FT602 Module
FT602 Module
FT602 Module
Version 1.0
Document Reference No.: FT_001390 Clearance No.: FTDI#518
International Ltd
The UMFT602A/X is an evaluation/development The UMFT602A/X module has the following features:
module with either HSMC or FMC (LPC)
connectors for interfacing FTDI’s FT602 32bit Supports USB 3.1 GEN 1 Super Speed
FIFO bus to USB 3.1 GEN 1 USB video class (5Gbps)/USB 2.0 High Speed (480Mbps)
(UVC) bridge IC with external hardware. The transfer
UMFT602A/X allows for bridging a FIFO bus to a
USB3.0 host and evaluating the functionality of UVC 1.1, Raw YUV422
the FT602.
As a daughter card, the UMFT602A/X must work Up to 4 video input channels. One I2C bus
with a FIFO master board which has either a master interface for video source device
HSMC or FMC connector. There are 2 models configuration
which provide different FIFO bus interfaces with
32bit data width. Supports multi voltage I/O: 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V
The modules are designed such that they can High speed connector for FIFO bus : FMC(Field
plug into most FPGA development platforms Programmable Mezzanine Card) or HSMC (High
supplied by vendors such as Xilinx or Altera. Speed Mezzanine Card)
Refer to Ordering Information for module
FMC connector is compatible with most Xilinx
The UMFT602A/X supports 2 parallel slave FIFO FPGA reference design boards
bus protocols (Multi-Channel FIFO / 245
Synchronous FIFO) with a data “burst” rate of up HSMC is compatible with most Altera FPGA
to 400MB/s. For a full list of the FT602’s features reference design boards
refer to the FT602 datasheet.
Multi powered options: external DC powered,
BUS powered, FMC/HSMC powered
Hardware Reset
Micro-USB3.0 receptacle
Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in this manual, may be adapted or
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documentation are supplied on an as-is basis and no warranty as to their suitability for any particular purpose is either made or
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Seaward Place, Centurion Business Park, Glasgow G41 1HH United Kingdom. Scotland Registered Company Number: SC136640
1 Ordering Information
Part No. Description
Table of Contents
2.2.6 SW1, SW2 – Push Buttons for Reset and Remote Wake Up ...................... 7
2 Hardware Description
2.1.1 Dimensions
±0.10mm Tolerance
±0.10mm Tolerance
2 D- IO USB D- line
3 D+ IO USB D+ line
4 ID IO OTG identification(N.C.)
5 GND P Ground
8 GND P Ground
1 5V P 5V power supply
2 GND P Ground
3 GND P Ground
Jumper position
Note: Refer to section 4 Hardware setup guide for more details on power configuration options
and jumpers positions.
JP6 is not fitted on the PCB.
2.2.6 SW1, SW2 – Push Buttons for Reset and Remote Wake Up
SW1 – Reset, module hardware reset, mapped to FMC/HSMC connector, can be used for FIFO
master reset. Drive low when press down.
SW2 – FT602 device Wake Up, driven low when pressed down. This pin mapped is to the
FMC/HSMC connector, and is normally used for I2C interrupt.
FMC Pin#/Name
U1: FT602 Pin#/Name
C15/LA10_N 15 /RESET_N
C18/LA14_P 17 /I2C_SCL
C19/LA14_N 18 /I2C_SDA
FMC Pin#/Name
U1: FT602 Pin#/Name
C26/LA27_P 62 /DATA18
C27_LA27_N 60 /DATA16
D14/LA09_P 8 /BE_N_3
D15/LA09_N 7 /BE_N_2
D20/LA17_P_CC 76 /DATA31
D21/LA17_N_CC 75 /DATA30
D23/LA23_P 70 /DATA25
D24/LA23_N 69 /DATA24
D26/LA26_P 63 /DATA19
D27/LA26_N 61 /DATA17
G12/LA08_P 11 /WR_N
G13/LA08_N 10 /RESERVE1
G21/LA20_P 74 /DATA29
G22/LA20_N 73 /DATA28
G24/LA22_P 67 /DATA23
G25/_LA22_N 65 /DATA21
G27/LA25_P 57 /DATA15
G28/LA25_N 55 /DATA13
G30/LA29_P 53 /DATA11
G31/LA29_N 51 /DATA9
G33/LA31_P 47 /DATA7
G34/LA31_N 45 /DATA5
G36/LA33_P 43 /DATA3
G37/LA33_N 41 /DATA1
H13/LA07_P 9 /RXF_N
FMC Pin#/Name
U1: FT602 Pin#/Name
H14/LA07_N 8 /TXE_N
H19/LA15_P 5 /BE_N_1
H20/LA15_N 4 /BE_N_0
H22/LA19_P 72 /DATA27
H23/LA19_N 71 /DATA26
H25/LA21_P 66 /DATA22
H26/LA21_N 64 /DATA20
H28/LA24_P 56 /DATA14
H29/LA24_N 54 /DATA12
H31/LA28_P 52 /DATA10
H32/LA28_N 50 /DATA8
H34/LA30_P 46 /DATA6
H35/LA30_N 44 /DATA4
H37/LA32_P 42 /DATA2
H38/LA32_N 40 /DATA0
Pin#/Name U1: FT602 Pin#/Name
41 /D0 40 /DATA0
42 /D1 60 /DATA16
43 /D2 41 /DATA1
44 /D3 61 /DATA17
47 /D4 42 /DATA2
48 /D5 62 /DATA18
49 /D6 43 /DATA3
Pin#/Name U1: FT602 Pin#/Name
50 /D7 63 /DATA19
53 /D8 44 /DATA4
54 /D9 64 /DATA20
55 /D10 45 /DATA5
56 /D11 65 /DATA21
59 /D12 46 /DATA6
60 /D13 66 /DATA22
61 /D14 47 /DATA7
62 /D15 67 /DATA23
65 /D16 50 /DATA8
66 /D17 69 /DATA24
67 /D18 51 /DATA9
68 /D19 70 /DATA25
71 /D20 52 /DATA10
72 /D21 71 /DATA26
73 /D22 53 /DATA11
74 /D23 72 /DATA27
77 /D24 54 /DATA12
78 /D25 73 /DATA28
79 /D26 55 /DATA13
80 /D27 74 /DATA29
83 /D28 56 /DATA14
84 /D29 75 /DATA30
85 /D30 57 /DATA15
86 /D31 76 /DATA31
Pin#/Name U1: FT602 Pin#/Name
Note: Refer to the FT602 device datasheet section 3 for details of the device pin out and signal
The reserved pins (Pin10, Pin12, and Pin13) are connected to the FIFO master via the
FMC/HSMC connector, the FIFO master IOs whose connect to these pins should be
configured to pull up in the normal operation.
3 Board Schematics
5 Contact Information
Future Technology Devices International Limited Future Technology Devices International Limited
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Glasgow G41 1HH, United Kingdom. Scotland Registered Company Number: SC136640
Appendix A – References
Document References
FT602 datasheet: DS_FT602Q
FT60X PCB Layout Guidelines: AN_430 FT60X PCB Layout Guidelines
FT602 Chip Configuration Utility
IO Input Output
List of Tables
Table 1.1 UMFT60xx Ordering Information ............................................................................. 1
Table 2.1 CN1 - Micro USB3.0 Pin-out.................................................................................... 6
Table 2.2 CN2 – POWER JACK 2.1MM .................................................................................... 6
Table 2.3 JP1 – 5V input Options .......................................................................................... 6
Table 2.4 JP3 – VCC33 Option .............................................................................................. 7
Table 2.5 JP3 – VCCIO Option............................................................................................... 7
Table 2.6 CN4 – FMC connector configuration for FIFO bus ...................................................... 9
Table 2.7 CN4 – HSMC connector configuration for FIFO bus ................................................. 11
Table 4.1 Board Power Configuration ................................................................................... 16
Table 4.2 Jumpers Default Position ...................................................................................... 16
Table 4.3 Power Consumption ............................................................................................ 17
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 UMFT602A Module Top and Bottom View ............................................................... 3
Figure 2-2 UMFT602X Module Top and Bottom View ............................................................... 3
Figure 2-5 UMFT602A Dimensions (Top view) ........................................................................ 4
Figure 2-6 UMFT602A Dimensions (Side view) ....................................................................... 4
Figure 2-7 UMFT602X Dimensions (Top view) ........................................................................ 5
Figure 2-8 UMFT602X Dimensions (Side view) ....................................................................... 5
Figure 3-1 Schematics: Power Supply for UMFT602A/UMFT602X ............................................. 12
Figure 3-2 Schematics: FIFO TO USB3.0 UVC Bridge_UMFT602A/UMFT602X ............................ 13
Figure 3-3 Schematics: HSMC_UMFT602A ............................................................................ 14
Figure 3-4 Schematics: FMC_UMFT602X .............................................................................. 15
Figure 4-1 Jumpers Locations ............................................................................................. 17