Mid Assignment Guideline
Mid Assignment Guideline
Mid Assignment Guideline
Level PLO#
01 Demonstrate the understanding of supply chain management C3 1
06. Communicate and respond effectively as an individual and team A2
1. Annexure
1.1. Annexure I (Guidelines for Midterm Assignment)
1. Assignment Title Audit the supply chain network for a selected product of an MNC
Students are supposed to select a product of an MNC and audit the supply chain
network. Students will use the detailed framework of Supply Chain Management to
study the network that they have learned during the classes. The assignment should
2. Assignment
be submitted in the form of a written report (details of report format are provided in
Description point 6.11) and will base on the real time data published in various sources. The
assignment should also be presented in the form of presentation or a viva as per the
decision made by course instructor.
3. Learning
1. Demonstrate the understanding of supply chain management
Outcomes (LO)
4. Time Duration 5 weeks
5 members in each team consisting of:
1. Two student should have CGPA ranging from 3 to 4
5. Size of team 2. One students should have CGPA ranging from 2 to 3
3. Two students should have CGPA ranging from 1 to 2
6. Description of Tasks Timeline CLO Evidence
In the pre-stage of the project, students will be given a week to form their groups, select business of their choice and get it
approved from the course instructor.
6.1. Identifying the interest in multiple industries, selecting a
product of a multinational firm engaged in business to customer
transactions and getting the proposal approved
First of all, scan the market and find a product that you are excited to
work on during the assignment. Prepare one page proposal 1 week Proposal
containing the information about the course and selected product,
details of the company, team members and course instructor and get
it signed it from your course instructor that will ultimately become a
part of the project in the form of Appendix.
6.2. Drafting a company profile and preparing customer profile
Provide the company profile which will include introduction of the
company, vision and mission statement, objectives of the business,
core values and brief description of selected Product. Provide the 2 Days CLO 1,6
customer profile using segmentation tools with the parameters like
geographical location, demographics, psychographics and behavioral
6.3 Demand Forecast
Explain how the company forecast the demand of the customers in a 1 Days CLO 1,6
selected territory?
6.4 Resource Planning and Inventory Management
Explain how the company prepares the material resource plan,
master production schedule, aggregate plan and manage the
inventory accordingly?
6.5 Process Management
Explain how company handles its in-house processes and maintain
the quality?
6.6 Purchase Management and Supplier Relationship
Explain how company manage the purchases and its relationships
with suppliers
6.7 Distribution Network and Logistics
Explain the distribution network system of the firm for the selected 1 Days CLO 1,6
product and the network of logistics.
6.8 CRM, Location Decision and Service Response
Explain how company maintains the relationships with its customers
and decide locations for facilities to create a quick service response?
6.9 Supply Chain Integration
Explain how company integrates among the different supply chain 3 Days CLO 1,6
6.10 Performance Measurement
Explain how company evaluates its supply chain performance?
6.11 Submission of midterm assignment
Get the prints of the assignment on the paper and get it bind either in
tape binding or ring binding. Attach an assignment submission cover
sheet and fill it properly. Hand it over to the students’ office
coordinator on the announced due date of the project within office
Formatting of the document
Font Size (12)
Heading (14 + Bold)
Sub-Heading (12 + Bold)
5 Days
Font Style (Times New Roman)
Line Spacing (1.5)
Alignment (Justified)
Spelling and Grammatical Accuracy
Referencing (in text and end list) If Any
No contribution – (The individual has not provided any help in completing
the assignment and has not performed his assigned roles)
Acceptable – (The individual has participated in the project and has tried to
perform his assigned role to some extent)
Excellent – (The individual has fully participated in the project, has
performed his/her assigned task very diligently and has contributed quality
work in the project)
Note: The failure to contribute in the assignment will result in the failure to
get any marks in the assignment as well.
9. Project submission When to submit: The assignment is to be submit on (___/___/____) till 04:00
pm. Late submissions will be dealt as per students’ office policy with regard
Guidelines to late submission of assignments and date extensions may be communicated
to students and students’ office staff through proper channel if needed.