303KM Project Management Assignment Brief
303KM Project Management Assignment Brief
303KM Project Management Assignment Brief
Assignment Brief
Groups of five members have been allocated for this assignment. All groups will be
issued with a project topic. Each of these topics will identify a significant FICTIONAL
project which will draw its stakeholders from the whole of Malaysia.
Project Plan: The planning phase for the project will then be completed and all
deliverables produced as indicated below.
Use MS Project to develop a project plan from the project requirements specification
above to include:
Work Breakdown Structure
Gantt chart
At least thirty tasks which need to be undertaken
Any relevant resource costs
Identify milestones & critical path to meet project deadline of 9th April 2010.
Change one task on the critical path & illustrate its effect
Identify and manage any associated risks that could jeopardise the project
Ensure you have a copy of your group’s Project Plan from the MS-Project.
Review the group’s project plan against the criteria set out in the attached Quality
Review form (QRF), justifying your findings appropriately. Annotate a printout of your
group’s project specification to show the corrections needed for any faults you have
Write an individual Critical Review (750-1000 words) of the project management
experience of your group. In addition, include any printouts of discussion board
participation, paying particular attention to the project management issues involved.
Include an assessment of your own contribution, as well as your fellow team members
and any recommendation/suggestion that you think would be useful for future projects.
Marking Criteria
/ / 2010
Quality Review Time: Form Completed Date:
am/pm / / 2010
Group Project Marking Form
(To be attached on the front cover of the Group Project Report)
Group Leader:
Project Title:
Criteria Max Mark Comments For a bare Pass (40%) For a "First Class" mark
mar awarde (70%)
k d
A. Project
A1. 10 Follows the structure of a project Well-written, follows the
Structure and report as specified in the structure of a project report
Layout Assignment Brief. Simple but as specified in the
readable report. Assignment Brief and
conforms to the Standard
Report Writing Format.
A2. 20 Reasonable goals with some Well written project goals
Project statement of project descriptions. with realistic statements of
Rationale There should be indication of a fair project descriptions. There
Objectives and work towards project objectives. should be very clear
Deliverables Deliverables indicate a basic statements of objectives
understanding of the work required with very good action plans
in presenting a project initiation. that address the main idea
of the project. Deliverables
indicate an excellent
understanding of the work
required in presenting a
project initiation.
A3. 20 Some indication of assignment of Assignment of roles and
Project roles and responsibilities. Have a responsibilities are clearly
Organisation, plan to record on important process laid out, allowing
Management, measures. Well-reasoned alternatives to changing
Quality & explanations for decisions made situations. Have a plan to
Originality with adequate conclusions. record on important process
measures and target dates
to measure progress, have
a standard to measure the
outcomes. Excellent
explanations for decisions
made with remarkable
B. Project Plan
B1. 30 An outline plan of work referring A display of an excellent
Work to the required resources, plan of work referring to the
Breakdown personnel, and identifying some required resources,
Structure, Gantt milestones/objectives. There personnel, and identifying
Chart & should be fair work towards the significant
Milestones project objectives. The plan milestones/objectives.
should demonstrate that the There should be
student has some familiarity with outstanding work towards
the project time planning. The the project objectives. An
presentation and organization of outstanding plan. Performed
the report should be reasonably a detailed analysis of the
clear using the MS-Project tool. problem area leading to a
There may be some signs of detailed feasible project
weakness, but overall the grasp of plan. The presentation and
the topic should be sound. organization of the report
should be very clear using
the MS-Project tool. The
report should be superbly
organized and lucidly
B2. 10 The student will have performed a The student will have
Estimation rough project costing. There performed a detailed and
should be some evidence of feasible project costing.
relevant information involving the There should be complete
project budget costing. evidence of relevant
information involving the
project budget costing.
B3. 10 The student will have performed a The student will have
Critical Path reasonable critical path analysis performed a perceptive
Analysis and of the problem and illustrated its critical path analysis,
Risk effects. illustrated its effects and
Management Conducted a logical risk review provided a very good
and management. observation. Conducted a
realistic and practical risk
review and management.
Total 100
Individual Appraisal/Reflection Marking Form III
(To be attached on the front cover of the Individual Report)
Criteria Max Mark Comments For a bare Pass (40%) For a "First Class" mark
mar awarde (70%)
k d
A. Quality Review Form
A1. 20 Conduct and document a As for a pass, but also
Evaluation of Quality Review appropriately. demonstrating the use of
Project Plan appropriate sources.
A2. 20 Demonstrating an awareness Demonstrating a strong
Awareness of of relevant Project awareness of relevant
Project Management issues. Project Management issues.
B. Report
B1 20 Present an adequately Present a well structured,
Structure and structured and simple well-written and constructive
Content evaluation of the assignment evaluation of the
experience and of the project assignment experience and
management issues involved. of the project management
issues involved.
B2 40 Provide the reflective Provide the reflective
Critique comments on overall project comments on overall project
management experience with management experience
adequate justification for the with soundly reasoned
views expressed. justifications for the views
expressed with evidence.
Total 100