurrence is not required.
80. To enter into contracts and make payment for Director/CTIs DG/NAIR
conducting courses with the help of outside Full powers up to ceiling of Rs 30 lakh per Full powers
Institutes /Faculty either at Railway premises or annum.
premises of outside Institution.
81. Deputation of faculty members and staff for Director/CTIs DG/NAIR
training courses, workshops, conferences, Pro rata registration fee and overall registration Pro rata registration fee and overall registration fee up to Rs 20,000/-
seminars, symposia etc. in non- railway Institute. fee up to Rs 20,000/- per day and Rs 1 lakh per day and Rs 1 lakh respectively with ceiling of Rs 15 lakh per
respectively with ceiling of Rs 15 lakh per annum. annum. No finance concurrence is required
No finance concurrence is required
82. To incur expenditure on Newspapers, Magazines Director/CTIs DG/NAIR
and Recreation facilities to be provided to As per Item 39 & 40 and other relevant powers of Full powers. Finance concurrence is not required.
trainees. Model SOP
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83. To enter into contract for general housekeeping Director/CTIs DG/NAIR
activities such as security (where RPF is not As per relevant provisions of Model SOP Full powers subject to availability of funds and following due process
provided), sanitation, catering, horticulture, pest of estimation, tendering and approvals
control, maintenance of computer center and
creation of sports/recreation facilities etc.
Production Units (Item 84 to 98)
84. Ordinary and special repair and maintenance works, pertaining to Civil Engg. Mechanical, Electrical and all departments chargeable to revenue/WMS.
(A) Sanction of ordinary Full powers SAG Officers JAG/SG 1. Prior administrative approval of a higher-grade officer, then the
and special repair works Up to Rs. 1.0 Cr. Up to Rs. 75 lakh in Full Powers up to Rs. sanctioning authority will be required.
including repairs of each case each case 25 lakh each case 2. Prior finance concurrence is necessary.
machinery, tools, plants, 3. Estimate will be prepared in each case as per para 701 E.
equipment, equipment and 4. Expenditure will be restricted within the budget Allotment for the
material handling department.
equipment, including
inspection, diagnosis of Prior financial concurrence will be necessary on expenditure over `
fault and purchase of 20000/- in case of OEM/authorized dealer and 10000/- in case of other
material required in dealer provided:
connection therewith being (i) Total expenditure on maintenance does not exceed ₹50000/- per
done from outside source vehicle per annum.
other than OEM. (ii) A certificate is issued by Dy. CME/M&P that facilities for
(B)Sanction of PHOD SAG JAG/SG repairs/calibration for respective items are not available inside
detailed/Revised estimate. Full powers Upto Rs2 cr. Upto Rs.50 Lakh workshop.
(iii) It is certified that repair is economical in comparison new
SS purchase.
Up to Rs 25 lakh (iv) For repair of M&P, the quotations are to be collected from firms
(C)To Sanction repairs of PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG either through pots, fax or Email after taking administrative approval
motor vehicles, trolleys etc., Full powers up to Full powers up to Full Powers up to Rs of JAG up to ₹10,000/- and SAG above ₹10000/-.
(the repair include purchase Rs. 50000/- Rs. 30000/- 20000/-
of material required in If the repair work is undertaken on ST basis approval of GM &
connection therewith) Personal concurrence of FA&CAO will be required, if value is more
(D)To sanction repairs of PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG than 30,000/-. For repair up to ₹20,000/- from Authorized dealer on ST
costly High-tech Machines Full powers up to Up to Rs 1 lakh with Full Powers up to Rs 1 basis no finance concurrence is needed and SAG may Approve the
Divisional Officers,
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including inspection, ₹ 2.0 lakh for Finance concurrence. lakh in each case with work on ST basis.
diagnosis of fault and each case. Finance concurrence (i) A certificate issued by Dy. CME/M&P that facilities for repair of
purchase of material this costly high-tech machine are not available inside workshop.
required in connection (ii) It is certified that repair is economical in comparison to new one.
therewith, from (iii) For repair the quotations are to be collected from firms either
OEM/Authorized agent of
through Post, fax or email after taking administrative approval of JAG
OEM on S.T. basis.
up to 50,000/- and SAG above ₹50,000/-
(iv) No finance concurrence is needed up to 20,000/-
(v) Dy. CME/M&P is authorized to survey and clarify scope and seek
cost details of estimate of repairs/spares with OEM without
commitment. This may be undertaken with the approval
(vi) All cost including cost of Rest House accommodation transport
etc. including complementary rail pass provided free. If any, should be
calculated and accounted for calculation of total cost of quotations.
vii)Resonableness of rates to be critically examined and certified in the
proposal. viii) EMD/SD may be waived with the approval of
PHOD/CHOD. Requirement of waival of EMD/SD may be mentioned
in the proposal itself to avoid delay.
1. 506F & 507F
2. As per Model SOP A-2-A-iii
3. Rly. Bd. Letter no-F(X)-II-99/PW/3, dt. 20.10.99 94/CE-I/CT/4 dt.
07.11.97(Para 2 & 8) &, dt.27.09.2012
4. DLW SOP Para no 1.03.3 page no -7 t0 8.
85. Power to sanction Out of PHOD/CHOD SAG 1. Subject to the budgetary ceiling of Rs. 10 cr.(other than lump sum)
Turn works- Up toRs. 25 lakhs Up to Rs. 15 lakhs in a financial year of which not more than Rs. 3cr. could be on other
Other works costing up to than safety related items with the proviso that all safety works should
Rs 1 Cr. be completed within a max. period of 8 months from the date of
Authority: 1. DLW SOP Para No –1.01.3(b) Page no -5
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86. Local purchase by office of other Deptts. When material (Stock & Non-stock) is out of stock:
(A) Local purchase of stock PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG 1. Annual ceiling limit is not applicable to M&P spares and tooling. In
and non-stock items other Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 10,000/- in Up to Rs. 5000/- in each these cases, however budgetary ceiling will have to be maintained.
than Rate Contract items 15,000/- in each each case. case. 2. Petty local purchase upto Rs. 2,000/- by JAG and above Rs. 1,000/-
and stationery stores subject case. by Sr. Scale Officer can be made on single quotation
to ceiling limit of Rs. SS
50,000/- per month per Up to Rs.1000/- in each Authority:
department. case. 1. Para 711S
(B) Local purchase of PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG 2. DLW SOP Para No –2.11 (a&b) Page no -33
stationary including printed Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 10,000/- in Up to Rs. 5000/- in
forms subject to ceiling of 15,000/- in each each case. each case.
Rs. 20,000/- per annum case.
each department.
87. (A) (i) To sanction advance PHOD/CHOD SAG 1. No finance concurrence is required for advance payment upto Rs
payment to deptt. Officers Full Power Upto Full power upto 20000/- in each case. However, the officer who has drawn the advance,
only for meeting expenses Rs 50000/- Rs 20000/- has to submit the accountal of expenditure within one month from
on petty repairs, including C60 drawal of the advance otherwise no further advance will be passed in
purchase of items of small favour of that officer. In case of nonsubmission of accountal beyond 3
value, for service and months period, the amount of advance may be recovered from the
maintenance contract where officer concerned, in suitable instalments.
advance payment is
prescribed with the approval Authority:
of competent authority in 1. DLW SOP Para No –09.09.01 Page no -79
the contract.
(ii) To sanction Advance Authority:
payment in connection with 1. DLW SOP Para No –09.09.01 Page no -79
the works/supplies to made
and services to be rendered
other than stores.
a. Advance payment on the PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG 1. No finance concurrence is necessary upto Rs 20000/-
basis of proforma invoice Full Power Full Power Up to Rs Full Power Up to Rs 2. It will be the responsibility of the officers approving the payment to
supplies/services to be Up to Rs 1 Lakh 50000/- 10,000/- ensure proper accountal of the goods received and advice the Accounts
Divisional Officers,
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made/rendered after receipt Department.
of payment by the party. 3. Account Deptt. will book the expenditure under miscellaneous
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in Field Units
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b. Payment across the PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG
counter through Account Full Power Full Power Up to Rs Full Power Up to Rs
payee cheque against Up to Rs 1 Lakh 50000/- 10,000/-
delivery after proper
(B) (i) To sanction PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG 1. No finance concurrence is required upto Rs 10000/-
expenditure for work of Full Power Up to Rs 50000/- NIL
misc. Nature for meeting Authority:
expenses of occasional and 1. DLW SOP Page no – 9.09.02 Page no-80-81
intermittent nature not
covered under para 1 (A)
(ii) To sanction advance PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG 1. No finance concurrence is required for advance payment Rs 20000/-
through special one time Full Power Up to Rs 50000/- NIL in each case. However, the officer who has drawn the advance, has to
imprest of cash for activities submit the accountal of expenditure within one month from drawl of
of misc. nature such as the advance otherwise no further advance will be passed in favour of
recharging of DTH that officer. In case of non-submission of accountal beyond 3-month
connection/camps of Civil period, the amount of advance may be recovered from the officer
Defence, Ambulance, concerned, in suitable instalments.
Scouts & Guides/visit of
Parliamentary and other Authority:
committees. 1. DLW SOP Page no –9.09.02 Page no-80-81
(C) To Sanction Advance PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG 1. No finance concurrence is required for advance payment Rs 20000/-
Payment for purchase of Full Power Up to Rs 50000/- NIL in each case. However, the officer who has drawn the advance, has to
postal Stamps. submit the accountal of expenditure within one month from drwl of the
advance otherwise no further advance will be passed in favour of that
officer. In case of non-submission of accountal beyond 3-month
period, the amount of advance may be recovered from the officer
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concerned, in suitable instalments.
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88. To sanction expenditure in SAG JAG/SG 1. No finance concurrence is necessary upto 20000/- or upto the cost of
connection with calibration, Up to Rs 20000/- Up to Rs 10000/- the equipment whichever is lower.
testing and repair, therewith 2. A certificate is required that calibration is not possible in the
of inspection, measuring & workshop
test equipment in respect of 3. Work can be done by inviting ST in case of OEM or Govt.
each (one) equipment. Laboratory/Test house/Institute, after taking Administrative approval
of PHOD up to 20000/-
1. DLW SOP Para no -9.08.03 page no -79
89. Procurement which is not PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG/SG 1. Annual ceiling limit is not applicable to M&P spares and tooling. In
covered in GeM: Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 10,000/- in Up to Rs. 5,000/- in this case however budgetary ceiling will have to be maintained.
Local purchase of stock and 15,000/- in each each case each case 2. Petty local purchase up to Rs. 2,000/- by JAG and above Rs. 1000/-
non-stock items other than case by Sr. Scale officer can be made on single quotation (Authority Para
Rate Contract items and Sr. Scale up to Rs. 711S.)
stationery stores subject to 1000/- in each case.
ceiling limit of Rs. 50,000/- Authority:
per month per department. 1. DLW SOP Para No -2.11(a&b) Page no -33
For Marketing of Products by - PUs
90. To submit quotation and SAG Officer 1. Subject to finance vetting for rates & terms & condition and CME’s
enter into contract for sale responsible for approval for rates and other terms & conditions if only full charges are
of Locomotives / DG sets / marketing taken. If any other charges like Proforma, Profit, warranty & overheads
Spares to non-railway are reduced then GM’s approval will be required.
customers. To submit quotation Ref: DLW SOP para no -10.01(b) page no 85
and enter into contract
for sale of Authority:
Locomotives / DG sets 1. Ref. Rly. Bd. L.No. 94/Dev/Cell/ERSI/7 Pt-III dt. 19.10.2005.
/ Spares to non-railway
91. Expenditure on hospitality SAG Officer 1. For expenditure beyond Rs. 5000/- finance concurrence is necessary
to customers and responsible for
entertainment on special marketing Authority:
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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occasion for Marketing of 1. DLW SOP para no -10.02 page no 85
product in a Production Upto Rs. 5000/- in each
Unit. case
Divisional Officers,
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in Field Units
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92. (A) Payment of GST SAG Officer JAG/SG 1. With finance concurrence
(earlier ED) on account of responsible for Full power
I.C. Engines / Nuts marketing
& Bolts etc. manufactured
in a PU. Full power
(B) Payment of GST SAG Officer JAG/SG 1. The powers will be exercised if the amount has been realized before
(earlier ED) on account of responsible for Full power payment. Otherwise GM’s sanction will be necessary with financial
Sale of complete Loco/DG. marketing concurrence.
Sets etc. to PSUs or other
Govt. bodies. Full power Authority:
1. DLW SOP para no -10.03 page no 85
93. To write off outstanding SAG Officer Nil 1. Finance concurrence should be taken in each case.
payment of locomotives & responsible for
spares when it is not marketing Authority:
practicable to recover the 1. DLW SOP para no -10.04 page no 85
amount. Rs. 20000/ in each
94. Purchase of tender / bid SAG Officer Nil Authority:
documents for submission responsible for 1. DLW SOP para no -10.05 page no 85
of tender for sale of locos/ marketing
Full power
95. To hire motor transport and SAG Officer JAG/SG 1. Payment may be made from site imprest based on certification by
material handling responsible for Cases upto Rs. 20,000 site incharge.
equipment for testing and marketing Per occasion 2. Justification of the rates to be critically examined by the officer
handling of material at concerned and to be given to Accounts Officer at the time of
identified Non- Railway Full powers upto Rs. 1 SS recoupment of imprest as part of records.
Customer (NRC) projects & lakh per occasion Up to Rs. 10000/- 3. Total expenditure under this head should not exceed the provision
sites. Per occasion made under cost estimate.
4. Identification of projects & sites for application of this power to be
Divisional Officers,
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JS done in consultation with Finance & approval of G.M.
Upto Rs. 5000 5. Efforts will be made, in consultation with Finance, to minimize cash
Per occasion handling through use of imprest cheque & debit card of the bank
having imprest account.
1. DLW SOP para no -10.06 page no 86
96. Development proposal for PHOD/CHOD SAG Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary in all cases.
new item or involving Up to Rs. 1.0 Cr. Upto Rs. 25 lakhs per 2. GM’s approval is required if developmental proposal for new items
development of vendors. Per item. item is on single/limited tender basis as per normal Store Tender.
3. Order issued by Railway Board & RDSO are to be kept in view.
4. Subject to proposal cleared by CDE for DLW controlled item.
Approval of GM will be required for items controlled by Rly. Board
and RDSO.
1. DLW SOP Para no -2.13 page -34
Disaster Management
97. Disaster Management
(A) Procurement of Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Full Powers if he is the only Medical Officer available on site.
additional lifesaving drugs 2. Medical Officers to draw money from station collection.
from the market by Medical 3. Finance concurrence not required
Officers at the site.
1. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.31
(B) On the Spot payment to Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Full Powers if he is the only Medical Officer available on site.
private Hospitals for 2. Medical Officers to draw money from station collection.
treatment of injured. 3. Finance concurrence not required
1. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
Management Item No.32.
(C) Cash imprest for Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Full Powers if he is the only Medical Officer available on site.
ARMV in charges – for 2. This power to be implemented when the ARMV has to remain at
expeditious procurement of the accident site for a longer period during exigencies.
small items like fuel, food 3. Up to Rs. 5,000/- for food materials, fuel etc.,
materials etc. at accident
site. Authority:
1. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.41
(D) Purchase of items for Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Only for emergency purchases and not for normal day to day
ARME including First Aid requirements.
1. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.36
(E) ART Equipment (HRE, HRD & 140 T cranes and other related equipment). (Authority: Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster Management Item No.36)
(i) For planned procurement PCME / PHOD/ Nil SG/JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
of the spares, consumables, CHOD above Rs.1.5 Lakhs and 2. Constitution of Tender committee and acceptance as per
and small tools. Above Rs.25 up to Rs.8 Lakhs. Stores/Works powers as applicable
(REFERCORRECTION Lakhs and up to
SLIP No. C-1 Rs.2.5 Crores Sr Scale
Dt.18/08/2018) up to Rs. 1.5 lakhs
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
NO. 4 Dt.14/01/2019) down should be maintained. The overall ceiling limit for emergency
repairs/purchases of spares should not exceed Rs.20 lakhs per annum
(iii) Scheduled PCME Nil Sr. DMEs/ In 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
overhauling/reconditioning Full powers charge/ART 2. Subject to usual procedure of calling of tender/Quotation etc., being
repairs to machines Up to Rs. 30,000/- at a followed as per extant orders.
(Schedules not covered CMPE time.
under Annual Maintenance Up to Rs.
contract) and for purchase 50,000/- at a DME/In charge of ART
of spare parts for this time. Up to Rs. 10,000/- at a
equipment. time.
(F) Hiring of vehicles for Nil DRM/ADRM Branch Officers of 1. The expenditure can be met from cash imprest/Station earnings
rescue and relief operations. Full powers during Medical, Mechanical, without any limitation.
accidents Operating, Safety and 2. Efforts may be made to pool the utilization wherever possible.
Commercial 3. Finance concurrence not required
Full Powers. Authority:
1. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.30
(G) Sanction of expenditure All Mechanical, Full powers All Mechanical, 1. Vouchers/Bills should be submitted within a Week’s time
incurred during relief and Medical, Medical, Commercial, 2. Finance concurrence required at the time of post facto sanction
rescue operations. Commercial, Safety, Operating Safety
Operating Safety, and Electrical Officers
Officers at the at the site of accident
site of accident Full powers Authority:
Full powers 1. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.35
(H) Procurement of ART/ PCME – -- -- 1. No item/equipment shall be banned while being purchased for
ARMV equipment. Full Powers - ART/ARMV/Break down Crane. No circulars/orders restricting the
purchase procedures/powers for ART/ARMV/Crane equipment shall
be applicable unless issued by Railway Board (MM&FC).
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster Management
Item No.37
(I) Sanction of cash imprest PCME – Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
for maintaining Full Powers.
ART/ARMVs/Cranes. Authority:
1. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster Management
Item No.39.
(J) Purchase of ART/ -- -- JAG/Sr. Scale/Jr. Scale 1. Finance concurrence not required
ARMV/Crane material in Divisions
through imprest cash. Full powers to ART In-
charge officer up to Rs.
10,000/- per item
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
(K) 1. These powers are left to the discretion of GM. The circumstances
under which GM exercise these powers, broadly cover the following
(i) Requisition of Helicopter types of cases:
/ Airplane to reach the site (i) Where more than 10 casualties (death-cum-serious injuries) are
of serious accident or to feared and it is difficult for these officers to reach the site within
evacuate injured and dead reasonable time.
in the event of serious (ii) Where heavy damage is caused to Railway installations in sensitive
accident. and tension filled areas (e.g. wreckage of track, bridges etc. through
bomb blast, other means of sabotage, etc.)
(ii)Requisition of Air (iii) Where public reaction in case of late arrival of senior officers at
support to dispatch the site is likely to be highly adverse.
rescue teams to the site of (iv) Normally, in case of an accident, only one helicopter should be
accident. requisitioned by a Zonal Railway, except when there is a serious
passenger train accident involving several casualties when it is
essential for both the General Manager and the Divisional Railway
Manager to reach the site at once to satisfy the public and the Press.
However, for dispatching the rescue teams to the site of the accident,
separate helicopter/ airplane may be requisitioned, if so needed.
1. Railway Board’s letter No.2002/Safety-1/6/6 dated 13.06.2004.
1. Para 1801 to 1812 of Stores Code-Vol. II.
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
2. Board's letter No. E (NG)-II/96/ RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005.
(B) Sanction of Imprest for -- -- Dy. CPO/ Recruitment 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
loading of franking Rs. 1 lakh at a time.
machines by Postal Authority:
Authorities 1. Para 1052 of Financial Code-Vol. I.
2. Board's letter No. E (NG)-II/96/ RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005.
(C) Sanction of creation of -- -- Dy. CPO/ Recruitment 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
cash Imprest for purchase of Up to Rs. 5,000/-
service stamps Authority:
1. Para 1047 (v) of Financial Code-Vol. I.
2. Board's letter No. E (NG)-II/96/ RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005.
(D)(i) Purchase of technical Dy. CPO/ Recruitment 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
books, technical periodicals, -- -- Up to Rs. 3,000/-
and digitized books per annum. Authority:
(D) (ii) Purchase of Dy. CPO/ Recruitment 1. Para 1037 and 1038 of Financial Code-Vol. I.
newspapers, other -- -- Up to Rs. 2,500/- 2. Para 711 and 711 (A) of Stores Code-Vol. I.
periodicals, e-books and e- per annum. 3. Board's letter No. E (NG)-II/96/ RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005.
periodicals in CD or mail
format and electronic media.
(E) Purchase of rubber Dy. CPO/ Recruitment 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
stamps, office seals, special Up to Rs. 500/- for each.
seals, embossing seals etc. -- -- Authority:
1. Para 1016 of Financial Code-Vol. I.
2. Board's letter No. E (NG)-II/96/ RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005.
(F) Contingent Office -- -- Dy. CPO/ Recruitment 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for special (unusual) contingencies.
Expenditure Full Powers.
1. Chapter-X Para 1005 (iii) of Financial Code-Vol. I.
2. Board's letter No. E (NG)-II/96/ RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005.
(G) Incurrence of expenditure -- -- Dy. CPO/ Recruitment 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
on light refreshments of Rs. 10,000/- per annum. 2. Actual incurrence of expenditure is to be consistent with austerity
formal Inter-Depart-mental standards and number of such meetings should also be kept to the barest
Divisional Officers,
Extra Divisional
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/HOD SAG Officers REMARKS
Officers & Officers in
in Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
and other meetings and minimum.
conferences. 3. The concerned Associated Accounts Officer has also to monitor
progressive expenditure to ensure that the ceilings are not burst.
1. Board's letter No. F (X)II/95/Exp/I dated 09.09.1997 and
2. Board's letters No. F (X) II-2003/PW/1 dated 12.06.2003, No. F (X)
II-2004/EXP/4 dated 14.05.2004, 18.01.2006, 23.01.2006 and
3. Board's letter No. E (NG)-II/96/ RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005.
(H) Outsourcing of pre- -- -- Dy. CPO/ Recruitment 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
examination work etc. Full Powers.
1. Board’s letter No. E (NG)-II/96/ RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005.
2. Headquarters Finance will be the Associate Finance for Railway Recruitment Cell.
3. Advance amounts pertaining to expenditure on confidential matters and another for general expenditure can be separately arranged under MAR. Dy.
CPO/RRC will furnish periodical account statement for clearance of Suspense Account.
4. Regarding receipts, the fees collected in the form of instruments should be promptly summarized and be directly remitted to Cash and Pay Department for
realization and credited to Sundry Earnings.
5. The above delegation is specific for the recruitment process and will be applicable as long as this phase of work is done by the Railway.
Annexure ‘A’: Standing Committee(s) for condemnation of M&P items including vehicles & ambulances
(REFER CORRECTION SLIP No. C-3 Dt.09/01/2020)
Office For M&P, scrap value of which is more than Rs.50000/- For M&P, scrap value of which is less than Rs.50000/-
Convener: Dy. CME
Workshops & attached Store Convener: PE
A Members: Dy. CEE/WEE/AEE
Depots Members: DEE/AEE & AAO
Divisions Convener: Sr. DME Convener: DME
Members: DEE/AEE, DFM Members: AEE & AAO
Convener: DME
Convener: Sr. DME
C Field Construction Units Members: XEN/Const,
Members: Dy. CE/Const, Sr. AFA/Const
Convener: Sr. DME Convener: DME
D Divisional Hospitals
Members: Sr. DMO, DFM Members: DMO, AAO
Convener: EME
Convener: Dy. CME/WS
E Headquarters Offices Members: Jr. Scale of User
Members: Sr. Scale of User Dept., Sr. AFA
Dept., AAO
Convener: Dy. CME/WS Convener: EME
F Construction
Members: XEN/C, Sr, AFA/C Members: AEN/C, AAO/C
Convener: Sr. DME/Dy CME of division or headquarter where Convener: DME of the division or SME of HQ
G Headquarters Hospital the Hospital is situated Members: DMO & AAO of division or headquarter where hospital is
Members: Sr. DMO & DFM situated
Convener: Sr. DME Convener: DME DME of the division or SME of HQ
H Printing Press
Members: Manager Printing Press & WAO/SrAO Members: Manager / Asst. Manager, AAO/WAO/SrAO
Convener: Sr. DME Convener: DME
I Diesel Loco Shed
Members: DEE/AEE, DFM Members: AEE & AAO
Convener: Sr. DEE Convener: DEE
J Electric Loco Shed
Members: DME/AME, DFM Members: AME & AAO
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
1. Approval of Quantities for Procurement D3-6
2. Invitation of Tenders for Indigenous Procurement D7-17
3. Consideration of Offers D18-D26
4. Signing of Indents/Purchase Orders D26-D29
5. Operation of contracts D29-D33
6. Purchase by Field Officers D33-D37
7. Auction and Tender Sale D38-D43
8. Accounting adjustments D43-D45
9. Miscellaneous D46-D47
procure through Stores deptt or Medical deptt)
(This delegation is valid for all types of supply order (and includes turnkey contract). As per IRS conditions of contract clause 0117, supply order means an order for
supply of stores and includes an order for performance of service). [Rly Bd Lr.No. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017]
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.1 (A)For purchase through Full Upto their Upto their Upto their Upto their Field Stores Authority:
tender/placing Powers powers of powers of powers of powers of Officers: Upto 1. Items 1 and 2 of Para 132-and 701 of-Stores Code(S).
indents/Rate/Running acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance their powers of 2. 76/RS(G)/779/36 of 6.1.1979
Contracts finalised by acceptance 3. 2001/F (S)/I/PW/7/2 dt 12.10.2001.
RB/ZR/PU in the normal 4. 2007/F(S)/I/PW/7/1 dt.7.12.2007
course for Stock and Non- 5. 2007/RS/G/779/1 dt 04.04.08 & 28.07.08
stock items. 6. 2007/RS/G/779/1 dt 16.02.2009.
7. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 27.02.2015 & 12.03.2015
8. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017
[Para 2.0 S.No.1& 1.0 B]
9. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
10. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Stores dt. 29.12.17
1.1 (B)Approval of AAC of A, Full Powers Above Rs. 1 Up to Rs. 1 Full powers Full powers Nil 1. Vetting of AAC:
B, C category items Crores Crores for ‘C’ for ‘C’ i. Single stage Vetting of AAC/EAC of only A
Category Category category items either by HQ finance or by field
items up to items up to finance (No finance vetting for AAC/EAC
the limit of the limit of approval of B and C category items)
his powers of his powers of ii. No requirement of quantity/demand vetting by
Acceptance Acceptance Finance for stock items.
1. 88/RS(G)/779/43 dt 11.12.1989
2. 88/RS(G)/779/43 dt 21.10.2012
3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017
[Para 2.0 S.No.3, 4 &5]
4. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
5. 2005/RS(G)/779/7 dt. 15.09.2017
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.2 (A) Signing of Non-stock PHOD/CHOD CWM/ADRM/ JAG/SG SS (JAG/SG JS (SS in 1. The level of signing as approving officer in Non-
requisitions by user Above Rs.45 SAG Above Rs. 2 in absence of absence of stock requisitions which inter-alia also certifies
department lakhs Above Rs.15 lakhs up to SS) JS) essentiality of requirement.
lakhs to Rs45 Rs.15 lakhs Above Rs. Up to Rs. 2. Level of signing as approving officer will also certify
lakhs 25,000 up to 25,000 whether item is safety/ Passenger necessity item
Rs. 2 lakhs 3. Non-stock requisitions will require vetting as per
extant instructions.
4. In case JAG/SG officer not posted, then Non-stock
requisition to be signed by ADRM/CWM/SAG
officer of the user dept.
1. Board’s Lr. No.2005/RS(G)/779/7 dt. 06.05.2015.
2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
1.2 (B)Signing of PAC by user PHOD/CHOD CWM/ADRM/ JAG/SG SS (JAG/SG JS (SS in 1. The level of signing as approving officer in Non-
department Above Rs.25 SAG Upto Rs. 15 in absence of absence of stock requisitions which inter-alia also certifies
lakhs Up to Rs. 25 lakhs SS) JS) essentiality of requirement.
lakhs Up to Rs. 2 Up to Rs. 2. Non-stock requisitions will require vetting as per
lakhs 75,000 extant instructions.
3. In case JAG/SG officer not posted, then Non-stock
requisition to be signed by ADRM/CWM/SAG
officer of the user dept.
1. Board’s Lr. No.2005/RS(G)/779/7 dt. 06.05.2015.
2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.3 (A)Vetting of Non-Stock 1. In case of sanctioned works where detailed estimate has been sanctioned, vetting of NS Authority:
requisitions requisitions is not required subject to fulfilment of conditions mentioned in RB letter no. 1. 99/RS(IC)/165/SRC dtd. 25.02.03
2017/Trans Cell/S&T/Processes dt. 06.04.18 2. 2007/Trans/01/Policy dtd. 18.10.17
2. Safety/Passenger Necessity items – above Rs. 10 lakhs 3. 2017/Trans/01-1/Policy dt. 28-11-2017.
3. Other than Safety/Passenger Necessity items – above Rs. 2.5 lakhs 4. 2017/Trans Cell/S&T/Processes dt. 06.04.18
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(C)Vetting of Indents by 1. The limit for vetting of indent is above Rs.15 lakhs for safety/ Passenger Necessity items and Rs.8 Authority:
Associate finance for indents lakhs for other than Safety/ Passenger Necessity items includingDrugs and Surgical Items. 1. 2014/F(S)1/Misc./12 dt. 24.12.2014
to be placed on centralized 2. Powers of finance deptt: A) PHOD – above Rs. 20 Crores, B) SAG – above Rs. 3 Crores up to Rs. 2. Procedure order No.15/2003 & Railway Board’s Ltr.
procurement agencies by 20 Crores, C) JAG/SG – above Rs. 1.5 Crores up to Rs. 3 Crores, D) SS – above Rs. 15 lakhs up to No.88/RS(G)/779/43/Part dt. 21.10.2002;
PCMM Rs. 1.5 Crores for safety items and above Rs. 8 lakhs up to Rs. 1.5 Crores for other than Safety/ 3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No.4]
(Safety/Passenger Passenger Necessity items 4. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No. 3
Necessity& Other than & 4]
Safety/Passenger Necessity 5. 2017/Trans/01-1/Policy dt. 28-11-201
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Necessity Items Crores Crores Cr Lakh Lakh Officers: At par Rs.10Crsand Up to Rs.20Crs.
with HQ Officer
for NS items. Authority:
For stock items- 1. 328-S
up to the power 2. 83/F(S)/I/PW-7/1dated 4.4.83
of purchase. 3. 83/F(S)/I/PW-7/1 dated 14.9.87(S.226/1/Vol.14
dated 23.10.87/12.11.87)
4. 83/F(S)I/PW-7/I dt.2.3.94 2007/RS/G/779/1
5. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
6. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017 [Para 1.1 C]
7. 2017/Trans/01-1/Policy dt. 28-11-2017
Field Stores
(D)For items for which Up to Rs.10 Up to Rs.5 Upto Rs.1 Up to Rs.8 Up to Rs.3 Officers: At par
approved list is issued by Crores Crores Cr Lakh Lakh with HQ
centralized agency/RDSO/ Officers for NS
PU/CORE items. For Stock
items- up to the
power of
1. All Direct purchase should be critically examined with the LARs of Open Tenders.
2. There should not be any Spurt in the rates proposed to be accepted under direct purchase of stores.
3. For all direct purchases, e- Tendering(IREPS) should be followed.
2.3 Spot Purchases Extant instructions are to be followed.
2.4 Invitation of Single Tenders for non-proprietary articles without Finance concurrence:
(A)Normal circumstances Rs.8 lakhs Rs.8 lakhs Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 25,000/ Rs. 25,000/ DRM Authority:
(refer Note- x below) Rs. 5,000/- 1. 83/F(S)I/PW-7/I dt.2.3.94
2. 2001/F(S)/I/PW/7/2 dt 27.01.2003
(B) Drugs and Surgical Items Rs. 5 Lakhs Rs. 5 Lakh Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 25,000/ Rs. 25,000/ NA 3. 2007/RS/G/779/1 dt.4/4/2008.
- 4. ACS No.20 to S-330
5. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 &12.03.15.
6. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No.2
(C)In Emergencies (a) & (b)]
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
affectingmaintenance, out Rs.45 lakhs Rs.45 lakhs Nil Nil -Nil DRM 7. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
turn, operation etc. Rs. 7,500/- (in
(refer Note –x below) consultation Note:
with associate 1. Where the Tenders are invited on Single tender basis
finance) with Competent Authority’s approval, the offer can
(D)Safety/Passenger be considered under normal purchase powers of the
Necessity items below two Rs. 1 Crore Rs. 1 Crore - Nil- Nil Nil -- Purchase Officer.
months stock 2. For item 2.4(e), preference should be given to invite
Advertised Tender.
(E)Existence of single
approved source on list Full powers up Full powers up Full powers up to their up to their --
issued by RDSO/PUs to their powers to their powers up to their powers of powers of
of acceptance of acceptance powers of acceptance acceptance
2.5 Invitation of Single Tenders: Rs.15 lakhs Rs.8 lakhs Rs.5 lakhs * * DRM Authority:
developmental items Rs. 10,000/- 1. 330-S
2. 83/F(S)I/PW-7/I dt.2.3.94 2007/RS/G/779/1
3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15.
4. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No.23]
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-- Drugs and Surgical Items: Power of Certification of
(ii) – do -: for Drugs and Rs.15 lakhs Rs.8 lakhs Rs.5 lakhs -- -- PAC is restricted to Rs. 5 Lakh and it should be certified
Surgical Items by PCMD that no substitute for the particular item is
available or it will not be proper to take the risk of trying
other substitutes. Above Rs. 5 Lakh, it has to be
countersigned by AGM.
(B) (i) Invitation of Single Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to All Divl. And Authority:
Tender for Proprietary items the limit the limit the limit the limit the limit Depot Stores 1. 331-S &706-S; 70/F(S)/I/PW-7/1 6.3.79;
where it has been possible to of his of his of his of his of his Officers 2. 76/RS(G)/779/55 of 21.5.1982;
certify that a similar article, powers of powers of powers of powers of powers of Up to the limit 3. 79/F(S)/I/PW-7/4 dt. 6.10.8;
which could be used in lieu, acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance of their powers 4. 83/F(S)/I/PW-7/1 dt. 4.4.83 & 9.7.84;
is not manufactured/ sold by of purchase. 5. 83/F(S)/I/PW-7/1 dt.2/3/94;
any other firm. 6. 2007/RS(G)/779/1 dt.04.04.2008, 28.07.2008,
(PAC 6 ‘c’ certified) 13.12.20012;
7. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015& 12.03.15
8. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
9. 88/RS(G)/779/28 Dt 25.3.92
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
be reasonable. exercise same (Refer Note xiv below)
powers as their
HQ counterparts
for NS item.
2.8 To accept Single Tender Rs.10 Crores Rs.5 Crores Rs.45 lakhs Nil Nil Nil 1. These powers including 100% advance payment
purchase from stock requires no tender committee or Finance
yards/buffer imports of M/s Concurrence
in respect of steel items and Authority:
to make 100% payment in 1. 64/RS(G)/385/I of 19.2.1981 & 26.11.85
advance to them. 2. 87/RS(G)/753/2 dt.30.12.87
(refer Note – xiii below) 3. 87/RS(G)/753/2 dt.15.10.92 & 01.09.2006
4. 2007/RS/G/779/1 dt.4/4/2008.
5. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
6. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No.16]
2.9 Purchase of oils and Rs.10 Crores Rs.5 Crores Nil Nil Nil Nil 1. These powers including 100% advance payment
lubricants marketed by public requires no tender committee or Finance
sector undertakings on single Concurrence.
tender basis. 2. Limited tenders are to be called in place of single
tender in case prices are not government
administered. Finance concurrence is not required for
calling Limited Tender.
1. 2007/RS(G)/779/1 dt 28.07.08
2. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15.
3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No.20]
2.10 Single tenders for non- Up to the limit Upto their Upto their Upto their Nil Upto their Authority:
ferrous items (MMTC, HCL of his powers powers of powers of powers of powers of 89/RS(G)/753/1 of 13.10.1989.
and HZL) (refer Note- xiii of purchase. Purchase Purchase Purchase purchase. These powers will be exercised without Tender
below) Committee but with concurrence of Associate Finance
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2.11 Purchase from KVIC/ Up to the limit Up to the limit Up to the Up to the Up to the Nil Authority:
ACASH/ Ordnance Factories of his powers of his powers of limit of his limit of his limit of his 2009/RS(G)/113/1 dt. 29.10.14
(only for fog signals) of MoD of purchase. purchase. powers of powers of powers of
on Single Tender Basis – purchase. purchase. purchase. 1. Finance Concurrence is not necessary
Dispensing with need for TC
(Refer Note xii below)
2.12 To enter into negotiations Up to the limit Up to the limit Up to the Upto their Authority:
Up to the Up to the
with tenderers and to accept of his powers of his powers of limit of his powers of 59/773/I/RS(G) dt.20-5-1960.
limit of his limit of his
negotiated rates. of purchase purchase powers of purchase.
powers of powers of
purchase 1. Latest CVC instructions should be followed for
purchase purchase
calling negotiations.
Note for Item No.2.4 to 2.12 (REFER RLY. BD’S CORRIGENDUM TO PART A & PART D Dt.17/10/2019)
2.13 Purchases made directly by departments other than Stores department.
(A) Procurement through GeM by user departments: Authority:
Officers authorised by PHODs of user departments may be permitted to buy goods (Non-stock items) available on GeM by placing 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt. 18.10.2017 Para-12
direct on-line orders up to Rs. 25,000 in each case. This may be subject to annual ceiling of Rs. 10 lakhs per department per annum. The
officers will have to certify as follows: Note:
“I, .........., am personally satisfied that these goods purchased are of the requisite quality and specification and have been purchased A demand for goods shall not be divided into small
from a reliable supplier at a reasonable price.” quantities to make piecemeal purchases to avoid
(REFER CORRECTION SLIP No. D-2 Dt.16/11/2018) procurement through L-1 Buying/bidding/reverse
auction on GeM or the necessity of obtaining the
sanction of higher authorities required with reference to
the estimated value of total demand
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
the local Stores Officer through local purchase
system duly placing necessary non-stock indent. If no
Stores Officer is available, the requirement may be
procured from the local retail outlets by the user
Departmental Officer.
3. Such purchases are restricted to maximum quantity of
125 liters at a time and with a ceiling limit of 4000
liters per quarter per each Indentor.
4. The guidelines / rules / procedure orders issued from
time to time connected to local purchases should be
strictly followed.
5. DRMs’ standing approval should be obtained with
the concurrence of Sr. DFM / DFM.
6. DRMs will decide the payment procedure in
consultation with associate finance.
(G)Purchase of Bleaching Powder: 1. Local purchase may be done by the local Stores
Powers are delegated to all the Divisions to authorize purchase of Bleaching Powder up to Rs. 10,000/- at a time but not exceeding Rs. Officer through local purchase system duly placing
30,000/- (in case of Asst. and Divisional Officers) and Rs. 60,000/- (in case of JA Grade Officers) in aggregate per month. necessary non-stock indent. If no Stores Officer is
available, the requirement may be procured from the
local market by the user Departmental Officer.
2. Such purchases are restricted to maximum quantity
of 1000 Kg. at a time with a ceiling limit of 3000
Kg. Per month or not more than one month’s
consumption being a minimum shelf life of one
3. The guidelines / rules / procedure orders issued from
time to time connecting local purchases should be
strictly followed.
4. DRMs standing approval should be obtained with the
concurrence of Sr. DFM/ DFM.
5. DRMs will decide the payment procedure in
consultation with associate finance.
6. Tender conditions should stipulate for material,
which shall comply with the minimum available
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
chlorine content for not less than 30 days from the
date of manufacture, which should be specified on
the container. After a period of more than 30 days,
the minimum available chlorine shall be as agreed to
between the purchaser and the supplier.
7. Packing and marking, as laid down in IS: 1065/1989.
i. Open Tenders shall be invited for all purchases valued over Rs.25 lakhs. Open or Limited Tenders when considered advantageous, may be invited for purchases up to that limit unless a different
mode of tendering is approved by the GM under the provisions of para 331-S or by specified authorities in exercise of their powers as detailed in this Schedule. GM may also decide in public
interest not to call for tenders, the reasons being communicated by him to the PFA in terms of para 332-S(88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para1.2]).
ii. Railway is not authorized to procure Machinery and Plant costing above Rs. 30 Lakhs without prior clear dispensation from Central Organization for Modernization of Workshops (COFMOW)
excepting for Medical equipment. Machinery and Plant authorized for purchase by the COFMOW are to be procured by indent on COFMOW and so no tenders for purchase of these should be
invited except with the specific authorization of COFMOW.
iii. The limit of Rs.25 lakhs under item 2.2 applies to the value of each article or class of articles or interconnected articles to be procured at any one time. The demand under each item should in no
circumstances be split-up to bring it within these powers. The items available on GeM should be verified from “www.gem,” (Board's letter No.81F(S)/I/PW-7/1 dated 28.4.1981 and
Lr.No.2007/F(S)/I/PW/7/1 dt 07.12.2007; 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15& 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para1.2].
iv. Direct purchase action under item 2.2(b) may be resorted to in the event of the failure/inability of the vendor ofGeM to comply with the Railway’s demands. In the cases of failure of GeM dues(POs)
and if purchases are subsequently made at higher rates, details of direct purchases made and the financial loss thereon shall be advised to the GeM for taking up with the defaulting suppliers for the
recovery of the loss sustained by the Railway from them. While exercising delegation under these items, detailed reasons may be recorded like: (a) non availability of items in GeM with required
specifications, (b) Rates on GeM being higher than estimated rates/LPR etc., (c) Technical problem in purchasing through GeM like non-acceptance of request for placement of P.O. on GeM, technical
problems in R.A., bidding, Direct purchase on GeM, (d) High value cases where purchase authority is satisfied that material can be more effectively arranged through IREPS tender, (e) Failure /
inability of vendor to cater to Railway’s demand / requirement. Issues pertaining to functionality of GeM and failure of vendors may be advised to GeM authorities.
v. For common use items of Goods and services by PCMM which are available in GeM Portal Authority: no. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 22.09.2017 [Para 2.0 Sl. No.10]. {All the conditions/
guidelines laid down in this letter is applicable.}
vi. Deleted.
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
vii. Deleted.
viii. In exercising the powers under items 2.4(a)&(c) the purchase officer should consider whether an existing rate/running contract can be utilized. The powers under 2.4(c) may be exercised without finance
concurrence in emergent situations affecting repairs, maintenance, operation, or out-turn which should be recorded in writing. Invitation of single tender and purchase will require personal approval of
PCMM/CMM. Authority: Rly Bd. Lr. No. 2001/F(S)/I/PW/7/2 dated 27.01.2003.
ix. Railway Board vide letter No.90/RS(G)/113/I dt.08.05.90 have delegated powers to purchase Handloom items on single tender basis from Association of Corporation and Apex Societies of Handlooms
(ACASH). In case of delays apprehended in the receipt of handloom supplies through M/s.ACASH, Railways may make emergency purchase of immediate minimum demands directly from the
handloom units notified by the Development Commissioner for Handlooms, Govt. of India, and Ministry of Textiles. In case they are also unable to supply, the emergency purchases may be made of
mill-made items, to avoid complaints from the user.
x. After dismantling of JPC, procurement has to be made as per Board's Letter. No.87/RS(G)/753/II dt.15.10.92. In case of non-ferrous metals, tender committee formalities can be dispensed with up to
the powers of purchase of PCMM in consultation with associate finance. 100% advance payment on proforma invoice can also be made.
xi. When in response to a call for bulletin /Limited Tender, only one quotation is received, fresh tender should be invited except in cases of urgency. (Board's letter No.49/145/1/S dated 12.6.50
&88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15 &88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No.12]. The powers under item 2.7 can be exercised only if enquiries had been issued to firms who
had supplied the materials earlier or who were likely to supply the materials, provided the rates quoted are reasonable and full reasons are recorded justifying such a course of action. JAG* officers
should certify urgency up to Rs.8lakh, SAG* officers should certify beyond Rs.8 lakh- (Board's letter No.87/RS(G)/753/1 dated 29.2.88) &Railway Board’s Ltr. No.2001/F(S)-I/PW-7/2 dated
12.10.2001 & dt.04/04/0888/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15 &88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No.12]. In the event of re-tender, normal purchase power shall be applicable.
(Item 6, Note ii)
*Urgency certificate by officer of Stores Department for stock items and officer of Indenting Department for non-stock items.
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3.2 (A) Acceptance of tenders Rs.200 Crs Rs. 10 Crore Direct Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 5 lakhs As per Item 1. The powers delegated under this item are generally
vide Para 341-S Acceptance: 6(B). referred to as the purchase powers of the respective
(including drugs and surgical Rs 50 lakh. authorities.
items) On 2. The item includes Turnkey Work involving supply of
(refer Note- i to ivand xii recommenda For drugs and Stores & performance of service on Turnkey basis.
below& 0117S) tion of SS surgical items
TC: Rs.1 only: Depot and Authority:
Crore Divisional 1. 85/F(S)I/PW-7/1 dt.19.11.97
Stores Officers: 2. 87/RS(G)/779/26/Pt. dt. 21.2.97
Rs 1 lakh per 3. 2001/F(S)/I/PW/7/2 dt 12.10.2001
case. 4. 2007/F(S)/I/PW/7/2 dt 7.12.2007
5. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
6. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 1.0 A& B].
7. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
8. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Stores dt. 29.12.17
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
authorized to MD/CMS of field units. No other
medicine will be procured at Division/Depot level.
1. All Direct purchase should be critically examined
with the LARs of Open Tenders.
2. There should not be any Spurt in the rates proposed
to be accepted under direct purchase of stores.
3. For all direct purchases, e- Tendering (IREPS)
should be followed.
4. For all Medical items, technical scrutiny should be
done by Medical Department before acceptance.
Tender Cases Accepting Authority
(Refer Note-xii below.) Above Rs.200crores and up to Rs.500 Crs AGM
Above Rs.500 Crs GM
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Relevant guidelines as per Board’s letter
No.2004/RS(G)/799/11 dated 24.07.2007 & 19.02.08
should be followed.
(D) (i) waiver of Security up to the limit up to the limit up to the up to the up to the Field Stores Authority:
Deposit (refer Note- v below) of his powers of their powers limit of their limit of their limit of their Officers and 1. 56/148/1/RE of 17.12.56
of purchase of purchase powers of powers of powers of their accepting 2. 57/155/1/RS/G of 13.4.61
purchase purchase purchase authorities - up 3. 68/WI/CT/224 of 20.5.67
to their power 4. 57/155/1/RS(G) ICW of 4.6.74
of acceptance 5. 78/RS/G/155/1 of 15.9.80
6. 86/RS(G)/155/1 of 11.9.87
7. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
Relevant guidelines as per Board’s letter
No.2004/RS(G)/799/11 dated 24.07.07, 19.02.08,
15.10.08 & 21.02.2018 should be followed.
(ii) Security Deposit for PAC Security deposit is not required to be submitted by sources in whose favour PAC has been provided by
Items user department.
(E) refund/forfeiture of Full powers up to the limit up to the up to the up to the Field Stores Authority:
Earnest Money Deposit including of their powers limit of their limit of their limit of their Officers and Item 15 (ii) of 132-S
without finance concurrence contracts of purchase powers of powers of powers of their accepting
in accordance with the entered under purchase purchase purchase authorities - up
conditions of the tender. GM/AGM’s to their power
powers of acceptance
(F) acceptance of un- up to the limit up to the limit Nil Nil Nil Nil Authority:
guaranteed delivery terms of his powers of their powers 63/RS/G/379/1 of 10.6.1964
and other unusual conditions of purchase of purchase
subject to Paras 419-S and
420-S (refer Note- vii below)
(G) acceptance of contracts up to the limit up to the limit up to the up to the up to the Field Stores
with guarantee periods of his powers of their powers limit of their limit of their limit of their Officers: up to
less than 18 months of purchase of purchase powers of powers of powers of the limit of their
from date of commissioning purchase purchase purchase powers of
or 24 months from the date of purchase
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
supply whichever is earlier
(refer Note-vi below)
(H) (i) acceptance of non- up to the limit up to the limit Nil Nil Nil Nil Authority:
standard force majeure of his powers of their powers 1. 67/RS(G)/145 of 19.6.67
clause (refer Note-viii of purchase of purchase 2. 75/RS(G)148/1 dt.27-9-77.
(ii) With Railway/ DGS&D up to the limit up to the limit up to the up to the Nil Field Stores
standard ‘Force Majeure’ of his powers of his powers of limit of his limit of his Officers: up to
Clause. (refer Note ix (1) of purchase purchase powers of powers of the limit of their
below) purchase purchase powers of
(I) acceptance of deviations Authority:
from IRS conditions 1. 70/F(S)/I/PW-7/1 of 6.3.69
(excluding item (g) above) 2. 84/RS(G)/779/25 dated 1.3.85
ofContract without prior 3. 2001/F(S)I/PW/7/2 dated 27.01.2003.
finance Concurrence. 4. 2007/RS(G)/779/1 dt:04/04/2008
Field Stores 5. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 &12.03.15.
(i) In direct acceptance case Upto D.A. Upto D.A. Upto D.A. Nil Nil Officers and 6. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
(one level higher than direct power of power of power of their accepting S.No.8]
powers of acceptance but not DyCMM DyCMM SMM authorities will
below the level of JA grade). exercise same
powers as their
(ii) In TC case HQ counterparts
upto their own
Normal power Normal power Normal Nil -- powers of
of acceptance of acceptance power of acceptance(For
of tender of tender acceptance both (i) & (ii)
of tender
(J) acceptance of quotations up to the limit up to the limit up to the up to the up to the Field Stores Authority:
subject to variations in of his powers of his powers of limit of his limit of his limit of his Officers and 57/145/RS(G) of 4.3.61
prices/ rates of exchange, of purchase purchase powers of powers of powers of their accepting
customs duty etc., in respect purchase purchase purchase authorities - up
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
of indigenous/ imported to their their
stores (refer Note-x below) power of
(K) Advance payment Authority:
1. 64/RS(G)/385/ 1 of 19.2.81 and 26.11.85
(i) 100 per cent to M/s. up to the limit up to the limit up to the Nil Nil Nil 2. 87/RS(G)/753/2 of 30.12.87
IISCO, SAIL, RINL, TISCO of his powers of their powers limit of their 3. Rly Board Lr No.88/RSG/779/14 Pt dtd.06/01/2017
on proforma invoice. of purchase of purchase powers of
(ii) 100 percent to M/s.IOC, Rs.10 Crores Rs.5 Crores Rs.45 Lakh Nil Nil Nil Authority:
BPC, HPC, Balmer Lawrie 1. 76/RS(G)/753/2 of 13.2.81;
and other oil lubricant PSUs 2. 79/RS(G)/753/1 of 16.1.82;
on proforma invoice with 3. 86/RS(G)/753/2 of 21.5.86
finance concurrence. 4. 2007/RS(G)/779/1 dt 28.07.08.
5. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
(iii) 100% advance payment Authority:
against proforma invoice 1. 2000/F(S)/I/PW/7/2 dt.12.10.01
(refer Note-xii below) 2. 2007/RS(G)/779/1 dt:04/04/2008 & 28.07.08
3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
a) Direct Acceptance cases 4. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
with finance concurrence Upto Upto Rs.15 Nil Nil Nil Personal S.No.24]
Rs.25lakhs lakhs sanction of 5. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
DRM/CWM for S.No.24]
PAC items only:
l Stores officers
powers of
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(If not recommended by TC, acceptance
then Finance concurrence is
(L) 100 percent advance Up to the limit Up to the limit Up to the Nil Nil Field Stores Authority:
payment on inspection of his powers of their powers limit of their Officers -up to 1. 77/RS(G)/779/29 of 29.12.77
certificate (or bank guarantee) of purchase of purchase powers of their power of 2. Finance concurrence required for Rs. 25,000/- above.
and proof of dispatch in the purchase acceptance
case of public sector
(M) 100 percent advance Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 50,000/- Nil Nil Nil Authority:
payment on inspection 1. 77/RS(G)/779/29 of 29.12.77
certificate (or bank 2. 87/RS(G)/753/1 dt.29.2.88
guarantee) and proof of
dispatch in the case of plant
and machinery spares,
proprietary items and special
tools from Government or
non-Government Agencies
(N) 98 percent advance up to the limit up to the limit up to the up to the Nil Field Stores Authority:
payment on inspection of his powers of their powers limit of their limit of their Officers and 1. 67/RS(G)/753/1 of 10.5.68
certificate and proof of of purchase. of purchase. powers of powers of their accepting 2. 64/RS(G)/385/1KW of 18.12.71
dispatch in respect of public purchase. purchase. authorities - up 3. 77/RS(G)/779/29 of 29.12.77
sector undertakings and other to their power
manufacturers and running of acceptance
contracts (refer Note-ix (2)
(O) 95% payment against up to the limit up to the limit up to the up to the Nil Field Stores Authority:
Inspection Certificate and of his powers of their powers limit of their limit of their Officers and 77/RS(G)/77/29 of 29.12.77
Receipted Delivery Challan of purchase. of purchase. powers of powers of their accepting
certified by Gazetted Officer purchase. purchase. authority- up to
and balance 5% on receipt their power of
and acceptance. (refer Note- acceptance
ix (2) below)
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(P) cancellation of tenders up to the limit Up to the limit up to the up to the Nil Field Stores Authority:
(refer Note-xi below) of his powers of their powers limit of their limit of their Officers and 132-S
of purchase of purchase powers of powers of their accepting
purchase. purchase. authorities - up
to their power
of acceptance
(Q) Refund of cost of tender Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil Field Stores Note: Not applicable for e-Tenders as per RB letter no.
forms sold to tenderers when Officers and 95/RS(G)796/1 dt. 31.07.2017
tender notice is withdrawn. their accepting
authorities will
exercise same
powers as their
HQ counterparts
ii. i. Tender Committees should invariably be constituted to deal with tenders over Rs.50 lakhs. The lowest tender value * (including all taxes and duties) will be the criterion for the level
of the Committee. If it is passed over and the next higher tender falls in the value range for the higher-level committee, the case should be remitted for consideration by the latter
iii. The accepting authority should not be a member of the Tender Committee. If the officer competent to accept the tender has to be a member of the Tender Committee for any reason, the
recommendations of the Tender Committee should be put up to his next superior officer for acceptance (Board’s letterNo.69/RS(G)/777/ dated 30.9.80).
iv. If the competent authority disagrees with the recommendations of the Tender Committee, he should invariably record his reasons (Para 342-S).
v. The powers under items 3.2(c) & (d) should be exercised where considered justified in the public interest with finance concurrence. Finance concurrence is not required for cases of
exempted categories.
vi. The powers under item 3.2(g) are subject to obtaining the acceptance of the Indenting Officer for the shorter guarantee period.
vii. The powers under items 3.2(f) and 3(h) are to be exercised in consultation with Finance and Law Officer.
viii. The powers under item 3.2(h)(i) should be sparingly used, with finance concurrence and with safeguards like Bank Guarantee for protection against failure of supply, defective supply,
short-receipt, etc.
ix. (1) Under Item 3.2(h)(ii): Standard Force majeure may be accepted by the competent authority for purchase but not lower than Sr. Scale, Consultation with Law Officer and Finance is
not necessary. Non-Standard Force Majeure Clause may be accepted by the competent authority for purchase but not below the level of Dy. CMM, in consultation with Law Officer and
Finance. As far as possible, Force Majeure Clause may not be included in respect of Contracts below Rs. 5,000 especially when orders are not placed on reputed firms/manufacturers.
(2) Advance payments may be allowed under items 3.2(n) and3.2(o) only to well-known firms of commercial standing in terms of para 2815-S.
x. In indigenous stores, the variations admissible under item 3.2(j)may relate to - (i) Steel prices promulgated from time to time by main steel producers (ii) prices of non-ferrous metals (iii)
excise duty (iv) wage escalation (v) special price adjustment of BEMA/IEMA Group. The powers of Dy. CMM and lower officers under this item are not applicable to cases of wage
escalation. In imported stores, the variations admissible may relate to - (a) FOB cost of proprietary articles (b) cost of raw materials that are subject to sharp price fluctuations. (c) exchange
rates (d) import duties (e) special price adjustment of BEMA/IEMA Group. Standard variation clause specified by the Board should be adopted. The powers of SMM and AMM under this
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
item are not applicable to special price adjustment clauses of BEMA/IEMA. Finance concurrence is necessary. (Board’s letter No. 70/RS(G)/779/46 dated 13.3.81).
Wherever a statutory variation clause has been incorporated in the purchase order, modifications to such purchase orders involving the statutory levies can be approved with finance
concurrence, by the tender accepting authority in general and by PCMM where the tender accepting authority is AGM/GM so long as the proposed changes in statutory levies occurred within
the original currency of the contract.
xi. If it is decided to drop the purchase after opening of tenders, the recommendation of the appropriate Tender Committee should be obtained. Where the value is within Direct Acceptance
limit the case should be put up to the authority higher than the one who authorized invitation of tenders. Rly. Bd’s Letter No. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para1.2]
xii. The powers for permitting 100 percent advance payment based on proforma invoice as per item.3.2(k)(iii) are to be exercised subject to the following conditions:
a. The supplier, if not figuring in the list of reputed firms approved by AGM, should be a firm of good reputation or having good record of past performance with Railways.
b. The supplier should be prepared to honour Guarantee/Warranty clauses, in case the material taken delivery in good faith is later on found to be of sub- standard quality.
c. The supplier should be prepared to replace any material damaged during transit from his premises to the consignees' premises, in case the purchase order incorporates the term of free
transport after taking delivery at firms' premises.
d. The specification of the material being procured should be such that on-the-spot consignee inspection is possible and adequate without requiring elaborate post-delivery testing.
e. Materials of reputed brand name or products of well-established manufacturers, preferably certified to ISI or any other standard specification may be procured so that the burden of
consignee inspection can be minimized.
f. Notwithstanding inclusion of the supplier in approved list stated above their current performance should be verified before processing for 100 percent advance payment.
xiii. Purchase officers have full powers for calling supplies by road for tenders within their powers of purchase.
Note: The total value of a Tender will be the criterion to decide the competent authority for acceptance where purchase proposals against the Tender which are put up in parts. The Stores
member of the Tender Committee will put up the proceedings direct to the accepting authority.
4. SIGNING OF Authority:
INDENTS/PURCHASE 2007/RS(G)/779/1 dt:04/04/2008
(refer Note i below)
(A) Indents on Railway Full Full Full Nil Nil Nil
Board/PUs etc Powers Powers Powers
(B) Placement of online Full As per their As per their As per their As per their The powers for Authority:
Supply orders for items Powers level of level of level of level of placing supply 1. 001/F(S)/I/PW/7/2 dt 12.10.2001 & 5.9.03;
appearing on GeM without acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance Divisional 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
going into the formalities of Stores & depot 2. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 S.No.6]
Tender Committee Officers – 3. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
examination (including 4. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt. S dt. 11.07.2018
Drugs and Surgical Items) The powers for
placing online *NOTE:
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Supply orders Sr. DMM/ Dy. CMM Rs.50 lakhs
for items (Depot) per case.
appearing on DMM/ SMM (Depot) Rs. 10 lakhs
GeM and
per case.
signing of the
same are as per Asst. DMM/ AMM Rs. 5 lakhs
NOTE* (Depot) per case.
1. Lr.No.2007/RS/(G)/779/1/ dated 04.04.2008;
2. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
Authority: no. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 22.09.2017 {All
the conditions/ guidelines laid down in this letter is
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
before finalizing Supply Order.
(C) Placement of purchase Full Full Full Full Rs. 75,000/- All depot and 1. Placement of purchase orders on other railway units
orders on other Railways Powers Powers Powers Powers divl. Officers only.
Units by Depot/Divisional Full powers on
Officers for material book rate Authority:
assistance. 1. 2007/RS (G)/779/1 dt:04/04/2008
2. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15.
3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
(D) Purchase orders on Full Full Full Upto Upto Field Stores Post order correspondence should be done only after
suppliers selected in Powers Powers Powers Aceptance Aceptance Officers and obtaining approval of competent authority.
accordance with the prescribed powers of powers of their respective
rules and procedures and post DyCMM SMM accepting
order correspondence. authority will
exercise same
powers as their
HQ counterparts
(E) To place orders against rate Upto their Upto their Upto their Upto their Upto their Field Stores
/ running contracts/ LTC of powers of powers of powers of powers of powers of Officers and
RB/PUs/ZR/other centralised acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance their accepting
agencies authority: Upto
(REFER RLY. BD’S their powers of
NO. 1 Dt.17/10/2018)
These powers are to be exercised after approval of quantities in terms of S.No. 1 above.
5. OPERATION OF Depot Officers/Inspecting officers/District Officers of the consuming departments are authorized to Authority:
CONTRACTS accept deliveries short or in excess up to5 per cent of the total value of the contract or Rs.8 lakhs 1. 441-S 80/RS(G)/779/22 dated 16.6.80
whichever is less subject to the total value of receipt not exceeding normal powers of purchase of the 2. 98/RS(G)/779/10/(CS)/ (3/03) dated 25.02.2003
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(A) acceptance of excess / PCMM. No formal amendment of contract will be necessary in such cases and also in cases (other than 3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
short supply by Depot those falling under Para 711-S) where value of supplies short or in excess does not exceed Rs.100/- 4. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
officers without formal irrespective of the value of the percentage involved [as per Stores Code Para 441 (Note)] S.No.28]
amendment to the contract.
(B) variation of quantity in 1. All officers – full powers up to their powers of acceptance Authority:
contracts (operation of option 2. Operation of option clause will not require finance concurrence in TC cases 1. 441-S
clause) 3. In case of tenders accepted by GM/AGM, variation in quantity also requires the sanction of 2. Railway Board’s letter No. 99/RS (G)/ 779/5 dated
GM/AGM with finance concurrence. 12.03.2010 & 20.05.2010.
4. Competent authority for operating minus 30% option clause shall be original tender accepting 3. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
authority. In cases of purchases approved at the level of Board, minus operation of option clause
shall be done with the approval of GM with finance concurrence.
(C) extension of delivery date upto the limit upto the limit of upto the limit upto the limit upto the limit Field Stores Authority:
with or without liquidated of their powers their powers of of their of their of their Officers and 1. 58/RS(G)/775 of 31.10.74
damages of purchase. purchase. powers of powers of powers of their accepting 2. ACS/No.24 to S-445
(refer Note-i(a) & v below) purchase. purchase. purchase. authorities - up 3. 2000/RS(G)/779/9 dt.04.03.2008
to their power 4. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
of acceptance 5. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0 Sl.
(G) refund of ground rent in Full Full Full Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 50,000/- Depot officers
respect of rejected supplies. Powers Powers Powers up to Rs.
(refer Note-viii below) 50,000/-
(H) refund of security deposit Full Full Full Full Full Field Stores Authority:
and deposit for value of raw Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Officers and 1. Item 15(I) of 132-S
materials issued for For for for their accepting 2. 86/RS(G)/164/0/1 of 18.8.87
fabrication (refer Note-ix contracts contracts contracts authorities up to
below) within within within their power of
their powers their powers their powers acceptance
of of acceptance of acceptance
(I) forfeiture of security Full Full Full Full Full Field Stores Authority:
deposit in accordance with Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Officers and Item 15(ii) of 132-S
the conditions of contract for for for for for their accepting
contracts contracts contracts contracts contracts authorities up to
within within within within within their power of
their powers of their powers of their powers their powers their powers acceptance
acceptance acceptance of of acceptance of acceptance
(J) cancellation of orders Full Full Full Full Full Field Stores Authority:
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Officers and Item 5 of 132-S
for for for for for their accepting
contracts contracts contracts contracts contracts authorities up to
within within within within within their power of
his their powers of their powers their powers their powers acceptance
powers of acceptance of of acceptance of acceptance
acceptance acceptance
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And also, higher price paid for earlier supply (in case where there is no provision for penal recoveries). If, besides actual loss, there is a component of loss that cannot be assessed or
inconvenience caused, Token Liquidated Damages may be levied in addition to the actual loss subject to the maximum as per the contract. (Authority: Board's letter No.58/775/RS(G) dated
4.5.60). Further, as per Board’s letter No.2000/RS(G)/779/9 dt 04.03.2008, there should normally be no system of waival of liquidated damages and imposition of token liquidated damages
for delayed supplies in supply contracts. System of waival of liquidated damages and imposition of token liquidated damages for delayed supplies in supply contracts will strictly be an
exception rather than rule and only in situation where the circumstances leading to delays in supplies where beyond the control of the supplier.
vi. While exercising the powers under item 5(f), a certificate should be recorded that the Railway has suffered no loss on account of the waiver. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
vii. Under item 5(G) prior finance concurrence is necessary if the ground rent recovered exceeds Rs.500/-.
ix Refund of Security Deposit and Deposit for value of raw materials issued for fabrication vide item 5(H) is subject to the condition that the contract is satisfactorily completed.
x. (a) Particulars of Arbitrator’s awards accepted in terms of item 5(K) should be put up to GM in the form of a statement for each half year ending 30th September and 31st March (Authority:
Board's letter No.69/WI/CT/27 dated 20.12.69).
(b) Cases where the Arbitrator’s award exceeds by more than Rs. 10 Lakhs of the amount considered due by the railway administration before the arbitration proceedings began, or where
deficiencies in the general conditions of contract or of procedure laid down by the Railway Board came to light, such details should be reported to the Railway Board. (Authority: item 36(a) of
GM’s delegation Revision of Annexure-II to Chapter-V Indian Railway Financial Code, Vol. I (Board’s letter No. F(X)II/97/PW/4 dt.16.9.97; F(X)II/2016/PW/3 dt.02.02.2017[Correction
Slip No. 123 dt.28.02.2017]).
xi. For item 5(L), to waive of operation of clauses: These powers will be exercised by officers of Stores Department and Engineering Department, dealing with track fitting procurement. Action
like forfeiture of Security deposit, deregistration on merit of each case, should be taken.
OFFICERS 1. 95/F(S)POL/P W-7/1, dt.6-3-97
2. 2001/F(S)-1/PW7/2 dt:05/09/2006
(A) LOCAL PURCHASE: All Stores Officers: Rs 1 lakh per case 3. 2007/RS(G)/779/1 dt:04/04/2008.
Stock items and non-stock
items by Stores Officers PAC spares for M&P items to be procured from OEMs
or their authorized agents can be purchased up to Rs.
20,000/- in value under the local purchase powers of
Divisional stores officers/Depot officers.
No. S.226.P. Vol.6 dated 31.03.2003).
1. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 27.02.2015 & 12.03.15
S.No. Nature of Powers PCMM C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
3. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt-S Dtd.06/02/2018
1. Stock Items
(i) Local Purchase by Stores Officers in Head Quarters and Depot Officers of Stores Department. The normal annual recoupment does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- in value or the stock of the item is
precariously low and item is urgently required (ACS No.31 to Para S-771)
(ii) Local Purchase of stock items by Divisional Stores Officers: Non-availability Certificate shall be obtained from stockholders.
Extent of powers delegated to
Headquarters Officers Divisional Officers
S.No. Nature of Powers Sr. Scale/ Sr. Scale/
SAG Jr. Scale/ DRM ADRM Jr. Admin. Jr. Scale/
Asst. Officer. Asst. Officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(B) PURCHASE A. Stock Items (Direct Accep0tance): Authority:
THROUGH NORMAL 1. 2007/RS (G)/779/1 dt:04/04/2008
MODE OF Level For stock items 2. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt.Dt: 27.02.2015 &
TENDERING (Powers urgently 12.03.15
of Divisional Stores required by 3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017
Officers and Depot Depot)/Division; [Para 2.0 S.No.9]
Stores Officers for for stock items 4. 88/RS(G)/779/14 Pt, dt. 18.10.2017
purchase of items identified by 5. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Stores dt.
through normal mode PCMM for 29.12.2017
of Tenders (Open, regular 6. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Stores dt.
Limited, Bulletin and purchase 08.01.2018.
Single tenders) in terms Sr. DMM/ Dy. CMM (Depot) Rs.50 Lakhs
of Para 328-S of Stores DMM/SMM (Depot) Rs.10 Lakhs
Code Vol. I Asst.DMM/ AMM (Depot) Rs. 5 Lakhs
1. These powers are to be exercised within annual ceiling limits which may be decided by
PCMM in consultation with associate finance.
2. These powers to be exercised within available budgetary limits and each demand allocation
and primary unit
B. Non-Stock Items (including requisition for turnkey works involving supply of stores &
performance of service on turnkey basis):
Sr.DMM/ Dy.CMM (Depot) Up to their powers of acceptance
DMM/SMM Up to their powers of acceptance
(Depot) (IC)
DMM/SMM Up to their powers of acceptance
(other than IC)
Asst.DMM/ AMM Up to their powers of acceptance
(Depot) (IC)
Extent of powers delegated to
Headquarters Officers Divisional Officers
S.No. Nature of Powers Sr. Scale/ Sr. Scale/
SAG Jr. Scale/ DRM ADRM Jr. Admin. Jr. Scale/
Asst. Officer. Asst. Officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Asst.DMM/AMM Up to their powers of acceptance
(other than IC)
IC – Independent Charge
The power of Acceptence as mentioned above shall be as per Board’s letter No.
2017/Trans/01/Policy/Stores Dtd.29/12/2017 and 28/11/2017.
*Funds availability certification to be given by indentor on each demand ensuring that liability
during any financial year does not exceed the allotted budget
1. All Direct purchase should be critically examined with the LARs of Open Tenders.
2. There should not be any Spurt in the rates proposed to be accepted under direct purchase of
3. For all direct purchases, e- Tendering (IREPS) should be followed.
4. Liability Register must be maintained by each Unit to ensure funds availability.
i. Local purchase of stock items by Stores Officers may be made only where the normal annual recoupment does not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- in value (the quantity should
not be deliberately reduced to bring the purchase within the scope of this limit) or stock of the item is precariously low and same is urgently required (S-771)
ii. Quotations from more than one firm should be obtained for items costing over Rs. 25,000/-(Ref: Bd’s Ltr.No. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt Dt: 06.01.2017) and a proper
record of such quotations should be maintained. The rates quoted should invariably be compared with the last purchase rates and any large differences checked before
making local purchase. The officer will make no purchase without satisfying himself that the price is reasonable. To the extent that stocks are available in super
bazaars established by the Government, local purchase should invariably be done through them, and in such cases a single quotation up to Rs. 5,000/- per item could
be accepted, vide Bd's letter No.79/RS(G)/779/8 dated 10.1.92 Imprest exceeding Rs. 2,000/- sanctioned for the purpose of local purchase, may be deposited in a
Bank and payments effected through cheque. Authority: Board's letter No.59/RS(G)/779/3/RM dated 4.11.80 and 81/AC/II/16/2 dated 31.7.82 and Lr. No. 2007/RS
(G)/779/1 dt:04/04/2008.
iii. Stores officers should submit purchase lists to the Stores Accounts Officer and PCMM. The latter will examine them to see that only the class of stores covered by
Extent of powers delegated to
Headquarters Officers Divisional Officers
S.No. Nature of Powers Sr. Scale/ Sr. Scale/
SAG Jr. Scale/ DRM ADRM Jr. Admin. Jr. Scale/
Asst. Officer. Asst. Officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
para 711-S are purchased locally and also decide from their frequency and quantity whether it is advantageous or not to enter into annual contracts for such items.
iv. Officers of Divisions, Workshops etc., will exercise the powers for local purchase of items other than rate contract items entered into by the DGS&D, subject to the
provision laid down in para 701-S that the agency of the Stores Department will be used in ordering the supply of all stores required for the use of the Railway (Para
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7. (A) AUCTION Full Full Full powers Nil Nil Sr. DMM/ Authority:
SALE Powers Powers Dy. CMM 1. Item 9 of 132-S and 2307-S
Scrap Depot officers(JAG) 2. Item 11 of 132-S and 2310-S.
(i) of over-stocks of Full Powers 3. Auction should be conducted only by JAGradeDivl/
ordinary, emergency Sr Supervisors of user Depot/Headquarter Officer as per Bd’sLetter No.
and special stores departments: Rs 2500 per 2001/I/RS(S)/709/20 dt 28.03.2002
(refer Note-i below) lot as per terms and 4. 2015/RS(S)709/5 dt 29.01.2016
conditions mentioned in RB 5. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Stores dt. 05-01-18
(ii) of scrap and un- letter at SN 5.
serviceable surplus
and obsolete stores
(refer Note-i and ii
(B) TENDER SALE Up to the Up to the Up to the limit of Up to the Up to the Divisional / Scrap depot Authority:
limit of their limit of their power of limit of limit of Stores officers 1. Item 9 of 132-S and 2307-S
(i)of over-stocks of power of their power Purchase. their power their power Up to the limit of their 2. Item 11 of 132-S and 2310-S.
ordinary, emergency, Purchase. of Purchase. of of power of Purchase in the
and special stores Purchase. Purchase. respective grade 1. Auction should be conducted only by JA Grade
(refer Note-i below) Divl/ Depot/Headquarter Officer as per
(ii) of scrap and un- 1. Bd’sLetter No. 2001/I/RS(S)/709/20 dt 28.03.2002.
serviceable surplus 2. No.2015/RS(S)709/5 dt.29.01.2016
and obsolete stores
(refer Note-i and ii
(C) direct sale of Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Full Divisional / Scrap Depot The powers mentioned are pertaining to sales to meet
stores with normal Powers Powers and Depot Stores officers emergent needs of other government departments,
stock (refer Note-iii Full Powers on Book Rate railways, local bodies & to railway contractors for use in
below) railway work.
1. Item 8 of 132-S and 2327-S
2. No.2015/RS(S)709/5 dt.29.01.2016
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3. 88/RS(G)/779/14Pt dt 06.01.2017 [Para 2.0
(D) direct sale of Sale to Rly. Sale to Rly. Sale to Rly. Sale to Rly. Sale to Rly. Nil Note:
over stocks and employees employees employees employees employees Sale to other than
ordinary, emergency, Full Full Rs. 1,000/- Rs.500/- Rs.300/- 1. Railway employees
and special items. Powers Powers per occasion. per per 2. Other Rlys & other Govt. Dept.
(refer Note-ii (b) occasion. occasion. 3. Public under taking
below) should be resorted to only under exceptional
Sale to Sale to circumstances and such sale should be personally
Sale to Sale to Sale to Govt.Dept. Govt.Dept. Nil approved by PCMM.
Govt.Dept. Govt.Dept. Govt.Dept. and other and other
and other and other and other Railways Railways Authority:
Railways Railways Railways Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 3,000/- Item 8 of 132-S 2308-S and 2330-S
Full Full Rs. 10,000/- per per
Powers Powers per occasion. occasion. occasion
(E) direct sale of Sale to other Sale to Sale to other Sale to Nil Sale to other Authority:
surplus stores and Rlys. And other Rlys. and other Rlys. and Item 8 and 11 of 132-S and 2330-S
scrap stores (refer Govt. Dept. Rlys. and Govt.Dept Rlys. and Govt.Dept
Note-ii (c) below) Full Govt.Dept Up to Rs. 1 Lakh Govt.Dept Nil
Powers Full Nil
Sale to Rly.
employeesand Sale to Rly. Sale to Rly. Sale to Rly. Nil Sale to Rly.
private employees employees employees employees
parties. and private and private and private and private
Full Powers parties. parties parties parties
Full Powers Up to Rs. 5,000/- Up to Rs. SrDMM/DyCMM (Depot):
in each case at 2,000/- in Rs 5000; SMM
rates fixed by each case (Depot)/DMM:
PCMM at rates Independent Charge: -Rs
fixed by 2000
PCMM (depot in charge)
in each case at
Sale to Rly. rates fixed by PCMM
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
employees Sale to Rly.
and private employees Sale to Rly. Sale to Rly.
parties and private employees and employees
Rerollable parties private parties and private
and Industrial Rerollable Rerollable parties
scrap up to and and Industrial SMM/DMM/AMM
Rs. 10,000/- Industrial scrap up to (depot in charge)
scrap up to Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 1,000/-
Rs.5000/- in each case at rates fixed
(F) direct sale of Full Full Nil Nil Nil Nil Authority:
books, forms, Powers Powers Item 10 of 132-S and 2309-S
stationery, petty
stores, and clothing
for Class IV staff
(refer Note-v below)
(G)(i)a) For Full Full Full Powers Rs. 1 Lakh Rs. (a) SrDMM/DyCMM: At 1. Rly. Administration can allow time not exceeding 40
extension of time for Powers Powers 50,000/- par with HQ stores officers days for line lots and 35 days for depot lots from the
payment of Balance SMM/AMM date of auction subject to levy of full interest
Sale Value (BSV) (b) (in charge of Scrap charges, as applicable, for the period beyond the
and forfeiture of lots depots) stipulated free time based on the merits of each case.
duly forfeiting of Rs. 1 Lakh 2. PLR as applicable from time to time, will be
EMD: obtained from SBI and communicated to all
Permissible free time concerned by PCMM.
for payment of BSV:
< 3 lakhs - 10 days; Note:
> 3 lakhs - 15 days. In the event of the office remaining closed on the last
After the lapse of the day of payment of BSV (i.e. 40th days for line lots and
period stipulated 35th days for depot lots), payment will be accepted on
above, payment of the next working day.
BSV is allowed with
interest @ 2% above Authority:
the Prime Lending 1. Item 12 of 132-S.
Rate (PLR)* of SBI 2. SAG committee recommendations No. 33(ii)
for the period beyond circulated vide Rly Bd. Lr.No.2001/RS (S)/709/ 20
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
the permissible dt 24.09. 2002 & 13.09.04 & 2012/RS(S)/709/4 dt
period, up to a 29.05.12
maximum period of 3. 2015/RS(S)709/5 dt.29.01.2016&20.09.2016
40 days for line lots
and 35 days for depot Authority:
lots from the date of Para 6(b) of General conditions of Sale by Action of
auction. Stores Code Volume II
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
materials revealed in at
excess of the the rate already decided up
advertised quantity in to a maximum
auction/ tender sales of 10% of the total quantity
at the time when of the lot without finance
delivery is in concurrence.
(A) Adjustment of Full Full Rs. 10,000/- per Rs. 1,000/- Nil Rs. 10,000/- per item for Authority:
difference between Powers Powers item DRMs 2307-S and 2310-S
book value and sale
(B) adjustment as a Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Nil Nil Rs. 10,000/- per item for Authority:
result of fluctuation per item per item per item DRMs Item 17 of 132-S and 210-S
in market rate ACS No.16 to item No.17 of S-132
(C) writing down the Rs. 1 Lakh Rs. 1 Lakh Rs. 1 Lakh per Nil Nil SrDMM/DyCMM: At par Authority:
value of surplus, per item per item item on the with DyCMM HQ; 1. Bd’s Lr.No.2003/RS(G)/777/2 dated 04.02.2005.
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
obsolete, scrap and recommendations DepotOfficers 2. ACS No.16 to item No.13 of S-132
second-hand stores of the Survey (Senior Scale):
(refer Note-i below) Committee (where Rs. 10,000/- per item on the
item means total recommendations of the
stock value of the Survey Committee (where
item and not the item means total stock
unit value) value of the item and not
the unit value)
(D) adjustment due to Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 3,000/- Nil Nil DRM Authority:
stock verification per item per item per item up to Rs. 3,000/- per item ACS No.16 to item No.17 of S-132
(refer Note-ii below)
(E) (i) to write off Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 2,500/- Rs. 2,500/- Nil Authority:
shortages of articles per item * Per item * per item * per item * DRMs ACS No.16 to item No.18 of S-132
of dead stock, losses up to Rs. 5,000/- per item
of stores, tools, and
plants in stock and in Depot Officers
transit on revenue up to Rs. 2,500/- per item
(ii) to sanction Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 2,000/- Rs.500/- Rs.100/- Nil Depot Officers Authority:
adjustments effected per item ** per item ** per item ** per item * Rs.100/- per ACS No.16 to item No.18 of S-132
in the numerical item**
account for
departmentally or by
the Accounts
department (refer
Note-iii below)
(iii) Part-II Up to Rs. Up to Up to Nil Nil DRM/ADRM/CWM
differences between 5,000/- for Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 3,000/- for Up to Rs. 5,000/- for each
actual balances and each for each each individual individual case.
the balances in the individual individual case
priced ledgers case. case SrDMM/Dy.CMM(Depot)
brought to the notice Up to Rs. 3,000/- in each
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
in connection with individual case. All open
the reconciliation of line and construction
depot card ledger DENs,
with the priced
ledgers of Accounts DSTEs, DMEs, DEEs,
office. WMs, DMM
(depot) AND AMM in
charge of Depots
up to Rs.500/- in each
individual case.
AMM/Depot, not in
independent charge
up to a limit of Rs.100/- in
each individual case
* provided that the shortage, etc., is not due to negligence, carelessness, or dishonesty of any Railway employee, and in cases arising out of Accounts stock verification, PFA’s concurrence
is obtained for not referring to General Manager.
** where the loss is due to negligence, carelessness or dishonesty of any Railway employee and it is not possible to effect recovery from the employee.
i. The recommendation of Survey Committee should be obtained vide para 2223-S. The limit of Rs.1,00,000/- applies to the value before reclassification. The powers of Depot Officers up to
Rs. 1,000/- per item may be exercised without the recommendation of Survey Committee (ACS No.16 to Para S-132)
ii. The powers under item 8(d) may be exercised provided the difference is not due to negligence, carelessness, or dishonesty of any employee or due to different methods of measurement
adopted by the Accounts stock verifiers and the Department and it is agreed by PFA that reference to General Manager is not necessary.
iii. Every case of loss presenting unusual feature or revealing serious irregularities or exceeding Rs. 50,000/- should be promptly brought to the notice of the Railway Board vide para 1802-GI.
The monthly summary of the total amount written off, supported by details in each case when Railway employees are responsible and disciplinary action taken should be submitted to the
General Manager.
(A) Contract for -
(i) reconditioning of Rs.25 lakhs Rs.25 lakhs Rs.3 lakhs Rs. Rs. SrDMM/DyCMM: Same as Authority:
non-ferrous scrap in each case in each case 50,000/- 15,000/- DyCMM in HQ 1326-S.
(refer note- i to iii
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(ii) fabrication of Rs.25 lakhs Rs.25 lakhs Rs.3 lakhs Rs. Rs. SrDMM/DyCMM: Same as Authority:
miscellaneous in each case in each case 50,000/- 15,000/- DyCMM in HQ 1326-S.
articles from raw
material (refer Note-
i to iii below)
(B) Hiring of Transport Powers as given in Works Matter Part-A and Miscellaneous Matters Part-C
for carrying material, shall be applicable.
hiring material handling (REFER RLY. BD’S CORRIGENDUM SLIP NO. 1 Dt.17/10/2018)
equipment, Contracts for
material/scrap handling,
loading /unloading,
contracts, other works
like repair, maintenance
and other Miscellaneous
contracts through
Tender/ quotation.
(C)for printing work Up to thelimit Up to the Up to thelimit of Nil Nil Field store officers will Authority:
by outside press ofhispowers limit of theirpowers of exercise same powers as 1. Para-1030of Financial Code Vol. I.
(refer Note-iv below) ofpurchase theirpowers purchase their Headquarter counter 2. 1129-S.
(REFER RLY. ofpurchase parts Note: Mode of Tendering, Tender Committee and direct
BD’S acceptance to be decided as per purchase powers.
(D) Powers to permit air Up to their Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Authority:
lifting of Railway Stores power of 1. RB Letter No.98/F(FEX)17/ 1/Air lifting dt
in each case. acceptance 28.02.2003.
2. 98/F(FEX)17/1/Airlifting dated 26.03.2008
(Annexure II/4-89)
S.No. Nature of Powers C.O.S. C.M.M. Dy. CMM S.M.M. AMM Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Further, PCMM has been delegated full powers for
air freighting of items in import contracts up to
their level of acceptance of the tenders.
3. These powers are to be exercised personally by GM
and PCMM, with personal concurrence of PFA.
These powers are not to be delegated downwards
i. Before deciding to invite tenders for fabrication/reconditioning of shop manufacture items cost, comparison analysis as well as ‘make or buy’ decision should be done duly scrutinized by the
concerned Workshop Accounts Officer.
ii. The possibility of carrying out the work in Railway Workshops at cheaper rates should be investigated before entering into contracts.
iii. The powers delegated to the various authorities have to be exercised with the concurrence of the Associate Finance.
iv. Off-loading of printing works is to be done if PCMM certifies that the printing work cannot be undertaken in Railway Press or other Government Press. These powers shall not be exercised
for printing cash value items. The necessity for printing non-standard forms shall be carefully examined by the Head of Departments concerned. The instruction issued by Board/GM/AGM
from time to time shall be scrupulously followed.
S.No. Nature of Power Page No.
1. Waiver / Refund of wharfage, demurrage, storage, and lost property charges E5
2. Write-off of irrecoverable freight charges in respect of the consignments not taken delivery of and subsequently disposed
off by auction. E5
3. Write off of the amounts due to the railway when they are or are not recoverable. E5-6
4. To write-off irrecoverable outstanding earning, irrecoverable losses of cash (including individual amount of outstanding at
stations, values of forged currency notes as advised by cash office/Bank and value of cash vouchers), irrecoverable stores,
tools, and plants pertaining to Comml. Dept. E6-7
5. Refund of fares and freight otherwise than in accordance with the relevant tariff rules E7-8
6. Refund of wagon registration fee otherwise than in accordance with the relevant rules E8
7. Refund / Waiver of demurrage charges at stations / tranship sheds where handling contractors are engaged E8
8. Waiver of penalty charges in cases of miss-declaration of weight and goods E8
9. Refund of penalty charges in individual cases of mis-declared goods E8
10. Refund of fares or freight in cases covered by tariff rules and refund of over charges as per certified over charge sheet E8-10
11. Refund of security deposit to contractors and waiver of detention charges in respect of reserved bogies E10
12. Refund of rental charges for commercial advertisement E10
13. Deleted E10
14. Repairs of parcel handling equipment (including cranes, tow trucks, parcel platform trolley, weighing machine, tools &
plants) E10-11
15. Creation of imprest for maintenance and upkeep of room, toilets, and procurement of stationery & consumables of PRS
location and in commercial office. other than railway premises E11
16. Expenditure incurred for covering and removal of dead bodies from Railway premises E11
17. Payment of claims for compensation for goods lost or damaged E11-12
18. Payment of compensation claims for goods lost or damaged when suit or time barred E12
19. Payment of fees to surveyors engaged for the assessment of the value of the damaged consignments E12
20. Payment of bills for loading and unloading of unconnected or undelivered wagons E12-13
21. Compensation in case of Railway accidents and untoward incidents E13
22. Legal expenses in respect of compensation & claims E13
23. To make exgratia payments payable to the dependents of dead or to injured passengers including Railway servants on duty
or on privilege pass 1, PTO, involved in train accidents or untoward incident as defined under section 124 & 124-A of Rly E13-15
S.No. Nature of Power Page No.
Act 1989
24. To make exgratia payments to road users who meet with an accident at manned level crossing, due to Railway’s prima facie
negligence E15-16
25. Contracts for cartage of goods, parcels etc., for loading, unloading, transhipment of goods and other issues incidental to
traffic working, for washing & supply of bedrolls E16-17
26. Contracts for commercial matters viz. Parking, publicity, Pay & Use Toilets, labour license etc., (except parcel leasing and
catering E18-20
27. Award of Contracts for Medical shops, Book stalls, internet booths E20
28. Opening out-agencies, city/ town booking offices, introduction of other ancillary services & fixing rates for conveyance
over the road portion E20-21
29. Variation of rates fares in case of leasing of other coaching vehicles, goods, and passengers E21
30. Delivery of goods/ parcels on indemnity notes including self-consignments E21
31. Hiring of motor vehicles for the use of ticket checking squads for mid sections checks against ticketless travel E21-22
32. Wagon demand registration fees (lumpsum deposit) E22
33. Authorizing firms or individuals to pay freight by credit note or underweight only system E22
34. Acceptance of percentage charges on values of goods and parcels notified as excepted articles E22
35. Hiring of auto-rickshaw/ taxi for remittance of station/city booking office cash to banks E22
36. Sanction to expenditure on consumables connected with the printing of computerized tickets E23
37. Waiver/refund of penalty charges levied on privilege, post retirement, complimentary passes E23
38. Levy of maximum demurrage/ wharfage charges on non-bulk commodities E23
39. Modification/Rectification of software in commercial dept. E23
40. Contracts for emergency stitching of uniforms for TTEs, Train Supdt., special action group people, etc. E23-24
41. Special recording of announcements or enquiries with finance concurrence and specific availability of funds E24
42. Sanction of procurement and annual maintenance of contracts for systems, Data com equipment and electrical equipment
for PRS/ UTS/SPTM/ Passengers amenities E24-25
43. Power to sanction estimate chargeable to revenue and Invitation of advertised tenders for matters incidental to sanitation E25-26
44. Catering/Vending Contracts E26-27
45. Signing of agreements relating to Major static catering units (Stand Alone AVMs) and Minor static catering units (including
Milk stalls) E27-28
46. Imposition or waivable of penalties in terms of Contract. E28
47. To fix tariff of articles sold through catering establishments in station premises other than standardized meals, tea, and E28
S.No. Nature of Power Page No.
48. Refund of cost of Tenders discharged on valid reasons E28
49. To purchase Catering Stores under tender, contract, or immediate basis E28-30
50. Purchase of proprietary & non-proprietary articles for sale or/and consumption and petty equipment for catering E30-31
51. Purchase of crockery, cutlery line napery/ glassware, cooking and servicing articles E31
52. Emergency purchase of catering items in the event of failure or poor response to tenders E31
53. Condemnation and Disposal of deteriorated stocks E31-32
54. Write off of losses of goods due to deterioration/ condemned/ unfit for human consumption or excess consumption of raw
materials which is incidental in day to day working provided the loss is not due to the carelessness or dishonesty of the
Railway employee E32
55. Repairs to utensils, equipment, machinery including tinning E32
56. Alterations, enhancement, or reduction of accepted rates/ or orders placed E33
57. Disposal of empties E33
58. To write off of losses of cooked food including food which has become unfit for human consumption E33
59. Taking over of dead stock from the existing private catering units to the departmental catering units E33
60. Utilization of earnings from departmentally run catering establishments E34
61. Execution of works for provisions of passenger amenities at Railway Stations sponsored by NGOs, Charitable Instituions,
etc. E34
62. Execution of identified Railway works through CSR of Corporate and PSU E34
63. Renting of space for opening of PRS at non-rail head locations E34-35
64. Provision of new UTS/PRS E35
Annexure E36
Divisional Officers &
Officers in Headquarters
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. (A) Waiver / Refund of PHOD /CHOD DRM Sr.DCM 1. AGM has full power.
wharfage and demurrage up to Rs. 1 up to Rs. up to Rs. 10,000/- 2. These power are delegated on per wagon/ per consignment basis.
charges Lakh 25,000/- 3. The powers of waiver of wharfage charges will be on consignment basis, except
Sr. Scale in case of train load consignments, where it is applicable on per wagon basis.
(REFER RLY. BD’S . up to Rs. 600/- in case of 4. Where demurrage cases are being handled by officers of operating department,
CORRIGENDUM SLIP - demurrage per wagon. CCM/Sr.DCM etc will mean COM/Sr.DOM etc.
NO. 1 Dt.17/10/2018) 5. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 25,000/-.
Up to Rs. 1,200/- in case of
wharfageper consignment Authority:
1. Rates Master circular/Demurrage-Wharfage-Waiver/2016/0 Chapter III
Asst. Officers dtd.19.05.2016 and further modifications, if any, to be followed.
Up to Rs. 300/- 2. Rly Bd’s Letter No.2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.18.10.2017
(B) Waiver/Refund of PHOD DRM Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 25,000/-
storage and lost property Full Power up to Rs. up to Rs. 6,000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
charges 25,000/-
HOD DCM Authority:
up to Rs. ADRM up to Rs. 3,000/- 1. Para 2739 of Indian Railway Commercial Manual (IRCM)/Vol. II.
50,000/- up to Rs.
20,000/- ACM
up to Rs. 1,500/-
2. Write off of irrecoverable PHOD DRM / JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-.
freight charges in respect Full Power Full power Upto Rs. 25000/- per case
of the consignments not Authority:
taken delivery of and ADRM – SS 1. Board’s letter No.TCI/3036/60/2 dt.26.11.69.
subsequently disposed off Full Power Upto Rs. 10000/- per case
by auction. (remaining upto 1 lakh per
uncovered after setting off case
of the sales proceeds
realised from the auction
Divisional Officers &
Officers in Headquarters
1 2 3 4 5 6
3. (A) Write-off of the PHOD DRM / ADRM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-
amounts due to the up to Rs. up to Rs. 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
railway when they are not 20,000/- 10,000/-
recoverable. Authority:
HOD 1. Para 2737 & 2739 of IRCM Vol. II.
up to Rs.
(B) Write-off of amount PHOD DRM / ADRM Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-
due to up to Rs. up to Rs. up to Rs. 1,000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
the railway when they 10,000/- 5,000/-
arerecoverable. Authority:
HOD 1. Item No. 27 of GM’s delegation.
up to Rs.
4. (A) To write-off 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
irrecoverable 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
outstanding earning,
irrecoverable losses of Authority:
cash 1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
(including individual 2. Every important case of loss exceeding Rs. 50,000/- shall be reportedto
amount of Railway Board
outstanding at stations, 3. In case of loss of EFT books due to factors beyond the control of staff, the
values proposal to Traffic Accounts for write off debit shall have the approval of
of forged currency notes, PCCM.
as 4. For cases, up to Rs. 20,000/-, ACM can certify the amount to be irrecoverable.
advised by cash 5. For cases above Rs. 20,000/- and up to Rs. 50,000/- Sr.DCM/DCM in
office/Bank independent charge can certify the amount to be irrecoverable.
and value of cash 6. For cases above Rs. 20,000/- and up to Rs. 50,000/- not concerned with any
vouchers), PHOD DRM Sr. DCM division, Dy. CCM can certify the amount to be irrecoverable.
irrecoverable stores, tools up to Rs. up to Rs. up to Rs. 20,000/-/- per case 7. For cases above Rs. 50,000/- only PHOD/CHOD can certify the amount to be
and 75,000/- 50,000/- irrecoverable when so recommended by either Sr. DCM/DCM in independent
plants pertaining to DCM charge if the case is related to any division or Dy. CCM if the case is not related
Comml. HOD ADRM Up to Rs. 5000/- per case to any division
Values of forged currency up to Rs. up to Rs.
notes as advised by cash 75,000/- 25,000/-
office/bank when a
i) Railway employee is
responsible for loss
ii) Railway employee is not PHOD DRM Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
responsible for loss up to Rs. 1.5 up to Rs. 1.5 up to Rs. 25000/- per case 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
Lakhs Lakhs
DCM Authority:
HOD ADRM Upto Rs 10000/- per case 1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
up to Rs. 1 up to Rs. 2. Every important case of loss/loss exceeding Rs. 50,000/- shall be reported to
Lakh per case 75,000/- Railway Board.
3. In case of loss of EFT books due to factors beyond the control of staff the
proposal to Traffic Accounts for write off of debit shall have the approval
of PCCM.
(B) Individual amounts of 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-
non-recoverable 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
outstanding at stations
(other than fare, freight Authority:
etc.) when a 1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
i) Railway employee is up to Rs. up to Rs.
responsible 25,000/- 10,000/-
up to Rs.
ii) Railway employee is not PHOD DRM / ADRM JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-
responsible up to Rs. 25 up to Rs5 lakhs 1 lakh 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
Lakhs 3. Every important case of loss exceeding Rs.50000/- shall be reported to Railway
Sr Scale
HOD Upto Rs 5000/-
up to Rs. 10
1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
5. Refund of fares and 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 2,000/-
freight otherwise than in 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis. - [These refunds are for refundable
accordance with the amounts per passenger (and not the total value of the ticket)
relevant tariff rules
Upto Rs. DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM Authority:
(A) Fares 20,000/- up to Rs. up to Rs. 10,000/- 1. TC II 2003/89 rules dt. 4.02.1994 and 22.07.1994
20,000/- 2. Item No. 26 of GM’s delegation.
CORRIGENDUM SLIP up to Rs. 2,000/-
NO. 1 Dt.17/10/2018)
Asst. Officers
up to Rs.750/-
(B) Freight PHOD DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-
up to Rs. Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 10,000/-
20,000/- 15,000/- Authority:
SCM 1. Item No. 26 of GM’s delegation.
HOD Up to Rs. 5,000/-
up to Rs.
6. Refund of wagon PHOD/HOD DRM Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-.
registration fee otherwise Full Power Full Power up to Rs. 20,000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
than in accordance with
the relevant rules. DCM
up to Rs. 10,000/-
1. Railway Board’s Letter No. 99/TC-I/101/2 dtd-16/05/2014
7. Refund / Waiver of PHOD DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM / DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-
demurrage charges at up to up to Rs- up to Rs. 2,500/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
stations / tranship sheds Rs10,000/- 5,000/-
where handling
contractors are engaged. HOD
up to Rs.
8. Waiver of penalty charges PHOD DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM / DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
in cases of miss- up to Rs. Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 1,000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
declaration of weight and 25,000/- 10,000/-
goods Authority:
HOD 1. Para 2161 of IRCM Vol. II.
up to Rs.
9. Refund of penalty charges PHOD DRM / ADRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
in individual cases of mis- up to Rs. Up to Rs. 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
declared goods. 15,000/- 5,000/-
HOD 1. Para 2161 of IRCM Vol. II.
up to Rs.
10. Refund of fares or freight 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 2,000/-
in cases covered bytariff 2. PowersPower are delegated on a per case basisThe above limits are for
rules refundable amount (and not the total value of the ticket)
(A) Fares HOD Full Power / Sr.DCM –
Full Power up to Rs.10,000/- Authority:
(REFER SCM/DCM 1. TC II 2003/89/rules dt. 04.02.1994 and 22.07.1994.
CORRECTION SLIP UptoRs.2000 2. Rly Board’s letter no. TC-II/2003/06/IRCA dtd 03.05.2006
No. E-1 Dt.18/08/2018) Asstt Scale Officer Upto 3. Rly Board‘s letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
NO. 1 Dt.17/10/2018)
(B) Freight PHOD/CHOD/ DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 5,000/-.
HOD Full Power Full Powers.
Full Authority:
Power SCM/DCM 1. Para 2161 of IRCM Vol. II.
Upto Rs.25,000/-
2. Para 352 (b)(i) of Indian Railway Code for Traffic (Comml.) Dept.
Upto Rs. 10,000/-
(C) Refund of over Full Power DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM – 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
charges as Full power Full Power 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
per certified over charge
sheet. Sr.DCM Authority:
1. Para 2164 to 2167 of IRCM Vol. II.
up to Rs.50,000/-
up to Rs.10,000/-
Up to Rs. 5000/-
11. (A) Refund of security Full power in DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM / DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
deposit to contractors respect of Full Power Full Power in respect of 2. Provided maintenance period or guarantee period, if any, is satisfactorily
provided the contract has contracts in respect of contracts signed by them. completed and there are no dues to be paid by/ recovered from the contractor
been satisfactorily signed by them. contracts
completed signed by Authority:
them. 1. Para 1261 of Engg. Code.
2. Rly Board’s Letter No. TC II/2495/74/1 dated 04.09.1975
(B) Waiver of detention Full Power up DRM / ADRM Sr DCM/Dy.CCM
charges in respect of to a period of 5 Full power up Full power up to a period of
reserved bogies by groups of days to a period of 5 3 days
Railway employees and their days
families travelling on
privilege passes/PTOs.
12. Refund of rental charges Full Power in DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM / DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
for commercial case of Full Power in (independent charge) 2. This Para is applicable in cases where the area is not available or the
advertisement contracts case of Full Power in respect of advertisement is to be changed as per Railways requirement.
Approved by contracts contracts approved by them
them Approved by
13. Item deleted Item Deleted vide Rly Board’s letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 01.3.18
14. Repairs of parcel handling PHOD/ HOD DRM Sr.DCM 1. For proposal, less than Rs. 5,000, no finance concurrence will be required
equipment (including Full Power Rs. 50,000- per Rs. 20,000 per occasion
cranes, tow trucks, parcel Occasion (ceiling Rs. 1 lakhper
platform trolley, weighing (ceiling machine per annum)
machine, tools &plants) Rs. 5 lakhs per
machine per Sr. Scale (Independent
annum) charge)
Rs. 10,000/- per occasion
Rs. 20,000/- per machine
Rs. 10,000/- per case
15. Creation of imprest for PHOD /PCCM DRM Sr.DCM/DCM 1. Finance Concurrence is required
maintenance and upkeep Full Power Full Power (Independent Charge) 2. GM’s of Zonal Railways may consider sanctioningof suitable cash imprest for
of retiring room, toilets, UptoRs. 10000/- for each hospitality to the Station Directors of A1 class stations based on importance and
and procurement of HOD ADRM location
need of the stations
stationery & consumables Full Power Up to Rs.
of PRS/UTS location and 25000/-
in commercial office, for each
1. RB’s letter no. 2017/TRF/DEL/Misc/01 dt. 10.10.2017
including at those Railway location
PRS/UTS counters or
offices which are on other
than railwaypremises, and
at non-rail head locations.
16. Expenditure incurred for PHOD/HOD DRM / ADRM Sr DCM/SrDSC – 1. No finance concurrence is required
covering and removal of Full Power up Full power Rs. Full power UptoRs. 5000
dead bodies from Railway to Rs.5000 per 5000 per case per case or actual Authority:
premises case or actual or actual expenditure whichever is 1.Railway Bd’s letter No.2002 TC/III/30/IV dated 09.07.2013 and
expenditure expenditure less. Commercial Manual Para 2425 (37)
whichever is whichever is 2. Rly Boards Letter No. 2002/TC-III/30/4 dtd12.03.2013. Rly Board’s Lr
less. less. No. 2012/Sec(CA)/50/4 dtd.15/06/2018
17. Payment of claims for PCCM/ CHOD Dy. CCM (claims) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases of Rs. 75,000/- and above.
compensation for goods Up to Rs.8 up to Rs. 2 lakhs 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
lost or damaged lakhs 3. The same power applies for decreed/settled out of court cases.
4. Finance concurrence for decreed claims/cases is dispensed with.
CCO up to Rs. 50,000/-
up to Rs.8 lakhs
up to Rs. 25,000/- 1. Railway Board’s letter No.94/TC-III/3/4 dated 31.10.994.
2. Board’s letter No. 99/TC-III/3/2 dated 23.05.2001
3. Boards Letter No. 2001/TC-III/2/3 dated 26.07.2001
4. Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/TC-III/2/1 dated 17.03.2017
Station Managers of selected important stations (to be approved by PCCM of each
Zonal Railway) may be delegated with power for settlement of claims up to
Rs.400/- (in each case) barring claims arising out of item (i), (ii), (iii), (vi) and (vii)
of para 2149 (a) of IRCM Vol. II
The above power will be exercised by the section commercial inspectors for
stations other than those where station managers have been otherwise listed by
18 Payment of compensation PCCM Dy. CCM/Dy.CCO 1. Full powers are vested with GM to settle suit barred compensation claims,
claims for goods lost or up to Rs. 8lakhs up to Rs. 2 lakhs subject to receipt of a valid notice, as per the provisions of Section 106 of
damaged when the Railways Act, 1989.
2. Finance concurrence is necessary irrespective of monetary value.
i) suit barred Up to Rs.8lakhs
3. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
1.Railway Board’s letter No. 99/TC-III/3/2 dated 23.05.2001.
2. Railway Board’s letter No.TC-IV/2007/RP/1 dated 22.02.2010.
2. Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/TC-III/2/1 dated 17.03.2017
ii) time barred Nil Nil Nil .1. Rly Administration has No power to entertain any Time
Barred Claims for refund of excess freight and goods
2. Compensation claim in absence of any provision in section
1. Board’s letter No. TC-IV/2007/RP/1 dated 22.02.2010
19 Assessment of the value Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs. 3,000/-
of the damaged Full Power up to Rs.5000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
consignments 3. Withdrawal from station earnings allowed up to Rs.250/- in terms of Para 2425
20 Payment of bills for Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
loading and unloading of Full Power up to Rs. 5,000/- per wagon
unconnected or with a maximum ceiling of Authority:
undelivered wagons 50,000/- per case Para 2117(7) and 2425 (9) of IRCM Vol. II.
up to Rs. 2,000/- per wagon
with a maximum ceiling of
Rs. 25,000/- per case
21 Compensation in case of PCCM /CHOD Dy. CCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Railway accidents and / CCO Up to Rs.2,00,000/- 2. The power is excluding other expenses i.e., interest awarded by Court, legal
untoward incidents. up to Rs.8 lakhs expenses etc. to any extent in cases of train accident or untoward incidents as
(claims decreed by a SCM
defined under Section 124 and 124-A of the Railways Act,1989.
Court of law) Up to Rs. 50,000/-
Up to Rs. 25,000/- 1. Board’s letter No. 94/TCIII/3/4 dated 31.10.1994.
2. Board’s letter No. 96/TCIII/80/2 dated 31.12.1997.
3. Board’s letter No.99/TCIII-3/2 dated 23.05.2001.
4. Board’s letter No.2017/TC III/2/1 dt.17.03.2017.
22. Legal expenses in respect PCCM DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM 1.The scale of legal fees prescribed by Rly Bd from time to time may be
of compensation &claims. Up to Rs. Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 20,000/- in each adhered to.
25,000/- in 5,000 in each case 2. Finance concurrence required beyond 2500- in each case. LO's opinion
each case case required when the anticipated charges exceed 5000 in each case.
CCO Up to Rs. 5000/- in each
Up to Rs. case.
25,000/- in
each case ACM
Rs. 3000/- in each case;
23. (A) To make exgratia 1. No finance concurrence is required
payments payable to 2. The terms and conditions stipulated in RB’s 2014/TC-
persons seriously injured III/1/2//IRCT(C)/Ch.IVdtd 07.11.2014 shall be followed
or dependents of persons
3. For Sl. No. 23(A)(ii),
killed in Railway
i) This is the lump-sum amount for hospitalization up to 30 days to take care of
accidents (as defined in
the initial expenses
Section-124) including
ii)Thereafter, Rs. 300/- per day be released at the end of every 10-day period of
Railway servants on duty
discharge, whichever is earlier
or travelling as passengers
iii)The maximum period for which ex-gratia is payable to the grievously
injured passenger will be 12 months
i)In case of death PHOD/CHOD/
(REFER CCO 4. For Sl. No. 23(B)(ii),
CORRECTION SLIP Rs. 50,000/- per i) This is the lump-sum amount for hospitalization up to 30 days to take care of
No. E-4 Dt.25/09/2019) case the initial expenses
ii)Thereafter, Rs. 1000/- per week or part thereof up to further 6 months of
hospitalization. Rs.500/- per week or part thereof the period of
ii)In case of grievous PHOD/CHOD/ treatment up to further Five months of Hospitalisation.
injury CCO iii)The maximum period for which ex-gratia is payable to the grievously injured
(REFER Rs. 25,000/- per passenger will be 12 months
No. E-4 Dt.25/09/2019) Authority:
1. Rly Board's letter No: 2002/TC-III/28/3 dtd 12.06.02
2. Rly Board’s Letter No: 2011/TC-III/27/29/Ex-Gratia dtd 26.07.2012
iii)In case of simple injury PHOD/CHOD/
3. Rly Board’s Letter No: 2011/TC-III/27/29/Ex-Gratia dtd 07.05.2013
CORRECTION SLIP Rs. 5,000/- per 4. Rly Board’s Letter No: 2014/TC-III/1/2//IRCT(C)/Ch.IVdtd 07.11.2014
No. E-4 Dt.25/09/2019) case
24. To make exgratia 1. No finance concurrence is required
payments to road users 2. The terms and conditions stipulated in RB’s 2014/TC-III/1/2//IRCT(C)/Ch.
who meet with an IVdtd 07.11.14 shall be followed
accident at manned level
crossing, due to Railway’s
prima facie negligence
iii) In case of simple CCO
injury Rs. 5,000/- per
(REFER up to Rs. 5 Crs up to Rs. 2 Crs Up to Rs. 25 lakhs
No. E-2 Dt.29/10/2018)
up to Rs. 2 Crs
iii) Extension of contracts PHOD DRM / ADRM Dy CCM/Sr. 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
Full power in Full power in
respect of respect of DCM/DCM(IC)
contracts contracts Full power in respect of
accepted by accepted by contracts accepted by them
them up to them up to up to three months.
three months. three months.
iv) Condemnation of Bed Full Power Sr. DCM / Sr. DME 1. Committee of Asst. Scale officers of Commercial, Mechanical and Accounts to
Rolls Full power
be formed.
26. EARNING 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
CONTRACTS: 2. Power is delegated on a per case basis.
Contracts for commercial 3. Composition of tender committee for invitation and acceptance for earning
matters viz. Parking,
contracts (except parcel leasing and catering) is as given in Annexure A.
publicity, Pay & Use
Toilets, labour license and 4. All extant guidelines issued from Railway Board on the subject may be adhered
other misc. earning to.
contracts(except parcel 5. It may be ensured that there is no time gap in commercial earning contracts, as
leasing and catering) Full Power DRM Sr. DCM/Dy.CCM far as possible.
Full Power Full power
(A) to call for open Authority:
tenders 1. Rly. Board’s Letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
(C) Extension of contract Full Power DRM SrDCM/DyCCM/DCM(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
for commercial FullPower Full Power upto 6months
advertisements and other (with two spells of three Authority:
earning contarcts (except months each)in respect of
1.Comml circular No 71 of 2001
for parcel leasing and contracts accepted by them.
catering) 2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy Dt 17.11.2017
3. These powers are to be used very sparingly for award of contracts where
loss of revenue is expected on account of delay in finalising open tenders.
However, it should be ensured that there is no time gap between 2
successive commercial earning contracts, as far as possible
(D) To call and accept PHOD DRM 1. These powers are to be used very sparingly for award of contracts where loss of
limited tenders for earning Full power Full power revenue is expected on account of delay in finalising open tenders. However, it
contracts. should be ensured that there is no time gap between 2 successive commercial
earning contracts, as far as possible
(E) To call and accept Full Power 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
quotations for parking, 2. If there is a lack of response for Open tenders,thesecontracts can be awarded on
comml publicity, pay & quotation basis for a limited period of three months at a time. However, it
toilets& other earning
should be ensured that there is no time gap between 2 successive commercial
contracts etc.,(except
parcel leasing, earning contracts, as far as possible
multipurpose stalls and
caterings) contracts
NO. 3 Dt.18/12/2018)
3. Composition of tender committee for invitation and acceptance for CPLP and
ii) To accept tenders PHOD/CHOD DRM Above Rs. 2.5 Cr. Upto Rs. PCLT contracts is as givenin Annexure B.
Above 100Crs Above Rs.50 5 Crs .
Cr. Up to
100Crs DCM
Upto Rs. 2.5 Crs
Above Rs.5
Cr. Upto Rs.
50 Crs
i) To call for tenders PHOD/CHOD DRM SrDCM/DyCCM/DCM(IC)
Full power Full power Full Powers
ii) To accept tenders PHOD/CHOD DRM Above Rs.2.5 Cr. upto
Full power Above Rs.50 Rs.5Cr
above Rs.100 Cr. Up to
Cr. Rs.100 Cr DCM
up to Rs.2.5 Cr
Above Rs.5
Cr. Up to
Rs.50 Cr.
27. (A) Award of Contracts JAG-A1, A, B, C, Sr. Scale- 1. The instructions contained in Commercial Circular No. 61 of 2017 issued vide
for multi-purpose D, E, F Ltr. No. 2015/TG-III/461/2 dtd 05.09.17 should be scrupulously followed for
stalls. dealing with contracts on multi-purpose stalls
2. Sr.DCM/DCM holding independent charge is competent to approve the
(B) Conversion of
existing stalls to conversion of existing Bookstalls, Chemists Stalls, Miscellaneous stalls into
Multipurpose stalls MPS.
and fixation of new Sr.DCM/DCM holding 3. On approval of conversion, Licence fee shall be fixed with the concurrence of
license fee independent charge Divisional Finance by following the due procedure.
ancillary services & fixing
rates for conveyance over Authority:
the road portion. 1. Para 2603, 2631 & 2632 of IRCM Vol. II.
29. Variation of rates/fares 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
A) Leasing of other 2. The power to be exercised in this respect are subject to the limitations imposed
coaching vehicles Full Power by the Board from time to time.
(including SLR space) 3. No change in rates, fares or other charges. (even within the limit prescribed by
Board) should be affected byPCCM, except in consultation with FA & CAO.
1. Board’s letter No.97/TC(M&S)/10/Pt. dt.6.7.99.
B) Goods
C) Passenger
30. Delivery of goods/ parcels Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr.DCM/DCM(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
on indemnity notes Full Power Full Power 2. This power may be exercised by Parcel and Goods Supervisors (Non-Gaz) up to
including self- Rs. 1 Lakh each.
consignments Sr. Scale
Up to Rs.10 Lakh Authority:
1. Board’s letter No.TC-I/88/113/4 dt. 27.3.89.
Asst. Officers (gaz)
up to Rs.5 lakhs each. 2. Para 959 and 960 of IRCM Vol. I.
3. Para 1823 of IRCM Vol. II.
31. Hiring of motor vehicles Full Power DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary for surprise checks.
for the use of ticket Full Power up to Rs. 15000/- 2. Hiring of outside transport should be kept down to the barest minimum
checking squads for mid per occasion 3. Hiring of outside transport should be made only if staff cars or other vehicles
sections checks against
available with the Railway cannot be spared for the purpose.
ticketless travel. SCM (G) / DCM
up to Rs. 8000/- 4. The limitation on the number of such checks as fixed by the Railway Board, if
per occasion any, from time to time is not to be exceeded.
1. Item No.17 of GM's Delegation.
Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM / DCM Authority:
(A) acceptance of Full Power Full Power 1. Letter No.C.515/II/Vol.9 dt.9.10.85.
2. Para 1411 of IRCM Vol. II.
Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM / DCM
(B) refund of Full Power Full Power
33. Authorising firms or Full Power 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
individuals to pay freight
by credit note Authority:
1. Board’s letter No.TC/1/84/107/5 dt.31.1.86.
2. TC-1/2005/104/1 Pt I dt 01.02.2010
34. Acceptance of percentage Full Power DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
charges on values of Full Power Full Power 2. Station Managers have power up to Rs. 10,000/- in each case.
goods and parcels notified
as excepted articles. DCM Authority:
up to Rs.5 lakhs 1. Para 1104 of IRCM Vol. II.
up to Rs.2.5 lakhs
35. Hiring of auto-rickshaw/ Full Power Full Power Sr DCM/DCM Authority:
taxi for remittance of Full Powerupto Rs. 15000/- 1. Item no.47 of Miscellaneous matters in Model SOP of October 2017.
station/city booking office per occasion without
cash to banks. finance concurrence
36. Sanction to expenditure CCM/PM Rs. 10,000/- Sr DCM/DCM (IC) 1. CCM/PM is to take a one-time finance concurrence for exercising power up to
on consumables up to 10% over per month Rs. 5,000/- per month 10% over the previous year’s quantity, justifying the same.
connected with the the previous
printing of computerised year’s quantity
No. E-3 Dt.05/11/2018)
37. Waiver/refund of penalty Full Power Full Power Full Power 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
charges levied on
privilege, post retirement, Authority:
complimentary passes. 1. Para 639 & 640 of IRCM Vol. I
Rs. 2 lakhs in
each case,
subject to
Annual ceiling
limit of Rs. 10
40. Contracts for emergency PHOD DRM Sr. DCM 1. A register of cases and expenditures must be maintained to monitor the annual
stitching of uniforms for Full Power Full power up Full power up to Rs.1000/- ceiling limit of the division
TTEs, Train Supdt., to Rs.1000/- per case and up to Rs.
special action group per case and up 30,000/- in a year.
people, etc. with finance to Rs. 1 Lakh
concurrence and specific in a year
availability of funds
Full power up
to Rs.1000/-
per case and up
to Rs. 50,000/-
in a year.
41. Special recording of PHOD DRM / ADRM
announcements or Full Power / CTM
enquiries with finance Full Power
concurrence and specific
availability of funds.
42. (A) Sanction of PHOD DRM 1. Offer of the firm should be examined by the appropriate level T.C. for the
procurement of systems, Full Power Full power cases exceeding Rs. 10,000/-
Data com equipment and Upto Rs. 50 2. Specification of each auxiliaries be given to each division by PCCM at HQrs.
electrical equipment for HOD Lakhs (New level.
PRS/ UTS/SPTM/ Full power up PRS). 3. Finance Concurrence is required.
Passengers amenities like to Rs. 50 lakhs IT related 4. Authority – RBs letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy Dt 18.10.2017
RAPID Board, Token assets Rs. 25
System, Train Enquiry Lakhs per case. * Life of the specified peripherals and auxiliaries will be taken into account and
Systems with finance proper procedure be followed for condemnation and procuring new items.
Specification prescribed Note – Finance concurrence is necessary
by CCM/PM.
(B) Annual maintenance PHOD / HOD DRM
contracts for systems, Full Power Full power
Data com equipment and
electrical equipment for
Passengers amenities like
RAPID Board, Token
System, Train Enquiry
Systems (Including single
quotation from authorised
dealers) with finance
No. E-3 Dt.05/11/2018)
No. E-3 Dt.05/11/2018) from authorised subject to the
dealers). maximum
ceiling limit of
Rs. 10 lakhs
43. Power to sanction estimate Note:
chargeable to revenue and 1. This power shall be exercised by an En & HM officer or an officer/officers
Invitation of advertised nominated by DRM for this purpose
tenders for matters
incidental to sanitation in
stations or other 2. Exercise of above power will be governed by power given under SOP on works
commercial premises of matterssubject to availability of funds under proper-head of allocation
category A-1, A,B,D & E
where sanitation is under 3. Waste Management should form an integral part of cleanliness contracts.
commercial department 4. At way side stations supervision over sanitation work will be with station
with prior finance masterirrespective of contracting authority
concurrence and specific 5. All cleaning contracts to be dealt with as per “Standard Bid Document” for
availability of funds for housekeeping of stations and trains issue by Rly Bd vide No 2016/EnHM/06/09
the following items:
dt. 29.08.2014 and GCC for services 2018
(A) Maintenance and PCCM Full Power Sr. DCM
upkeep of toilets, retiring Full Power Full power up to Rs. 2 Crore
rooms, cloakrooms, Per case
passenger waiting halls,
goods sheds, parcel DCM
handling areas, circulating Full power up to Rs. 1 Crore
area and waste Per case
(B) Pest control contracts PCCM Full Power Sr. DCM
at stations. Full Power Full power up to Rs. 2 Cr.
Per case
i) Mechanized cleaning at
A-1, A & B category DCM
stations. Full power up to Rs. 1 Cr.
Per case
ii) Contracting one time
for cleaning of station
(D) To Accept Tenders Full Power Sr.DCM/DCM 1. Railway Board’s letter No.2016/TG-III/600/1/Pt dt. 27.02.2017. (Para 9.3.3)
Major static catering units Full Power 2. Standing Tender Committee, to be nominated by DRM, shall comprise of three
(Stand Alone AVMs) and members one each from Commercial and Finance departments and third may be
Minor static catering
from any other department. The level of committee members as per category of
units (including Milk
stalls) stations shall be as under:
Category of Level of Committee Accepting Authority
A1, A, B & C Sr.Scale level Officers Next Higher Grade Officer
D, E & F Jr.Scale level Officers Next Higher Grade Officer
45. Signing of agreements Full power DCM 1. Finance and Law vetting is necessary.
relating to Major static in respect of contracts 2. Rider agreements to the main agreement may likewise be signed by the authorities
catering units (Stand awarded by him and JAG who signed the original agreement provided the approval of the competent
Alone AVMs) and Minor authority is obtained.
static catering units 3. The signing authority should be those empowered as per Ministry of Law
(including Milk stalls) notification issued from time to time.
1. Para-1259 of Engg. code.
46. Imposition orwaiver of Power as per Power as per JAG 1. Finance concurrence is not required
penalties as per terms and terms and terms and Power as per terms and
conditions of the contract. conditions of conditions of conditions of the contract
the contract the contract
47. To fix tariff of articles Full power Authority:
sold through catering 1. Board’s letter no. 2016/TG III/600/1/Pt dtd 27.02.17 Para 14.1.4
establishments in station
premises other than
standardized meals, tea
and coffee
48. Refund of cost of Tenders Full Power Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
discharged on valid Full Power
49. To purchase Catering 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for invitation of tenders.
Stores 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
3. The specific items, which are not proposed to be procured centrally and which can
(A) Non-perishable non- be procured by Divisions advantageously, will be advised periodically by PCCM.
proprietary articles 4. Tenders to be called from approved list which is to be maintained and updated
annually with the approval of PCCM.
i) To call open tenders Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM 5. For constitution of tender committee and acceptance, please refer to Annexure-A
Full Power Full Power
ii) to call limited tenders PHOD DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr, DCM 1. Board's lr.No.74-EB/3000 dt.14.01.75
up to Rs.30 Up to Rs.20 Up to Rs.8 lakhs 2. Para 323, 324, 328, 330 - Stores Code
lakhs lakhs 3. Para 2839 & 2840 of IRCM Vol. II
iii) to accept open/limited PHOD DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. Tenders to be called from approved list which is to be maintained and updated
tenders up to Rs.2.5 Up to Rs.25 up to Rs. 10 Lakh annually with the approval of PCCM.
Crores lakhs 2. For constitution of tender committee and acceptance, please refer to Annexure-A
HOD Authority:
up to Rs.25
1. Board's lr.No.74-EB/3000 dt.14.01.75
2. Para 323, 324, 328, 330 - Stores Code
3. Para 2839 & 2840 of IRCM Vol. II
iv) to call for and accept PHOD DRM / ADRM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for calling tenders.
single tenders Milk and eggs: Milk and eggs: 2. The purchase is to be made from recognized co-operative societies/Government
up to Rs. 1 up to Rs agencies
Lakh per 50,000/- per
occasion occasion
(B) Local purchases of Full power up DRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary. Mode of purchases has to be decided by the
perishable articles or to Rs. 25,000/- Full power up Full power up to Rs. Authority who is according sanction.
articles required for on each to Rs. 15,000/- 10,000/- on each occasion
immediate consumption occasion on each
on cash payment basis occasion SCM/Catg. /DCM(IC)
Full power up to Rs.
10,000/- on each occasion
(C) Direct purchase of 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if it exceeds Rs. 5,000/-
Catering (petty) items, on 2. Purchase committee is not necessary.
3. Mode of purchase to be decided by the authority who is according sanction.
i) cash payment basis Full power up DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM
to Rs. 10,000/- Full power up to Full power up to Rs.
at a time Rs. 10,000/- at a 5,000/- at a time
Full power up to Rs.
1,000/- at a time
ii) Purchase on Rate/ Full Power Full Power 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Running Contract basis after items are 2. PCCM will advise specific items which are proposed to be procured centrally and
the items for resale and approved by can be procured by Divisions.
not for consumption like PCCM as per
3. In case of all proprietary articles, efforts should be made to purchase on rate
aerated water, biscuits etc. Note 2
contract basis from manufacturers/ agents/ stockists.
50. (A) Purchase of Full power Full Power 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
proprietary and non- after items are 2. PCCM will advise specific items which are not proposed to be procured centrally
proprietary articles like approved by and can be procured by Division
cold drinks, snacks, etc. PCCM as per
3. In case of all proprietary articles, efforts should be made to purchase on rate
for sale (not Note 2
for consumption in the contract basis from manufacturers/agents/stockists.
Catering units)
(B) Purchase of Non- Full Power up Full Power up Dy. CCM. &Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for occasions where the amount exceeds Rs.
proprietary articles for to Rs. 15,000/- to Rs. 10,000/- Full Power up to Rs. 3000/-
consumption in 5,000/- 2. The nature of urgency should be recorded in each case.
departmental units.
Full power up to Rs.
1,000/- for each unit in
urgent cases subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 1,000/- per
(C) Purchase of up to Rs. DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
proprietary articles for use 50,000/- up to Rs. up to Rs. 5,000/- 2. PCCM will advise specific items which are proposed to be procured centrally and
in departmental 25,000/- can be procured by Divisions.
units/pantry cars. SCM(Catg.)/DCM
up to Rs. 2,000/- Authority:
1. Para 2835 of IRCM Vol. II.
(D) Purchase of petty up to Rs.5 lakhs DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
equipment specific to per annum and up to Rs. up to Rs. 50,000/- per 2. Procurement is to be made through COS.
catering units such as food cost of each 50,000/- annum and cost of each
trolleys, jars, stoves, etc. item not per annum and items not exceeding Rs. Authority:
exceeding Rs. cost of each 15,000/- 1. Para 2837 of IRCM Vol. II.
30,000/- item not
exceeding Rs. SCM(Catg.)/DCM
15,000/- up to Rs. 10,000/- per
annum and cost of each
item not exceeding Rs.
51. Purchase of crockery, Up to Rs. 2 DRM / ADRM Dy.CC/ Sr. 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
cutlery line napery/ Lakhs per Up to Rs. 1 DCM 2. Procurement is to be made through COS.
glassware, cooking and annum. Lakh per Up to Rs. 10,000 Rs.
servicing articles and annum. 50,000/- per annum. Authority: Para 2837 of IRCM Vol. II
other petty items in urgent
cases on limited quotation 1. The nature of urgency should be recorded in each case.
52. Emergency purchase of up to Rs.2 lakhs DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary up to Rs. 5,000/-.
catering items in the event on each up to Rs. 1 Up to Rs. 50,000/- 2. Purchase should be effected by a committee of three officers, including an
of failure or poor response occasion. Lakh Accounts Officer and a Stores Officer.
to tenders. on each SCM(Catg.)
occasion. up to Rs. 25,000/- Authority:
on each occasion. 1. Board’s lr. No.73-TG-III/636/4 dt. 21.10.74.
2. Para 2837(d) of IRCM Vol. II.
3. Para 331 of Stores Code (S) Vol. I.
53. Condemnation and Full Power DRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. If in the opinion of the PHOD/DRM the cost of sending the material to the nearest
Disposal of deteriorated Full Power Up to Rs. 5,000/- stores depot or even the cost of processing for sale is likely to exceed the cost
stocks including damaged likely to be realized by sale, the material may be destroyed/disposed off locally
and broken cutlery, SCM/DCM
through tender/auction sale in the presence of the Accounts representative
crockery and dead stock up to Rs. 3,000/-
items, which are following the prescribed norms/ procedure. A certificate to this effect may be
unserviceable by SCM/Catg. recorded by the concerned PHOD/DRM.
Tender/Auction up to Rs. 3,000/- 2. The power delegated for destruction are only in respect of those items which in the
opinion of the PHOD/DRM are of trivial value and unsaleable.
3. No article condemned by one officer should be disposed of by the same officers,
excepting those coming under Para-2314 of Stores Code Vol. II
54. Write off losses of goods PHOD DRM/ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
due to deterioration/ Up to Rs. Full power Up to Rs. 1,000 Rs. 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
condemned/ unfit for 40,000/- 5,000/- 3. The power is applicable to cases where no railway employee is responsible. The
human consumption or
book value of the items should be adopted.
excess consumption of HOD SCM/Ctg
raw materials which is Up to Rs. Up to Rs. 3,000/-
incidental in day to day 20,000/-
working provided the loss 1. Item 18 of para 132-S.
is not due to the 2. Para 2852 & 2853 of IRCM Vol. II.
carelessness or dishonesty 3. No article condemned by one officer should be disposed off by the same officer,
of the Railway employee. excepting those under Para 2314 of Stores Code Vol-II
55. Repairs to utensils, Full Power DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not required for repairs undertaken up to Rs. 2,500/- on
equipment, machinery Full Power Up to Rs. 20,000/- each occasion.
including tinning, etc. 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
used by the Catering Unit SCM / DCM
3. Such repairs will be undertaken on contract basis obtaining minimum of three
either through Railway up to Rs. 10,000/-
Workshop or by calling quotations to test the market.
quotations from local ACM
firms. up to Rs. 3,000/- Authority:
1. Board's letter No.74-EB/3000 dt.14.01.75
2. The expenditure should be met from catering earnings.
56. Alterations, enhancement Full power Full Power Sr. Scale only 1. Enhancement/reduction of rates will require prior finance concurrence except in
or reduction of accepted Full power respect of items which are required for resale like biscuits, cool drinks, etc. for
rates/ or orders placed which firms fix the market retail price for packets, subject to ensuring that the
profit given to the Railway is always kept on par with or more than that obtained
at the time of introduction of such items.
57. Disposal of empties Full power DRM Dy. CCM & Sr. DCM 1. Tender to be called for or auction to be conducted.
Full power Full power
catering establishments utilization to
defray day to
day expenses in
connection with
the running of
for purchase of
vegetables, fish
meat, eggs, etc.
61. Permission to execute the DRM 1. Finance concurrence is required.
works for provision of Full power
passenger amenities at Authority:
Railway stations
1. Rly Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 – Para-C2.
sponsored by
Institutions/ Corporates,
62. Execution of identified DRM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Railway works through Full power 2. Sponsoring Agencies may include NGOs.
Corporate Social 3. Deposit work permitted from CSR funding in case of party is unwilling to execute
Responsibility of
the work.
Corporate and PSU –
Approval of Master Plan 4. Investment by the Sponsoring Agency without any limit – Full power to DRM
(earlier limit was Rs. 2 Crore for DRM)
1. Rly Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 – Para-C-3
63. Renting of space for DRM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
opening of PRS at non- Full power Authority:
rail head locations 1. Rly Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 – Para-C4.
64. Provision of new DRM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
UTS/PRS (converting Full power
UTS/PRS to UTS-cum- Authority:
1. Rly Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 – Para-C4.
Part E Annexure-A
Note: Junior Scale Committee will be a two-member committee of Accounts and Commercial Officers unless otherwise prescribed by the rules on the subject. Other commitees will be a 3-
member committee of Accounts, Commercial and oen member as nominated by the competent authority
Part E Annexure-B
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
1 Grant of Leave F7-10
2 Transfer of Deputy HODs (incl. selection grade), Senior scale F10-11
3 Advance of pay on transfer for officers F11
4 To accept resignation F11-12
5 Forwarding of applications for posting outside Railways on deputation F12
6 Counter signature of T.A journals F12-13
7 Sanction of composite transfer advance F13
8 Waiver of overpayments of amounts for gazetted officers detected by accounts/ audit after 1 year F13
9 Grant of awards for meritorious/outstanding work F14
10 Permitting Gazetted staff to proceed on duty outside Zonal Railway F14
11 Advance/withdrawal from PF to Gr. A and B officers F14
12 Issue of NOC for obtaining passport F14
13 Sanction of advances for house building, purchase of computer F14-15
14 Sanction of Pension or Service Gratuity, Retirement or Death Gratuity, Commutation of pension and leave encashment F15
15 Handing over and taking over charge in cases in which several scattered works or stores have to be inspected F16
16 Grant of advance of TA/DA F16
17 To permit journey by road on duty between two stations connected by rail F16
18 Grant of consolidated conveyance allowance F16
19 Grant of TA/DA for continuous halt of more than 30 days F16
20 Permission to retain quarters on transfer, deputation, retirement, and death etc. F17
21 Permission to Gaz. Officers to attend conferences, congress, or Meetings F17-18
22 Training in non-rail institutes within India F18
23 Issue of NOC for correspondence course/ part time course & applying for admission to different courses F18
24 Provisional payment of salary/wages where the vetted LPC has not been received from the previous unit F19
25 To permit an Officer to undertake work and/or receive fee (non-recurring or recurring) from private sources F19
26 Approval of tour programmes of GM and DRM F19
27 To the payment of contribution or subscription to a professional institution F20
28 Power to DRMs to interchange ADRMs F21
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
1. Creation/ extension/ conversion of posts F22-25
2. Variation and redistribution of non-gazetted posts F25
3. Transfer of posts and grades F25
4. Fixing Headquarters of Non-Gazetted Staff F25
5. To make initial appointments to Group-C and Group-D posts F25-26
6. Promotions F26-27
7. To re-appoint non-gazetted staff F28
8. Acceptance of resignation including power to waive off notice period F28
9. To accept voluntary retirement including the waival of notice period F29
10. Transfer of non gazetted staff F30-31
11. Grant of joining time F31
12. Grant of Leave F31-38
13. Sanction for investigation of claims of arrears of pay and Allowances F38-39
14. Confirmation of Non Gazetted Staff F39
15. To order deductions from gratuity on account of government dues F39
16. To waive irrecoverable amounts over drawn by non- gazetted Railway servants detected within one year F39
17. To waive recoveries of amounts over-drawn by non- gazetted Railway servants which have been detected after one year F39
of payment
18. Retention of Railway quarters F39-43
19. Grant of daily allowance for halts in excess of 30 days F43
20. Sanction of mileage allowance F43
21. Grant of HRA to staff who are posted to stations at which HRA is admissible F43-44
22. To stop HRA admissible under Rules in the event of an employee refusing to accept the accommodation offered by
23. To permit occupation of quarters upon resignation/ discharge F44
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
24. To sanction write off of irrecoverable personal advances or amounts otherwise due from non-gazetted railway servants F45
25. Grant of educational assistance F45
26. To determine the rate of TA to an outsider attending departmental enquiry F45
27. Composite Transfer Grant sanction F45-46
28. Grant of consolidated conveyance allowance F47
29. Sanction of Breakdown Allowance F47
30. Grant of House Building Advance (HBA) as admissible F47
31. Condonation of break in service not more than one year F47
32. Counter signature of TA journals F48
33. Counter signature of OT journals F48
34. Alteration of recorded date of birth F48
35. To permit change of name in original records F49
36. Provisional payment of wages/ salary F49
37. To issue service certificate to Rly Servants who have put in 12 months service or more F49
38. To authorise a railway servant to proceed on duty outside the Zonal Railway F50
39. Training in non-railway institutions. F50
40. Sanction of Advances F51
41. Grant of permission to Gr. C and D staff for transactions in respect of acquisition or disposal of any immovable and/ or
movable property
42. Condonation of delay for non-insurance of flat/house, purchased/ built out of house building advance F52
43. Reconstruction of service registers with available records F52
44. Reconstruction of service registers on the basis of affidavits when no records are available F53
45. Sanction of pension/ Service gratuity, retirement/death gratuity, commutation of pension and leave encashment F53
46. Issue of ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC) for obtaining passport F53
47. To make alteration (other than date of birth) in the service register F53
48. Treating the period of handing over and taking over charge F54
49. To permit journey by Road between two stations connected by rail F54
50. Sanction for undertaking a work for which honorarium is offered F54-56
S.No. Nature of Powers Page No.
51. To grant advance increment on sports account F56
52. Recovery in instalments of amounts, paid erroneously to railway employees F57
53. Recovery in lumpsum or in instalments, of arrears of subscription due from the railway servant who is admitted as a F57
subscriber to the provident fund with retrospective effect
54. Refund of cost of training and enforecement of bond/money F57
55. Compensation to railway servants for loss of private property during course of accident or strike F57
56. To grant compensation other than those awarded by Claims Commissioner F58
57. Classification of railway servants under hours of employment rule F58
58. Sanction for payment of compensation under Workmen's Compensation Act F58
59. Sanction to refund of P.F by instalment by non-gazetted staff on reappointment F58
60. To sanction rewards to non-gazetted staff F59-61
61. To sanction ex-gratia payment to the dependents of railway employees in the event of his/her death arising out of injuries
sustained while on duty
62. Temporary exemption under Hours of Employment Regulation (HOER) F62
63. Suspension of Lien F62
64. Payment of Deposit of Decretal amount in satisfaction of the decree passed by Civil Court/Authority F62
65. Forwarding of application to posts outside the Railway F62
66. Creation of Supernumerary post for medically de-categorized staff/ identified surplus staff F63
67. Grant of conveyance allowance to blind & orthopaedic ally handicapped Railway employee subject to the conditions F63
68. Sanction of National Holiday allowance to Essential Staff in HQ offices F63
69. Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of service F63
70. Engagement of staff against posts of SSEs/JEs (Works) in construction, Electrical and S&T deptts. In RE F64
71. Providing alternative employment on medical grounds to medically decategorised staff / redeployment of surplus staff F64
72. To the payment of contribution or subscription to a professional institution F64
Appendix F66-70
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Grant of leave 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
2. Powers up to the full entitlement in respect
(A) Casual leave Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers of officers working under their control.
1. Rule 236 of Indian Railway Establishment
Code (IREC) Vol. I (1985)
(B) Full Powers DRM JAG/ (Sr. Scale in 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
i) Leave on average pay / For Branch Officers independent charge) 2. Leave sanctioned should be availed within
Leave on half average pay i.e SG/JAG/SS(IC), Full Powers up to 21 days in India.
(LAP/ LHAP). full power up to 21 respect of officers under their
3. The leave sanctioned should be advised to
(REFER CORRECTION days, if no relief is control
required. Sr.DPO, Sr.DFM of Division. PCPOand
SLIP No. F-3
For others full Powers PFA for certification and accountal.
provided no relief is 4. Any curtailment / cancellation of the leave
required. already sanctioned should be reported to
Full power up to Authority:
senior scale officers 1. Para 503 R-I & item I of Schedule of Chapter
under their control V, R-1, 1995 reprint, 2008 reprint
provided no relief is
ii) Encashment of Leave on Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale (in independent 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Average Pay (LAP) while in charge) 2. Powers up to the full entitlement in respect of
service Full Powers Officers working under their control.
3. Encashment of LAP is permitted up to a
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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maximum of 10 days at a time. The total leave,
so encashed during the entire career shall not
exceed 60 days in the aggregate.
4. A balance of at least 30 days of LAP should be
available to his/her credit after taking into
account the period of encashment as well as
leave availed of.
5. If an employee fails to avail the benefit of
encashment of leave in the preceding block
period of two years, which ended on
31.08.2016 and onwards, he/she can avail of
the same within the first year of the succeeding
block period of two years (RBE: 48/2017).
6. Encashment of LAP, as above, is allowed at
the time of availing of Railway Privilege
Passes / PTOs.
7. The cash equivalent shall be calculated as
Pay in the respective PB plus Number of
grade pay admissible on the date days of LAP
of availing of Railway Pass plus
Cash = DA admissible on that dateX
(House Rent Allowance or Transport
Allowance should not be taken into account
for the above calculation)
8. The period of leave encashed shall not be
deducted from the quantum of leave
encashable under Rule 550
9. Competent authority’s sanction for the leave
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
encashment, should be advised to PCPO/ Sr.
concerned for certification, issue of
Memorandum, leave accountal and payment.
10. Leave encashment in favour of SAG and
above officerstobe sanctioned by AGM.
1. Rule 540-A of IREC Vol. I (1985)
Bd’sLrS.No. F (E) III/2008/LE-1/1 dated
29.10.2008, 03.12.2008, 12.12.08 &
2. RBE: 48/2017
(C) Special Disability leave Full Power Full Powers Nil Authority:
1. Rule 552 & 553 of IREC Vol. I (1985).
2. U.O. NO FE/15/1/Pt III. Dated 22.8.2007
(D) Leave out of India PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM Nil 1. Financeconcurrence is not necessary.
including prior permission to Full Powers Full Powers to 2. Board’s letter No.E(P&A)-2005/CPC/LE-3
leave Station/HQ sanction leave up to dtd.18/9/15(RBE No. 107/2015)
15 days without relief
3. RBE 161/2016
Except Independent
BOs (for whom 4. Rly Board letter no. F(E)II/2003/DEI/Miscdt
PHOD/CHOD’s 28.06.2017
approval will be 5. Rly Board letter no 2017/Trans/Process
required) Reforms/Esttdt 29.11.2017
Full power up to Sr
Scale officer under
their control provided
no relief is required.
(E) Study leave
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Leave out of India Nil Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
2. Powers rest with Railway Board only.
ii) Within India Nil Nil Nil 1. GM has full powers to sanction study leave
within India as per 1st schedule (Rule 503) of
2. Finance concurrence is necessary.
1. Rule 556 of IREC-Vol. I (1985), Appendix VI
(11) of IREC Vol. I&I Schedule of IREC
(F) Child Care Leave Full powers in respect of the Full powers in respect Full powers in respect of the 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
officers working under of the officers officers working under them.
them. working under them. Authority:
1. Rule 551,551(a)of RI – 1985 Edn.
2. Rly Board’s letter no: E(P&A) I-2008/LE-8
Dt 12.12.2008.
2. Transfer of 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
(A) Deputy Heads of Nil Nil Nil 2. PHOD to exercise powers within the Railway
Depts(Dy. HOD) including for officers under their control.
Selection Grade
3. In the case of officers who have not completed
(B) Senior Scale PHOD/CHOD Nil Nil
two years tenure in a particular station the
Full Powers for inter
divisional transfer power should be exercised with sufficient care
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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Nil and prudence with recommendations of
placement committee (E(O)III-2014/PL/03 dt
4. Co-ordinating HOD will have the same power
of PHOD.
5. DRMs to exercise powers to transfer Junior
Scale/ Assistant Officers within the Division in
the case of those who have completed one year
at the present station, duly apprising respective
1. Rule 103(11) Appendix VI of IREC Vol. I
3. Advance of pay on transfer for Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale (in independent 1. Fiannce concurrence is not necessary
officers working under them charge)
Full Powers Authority:
1. Para 1113 &1114 Indian Railway
2. Establishment Manual (IREM) Vol. I (1989).
4. (A) To accept resignation Nil Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
However, concurrence is required where
waival of notice period is involved.
2. Up to Sr. Scale – GM.
3. JAG and above – Railway Board.
1. Rule 302 IREC Vol. I (1985).
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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(B) To accept voluntary Nil Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
retirement 2. Qualifying service to be certified by Accounts
before acceptance.
3. Up to Sr. Scale – GM.
4. JAG and above - Railway Board.
1. Board's. Letter. No. E (P&A) I-77/RT/46
5 Forwarding of applications for PHOD/CHOD Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
posting outside Railways on Full Powers 2. JAG and above - GM.
deputation basis up to Sr. Scale only
1. Para 1402 Chapter XIV IREM Vol. I (1989).
2. Board's Letter. No: E(NG)65 RL1/86/AP/1
dt.16.12.65 and E(NG)II/73/AP/2 Dt.18.5.73.
6. Counter signature of T.A Full Powers including their Full Powers including JAG /Sr. Scale (in 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
journals own TA Journal their own TA Journal independent charge) 2. Powers are to be exercised in respect of
Full Powers including their officers under their control.
own TA journal.
3. In respect of retired officers to be
Sr. Scale countersigned by Dy. CPO/Gazetted.
Full powers 4. Time limit for submission of claims of TA is
60 days. The claim of TA/DA allowance on
tour/transfer/training/journey on retirement is
forfeited or deemed to have been relinquished
if the claim is not preferred within 60 days
succeeding the date of completion of the
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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1. Railway Board’s letter No. F (E)/1/2003/AL-
8/3 dated 07.01.2004 (SCNo.16/2004 dt
2. Para 1697 of IREC Vol. II (1987).
3. Rly.Bd’s Ltr.No.F(E)I/2018/AL-28/29 dated
7. (A) Sanction of advance of Full Powers Full Powers JAG 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
composite transfer grant upto a Full Powers
maximum of 75 % Authority:
1. Board's Letter No. F(E)I/98/AL-28/15 dated
(B) Sanction of Composite Full Powers to PHOD/ Full Powers Full Powers up to 1. Para 1643 IREC-II, 164/99, 67/90, 224/08,
Transfer Grant For serving CHOD/HOD of bill SS of Bill drawing office Dy. 2. At the new place of posting
officers-within 6 months and drawing office CPO at HQ/ Workshop/Con. 3. Beyond the period of 6 months for serving
(CPO/ CSC/ FA&CAO) & Sr. DPOs in Divisions
for retired officers-within 1 officers and 1 year for retired officers, the
year power vests with GM
4. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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9. Grant of awards/rewards for Full Powers up to Rs 3000/- Full powers up to Rs Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
meritorious work of to officers up to JAG 3,000 to officers up to Adequate funds should be ensured.
outstanding nature JAG 2. For grant of awards up to Rs 5,000/- to JA
Grade officers, powers rest with G.M.
3. For grant of award up to JAG Officers in
excess of Rs 5,000/- and for grant of any
award to SAG and above Officers, Railway
Board’s sanction is required.
1. Item 5(d) of GM’s delegation.
10. Permitting Gazetted staff to Full Powers DRM / ADRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not required
proceed on duty outside Zonal Full Powers in respect 2. Powers with GM in respect of PHODs.
Railway of officers working
under their control. Authority:
1. Rule 1621 of IREC-Vol. II.
11. Advance/withdrawal from PF PCPO/CPO(Admin) Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
to Gr. A and B officers. Full Powersupto JAG 2. Powers are redelegated to DY.CPO/G in
respect of Sr. Scale/ Jr. Scale/ Asst. Officers
1. Rule 922 IREC- Vol. I.
12. Issue of NOC for obtaining PHOD/CHOD Full Powers for Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
passport. Full Powers officers under their 2. Powers with GM in respect of PHOD and
(Prior vigilanceand control DRMs.
D&ARclearance necessary) (Prior vigilanceand
D&ARclearance Authority:
necessary) 1. Board’s letter No. 95/V(C)/00/1 dt. 22.11.95.
13. Sanction of advances for PCPO/PFA (for Accounts DRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
i) House Building deptt) For item (i) Nil
ii) Purchase of Computer Full Powers in respect of For items (ii) same as
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
officers under their control in column 3 Authority:
1. Para 1132 IREM Vol. I, 1989 edition 2009
2. Para 1014 IREM Vol. I, 1989 edition &1014
of IRAF 2009 reprint RB L No
F(E)/III/2008/LE-I/1 Dt 29.10.2008
3. Para 1005 (a) IREM Vol. I, 1989 edition ACS
No. 24 No. F(E) Spl. 95 ADV/4/1, dt 10.1.96
& 26.9.96
1. Terms & Conditions prescribed under Para
1105/1106 should also be followed.
2. File to be put up by Personnel Dept. to
respective PHOD/CHOD’s where fund is with
Personnel Dept.
14. Sanction of Pension or Service Full Powers up to JAG/SG. DRM/ADRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Gratuity, Retirement or Death Full Powers 2. Powers with PCPO/SAG officer of
Gratuity, Commutation of PersonnelDepartment for officers of SAG and
pension and leave encashment. above
3. In case of Accounts PFA/FA-G and in case of
RPF dept PCSC/CSC can exercise this power.
1. Rule 89 of Railway Service (Pension) Rules
(RSPR), l993.
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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15. Handing over and taking over Full powers Full powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
charge in cases in which up to SG up to SG
several scattered works or
stores have to be inspected
before completing transfer of
charge: Treatment of period up
to a maximum period of 6 days
as on duty.
16. Grant of advance of TA/DA Full powers including for Full powers for JA Grade/Sr. Scale 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
themselves. officers working Full Powers for Officers
under their control working under their control
17. To permit journey by road on Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale (in independent 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
duty between two stations charge)
connected by rail. Full Powers for officers under
their control. Their journey is
undertaken in connection with
i. Surprise inspection of level
ii. Surprise checks at stations
(Ticketless travel)
iii. For accidents and breaches
18. Grant of consolidated Full Powers Nil Nil
conveyance allowance
19. Grant of TA/DA for continuous Full powers up to 180 days Full powers up to 180 Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
halt of more than 30 days in days
accordance with codal
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
20. Permission to retain quarters on SDGM Full powers for Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
transfer, deputation, retirement, Full powers quarters under their
and death etc. control Authority:
1. Railway Board’s Ltr. No. E(G)85/Qr 1-9,
2. Railway Board’s Ltr. No. E(G)92/PN 2-7,
3. Railway Board’s Ltr. No. E(G)98-QR1-11,
4. Board Lr. No. E(G)2000/QRI/23/1-23,
5. Rly BdLtr. No.
2017/TransCell/ProcessReforms/Estt dated
“When the ward of the railway employee is
studying in class 9th or class 11th, retention of
railway accommodation may be allowed on
educational ground to cover the current
academic session and also the next academic
session (examination) of the ward till the end
of academic/scholastic session of class 10th or
12th respectively plus 15 days”.
21. (A) Permission to Gaz. Officers Full powers where no Nil Nil 1. Where payment of fee is involved concurrence
to attend conferences, congress payment is involved of Finance is necessary.
or Meetings in India
recognized by Railway Board
on duty.
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
24. Provisional payment of Full Powers up to 3 months DRM/CWM 1. Finance concurrence required
salary/wages where the vetted to PHOD/ CHOD of Bill Full Powers up to 3
LPC has not been received drawing office (CPO/CSC/ months 2. It shall also be in cases where the sanction for
from the previous unit FA&CAO)
extension of currency is not recevied for
Full Powers to concerned temporary and workcharged posts for 03
HOD (Personnel / RPF / months
Finance) of Bill drawing
office Up to 3 months Authority:
1. Para 1103 of Indian Railway Admn. &Finance
25. To permit an Officer to PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM 1. Rule 1134 IREC Vol. II (1990).
undertake work and/or receive Full Powers up to a Full Powers up to a 2. RB’s L. No. F(X)II-2010/PW/2 dated
fee (non-recurring or recurring) maximum of Rs. 5000/- in maximum of Rs. 11.10.2010.
from private sources. each individual case. 5000/- in each
individual case.
26. Approval of tour programmes For GMs Authority:
of GMs and DRMs No approval is required for Tour Programmes of GMs for tours upto two (2) days 1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
in a week within India. Prior intimation should be given by GM to CRB/concerned 2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 5.02.2018
Board Member in such cases. In case of tour for more than two (2) days in a week,
(corrigendum slip 3 to model SOP)
prior approval of CRB/concerned Board Member should be obtained.
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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27 To the payment of contribution PCPO DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance Concurrance is necessary
or subscription to a Full Power with Full Power upto 2. CPO/Admin may exercise the power in
professional institution recommendation of Sr.Scale subject to absence of PCPO during the leave/training
PHOD/CHOD for officers limit of Rs 10,000/-
period/vacation etc of PCPO
upto Selection Grade per annum per case.
subject to limit of
Rs10,000/- in each case. Authority:
1. Board’s letter no 2017/F(X)II/PW/I/1 dt
28 Power to DRMs to interchange 1. DRMs are free to Authority:
ADRMs interchange the 1. Railway Board Letter No. 2017/E&R/10(12)/8
ADRMs and their dtd.03/11/2017
duties as per working
2. Railway Board Letter No.
requirement among
Operations/ 2017/Trans/01/policy Part – III dated
Infrastructure where 17/07/2018
only 2 ADRMs are
there and between
Infrastructure and
Administration where
3 ADRMs are posted.
They shall keep GMs
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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28 Power to DRMs to interchange 2. DRMs can delegate
ADRMs only administrative
powers to any of the
ADRMs based on
their administrative
necessity. Financial
powers, however,
cannot be delegated
except for commercial
3. DRMs shall use
their own wisdom
while delegating such
powers based on the
workload of various
1. Items No.25, 35, 40(B), 42 and 50(B) of non-Gazetted schedule of powers are applicable to gazetted officers also.
2 (a) All powers delegated to PHODs in the Model SOP are also delegated to CHODs
2 (b) All powers delegated to ADRMs in the Model SOP are also delegated to ADRMs in NF-SAG (Auth: 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt-S dated 2.2.2018)
3. All powers delegated to JAG/SG Branch Officers in the Model SOP are also delegated to branch officers in SS.
4.. Powers delegated to PCPO on establishment matters will be exercised by PFA for staff of accounts department.
ITEM No. 29(A) & (B) (REFER CORRECTION SLIP No. F-1 Dt.16/01/2019)
ITEM No.30 (REFER CORRECTION SLIP No. F-3 Dt.23/01/2020)
Divisional Officers,
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1. Creation/ extension/ conversion 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
of posts 2. GMs may create safety as well as other
than safety category posts even for
(A) Creation of non- gazetted Nil DRM Nil
existing assets by utilizing the ‘Vacancy
posts for maintenance and Full powers
operation of new assets. Bank” (i.e, 75% of money value of
surrendered posts credited at Zonal level
& 25 % lies with Rly.Bd) if posts had not
been created for such assets earlier.
3. DRMs can create posts for maintenance &
operation of new assets on 1:1 basis, after
achieving 1% target of surrenders or
equivalent matching money value.
4. As regards Headquarters and Extra-
Divisional Offices, powers will rest with
GM only.
5. The term ‘new assets’ include not only
assets created by or through works
executed by the Construction
Organization (including Railway
Electrification) but also all assets created
or acquired by the Open Line
Organization. All additions to rolling
stock as distinct from replacements
(debitable to Capital) are also treated as
‘new assets’ for this purpose.
6. No matching surrender is required for
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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creation of running cadre posts.
7. While creation of posts, the percentage
distribution laid down for different
categories will have to be followed by
8. DRMs may create safety as well as other
than safety ategory posts from the “Pool
of Surrendered posts” on a 1:1 basis for
new assets.
9. In case DRMs do not have posts to
surrender on 1:1 basis or equivalent
money value, then such proposals are to
be sent to Headquarters for proposing
10. Posts identified for surrender due to
Work Study reports shall not be used for
creation against “Pool of Surrendered
11. The extant instructions issued by
Headquarters shall be adhered to.
1. Railway Board Letter Nos. 1)
E(G)82/EC2-2 dt. 12.07.1984
2. E(G)98/EC2-3 dt.03.08.1998
3. E(MPP)2003/1/88 dt. 05.04.2006
4. E(MPP) 2012/10 dt. 04.09.2012.
5. E(MPP)2018/1/1 dated 04/04/2018 (RBE
No 52/2010)
6. Board’s letters No. E[MPP]2010/1/67
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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dated 8.10.2016 ( RBE No.127/2016
7. Lr.No.2016/E&R/2800/2(8)/1 dated
8. 8. letter No [MPP]2018/1/1 dated 4.4.18
( RBE No.52/2018)
(B)Creation/ extension of work PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWMs 1. Work charged posts can be created/
charged posts. Full powers Full powers for posts extended only if specific provision exists
controlled by the in the sanctioned estimate and as per yard
2. Associate Finance concurrence is
3. The proposals of all the departments
should be routed through cadre
controlling authorities at HQrs and
Divisional Level.
4. Sanction of AGM is necessary for
Creation/Extension of Gazetted work
charged postsupto JAG (Item No.4(a) of
Part’ G” GM’s powers)
5. Policy guidelines issued by Railway
Board/PCPO from time to time may be
(C) Extension of temporary PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWMs Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
posts. Full Powers Full Powers
for posts controlled by
(D) Conversion of temporary Full Powers -do- Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
posts into permanent posts.
1. Railway Board’s Ltr. No.
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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E(NG)I.780N5/7 dt. 31.8.78.
2. Variation and redistribution of Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale (in 1. Concurrence of Finance is necessary
non-gazetted posts with in the independent charge) 2. Variations are required solely in public
sanctioned strength of the Full Powers interest having regard to the changes in
grade in respect of Gr. D and
the duties and responsibilities of the posts
Artisan Staff
and not in the interest of individual.
3 Transfer of posts and grades
(A) Temporary transfer of post Full Powers Full Powers 1. Up to a period of one year without
in respect of non-gazetted staff in respect of posts Finance concurrence.
from one station to another. controlled by them.
(B) Permanent transfer of posts PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM Full in respect of Group-D 1. With Finance Concurrence
Full Powers Full Powers and Artisan Staff
4. Fixing Headquarters of Non- Full Powers Full in respect of posts J.A.G/Sr. Scale (in 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Gazetted Staff. controlled by them. independent charge)
Full Powers
in respect of Gr. D and
Artisan Staff.
5. To make initial appointments Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Senior Scale (in 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
to non gazetted posts. within the Division/ independent charge) 2. No appointment shall be made unless a
Workshop except Full Powers sanctioned post exists against which
those posts which are in respect of posts controlled
appointment can be made.
controlled by HQrs. by them.
3. Rules in regard to recruitment and
Sr. Scale appointment to be adhered to.
Full Powers 4. Rules in regard to direct recruitment to
for posts up tolevel 5 (GP intermediate grades to be adhered to.
2800) of 7 CPCunder their 5. No power to grant initial pay higher than
control. that admissible under rules.
Jr. Scale /Asst. Officer Authority:
Full Powers in respect of 1. Rule 215 of IREC Vol. I (1985).
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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posts upto Level 1 and
Artisan in level 2 of 7 CPC
6. Promotions: 1. Financeconcurrence is not necessary.
(A) Regular Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Senior Scale (in 2. Rules in regard to promotions to non-
within the Division/ independent charge) selection and selection posts, as the case
Workshop except Full Powers in respect of
may be, to be adhered to.
those posts which are posts controlled by them.
controlled by HQrs. 3. The promotion to be made after the staff
Sr. Scale are placed on the panel of the selection
Full Powers to posts on unit post/ select list or having passed the trade
basis up to level 5 (GP test.
2800) of 7 CPC under their 4. In case of retrospective promotion to
control. rectify past administrative errors and
permitting proforma fixation as a result
Jr. Scale/Asst. Officer
Full Powers thereof, the powers will not be exercised
for Level 1 posts and Artisan by officers below administrative grade
Staff up to level 2 of 7 CPC. and Finance concurrence will be
necessary in all such cases.
1. Para-213 of IREM Vol. I (1989).
(B) Adhoc Promotions against PCPO DRM/CWM Nil 1. Financeconcurrence is not necessary.
Selection Posts Adhoc Full Powers Full Powers upto 120 2. Adhoc promotions against regular
promotions against selection days only in respect of vacancies should be only with the
should be ordered only in Division/workshop
approval of PCPO.
inescapable circumstances and controlled posts.
are not to be continued beyond Beyond 120 days
four months. PCPO’s approval is
necessary 1. Para-216-A Chapter II Section B of
IREM Vol. I (1989).
2. Rly Bd’s Letter No. E(NG)I/94/PMI/10
Dated 09.12.98.
Divisional Officers,
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(C) Adhoc Promotions against Nil Nil Nil 1. There should be no occasion to order
non-Selection Posts. adhoc promotion against non-selection
1. Para-216-A Chapter II Section B of
IREM Vol. I (1989).
2. Rly Bd’s Letter No. E(NG)I/94/PMI/10
Dated 09.12.98.
1. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/91/RGI/1
Divisional Officers,
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8. Acceptance of resignation Full powers provided he is Full powers provided Full powers provided he is 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
including power to waive off the appointing authority he is the appointing the appointing authority 2. Division should intimate the cadre
notice period. authority controlling officers/ Headquarters in
respect of posts controlled by
3. Powers are to be exercised only in respect
of staff holding posts to which they have
powers to make appointments.
1. Rule 302 of IREC Vol. I (1985).
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9. To accept voluntary retirement Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Senior Scale (in 1. Accounts certification for qualifying
including the waival of notice Except those posts independent charge) service is necessary.
period. which are controlled Full Powers 2. The voluntary retirement may be accepted
by HQrs Except those posts which are
by the authorities competent to fill the
controlled by HQrs
(excluding waival of notice post held by the employee at the time of
period) voluntary retirement.
3. Acceptance of notice period of less than
Sr. Scale three months for Voluntary retirement in
Full Powers deserving cases is subject to:
Except those posts which are i. Personal approval of HOD/DRM for the
controlled by HQrs staff under their control.
up to level 5(GP 2800) of 7
ii. No Discipline and Appeal
CPC (excluding waival of
notice period) Rules(DAR)/Vigilance case is pending.
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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10. (A) Transfer of non gazetted Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale (in 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
staff within the seniority unit within the Division independent charge) 2. Powers delegated to HOD/DRM in
(including posts Full Powers in respect of non respect of staff working against HQrs.
controlled by HQrs. gazetted staff controlled by
controlled posts for transfer from one
operated within the them within the Division.
Division). division to another and within the division
Sr. Scale respectively. Powers may be exercised
Full Powers after internal consultation with each other
upto level 5 (GP 2800) Level to avoid conflicting orders being issued.
5 of 7th CPC 3. With recommendations of placement
committee (E(O)III – 2014/PL/03 dated
Jr. Scale / Asst. Officer 29/08/2014)
Full Powers
in respect of Level 1 (GP Authority:
1800) only.
1. Rule 226 and 227 of IREC Vol. I (1995)
(B) Inter-divisional transfer Full Powers DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Full Powers
in respect of Division/ Authority:
Workshop controlled 1. Rule 226 of IREC Vol. I (1995)
(C) Inter-railway Full Powers Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
transfer/Mutual Transfer of
employee (Headqurter Authority:
controlled posts) 1. Rule 226 of IREC Vol. I (1995)
2. Recommendations of Placement
Committee is not required as per Board’s
Ltr.No.E(NG)/I-2017/ TR/24,
dt.21.05.2018 (RBE 70/2018)
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(D) Inter-railway / inter- PHOD/CHOD DRM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
division transfer of employee Full powers for HQ Full powers for 2. Recommendations of Placement
on own request basis and controlled cadres division controlled Committee is not required as per Board’s
mutual transfer of employee for cadres
Ltr.No.E(NG)/I-2017/ TR/24,
division controlledposts CWM
Full powers for dt.21.05.2018 (RBE 70/2018)
workshop cadre 3. For mutual transfer cases the process
stipulated in RBE No 131/2017 (RBE
letter number E(NG)1-2017/TR/24 dtd.
22/9/2017 is to be followed
1. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
RBE No.70/2018
11. Grant of joining time. Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
1. Rule 1108 of IREC Vol. I – 1995 Edn
1. Rule 236 of IREC Vol. I (1995).
(ii) Special Casual Leave for Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1.Finance concurrence is not necessary
differently abled employees 2.All Sr. Supervisors up to level 6 of 7
CPCor above also authorized to sanction
ordinary Casual Leave as applicable in a
year to staff working under them.
Divisional Officers,
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1. Rule 236 of IREC Vol. I (1995).
2. Railway Bds Letter no E(G)2008LE1/4 Dt
(B) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
i) LAP/ LHAP Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale (independent 2. When a non gazettedRailway servant
charge) resigns from Railway service after giving
Full Powers the necessary notice and requests for
grant of leave during the period of notice,
Sr. Scale he may be granted leave as applied for
Full powers up to 45 days and due to him concurrently with the
period of notice provided that such leave
Jr. Scale/Asst Officer does not extend beyond the date on which
Full powers up to 30 days the notice expires.
subject to not demanding Sanction of leave by Senior Supervisors
relief in level 6 and above
(a) – Safety Categories:
Senior Supervisors (except office staff)
can sanction leave i.e. LAP / LHAP up to
15 days in a Calendar year to Staff
working under them.
(b) – Non-Safety Categories:
Senior Supervisors holding independent
charge (except office staff) are delegated /
vested with powers for grant of 15 days
LAP/LHAP at a time to staff of non-
safety categories working under them,
subject to the condition that payment of
OTA is not involved.
1. Board’s Letter No. E(G)96/LE1-4 of
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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2. Rule 503, 514, 523, 525, 526 and 527 of
IREC Vol. I (1985)
(B) Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale/Jr. Scale/Asst. 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
ii) Encashment of Leave on Officer 2. Powers up to the full entitlement in
Average Pay (LAP) while in Full Powers respect of Officers working under their
3. Encashment of LAP is permitted up to a
maximum of 10 days at a time. The total
leave, so encashed during the entire career
shall not exceed 60 days in the aggregate.
4. A balance of at least 30 days of LAP
should be available to his/her credit after
taking into account the period of
encashment as well as leave availed of.
5. If an employee fails to avail the benefit of
encashment of leave in the preceding
block period of two years, which ended
on 31.08.2016 and onwards, he/she can
avail of the same within the first year of
the succeeding block period of two years
(RBE: 48/2017).
6. Encashment of LAP, as above, is to be
allowed at the time of availing of Railway
Privilege Passes/ PTOs. (for running staff
and station master Rly Bds letter No.
F(E)III/2008/LE-1/1 Dt 12.12.2008 may
be referred to)
7. The cash equivalent shall be calculated as
Divisional Officers,
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= [(Pay in 7CPC+DA)XNo of days]/30
1. Rule 540-A of IREC Vol. I (1985)
2. Bd’s letter No. F (E) III/2008/LE-1/1
dated 29.10.2008, 03.12.2008, 12.12.2008
and 11.06.2009
(C) Special disability leave Full Powers Full Powers with the Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
with the recommendation of recommendation of
CMD Med. Supdt. Authority:
1. Rule 552, 553 of IREC Vol. I (1985).
Divisional Officers,
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(D) Study leave PHOD/CHOD DRM / CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Full Powers Full Powers 2. Certificate to the effect that bond has been
in respect of Division/ executed by the employee is to be
Workshop controlled furnished to accounts.
1. Rule 556 of IREC Vol. I (1985)
(E) PHOD/CHOD/HOD DRM / CWM For other than study leave: 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Leave for going abroad Full Powers Full Powers JAG/SS(IC) 2. Rly Bdletter no F (E) II /2003/DEI/Miscdt
including prior permission to in respect of Division/ full power.upto 45 days 28.06.2017
leave Station/HQ Workshop controlled
3. Board’s letter No.E(P&A)-2005/CPC/LE-
posts up to two years.
3 dtd.18/9/15(RBE No. 107/2015)
4. RBE 161/2016
5. 2017/Trans/Process Reforms/Estt.Dated
(F) Full Powers Full Powers JAG 1. Total period of leave combined with other
i) Grant of Hospital leave Full Powers leave shall not exceed 28 months.
(for the first 120 days with full 2. Hospital Leave shall be granted on
pay and thereafter with ½ pay)
production of medical certificate from
Authorised Medical Attendant.
3. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
ii) Grant of Hospital leave Full Powers DRM/CWM JAG 1. Total period of leave combined with other
beyond 120 days with full pay. Full Powers Full powers leave does not exceed 28 months.
2. Finance conurrance is necessary beyond
120 days with full pay.
1. Rule 554 of IREC Vol. I (1985).
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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2. Bd’s Letter E(P&A) I-89/JCM/D-S dated
3. Board's letter No. E(P&A)1-89/JCM/
DC-5 dt.22-06-93
4. Board’s Letter No. E(P&A) I-
96/JCM/DC-I dt.31.07.1996
5. Board's letter No. E(P&A)1-96/JCM/ DC-
1 dt.15-05-98
(G) (i)Special casual leave Full Powers Full Powers JAG/SS(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
for participation in up to 90 days for national & Same as in Col.3 Full Powers
national/international & international events and 30 up to 30 days in a calendar Authority:
ordinary sports days in all other cases in a year 1. Para 1104 IREM 1968 Edition Para 2 of
Events/Scouting calendar year MC no 10
activities/cultural events 2. Chapter XVI of IREM 1 (2009) edition
1. Instruction given by Rly Bd on quantum
of SCL to be followed.
G (ii) Grant of 330 days SCL to Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Sportspersons.recommended Authority:
by RSPB. 1. RBE No. 139/2015.
(H) Extra-ordinary leave Full Powers Full Powers JAG 1.Accounts concurrence is not necessary
in combination with in respect of staff holding in respect of staff Full Powers
or in continuation of posts to which they are holding posts to which in respect of staff holding Authority:
LAP and LHAP competent to make they are competent to posts to which they are 1. Rule 530 of IREC Vol. I (1985), subject to
(inclusive of combined appointment. make appointment. competent to make maximum of 5 years.
leave made up of appointment.
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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(I) Leave to a railway Full Powers DRM/CWM JAG 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
servant in respect of Full Powers for Full Powers in respect of
whom a medical authority has Division/ Workshop staff holding posts to which Authority:
reported that there is no controlled posts. they can make appointment. 1. Rule 522 of IREC Vol. I (1985), subject to
reasonable prospect that he will maximum of 12 months.
be fit to return to duty
(J) Counting of extraordinary Full Powers Full Powers JAG 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
leave forincrement Full Powers 2. Powers are to be exercised in respect of
staff holding posts to which they can make
Sr. Scale
Full Powers
Jr. Scale/Asst. Officer
Full Powers in respect of 1. Rule 1320(a & b) of IREC Vol. II (1987)
Group D staff only. 2. EOL for study purpose and on Medical
(K) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
i) Grant of Maternity / Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers
Paternity Leave Authority:
1. Rule 551,551(a)of RI – 1985 Edn
(K) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
ii) Child care leave Full Powers Full Powers JAG/SS(IC)
(REFER CORRECTION Full Powers Authority:
SLIP No. F-3 1. Rule 551,551(a)of RI – 1985 Edn
Dt.23/01/2020) 2. Rly Board’s letter no:E(P&A) I-2008/LE-
8 Dt 12.12.2008.
(L) To grant certificate Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers in respect of 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
that a railway servant staff for whom they are
would have continued appointing authorities.
to officiate in the post
but for his proceeding
on leave.
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(M) Grant of Special Casual Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers in respect of 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
leave up to a total period of 15 staff under their control.
days in a calendar year and 2. The facility of Special CL and Special
special passes to railway staff Passes is not admissible to members for
who are members of managing attending meeting/General Annual
committee for attending Meeting (ordinary or extraordinary) of the
meeting of the Managing shareholders.
Committee including those of
the Board of Directors and the
Sub Committees of Co-
operative Credit Societies and
banks including consumer
cooperative societies.
13. Sanction for investigation of PCPO / DRM / ADRM / JAG / Sr. Scale/ SPO/CN 1. Finance Concurrence is necessary.
claims of arrears of pay and CPO (Admn.) CWM Claims up to three years: 2. In case of the claim for the period beyond
allowances Claims up to three years: Claims up to three Full Powers three years exceeds Rs. 10,000/-.
Full Powers years:
a) The powers to sanction claim of arrears
Full Powers
Claims over three years: up under column (3), (4) and (5) is limited to
to Rs. 10,000/-. Claims over three less than three years.
years: up to Rs. b) Sanction of Railway Board is required for
10,000/- the balance amount (i.e. Portion beyond
three years).
3. From the date it becomes due (as per Para
1004 & 1005 of IREM) shall be construed
as the date of administrative orders issued
pursuant to the directions/orders of the
court, tribunal, etc, or the date of
administrative orders issued pursuant to
the decision of the competent authority on
a representation received from the
affected employee or his/her
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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representative, etc., as the case may be,
leading to arising of arrears claim.
1. Para 1004 and 1005 of IREM Vol. I
2. Railway Board’s letter No. E (G) 2009
AL/ 1/16 dated 06.01.2010.
3. Railway Board’s letter No. E(G)2012/AL
1-25 dated 30.11.2012
4. Rly.Bd’s Ltr.No.E(G)2014/AL 1-20,
14. Confirmation of Non Gazetted Full Powers Full Powers JAG/SS/JS/Asst. Officers 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Staff Full Powers in respect of
staff to whom they have Authority:
powers to make appointment 1. Chapter I section F of IREM 1989 Edn.
15. To order deductions from Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale/Jr Scale 1. Finance vetting is necessary
Gratuity on account of Govt. Full Powers
16. To waive irrecoverable Full powers Full powers Nil 1. Conditions prescribed in para 1013 to
amounts over drawn by non- up to Rs.1000/- up to Rs.1000/- 1019 of IREM Vol.1 (1989 Edn) will have
gazetted Railway servants to be followed.
which have been detected
2. Prior concurrence of Finance is necessary.
within one year.
17. To waive recoveries of Full Powers Full Powers JAG 1. Conditions prescribed in para 1013 to
amounts over-drawn by non- up to Rs.1000/- in each case 1019 of IREM Vol.1(1989 Edn) will have
gazetted Railway servants to be followed.
which have been detected after
2. Prior concurrence of Finance is necessary.
one year of payment.
18. (A) Retention of Railway 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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i) On transfer from one station Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale (in 1. Board's letter No. E(G)85/QR 1-9 dt.15-
to another station within same up to two months on normal up to two months on independent charge) 01-1990.
Railway. rent in respect of staff under normal rent in respect Full Powers 2. Board's letter No. E(G)92/PN 2-7 dt.27-
their control of staff under their up to two months on normal 08-1993
control rent in respect of staff under 3. Board’s letter No. E(G)98-QR1-11
their control dt.22.1.99 and 17.8.99.
4. Board Lr. No. E(G)2000/QRI/23/1-23
Jr. Scale/Asst. Officers Dt:30.11.2000
Full Powers up to two
months on normal rent in
respect of Gr. ‘D’ staff only
under their control.
ii) Beyond two months Full powers on payment of Full powers on NIL Authority:
double the license fee/rent payment of double the 1. Board's letter No. E(G)2000/QR 1-23
till the end of academic license fee/rent till the dt.01-06-2001.
session/sickness of spouse end of academic 2. Board’s letter No 2017/TransCell/Process
(maximum 6 months) session/sickness of Reform/Esttdt 29.12.2017
spouse (maximum 6 “When the ward of the railway employee is
months) studying in class 9th or class 11th, retention
of railway accommodation may be allowed
on educational ground to cover the current
academic session and also the next
academic session (examination) of the
ward till the end of academic/scholastic
session of class 10th or 12th respectively
plus 15 days.”
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(B) On deputation to Railtel Full powers on normal rent Nil Nil 1. Beyond two months IRCTC should pay to
corporation/ IRCTC up to two months. Beyond the Railway an amount equivalent to HRA
two months period as laid admissible to the Railway servant on
down from time to time by
deputation to IRCTC + the flat rate of
Railway Board.
license fee prescribed by Railways.
However, normal license fee should be
recovered from the employee.
1. Railway Board’s letter No.
E(G)2002RN5-5 dated 12.04.2002 and
(C) On transfer to New Zonal Full powers on normal rent Full powers on normal JAG Sr. Scale (independent 1. Certificate from an officer of New zone
Railways/ Divisions. up to 1 year from the date of rent up to 1 year from charge) not below the rank of SDGM that the staff
relief. the date of relief. Full powers on normal rent posted have applied/registered for
up to 1 year from the date of
allotment of entitled category and that
accommodation is not available in the
New zone.
1. Rly. Bd’s letter No. E(G) 97 QR128 dated
Divisional Officers,
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(D) Missing employees Full powers Full powers NIL 1. On normal rent for a period of one year
from the date of lodging FIR. For a further
period of one year on normal rent on
certification by the police authorities that
the employee is not traceable.
1. Rly. Bd’s letter No. E(G) 2001 QR1-17
dated 17.07.2002.
(E) Retirements Full powers up to 4 months Full powers up to 4 JAG Sr. Scale (independent 1. Telescopic penal charges to be imposed in
normal flat rate of license months normal flat charge) case of unauthorised retention of railway
fee, rate of license fee, up Full powers up to 4 months quarters in the lineof GPRA
up to next 4 months on to next 4months on normal flat rate of license
payment of double the payment of double the fee, up to next 4months on Authority:
normal rent on account of normal rent on payment of double the 1. Rly. Bd’s letter No. E(G) 2000 QR1-23
sickness or up to the end of account of sickness or normal rent on account of dated 01.06.2001
scholastic year whichever is up to the end of sickness or up to the end of 2. Rly Bd’s letter No
earlier. scholastic year scholastic year whichever is 2018/TransCell/Process/Reform/Estt dated
whichever is earlier. earlier. 5.4.2018
(F) Death / Retired on total Full powers up to 24 Full powers up to 24 JAG Sr. Scale (independent 1. In case of death full power upto 12
medical incapacitation and months on payment of months on payment of charge) months orn normal rent, further 12
CGA is in process normal rent. normal rent. Full powers up to 24 months months on normal rent provided that the
on payment of normal rent. dedeased or his/her dependents do not
owna house at the place of posting
1. Rly. Bd’s letter No. E(G) 98 QR1-11
dated 22.01.1999.
2. E(G)2012/QR1-7 dt. 25.04.2016
Divisional Officers,
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(G) During leave (including Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Officers will exercise the powers in
EOL) other than on medical respect of quarters in the pool controlled
ground for period not by them and in respect of staff under their
exceeding 120 days administrartive control.
1. Item 6 of Annexure of rly BdLetter No
E(G) 85 QR 1/9 dt 15.01.90
19. Grant of daily allowance for Full Powers Full Powers JAG and below/ HQrs. 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
halts in excess of 30 days up to 180 days in all cases up to 180 days in all Nil
cases Authority:
SG/JAG/Sr.Scale(IC) Full 1. Subject to Provisions of Rules 1618 (a and
Powers up to 60 days. b) and 1697 of IREC Vol. –II (1987).
20. Sanction of mileage allowance Full Powers Full Powers Full powers subject to Authority:
following Rule 1607 R II 1. Rule 1607 R II 1987 Edn., Concurrence of
1987 Edn. finance is not necessary.
21. (a)Grant of HRA to staff who Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
are posted to stations at which Full Powers 2. Subject to the condition laid down in Rule
HRA is admissible. no. 1706 of IREC-Vol. II.
Jr. Scale/Asst. Officer
Full Powers in respect of Gr.
D only
Divisional Officers,
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(b) Grant of House Rent Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Allowance in the event of non-
acceptance or Authority:
surrender/vacation of Railway 1. Rly.Bd’s Ltr.No.E(P&A)/II-99/HRA-2,
Residential Accommodation dt.16.03.2000 (RBE No.46/2000)
1. Not admissible to employees for whom
Rly. Accommodation is specifically
earmarked or to those employees whose
occupation of Rly.quarters is essential for
easy accessibility during emergencies,
efficient discharge of their duties, etc.
22. To stop HRA admissible under Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Rules in the event of an Full Powers
employee refusing to accept the
accommodation offered by Jr. Scale/Asst. Officer
Railway. Full Powers in respect of Gr.
D only
23. (A) To permit occupation Full Powers Full Powers for one JAG/Sr. Scale 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
of quarters upon for one month month Full Powers for one month.
resignation/ discharge
Jr. Scale /Asst. Officer
Full powers for one month in
respect of Gr.’ D’ Staff
(B) Upon joint occupation Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
as per extant rules and Full Powers
orders. Authority:
1. Para 1712 of IREM Vol. II (1990)
Divisional Officers,
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24. To sanction write off of Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Conditions prescribed in para 1013 to
irrecoverable personal 1019 of IREM Vol.1(1989 Edn) will have
advances or amounts otherwise to be followed.
due from non-gazetted railway
2. Prior concurrence of Finance is necessary.
servants i.e. rent etc.
25. Grant of educational assistance Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale/Jr Scale/Asst 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
to Railway employees. Officers
a) educational allowance Full Powers Authority:
b) Hostel subsidy 1. Para-2204 of IREM Vol. II (1990).
2. Railway Board Letter no E(W)2017/ED-
2/3dated 12.10.2017
26. To determine the rate of TA to Full Powers DRM / SAG Officers Nil Authority:
an outsider attending in field units: 1. Rule1696 of IREC Vol. II (1987).
departmental enquiry. Full Powers
27. Composite Transfer Grant 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
2. In regard to serving employees, generally,
(A) Sanction in respect of Full Powers Full Powers JAG / Sr. Scale after the transfer is ordered, the personal
normal claims Full Powers
effects shall be moved within 6 months.
1. Board’s Letter No. F(E)I/89/AL-28/11
dated 23.02.1990
ii) In the event of death of a Nil Nil Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is necessary.
railway servant while in 2. Family of the deceased should have been
service, where the personal permitted to retain Railway Quarters for a
effects are moved beyond 1
period of 2 years on normal rent.
year up to 2 ½ years.
3. Powers are to be exercised by GM/AGM
4. In situations where the personal effects
were moved beyond 2 ½ years, Railway
Board’s sanction is required
1. Board’s letter No. F (E)/1/2003 AL-28/11
dated 04.04.2003. RBE No 55/2003
28. Grant of consolidated Full Powers Full Powers JAG/SS (IC) Full Powers in 1. Prior accounts concurrence is necessary.
conveyance allowance. respect of non-gazetted staff.
1. Rule 1606 IREC Vol. II (1987)
29. Sanction of Breakdown Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale 1. Concurrence of finance not necessary.
Allowance Full Powers
1. Rule 1420 RI 1987 Edn.
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30. Grant of House Building Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Working sheet of recovery to be vetted by
Advance (HBA) as admissible. Accounts.
1. Para 1132 IREM Vol. I (1989)
31. Condonation of break in Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is necessary.
service not more than one year for posts controlled by
them Authority:
1. Para-43 of Railway Services (Pension)
Rules, 1993.
32. Counter signature of TA Full Powers Full Powers JAG/SS/JS/Asst. Scale 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
journals Full Powers for staff 2. Claim made beyond 60 days succeeding
under their control. the date of completion of the journey is
forfeited as per RBE No 44/2018.
3. In respect of retired non-gazetted staff, to
be countersigned by DPO/SPO.
1. Rule1697-IREC Vol. II (1987)
2. RBE No 44/2018
33 Counter signature of OT Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
journal 2. If OTA is more than Rs 5,000/-. Approval
of DRM/CWM/SAG officer will be
1. FC letter no 2015-B-235 dt 27.11.15
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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34. Alteration of recorded date of PCPO Nil Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
birth, of Group 'C' and Group Full Powers
'D' employees.
1. Rule 225 (4) of IREC Vol. I (1985)
2. Master Circular No.12
35. To permit change of Full Powers Full Powers Sr. DPO 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
name in original Full Powers
records including service
registers (SRs) subject to DPO/ WPO (in independent Authority:
compliance of the prescribed charge) 1. Para 1201 and 1202 of IREM Vol. I 1989.
procedure. Full Powers
Full Powers
36. Provisional payment Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is necessary.
of wages/ salary. up to three months up to three months
1. 1103 of General, Administration &
Finance Code 1991.
37. To issue service certificate to Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Applicant employee shall indicate the
Rly Servants who have put in purpose for which the service certificate
12 months service or more. is required and accordingly the purpose
shall be indicated by the issuing authority.
Divisional Officers,
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Field Units
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38. To authorize a railway servant Full Powers Full Powers JAG – 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
to proceed on duty outside the Full Powers 2. Powers are to be exercised in respect of staff
Zonal Railway. under their control.
Sr. Scale (in independent 3. Powers are to be exercised subject to
charge) - Full Powers instructions on economy in expenditure.
1. Board's Letter. No. F(E)I-68 PW5/1-1 dated
39. Training in non-railway Full powers to AGM with DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
institutions. recommendation of Full powers-Limit is 2. Proposals should be routed through
PHOD/CHOD Limit is Rs. Rs. 8,000/- per day CPO/Sr. DPO/WPO except accounts
10,000/- per day per person per person subject to
subject to maximum of Rs. maximum of Rs.
50,000/- per course per 40,000/- per course 3. Ceiling limit to be monitored by
person per person Personnel department.
4. Pro-rata distribution based on sanctioned
strength to be done by PCPO with
approval of AGM annually.
1. Board’s L. No. FX(II)/2015/PW/7 dtd
2. Board’s L.No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd
3. The annual ceilings for GMs of
Rs. 1 Crore needs to be adhered to.
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
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Field Units
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40. Sanction of Advances 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
2. Powers are to be exercised in respect of
(A) From provident fund Full Powers Full Powers JAG staff under their control.
Full Powers
Sr. Scale 1. Board's letter No. F(E)III/84/PF-1/4
Full Powers dt.01-05-1989.
2. Rule 922 and 923 of IREC Vol. I (1985)
Group-B Officers/Jr. Scale 3. Instructions in RBE No 63/2017 to be
Full Powers (for staff below adhered
level 6).
(B) Of travelling allowance Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers in respect of 1.Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
(T.A) staff under their control. 2.Powers are to be exercised in respect of
staff under their control.
1. Para 1110 of IREM Vol. I (1989)
(C) Of pay on transfer Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
Full Powers 2. Powers are to be exercised in respect of
staff under their control.
Jr. Scale/Asst. Officers (in
3. The circumstances of the case should
independent charge)
may exercise in respect of warrant an advance being sanctioned.
staff under their control for
whom pay sheets are Authority:
prepared by them. 1. Para 1113 and 1118 of IREM-Vol. I
2. Board's letter No. F(E)55/PW-7(8)
40(D) (REFER CORRECTION SLIP No. F-4 Dt.27-08-2020.
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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41. Grant of permission to Gr. C Full Powers Full Powers JAG 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
and D staff for transactions in Full Powersfor movable and
respect of acquisition or immovable property for staff Authority:
disposal of i) immovable under their control. 1. Rule 18 (2) and (3) of The Railway
property, ii) movable property Services (Conduct) Rules 1966.
exceeding 2 months basic pay 2. E(D&A)2011/GS1-3 dt. 11.07.2011
42. Condonation of delay for non- Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
insurance of flat/house, up to two years up to two years 2. For periods beyond two years, approval of
purchased/ built out of house Railway Board is necessary.
building advance.
1. Board's letter No. F(E)Spl/94/ Adv/3/7
dated 13.10.95
43. Reconstruction of service PCPO/PFA Full powers Nil 1. Prior accounts concurrence is necessary.
registers with available records. Full Powers
1. Board's letter No. E(NG) 60 PTN I/3
dated 28.3.60 as amended from time to
time 2. Para 79 of RSPR, 1993, RB.L.No.
F(E)III/2009/PN-I/8 Dt 27.09.11
1. Provisions laid down under Para 79 & 93
to 95 of Rly Servant (Pm.) Rules, 1993
and Para 1008 to 1016 of I.R. Account
Code Vol. I 1990 Edition should be
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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44. Reconstruction of service Nil Nil Nil 1. Prior accounts concurrence is necessary.
registers on the basis of 2. Sanction of Railway Board is necessary.
affidavits when no records are
available. Authority:
1. Board's letter No. E(NG) 60 PTN I/3
dated 28.3.60 as amended from time to
2. Para 79 of PSPR, 1993
3. RB.L.No. F(E)III/2009/PN-I/8 Dt
45. Sanction of pension/ Service Full Powers Full Powers JAG Sr. Scale/Jr Scale 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
gratuity, retirement/death Full Powers 2. Powers are to be exercised in respect of
gratuity, commutation of staff under their control.
pension and leave encashment.
1. Rule 89 of RSPR (1993).
46. Issue of ‘No Objection Full Powers in respect of Full Powers in respect Sr DPO 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Certificate’ (NOC) for employees under their of employees under Full Powers in respect of
obtaining passport. control with prior vigilance their control with divisional employees with
and D&AR clearance prior vigilance and prior vigilance and D&AR
D&AR clearance. clearance
47. To make alteration (other than Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
date of birth) in the service
register e.g. change of name, Authority:
date of appointment etc., in 1. Rule 1204 IREM-Vol. I (1989).
case of clerical error only in the 2. Powers to be exercised by officers
first page of service register. discharging powers in Establishment
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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48. Treating the period of handing Full Powers Full Powers JAG Sr. Scale (independent 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
over and taking over charge in charge)
cases in which several scattered Full Powers
work or stores have to be
inspected before completing
transfer of charge - treatment of
period as on duty up to a
maximum of 6 days.
49. To permit journey by Road Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. The power delegated can be exercised
between two stations connected only in respect of journeys undertaken in
by Rail. connection with surprise inspection of
L/Crossing, Surprise check at stations
(Ticketless Travel) and for accidents and
2. Finance concurrence is not necessary
50. Sanction for undertaking a 1. Accounts concurrence is necessary.
work. PCPO, PFA 2. Where the honorarium is recurring, the
(A) For which honorarium is Full Powers DRM, CWM Nil limit of Rs. 15,000/- applies to the total
offered and to grant up to Rs. 15,000/- in each Full Powers
amount paid in a financial year.
acceptance of the same. individual case. up to Rs. 15,000/- in
SDGM/controlling officer each individual case.
of Territorial Army – Same
1. Rule 1334 (FR-46) IREC Vol. II (1987).
powers for Territorial Army
2. Item 10(a) of GM’s delegation.
3. Board's letter No. F(X)II/94/PW/3
dt.26.03.1996 and 16.09.97
4. Board’s letter No 2011/F(X)II/5/10 dt
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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(B) To sanction and make Full Powers Full Powers Principal of Training Schools 1. Principals should ensure the instructions
payments to Honorarium for Full Powers contained in Board’s letter No.
delivering lecture in training E/G/99/H01/18 dated 08.06.2000.
school to officers and 2. Finance concurrence is not necessary
supervisory staff and guest
(C) For which fee is offered Full Powers Full Powers JAG 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
and acceptance of the same. up to a maximum of Rs. up to a maximum of Full Powers up to a 2. In case it is recurring, this limit of
5,000/- in each individual Rs. 5,000/- in each maximum of Rs. 5,000/- in Rs.5000/- applies to the sum total of the
case. individual case. each individual case.
recurring payment made to an individual
in a financial year.
1. Rule 1334 IREC Vol. II (1987).
2. Board's letter No. E(G)90/HQ1/88
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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(D) To sanction and make Full Powers Same as in Col.3 Principals/Training Centres 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
payments for Yoga Classes in Up to Rs. 50,000/- Same as in Column No.3 2. The Instructor should be a certified Yoga
Railway Training Centres. per annum Trainer from professional Yoga Centres
of repute.
3. Training Centres should approach RK
Mission, Yogi Vemana Kendra, Isha
Yoga Centre etc. for exploring imparting
Yoga Classes free of cost, before inviting
4. Quotations to be called for finalizing the
5. The terms and conditions stipulated in
Railway Board’s Letter No.
E(MPP)/2015/3/10, dt.15.06.2015 is to
be adhered to.
(E) Grant of honorarium to the PHOD/CHOD Full Powers
IO/PO for conducting Full Powers (This power is to be
departmental enquiries in cases (This power is to be exercised only if
other than vigilance exercised only if scales/ scales/ rates are
investigations. rates are clearly defined) clearly defined)
SLIP No. F-3
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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51. To grant advance PCPO DRM/CWM 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
increment on sports account Full Powers Full powers for Nil 2. Fixation of pay to be vetted by Associate
(on recommendation of divisional/workshop Finance.
Railway Sports Control Board controlled post
(RSCB) for excellence in
1. Board's letter No. E(NG)II/90/RR-
7 Dt.19/03/2019)
52. Recovery in instalments of Full Powers Full Powers JAG and below 1. Accounts concurrence is necessary to fix
amounts, paid erroneously to Full Powers the number of instalments.
railway employees.
1. Para1013-B IREM Vol. I (1989) and of
administration & Finance Code.
53. Recovery in lumpsum or in Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
instalments, of arrears of
subscription due from the Authority:
railway servant who is 1. Rule 911 of IREC Vol. I (1985).
admitted as a subscriber to the
provident fund with
retrospective effect.
54. Refund of cost of training and Full Powers DRM/ SAG Officers Full Powers 1. Prior accounts concurrence is necessary.
enforecement of bond/money in field units
in respect of Railway Full Powers Authority:
employees who secured 1. Master Circular No.30
employment under the Central 2.Bd’sLtr No. E(NG)I-89/AP/5 dt.
or State Govt. or in PSU/at 12.12.2007 and Para 1410 of IREM
Autonomous Bodies on the
basis of their duly forwarded
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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55. Compensation to railway PCPO Same as in column 3 Nil Authority –
servants for loss of private Full powers up to Rs 1. Bd’s L/No. F(X)II-97/PW/4, dt 16.09.97
property during course of 4,000/- in each case item 19
accident or strike. 2. RB L.No. F(X) II-2010/PW/2 Dt 11.10.10
1. AGM would have full powers up to Rs
56. To grant compensation other Nil Nil Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is necessary.
than those awarded by Claims 2. GM can sanction up to 24 months
Commissioner. emoluments of railway servant.
1. Item No.18 of GM’s delegation.
57. Classification of railway PCPO Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
servants under hours of Full Powers
employment rule. Authority:
1. Sec.136 of Indian Railways Act 1989.
2. Board’s letter No.
E(LL)76/HER(RLT)/11 dt. 7.3.77.
58. Sanction for payment of Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
compensation under
Employees’ Compensation Act. Authority:
1. Item 18(i) of GM’s delegation.
59. Sanction to refund of P.F by Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
instalment by non-gazetted 2. Powers are to be exercised in respect of
staff on reappointment. staff holding posts to which they are
empowered to make reappointment.
1. Rule 917 - IREC Vol. I (1985).
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
60. To sanction rewards to non- 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary
gazetted staff 2. Individual cases for grant of rewards in
excess of the monetary limit delegated,
(A) Cases connected with PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM JA Grade/S. Scale (in
should be processed through the Standing
averting or reducing Full Powers up to Rs. Full Powers up to Rs independent charge)
the severity of accidents 7,500/- in each case 7,500/- in each case Full powers up to Rs 1000/- Screening Committee for GM's sanction.
in each case 3. Subject to annual ceiling limit prescribed
HOD CWM/ADRM for those officers not to be exceeded &
Full powers up to Rs Full powers up to Rs. availability of funds with the officers.
2,000/- in each case 2,000/- in each case
1. Item No.10(c) of GM’s delegation vide
Rly Board’s Letter No. F(X)II-2010/PW/4
dated 11.10.2010
2. Item 10(d) of GM’s delegation vide
Railway Board’s letter No. F(X)II-
2013/PW/4 dated 25.07.2013.
3. Railway Board Letter No. F(X)II-
2014/PW/4 dated 05.02.2015
(B) Suggestions and PHOD/CHOD DRM /CWM JAG/Sr. Scale (Independent 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
inventions. Full Powers to grant Full Powers charge) 2. Individual cases for grant of rewards in
rewards up to Rs 4,000/- in up to Rs. 2500/- in Full powers for up to Rs excess of the monetary limit delegated,
each individual case. each individual case 1000/- in each individual
should be processed through the Standing
to an annual ceiling of case
*Full Powers up to Rs Rs. 50,000/- Screening Committee for GM's sanction
15,000/- in each case where JAG/ HQrs: 3. Rly Bd letter no E(G)64 RNI-6 of 6.9.65
the employee secures the ADRM Full Powers for spot rewards RB L/Ni F(X)II/2010/PW/2 Dt
patent for such innovation Full Powers up to Rs up to Rs. 1,000 in each 11.10.2010 Item no 10 c.
and transfers the rights to 2,000/- in each individual case 4. Item No.14 of GM’s SOP Rly. Bd’sL.No.
Indian Railways individual case F(X)II-2015/PW/7 dated 12.06.2017 &
unconditionally and such Correction Slip No.2 Dt.14.08.17
innovation is considered * Full Powers up to
5. Subject to annual ceiling limit prescribed
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
useful for Indian Railways. Rs 25,000/- in each for those officers not to be exceeded &
(AGM has powers up to Rs case where the availability of funds with the officers.
50,000/- in such cases) employee secures the
patent for such
HOD innovation and
Full Powers up to Rs. transfers the rights to
2,000/- in each individual Indian Railways
case unconditionally and
such innovation is
considered useful for
Indian Railways.
(C) Other cases of meritorious/ PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM JAG Sr. Scale (independent 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
outstanding work including Full Powers up to Rs. Full Powers charge) 2. Individual cases for grant of rewards in
RPF staff 5,000/- in each individual u up to Rs. 4,000/- in Full powers up to excess of the monetary limit delegated,
case each individual case Up to Rs.1000/- in each
should be processed through the Standing
individual case.
HOD ADRM Screening Committee for GM's sanction
Full powers up to Rs 2,000 Full Powers up to Rs SS/Jr. Scale/Asst. Officer up to Rs. 5,000/- in each individual
in each individual case 2,000/- in each Full powers up to Rs.500/- in case.Subject to annual ceiling limit
individual case each individual case prescribed for those officers not to be
exceeded & availability of funds with the
1. Rly BD L.No E(X)II/97/PW/4 dt
2. RB L.No F(X)II/2010/PW/2 Dt
11.10.2010 item no 10 b.
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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(D) Group Cash award for PHOD/CHOD/HOD DRM/CWM/ADRM JAG(Divisional)/Sr 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
meritorious outstanding work Full Powers (subject to a Full powers (subject Scale(IC)
maximum of Rs 5,000/- per to a maximum of Rs Full Powers uptoRs 1,000/- Authority:
person) 5,000/- per person) per staff per occasion subject 1. Rly Bd’slr.No. F(X)II-2016/PW/3/Pt.3
to an annual ceiling limit of Dt.16.12.16
Rs 25,000/- 2. Subject to annual ceiling limit prescribed
for those officers not to be exceeded &
availability of funds with the officers.
3. Cash received by each individual out of
group award should not exceed the limit
prescribed for sanction by the concerned
4. The limit of group cash award will be Rs.
1 lakh in each group. While granting
group cash award the limit of individual
reward should not be exceeded.
E) To Grant of Rewards for PHOD/CHOD DRM/ADRM/CWM 1. Subject to annual ceiling limit prescribed
detection and/or apprehension Full Powers up to Rs 2,500 Full Powers up to Rs for those officers not to be exceeded &
of offenders in a criminal case. in each case 2,500 in each case availability of funds with the officers.
2. Finance concurrence is not necessary
1. Item No.15 of GM’s SOP
2. Rly. Bd’sL.No. F(X)II-2015/PW/7 dated
3. Correction Slip No.2 Dt.14.08.17
Divisional Officers,
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Officers &Officers in
Field Units
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61. To sanction ex-gratia payment PCSC/RPF DRM/CWM Nil 1. GM has full powers with finance
to the dependents of railway Full powers with espect to Full power with concurrence
employees who die in dependents of RPSF finance concurrence
performance of their bonafide employees with Authority:
official duties concurrence of associate 1. RBE No. 285/99
finance of bill paying unit 2. RB Ltr No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd
3. Rly BdLr No. 2018/Trans/01/Policy dtd.
62. Temporary exemption Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale 1. Accounts concurrence is not necessary.
under Hours of employment Full powers.
Regulation (HOER). Authority:
1. Rule 6 of HOER.
2. Board’s letter No. E (LWA)66/HER/55
dated 14.3.67.
63. Suspension of Lien. Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers in respect of 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
whom they are appointing
authorities. Authority:
1. Rule 241 of RI 1985-Edn
64. Payment of Deposit of Decretal Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale (independent 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
amount in satisfaction of the charge)
decree passed by Civil Full Powers
Court/Authority under Payment
of Wages Act.
65. Forwarding of application to Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers in respect of 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
posts outside the Railway. staff for whom they are
appointing authority. Authority:
1. Chapter XIV of IREM Vol. I – 1989 Edn
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
66. Creation of Supernumerary PCPO DRM/ADRM/CWM 1. 797-E/NCR/Policy/SOP/Estt dated
post for medically de- Full Powers in respect of Full Powers for all 09.08.07
categorized staff/ identified HQ staff &staff in extra staff working under 2. Finance concurrence is required
surplus staff divl. offices/ work shop their control
1. The proposal for such creation of post
shall be put up to the DRMs by Sr. DPOs/
DPOs in charge who should certify that all
the laid down stipulation of the guidelines
of the Board has been met.
67. Grant of conveyance allowance Full Powers Full Powers JAG/Sr. Scale 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
to blind & orthopaedic ally Full Powers
handicapped Railway
employee subject to the
conditions prescribed.
68. Sanction of National Holiday PHOD/CHOD DRM Nil Authority:
allowance to staff Full powers for HQ staff Full powers 1. RB Ltr No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd
69. Re-engagement of retired PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM Nil Authority:
employees against sanctioned Full Powers for HQ and Full powers 1. RB Ltr No. E(NG)-II/2007/RC-
posts in exigencies of service extra Divisional offices 4/CORE/1 dtd 16.10.2017
2. RB Ltr No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd
Full Powers for construction
staff 18.10.2017
3. The provision will be utilised only against
existing vacancies following a due
process involving Personnel and Finance
Divisional Officers,
S.No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/HOD Officers in REMARKS
Officers &Officers in
Field Units
1 2 3 4 5 6
70. (A) Engagement of staff CAO/C Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
against posts of SSEs/JEs Full Powers 2. Re-engagement to be done as per Board’s
(Works) in construction letter no 2018/Trans Cell/
organization by re-engagement
S&T/Contractual Staff dt 16.03.2018 and
of retired personnelandby re
engagement on contract basis Railway board letter No 2018/TransCell/
(B) Engagement of staff Full Powers to respective S&T/Contractual dtd. 13/07/2018
against posts of Engineering, PHOD in RE organization 3. Board’s letter No
Electrical and S&T (engagement to be done as 2018/TransCell/S&T/Contractual dated
departments of Railway stipulated in Railway Board 13/07/2018
Electrification organization by letter No
re-engagement of retired 2018/TransCell/S&T/Contr
personnel and by engagement actual dated 13/07/2018)
on contract basis
71. Providing alternative Full Powers Full Powers Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
employment on medical 2. Para 1310 of IREM;
grounds to medically
decategorised staff /
redeployment of surplus staff - Authority:
approval of the 1.Board’s letter No. E[MPP]99/1/75 dated
recommendations of the 28.11.2000 [RBE No. 206/2000]
Screening Committee
72. To the payment of contribution PHOD/CHOD DRM/CWM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
or subscription to a Full Powers up to Rs Full Powers in respect
professional institution 10,000/- per annum in each of staff under theor Authority:
case control subject toi
1. Board’s letter no 2017/F(X)II/PW/1/I dt
limit of Rs 10,000/-
per annum in each 18/05/17
1. Items No.25, 35, 40(B), 42 and 50(B) of non-Gazetted schedule of powers are applicable to gazetted officers also.
2 (a) All powers delegated to PHODs in the Model SOP are also delegated to CHODs
2 (b) All powers delegated to ADRMs in the Model SOP are also delegated to ADRMs in NF-SAG (Auth: 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt-S dated 2.2.2018)
3. All powers delegated to JAG/SG Branch Officers in the Model SOP are also delegated to branch officers in SS.
4. Powers delegated to PCPO on establishment matters will be exercised by PFA for staff of accounts department.
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
(1) These rules may be called the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Second Amendment Rule, 2003.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1968, for Schedule-II, the following shall be substituted, namely:
Schedule of Disciplinary powers and powers of suspension of different grades of Railway officers and Senior Supervisors in respect of non-gazetted staff of Zonal Railways, Chittaranjan
Locomotive Works, Diesel Locomotive Works, Integral Coach Factory, Rail Wheel Factory, Metro Railway (Kolkata), Diesel Loco Modernization Works (Patiala), Rail Coach Factory
(Kapurthala), Railway Electrification Projects and Metropolitan Transport Projects (Railways).
S.No. Authority Empowered to place a Railway Class of Railway Nature of penalties mentioned in rule 6 which the Appellate
servant under suspension or to impose Servants over whom authority in column 2 is empowered to impose on Authority
penalties under rule 6 disciplinary powers can Railway Servants mentioned in corresponding entries in
be exercised column 3 and powers of that authority to place them
under suspension
1 2 3 4 5
1 Senior Supervisors In-charge with Grade pay of All staff who are three grades Penalties specified in clauses (i) to (iv) (no such power can be Assistant Officers
Rs.4200/- and above. (Described as Supervisors In- (Grade pay) below and lower exercised where inquiry under sub-rule (2) of rule 11 is required) and (Junior Scale and
charge by the Railway Administration for this than the Disciplinary suspension subject to report to Divisional Officer or Assistant Officer Group ‘B’) (Gazetted)
purpose) Authority. In-charge within twenty-four hours in the case of Group ‘C’ staff.
2 Assistant Officers (Junior Scale and Group ‘B’) All staff with Grade Pay of up Penalties specified in clauses (i) to (v) and suspension. Also, Penalty Senior Scale Officers
(Gazetted) to and including Rs.2400/- specified in clause (vi) on staff with Grade Pay of up to and including and Assistant Officers
Rs.1650/- only. (Junior Scale and
Group ‘B’ (Gazetted)
holding independent
3 Senior Scale Officers and Assistant Officers (Junior All staff with Grade Pay of up Penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) and suspension. Junior Administrative
Scale and Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) holding independent to and including Rs. 2800/- Grade Officers and
charge) Senior Scale Officers
holding independent
Charge or In-charge of
a Department in the
4 JAG and SS (IC) or incharge of a department in the All classes of non-gazetted Penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) and suspension ADRM in relation to the
division staff. departments attached
to them or DRMs
5 Additional Divisional Railway Managers in relation to All classes of non-gazetted Penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) and suspension Senior Administrative
the Departments attached to them or Divisional staff. Grade Officers in the
S.No. Authority Empowered to place a Railway Class of Railway Nature of penalties mentioned in rule 6 which the Appellate
servant under suspension or to impose Servants over whom authority in column 2 is empowered to impose on Authority
penalties under rule 6 disciplinary powers can Railway Servants mentioned in corresponding entries in
be exercised column 3 and powers of that authority to place them
under suspension
Railway Managers zonal Railways’ Head
Quarters in pay Band-4
with Grade Pay Rs.
10,000/- including
Principal Heads of
Departments in Pay
Band-4 with Grade Pay
6 Senior Administrative Grade Officers in the zonal All classes of non-gazetted Penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) and suspension Additional General
Railways’ Head Quarters in pay Band-4 with Grade staff. Managers in relation to
Pay Rs. 10,000/- including Principal Heads of Departments attached
Departments in Pay Band-4 with Grade Pay to them or Chief
Rs.12000/- Administrative Officers
or General Managers
7 Additional General Managers in relation to All classes of non-gazetted Penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) and suspension Railway Board
Departments attached to them or Chief staff
Administrative Officers or General Managers
8 Railway Board All classes of non-gazetted Penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) and suspension President
(1) An Appointing authority or an authority of equivalent rank or any higher authority shall be competent to impose penalties specified in clauses (vii), (viii) and (ix) of rule 6.
(2) Where the post of appellate authority as shown in column 5 is vacant, then, in that case, the next higher authority shown in the row just below that authority shall be the appellate
(3) The appointing authority or an authority of equivalent rank or any higher authority who is competent to impose the penalty of dismissal or removal or compulsory retirement from
service, may also impose any lower penalty.
RBE No.15/2003
New Delhi, 16th Jan 2003
GSR………………… In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Railway
Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1968, namely: -
(1) These rules may be called the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Second Amendment Rule, 2003.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1968, for Schedule-II, the following shall be substituted, namely: -
(See rule 4 and sub-rule (2) of rule 7)
Class of
Item Authority empowered to place a Railway Servant under suspension or to impose penalty
Railway Appellate Authority
No. and its nature.
1 2 3 4
1. Railway President – Full powers …
Group ‘A’
Railway Board – Suspension and the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) of rule 6. President
General Manager/Additional General Manager who has been ordered by the Competent President
Authority to look after the current duties of General Manager in the absence of a regularly
posted General Manager, Director General, Research, Designs and Standards Organisation,
Director General, Railway Staff College, Chief Administrative Officers (having independent
charge of their organizations) – Suspension and the penalties specified in clauses (i) (iii), (iii-
a), (iii-b) and (iv) of rule 6, in the case of Officers up to and including Selection Grade
Officers of Junior Administrative Grade.
Principal Heads of Departments – Suspension and the penalties specified in clauses (i), (iii), General Manager/ Additional General Manager
(iii-a), (iii-b) and (iv) of rule 6 in the case of Officers in Junior Scale. who has been ordered by the Competent Authority
to look after the current duties of General Manager
in the absence of a regularly posted General
2 Railway President - Full Powers …
Group ‘B’ Railway Board – Full Powers President
Class of
Item Authority empowered to place a Railway Servant under suspension or to impose penalty
Railway Appellate Authority
No. and its nature.
General Manager/Additional General Manager who has been ordered by the Competent Railway Board
Authority to look after the current duties of General Manager in the absence of a regularly
posted General Manager, Director General, Research, Designs and Standards Organisation,
Director General, Railway Staff College, Chief Administrative Officers (having independent
charge of their organizations - suspension and the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) of
rule 6.
Secretary, Railway Board – Suspension and the penalties specified in clauses (i), (iii), (iii-a), Railway Board
(iii-b) and (iv) of rule 6 in the case of Group ‘B’ officers of the Railway Board Secretariat
Principal Heads of Departments – Suspension and the penalties specified in clauses (i), (iii), General Manager/Additional General Manager who
(iii-a), (iii-b) and (iv) of rule 6. has been ordered by the Competent Authority to
look after the current duties of General Manager in
the absence of a regularly posted General Manager.
Disciplinary powers of Principal Heads of Departments under this Schedule shall also be exercised by the co-coordinating Heads of Departments or by the Heads of
Departments in Senior Administrative Grade who are in independent charge, in their respective departments in the production Units viz. Chittaranjan Locomotive Works,
Chittaranjan, Diesel Component Works, Patiala, Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi, Integral Coach Factory, Perambur, Wheel and Axle Plant, Yelahanka (Bangalore and
Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala, and in new Zonal Railways viz., East Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar, East Central Railway, Hajipur, North Central Railway, Allahabad,
North Western Railway, Jaipur, South Western Railway, Hubli West Central Railway, Jabalpur and South East Central Railway, Bilaspur in respect of officers in Junior
Scale Group ‘B’ who are under their administrative control.
The Directors of Railway Training Institutes, namely, Director, Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune, Director Indian Railways Institute of Electrical
Engineering, Nasik. Director, Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jamalpur. Director, Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engineering and
Telecommunications Secunderabad and Director, Indian Railways Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology, Gwalior in respect of officers in Junior Scale and Group
‘B’, who are under their administrative control” shall also exercise disciplinary powers of Principal Heads of Departments under this Schedule.
PART – G: Security Matters
S.No. Nature of Power Page No.
1. Purchase and stitching of uniform material for RPF/RPSF Band G3
2. Purchase RPF/RPSF Band equipment G3
3. Repair of band equipment G3
4. Temporary works like concertina/razor edge fencing, erection of morchas/ portable morchas/ temporary towers, queue managers, G3
installation of search lights etc.
5. Bada Khana on the occasion of RPF Raising Day (once a year as per the Force Tradition on Raising Day, etc.), during the visit of G3
MR, MoSR, CRB, DG/RPF, GM, CSC, DRM, during Darbar or on special occasion
6. Expenditure incurred in Range classification & Firing practice and hiring of tentatge/furniture for Suraksha Sammelan, training
camps, meetings and sporting events.
7. Hiring of vehicle for RPF Post (no departmental vehicle available/ for operational work) G4
8. Recruitment of constables and sub-inspectors in RPF G4-7
9. Purchase and stitching of specific operational dress for security escort of VVIPs on Railways G7
10. Hiring of technical security gadgets like Drone cameras, CCTV, baggage scanners, DFMD, HHMD, trolley mirror, etc. G7
11. Hiring of simulators for learning motor driving, firing from weapons etc. G7
12. Hiring of digital content/online digital content, CDs/DVDs for improvement of motivation & professional skills G7
These delegations are as per Railway Board Letter No 2018/Trans/01/Policy dated 23/03/2017. These delegations are in
addition to the delegations given under “Security” in Part C (Miscellaneous) of this Model SOP 2018
SN Item Delegation
1 Purchase and stitching of uniform PCSC/DIR/JJR - Full powers
material for RPF/RPSF Band. CSC- Rs 5,000/- per staff (Annual ceiling Rs 2,00,000/-)
(Fin. concurrence not necessary upto Rs 1,50,000/- in each case)
(Life of summer uniform – 2 years / winter uniform – 5 years)
i. Processing of
ii. Candidate data upload for
test center mapping and
admit card generation.
iii. Accountal of money
received and deposition.
iv. Test center allocation
candidates and provision
of admit cards to
v. Intimation to candidates
for downloading of hall
tickets/ admit cards.
vi. Refund of money to
eligible candidates.
vii. Uploading call letters for
SN Item Delegation
viii. Intimation to candidates
for downloading of call
letters for
PET/PMT/Trade Test, etc.
ix. Helpdesk support from
the date of publication of
advertisement till
completion of CBT.
ii Hiring of agency for conducting Chairpersons of RPF Recruitment Committees –
Computer Based Test including the
following: Full Powers as applicable to Chairperson/RRB
i. Identification and
finalization of test centers.
ii. Content creation (question
papers for objective
examinations) as per
iii. Deployment of trained
manpower and inventory
setup at every test center.
iv. Frisking of candidates.
v. Separate enclosures to
frisk female candidates.
vi. Biometric Registration
across all test centers.
vii. Secured (encrypted/VPN
protected) downloading of
the question papers.
viii. Monitoring of the whole
examination through
command center.
ix. CCTV surveillance at test
x. Matching the candidate
responses with the correct
SN Item Delegation
xi. Final result processing
after evaluation of
objective exams.
xii. Sharing of results and
other exam related data
such as audit trails, etc.
xiii. Provide support with
examination related data
for handling RTI queries.
xiv. Any other task as decided
by Chairperson-CRC.
iii Purchase of items like RFID, PCSC/DRM/CWM Full powers
weighing machines, measuring CSC-Rs.50,000/- on each occasion (annual ceiling of Rs. 5,00,000/-)
tape, high jump bars, stop watches, ADRM/DIR/JJR - Rs.5,000/- on each occasion (annual ceiling limit of Rs.50,000/-)
row, line, gloves, stationary, (Fin. concurrence not required upto Rs. 5000 in each case)
trunks, chest numbers etc. for
recruitment, selection etc.
iv Hiring of PA system, CCTV, PCSC/DRM/CWM/DIR/JJR- Full powers
computers, Net facility, typing Principal ZTC – Rs 30,000/- per annum
experts, etc. (Fin. concurrence is necessary)
v Sanction of honorarium to RPF PCSC/DRM/CWM/DIR/JJR - Full powers
staff deputed for written exam Principal RPF Training Centre – Rs 10,000/- per annum
/PET/document verification in (Fin. concurrence is necessary)
vi Expenses on food, tea, snack. PCSC/DRM/CWM/DIR/JJR- Full powers
Principal RPF Training Centre - Rs 10,000/- per annum
(Fin. concurrence is necessary)