Barbara Seagram's Beginning Bridge (PDFDrive)
Barbara Seagram's Beginning Bridge (PDFDrive)
Barbara Seagram's Beginning Bridge (PDFDrive)
1 Getting the Idea
How to Play Bridge
Dealing the Cards
How to Play the Cards
Keeping Track of Tricks
Playing Your First Deal
Trump Contracts
The Auction
A Bidding Diagram
Bidding or Passing
Opening the Bidding with 1NT
The Opening Lead
Establishing Winners By Forcing Out Honors
Discarding a Loser
Deal 1 — Dealer South
Deal 2 — Dealer West
Deal 3 — Dealer North
Deal 4 — Dealer East
Biddable Suits
And Now… Responder Bids!
Responding With 0-5 Points
Responding With 6-9 Points
With support for partner’s major
Bidding your own suit
Bid 1NT
Raising partner’s minor
Responding with 6-9 points
5 Opener’s Rebid
The Auction Continues — Opener’s Rebid
Opener’s Rebid After a Limited Response
Blooming and Wilting — Revaluing Your Hand
Counting Dummy Points as Opener
Opener’s Rebid After a Raise by Partner
Opener’s Rebid After 1NT by Partner
Practice Bidding
Deal 1 — Dealer South
Deal 2 — Dealer West
Deal 3 — Dealer North
Deal 4 — Dealer East
6 Notrump Bidding
Notrump Auctions
Responses to Partner’s 1NT Opening Bid
Responding to 1NT With 0-7 Points
Jacoby Transfers
Overcalling 1NT
Doubler’s Rebids
Using Blackwood
11 Preemptive Bidding
Opening with a Preemptive Bid
Opening Weak Two-Bids
Responding to Weak Two-Bids
Raising Opener’s Suit
Bidding a New Suit
Asking for More Information
Rubber Bridge Scoring
Where do you go from here?
Read more books
Find a bridge club and/or take lessons
Play more bridge
Master Point Press on the Internet
Text © 2008 Barbara Seagram & Linda Lee.
Cartoons © 2008 Karen Lampert.
All rights reserved. It is illegal to reproduce any portion of this material, except
by special arrangement with the publisher. Reproduction of this material without
authorization, by any duplication process whatsoever, is a violation of copyright.
Master Point Press 331 Douglas Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5M 1H2
(416) 781-0351
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Seagram, Barbara
Barbara Seagram’s beginning bridge / written by Barbara Seagram and Linda
ISBN 978-1-55494-813-0
1. Contract bridge. I. Lee, Linda (Linda Marcia), 1947-II. Title. I. Title:
Beginning bridge.
GV1282.3. S4182008 795.41'5 C2008-902053-7
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the
Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP) for our publishing
Ray Lee
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Olena S. Sullivan
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To my wonderful kids, Heather & Christopher Seagram, who had more freedom
than most children due to our obsessive preoccupation with the greatest game on
earth: bridge. They are now delightful adults. One day, they'll even take up
— Barbara Seagram
For my elegant mother, Toby Waldman, who loves bridge almost as much as I
— Linda Lee
Contract bridge is now almost one hundred years old. It has maintained its
popularity over all these years because it is a game of unending fascination. It
has something for everyone. It is a social game played by four people, so you
have a partner to work with and support. It is a game of problem solving. It is a
game that you can play for love or for money.
Even if you have never played any card game before, by the time you finish
this book you will be ready to sit down and play a friendly game. You will also
be able to play bridge online at one of several online bridge-playing
communities. Most online sites have teachers who will be happy to work with
you to develop your skills. Or you can go to your local bridge club, which may
have games every day or be a once-a-week club located in a golf club or
recreation center.
Playing bridge does not require much equipment. There are just a few items
that you will need: a deck of playing cards, some comfortable chairs and a table.
While this book can be used with a teacher in a classroom setting, it is
specifically designed to allow you to learn the game at home by yourself or
together with friends. If you are going to work through the lessons with some
friends, it is best if each of you has a deck of cards to set up the practice deals.
Some readers will be familiar with card games or may even have played some
bridge before. If you are among them, you will find Chapter 1 a bit redundant. It
contains some information you will already know and moves along quite slowly.
Bear with us. Read Chapter 1 anyway — at the very least, read the end-of-
chapter summary and make sure you know everything it contains. If the concepts
are familiar, then move through them quickly. We will soon arrive at material
that is new to you.
A final word: don’t try to finish the book in a weekend. Take each chapter
slowly and carefully. Make sure you understand everything in it before you
move on. If you are like us, learning to play bridge will be the start of a lifetime
of happy experiences — no need to rush!
Good luck!
Barbara Seagram
Linda Lee
1 Getting the Idea
The earliest known deck of playing cards is from China, and dates from more
than 1000 years ago. However, there is some suggestion that playing cards
actually originated in India. Ardhanari, a goddess in Hindu mythology, was
represented holding in her four hands a wand, a cup, a sword and a ring (for
wealth), symbols that appeared almost unchanged on medieval cards.
Eventually, these ‘suits’ morphed into the familiar clubs, hearts, spades and
This chapter will introduce you to the basic concepts of the game of bridge. By
the end of the chapter, although you will not yet be ready to join a game at your
local bridge club, you will understand how the game works. If you have already
played similar card games, such as euchre or whist, you may find that this
chapter moves slowly. We suggest that you skip over any parts that you find
boring and advance to the sections that are new to you.
We will start at the very beginning — how to deal out the cards. You are then
going to progress through all of the major aspects of the game. You will find out
about the auction where players bid to decide the goal for each deal. You will
then learn about the different roles players take on during the play of the
cards — defender, declarer and dummy (don’t worry, the name isn’t personal!).
You will be guided through the play of a bridge deal. You will discover the
concept of trumps and have a chance to try your hand at the two types of bridge
contracts, trump and notrump.
You will also learn a little about scoring, because it will factor into some of
your decisions during the auction. Scoring will be explained in more detail in
later chapters.
How to Play Bridge
Don’t worry about placing the guide card so that North faces the real North pole.
(The actual geography doesn’t matter.) If you are following this chapter in a
group of four, then you should be sitting at one of the four compass points. That
means that North and South are partners, and East and West are partners. If you
are reading this by yourself, then we are going to suggest that you arbitrarily
consider yourself to be South. From now on, when we show hand diagrams, we
are going to refer to each player by their direction.
During the play, each player in turn, going clockwise, places a card face up
on the table until four cards have been played.
Pull four cards from the deck and place one face down in front of each player.
Starting with East (for now) and going clockwise, each player should put their
card face up on the table in front of them. You have just played a trick.
Dealing the Cards
Whoever is designated South should pick up the whole deck and shuffle it. Now
deal out all fifty-two cards, face down, one at a time to each player, starting on
your left (West) and going clockwise. You will end up placing the last card in
front of yourself. All players can now pick up their cards. The collection of cards
you are holding is called your hand. Notice that you have thirteen cards in your
hand (fifty-two divided by four). Thirteen is an important number in bridge, as
we’ll see over and over again. All four hands taken together (all fifty-two cards)
are called a deal.
The player who distributes the cards at the start of a deal.
The player who dealt the cards is called the dealer — this may seem a
redundant statement, but knowing which player is the dealer is important for
another reason, as we shall see shortly.
Sort your thirteen cards into suits. Group all of the hearts together, all of the
diamonds together, all of the spades together and all of the clubs together. Then
sort the cards in each suit from highest to lowest ranking. In bridge, the ace is the
highest card in a suit and the deuce is the lowest. Keeping track of your cards is
easier if you alternate the red suits and the black suits. This is an example of the
kind of pattern you should see in front of you:
The thirteen cards a bridge player is dealt.
The distribution of fifty-two cards dealt around the table to all four players.
You can put your hand down again for now. Let’s move on to some new
concepts. You are going to have a chance to play in a moment.
How to Play the Cards
We saw earlier that when each player has contributed one card, the resulting
package of four cards is called a trick. Since each player has thirteen cards, the
entire deal is going to consist of thirteen tricks. When no one has any cards left,
it will be time for a new deal. The person who plays the first card to a trick is
said to lead to the trick. The very first card played in a deal is called the opening
lead. For the sake of example, let’s suppose that West is the opening leader and
he has led the ♦2.
Going clockwise (to the left), each player in turn plays a card to the trick.
After West leads, North plays a card, followed by East and then South — but
there is a catch: everyone must play a card of the suit led to the trick if they have
one. This is called following suit. In this case, where the ♦2 was led, everyone
must play a diamond if they can. If a player has no diamonds at all, then he can
play any card he chooses; this is called a discard. Whoever plays the highest
card in the suit led is the winner of the trick. In our example, where the ♦2 was
led, the highest diamond played to the trick will be the winner.
Imagine that after West leads the ♦2, the play continues with North playing
the ♦8, East the ♦A, and South playing the ♦5. Who has won the trick?
East has won the trick, since East played the highest diamond, the ace. In fact,
since we are playing in partnerships, East and West are both winners. It is the
total number of tricks taken by East and West together that counts. Let’s look at
another trick. This time the trick starts with West playing the ♠4 and continues
clockwise like the deal shown below.
Suppose that South has the ♠A. There is no need to play that card. Do you see
why? Because South’s partner has already won the trick for their side. There is
no need to win the trick twice, so South will play his lowest spade.
The player who wins the trick leads to the next trick. In our first example,
East’s ♦A won the trick. Now East can pick any card he wants and lead it to the
next trick. In the second case, North won the trick and it is up to him to start the
next trick off. Each time, all of the other players must follow suit if they can. If
they can’t follow suit, then they must discard. The player making the discard
knows he won’t win the trick, since only the highest card of the suit led matters,
so he will usually choose a small card.
Keeping Track of Tricks
There are two ways to keep track of who won each trick. Usually, when you play
at home, each card is tossed into the middle of the table as it is played. At the
end of the trick, one player from the side that won the trick will gather the four
cards together and place the packet face down in front of them. At the end of the
deal, you can count the number of packets in front of your side to check how
many tricks you have won. It is best to designate one player from each
partnership to collect the tricks.
In a lesson, or when you play competitive bridge, you may want to keep track
of exactly what happened during the deal. For this reason, you should not mush
the trick together. Instead, you should place each of your cards face down in
front of you in order as it is played. If your side has won a trick, position the card
so it is lying vertically, as if standing tall in celebration. If you lost the trick, then
lay the trick down on its side in defeat. At the end of the deal, you and your
partner will each have a row of cards in front of you that looks something like
In this example, seven tricks point up and six tricks are lying down, adding up to
the thirteen tricks in a bridge deal. Your side has won seven tricks. The row of
tricks in front of you should look identical to the row in front of your partner
across the table. If you keep track of the play in this fashion, at the end of the
deal you will know exactly what happened on each trick and each player’s hand
will be kept separate for discussion purposes.
Playing Your First Deal
Pick up the hand that was dealt to you a few minutes ago. Hold it in one hand
and fan it out so that you can see all of the cards. Remember to hold your cards
in such a way that only you can see them. Bridge is a game of hidden cards and
partial information. If your opponents see your hand, they will have an
If there are four of you, have West lead a card and then play out the deal,
keeping your cards concealed at all times. Try to take as many tricks as you can
for your side. If you are alone, place each hand face up in the correct compass
position around the table. You are going to get to play all four of the hands.
In either case, start with West who leads a card, and then follow suit around
the table. The player who wins a trick leads to the next trick. When you
complete a trick, turn the card face down pointing vertically or horizontally as
appropriate. Keep going until you have played all of the cards. When you have
played all thirteen tricks, the deal is over. There should be no more cards in
anyone’s hand. You can count up your tricks and see how you did.
You have just played your first bridge deal!
Trump Contracts
Now things get a little more interesting: we are going to introduce the concept of
a trump suit. Up until now, the highest card played in the suit led always won
the trick. When there is a trump suit, matters become more complicated. A trump
suit is a special suit that has magical powers. Well, not really — but a card
played in the trump suit will beat any card played in an ordinary suit. If more
than one trump is played, then the highest trump played will win the trick.
However, you must still follow suit if possible, so you may only choose to play a
trump if you are out of cards in the suit led.
For now, let’s suppose the trump suit is hearts. West leads the ♦2. If this is the
trick, who wins?
South wins the trick because he played a trump. Yes, that ♥2 beats East’s ♦A,
because it is a trump. Of course, South still has to follow suit if possible.
Therefore, if South had a diamond, he would not have been able to play the
trump. So, in our example, South has no diamonds.
Playing a trump when a different suit has been led is called trumping or
ruffing. You may have heard someone say, ‘I can’t believe partner trumped my
ace.’ That’s because he had already won the trick with the ace and didn’t want
his partner to waste a trump winning the trick for their side a second time.
What about this trick? Hearts are still trumps and again West leads the ♦2.
East wins the trick because he played the highest trump. If you like, you can
deal out the cards and play through an entire deal with hearts as the trump suit
and see how it goes. Bridge deals can be played with or without trumps. When
you play without a trump suit, you are said to be playing the deal in notrump.
The very first deal you played was in notrump.
The Auction
Now look at this deal (top of next page). Lay it out on the table and leave it
there. You are going to play this deal a little later on.
If you were North-South, what suit would you like to pick as the trump suit?
You should pick spades (although clubs is also a possibility). Why? Because you
would have many more trumps than your opponents and would be able to win a
lot of tricks with your cards in the trump suit. When the defenders tried to play
their high cards in other suits, you would be able to trump them. What if you
were East-West? In that case, you would pick hearts or diamonds as the trump
As it turns out, if you are North-South your side can make nine tricks with
either spades or clubs as trumps. If you are East-West, you can make nine tricks
with either hearts or diamonds as trumps. As you can see, being the side to select
the trump suit is a considerable advantage.
In bridge, the players select the trump suit by means of an auction. A bridge
auction is very much like an auction where you might buy some furniture or an
antique. During the auction, each side bids for the right to choose the trump suit.
However, in a bridge auction, you don’t bid dollars, you bid tricks. The final bid
made in the auction is called the contract. The side that makes the winning bid
has set the trump suit and contracted to make a specific number of tricks.
The final bid of the auction. It identifies the trump suit and the number of
tricks that must be taken by the partnership that won the auction.
In a bridge deal, there are thirteen tricks available, so (pardon the pun) it is no
trick at all to take six of them when you get to name the trump suit, since that is
less than half of the total. So we simplify. When you make a bid in the auction,
the first six tricks are taken for granted — they are just added in. Therefore when
you bid 1♠, you are in fact promising that your side will take seven tricks with
spades as trumps — the first six and the one you bid. The first six tricks are
called book. (Don’t ask us where the name came from!) ‘Making book’ means
that you have won six tricks. The number of additional tricks over book that are
needed to make your contract depends on the amount of your winning bid: one
more trick if you bid one; two more if you bid two, and so on.
When we talk about scoring, you’ll see that you get points for making your
contract, and lose points if you bid too much and don’t make it.
The minimum bid you can make in a suit is one, promising to take seven
tricks. The maximum bid you can make is ‘7’ (7 + 6 = 13, which is the
maximum number of tricks it is possible to take on any deal), so a bid of seven
of anything is a contract to take all of the tricks. That is called a grand slam. It
is very exciting, but it doesn’t happen very often. If you bid to the six-level, i.e.
you make a bid of 6♣, 6♦, 6♥, 6♠ or 6NT, you are bidding a small slam. Bidding
at the six-level means that your side is promising to take twelve tricks — that is
all of the tricks but one. When we complete our discussion of the scoring later in
the book, you will find out that you get a big bonus if you bid and make a slam.
A contract at the six-or seven-level.
a. You promise to take nine tricks (six plus three) with clubs as trumps.
b. You promise to take eleven tricks (six plus five) with diamonds as
c. You promise to take twelve tricks (six plus six) with hearts as trumps.
This is all of the tricks but one and is called a small slam
d. You promise to take thirteen tricks (six plus seven) in
notrump — there will not be a trump suit when the deal is played. A
seven-level contract is all of the tricks. It is called a grand slam.
Making one is one of the great moments in bridge.
Bidding and the Auction… Climbing the Stairs
Starting with the dealer and going clockwise, each player in turn has a chance to
bid. If you don’t want to bid, you can say ‘pass’ and the turn passes to the next
player on your left. The auction continues with each player either passing or
making a higher bid. The auction ends when three players in turn say ‘pass’ to
indicate that they do not want to make another bid. To recap, players keep
making higher bids or passing until three passes in a row finalize the last bid.
As in any auction, your bid must be higher than the previous bid. Obviously,
if your bid promises to take more tricks, it is higher. What if you want to offer to
take the same number of tricks, but in a different suit? To handle this situation,
the suits themselves are ranked. The lowest suit is clubs and the next up is
diamonds: these suits are called minor suits. Next in rank is hearts and, after
that, spades: these are called the major suits. Did you notice that the higher the
suit, the higher up in the alphabet it is? That may help you remember the order.
So a bid of 1♠ is a higher bid than a bid of 1♥, but a bid of 1♦ is a lower bid
than 1♥. Last and highest is notrump, so a bid of 1NT is higher than any of the
suit bids at the one-level. Notrump is highest because it is generally considered
the most challenging contract to play; later you will see why.
Let’s see how this works in practice. Suppose you are South; East, your right-
hand opponent, deals and bids 1♥. Now it is your turn. If you want to bid 1♠, you
can do so, because spades rank higher than hearts. You could also bid 1NT, as
that too is a higher bid than 1♥. You cannot bid 1♣, however, because clubs are a
lower-ranking suit and that bid is therefore lower than East’s 1♥ bid. If you want
to bid clubs, you must bid at least 2♣ — any bid at the two-level is higher than
any bid at the one-level. Even though clubs are lower ranking than hearts,
your 2♣ bid is higher than 1♥, since you are committing to take more tricks.
Think about an apartment building with seven floors. In this apartment
building, there are five steps between the floors. The lowest step on each floor is
clubs, then diamonds, followed by hearts, spades and notrump. You can go up
the steps, but never down. (Fortunately, there are never any fire alarms in this
So if one player bids 1♥, he is on the third step of the first floor. If the next
player wants to bid diamonds, he can’t bid 1♦, since that would involve walking
down a step. He must keep going higher and bid at least 2♦.
Bidding in bridge is a language. It has only twelve basic words: the numbers
from one to seven, the four suits and notrump. There are also three other words,
the most important of these being the word ‘pass’. As you have seen, ‘pass’ says
that you do not want to make a bid — you are passing your turn in the auction.
The remaining two words are ‘double’ and ‘redouble’. These are not words you
will use just yet in your bridge career, so we aren’t going to spend any more time
on them in this chapter.
1. You hold a good hand with lots of hearts and you want to suggest them
as trumps. What is the lowest possible bid you can make in hearts if
the previous bid was:
2. South, your partner, opens the bidding with 1♥. West, the opponent on
your right, now bids 2♣. You want to show your partner that you like
hearts too and are prepared to outbid West. What is the lowest possible
heart bid you can make?
3. South, your partner, deals and opens the bidding with 1♥. Your right-
hand opponent (West) now bids 2♦. You want to outbid West and
suggest clubs as a trump suit. What is the lowest bid with which you
could do this? How many tricks does your bid commit your side to
take with clubs as trumps?
1. a) 2♥. Since hearts are lower ranking than spades, you must go up one
b) 1♥. You don’t need to go to ‘the second floor’, since hearts are
higher ranking than diamonds.
2. 2♥ is the lowest possible heart bid, since hearts are higher ranking than
3. You have to go to the third floor and bid 3♣, since clubs are lower
ranking than diamonds. You are committing your side to take nine
tricks (six plus three) with clubs as trumps.
A Little About Scoring
We will talk more about scoring later, but for now we will simply talk about the
points you get for making a contract or defeating one. If you bid and make a
contract, you score a little more for playing in a major suit than in a minor suit.
A major suit scores 30 points for each trick you bid (as usual, not counting book,
the first six), but only if you make your contract. So if you bid 2♥ or 2♠ and
make your eight tricks, you will get a trick score of 30 multiplied by 2,
or 60 points. If you do not make eight tricks, then you have failed to make your
contract and your opponents will get points instead of you. They will get at
least 50 points a trick for each one you were short by (you will see later exactly
how many points they get). You can see that it is important not to bid too much,
since you want to be reasonably sure you can make your contract.
If you play in a minor suit, you will get 20 points per trick, assuming you have
fulfilled your contract. So 3♣ making nine tricks gives you the same 60 points
as 2♥ or 2♠ making eight tricks. In notrump, you get 30 points a trick, except for
the first trick, which is worth 40 — so 1NT making seven tricks is
worth 40 points, while 3NT making nine tricks is worth 100.
The Language of Bidding
Since bridge is a partnership game, you need to use the language of bidding to
tell partner about your hand so that the partnership as a whole can decide the
best place to play.
Back to the deal on the table (left). South is the dealer and the dealer always
has the first chance to bid (a reward for the extra work of dealing the cards!). As
South, you have a good hand with lots of spades, so suppose you bid 1♠. West
has a bunch of hearts and wants to tell his partner about them. What does he bid?
It has to be 2♥ — he can’t bid 1♥, because he has to go up the steps and never
down. Next, it’s North’s turn and he likes spades. He is able to bid 2♠, because it
is a step up from 2♥. East likes hearts, but he has to keep going up from 2♠, so
he must bid 3♥. South and West pass and North bids 3♠, since he still wants to
compete in the auction. At this point, the next three players pass and the auction
is over. Remember, the auction always ends with three passes, giving everyone
one last chance to bid. Now spades have been chosen as trumps and North-South
together must take nine tricks to make their contract.
Don’t worry for now about knowing how high to bid: we’ll talk about that
later. For now, we just want to show you how the auction works.
Declarer and the Dummy
The player who initially bids the suit that becomes his side’s final contract gets
to play the deal. He is called the declarer. Note that his partner may make the
final bid in the auction, but that does not influence who becomes declarer.
The player who first named the trump suit for the side that won the auction.
Declarer decides what to play to each trick from both his hand and dummy.
Being declarer is a special privilege, as you will see. The person on declarer’s
left is the opening leader and starts the play by leading to the first trick. Once
the opening lead is made, declarer’s partner puts all of his cards face up on the
table. His hand is known as the dummy. (Calling it the dummy is not a comment
on your partner, who usually has been nice enough to let your suit be trumps. It
is simply the name of the hand on the table.) When it is your turn to lay down a
dummy, make sure to put the trump suit on your right — declarer’s left. This is
something that bridge players use as a memory aid. If you are ever unsure about
which suit is trumps, you can check in dummy.
For the duration of the play, bridge becomes a three-person game. On each
trick, the declarer decides which card to play from both his hand and the dummy
at their respective turns. His goal is to take enough tricks to meet the
commitment made by his side during the bidding.
Partner’s hand, which is laid face up on the table after the opening lead.
The opening leader and his partner are called defenders. Their goal is to
prevent declarer from taking all of the tricks he needs to make his contract. In
this case (the contract is 3♠, remember), South needs to take at least nine tricks
to make his contract. If East-West can take five tricks, South will not be able to
take more than eight, and he will go down in his contract.
When you play at home, the player who has put down the dummy is allowed
to step away from the bridge table for the duration of the deal. Meanwhile
declarer may reach across the table to play dummy’s cards himself and gather
the tricks that he has won into a pile in front of him. When you play
competitively or in lessons, however, you have a lot of work to do as dummy.
Declarer does not physically play the cards from dummy, but calls out the card
he wants played; your job is to detach the card from dummy and place it on the
table in front of you. This is to indicate that the card has been played. When the
trick is over, you must lay the card face down behind the unplayed cards, either
pointing up (you won the trick) or lying down (you lost the trick).
South bids 1♥, West passes, North bids 2♥ and everyone else now passes.
Our diagrams always show West on the left. However, West will not always bid
first, since the position of dealer will change with each deal. In the example
diagram, North is the dealer and makes the first bid. He starts the auction with a
pass and East then opens the bidding with 1♥. South bids 1♠. West bids 2♥ and
North bids 2♠. Now all three players pass, ending the auction. In our diagrams,
the final three passes will always be represented as ‘all pass’.
1. The contract is 3♣, since it was the last bid of the auction before all
three remaining players passed.
2. East is declarer, since he was the first one to bid clubs on his side.
3. Clubs are trumps, and declarer must take nine tricks (6 + 3).
4. Since East is declarer, South makes the opening lead before dummy
comes down.
Drawing Trumps
Before you finally get to play the deal we showed you on page 7, we are going to
talk about one very important idea that applies to trump contracts. Usually when
you play a trump contract, your side has many more trumps than your
opponents. Look at the spade suit in the deal still on the table. (You can
temporarily turn the other cards face down if they are distracting you.)
Assume spades are trumps. You have ten trumps including all of the high ones
and the opponents have only three. You do not want the opponents to win any
tricks with their little trumps. Can you see how you can prevent them from doing
so? As soon as you can, lead a high trump. After you win this trick, you will lead
another high trump. Since the opponents are forced to follow suit, by the end of
these two spade tricks, all of their trumps will be gone. If one of the opponents
had three trumps and the other had none, then you would have to play three
rounds of trumps to remove all of your opponents’ small trumps. The act of
leading high trumps to remove the opponents trumps is called drawing trumps.
Some people call it ‘pulling’ trumps or, facetiously, ‘getting the kiddies off the
We suggest that you keep count of the trump suit so that you know how many
trumps your opponents have and how many rounds of trumps you will need to
play in order to draw them. The best way to count trumps is to count trump
tricks. If everyone follows suit, then four trumps have been played on a trick.
You must also remember to count any trumps that may have been played when a
different suit was led.
After you have drawn the opponents’ trumps, it is usually right not to lead
trumps any more. You should save these extra trumps as you will often need
them later.
Deal 1
Okay, it is finally time to play the deal you laid out earlier. The contract is 3♠ by
South (i.e. South is declarer). If you are playing with four people, everyone
should pick up their hands. On this deal, we are going to suggest that West, the
opening leader, leads the ♥A, since it is likely to win the trick. Also, West has all
of the high hearts. As you’ll see, leading from a sequence of top cards is usually
a good idea. North should now put down the dummy.
Before you read on, play out the deal with each side trying to take as many
tricks as possible.
South: did you take nine tricks and make your contract? Nine tricks are
always available to South in spades, so the defenders shouldn’t feel too bad if
they could not prevent declarer from making his contract.
Quite likely West will play another heart after his ace wins the first trick, so
he will win the second trick too. Seeing that there are no more hearts in dummy,
West will probably switch to either a club or a diamond at Trick 3. If West
switches to a diamond, East can take two diamond tricks. After this, whatever
East leads, declarer can win the trick with either a high card or a trump. Let’s say
that East leads back a third diamond. Since dummy has no more diamonds,
declarer can trump this third round of diamonds in dummy. Now declarer should
draw trumps. To do this, he leads a spade from dummy and plays the ace of
spades. Since everyone follows to this trick, four trumps are now accounted for;
declarer also trumped the third diamond in dummy, so that is five trumps gone.
Declarer can see seven more spades between his hand and dummy, for a total of
twelve. That means there is still a lurker in one of the defenders’ hands. Declarer
should play one more high trump. After that, declarer can safely take his club
and spade tricks.
Deal 2
On this deal, you are going to have an opportunity to make a slam! Remember, a
slam is when you bid to the six-or seven-level. West is declarer in 6♦ (South
doesn’t play all of the hands!). The opening lead is the ♥K, by North, after
which East puts down his hand as dummy. See if you (West) can make the
Play out the deal first and then read on.
First, West wins the ♥A in hand perforce. (It’s his only heart!) Declarer has
lots of tricks, but he does have to draw trumps. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have
the ace of trumps, but there is no need to despair — he should lead a trump
anyway, playing a high diamond from one of the two hands (any of the king,
queen, jack, ten or nine will do, since they are all equals). This will force South
to use his ace to win the trick. South will likely return a heart, which West will
ruff. In any case, declarer will be able to win the trick. West will then lead
another trump, pulling all of the remaining trumps from the North-South hands.
At this point, declarer can cash his club and spade winners and then his good
trumps. Making six!
It’s very unlikely that you will encounter the same hand twice in your bridge
career: there are 635,013,559,600 possible hands you can be dealt. The number
of ways that all 52 cards can be dealt to four players is truly staggering: it
contains 29 digits!
One of the challenges when playing bridge is to decide just how good a hand
you have. In this chapter, we will introduce a points system to help you evaluate
your hand. You will learn the requirements for opening the bidding and how to
decide on your opening bid, since your choice gives important information to
partner. We will also get you started on important concepts for both defending
and playing the hand. We will demonstrate a method for making extra tricks that
works for both declarer and the defenders, and you will learn how to throw away
a losing card on a winner in another suit. For the defenders, we will discuss how
to select the opening lead and what it tells the opening leader’s partner. We will
also reveal our own favorite opening lead.
Counting Your High Card Points
As you have seen, it is an advantage to be able to name the trump suit. You bid
in the auction to get that privilege. But how do you determine the number of
tricks you and your partner can win? How can you tell if you have a good
enough hand to bid at all? Bidding is such a simple language with so few
words — how much can you tell partner about your hand?
In the 1950s, Charles Goren codified a system of bidding that is still
commonly used in North America. It is called Standard American. Goren found
a way to make evaluating hands very simple: his method is called Point Count.
In this method, all bridge hands are assigned a point value. To figure out how
many points your hand is worth, you look at the honor cards — the aces, kings,
queens and jacks. It’s very easy to remember the point values because the lowest
honor card, the jack, is worth 1 point. You add one more point each time as you
walk up the ladder of honors, so that a queen is worth 2 points, a king 3 and the
ace gets 4 points. As you probably noticed when you played deals in Chapter 1,
aces almost always take tricks, so you can see why they have such a high value.
Here is one shortcut that may make it easier for you to count your hand: if you
have an ace, a king, a queen and a jack (a royal family), together they add up
to 10 points.
The first thing you do when you look at your hand is count your high card
points (referred to as HCP from now on). Pretty well everyone who plays bridge,
from novice to expert, counts their high card points this very same way, and they
do it on every hand when they first examine their cards.
For each of the following example hands, add up your high card points.
1. ♠ A K Q J ♥ Q 3 2 ♦ 10 9 8 ♣ A 3 2
2. ♠ 10 5 ♥ A K 9 2 ♦ Q J 7 6 5 ♣ K 2
3. ♠ J 10 9 8 7 6 ♥ 7 2 ♦ J 10 3 2 ♣ 9
4. ♠98765 ♥932 ♦982 ♣83
You still have one more task ahead of you. Which of these hands do you think
will take more tricks?
If you guessed the first one, you are right. It is an advantage to have long suits
and short suits rather than to hold a hand with fairly even distribution. In fact,
long suits are to die for! With a long suit, once the honors have been played, you
will be able to take some tricks with the spot cards too. You will see in the play
part of the chapter why having short suits can be helpful — you will be able to
trump your opponents’ kings, queens, jacks and sometimes even their aces.
There are two ways to count distribution points when you pick up your cards:
Use one of these methods to count distribution points, but not both. Which
method should you choose? Both methods work well and give similar, although
not always identical, results. If you are in a class, your teacher will make a
recommendation for you. If your bridge friends have a favorite method, then you
will probably do it the same way. Otherwise, just use the method that seems
most natural to you.
As we said earlier, long suits are wonderful. When you have long suits, you can
take tricks even with little cards like twos and threes. If you have a six-card suit
like this
you are likely to be able to take six tricks in this suit. Not only can you win
tricks with your high cards, but after you play them, your opponents will have no
cards in the suit and your 2 and 3 will each be worth a trick as well.
You always have at least one four-card suit, so a four-card suit is nothing
special. If you have one or more suits that are five cards or longer, you have
something worth celebrating. You add 1 point for the fifth card in a suit and
another point for each extra card. Therefore, a six-card suit is
worth 2 distribution points, a seven-card suit is worth 3 distribition points, etc. If
you have two five-card suits, then you get an extra point for each of them.
Once you have counted your high card points and your distribution points, add
the two numbers together. The combined total will give you a value for your
hand. If you have 13 HCP and 3 distribution points, your hand is worth 16 total
Let’s look at an example:
Using either method, start by adding your high cards. You have 12 HCP. Now,
using Method 1, add your distribution points: a singleton (1 point) and a
doubleton (2 points) for 3 distribution points. That makes a total of 15 points.
Using Method 2, adding your HCP and your long-suit points, you also get a total
of 15 points.
Most of the time, both methods come to approximately the same total. It is a
matter of personal preference which style you use. You will be guided by your
teacher or your friends. Both methods are right. It is even perfectly fine for you
to be counting one way and your partner counting the other way. Don’t try to
convert your partner to counting points your way. It is unnecessary and ends up
being frustrating!
Count these example hands, this time adding distribution points. Use whichever
method you prefer.
1. ♠ A K Q J ♥ Q 3 2 ♦ 10 9 8 ♣ A 3 2
2. ♠ 10 5 ♥ A K 9 ♦ Q J 7 6 5 ♣ K Q 2
3. ♠ J 10 9 8 7 6 ♥ 7 2 ♦ J 10 3 ♣ 9 2
4. ♠98765 ♥932 ♦982 ♣83
1. You have 0 distribution points, since you have no long or short suits.
Total: 16.
2. You have 1 distribution point. Total: 16.
3. You have 2 distribution points. Total: 4.
4. You have 1 distribution point. Total: 1.
Putting It All Together — Evaluating Your Hand
You have now counted both high card points and distribution. When you pick up
your hand, you should count both kinds of points and add them together to
provide a picture of the value of your hand. For example, suppose you have:
Add up the points. Did you get 17? This hand has 15 HCP and 2 distribution
points. Here are a few more examples.
For each of the following hands, count up your total points, including both HCP
and distribution points.
Okay, so you pick up your hand and count your points, both HCP and
distribution. Assume for now that you are the dealer. You have the first chance
to bid. How do you decide if you should open the bidding? In Standard
American, we require a minimum of 13 total points (the bridge ‘magic number’)
to open the bidding with one of a suit. This means that when you open, you will
have a hand that is at least a little bit better than an average hand.
With 13 points, you should always open the bidding. With 12 points or less, you
should pass.
The Rule of 20
If you are counting short suits, then skip over this section. When you are
counting long suits, you sometimes have a hand that has 11 or 12 points after
counting both length and distribution. You theoretically do not have enough to
open the bidding. You might have no long suits:
You have 12 HCP and no long-suit points. Take it from us, you will want to
open the bidding on this hand. To make your final decision about whether to
pass or open the bidding, use the Rule of 20 to evaluate your hand. Here’s how it
Count up your HCP and then add in the lengths of your two longest suits. If
the total comes to 20 or more, you have permission to open the bidding.
In the example above, your hand now adds to 20 (12 + 4 + 4).
Remember that bidding is a language and everything you say or don’t say carries
a message. When you open one of a suit, you are telling your partner that you
have a hand that meets the standards for an opening bid with at least 13 points
(or it meets the Rule of 20 if you are using long-suit counting). By the same
token, when you pass instead of opening, you are telling partner that you have
fewer than 13 points.
With this hand, you should open the bidding:
Now that you have decided to open the bidding, the next question is what bid to
make. Let’s look first at a very special opening bid: 1NT. It is special because it
gives partner a very precise picture of your hand. An opening bid of 1NT
promises exactly 15, 16 or 17 high card points. You are suggesting playing the
deal in notrump because although you have a lot of high card points, you don’t
have any particular suit you want to play in. Your
cards are evenly distributed between the suits. In fact, opening 1NT promises
that you have no voids, no singletons and at most one doubleton. Hands like this
are called balanced hands. If your hand has more distribution than this, you
should be opening one of a suit instead.
“Balanced Hand”
A hand with even distribution and no short suits — at most one doubleton.
This is as balanced as you can be. We call this distribution 4-3-3-3 since you
have one four-card suit and three three-card suits. You don’t need to memorize
this, but there are only a few specific distributions that qualify as balanced. They
are 4-3-3-3, 5-3-3-2 or 4-4-3-2. Here are some other examples of hands suitable
for opening 1NT.
Hand (a) has 16 HCP and only one doubleton (it is 5-3-3-2 distribution). Hand
(b) has 17 HCP and only one doubleton (it is 4-4-3-2 distribution).
Here are some hands that should not be opened 1NT:
Hand (c) has two doubletons (it is 5-4-2-2 distribution). It is not balanced. Hand
(d) has 18 HCP — too many to open 1NT.
1. ♠ A J 9 3 ♥ A J ♦ K Q 10 3 2 ♣ 3 2
2. ♠ A 10 9 3 2 ♥ Q J 2 ♦ K 3 ♣ K J 3
3. ♠ K Q 3 ♥ A J 3 ♦ K 3 ♣ A J 10 7 6
4. ♠ K J 3 ♥ A J 3 2 ♦ Q 10 3 2 ♣ A 2
1. No. Although this hand does have 15 HCP, it has two doubletons and
is therefore not balanced.
2. No. This hand is balanced, but has only 14 HCP. We do not count
distribution points for notrump.
3. No. This hand is balanced, but it has 18 HCP. That is too much to
open 1NT.
4. Yes. This hand is perfect. It has 15 HCP and only one doubleton.
Opening with One of a Suit
Most of the time you will not have a hand that meets the very specific
requirements for a 1NT opening and you will open the bidding with one of a suit
instead. If your longest suit is at least five cards in length, you will open the
bidding with one of that suit. You want to advertise the suit you have the most
of. This will help you and your partner pick the most appropriate trump suit.
Look at these hands:
All three hands include a suit that is five cards or more in length. In each case,
you should open your longest suit. With (a), you open 1♠; although you have
two very good suits, the spades are longer. You plan to advertise hearts later.
Hand (b) is similar. You open with 1♥ and bid spades later. With hand (c), you
have only one suit to advertise: diamonds. Open with 1♦.
If you are lucky enough to have two suits that are five cards or longer, then
you want to tell partner about both suits. You plan to bid one and then the other.
Bid the higher-ranking suit first. Why? It is easiest to show you with an
example. Suppose you are South. You are dealer and your hand is:
If you open 1♠, then the auction might go like this (don’t worry for now about
the meaning of partner’s 1NT bid — you will learn about that in the next
If your partner has a poor hand and a preference for hearts, he can now pass.
With a poor hand and a preference for spades, he can bid 2♠. In either case, you
are only committing to eight tricks. Suppose you had opened with 1♥, your
lower-ranking suit, instead:
Now if partner likes hearts better, he must bid all the way to the three-level. Do
you see how opening the higher-ranking suit keeps the bidding more
economical? If partner likes your first suit better, he can go back to it without
raising the level of bidding.
You may think that you should open the stronger of the two suits. For
example, if you held
you might be tempted to open 1♥ instead of 1♠. Stifle that impulse. It is length
that matters, not strength in the suit — quantity, not quality.
As we said earlier, we are playing ‘Standard American’. We will now add
‘with five-card majors’ to our system description. That means that with a five-
card major suit and 13 or more points, you can happily open one of that major
(1♠ or 1♥). For instance, with
you would open 1♠ — spades are your longest suit and you have at least five of
However, what do you do if your longest suit is only four cards in length?
You cannot open the bidding with one of a major unless you have five cards in
that suit. If your hand is
you cannot open 1♠, since you only have four spades. What do you think you
should open? If you said 1♦, you got it right. You can open a four-card minor.
Suppose you hold this hand:
You would still open 1♦. Remember, it is the length of the suit that matters, not
the strength.
With two four-card minors, open 1♦, the higher-ranking suit. You handle a
decision between two four-card minors exactly the same way as you would
handle two five-card majors — rank before strength.
Sometimes you will have to open a three-card minor. Don’t worry — you will
never open a two-card minor! Suppose your hand is:
You have two attractive major suits, but you can’t open either of them. You also
can’t open 1NT, although your hand is balanced, because you don’t have 15-
17 HCP. Remember, with 13 points, you must open, so your only choice is to
open a minor suit. Partner is aware that when you open one of a minor, you may
have only three cards in the suit. You open with 1♦ on the hand above.
Now let’s consider what to open with two three-card minors and no five-card
or longer major. For example, your hand is:
You would really like to open 1NT with this very balanced hand, but you do
not have the necessary 15-17 points. You can’t open 1♠ because you have only
four spades. You have to open one of a minor. On this type of hand, you must
open 1♣. If you start with 1♣, partner will be able to show his best suit at the
one-level, unless it is clubs.
Here is a convenient table that contains all of the steps.
For each of the following hands, fill in the columns (HCP, distribution and total
points) and then indicate your opening bid.
You are sitting West and South is the declarer in 2♣. It is your opening lead.
What is your choice? Did you pick a high heart? We like to lead from an honor
sequence of three or more cards if we have one. Why do we like this lead?
Because it is safe and there is a good chance of setting up a trick. A lead from a
perfect sequence like QJ109 is safe because all of the cards are of equal value.
The only cards in that suit that can beat any of them are the ace and king. Even
after you use the queen, your jack, ten and nine have the same potential to take a
trick. Once the ace and king are gone, you will be able to win tricks with the
other two if they aren’t trumped.
Since all your hearts are of equal value, technically you could lead any of
them. However, we always lead the top card from a sequence. This tells partner
that it is your highest card in the suit and that you have the neighboring cards
underneath it. Suppose partner leads a king — you can expect him to have the
queen and probably the jack as well. He does not have the ace. What if partner
leads a jack? He has the ten and probably the nine as well, but not the queen.
Note that we only use this method with honor cards — leading an eight does not
suggest holding the seven.
Okay, let’s change the hand a little bit. Take away the ♥10 and replace it with
a little heart. You should see this in front of you:
You can still lead the ♥Q, even though you don’t have the ♥10. It is still a
sequence as long as the top two cards are touching. If there is a one-card hole
between the second and third card, we call it a broken sequence.
We lead the top card from a broken sequence as well. Why? While it is a little
more likely that you will give up a trick, you still have two cards backing up the
top card.
Our favorite opening lead against a trump-suit contract is from the ace and
king of a side suit (any suit except the trump suit) When you lead from an ace-
king combination, you are unlikely to give up a trick, because leading the ace
still leaves you with the king in reserve. Furthermore, leading the ace is probably
going to win the trick, which is something you always like to do on defense.
Winning the first trick means you retain the lead to the second one, so you will
be able to decide what to do next after you see the dummy.
If you held this hand and were making the opening lead against 2♣ after the
same auction, you would be very happy to lead a high heart. Here, the ace and
king are equals. You should lead the ace, which is the equivalent of the top of a
sequence. If you lead the king from this holding, partner will assume you hold a
sequence headed by the king-queen.
What if you want to lead a suit, but do not have a sequence in it? Let’s change
the hand slightly and replace the ace of hearts with a little heart.
The rule is that if you want to lead a heart, you should lead the bottom
heart — in this case, the ♥2. When leading from a suit that contains a high card,
we recommend that you lead the bottom card. When leading from a suit without
any high cards, lead the top card. Suppose we remove the ♥K, so now your heart
holding is 9-3-2. What do you lead? Lead the top card, the ♥9. Here is a simple
mnemonic to help you remember: BOSTON. BOSTON stands for Bottom Of
Something and Top Of Nothing. Just remember the Northeast American city
with the chowder and the beans!
To be ‘something’, a card must be an honor — a ten does not count. Here is a
table that summarizes the opening leads.
By the way, most players lead the bottom card if they have a three-or four-card
suit headed by an honor. However, if they have a longer suit, they lead the
fourth-highest card. We will discuss this idea further in Chapter 6; for now, just
lead the bottom card.
Suppose you hold ♠KQJ10. With the ♠A in one of your opponents’ hands, you
have no tricks in the suit when you start. However, if you can eliminate the ♠A,
then your remaining high cards in the suit will be winners. You will have the
opportunity to take up to three more tricks in the suit. Look for opportunities to
establish winners throughout the play. This method works whether you are
declarer or a defender.
For each of the practice deals in the following section, look at your hand and
decide whether you would open the bidding if you had the opportunity. We will
identify the declarer and tell you the contract. Starting in the next chapter, you
will have a chance to participate in a proper auction.
Discarding a Loser
One great use for winners is to throw away losers on them. It doesn’t matter
whether they are winners you have established or simply the top winners in a
suit. Suppose you have a suit in your hand that is A-3-2 and dummy has 7-6-5 of
the same suit. You are in danger of losing two tricks in this suit. After the ace is
gone, the opponents will be able to take their king and queen. You won’t be able
to trump them, because you must follow suit. However, if you have winners in
another suit, you may be able to throw one or more of your losers on them. Now
one of your hands will be able to trump the defenders’ high cards. Try it on this
first practice deal:
Look at the South hand and decide whether you would open the bidding. If so,
what would you open?
South has enough to open the bidding. He would open with 1♠, his longest
suit. Let’s make South declarer in 4♠. Play out the deal first and then read on.
What opening lead should West choose? The ♥K. It is the top of an honor
sequence. South should win the opening lead in his hand with the ♥A. Next,
South should draw trumps. It will take two rounds of spades to eliminate the
defenders’ trumps. Now it is time to take the top club winners. When declarer
plays the third club, he can throw away a heart or a diamond from his hand. If he
does so, he can make eleven tricks.
This time look at the West hand and decide if West should open the bidding. If
so, what should he open? He would open 1♥. West becomes declarer in 4♥. Play
out the deal and then read on.
North will probably lead the ♠Q, the top of a broken sequence. This is a very
good lead, but West should still make his ten tricks. He should win the opening
lead with either the ♠K in dummy or the ♠A in his hand — this time it doesn’t
matter which. West should now draw trumps. Since he is missing the ♥A, he will
have to force it out before doing anything else. (This establishes the rest of the
trump suit.) West should play a heart at Trick 2. South will have to win the heart
and should lead back a spade. Now West draws trumps and establishes his
diamond winners by leading out top diamonds. At this point, if North and South
have led spades twice, when South gets in on the ♦A, he will be able to play a
spade winner for his side. In effect, the defense will have established a spade
winner by forcing out the ace and king. West will make only ten tricks.
This time, start with the North hand and decide whether you would open the
bidding. If so, what you would open? The North hand would open 1♠. North is
declarer in 6♠ — yes, a small slam! Play out the hand first and then read on.
East is on lead and, with no really attractive choice, he could choose any suit
at all. If East leads a heart, he should lead the ♥2 (bottom of something). If he
leads a club or a diamond, he should lead a high one (top of nothing). North
should draw trumps and then lead a diamond towards dummy’s K-Q. West will
win, but later North will be able to throw the heart loser in his hand on dummy’s
established diamond. North will make twelve tricks.
South would probably lead the ace of hearts, one of our favourite leads, ace
from ace-king. North-South may attempt to cash three rounds of hearts. East will
trump the third round of hearts in his hand and then draw trumps. After that, East
will force out the ♦A and ♦K to establish two diamond winners. In order to
“force out” the ace and king of diamonds, East must lead diamonds twice. After
the opponents have won the ace and king of diamonds, two of the diamonds in
the West hand (dummy) will now be high. East will make nine tricks on this
In the days of whist, in the 19th century, the second Earl of Yarborough would
offer to bet anyone 1000-1 that they would not be dealt a hand in which all the
cards were lower than a 10. The Earl knew what he was doing — the true odds
are about 1827 to 1! To this day, a bridge hand containing no card above a 9 is
known as a yarborough.
In the previous lesson, you learned about opening the bidding, so you know how
to make the first bid in an auction. What happens after that? In this chapter, we
will begin to look at the rest of the story. Before we continue talking about the
auction, we will have our first look at bridge scoring and in particular the
concept of making a game, which is a way to score a lot of extra points. This
will help you to set your objective when you bid. After that, we will focus on
responder, the partner of the opening bidder. It is responder’s job to keep the
partnership momentum alive in the search for the right contract and to answer
the two fundamental questions of bidding at bridge: ‘Where?’ and ‘How high?’
Can responder support his partner’s suit or should the partnership look elsewhere
in the search for a trump suit? What is his point range and what level of contract
does that suggest?
Finally, we will spend some time planning the play of the hand. You will see
how to count losers and then to identify your best chance of reducing them so
that you can fulfill your contract.
Before we go any further, we need to talk about scoring. Your primary goal on
any bridge deal is to bid and make a game. If you succeed, you will get a nice
big bonus (several hundred points). In order to make a game, you have to
succeed in a contract that scores at least 100 points. Recall that you get 20 points
for each level in a minor suit (clubs or diamonds). Therefore, bidding and
making 1♣ is worth 20 points; 2♣ is worth 40, etc. With a very simple
calculation, you can see that you need to bid five of a minor to score 100 points
and make game. In a major suit (hearts or spades), you get 30 points for each
level you bid. That means that four of a major is 120 points, more than enough
for game. Notrump is special, however. We said earlier that each notrump level
is worth 30 points, except for the first level, which is worth 40. Conveniently,
this means that 3NT is game (40+30+30).
A contract that is worth at least 100 points: 3NT, 4♥, 4♠, 5♣ and 5♦ are all
game contracts.
The result of all this is that we have a strong preference for playing in a major
suit if we are going to choose a trump suit. We need fewer tricks to make game.
Notrump offers an even lower target and is often preferred on hands where the
alternative is to play in a minor suit.
A contract worth less than 100 points.
Note: you must both bid and make a game contract to get the bonus. If you
bid 2♥ and then take ten tricks, you will still earn 120 points for your tricks, but
you won’t get the big game bonus. If you play a contract below game, such
as 2♥ or 2NT, it is called a partscore and making it is worth only a small bonus
(50 points).
Opening Bid Review
The language of bridge is very concise. A combination of just two words can tell
us quite a bit. Suppose partner has opened the bidding with 1♠. What do we
know so far? We know he has at least five spades and at least 13 points. Do we
know anything else? Yes! Partner does not have a suit that is longer than spades.
With a longer suit, partner would have opened that one — always bid your
longest suit first.
An opening bid of one of a minor isn’t quite as helpful. Remember that an
opening bidder who starts with 1♣ or 1♦ will occasionally have as few as three
cards in the suit they have named, so it may not even be their longest suit.
Responding To Partner’s Opening Bid — Can You
Support Partner?
The partner of the player who opens the bidding is called the responder, since
he is ‘responding’ to the opening bid. Let’s look at the auction from that point of
Your partner has opened 1♠. What do you think he most wants to hear? He
wants to know that you ‘like’ spades too. How can you tell if you ‘like’ partner’s
suit? If you have only one or two cards in partner’s suit, then you want to
suggest a different spot. What if you have three cards in partner’s suit? Now do
you like it? Well, that depends on how many trumps you know partner has. You
obviously want to have more trumps than the opponents, so while seven between
you, a bare majority, is more or less okay, eight is the magic number. You are
trying to find an eight-card fit or better. If partner is known to have five trumps,
then any three trumps is adequate trump support, since you have found an
eight-card fit. However, if partner may have only four trumps, then you need at
least three cards including an honor (ace, king, queen or jack) before you can
claim to have adequate trump support.
Holding any four cards or more in partner’s suit, you have excellent trump
support. You are in trump heaven. You have found at least an eight-card fit,
even if partner may have only four trumps.
1. a) This is perfect. You have found an eight-card fit and you have an
honor for partner.
b) Two trumps are not enough.
c) This is fine. You have found an eight-card fit.
d) Excellent trump support! Your side has at least nine trumps.
Counting Your Points as Responder
Before you bid as responder, you need to count your points to give yourself a
basis for deciding what to do. However, you are not under any obligation to do
anything. In fact, with a very weak hand, you will just pass. First, add up those
juicy high card points. Before counting distribution, there is one other thing to
think about: can you support partner?
Remember the old joke? There are are three types of people in the world:
those who can count and those who can’t. Well, there are two types of bridge
hands responder can have: those that have trump support and those that don’t. If
you have trump support for partner’s major, then you are probably destined to be
the dummy on this hand. So, instead of counting distribution points in the usual
way, you count dummy points. Why? Partner has bid 1♠ and you have four
spades and a diamond void. Imagine you are putting your hand on the table as
dummy for partner in a spade contract. Your opponent leads the ♦A. Partner
looks at your hand and smiles. He is smiling because he has no diamond losers.
The opponents’ ace is not a winner because your partner can trump it in your
hand. It is wonderful to have short suits when you are dummy. As we will see in
this chapter, partner can use your trumps to deal with any losers that he has in
your short suits.
Here is how you do it:
Count your high card points and then add your dummy points to your total. To
count dummy points, look at the short suits in your hand and for each short suit
If you don’t have support for partner’s suit, count your points in the same way
that you do when opening the bidding. Count both high card points and
distribution points. However, no matter how you count points, you never count
distribution points for shortness in opener’s suit. It is not good thing to be short
in partner’s suit. If partner opens 1♥ and you have
the singleton heart is not a positive feature of the hand. If partner had opened 1♠,
then you would have been much happier — you would have counted that
singleton heart for 3 dummy points! It is important to realize that hands get
better or worse depending on partner’s bids. We will talk more later about how
your attitude towards your hand changes during the auction.
2. How many total points do you have on this hand when your partner
opens the bidding 1♥?
1. a) You have support for spades, so you have 4 dummy points: 3 points
for the singleton heart and 1 point for the doubleton diamond.
b) You have 5 dummy points, all for the diamond void.
2. Since you like hearts, you have 13 total points: 10 high card points
and 3 for the singleton club.
Biddable Suits
If you have adequate trump support for partner’s major, most of the time you
will raise partner — i.e. you will make a higher bid in his suit. We will talk
about this in more detail shortly. However, suppose you do not have trump
support for partner or he did not open a major — what can you bid instead?
Basically, it is responder’s job to help find the best place to play. You do this by
suggesting alternative suits if you can’t support partner’s suit. So, while opener
is not allowed to bid a four-card major on his very first bid, you as responder
can. Any four-card suit is worth advertising by responder.
Let’s stop a moment and think about that. Suppose opener has bid 1♦ and you,
responder, bid 1♥. What does opener know about your heart suit? Only one thing
— that it contains at least four cards. The range of cards you could hold is still
very wide. You could have ♥AKQJ987 or you could have ♥5432.
Could you have responded 1♥ with ♥AKQ? No! Remember, length is more
important than strength. It may seem strange, but you cannot respond 1♥ with
♥AKQ, since you have only three cards in hearts. However, you can bid 1♥ with
♥5432, even though it is a weaker holding, because you have four hearts. You
are trying to make sure that you have more trumps than your opponents, so
length is the key, not strength.
And Now… Responder Bids!
One of our primary objectives during the bidding is to reach a game contract if
we believe we can make it. We want that juicy game bonus. It usually
takes 26 points between your hand and your partner’s to make game in a major.
That’s easy to remember because it is twice the bridge magic number of 13.
Game in a minor is harder because you have to take an extra trick (a total of
eleven) and now you need about 29 points. When we play in notrump, we count
only high card points and it takes about 25 HCP to make 3NT.
Here is a table that shows the approximate number of points you need to make
various contracts. You don’t need to memorize the whole table — just focus on
the number of points needed for game. We have put those contracts in bold.
In order to make a final decision about what to bid as responder, you need to
think about one more thing. Let’s call it ‘Who am I?’ Are you too weak to bid
anything and plan to pass? Are you going to bid once and leave the decision
about going further to partner? Are you going to invite partner to bid a game?
Are you going to make sure that your side gets to game? Or are you going to
explore for slam? First, you need to decide how good your hand is and you do
that by counting your points.
There are six point ranges for responder:
Your first step should be to count up your high card and distribution (or dummy)
points to determine what range your hand fits into. We are going to look at each
category in detail, but for now let’s concentrate on the first two ranges — ‘very
weak’ and ‘one bid’ hands.
Responding With 0-5 Points
Partner has opened the bidding and your hand falls into the 0-5 range. What do
you do? With a hand this weak, the answer is simple: always pass. Even if
partner has a very good hand, you have so few points that game is very unlikely.
It is safer just to keep quiet. Here are two tempting hands after partner opens 1♦:
It is true that spades might be a better trump suit than diamonds in the first
example, or either major in the second example, but you don’t know that for
sure. Once you bid, partner is going to expect you to have at least 6 points and
you might find yourself at the four-level before you know it. Just pass. It only
hurts for a little while.
Responding With 6-9 Points
With 6-9 points, you are only going to bid once, unless partner pushes you to bid
again. You have a minimum responding hand (with fewer points, you wouldn’t
bid at all), so partner must have a very good hand to come close to the 26 points
or so between you that you need for game. For now, your plan is to make only
one bid, so you want to make the most useful one available. There are several
choices depending on whether partner opened one of a major or one of a minor,
whether you have trump support, and so on. It may seem complicated at first as
we go through the options, but there is a handy chart at the end of the section
that summarizes them all.
If partner has opened one of a major and you have trump support (even three
small), your priority is to raise partner’s major and give him the good news.
This single raise is a very useful bid because it conveys a lot of information to
partner. First, it shows that you have a hand in the 6-9 point range. Not only that,
but it also shows that you have a fit for partner’s suit, which will make him very
happy. A bid that shows a specific point range is called a limited bid. Since
partner knows you have at most 9 points, this bid is also not forcing, which
means that partner can pass if he wants to. It’s up to him. After all, partner can
add your points (6-9) to his points and decide if game is possible. If you don’t
have enough for him, he will pass.
If you do not have trump support for partner’s major suit (or if partner did not
open a major), then bid your own longest suit if you can do so at the one-level.
Note that you are not allowed to bid a new suit at the two-level with fewer
than 10 points. It is too dangerous to raise the level of the auction with a weak
hand and no fit for partner. We reserve those bids for hands in higher point
ranges. So if partner opens 1♥ and you have
sorry, but you can’t bid 2♦. You must bid 1♠, since any four-card suit is
biddable. It probably seems unnatural to bid a short weak suit rather than a long
strong one, but bidding 2♦ would promise partner at least 10 points, and you
don’t have them.
If you have two or more four-card suits that you are able to bid at the one-
level, bid the cheapest one on the bidding ladder. For example, partner has
opened 1♦ and your hand is
If you cannot raise partner’s major or bid your own suit at the one-level, you can
bid 1NT. This bid is limited to 6-9 points and is not forcing. It is a catch-all bid.
This is one case where bidding notrump does not promise a balanced hand. In
fact, you may have a hand with quite a lot of distribution. For example, partner
opens the bidding with 1♥ and your hand is:
You should respond 1NT. This tells partner that you have 6-9 points, no support
for his suit and no suit of your own to bid at the one-level.
Last and least, if you cannot raise partner’s major or bid your own suit at the
one-level, but you do have four-card or better trump support for partner’s minor
and shortness somewhere, raise partner’s minor to the two-level. Just assume he
has four cards, since it is rare that he will only have three. We suggest that in
order to raise partner, you should have an unbalanced hand, e.g. you have a void,
a singleton, two doubletons, etc. Why? With a balanced hand, it is probable that
your side should be playing in notrump instead. Therefore, with excellent
support for partner’s minor and distribution
1. Partner has opened 1♣. What do you respond with each of the
following hands?
2. Partner has opened 1♦. What do you respond with each of the
following hands?
3. Partner has opened 1♥. What do you respond with each of the
following hands?
4. Partner has opened 1♠. What do you respond with each of the
following hands?
One of the most important things you need to do when you play a bridge hand —
and probably when you do other things in life too — is make a plan. Even bridge
experts fail to do this at least some of the time and often regret it. The first step
when playing a trump contract is to count your losers. Let’s see how we do that.
The easiest way is to look at only two hands to start with. Lay these hands out on
the table:
Declarer starts by counting losers in his own hand. He can ‘borrow’ high cards
from dummy to fill in any gaps. For example, if you have three small spades in
your hand, then you need the ace, king and queen of spades in dummy to
compensate or you will have three losers. One simple way to think about losers
is that any missing high cards are losers. If you are missing the ace of a suit, then
you have one loser; if you are missing the ace and king of a suit, then you have
two losers, and so on. If you are ever unsure about a card’s ability to win a trick,
count it as a loser.
Let’s count up declarer’s losers, suit by suit. First look just at the spade suit.
Cover the other suits up for a moment.
How many losers in spades? The answer is none. You have all of the top
spades between the two hands. Declarer can borrow the king and even the ten
from dummy. Can you see how it would go? When declarer plays the king from
the North hand, he can play his four under it and win the trick. Next he plays the
ten and can play the five from the South hand under it. Now all he has left is the
ace, queen and jack, which are all winners.
Now uncover the heart suit. What about hearts?
Can you see that declarer has no heart losers for the same reason? Now let’s
check diamonds.
There are no high cards in dummy to borrow. For now, we have to count the
three of diamonds as a loser. Finally, the clubs:
We have only one card in our hand and that will go under dummy’s club ace.
Thus we have no losers in clubs as we count losers in declarer’s hand.
All together we have only one loser — a diamond.
Before we leave this deal, let’s talk about making a plan. If you are playing
the deal in notrump, you will take twelve tricks: five spades, four hearts, two
diamonds and a club. At the end of the deal, the three of diamonds will actually
still be a loser. However, suppose these are your hands in a contract of seven
spades. Now you need all of the tricks, so you have to get rid of that diamond
loser. If you play the ace and king of diamonds, dummy will have none left. You
can then trump the last diamond in dummy with one of dummy’s spades. (Of
course, you will want to draw some of the opponents’ trumps first. Just make
sure to keep at least one trump in dummy to ruff the diamond loser.) So you see,
one way to get rid of a loser is to trump it in the dummy — the short trump hand.
We have two more points to discuss before you attempt the practice deals. If
you have more cards in a suit than your opponents do, not all of your small cards
should be counted as losers. Any card left over after the rest of the suit has been
played is capable of winning a trick.
In the suit to the left, it may seem that you have one heart loser — even after
you borrow the ♥K and ♥Q from dummy, the ♥J is still missing, so the fourth
heart has no ‘big brother’ to protect it from losing a trick. In actual fact, most of
the time you won’t lose that fourth heart. On this layout, once you have won
three tricks with the ♥A, the ♥K and the ♥Q, your opponents will have played all
of their hearts and your ♥9 will take a trick. This situation will arise often in the
trump suit where you usually have lots of cards between the two hands.
The cards held by the opponents in a given suit tend to divide between them in
predictable ways. When you are missing an odd number of cards in a suit, you
can assume that they will split as evenly as possible between the opponents’
hands (they won’t all the time, but they will most of the time). So if you are
missing five cards, you can assume they will break 3-2 — that is, one opponent
will have three and the other will have two — which is as close to even as you
can get. However, if an even number of cards is missing, most of the time the
suit will not split evenly. If you are missing six cards, they will usually split 4-2;
four missing cards will usually split 3-1.
Second, you will remember from the last chapter that you can create winners
by knocking out the opponents’ high cards. Once you’ve done that, you may be
able to discard losers on them. Establish the winner and then discard a loser on
Now let’s try some deals where you can put all this into practice. From now
on, when we practice play, we are going to look at the auction as well. Of
course, some of the bidding will go beyond the material we have covered so far,
but we will still include it. Don’t worry if you don’t understand it just yet.
South has four losers. He has no spade losers. He has one heart loser after
borrowing dummy’s king. He has one diamond loser. He also has two club
losers, the ace and king. That comes to four, which is one too many — but
declarer has a plan. After he forces out the diamond ace with his king, dummy’s
queen will be good (and dummy’s ten as well). He can then discard one of his
hearts on dummy’s third diamond.
So South draws trumps and then plays a high diamond from his hand. East can
win the diamond and play another heart. South wins this trick and plays
diamonds, discarding the ♥5 from his hand on the third diamond. After that,
South forces out the ♣A and ♣K to set up his tenth trick in clubs.
With four spades missing, an even number, we will assume that the suit does
not split evenly. Declarer (East) counts one spade loser after borrowing the ♠A
and the ♠K from dummy. There is one heart loser, the ♥A. Declarer also has two
diamond losers and two club losers. That makes six losers, one too many.
However, declarer can trump his third diamond in the West hand to make the
Declarer draws two rounds of trumps, playing the ♠A and then the ♠K, and he
does indeed have an unavoidable spade loser. He then plays the ♦A and then
allows the opponents to win a diamond trick. When he regains the lead, he
trumps a diamond in dummy.
Deal 3 — Dealer North
North has a great hand worth 19 or 20 total points. He opens 1♠. South
has 6 points, so with three-card support for spades, he raises to 2♠. North can see
that his side almost certainly has at least the 26 points needed for game, so he
bids 4♠. East will lead the ♣K, top of a broken sequence.
East has a balanced hand and 19 points — too many to open 1NT. He starts
with 1♦ instead. West responds with 1♥, his longest suit, and East raises to 4♥.
North should lead the ♦Q, the top of his perfect sequence. Even though he has a
great ‘poker straight’ in clubs, it isn’t a useful lead, since none of the clubs are
honor cards.
West has four losers, one in each suit. One too many. We can count one spade
loser, because we assume that the missing five spades will split 3-2. By the time
our fourth spade is played, the opponents will have none left, and our small
spade will actually be a winner. After the ♥A is gone, the hearts will be high, so
there is one heart loser. The same is true in clubs. In diamonds, dummy can
cover one loser with the ♦K, but there is still one diamond loser. Declarer can get
rid of it, however, by establishing a club winner. This time he needs to do it
before drawing any trumps. If he were to play a trump after winning the opening
lead, North could win and continue diamonds. Declarer would win the second
diamond, draw trumps and play a club, but South could win the ♣A and play a
diamond winner. Therefore, declarer must play clubs right away to force out the
♣A and set up club winners before the ♦K is gone. The defenders will win the
♣A and lead back a diamond. Declarer must win the ♦A and now play dummy’s
high club, throwing away a small diamond from his hand. After this, he can
draw trumps and eventually establish spades.
In the last chapter, we told you that a game contract is one that is worth at
least 100 points. To get that game bonus, you have to bid at least 3NT, 4♥, 4♠,
5♣ or 5♦. When you do manage to score up a game, you receive a bonus of
either 300 points or 500 points. How can you tell which? If you have been using
duplicate boards (where the cards are placed in four slots, one for each player),
you may have noticed that sometimes the slots are colored red. If you have a red
slot, like a pool of blood in front of you, then you are said to be vulnerable.
When you are vulnerable, everything counts more. You get 500 points for
making game. When you are not vulnerable (no pool of blood), you get only
300 points.
Tricks that the declaring side takes over and above the contract
When you fail to make your contract, you are said to have gone down. You
are penalized for each trick you promised to take and didn’t. For example, if you
bid 2♠, promising to take eight tricks, and take only six tricks, you will be
penalized for the two tricks you fell short. We call these undertricks. If you are
not vulnerable at the time, your opponents get 50 points for each trick you go
down. If you are vulnerable, they get 100 points per trick. You see? Everything
counts more when you are vulnerable. Any tricks that you make over and above
the number you contracted for are called overtricks. If you bid 2♥ (eight tricks)
and make nine tricks, then you have made one overtrick. You will get the trick
score for it (in this case, 30 points), but overtricks do not count towards making
a game bonus.
Tricks by which the declaring side falls short of making its contract.
If you bid and make a partscore (remember, that’s a contract below game),
you get a bonus of 50 points. You get the same bonus whether or not you are
vulnerable. We have mentioned slams once or twice already. If you bid and
make a contract of six in any suit or notrump, you have made a small slam. That
is worth an additional bonus of 500 points not vulnerable and 750 points when
vulnerable. Bidding and making a contract of seven, a grand slam, is
worth 1000 points not vulnerable and 1500 points when vulnerable. The slam
bonuses are in addition to both the trick score and the game bonus. So with a
little arithmetic you can see that bidding and making 7♠ vulnerable is worth a
whopping 2210 points. The trick score is seven times 30 or 210, plus 500 for
game and another 1500 for slam. That’s a lot more than bidding and making 2♠,
which is worth only 110 points (60 for the contract and 50 for the partscore).
If you are not playing with duplicate boards, the simplest way to play is to
rotate the vulnerability. On the first deal, play with no one vulnerable; on the
second deal, North-South are vulnerable and East-West are not; on the third deal,
East-West are vulnerable and North-South are not; and on the fourth deal both
sides are vulnerable. At the same time, each player takes it in turn to be dealer,
going clockwise. Then you can repeat the pattern. This form of the game is
called Chicago scoring.
Scoring Summary
There is another way to play called rubber bridge. It is based on the same
principles, but your objective is to make two games (called ‘winning the rubber’)
before the opponents do. Rubber bridge is still popular in home games, but it is
not often played elsewhere anymore. We have included the rules and scoring for
rubber bridge in an appendix in case you wish to play that form of the game with
your friends.
Goals in the Bidding
You have two major goals in the bidding — deciding ‘where’ and ‘how high’ to
play the deal. To answer the ‘Where?’ question, you need to find your
partnership’s best trump suit, giving strong preference to majors, because majors
score better than minors. Without at least an eight-card major fit, you may
decide to play in notrump. In fact, we suspect that as many as 90% of game
contracts are played in notrump or a major. To answer the ‘How high?’ question,
you need to decide whether to play the hand in partscore, game or slam. Since
you have to bid game to get the game bonus, you really want to push to get
there — but only when you have a good chance of making it. Of course, those
slam bonuses are really nice too, and every bridge player is excited when they
have a chance for one. However, slam deals are much less common than games.
Review of Responses With 0-5 and 6-9 Points
When partner opens the bidding, you will recall that as responder with fewer
than 6 points, your bidding decision is easy: you pass. With 6-9 points, you plan
to make only one bid, unless partner pushes you in some way. We will explore
how partner can push you in the next chapter when we talk about opener’s
rebids. For now, suffice to say that partner can invite you to take another bid by
asking you to pick between two suits or by asking you to bid game if your hand
is at the top end of your range. Partner can even force you to bid again when he
has a powerhouse hand and wants to go to game even though you have a weak
hand. We saw in the last chapter that with 6-9 points, your first choice is to raise
partner’s major with adequate trump support (three cards) or better. Failing that,
you can bid a new suit at the one-level (you need to have at least four cards in
the suit you bid). If you can’t do either of those things, you can bid 1NT, which
in this one instance does not promise a balanced hand. Finally, as a last resort,
with at least four-card trump support and some shortness, you can raise partner’s
Responding With 10-12 Points
Now you have a better hand. You are in the 10-12 point range and as a result you
want to invite partner to bid game if he has a little extra. You can’t be sure that
you and partner have a combined 26 points, but if partner has just a little more
than a minimum 13, you might be able to make game. You plan to take two bids
to nudge partner towards game, unless you can show your values with one bid.
Partner is waiting to hear if you have support for his major. With excellent trump
support (four cards) for partner’s major, you are allowed to raise him to three of
the major.
A raise to three rather than two tells partner that you have 10-12 points and four
trumps — technically, this is known as a limit raise. It is a limited bid, meaning
it tells partner exactly how many points you hold; it is also non-forcing. Opener
can add your points to his to decide if game is possible. If he has more than a
minimum opening bid, opener will bid game; with just a minimum, he will pass.
Notice that you have been able to tell partner that you have an invitational
hand and excellent trump support with one bid. With only three-card support,
wait until the next round to support your partner — you will show him some
other feature of your hand first. It is still possible that there is a better place to
play the deal and since you are planning to bid twice, you have time to provide
partner with more information.
If you don’t have excellent trump support for partner’s major, then your next
choice is to bid a new suit of your own. Bid your longest suit (remember, length
before beauty). With two suits of equal length, five cards or longer, bid the
higher ranking first, planning to bid the lower ranking at your next turn. With
two or more four-card suits, bid the cheapest first, as we saw in the previous
You will be happy to hear that with 10-12 points, you are not restricted to
bidding new suits at the one-level. Your hand has grown up and now you can
respond at the two-level if necessary. If you have
and partner opens 1♥, you can bid 2♦, your longest suit. Here are some examples
of making a first response with 10-12 points:
Partner opens 1♦. You don’t have support for partner’s suit. You have 10-
12 points. You respond 1♠, your longest suit.
Partner opens 1♦ and once again you have 10-12 points. This time you
respond 1♥, since your hearts are longer than your spades. You would
respond 1♥ even with a weaker heart holding as long as hearts were your longest
suit. For example, with
If partner has opened a minor, usually you will not raise even if you have
excellent trump support. Your first choice should be to suggest another suit if
you have one that is at least four cards long. Make a limit raise of partner’s
minor only if you do not have any other bid and you have at least four-card
trump support for the minor.
Bid 1♠ rather than raising clubs, since you have another four-card suit to bid.
Bid 1♦. Tell partner about your diamonds — you may be able to get to a game in
notrump rather than trying for eleven tricks in clubs.
Bid 3♣. You have excellent support for partner’s clubs and no other sensible bid.
Summary: Responding With 10-12 (First Bid)
Bids 1 and 4 are not forcing, since they show exactly 10-12 points. Partner can
pass if he doesn’t think the partnership has enough for game.
1. Partner opens 1♦. What do you respond with each of these hands?
Remember to refer back to the chart on the previous page (you
couldn’t have memorized it yet!). On hand (b), remember that
shortness in diamonds does not improve things.
2. Partner opens 1♥. What do you respond with each of these hands? On
hands (a) and (c), remember that shortness in hearts is not a plus.
1. a) Bid 1♠. You have wonderful diamond support, but you should
check first to see whether you have a spade fit. A major-suit game at
the four-level is easier than a minor-suit game at the five-level. You
can support diamonds later.
b) Bid 1♥. Length before strength. Even though the spade suit is
prettier, you always bid the longer suit first.
c) Bid 3♦. You have no other suit to bid and excellent trump support.
Time to raise partner.
d) Bid 1♥. With more than one four-card suit, bid the lowest suit first.
2. a) Bid 1♠. With only two hearts, you can’t raise partner. Bid your
longest suit.
b) Bid 3♥. You have excellent trump support — partner will be
c) Bid 2♣. You don’t have support for partner. Bid your longest suit.
d) Bid 2♦. With only three-card support, you are going to raise hearts
at your next turn. Bid your longest suit now.
e) Bid 1♠. With two four-card suits, clubs and spades, bid the cheaper
one on the bidding ladder. Again, you plan to support hearts with your
next bid.
Responding With 13-15 Points
What happens if you pick up a hand worth an opening bid and hear partner open
the bidding before you have a chance to do the same? Actually, that’s great
news! Partner has at least 13 points and you have 13 points. With 26 points in
the combined hands, that is usually enough for game! Now you know that your
side has enough for game and it is your responsibility to make sure that you get
there. While you still have to answer the question of what game contract you
should play in, there is now the possibility that you can make a slam.
When you have a hand in this point range, your first choice is to bid a new
suit. You will do this even if you have support for partner’s major. Since a raise
to the two-level shows 6-9 points and a limit raise to the three-level shows 10-
12, it probably seems logical that a jump to the four-level (1♥-4♥) should show
the next higher range, 13-15. However, while that bid does get you to game
quickly, it does not allow your partnership much room to explore for slam, since
it uses up all the bidding space. The direct jump to game is more useful for
another purpose — we use it to try to take away the opponents’ bidding space on
a weak hand with a lot of trumps. (This kind of bid is called a preempt, and
we’ll talk about it a lot more in Chapter 11.)
Instead of jumping to game, you should simply make a descriptive bid: bid
your longest suit first (at the two-level if necessary). Remember that when
responder bids a new suit, it is completely forcing — opener must bid again.
Your plan, when you have support, is to jump to game in opener’s suit next
round. The auction will go something like this:
Both of these auctions show a responding hand with 13-15 points and at least
three-card trump support. They also tell partner something about your side suit.
In the first example, partner knows you have some clubs along with good
support for hearts. In the second example, he knows that you have some spades.
With two five-card suits, bid the higher ranking first, planning to bid the other
one next. For example, suppose you have:
Partner opens 1♦ and your hand is in the 13-15 range (did you remember that the
diamond doubleton is not an asset?) You respond 1♠, which is forcing. Now
partner bids 2♦ and you can bid 2♥. This bid is also forcing — a new suit bid by
responder is always forcing.
With two or three four-card suits, bid the cheapest first.
Partner opens 1♦ and your hand is in the 13-15 range. You bid 1♥; perhaps
partner can raise hearts or rebid 1♠, showing four of that suit.
Your final choice is to make an immediate bid of 2NT. Since this response
takes up so much bidding space, we need it to provide a lot of information. In
order to respond 2NT, you need 13-15 HCP, no four-card or longer major, no
support for partner’s major, stoppers in the unbid suits and a balanced hand.
‘What is a stopper?’ you may ask. A stopper is a high card that will prevent the
opponents from taking all of the tricks in their long suit. An ace is clearly a
stopper, since it will take the first trick when the opponents play that suit. A
king-queen combination is also a stopper. The opponents may take the ace on the
first round, but after that you will win the next trick in the suit. For bidding
purposes, we consider any of the following holdings to be stoppers:
(The little x’s mean any small card in that suit: Kx could be K3 or K8, and so
As you can see, the response of 2NT shows a very specific hand.
A likely winner in a suit that will prevent the opponents from taking lots of
tricks in the suit right away.
1. You hold:
1. In each of the first three cases, you bid 1♠, your longest suit. Example
(d) is a peculiar case: the only time you don’t bid spades is when
partner bids them! Although you have four-card support, you are too
strong to bid 3♠, so your first move should be 2♣. You will raise to
game in spades next round.
2. a) You have no four-card major, but no club stopper either. Even
though this is a balanced hand, you have to start with 2♣, not 2NT.
b) This hand is perfect for a 2NT response.
Responding With 16-18
Holding 16-18 points, your responses are similar to those you make with hands
in the 13-15 point range. You are certainly going to keep bidding until your side
reaches game, but you should also keep yourself open to the idea that you might
have a slam. Your first response is exactly the same as if you have 13-15, with
one exception: with a balanced hand, you may be able to respond 3NT. Your
hand needs to meet the same specific requirements as those for a 2NT response
(no four-card or longer major, no support for partner’s major and stoppers in all
the unbid suits), but this time you are in the 16-18 HCP range.
You need at least 33 points between you and partner for a small slam. This
means that even with your 16-18 points, you are going to need more than a
minimum opening hand from partner. If you have the opportunity to do so at
your second or later bid, you will show partner your extra values. Generally, you
will not bid past game unless partner shows extra too. More about this in later
Responding With 19 or More
Suppose you pick up your cards and you find you have been dealt:
You are thinking, ‘This is my best hand of the whole night’ — and then your
partner opens the bidding 1♠! You can hardly believe there are enough high
cards left for him to do that. You have 21 points in support of spades. Partner has
at least 13. Slam seems possible; in fact, slam seems almost certain. On those
rare occasions when you have a hand as good as this one as responder, it is your
responsibility to drive the partnership towards slam. If (as in the example) your
hand contains a five-card or longer suit, you can employ a special bid to let
partner know just how good your hand is.
“Jump Shift”
A jump bid in a new suit. When responder makes a jump shift at his first
bid, it shows 19+ points and is game-forcing.
You start off with a bid called a jump shift. A jump shift means that you bid a
new suit — that’s the shift — one level higher than you have to — that’s the
jump. As always, bid your longest suit first. Notice that even if you have good
trump support, you do not raise partner immediately; you jump shift first. A
jump shift forces partner to keep bidding at least until game has been reached.
Let’s look at an example:
On each of the following hands, partner has opened the bidding with 1♥. What is
your response in each case?
1. Bid 2♦. You have too many points (17) to raise hearts immediately.
Start with your longest suit and support hearts next.
2. Bid 3♦. Jump shift to show your five-card suit and 19+ points. You
will show your heart support on the next round of bidding.
3. Bid 2♣. Bid your longest suit first. You have too much distribution to
consider bidding 3NT (two doubletons).
4. Bid 3♦. Jump shift into your terrific diamond suit.
5. Bid 1♠ and raise hearts at your next turn. A new suit bid by responder
is 100% forcing.
6. Bid 3NT. You have support for all the unbid suits, no support for
hearts, 16 HCP and no four-card major. This bid describes your hand
In the last chapter we talked about counting losers and making a plan. This is
one of the most important concepts in dummy play, so let’s do a complete
review of it. When you count losers, you look at your high cards and ‘borrow’
dummy’s high cards to determine how many losers you have in a suit. If you are
missing only one top card, then you have only one loser. All the rest can be
counted as good cards. For example, if you have KQJ in a suit, you have exactly
one loser. What if you have AQJ in a suit? Again, you have one loser.
If you have AK76 and dummy has Q543, you can borrow the queen from
dummy to cover one of your small cards, the six. What about the seven — is it a
loser? If you have length in a suit, your spot cards can probably be set up as
winners. Of course, this involves an assumption about the distribution of the
cards in the opponents’ hands. If you are missing an odd number of cards,
assume that the suit will split as evenly as possible. In this example, you are
missing five cards and they will probably split 3-2. However, if you are missing
an even number of cards, one opponent usually has more than the other.
Therefore, if you are missing six cards, you should expect them to divide 4-2,
not 3-3, while four missing cards are more likely to divide 3-1 than 2-2.
Remember, this is just an assumption; when you find out the actual situation as
you play the deal, you may have to adjust your approach.
In the last chapter, we looked at two ways to get rid of losers: we can trump
them in dummy when dummy is short in the suit, or we can set up winners on
which to discard our losers. Generally, we like to draw trumps as soon as
possible, but sometimes our plan may require us to delay drawing trumps until
we have set up a winner or a ruff.
Here is another way to get rid of losers. Sometimes you can set up winners in
your hand and throw a card from dummy. After that dummy can ruff your own
loser in the suit you discarded from dummy. Let’s look at a quick example. The
contract is 4♠.
The opponents cash their ace and king of clubs and then switch to the queen
of hearts. Count the losers. You have four: one in hearts, one in diamonds and
two in clubs. One too many. However, after you draw trumps, you can force out
the diamond ace and throw one of dummy’s hearts on a diamond winner. Then
you can trump your losing heart in dummy. Do you see how it works?
We are using both of the tactics we looked at before — we are establishing
winners and trumping losers in dummy.
When you are cashing high cards in a suit, it is good technique to win your tricks
in the short hand first. For example:
It is a good idea to win the first trick with the king and then cash the ace and
queen later. Why is this? Let’s look at what happens if you win the first trick
with the queen. You will have this left:
It is true that you can still take two tricks in the suit. You can very carefully take
the king and then play the ace later when you are back in your hand. (You
definitely don’t want to play the king under the ace — that will waste a trick.)
The problem is that after cashing the king, you have to be able to get back to
your hand in a different suit. Sometimes that will be impossible. Remember this
jingle. Learn it as if it were your favorite television commercial:
Say it out loud a few times. (It’s best to avoid doing this when you are in a group
of non-bridge-playing friends.)
We have talked about leading the top card from a sequence of honors or the ace
from ace-king. We have also mentioned BOSTON for spot-card leads: Bottom
Of Something, Top Of Nothing. Here is one more great idea for a lead against a
suit contract: you can lead from a short suit (not trump). The idea is that if your
partner gets the lead before trumps are gone, he can give you a ruff in the suit
you led. Let’s say you have a singleton diamond and you lead that against a 4♥
contract. You also have three little hearts. On a happy day, partner might be able
to win the ♥A when declarer leads trumps and then return a diamond for you to
trump. Even a doubleton can sometimes be a good lead. When you lead from a
doubleton, lead your higher card (‘top of nothing’). This lead needs a little more
help from the bridge gods to work. A very helpful partner might even have the
ace-king in your doubleton suit.
So be on the lookout for chances to lead short suits. Sometimes you might
have both a sequence and a singleton. On hands like those, you have to decide
which lead will be more effective. There is no easy rule. Generally, with the ace-
king in a suit, we prefer that lead. Then, if we want to lead the singleton after we
see the dummy, we still have time to do it.
With five spades, South opens 1♠ (with 18 HCP, he is just a little too strong to
open 1NT). With 8 points and three-card trump support, North can raise to 2♠.
South knows his partner has at least three spades and 6-9 points, so he can bid
game, knowing his side has about 26 points. West will probably lead the ♥Q, the
top of a broken sequence.
Declarer has four losers: none in spades, one heart loser after borrowing
dummy’s king, one diamond loser (the ace) and two club losers, the ace and
king. This is one too many, but declarer has a plan. He can discard one of his
hearts on dummy’s third diamond. He wins the ♥A (he may need the ♥K to get
to dummy later), draws trumps and then leads the ♦K, playing his high card from
the short hand first. East can win the diamond and return a heart. Declarer wins
and plays the queen and jack of diamonds, discarding the ♥5 from his hand.
After that, he can force out the ♣A and ♣K to set up his tenth trick.
Neither West nor North has enough points to open the bidding and so they both
pass. With no four-card major, East opens 1♦. West bids his longest suit first,
hearts, even though his spades are much prettier than his hearts. With excellent
trump support and 18 points, East raises to 3♥. West has enough extra to bid 4♥.
North leads the ♠7 from his doubleton, hoping to be able to trump a spade
later. Declarer wins the spade and counts his losers. He has two heart losers and
a diamond loser. Things are looking very good, but he still needs to make a plan.
The only risk in this contract is that the opponents will be able to trump one of
declarer’s high cards, probably a spade. Declarer leads a trump. If declarer leads
a heart from his hand, North must not play the king. Otherwise, he will find that
it disappears under his partner’s ♥A. South wins and leads a spade back.
Declarer wins the spade and plays a second trump, which North wins.
Unfortunately, North cannot get his partner in to give him his spade ruff. If only
he could pass the diamond ace under the table to his partner! Declarer wins
whatever North continues and draws the last trump. At some point, he will give
up the ♦A to North and make his contract.
Ely Culbertson was the first great promoter of bridge. His books, starting with
the Contract Bridge Blue Book in 1930, sold millions of copies world-wide,
while his bidding and teaching methods dominated the game. Culbertson’s radio
show was a huge hit. He won numerous national and international titles, many in
partnership with his wife, Josephine. The Bridge World, the magazine
Culbertson founded in 1929, still appears monthly.
In this chapter, you’re going to see how the bidding continues after the first
round. We’ll assume that you have opened the bidding with one of a suit
(auctions after an opening 1NT bid are covered in the next chapter). Partner has
responded and it is now your turn to bid again.
We will look at a variety of situations: those where partner has raised your suit
and those where he has bid notrump or a new suit of his own. When partner has
raised your suit, your hand has improved, and we will see how you can revalue
your hand to reflect this. To decide how high to bid, you will need to consider all
of the information that partner has provided and also your own point range.
In the play section, you will learn about one of the primary tools of declarer
play, the finesse. This is a method for making more tricks by leading towards
your high cards. It doesn’t always work, but when it does, it is almost magical
how extra tricks appear.
The Auction Continues — Opener’s Rebid
Let’s assume you have made an opening bid of one of a suit. You will recall that
partner’s response may be either forcing or non-forcing. If responder has made a
forcing bid, opener must bid again; he doesn’t have a choice. Forcing bids are
usually unlimited bids — that is, they have a floor but no ceiling. Here are two
examples of unlimited bids.
In the first case, responder’s 1♠ bid is unlimited. The floor for this bid is 6 points
because with less responder would pass, but there is essentially no ceiling — you
know the bottom, but you don’t know the top. Responder may have a weak hand
or a very strong one or something in between; opener just doesn’t know yet. In
the second case, responder’s floor for 2♣ is higher. He has at least 10 points, but
once again there is no ceiling. New-suit bids by responder are always forcing.
You know that there are also bids by responder that are limited and non-
forcing. Opener may choose to pass them. Here are two examples:
These bids have both a floor and a ceiling. In the first case, responder has at
least 6 points (the floor) and no more than 9 points (the ceiling). In the second
case, responder has at least 10 points and no more than 12 points.
Opener’s Rebid After a Limited Response
When your partner has made a limited bid showing an exact point range, you can
often place the contract simply by adding your own points to partner’s. So when
partner makes a limited bid, you are ‘He Who Knows’. As a result, you get a
promotion: you are now the captain of the auction. You are in charge.
When partner has raised your major suit, the question ‘Where should we
play?’ has been answered. You are going to play in your major. The next
decision is ‘How high?’ Before you make it, there is a little more work to do.
Once partner has raised your suit, you have to revalue your hand.
During any bridge auction, the value of your hand goes up and down as the
bidding progresses. For example, if you have a singleton club and four hearts,
then your hand gets better if partner bids hearts: your hand blooms. But if
partner bids clubs, your hand gets worse: it wilts. One of the happier moments at
the bridge table occurs when partner raises your suit, especially if it is a major.
Now your hand has really bloomed; it is worth a lot more. We are not going to
lay down any exact rules for adding and subtracting points. Let’s just say that
you should be more aggressive with a blooming hand — if it is borderline, you
can upgrade it to the next range. Likewise, you should be more careful with
wilting hands and downgrade them if they are borderline.
Once you know the trump suit, extra unexpected length in trumps is worth a
lot and this is definitely worth an upgrade whether you are declarer or dummy.
When you first picked up this hand and decided to open the bidding, it was
worth 15 points: 13 HCP and 2 for distribution. If partner bids 2♠, your hand is
worth even more and you should move it from the 13-15 point range into the 16-
18 point range.
Both of these bids by partner are limited and non-forcing. In the first example,
you need a very strong hand to make game, since partner is contributing only 6-
9 points. In the second example, you need just a bit more than opening values to
bid game. You are the captain. Simply add your points to partner’s (after
revaluing your hand) and see if the total comes to 26 points or so. Then make
your decision as to whether to bid again.
In the first auction, you would pass with a minimum hand (13-15). You
simply can’t have enough to reach 26 points. In the second, if you had 15 points,
you would bid game, since on average partner will have 11 points. With a
maximum hand (19+), you would bid game in both cases, since you have at
least 26 points (or close enough — it isn’t that scientific). With a moderate hand
of 16-18 points, you can definitely go to game over the limit raise, since you
know you have at least 26 points between you. However, in the first auction, if
you have 17 or 18 points, you cannot be sure whether or not your side has
enough for game. It depends on whether partner has a maximum (8 or 9) or a
minimum (6 or 7). What to do? Ask partner. You are not allowed to shout across
the table, but you can make a bid that asks the question: 3♥. Partner is expected
to pass with a minimum hand (6-7) and bid game with a maximum (8-9).
First, just as before, think about how high you want to bid by adding your points
to partner’s. Do you want to play at a minimum level, invite to game or just bid
game? This time, you must also think about the best spot to play in.
Suppose you have a minimum hand. There is no chance for game, so you
should pass, right? Not necessarily. While it is true that you probably can’t make
game, a notrump contract might not be the best place to play. Remember, partner
may have bid 1NT without a balanced hand. Therefore, if you have a balanced
hand, you can pass, but with an unbalanced hand, you should choose one of
these actions: (1) rebid your own suit or (2) bid a new suit if it is lower-ranking
than your first suit.
When you bid a new suit, you are asking partner to pick which of your suits
he likes better. If he likes the second suit better, he will pass; if he likes the first
suit better, he will go back to it. Remember, you don’t want to rebid a higher-
ranking suit and force partner to bid at the three-level if he likes your first suit
better. Here are some examples:
In the first auction, you expect partner to pass 2♥. In the second, he will give you
preference: he will either pass 2♣ or take you back to 2♥. He’s not showing
anything more than his 6-9 minimum by doing this.
If you have enough points for game when you add everything together, and if
you know where you want to play, just bid the game.
In the first example, you will have a good six-or seven-card heart suit. In the
second, you have a strong balanced hand.
If you have a strong unbalanced hand with more than one suit, you want to ask
partner for his opinion about where to play. Suppose you have both
majors — the most common case. You will have opened 1♠, the higher ranking
of your two suits. Over partner’s 1NT, you jump to game in hearts, your second
and lower-ranking suit. Now if partner likes your first suit better, he can go back
to it without raising the level. To be clear, here is that auction:
Partner will pass with better hearts and bid 4♠ with better spades.
If you are unsure about whether you should be in game after a 1NT response
from partner, you can issue an invitation. If you have a balanced hand, you can
bid 2NT. Recall that with a balanced hand of 15-17, you would have
opened 1NT and with 13 or 14, you would have passed 1NT. Therefore, you
must have exactly 18 or 19 points to make this 2NT bid. Partner should pass
with a minimum (6-7) or bid 3NT with a maximum (8-9). With a good six-card
major, you can rebid three of your major over 1NT.
You are asking partner to bid 4♥ with a maximum or pass with a minimum.
With a very strong hand (19+), you can also bid a new suit — just make sure
that you bid one level higher than you would if you had a minimum or partner
won’t understand how good your hand is (this is called a jump shift — we
encountered it last chapter for responder, and we’ll discuss it a little more later
on in this chapter).
2. You have:
3. You open 1♥ and partner bids 1NT. What is your rebid on each of
these hands?
1. a) Your hand has improved. You started out with 18 points: 15 HCP
and 3 for distribution. Your hand should be upgraded to the 19+ range.
b) Rebid 4♠, since you have enough for game.
2. a) Your hand has improved and should be moved up from the 13-
15 point range to the 16-18 point range.
b) Bid 3♥. Ask partner if he has a maximum. If partner has a
maximum 8 or 9 points, he will bid 4♥. If partner has only 6 or 7, you
are a touch short. He will pass 3♥.
c) Bid 4♥. You have enough for game opposite partner’s 10-12.
3. a) Bid 2♥. You do not have enough for game and your hand is too
distributional to want to play in notrump. Partner will pass your 2♥
bid, since you are the captain. Don’t bid 2♠, since spades are higher
ranking than hearts. In any case, partner can’t have four spades or he
would have bid 1♠ instead of 1NT.
b) Bid 3♥. You want to play in hearts, but you cannot be sure that your
side has 26 points. If partner has a maximum, he will bid 4♥;
otherwise, he will pass.
c) Bid 4♥. You have enough to play in game even if partner has a
minimum and very little heart support.
Opener’s Rebid After a New Suit by Responder
If partner’s first bid is a new suit, you do not know how many points he has.
True, you know that partner has enough to respond, since he didn’t pass, and if
he has bid a new suit at the two-level, then he has at least 10 points. However,
partner could have a great deal more. It is your job as opener to bid again.
We know this ‘open-endedness’ of the first response is a tough nut to
swallow. To make it a little clearer, look at these four hands for responder and
imagine that in each case the opening bid has been 1♦:
On all four of these hands, the first bid by responder will be the same — 1♠!
However, as you can see, they fall into very different point ranges: 6-9, 10-12,
13-15, and 16-18 respectively. Opener has no idea how many points responder
actually has when he bids a new suit. Opener’s responsibilities are to keep the
bidding alive and to continue to describe his own hand with his rebid. Responder
will then be able to add his points to opener’s and decide how high to go.
Your side is still trying to answer the question ‘Which suit should be trumps?’
You also have to keep in mind exactly what type of hand you have: 13-15, 16-
18, 19+. We will see how you should bid with each of these types of hand.
Once you, as opening bidder, describe your hand accurately, partner will be able
to decide whether the hand belongs in partscore, game or even slam.
Most of the time, when you are the opening bidder, you will find yourself
holding a minimum hand. That’s life. However, it is important that you bid very
carefully with hands in this range. You don’t want to mislead partner by showing
more than a minimum. You have two simple options you should consider first. If
partner has bid a major suit and you have support for it, then raise partner at the
cheapest level. With a balanced hand and stoppers in the unbid suits, bid the
cheapest number of notrump. If your hand doesn’t fit either of these options, you
have a chance to get creative. Basically, you choose the rebid that best describes
your hand from the following list (they are not in any particular order — go for
the one that fits your hand best):
a. Rebid your first suit at the cheapest level (you need at least five);
b. With trump support, raise partner’s suit at the cheapest level. You
would like to have four trumps to do this, but if no other choice
appeals, then it’s okay to raise with three if you have an honor in that
c. Bid the cheapest number of notrump if you have stoppers in the two
unbid suits;
d. Bid a new suit at the one-level;
e. Bid a new suit at the two-level. You may bid a new suit at the two-
level only if it is lower ranking than the suit you opened (otherwise, if
partner likes your first suit better, he will have to return to it at the
three-level and you are too weak to ask partner to bid that high).
Here are some auctions where opener shows a minimum hand:
Notice that most of your rebid choices show that you have a minimum hand, but
when you bid a new suit of your own, you could have as much as 18. (New suit
bids are unlimited.)
Once again, your first choice is to raise partner’s major with excellent trump
support, but with 16-18 points, you jump:
You have answered the question, ‘In what suit shall we play the deal?’ Partner
will now be able to decide how high to bid by adding your points to his.
With a balanced hand and no support for partner’s major, you will rebid
notrump. If you had a balanced hand in the 15-17 range, you would have opened
1NT in the first place. With 18 or 19 points, a balanced hand and stoppers in the
unbid suits, you jump in notrump.
Otherwise, pick one of these options:
c. If partner has raised your major, you can make an invitational bid:
Also, as we saw earlier, if partner made a minimum raise of your suit, you can
bid game.
Here is a summary of the bids you can make when partner has bid a new suit
over your opening bid of one of a suit. The top two bids are your first choices.
After that, pick the bid that best describes your hand.
1. You have:
2. You have:
You open 1♥ and partner bids 1♠. Has your hand improved? What is
your rebid?
3. You have:
1. a) Bid 2♥. You have a minimum hand with excellent trump support for
b) Bid 1NT. You have a balanced minimum hand.
c) Bid 2NT. You have a balanced minimum hand. This is not forcing.
2. No, you have not yet found a fit, so your hand has not improved.
Bid 3♥: you have a moderate hand with a good six-card suit.
3. a) You have a maximum hand. You should rebid 2♠, a jump shift.
b) Bid 4♠. Even if partner has a minimum, you have enough for game.
Practice Bidding
You have now begun to see the way bidding works. It is beautiful and fun, but it
does need practice. We suggest that you deal out two hands and practice bidding
them (if you take some of the low spot cards out of the deck, you’ll find you get
more opening bids). Bid a few hands whenever you have time. A friend of ours,
a well-known bridge expert, always carries a deck of cards and deals them out
once he has ordered in a restaurant! If you can practice with your favorite
partner, that is the best method of all. Bridge is a partnership game and you want
to be on the same wavelength as your partner. It is also fun and helpful to
discuss the outcome after you bid. Did you get to the right spot? Was partner
expecting your hand to be similar to the one you held?
Have you ever seen a bumper sticker that says, “Bridge players do it with
finesse”? It’s a humorous reference to one of the favorite card-play tactics used
by bridge players. It is called the finesse, and it can make a loser disappear as if
by magic.
Let’s lay out some cards. Take the spade suit and give South two little spades
(the ♠4 and the ♠5 in the example we are using). Give North across the table the
A-Q of spades. Lay these cards face up on the table. This is what you should see:
How many spade tricks are you going to take? There is one sure trick, the ace,
but what about the queen? You could play the ace and hope the king falls, but
that doesn’t seem very likely. Is there any other way for you to take a trick with
the spade queen? Actually, there is, but it depends on exactly where the spade
king is. Take the king of spades and put it in the hand on your left (the West
hand) with another spade. Put two other spades in the hand on your right (the
East hand). Now you have a layout something like the one to the right.
Lead the ♠4 from the South hand. The plan is to play the ace only if your left-
hand opponent plays the king. If he plays a low card, you will play the queen…
and it will win the trick! Go ahead, try it.
Congratulations — you have just taken your first finesse. For this play to
work, you have to lead from the weaker side of the suit towards the stronger. If
you lead a spade from the North hand, it doesn’t matter whether you lead the ace
or the queen — you will take only one spade trick.
Now trade the East and West hands. You will see something like this (lower
How many spade tricks can you take now? This time you will only be able to
take one, the ace. This time when you lead a spade towards dummy’s A-Q, your
right-hand opponent will win his king if you play the queen and play a low card
if you play the ace. Finesses depend on the position of the missing honor and so
they work only half of the time. But that is definitely better than nothing!
There are many positions where you may be able to win extra tricks by
finessing. Let’s look at some more examples. It is a good idea to lay out the
cards as they appear in each diagram and then try the play for yourself.
If you want to try to take three tricks, you can cash the ace first and then lead the
six — towards the jack, the honor that you want to finesse. If West plays a small
diamond, you play the jack… and hope! In this layout, no matter what your left-
hand opponent does, he cannot prevent you from taking three tricks in this suit:
the ace, the king and the jack.
We’re sure you know by now that you have to lead towards the ace. This time
you should lead the queen and play low from dummy if West does not produce
the king. If the queen wins the trick, you will still be in the proper hand to take
another finesse. You should always lead an honor to a finesse when you own all
the neighboring cards in the combined hands. However, without those to help, it
won’t work.
In this position, if you lead the queen, West plays his king. Now when you take
your ace, the jack, ten and nine have become winners. Thus, you must not lead
the queen. After all, you have no neighbors. If you have this holding, you should
lead the three to the ace and then the four towards the queen, hoping that East
has the king. As the cards lie in the diagram, you will only be able to get one
club trick— the ace.
Look for chances to take finesses in the practice deals. Don’t forget to count
your losers and make a plan.
Charles Goren, a Philadelphia lawyer, took over from Ely Culbertson as ‘Mr.
Bridge’ in the 1950s. His ‘point-count’ bidding eclipsed the use of the old-style
Culbertson Honor Tricks and established a standard method of bidding that has
endured through the last half-century. A world champion in 1950, he was also a
prolific book author who hosted a TV show on bridge and penned a regular
Sports Illustrated column on bridge. In 1958, he was featured on the cover of
Time magazine.
In the last few chapters, we have concentrated on trump contracts, but you can
also play contracts in notrump. In fact, in notrump, you only have to commit to
nine tricks to make game, whereas major-suit games demand ten and minor-suit
games eleven. As a result, 3NT is the favorite game contract of most bridge
In this chapter, we will look at auctions that start with an opening bid of 1NT.
A 1NT opening is a very specific bid that defines opener’s hand within narrow
limits. Since responder knows so much about the hand opposite, he can often
select the best contract right away. Even if that isn’t possible, he often needs
only a little more information from partner to decide where to play. We will look
at responder’s role in notrump auctions, how he can use a special bid to get
information he needs, and how his point range affects the bid that he selects.
After that, we will look at how to play notrump contracts. In notrump
contracts, we count the number of winners rather than the number of losers. We
will look at exactly how to count sure winners and then how to make a plan to
get the number of tricks we need. Notrump is a race between declarer and the
defense to see who can take their winners first. We will look at the hold-up play,
where you refuse to win a trick, and how that can help you to win the race.
Finally, we will look at how to select the opening lead against a notrump
Notrump Auctions
Two quick reminders: (1) when bidding notrump, you only count high card
points and (2) an opening bid of 1NT shows exactly 15-17 HCP and a balanced
hand. A balanced hand has at most one doubleton and no singletons or voids at
all. The most balanced hand has a distribution of 4-3-3-3 — four cards in one
suit and three in each of the others. Hands that have 4-4-3-2 or 5-3-3-2 shape are
also balanced. However, 4-4-4-1 and 5-4-2-2, for example, are not balanced
hand patterns: the first contains a singleton and the second contains two
Also remember:
Responder will use those point ranges as a guide to decide how high to bid.
Responses to Partner’s 1NT Opening Bid
Most bridge players enjoy opening 1NT. For one thing, it announces quite a
good hand. For another, a 1NT opening provides your partner with a lot of
information about your hand. Partner knows that you have 15, 16 or 17 HCP and
a balanced hand. This is very powerful information. Compare that to what
partner knows when you open one of a suit. You can have anything
from 13 points to more than 20. You can be balanced or unbalanced, and if you
open one of a minor, partner can’t even be sure that your minor is four cards
It is fun to be responder when partner opens 1NT. As responder, you are going
to take charge, since you know so much about partner’s hand. You are the
captain of the auction. You are in a great position to answer the two fundamental
questions of bidding, ‘Where?’ and ‘How high?’ Sometimes you can just place
the contract. On other occasions, you might want to ask partner a few questions.
Let’s see how that works.
Let’s start with weak hands. If you have 0-7 points, you know that game is
unlikely. When you add your points to those of your partner, you can see that
you cannot have 25 points, even if partner has his maximum 17 points.
Therefore, your goal is to keep the contract low, but 1NT might not be the right
place. If you have a five-card major suit, you will usually be better off with your
suit as trumps. That way, your weak hand will be able to take a few tricks. Say
you have this hand
or worse still
If partner opens 1NT, it will very difficult for him to make that contract.
However, if you can arrange for spades to be trumps, knowing that partner has at
least two of them (since he opened 1NT), that will be much better. Now you will
be able to take some tricks with your small spades, whereas they would be
useless to partner in 1NT. There is a special way to get to a major-suit contract
after a 1NT opening bid.
Jacoby Transfers
This is an exciting moment in your bridge career. You are about to learn your
first convention. A convention is a bid that does not mean what it says — it is an
artificial bid. The convention we are going to describe is called the Jacoby
If partner opens 1NT and you bid 2♥, you expect it to promise hearts and to
suggest that your side play in a heart contract. As we will see, that’s not always
true. If you and your partner have agreed to play Jacoby Transfers, the 2♥ bid
does not say anything about hearts.2 In fact, it shows something quite different.
A bid with a specific agreed-upon artificial meaning. It may not say
anything about the suit bid.
Thus, 2♦ over 1NT says absolutely nothing about diamonds and 2♥ over 1NT
says absolutely nothing about hearts. The 2♦ bid is simply a way to get partner to
bid 2♥ and the 2♥ bid is a way to get partner to bid 2♠. Instead of bidding 2♥
or 2♠ yourself, you have ‘transferred’ the bid to partner. He makes it instead of
you. We call the suit partner must bid the transfer suit. Remember, using a
Jacoby Transfer promises at least five cards in the transfer suit.
“Jacoby Transfer”
A response to an opening 1NT bid. A bid of 2♦ asks partner to bid 2♥; a bid
of 2♥ asks partner to bid 2♠. This promises at least five cards in the transfer
Bridge is a game of full disclosure. That means that your opponents are
entitled to know what your bids mean if you have an agreement with your
partner. When you and your partner are using a convention, you have a
responsibility to tell your opponents when you use it. Make sure that your
opponents know that you are playing Jacoby Transfers so that they will be able
to follow the auction.
Partner has opened 1NT. If you have a weak hand with hearts, you bid 2♦,
Jacoby Transfer. Now, when partner bids 2♥, as you requested, you pass. You
are in the contract that you, the captain, have selected, but partner is declarer.
Why do we go to so much trouble to get partner to play the contract?
Certainly not because he is a better declarer! It turns out that when one hand is
very weak and another is strong and balanced, the contract plays better when the
strong hand is declarer. When the opponent on partner’s left makes the opening
lead, partner plays last. He can save his high cards until he sees which card he
needs to play — that alone can often be worth an extra trick in the play. In this
case, getting partner to be declarer is the first job of the person responding. As
we explore Jacoby Transfers further, you will also see that using this convention
allows you to describe a lot of different hands, not just the weak ones.
If you have a weak hand with a long minor, you are out of luck. By adopting
transfers, you have lost your ability to bid 2♦ to show a diamond suit, and, as we
shall see later, 2♣ is reserved for something else. If you have one of those hands,
you just have to pass 1NT and hope for the best. This is the downside of using
conventions: you lose the natural meaning of your artificial bid. So you have to
be sure that you are gaining more than you are losing.
2. Partner opens 1NT. How many points do you have on each of these
two hands?
1. a) Bid 2♥. This hand will almost surely play better in spades than in
notrump. When you have a five-card major, use a Jacoby Transfer.
Partner will bid 2♠ and you will pass.
b) Pass. You have 7 HCP, a decent hand for partner, but not enough
for game. He will be happy to be playing in 1NT.
c) Bid 2♦, Jacoby Transfer. You want to play in hearts, but you have
way too little for game. You will pass partner’s 2♥ rebid.
d) Pass and hope for the best. With only four spades, you must not
transfer to spades (partner may only have two of them) and there is no
way to play in 2♦, since that bid is a transfer to hearts.
2. Hand (a) is worth 6 points and hand (b) is worth 7 points (even for
notrump, you add 1 for the five-card suit headed by the ace). Both
hands fit within the 0-7 point range.
Responding to 1NT With 8 or 9 Points
With 8 or 9 points, you can see that if you add your points to partner’s, you may
have enough for game if partner has a maximum. However, if partner has
only 15, you do not have the 25 points that you need for game. We consider
hands in this 8-9 range to be invitational. So, as captain, you want to invite
partner to bid game. If you don’t have a long major suit, your invitational bid
is 2NT. Partner will pass with a minimum and bid 3NT with a maximum.
However, if you have a five-card major, then you want to offer partner the
option of using that as a trump suit as an alternative to playing in notrump.
Therefore, if you have a five-card major, you again start with a Jacoby
Transfer. However, this time you don’t pass when partner completes the transfer.
Let’s look at what happens next. Let’s say you have:
Of course, there are four similar auctions available to you that begin with a
transfer to hearts.
With a six-card or longer major suit, things do not need to be quite this
complicated. If you have six or more cards in your major suit and 6-7 HCP, you
know you want to play there; so after partner accepts your transfer, raise him.
This auction offers partner a choice of passing 3♠ or going on to 4♠. This time,
3NT is not an option. The captain has spoken and said that this deal will be
played in spades.
This table is not yet complete. There are some more options and we will add
them in the next chapter.
1. a) Bid 2♥ (transfer). You have 9 points: 8 HCP and 1 for the fifth
spade. When partner bids 2♠, bid 2NT to invite to game in either
notrump or spades.
b) Bid 2♦ (transfer). You have 7 HCP and 2 for distribution since you
are going to play in hearts. You have enough to invite. When partner
bids 2♥, bid 3♥ to invite to game in hearts.
c) Bid 2NT to invite partner to bid 3NT. You have a very balanced
hand. Notrump is the spot.
2. a) Partner is asking you to choose between playing hearts or notrump
and also whether you have a maximum or a minimum.
b) You have only two hearts, but you do have a maximum. Bid 3NT.
Responding With 10-15 Points
When you are in this range, you know that you have enough for game, but not
enough for slam (that usually takes at least 33 combined points). As we look at
your choices, you will see that they are quite similar to bidding with an
invitational hand.
If you have a balanced hand with no five-card major, you will usually simply
bid 3NT. Well done, captain. If you do have a five-card major, once again you
do responder’s first job — you use a Jacoby Transfer. However, this time you
won’t stop short of game. For example, if you have a balanced hand with only
five hearts, then after partner completes the transfer, you bid 3NT (rather
than 2NT as you did with only 8-9 points). Partner can now pick which game he
prefers: with three or more hearts, he will bid game in hearts; with only two
hearts, partner will pass and play 3NT.
If you have lots of your major (six or more), transfer to the major and then bid
game. Again, the captain has spoken.
Again, as you’ll see in the next chapter, this table is not yet complete.
1. Partner opened with 1NT. What do you respond with each of the
following holdings? How do you expect the auction to continue?
1. a) Start with a transfer to spades and then bid 4♠. With a six-card suit,
you want to play the deal in your major.
b) Transfer to hearts and then bid 3NT. Give partner a choice of
games. If partner doesn’t have at least three hearts, chances are this
deal will play better in notrump.
2. Partner has five spades and is asking you to bid 4♠ with three or more
spades or to pass with two. Even though you have a perfectly balanced
hand, your partner does not. You do have three spades, so bid 4♠.
Playing in notrump requires different thinking than playing suit contracts. It has
some special challenges because you don’t have a trump suit to keep control of
the action. As you will see, when you play notrump, losers are not as important
as winners. Therefore, the very first action you take when you are declarer in a
notrump contract is to count sure winners. A sure winner is a trick you can take
without giving up the lead — that means without losing any tricks in that suit. If
you have an ace, you have one sure trick. If you have the ace and king in a suit,
you have two. To count winners, look at both your own hand and dummy. You
can borrow both high cards and length from dummy’s cards.
If your holding in a suit is
A trick that you can take without giving up the lead.
How many winners do you have? We count this as only three winners. Of
course, most of the time you will get four tricks, since with an odd number
missing, you expect the suit to split evenly (in this case 3-2) and your fourth card
will become high. If you had the jack as well, then you would have four
winners — you would not need a favorable split.
1. In each of the following suits, how many sure winners do you have?
2. Count the number of sure winners you have in the following hands.
After you count your sure winners, you will find that most of the time you will
not have enough tricks to make your contract. You will need to develop
additional tricks. So the next step is to look for the best suit to produce extra
tricks. You are going to make this suit your ‘project suit’. How can you locate a
good project suit? Start by eliminating suits that can’t produce any more tricks.
Look at this holding:
You have all of the high cards and three winners. However, once you’ve played
three rounds of this suit, you’ll have no more winners. You can’t get blood from
a stone — this suit simply will not produce more than three tricks even if you
play it very slowly! This is not a suit to make your project suit. You need to look
elsewhere to find more tricks. What about this?
You have two sure winners in this suit, but you are unlikely to make three. You
only have five cards in this suit, so the bad guys have eight; all of their cards will
be higher than yours after you play the ace and king. This is another suit that you
can eliminate as a project suit.
Now let’s look at a suit with some potential. Suppose you have:
You have counted nothing for this suit yet, since without the ace you have no
sure winners. However, if you give up the ace to the opponents, you can develop
three winners. A suit like this makes an excellent project suit.
Now that you have found the project suit, the next step is to attack it before
touching any other suits. When should you do this? The minute you get the lead!
When playing a deal without enough sure winners, establishing the extra winners
is your first priority. Yes, it’s comforting that you have sure winners in other
suits, but get into the good habit of establishing extra winners first, instead of
playing off your sure winners in other suits.
Finally, remember that when you are cashing winners, you should use up the
high cards from the short hand first, just like in a trump contract.
The first high card you play in this suit should be the king. The second high card
should be the ace. Playing the suit this way will ensure that you can play all of
your winners in the suit without any problems. Note that you could also play the
three from your hand towards the king in dummy. You do not have to lead the
high card from the short side first, but you do need to ‘use it up’.
If the opponents have a good suit, then you are going to need some high cards in
that suit to prevent them from taking tricks in it. You may recall that we called
high cards like these ‘stoppers’, since they stop the opponents from running their
suit. Typical stoppers might be the ace, the king and another, the queen with two
bodyguards or a four-card suit headed by the jack. Why do you need this length?
The idea is that when the opponents play their high cards, you follow with your
small cards; eventually your high card becomes a winner and you can take a
Let’s see how it works with Q-5-2 as a stopper. The opponents start off with
the ace and you play the two. They play the king and you play the five. Now
they play their jack, but it isn’t good enough — you win with the queen. If you
had started with Q-5 (without that third card), then the queen would have fallen
ignobly under their king. So Q-5 is not good enough to be a stopper.
One stopper is handy, but having just one might not always be enough. Let’s
look at an example. Lay out this deal.
South opens 1NT and North bids 3NT. West makes the unfriendly lead of the
♠K, top of his sequence. Let’s look at what might happen. You do have a
stopper, the ♠A, so you can win the first trick with it. Let’s count the sure
winners. You have seven sure winners: four in hearts and two in diamonds to go
along with the ♠A. However, your side needs nine tricks. Clubs looks like an
excellent project suit and you will have four club winners once the opponents
take their ♣A. There is a fly in the ointment, though. When you give up the lead,
the opponents will be able to cash four spade winners. When you add that to
their club winner, they will have taken five tricks, leaving only eight for you: not
enough. Try playing it out to test this scenario, if you like.
Notrump contracts are like a race, and the defenders have the advantage —
they get the opening lead, so they have a head start. In this case, they got their
spade tricks set up and were able to take them before you could get your project
suit established. But wait: perhaps this contract is not doomed after all...
A strategy of refusing to win a trick with a high honor, saving the winner
for a later trick.
There is a name for this strategy: it is called a hold-up play. You are holding
up your stopper and taking it later, so that you can exhaust one of the defenders
of the suit they are attacking.
The Opening Lead Against Notrump
As you have seen, notrump contracts are a race and the winner will be whichever
side can set up their long suit first and take their winners. It doesn’t matter so
much if declarer can set up nine tricks to make 3NT if you can take five tricks
first on defense. Since your goal in a notrump contract is to establish your side’s
long suit, normally you will lead your own longest suit. With two suits of equal
length, pick the strongest. If you have a sequence in your long suit, then lead the
top of the sequence; otherwise, lead BOSTON. However, we would like to make
one suggestion. When you have an honor in your long suit, don’t lead the very
bottom card — lead your fourth-highest card instead. So if your longest suit is
four cards long, lead the lowest; if it is five cards long, lead the second lowest,
and so on. Like this:
When you lead your fourth highest partner can get an idea of how long your suit
is and can decide whether to continue playing that suit or change direction.
West opens 1NT. With a balanced hand and 12 points, East, the captain, can
place the contract in 3NT.
North leads the ♥7, the fourth highest from his longest suit. Declarer counts
his sure winners: he has five clubs, three spades and a heart. Nine winners!
Enough for his contract. He can hold up on the heart for one round, but after
that, he should take all nine of his winners. Yes, diamonds is a great project suit,
but with nine tricks already, you don’t need it. If you play diamonds before
taking your nine tricks, the opponents can take five tricks, four hearts and a
diamond to defeat the contract. It would be a shame to go down in a game
contract when you have all the tricks you need!
South has a perfect 1NT opening bid with 15 HCP and a balanced hand.
With 12 HCP, North knows that his side has at least 27 points, enough for game.
Looking at a balanced hand and no five-card major, North just bids 3NT.
West should lead the ♣7, his fourth-highest club. It is a better lead than the
♦Q, since clubs are much more likely to be the longest suit for the defense.
West’s goal is to set up his long club suit. Declarer counts his sure tricks. He has
seven of them: four spades, two diamonds and a club. He can establish the extra
three tricks by setting up his heart suit. If he plays hearts, the opponents will
have to take the ♥A eventually and his remaining hearts will be winners. So
hearts makes an excellent project suit. The danger is that the defenders will take
five tricks: a heart and four clubs. By holding up the ♣A twice, declarer can
reduce the risk. He wins the third round of clubs and immediately starts on his
project suit. As it happens, East wins the ♥A and has no clubs to return. Declarer
can win the next trick in whatever suit East plays now and make ten tricks.
East opens 1NT. West has 10 points and an extra point for the fifth diamond, for
a total of 11. We need only 25 HCP to make 3NT, so West bids game.
South leads the ♠Q. Spades are his best suit and he leads the top of his perfect
sequence. North wins the ♠A and continues spades, declarer’s ♠K winning.
Declarer has eight sure tricks: five clubs, two hearts and a spade. Diamonds look
attractive as a project suit, but do you see the problem? If you let the opponents
gain the lead with the ♦A, they will cash three more spade winners, making a
total of five tricks for the defense. Too many. You need to make your ninth trick
without giving up the lead. The best chance to do that is to lead a heart to the ♥A
and then finesse the ♥J. If the ♥Q is held by North, then declarer will make his
♥J, which will be his ninth trick. The bridge gods are kind on this deal and
declarer can score up his game.
1 Many bridge conventions are named after the person who first invented or popularized them. This one
is named after Oswald Jacoby, one of the premier American bridge players of the twentieth century.
2 You will encounter some people who do not play Jacoby Transfers. In that case, when they bid 2♦
over 1NT, they have diamonds, and when they bid 2♥, they have hearts. You must agree with your partner
about whether or not you are playing transfers before starting to play. Transfers are very common in
modern bidding.
7 Improving Notrump Auctions
By 1933, bridge had become so popular that Hollywood made a movie about it.
Grand Slam, starring Loretta Young and Paul Lukas, can still be seen
occasionally on late night television. The film was based on a novel by B.
Russell Herts, Grand Slam: the rise and fall of a bridge wizard and was loosely
based on some of the events in the Culbertson era.
We have seen that Jacoby Transfers work well after an opening bid of 1NT when
responder has a five-card or longer major. However, what if responder has one
or two four-card majors? If opener has four of responder’s major, then the
partnership has at least an eight-card fit. The partnership is likely to take more
tricks playing in their major-suit fit than in notrump.
Why is that? Consider this suit:
If you are playing in notrump, you will take exactly four tricks in this suit.
However, if you play in a trump contract, you can often take one or two extra
tricks by trumping losers in one of the hands. If you can trump two losers in
responder’s hand, then in this example you will be able to take six tricks with
this suit rather than the four you would take in notrump. Another advantage of
playing in a trump contract is that trumps give you the ability to prevent
opponents from taking tricks in their long suits. It is therefore safer to play in a
trump-suit contract than in notrump; hence our eternal quest to find an eight-card
major-suit fit.
In general, you can expect to take one extra trick if you play in a 4-4 major-
suit fit. Therefore, it is often important to find out if the opening 1NT bidder has
a four-card major, and which one it is.
Where a need in bridge exists, there is a usually a convention, and this case is
no exception. In fact, the one that suits this particular purpose is one of the two
most commonly used bridge conventions in the world: Stayman. (In a later
chapter you will be introduced to the other top convention, Blackwood.) This
particular convention was popularized in the 1940s by American expert Sam
Stayman — hence the name. Sam Stayman was a world bridge champion, but he
is best known today for writing about this convention.
The beauty of the Stayman convention is its simplicity. When partner
opens 1NT and you want to find out whether he has a four-card major, you
simply bid 2♣. This bid says absolutely nothing about clubs. Instead, it asks
partner the question ‘Do you have a four-card major?’ Opener does not have any
discretion as to his reply: his job is simply to answer the question. If he has no
four-card major, he rebids 2♦ (this bid says nothing about diamonds). If he has
four hearts, he rebids 2♥, and if he has four spades, he rebids 2♠. If he happens
to have four cards in both majors, his bid is 2♥. That’s it. Simple and elegant.
Remember, though, that you can no longer bid 2♣ to play in clubs when partner
opens 1NT. If you bid 2♣, partner will treat it as Stayman and show you his
major suits. Unfortunately, you cannot have it both ways.
When Should You Use the Stayman Convention?
On most hands that include a four-card major, you want to know if partner has a
fit for your major, so you use Stayman. There are, however, a few hands that are
not suitable. If you have a hand worth fewer than 8 points, it is too risky to bid at
all. Suppose your partner opens 1NT and you hold:
While it’s true that if partner has a four-card major suit you may be better off
playing in two of that major than in 1NT, it is just too risky to bid. With fewer
than 8 points, you always pass 1NT, unless you have a five-card or longer major
(on those hands, you transfer to the major).
If you do have a five-card or longer major, then you don’t need to use
Stayman. Just transfer to the major, after which you either insist on your major
or offer partner the choice of playing in notrump.
1. On each of the following hands, you have opened 1NT and partner
bids 2♣ (Stayman). What do you bid now?
2. Partner opened 1NT. What should you bid on each of these hands?
3. Your hand is:
1. a) Bid 2♦. It doesn’t matter that you have only ♦43 — this bid simply
says that you do not have a four-card major. You aren’t saying
anything about diamonds.
b) Bid 2♠. Tell your partner about your four-card spade suit. It might
be just what he’s looking for.
c) Bid 2♥. Yes, your spades are better, but with both majors, you
bid 2♥.
2. a) Pass. With only 7 high card points, you are too weak to use
b) Bid 2♣ (Stayman). If partner has four spades, you are probably
better off playing in that suit; if not, you can play in notrump. In either
case, you plan to bid game.
c) Bid 2♦ (Jacoby Transfer). You intend to give partner a choice
between 3NT and 4♥. With a five-card suit, there is no need to use
Stayman: partner has a fit with you even if he has only three trumps.
3. a) Great! Partner has hearts too. You can now add dummy points to
your high card points, since you are going to play in a suit. You have a
hand worth 11 points in hearts, enough for game opposite partner’s 15-
17. Bid 4♥.
b) Sadly, partner does not have four hearts, so you plan to play in
notrump. Since your hand has only 9 HCP, invite to game by
bidding 2NT.
Putting It All Together
Let’s look at the whole structure of how you respond to a 1NT opening with
different types of hand.
First, with 0-7 points, you either (a) pass or (b) transfer to your long major suit
and then pass.
If you have an invitational hand with 8-9 points, you have plenty of choices.
Start by looking at your major suits. If you have a six-card or longer major suit,
you transfer to that major and then raise to invite partner to bid game. With a
five-card major suit, you transfer and then bid 2NT, giving partner a number of
choices: he can opt for game or partscore in either notrump or your major. If you
have one or two four-card majors, start with Stayman. If partner holds four cards
in your major, what do you think you do next?
Using Stayman, you were able to find the best place to play, but don’t pass now!
Passing would end the auction and you want to invite partner to game. Bid 3♥
instead. Partner will bid 4♥ with a maximum opener.
What if partner doesn’t bid your major? For example, suppose on this hand
partner bids 2♠ instead of 2♥. Now you bid 2NT: you still want to invite partner
to game, but it will be a notrump game this time.
With a game-going hand (10+ points), you follow the same approach. With a
six-card major, you start with a transfer and bid game in the major. With a five-
card major, you start with a transfer and then bid 3NT, offering partner a choice
of games. With one or more four-card majors, you start with Stayman. If partner
picks your major, you (the captain) can jump to game in the major. If partner
doesn’t bid your major, then you bid 3NT. Can you see why everyone loves the
Stayman convention?
Finally, let’s make one subtle point. You hold:
What does partner have? He used Stayman, so he must have 8 or more points
and at least one four-card major. Since he didn’t like hearts, he must have four
spades. That means there’s an eight-card fit in spades. Therefore, even though
you have a minimum, don’t just pass 2NT — bid 3♠ and partner will pass. If you
had a maximum and four spades, you would bid 4♠ in this auction.
1. Partner has opened 1NT. What do you respond with each of the
following hands?
1. a) Bid 2♥, transfer to spades. You don’t need to use Stayman, since
you have five spades. Your plan is to bid 2NT next and invite partner
to pick between spades and notrump and between game and partscore.
b) Bid 3NT. You have enough points for game and your diamonds will
be useful as tricks in notrump. We like to avoid playing in a minor suit
if we can, because game in a minor requires eleven tricks while game
in notrump requires only nine tricks.
c) Bid 2♣, Stayman. If partner has four spades, then spades is likely to
be the best contract. If partner responds 2♠, you will bid 4♠ next.
Otherwise, you will bid 3NT. (Don’t worry about the quality of your
spade suit — quantity not quality is what matters!)
2. Bid 3♠. You can count a point for your doubleton now that you have
found a spade fit, but even so, you still have only 9 points. Invite
partner to bid 4♠ with a maximum.
Responding to 1NT With Very Strong Hands
All of these auctions can also start with either Stayman (with a four-card major)
or a Jacoby Transfer (if you have a five-card major). For example:
Partner has five spades and 16-17 points — a slam-invitational hand. If you have
only two spades, you will pass with a minimum or bid 6NT with a maximum;
with three or more spades, you should bid either 5♠ or 6♠, depending on whether
you have a minimum or a maximum.
2. Partner has opened 1NT. What do you respond? What do you expect
partner to do?
1. Bid 6NT. You have a balanced hand worth 18 points. Even if partner
has only 15 HCP, it will be enough for slam.
2. You have a hand worth 17 points: 16 HCP and 1 point for the fifth
diamond. Bid 4NT. You expect partner to bid 6NT with a maximum
and pass with a minimum.
We have already seen how to count your winners at notrump right at the
beginning of the play. Winners are sure tricks won by your top honors. Do you
remember that if you don’t have an ace in a suit, you have no sure tricks in that
suit? What if you have a suit like this?
When we talked about counting winners, we said that if you are missing an odd
number of cards in a suit (here five), then most of the time they will split as
evenly as possible. That means that most of the time you will have four winners
in this suit. The opposing cards will break 3-2 and your last spot card will
become a winner. So you count this suit as three winners, but keep in mind that
it may in fact turn out to be four.
When you have this holding, you can definitely count only three winners. If you
are missing an even number of cards in a suit (in this example, six), the suit will
not split perfectly evenly most of the time. You should expect that one of the
opponents will have at least four cards in this suit and that your ♠5 will not take
a trick. Sometimes the suit will split evenly and you will get a happy surprise,
but it’s best not to base your plans on it.
After you count your winners, work out how many tricks you need to develop
and then look for the most likely suit in which to get them — we called this your
project suit. Usually, the best place to find your project suit is the longest suit
containing the most high cards, but this is not always true. Which of these suits
is the better project suit?
The answer actually depends on how many tricks you need. If you need only one
trick, and there is some risk that the opponents will establish some fast winners
of their own, then the first suit is better. It will provide your one trick faster.
However, it will never produce more than one extra trick, while the second one
will eventually produce three. When you look for a project suit, you are looking
for a suit that will provide the number of additional tricks you need to make your
contract. Therefore, after you count winners, subtract them from the total
number of tricks you need and work on the suit or suits that will provide those
missing tricks.
In the last chapter we looked at different ways to develop the extra winners
you needed to make your contract. We looked at forcing out honors to set up
your suit, and in one of the example deals we took a finesse to develop a trick.
Let’s look at one more way to develop tricks. It is similar to forcing out the
opponents’ high cards to establish winners in a suit, but in this case we are
deliberately going to lose a trick to a lower card. Suppose this is your project
You have only two winners in the suit initially, but if you give up a spade, then
you can probably establish more tricks after the opponents have taken their
spade winner. Let’s say this is how the spades are distributed around the table.
After you play the ♠A and the ♠K, there will be only one spade left in the
opponents’ hands. You let West have his spade trick, setting up two more spade
winners for you. Alternatively, you can get the same effect by letting the
opponents have the first spade trick and then playing your ♠A and ♠K later. This
is often a good way to play a suit such as this one, because you will still have
spades in the South hand to reach North’s spade winners. Try it both ways and
see how it works.
Remember that notrump contracts are a race. You are trying to score the tricks
you need before the defense can take enough tricks to defeat your contract. The
defense has a project suit too and they are trying to set it up for the winners they
need – from your point of view, this is the danger suit. In the last chapter, we
saw that sometimes when the opponents lead a suit you should not take your
winner in that suit right away. Instead, you should hold it up: you refrain from
taking your winner as long as you can. Your hope is that whichever defender
gets the lead later in the deal will not be able to play the danger suit because he
won’t have any left.
However, every deal you play is different and each one needs its own plan.
You can’t just go on auto-pilot. Even when you have only a single stopper in a
suit, you may not want to hold up. Why not? Perhaps there is a risk that the
opponents will attack another suit where you don’t have a stopper at all! If
another suit is more dangerous (or just as dangerous), you can’t afford to hold up
a winner. Here is an example:
You opened 1NT and partner raised to 3NT. Your opponent led the ♠3. Let’s
count winners. You have six top winners: the ♠A, the ♣A and four tricks in
hearts. If you force out the diamond ace, you will have four more tricks. The
only danger is that the opponents might take five tricks before you take nine
tricks. Are you tempted to hold up the ♠A? Look at what happens if you hold up
the first spade and the opponents switch to clubs. It is almost certain that they
will take enough club tricks to defeat the contract.
Meanwhile, it is very unlikely that the opponents can set up four winners in
spades. Just win the ♠A, mentally thanking the opponents for not being nasty
enough to lead a club, and get to work on diamonds.
South opens 1NT with his balanced 17 HCP. North has 11 points, enough for
game. With no major suit, North raises 1NT to 3NT. West decides to lead a
spade, his longest suit: he leads the ♠J, top of the sequence.
Declarer stops to count his winners. He has eight top winners: two spades, two
hearts, two diamonds and two clubs. Diamonds look most promising as the
project suit. If diamonds break evenly (3-2), three rounds of diamonds will use
up all of the defense’s cards in the suit and the extra diamonds in dummy will be
At Trick 2, declarer plays a low diamond from each hand, allowing the
defense to win their diamond trick. (This is the correct technique, so it’s good to
get into the habit; however, on this deal, it will work just as well if declarer plays
his top two diamonds first.) When declarer regains the lead, he will then play the
♦A and ♦K. On this deal, the diamonds break 3-2, so dummy’s fourth and fifth
diamonds are winners and declarer will take ten tricks.
Bridge has often featured in fiction. In Cards on the Table, by Agatha Christie,
detective Hercule Poirot is able to solve a murder by examining the scoresheet of
the bridge game that his suspects were playing when the crime occurred.
Somerset Maugham, a keen bridge player, wrote several stories that involved
bridge scenes. C. C. Nicolet’s Death of a Bridge Expert was published in 1932,
and many of its characters were thinly disguised portraits of the leading players
of the day. Trick Thirteen, by Terence Reese and Jeremy Flint, and Takeout
Double, by Jim Priebe, are both murder mysteries where the motive for the
crime is related to cheating at bridge tournaments!
In this chapter, we will start to explore the world of competitive bidding and the
variety of actions you can take to get into the auction when the other side has
opened. When one opponent has opened, the requirements for you to make a bid
are not the same as those for opening the bidding. That is because your goals are
often different. For example, you may simply be trying to make sure that partner
knows what suit to lead. At other times, you may have exactly the same goal as
the opening bidder — to win the auction and get to play in your trump suit.
In the play section, we will look at finesses again and introduce you to some
new types of finesses. Also, since both sides are now involved in the auction, we
will look at a new idea for opening leads — leading the suit your partner bid.
In every deal you have seen so far, the opponents have done nothing except pass.
It’s like going to an auction where no one bids against you. In real life, however,
this doesn’t always happen. Your opponents will usually be quite happy to bid if
they have good cards even if you have opened the bidding. By the same token,
you should be eager to get into the auction yourself even when the other side has
started the ball rolling.
The cornerstone of competitive bidding is the overcall. What is an overcall? It
is a bid made in a new suit or notrump after one of your opponents has opened
the bidding. Where did it get that name? Well, a ‘call’ is actually another name
for a ‘bid’, so an overcall means a bid you make over your opponent’s ‘call’.
Here are some examples of an overcall:
A bid of a new suit or notrump after an opponent has opened the bidding.
When you overcall, your objectives are different than when you open the
bidding. Your goal might simply be to suggest to partner that he lead your suit;
alternatively, you may have quite a good hand and want to compete with the
opponents to win the contract. You may want to take away some of the
opponents’ bidding space or you may want to push them to bid to a higher level
where it is possible to defeat them. Sometimes you have all of these objectives.
Overcalling in a New Suit
It is not necessary to have a very good hand to make an overcall in a suit at the
one-level. You need at least 8 points to overcall (including distribution) and at
least a five-card suit. If you have only 8-12 points, you should have a very good
suit that you wish partner to lead. The primary purpose of bidding with this kind
of hand is to suggest the lead of the suit you have bid. We suggest that you have
a suit packed with honors — two of the top three honors (ace, king and queen) or
three of the top five honors (ace, king, queen, jack and ten).
If you have 13 points or more, you can overcall a five-card or longer suit of
poorer quality. With this kind of hand, you want to compete for the contract and
your high cards will make up for the lack of suit quality.
Here are some example hands on which you would overcall 1♠ after an
opponent’s opening bid of 1♦:
The first hand does not have a lot of high card points, but it does have an
excellent spade suit, one that you certainly want partner to lead. The second
hand has a weaker spade suit, but contains more points.
Here are some hands that really do not qualify as a good overcall of 1♠ over
an opening 1♦ bid:
The first hand has enough points, but the suit is too weak for an overcall in this
range. The second hand has a good suit, but you have too few points to overcall.
Look at this hand, though:
With 15 HCP, you can’t afford not to be in the bidding. You should overcall 1♠
even with a suit as poor as this; your high-card strength will compensate for the
bad spades. An overcall can be made on a very good hand indeed, but with 18 or
more points, you should take some other action, as you will see in the next
Sometimes you can’t make your overcall at the one-level. Suppose your
opponent opens 1♠: whatever suit you bid is going to take you to the two-level.
To overcall at the two-level, you need to have a hand that is a bit stronger. You
should have an opening bid (13 total points or more), with at least a good five-
card suit (and preferably six or more). So with
you just aren’t good enough to overcall at the two-level. If your opponent opens
the bidding with 1♠, you have to pass. You would really like to bid to get that
heart lead, but it is just too dangerous. On a bad day, you might make as few as
three tricks in 2♥ with this hand, and that can be very expensive.
With a really good suit, you can cheat a little:
If your opponent opens 1♥, you really want to tell partner to lead a club. Here,
your suit is so good that you should bid 2♣ anyway.
Your opponent has opened 1♣ and it is your turn. What do you bid and
what is your purpose in doing so?
2. The auction has been:
1. You should bid 1♠. Your main purpose is to recommend a spade lead
if partner is the opening leader. A spade is very likely to be the best
lead for your side.
2. a) Bid 2♦. You have a great five-card diamond suit and enough points
to bid at the two-level.
b) Pass. You have only 9 total points, not enough to bid at the two-
c) Bid 1♠. You don’t have a very good suit, but you have a good hand,
so you should overcall.
d) Pass. You have a decent suit, but you don’t have enough points to
overcall, even at the one-level.
Responding to a Suit Overcall
When partner overcalls, you can be sure that he has at least a five-card suit and
almost always a very good suit. Therefore, you only need three-card trump
support to have the magic eight-card fit. However, remember that partner didn’t
open the bidding, so he could have as little as 8 points for a one-level overcall;
when you respond, you need to take that into consideration. With at least three-
card trump support and 8-11 points, raise one level (for example, raise 1♠ to 2♠,
or 2♣ to 3♣). With 12-14 points and three trumps or more, raise two levels (e.g.
1♠ to 3♠). With 15 points or more, raise partner’s suit three levels or to game,
whichever is lower.
What if you don’t have support for partner? If you have 10 or more points,
you can bid a five-card suit of your own. This bid is unlimited and therefore
forcing, since partner does not know how good a hand you have. You can make
this bid with 10 points, but you might have 18 points or even more. The only
exception occurs if you have already had a chance to open the bidding but
passed, since that limits your hand to fewer than 13 points. If you are a passed
hand, the bid of a new suit is not forcing.
So here your 1♠ bid is forcing:
but here:
it is not forcing because you passed at the very beginning of the auction.
If partner is forced to bid again over your new suit and rebids his suit, he is
not promising six of them. He simply had to bid something.
If you don’t have support for partner, you can also bid notrump over your
partner’s overcall. You should have a balanced hand and stoppers in the
opponents’ suit. With 8-11 HCP and one stopper, bid notrump as cheaply as you
can. With 12-14 HCP and 11⁄2 stoppers (e.g. AQ), jump in notrump, and
with 15+ HCP, just bid 3NT.
Responses to an Overcall
Bid Notrump
1. a) Bid 2♠. You have support for partner and 8-11 points.
b) Bid 2NT. You don’t have support for partner, but you do
have 13 HCP and a double stopper in hearts.
c) Bid 3♠. You have great support for partner and 12-14 points.
d) Bid 2♦. You have 10+ points (but remember to downgrade for
shortness in partner’s suit). You do not have a good enough heart
stopper to jump in notrump, so bid your good five-card suit.
2. a) Partner probably has at least 13 points.
b) Bid 2♠. You do not have enough diamonds to support partner, but
you do have an excellent five-card spade suit of your own. You have
enough points to bid it.
c) No. This is a forcing bid. Your hand is unlimited, so partner cannot
d) He promises the same five diamonds he has already shown with the
overcall. You forced him to bid and he may not have another good bid.
Overcalling 1NT
Now let’s look at another type of overcall. On occasion you will pick up your
hand and think, ‘Great, I have a balanced hand in the 15-17 range — I can
open 1NT’, only to hear your right-hand opponent bid one of a suit before you
can open. Undeterred, you can still overcall 1NT. This overcall shows the same
hand as an opening 1NT bid (15-17 HCP and a balanced hand). In addition, it
promises at least one and a half stoppers in the opponents’ suit. A half stopper
simply means that it is a stopper depending on the location of the opponents’
high cards. For example, AQ is really 11⁄2 stoppers. Let’s see why in an
In this diagram (Hand A), suppose East leads the ten. Now South needs a
successful finesse for the queen to hold up as a second stopper.
If West has the king (Hand B), South will only be able to stop the suit one
Whereas if East has the king (Hand C), then the queen works as a second
However, if instead West leads the suit, the AQ is always two stoppers. It
doesn’t matter who has the king because South plays last. Compare this to the
AK, which is always two stoppers. All of these holdings in the opponents’ suit
are good enough to overcall 1NT:
Here is an example of a hand where you might overcall 1NT over an opening bid
of 1♥:
How should the bidding continue after your partner has overcalled 1NT? We
suggest you respond exactly as you would if your partner had opened 1NT. You
can use both notrump conventions (Jacoby Transfers and Stayman) in just the
same way as before. Suppose you hold
What do you bid? You should bid 2♣, Stayman, to see whether partner has a
four-card major fit with you. If partner bids a major, you can raise him to game
in that major. If partner bids 2♦, showing no major, then you can bid 3NT. You
see, it is just the same as if partner had opened 1NT. Even if your opponent had
opened 1♠, you would still use Stayman.
1. Your opponent opens 1♦. Should you overcall 1NT on the following
What do you bid now and what is your plan for the rest of the bidding?
1. a) No. Although you have 16 HCP, your diamond stopper just isn’t
good enough.
b) Yes. This is the perfect hand for an overcall of 1NT.
c) No. You have diamonds very well stopped, but only 13 HCP.
2. Use a Jacoby Transfer (2♥). Partner will bid 2♠ and your plan is to
bid 4♠ next, since you have enough for game. Partner has at least two
spades, so you know that you have at least an eight-card spade fit.
Previously, we showed you how to take a finesse when you are missing the king
in a position like the one below.
You lead a small card towards the dummy, hoping that West has the king. If he
plays low, you play the queen, while if he plays the king, you play the ace. The
whole scheme works because West has to play before dummy. You decide on
dummy’s card based on what he plays. If East has the king instead, you can
make only one trick, because he plays last and will win your queen with the
king, or play low under your ace.
Now we are going to look at some other finessing positions. In each case,
remember you will always lead from the weaker side of the suit towards the
First, suppose you have the ace, king and jack, but are missing the queen. You
can finesse in the same way. Let’s look at an example, to the left.
You make the same play we have seen already. You lead low from your hand
and play the jack unless West plays the queen. If he plays the queen, you play
the ace or king.
This is a similar position. If East has the king, you will lose one trick. Can you
still take two tricks? Yes, you must lead a small card towards the queen. If East
plays the king, you play low; if he plays low, you play the queen. This way, you
are assured of two tricks. It works because you play after East does. Once again,
you can refine your play by cashing the ace in dummy first in case West has the
singleton king. Then you lead a small card from dummy towards the queen.
Did you think you could lead the queen towards the ace in dummy, hoping for
this position (at the right)?
It doesn’t work. If you lead the queen, then West can play the king. You win
the ace, but now you’ve used both of your honors on a single trick. The jack and
ten held by East will take the next two tricks in the suit.
If you play a low card towards dummy instead of the queen, it still won’t
work. West plays low and you have to play dummy’s ace; otherwise, East will
win the jack. You can now lead low from dummy, but since West has the king,
you will not be able to win the queen. Try this for yourself until you understand
exactly how it works.
The situation is different (as shown here) if you have all those ‘next-door
neighbors’ — the jack and the ten.
Now you can lead the queen; even if West plays the king, your jack and ten
will be winners after you take the ace. If he does not play the king, the lead is
still in your hand for another finesse.
Now that we have both sides involved in the bidding, it is time to discuss another
excellent opening lead. If your partner has bid a suit, you should lead partner’s
suit unless you have a strong reason to do something else. This is especially true
if partner has overcalled. Remember, one of the two reasons to overcall is to ask
for the lead of that suit. If partner has gone to all that trouble, then it is your job
to oblige him. Among other benefits, this will help to keep your partner
happy — always a plus. Use the same rules as usual to pick the actual card to
lead: lead the top of a sequence or lead BOSTON (bottom of something and top
of nothing). If you have a doubleton in partner’s suit, always lead the top card
even if it is an honor.
E. With 10+ points and a five-card suit, responder bids a new suit. This
bid is forcing unless responder is a passed hand.
F. With stoppers and a balanced hand with no fit for partner, responder
may bid notrump:
In Ian Fleming’s Moonraker, James Bond triumphs over the evil megalomaniac
(and card cheat!) Hugo Drax by introducing a prepared hand into their high-
stakes bridge game. It is in fact a variation of a famous deal from the days of
whist, known as the Duke of Cumberland’s hand. Despite holding only an ace
and two queens between his hand and dummy, declarer cannot be prevented
from making a grand slam!
In the previous chapter, we looked at two ways to compete in the bidding once
the opponents have opened the auction. In this chapter, we will discuss the third
major type of competitive action, the takeout double. This is used when you
don’t have a good suit of your own, but you have support for the unbid suits, or
more rarely, when you have a hand that is too strong simply to overcall. We will
look at the whole story: from the requirements for a takeout double and
responder’s actions to the doubler’s rebid.
In the play section, we will discuss entries — cards that allows us to get to a
hand so that we can take our winners in that hand. Sometimes an entry is in the
suit that contains the winners and sometimes it is in another suit.
Communication — switching the lead between declarer’s hand and dummy or
between the defenders — is one of the critical elements to consider in the play.
The Takeout Double
We mentioned early in this book that one of your options during the auction is to
double your opponent’s bid. If you double, it means that the stakes are raised:
the opponents get more for making their contract and you will get more if they
go down. When a player bids too much and arrives in a contract that he cannot
make, an opponent who feels confident that his side can defeat the contract can
say ‘Double’. Saying ‘Double’ means ‘I don’t think you’re going to make this.’
Let’s say that the opponents bid to 4♠ and your hand is:
You are certain that your opponents can’t make this contract. You have three
sure trump tricks, possibly four, and you have two aces that are also likely to
take tricks. You say ‘Double’ to raise the stakes. This kind of double is called a
penalty or business double. If your opponents bid 7NT and you are on lead with
an ace, you can also say ‘Double’. This, too, is a penalty double! You want to
penalize your opponents for bidding too much.
However, how likely is it that you want to penalize your opponents right after
they make an opening bid of 1♥? Not very. To defeat them at all, you will have
to take more tricks than they do, and to make the risk of doubling worthwhile,
you want to be confident of beating them by several tricks. Obviously, that
situation isn’t going to arise very often, if ever. Therefore, instead of using a
double for penalty at a low level, we have another use for this call. We use this
double as a request for partner to bid another suit. This kind of double is called a
takeout double. We don’t want to penalize the opponents; rather, we want
partner to ‘take out’ the double by bidding another suit or notrump.
“Takeout Double”
A double of an opponent’s bid that asks partner to choose one of the unbid
We have, however, complicated our life a little by doing this. Now we have
two types of doubles, takeout and penalty. How can we tell the difference? A
takeout double has the following ingredients:
The bidding is at a level below game (less than 3NT, 4♥, 4♠ etc.)
The opponents have bid a suit (not notrump)
It is the doubler’s first opportunity to double
The doubler’s partner has not done anything except pass
Here are some examples of penalty doubles. These are not takeout doubles
because they do not meet the requirements listed above.
In the first case, the opponents have bid game; doubles of game contracts or
higher are not for takeout. In the second case, partner has already bid 1♣ and the
opponents have bid notrump. In the third case, the opponents have bid notrump,
not a suit.
You have a very nice hand, but you don’t have any particularly good suit to
overcall, nor can you bid 1NT. We use a takeout double to solve this problem. In
order to make a takeout double in this situation you need:
The first hand does not have support for spades. The second hand has the right
distribution, but you do not have enough points. In each case, your hand is not
suitable for any alternative action, so you have to pass.
The second type of hand that is suitable for a takeout double is one that is too
strong to overcall — a hand with 18+ points and a good suit. Suppose your hand
Your right hand opponent opens 1♣. Your spade suit is good enough, but you are
just too strong to overcall — with your 22 HCP, you need very little from
partner to make 4♠! Instead, you double. Of course, this time, you are not really
trying to get partner to pick a suit. You want to tell partner about your spade suit
and also tell him that you have a great hand. Your plan is to bid spades over
partner’s response, whatever it is.
Let’s say that partner bids 1♦ over your double. You now bid 1♠. If you did
not have a huge hand, you would simply have overcalled 1♠ in the first place.
Therefore, when you double and then bid a new suit, you are showing a hand too
good to overcall.
The third type of hand that is suitable for a takeout double is a balanced hand
that is too strong to overcall 1NT. It is easy to recognize this type of hand. You
look at your hand and think, ‘This is an excellent one notrump overcall.’ The fly
in the ointment is that you have 19 or more points — too many to overcall 1NT.
In short:
You hear 1♠ from the opponent on your right. You can’t overcall 1NT, because
your hand is just too strong for that bid — it promises 18 HCP at most. You start
by doubling. Then when partner makes a bid, you rebid notrump at the minimum
1. Your right-hand opponent has opened 1♦ and it’s your turn. What do
you bid with each of the following hands?
2. Your right-hand opponent has opened 1♥. Your hand is:
You decided to make a takeout double rather than overcall 1♠. Why?
Takeout doubles are meant to be taken out. One thing is for sure: you must not
pass a takeout double just because you have a bad hand or because you have no
attractive suit to bid. You do not want the opponents to play in their doubled
contact. Remember, partner can have a great hand and may even have a good
suit of his own if he is very strong.
If there is an intervening bid, however, you are no longer under any obligation
to bid with a weak hand. For example:
Here, with 0-7 points, you should pass. If you bid, you promise 8 points or more.
Partner will get another chance to bid if he has a big hand, and besides, the
double has been ‘cancelled’ — the opponents are no longer playing in a doubled
When partner doubles, he is asking you to do two things: to bid your best
unbid suit and to show the strength of your hand. Your first job is to suggest a
place to play by bidding your best suit (or bidding notrump if you have a suitable
hand). Your second job is to show your strength either by bidding at a minimum
level or by jumping or forcing to game.
Let’s assume that there is no intervening bid after partner has doubled and you
have 0-8 points. (Remember to count your distributional points.) Just bid your
best suit at the cheapest possible level. For instance, if partner has doubled 1♦
and you have
bid 1♥. This bid does not promise any high cards at all. Even if your only long
suit is the opponents’ suit, you still have to bid something. For example if
partner has doubled 1♦ and you have
you simply have to grit your teeth (mentally!) and bid 1♥ — your cheapest three-
card suit. When your only long suit is the opponents’ suit, make your cheapest
bid in a three-card suit.
1. a) Bid 1♠. It is your only unbid four-card suit.
b) Bid 1♠. It doesn’t matter that you have no high card points. You
should still bid your longest suit. But with a choice between a minor
and a major, pick the major every time — also, 1♠ keeps the contract
lower than 2♣!
c) Bid 1♥, your longest suit. That’s all there is to it. With 0-8 points,
bid your longest unbid suit.
If you have 9-11 points as responder to a takeout double, then you are in the
invitational range. You know that partner has at least 13 points for the double, so
game is possible if he has a little extra. Jump in your best suit to indicate that
you have a hand in this range. Remember, that means bidding one level higher
than necessary.
If you are lucky enough to have 12 points or more, you want to be in game. By
adding your strength to partner’s 13+, you know that your side is in the game
range. If you have a five-card major suit, you can just jump to game, since
partner’s double promised you at least three cards in support. Failing that, you
have to use a special bid to let partner know that you have a good hand. You bid
the opponents’ suit! Since it makes little sense that you would want to play in the
opponents’ suit, this bid is used to tell partner that you have 12 or more points
and want to play in game. It is called a cuebid. A cuebid is a completely
artificial bid: it doesn’t say anything about your holding in the suit bid. It is safe
to bid the opponents’ suit after a takeout double, because partner knows you
don’t want to play in that suit. Your cuebid is forcing to game: partner must keep
bidding until you reach a game contract.
This hand is perfect for a cuebid of 2♦. Your double tells partner that you have
enough for game. He will now bid his best suit and you can bid game once you
have found a fit (in this case, probably one of the majors).
A bid of the opponents’ suit. It does not show length in the suit bid. When
used in response to a takeout double, it is forcing to game.
Bidding Notrump in Response to a Takeout Double
What if partner makes a takeout double and your hand is most suitable for play
in notrump? If you have 9 HCP or more, no major suit to bid and have at least
one stopper in the opponents’ suit, you should bid notrump. For example:
You could bid one of your minor suits, but game in a minor is at the five-level.
We strongly prefer playing in notrump or a major. This is a good hand on which
to suggest playing in notrump. With 9 or 10 points, no major suit to bid and one
stopper, bid 1NT.
To bid higher levels of notrump, you should have more than just one stopper.
You should have at least 11⁄2 stoppers. If you don’t remember what a half
stopper is, refer back to p. 135. However, this isn’t an exact science — you
might think of it as one sure stopper and another high card that may take a trick
in the suit. With 11-12 HCP and 11⁄2 stoppers in the opponents’ suit, jump
to 2NT. With 13 or more HCP and 11⁄2 stoppers or better, bid 3NT.
Here are some examples of hands where you would bid notrump after a
takeout double of 1♦ by your partner.
On all three hands, you have 11⁄2 diamond stoppers and a balanced hand.
On hand (a) you have 10 points, so bid 1NT.
On hand (b), with 12 HCP, bid 2NT.
On hand (c), with 13 HCP, bid 3NT.
Note that if you had a four-card major on any of these hands, you would be
trying to find a fit there. When you bid notrump in response to partner’s takeout
double, you are stating that you do not have a four-card major.
Passing the Double
Earlier, we emphasized that you should not pass a double just because you have
a bad hand and don’t want to bid. However, it is right to pass in certain rare
cases. When you pass, you are converting the double from a takeout double to a
penalty double. Therefore, you must have a reason to believe that you are going
to defeat the opponents’ contract. You need to have length and strength in their
suit. A rule of thumb for passing partner’s takeout double is that you should have
three trump tricks or more and a sure trick (like an ace) in a side suit.
For example:
You have:
You have a big surprise for the opponents and 1♣ doubled may be your best
spot. With this hand, you can pass. Partner should lead a club if he has one: you
have converted partner’s takeout double to a penalty double.
Here is a summary of responses to a takeout double:
1. a) Bid 1NT. You have a balanced hand and 10 HCP with a good
stopper in the opponents’ suit. Did you think about passing the double?
Your hearts are not close to being good enough to pass!
b) Bid 1♠. You have 0-8 points, not enough to jump. Just bid your
four-card major.
c) You have a super hand with 13-15 points, so you know you want to
be in game. With only four spades, you should start with a cuebid,
since 4♠ may not be the right contract. Bid 2♥; this is forcing to game.
d) You don’t have quite enough to force to game. You should show
partner you are close to that by jumping to 2♠.
e) This is the kind of hand where it’s very tempting to pass, but you
must not. You will almost never defeat 1♥ doubled with this hand. Do
what partner is asking you to do — bid your best suit outside hearts. In
this case, you bid 1♠. When your only long suit is the opponents’ suit,
make your cheapest bid in a three-card suit. It only hurts for a little
f) Pass. You have great hearts and enough values to expect to defeat
the opponents in 1♥.
Doubler’s Rebids
Let’s suppose that you have started things off for your side by making a takeout
double and partner has responded. It is your turn to bid again. Let’s look at some
auctions and decide what to do now.
Partner has made a minimum bid in a suit. Don’t get too excited. Since you
forced partner to bid, it is possible he has no points at all and he certainly doesn’t
have more than 8 points. With 13-15 points, you should pass. With 16-18 points,
you can raise one level. In this case, you would bid 2♥. With a maximum,
partner will bid on, and pass with a minimum. With 19-21, raise two levels
to 3♠. Partner will know to bid game if he has 5 points or more. If you
have 22 points or more, just bid game in the major.
Even if you are not crazy about the suit partner has bid, you should not bid a
new suit over a minimum response unless you have 18 points or more. When
you doubled, you made the decision that you were willing to play in any suit
partner bid. For example, your hand is:
What now? Unfortunately, partner bid your worst suit. Live with it. Pass, don’t
bid. This is a mistake that bridge players make all the time. Don’t fall into this
If partner jumps in a new suit over your takeout double, he is showing 9-11
points. It is now a matter of adding your points to partner’s to decide if game is
possible. For example:
You have a fine hand worth 16-18 dummy points. You know you have enough
to bid game because partner has promised 9-11 points. Bid 4♥. If instead you
had a hand with slightly fewer points:
you could bid 3♥, asking partner to bid four with a maximum. See how it works?
If partner bids notrump over your takeout double, you can follow the same
plan. For example, if you hold
you should bid 2NT. You have 15 HCP; if partner has a maximum, you have
enough for game, so you invite. You already know that partner does not have a
four-card major suit or he would have bid it in preference to bidding 1NT.
What will you rebid in each case if partner bids the following, and
RHO passes?
1. a) Bid 2NT. You have 14 HCP and partner has 9-11. If partner has a
maximum, you have enough for game.
b) Bid 3NT. Partner has 11 or 12 points, so your side
has 25 or 26 HCP.
c) Pass. Partner has 0-8 points. You don’t have enough for game.
d) Bid 3♥, inviting partner to bid game. Your hand is worth 15 in
support of hearts. You have enough for game if partner has a
2. Bid 1NT. This was your plan when you doubled. You have 19 points
and a balanced hand with good stoppers in hearts. You have the type
of hand that could have overcalled 1NT, but you are just too strong.
Using Entries
Now, just for fun, let’s assume that you are playing this deal from the South
side in 4♥. West starts things off by playing three rounds of clubs, South
trumping the third round. South counts his losers. He has three diamond losers
and two club losers. That is two too many. He could plan to throw his diamond
losers on the high spades in dummy, but there is a serious drawback to that: he
has no way to get to dummy unless his opponents are helpful and lead spades for
him. Eight tricks should be his limit.
Now move the diamond ace and put it in dummy and give South the ♦4 instead.
The deal now looks like this.
Can you make the contract now? Yes, you can get to dummy at some point
with the ♦A and throw your diamond losers on the high spades. In fact, no matter
what the defense does, you can actually make eleven tricks. The ♦A is an entry,
a card that gives access to dummy so you can get to your winners.
As declarer, you want to conserve your entries and use them as needed. Let’s
look at another example.
A winner that allows declarer or a defender to get from one hand to the
South is playing 3NT and West leads the ♦Q, top of his perfect sequence.
South counts his winners. He has six winners: three hearts, two diamonds and a
club. Spades looks like the best project suit. There is one problem: if South sets
up spades, he needs an entry to dummy to enjoy the spade tricks. Therefore, he
must win the first diamond in his hand to preserve his entry to dummy. At
Trick 2, he immediately starts on the spade suit. He leads his ♠2. Let’s say that
West takes the ♠A and continues diamonds. South can now win this trick in
dummy with the ♦A and take his spade winners.
South opens 1♥ and West doubles (West is too strong to overcall 1NT). North
passes and East makes a minimum bid of 2♦. West now bids 2NT, showing at
least 18 HCP. With 6 HCP and a six-card suit, East can bid 3NT.
North leads the ♥7, top of nothing in his partner’s suit. Declarer must win the
♥A in hand to preserve the ♥K as an entry to dummy for the diamond suit. He
counts his winners. He has six winners: two in spades, two in hearts and two in
diamonds. Diamonds is the obvious project suit. He plays the ♦A and ♦K,
counting the opponents’ diamonds. When everyone follows suit twice, he uses
his spade entry to get to dummy to play another diamond. South wins and
continues hearts. However, declarer is now able to win this heart in dummy and
take his remaining diamond winners. After that, he can cash his ♠A as well. He
takes five diamonds, two spades and two hearts to make his contract.
Deal 4 — Dealer East
East opens 1♣ and South overcalls 1♥. With 10 points and three-card support,
North raises South to 2♥. South has enough to want to be in game if his partner
has a maximum; however, North has a minimum hand and so passes.
West leads the ♣J, the top of a doubleton in his partner’s suit. East wins the
♣A and continues clubs, declarer’s ♣K winning (if East switches to a diamond
instead, declarer wins with the ♦A). Declarer has six losers: one spade, two
diamonds and three clubs. He can throw two losers on the spades, but he has to
be careful of his entries. His only entry to the good spades in dummy is the ♥A.
He should therefore draw no more than two rounds of trumps, leaving the ♥A in
dummy, before playing spades. East will win, but the defense has set up tricks in
only one of the minors; declarer’s losers in the other minor can now go on the
spades, with the ♥A a vital entry.
A. Doubles are used both for penalty and for takeout. A takeout double
follows A these rules:
The bidding is at a level below game.
The opponents have bid a suit (not notrump).
It is the player’s first opportunity to double.
The doubler’s partner has not done anything but pass.
B. A takeout double shows at least an opening bid and shows support for
all of the unbid suits.
C. You should also start with a double on a hand that meets the
requirements to overcall in a suit or notrump, but is too strong (18+).
D. Responder must not pass the double (unless there is an intervening
bid), unless he expects to defeat the hand and has length and strength
in the opponents’ suit.
E. Respond to a takeout double as follows:
F. Doubler with 13-15 points passes if partner has bid at the cheapest
level. Over a jump response, doubler adds his points to partner’s and
may invite or bid game.
G. An entry is a high card that allows declarer to move the lead from one
hand to another. Make sure to use your entries wisely, so that you can
reach your established tricks.
10 The Big Hand
On occasion, you are blessed with an exceptional collection of high cards. In this
chapter, we are going to discuss how to bid those big hands. We will start by
looking at some strong balanced hands, which are opened with 2NT or 3NT.
Then we will move on to the remaining very strong hands, which start with an
opening bid of 2♣, a trumpet call to announce to the table that you have a big
We shall look at responder’s options and how the auction proceeds to game or
slam. To help make those slam decisions, we will discuss the world’s most
popular bidding convention, Blackwood. It is used to check for aces and kings
on your way to slam.
When you are declarer in a suit contract, part of the planning process is
deciding when to draw trumps. In the play section, we will discuss some
considerations when making this choice.
Opening 2NT or 3NT
Up until now, we have looked at balanced hands in the 13-19 HCP range, which
you open at the one-level, either opening 1NT or opening one of a suit and
rebidding notrump. If you have a balanced hand with more points than this, you
start at the two-level or higher.
With 20-21 HCP, you open the bidding 2NT. We know that it may seem risky
to open at the two-level, but you have half of all the high cards in the deck. Even
if partner has a poor hand, you will be able to make this contract most of the
If you happen to have a balanced hand with 25-27 HCP, then you have
enough for game in your own hand and you can open the bidding with 3NT. In
the next section, we will fill in the range from 22-24 HCP.
While these bids provide less space for exploration, they are specific enough
that responder will have most of the information he needs to work out the best
place to play. Once you have opened in notrump, partner has a very good idea
about the nature of your hand. Therefore (just as when the opening bid is 1NT),
responder is the captain of the auction. He will often just place the contract, but
he may ask opener some questions on the way to making the final decision.
When the opening bidder starts with 2NT, responder goes through the same
process as over 1NT. If he has no four-card or longer major suit, he decides what
level of notrump is appropriate by adding his points to partner’s points.
Recall that you need:
Assume that opener has started the auction with 2NT, showing 20-21 HCP. Let’s
first look at the point ranges where responder can simply make a final
On all of these hands, responder has enough information to place the contract.
However, if he has 11 or 12 HCP, slam may be possible only if opener has a
maximum 21. With a hand in this range, responder bids 4NT, inviting slam.
Opener should bid 6NT with a maximum, but pass with a minimum.
With 15 or 16 HCP, responder starts with 5NT. Responder knows that with at
least 35 HCP between the two hands, his side has enough for a small slam. If
partner has a maximum 21 HCP, his side might have enough for a grand slam!
The 5NT bid is forcing. Opener cannot chicken out and pass, since his side has
at least 35 HCP. This time, with a minimum, opener bids 6NT and with a
maximum, he bids 7NT. Now we can add more rows to our table.
Here is an example:
Opener has a balanced 21 and opens the bidding with 2NT. Responder
has 12 HCP and bids 4NT, inviting opener to bid 6NT with a maximum. Opener
has enough to bid the slam.
Now let’s look at hands where responder has at least one major suit. If
responder has a four-card major suit and enough to bid on (which means at
least 4 points if partner has opened 2NT), then he responds by using the Stayman
convention, just as he would over 1NT. This time he bids 3♣ over 2NT. Opener
uses a similar set of responses:
If responder has a major-suit fit, he bids to the appropriate level in the major.
With no fit, he raises notrump. In both cases, he selects the appropriate level by
adding his points to partner’s (except that in a suit contract he can count
distribution points as well as high card points).
Let’s look at some examples where opener has started with 2NT. Responder
On each of these hands, responder starts with 3♣. Let’s suppose that this time
partner responds 3♠. Once responder has found a fit, he can add a distribution
point for the doubleton club.
Hand (a): Responder has enough for game and no more. He simply
bids 4♠.
Hand (b): Responder has enough to invite to slam; he bids 5♠, asking
opener to bid 6♠ with a maximum and pass with a minimum.
Hand (c): Responder has enough to bid 7♠ once the spade fit is found.
What if opener had responded 3♦ (no major)? Then responder would bid 3NT
with hand (a), 4NT with hand (b) — inviting slam — and 5NT with hand
(c) — inviting grand slam. The whole thing works in exactly the same way as it
does over a 1NT opening.
By this time, you can probably guess that with a five-card major, responder
uses a Jacoby Transfer to ask opener to bid the major. After that, it works just
the same way as over 1NT. After the transfer, with 0-3 points, responder passes
and hopes that partner can manage nine tricks. With more than that, after
transferring, he bids notrump at the appropriate level and gives partner a choice
of contracts. With a six-card or longer major, responder uses a Jacoby Transfer
and then bids the major at the appropriate level.
Responding to 3NT follows the exact same principles, but now 4♣ is Stayman
and 4♦ and 4♥ are transfers.
2. a. Use a Jacoby Transfer and bid 3♥. After partner bids 3♠, you
plan to bid 4♠. Your hand is good enough for game in
spades, but not for slam.
b. Bid 3♣, Stayman. If you have a 4-4 major fit, you prefer to
play in a major. You have 7 HCP, enough for game, but not
slam. If partner bids a major, you will raise him to four of
that major. If partner bids 3♦, showing no majors, you plan
to bid 3NT.
c. Bid 3♥, Jacoby Transfer. After partner bids 3♠, you plan to
bid 3NT. You are giving partner a choice between game in
spades or notrump. With three or more spades, partner will
bid 4♠; with only two spades, partner will pass 3NT. You
have 9 HCP, enough for game, but not enough for slam.
d. You have a balanced hand with 14 HCP. Your side has
enough for a contract at the six-level. With no majors and a
balanced hand, just bid 6NT.
The Opening 2♣ Bid
Sometimes you are dealt a hand that is so strong that you are afraid to open it at
the one-level because partner might pass when you could make game. For
example, you hold:
This hand totals 21 HCP and climbs up to at least 23 points when you count
distribution. In fact, you expect to have a good chance of making game in spades
even if your partner has no high card points at all. For example, if partner’s hand
you are likely to make ten tricks with spades as trumps, and his hand can’t get
much worse than that. Unfortunately, if you open 1♠, there is no way that partner
is going to bid on that hand, so you must use a special opening bid of 2♣ to
announce that you have a really big hand. This is an artificial bid in the sense
that it doesn’t say anything about clubs at all. It is the only opening bid that
partner cannot pass, even if, as in the example above, he has no card above a
Let’s look at balanced strong hands first. We use 2♣ as the opening bid for
strong balanced hands that do not fit in the ranges for an opening 2NT or 3NT.
Those are hands that meet all of the notrump requirements and have either 22-
24 HCP or 28+ HCP.
With 22-24, you open 2♣ and then rebid 2NT.
With 28+, you open 2♣ and then rebid 3NT.
Once responder hears your rebid, the bidding continues along the same lines
as if you had opened 2NT or 3NT.
We can now create a complete chart for opening balanced hands.
Notice that unless you have 25 HCP or more, it is possible that your rebid will
not take you any higher than 2NT.
What are the requirements to open 2♣ with an unbalanced hand? The key factor
is not just high cards, but the trick-taking potential of the hand. Holding
(the hand at the beginning of this section), opener has an excellent six-card suit.
Even opposite a weak hand with no particular fit, he has a good chance to make
game. Therefore, the longer and stronger your primary suit, the fewer points you
need. Here are the requirements to open 2♣ on an unbalanced hand:
By the way, you don’t need to wait for a hand that will make game opposite a 0-
point hand before you venture an opening bid of 2♣; you should count on partner
for either some sort of fit or approximately 3 HCP.
Hands (b) and (c) have a lot of playing strength. On each, you should open 2♣
and rebid 2♠.
Finally, let’s look at one other hand with a lot of playing strength:
This hand will take nine tricks in hearts without any help from partner. However,
it does not meet the qualifications for an opening 2♣ bid, because it contains
only 9 HCP (and 13-14 total points). We shall see how to manage hands like this
in the next chapter.
Responding to 2♣
When your partner opens 2♣, you cannot pass even if you have 0 points. His
hand is unlimited and he is quite likely to be able to make a game opposite a
very poor hand. That is why he opened 2♣ in the first place. Most of the time,
you are going to respond with 2♦. This is an artificial bid, just as 2♣ is. It does
not say anything about your strength or your distribution at all. The point of
bidding 2♦ is that it gives partner room to tell you exactly what type of hand he
has. Technically this bid is called a waiting bid: you are waiting to hear more
from partner before you start to describe your hand. If opener now rebids
notrump, you become captain and are well positioned to determine the best place
to play the deal. If he rebids a suit, you know that he has a strong hand with at
least a good five-card suit.
After a 2♣ opening, the plan is to keep bidding until you reach at least game
and possibly slam. There is only one exception. If partner opens 2♣ and then
rebids 2NT, showing 22-24 HCP, responder can pass if his hand is not good
enough for game. With a hand such as this
In all other cases, your side is forced to game. You keep bidding until you find
the best place to play. Is there any way to tell opener that you have a really
terrible hand and want to put the brakes on after he rebids a suit? You start off
the same way by bidding 2♦ as a waiting bid. Then, if you have support for
partner’s major suit, just bid game in that suit. You are forced to game anyway
and this suggests to partner that you have no interest in bidding slam. Without
support for partner’s suit, you bid your cheapest minor. This is also artificial. It
is a bid that simply says, ‘I have a terrible hand — be very careful, partner’.
Sometimes you have an excellent suit of your own and a good hand. If you
have 8 HCP or more as responder, then you know that game is a snap. Your side
certainly has more than 26 points and slam is highly possible. With a very good
five-card or longer suit, bid it rather than making a 2♦ waiting bid. With three-
card support, opener will raise your suit. Otherwise, he will (as he originally
planned) bid notrump or reveal his own suit by bidding it.
When you open the bidding 2♣, if partner makes a positive response by
bidding a new suit, you should be considering the possibility of slam, especially
if you have a fit. Even if partner makes a waiting bid slam is still a possibility;
remember, responder is unlimited. However, proceed with caution if partner bids
the cheapest minor, a real negative.
On this hand, responder jumps to 4♠ on the second round. He has good spades,
but few high cards, and no aces, kings, voids or singletons. However, opener’s
hand is so huge that it is worth bidding slam anyway once he knows responder
has some spade support.
1. a) Open 2♣. You have a balanced hand and plan to rebid 2NT.
With 23 HCP, you have too many points to open 2NT.
b) Open 2♣. With 24 points and a good six-card suit, you have enough
to start with 2♣ and bid spades at your next turn.
c) Open 1♠. You have a nice hand, but only 18 points. The hand is not
strong enough to open 2♣.
2. a) Bid 2♦, waiting. With a weak hand and a poor suit, wait and see
what partner can tell you.
b) Bid 2♠. You have enough for a positive response and you have a
good five-card suit to bid.
c) Bid 2♦, waiting. You have a good hand, but you do not have a good
five-card suit. You will support partner or try to find a major-suit fit
next round.
Using Blackwood
We have talked about bidding slams, but as yet we haven’t provided you with
much in the way of tools for doing it. We are going to remedy that now by
introducing what we believe is the most popular bridge convention ever:
Blackwood. Almost all bridge players throughout the world play some version of
the Blackwood convention. Like Jacoby Transfers, the Blackwood convention
was named after the man who invented it, in this case an American, Easley
Blackwood. Blackwood was an expert bridge player, a syndicated bridge
columnist, teacher, author and administrator. While his convention is now
played the world over, when he first wrote about it in 1933, he had some trouble
getting the article published!
The Blackwood convention is very popular because it is easy to use and
solves an important problem. When you are deciding whether to go to slam, you
often know that you have 33 points, but you also may be missing two aces
(your 33 HCP may include some distribution points). The opponents might be
able to take the first two tricks before you even get going towards twelve for
your side! Blackwood allows your partnership to make sure that you are not
missing the aces and kings you need for a slam.
So how does it work? Very simply: after the trump suit is agreed, a bid
of 4NT asks partner how many aces he has. The responses are just as
After the first response, a subsequent bid of 5NT (used to check for grand slam)
confirms that your side holds all four aces and asks about kings. The responses
are similar:
The key point to remember is that in order to use this convention, you must have
agreed clearly on a trump suit. In auctions like these:
the 4NT bid is not Blackwood, because you have not agreed on a trump suit; in
fact, notrump is the likely contract. In each of these two cases, you are simply
inviting partner to bid 6NT.
What do you bid now and what do you plan to do after that?
Drawing Trumps
With 24 points and a good six-card suit, South opens the bidding with 2♣. North
responds 2♦, waiting. When South shows his spade suit, North simply raises to
game with his weak hand. West starts off with the ♦K, top of a broken sequence,
and South wins with the ♦A in his hand.
Declarer has four losers: a heart, two diamonds and a club. If he draws all of
the trumps right away, he will have no way to make the contract. Instead, he
trumps a diamond in dummy immediately, reducing his losers to three. Actually,
declarer can now make an overtrick by playing a trump (or a heart) to his hand
and then ruffing his last diamond in the dummy. After crossing back to his hand
with a heart, he finally draws the opponents’ trumps.
With a balanced 20 HCP, West opens 2NT. With 6 HCP, East has enough for
game, so he uses Stayman to find out if West has four hearts. When West shows
his hearts, East raises to game.
North leads the ♣K, the top of his sequence. Declarer counts his losers: he has
a heart loser, a diamond loser and a club, perfect. He also notices that by
immediately playing his top spades, he can discard his club loser. However, it
would be a mistake to do so at this point. It is true that if the spades break 4-3,
declarer will be able to discard the club loser from dummy, but the risk is too
great. In fact, on this deal, declarer will fail in his contract if he follows this plan.
South will ruff the second spade and the defense will be able to take a club and
the two red aces for down one. Instead, declarer should immediately set out to
draw trumps. He should lead high trumps until South wins the ♥A. When
declarer regains the lead, he draws any remaining trumps and finally leads a high
diamond, forcing out the ♦A.
With 21 HCP and a balanced hand, North opens the bidding with 2NT. South
uses Stayman to check for spades and raises North’s 3♠ response to game.
East leads the ♦A and continues with the ♦K and ♦Q as declarer follows.
Declarer wins whatever the defense returns at Trick 4. Declarer, who has already
lost three tricks and cannot afford another loser, also has a potential club loser.
He has no need to try the club finesse, however, since he can throw the club
loser in dummy on a high heart and then ruff a club. Since he plans to ruff only
one club, he should draw trumps first. Declarer therefore starts off with three
rounds of trumps and then plays his top hearts. After throwing a club from
dummy, he trumps the ♣J and makes his contract.
East opens 2♣ with 25 points and a good six-card suit. West bids 2♦ and East
rebids 2♥, showing his excellent heart suit. When West raises hearts, East can
see that slam is possible if his partner can provide just a little bit of help. East
uses Blackwood to find out if West has any aces. When West shows him one
ace, he bids the small slam. South leads the ♠K, top of his sequence.
Declarer wins the ♠A. He has two losers, a spade and a trump. He can discard
a spade from dummy by playing his top diamonds, but he must do this right
away. If he lets North have the ♥A first, then North will be able to play another
spade to South’s ♠Q.
Declarer therefore plays three rounds of diamonds right away, throwing a
spade from dummy. He can then trump a spade in dummy and only now does he
lead a trump, forcing out North’s ♥A. Declarer wins the return and draws
trumps, making his slam.
Joseph B. Elwell, a regular partner of Harold S. Vanderbilt, was one of the great
players and writers in the early days of bridge. Today it is suspected that many
of his books were actually written by his wife, Helen, who was probably the
stronger player of the two. On July 11, 1920, he was discovered by his
housekeeper, dying of a gunshot wound in his New York townhouse. The
murder was never solved in real life, but The Benson Murder Mystery, a Philo
Vance novel by mystery writer S. S. van Dine, is based on the facts of the case,
and offers an ingenious possible answer to the riddle.
Most of the time when you bid, you have a reasonable number of high cards in
your hand. Whether you are opening the bidding, overcalling or responding to
bids other than a forcing bid of 2♣, you have a minimum number of points.
There are, however, some occasions where you can and should bid with a long
suit and a weak hand. In this chapter, we will discuss bidding with this type of
hand. We will start with the rationale for bidding and then discuss the bids
available to you. We will also look at how responder bids when his partner has
opened with a weak hand.
In the play section, we will spend some time in the defenders’ shoes looking
at how to plan the defense and some of the strategies you can use to defeat
Opening with a Preemptive Bid
Normally, when you open the bidding, you have at least 13 points. Some bids,
like 1NT, promise even more. However, just because you have a very weak hand
does not mean that you can’t ever bid. Suppose your hand is:
If spades are trumps, you can be sure to take at least six tricks; in fact, you might
even be able to take seven tricks if you can establish a diamond trick. Of course,
partner might be able to provide some help too. Hands like this have playing
strength, meaning they can take a lot of tricks. Hands with few high cards can
have playing strength, but they need to include a good quality long suit. Why
would you open this type of hand? While you can take a lot of tricks if spades
are trumps, you may not be able to take many tricks on defense against another
suit, so it’s in your best interest to have your side declaring. Let’s look at an
example deal (left).
First, look just at your hand and your partner’s hand. Count your losers. You
have one in spades, one in hearts, three in diamonds and one in clubs, for six
losers. You can trump one of your diamond losers in dummy, holding your
losers to five. In other words, you can take eight tricks if spades are trumps. Now
look at the opponents’ hands. Imagine you are West and you are playing the
hand in hearts. You can take twelve tricks on the layout shown. Deals like this,
with lots of distribution and good fits, allow both sides to make a lot of tricks if
they get to pick trumps. Clearly, on the example deal, your opponents should be
able to outbid you and select the trump suit. Your goal is to disrupt their auction
and make it as hard as possible for them to get to the right contract — in this
case, 6♥. Now, since you have so much distribution, you can afford to get into
the auction. Even if the opponents were to double you in three or four spades,
the penalty would not make up for their missed slam bonus.
A bid designed to use up space in the auction and to make it difficult for the
opponents to bid effectively. A preemptive opening bid such as 3♠ is made
with a weak hand and a long strong suit.
All opening suit bids at the two-level, three-level and four-level (with the
exception of 2♣) are reserved for weak hands. These bids are called preemptive
bids (often referred to as ‘preempts’). They allow you to get into the auction
before your opponents, which both uses up a lot of the bidding space and makes
it harder for the enemy to find their optimal contract, even if they have most of
the high cards.
Opening Weak Two-Bids
One of the most common preemptive opening bids is the weak two-bid. As the
name implies, this is an opening suit bid at the two-level made on a weak hand
with a good suit.
Since 2♣ is the opening bid reserved for strong hands, we can’t use it for a
preempt, but 2♦, 2♥ and 2♠ are available and we use them for this purpose. To
make a weak two-bid, you need a quality suit exactly six cards in length. By
‘quality suit’, we mean it should contain two of the top three honors or three of
the top five honors. You should have 6-10 HCP and less than an opening bid
when you add distribution. If your hand is better than this, you can open it at the
one-level. Also, you should not have a side four-card or longer major. (You
don’t want to lose the chance to find a major-suit fit if your side has one.)
Let’s look at some examples of hands that qualify as weak two-bids:
Open this hand with 2♠. You have 7 HCP and a six-card spade suit headed by
three of the top five honors.
This hand can be opened 2♥. You have 9 HCP and the six-card heart suit is
headed by two of the top three honors.
This hand should be opened 2♦. It is worth 10 points and the six-card diamond
suit has two of the top three honors.
Here are some hands that should not be opened with a weak two-bid:
Here you have a seven-card suit (we will see how to bid this hand in the next
Your heart suit is not good enough for a weak-two opening. Pass.
Here you have a side four-card heart suit, so you must pass.
Here you have 10 HCP and your spades are suitable, but when you count
distribution (and use the rule of 20), you have enough to open the bidding. Open
this hand 1♠.
There are a number of advantages to opening a weak two-bid. First, like all
preemptive bids, it makes life more difficult for the opponents by forcing them
to start bidding at a higher level — sometimes they may not get into the auction
at all! Second, it tells partner a lot about your hand and helps your side find your
own best contract. Third, if you end up defending, your bid suggests a good lead
for partner.
Responding to Weak Two-Bids
When partner opens with a weak two-bid, you have a number of choices. Your
first consideration is whether you have a fit with your partner. With a fit, even
with a weak hand, you want to raise partner’s suit — actually, especially with a
weak hand! You want to cooperate with partner and use up even more bidding
space, since you have the safety of your trump fit.
With three trumps and a weakish hand, raise to the three-level. This bid is not
invitational, but is simply designed to make things even harder for the
opponents. Opener must pass. Here is an example. Your hand is:
If partner opens 2♠, you can raise him to the three-level, since you have three-
card support for spades. Now if your opponents want to enter the bidding, they
have to start looking for their trump suit at the four-level. Partner will pass
your 3♠ bid.
With a weak hand and four trumps, you can have a lot of fun. Jump to the
four-level to make life really difficult for your opponents!
When you raise to four of a major, you have an added advantage. If you had
trump support and a good hand, you would be making the same bid expecting to
make your contract. So your opponents can’t be sure whether you are continuing
the preempt or whether you have a good hand. For example, you would also
bid 4♠ with this hand over partner’s 2♠ opening:
You would be very happy to see the opponents get into the auction at the five-
level when you have a hand this good! You would have a very good chance of
defeating them.
Since partner has on average about 8 HCP, you need at least a good opening bid
to have any expectation of making game. The worse your fit with partner, the
better your own hand needs to be in order to make a bid, since almost all of
partner’s high cards are going to be in his own suit. With a singleton or void in
partner’s suit, you should consider passing, even if you have 15 HCP; your
partner cannot have more than 10 HCP, so you are unlikely to miss game. Here
are two hands on which you should pass an opening bid of 2♠:
You have a nice weak two-bid of your own, but partner got there first. You do
not have a fit with partner and you should pass. There is no evidence that you
will actually do better in hearts than in spades. It may simply be a case of
jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. As you will see shortly, if you
bid a new suit, partner will expect you to have at least 13 points.
Here you have a good hand and may well make 2♠ even though you don’t have a
fit. However, without a fit for partner, you do not have enough to bid. If the
opponents enter the auction, you have a good chance of defeating their contract,
so pass for now.
If you do not have trump support for partner, but you have a good hand with a
good five-card suit of your own, you can bid your suit. However, with a
singleton or void in partner’s suit, you must have a hand worth 16 points or
more. You are making a bid in a new suit with an expectation of reaching game
and you are hoping to find a better place to play the hand. A new suit by
responder is always forcing, so partner must bid again. With a three-card fit for
you, the opening weak-two bidder will raise your suit. Failing that, he will bid a
side suit if he has one. With no other bid available, he will just rebid his original
suit. You can now decide the best place to play the hand. Here is an example:
Even though you have a singleton in partner’s suit, you have 17 HCP — enough
to justify a bid in a new suit. When you bid 2♠, you are pleased to hear partner
raise and you can go on to game.
There is one more choice available when partner opens a weak two-bid. You can
use a special bid to ask him for more information: bid 2NT to ask opener if he
has a feature — an ace or king in a side suit. (This particular convention doesn’t
have a name.) If partner has a high card in one of your long suits, you may be
able to take a lot of tricks. Conversely, if he has a high card in one of your short
suits, it probably won’t help you very much. Let’s see how this works in
practice. Suppose this is your hand:
Partner opens 2♠. You have a spade fit, but the critical factor is whether partner
can help you in hearts or clubs. This hand is suitable for a 2NT response. Partner
will show you any side card he has by bidding that suit or will rebid 3♠ without
one. For example:
2. Partner opens the bidding with 2♥ and the next player passes. What do
you respond with each of the following hands?
The longer your suit, the more tricks you can take with that suit as trumps and
the higher you can safely bid. With a quality seven-card suit in a hand worth less
than an opening bid, with most of your high cards in your long suit, you can
open at the three-level. With an eight-card suit, open at the four-level.
Remember, you do not expect to make your contract unless partner has a very
good hand for you. A preempt is primarily a destructive bid. Your goal is to
prevent the opponents from reaching their own best contract. However, don’t
forget that the opponents can double you. If you go down four or five tricks
doubled, it will cost a lot of points, especially if you are vulnerable. The key to
avoiding a big penalty is having a high quality suit. The best preemptive hands
have most of their high cards in the long suit where they will produce some
tricks. Here is an example of a good hand for an opening bid of 3♠ when you are
A good yardstick to use is the Rule of 2 and 3 — when you open a preempt not
vulnerable, you should expect to go down three tricks even if partner has no help
for you; vulnerable, you should expect to go down two tricks. This means that if
the opponents double you, the penalty will be no more than 500 points, which is
not serious if they can make a game.
If you want to start out with a simpler way to decide whether to preempt, you
can boil it down to this: with a good quality six-card suit, you can open at the
two-level; with a good seven-card suit, you can open at the three-level; and with
a good eight-card suit, you can open at the four-level. Just remember that if you
are vulnerable, the penalty for going down is greater, so you should tend to have
a better suit.
These two hands could both be opened at the three-level:
We would never open a preempt on this hand! The spade suit is too weak and
your high cards are in the other suits, where they will be more use on defense
than in a spade contract. Suppose we change the hand around, though:
Now you could open 3♠. You expect to make six spade tricks, for down three not
vulnerable. You are following the Rule of 2 and 3. Notice that with the previous
hand, you could not really count six tricks. When your high cards are not in your
long suit, the hand is defensive rather than offensive in nature.
Responding to Higher-Level Preempts
When partner opens at the three-level, you will often just pass. Remember,
partner does not have a particularly good hand.
If you have some support for partner and some potential tricks for him, you
can raise his major-suit preempt to game. For example, suppose you have:
You can raise 3♠ to 4♠. Partner should be able to make about six tricks by
himself. You have four probable tricks in aces and kings along with a couple of
trumps to help him out.
You may introduce your own suit on occasion, but you need to have a good
hand and a high-quality six-card suit. Remember, partner is less likely to have a
fit for your suit when he has seven or eight cards in his own suit. If partner
opens 3♥, what do you respond with this hand?
Bid 3♠ over 3♥. You hope that partner has a fit with you in spades. If he doesn’t,
you are willing to try 4♥.
1. You are the dealer on each of these hands. What do you do?
2. You are dealer on each of these hands. What do you do?
1. a) Open 4♠. You have eight tricks, all of them spades. (This is
consistent with the Rule of 2 and 3.)
b) Pass. You have a weak suit and you cannot count on making
enough tricks to warrant opening 3♠.
c) Open 3♣. You have a good seven-card suit.
2. a) Open 3♥. You have an excellent seven-card suit.
b) Open 1♠, not 3♠ or 4♠. You have 13 HCP and a hand worth 16 total
points. This is too much to preempt — you might miss game or even a
c) Open 4♥. This time you have a good eight-card suit, enough for a
four-level preempt.
3. Bid 4♥. Partner should be able to make about six tricks and you can
add four more to them, since the ♥K will be a great help to partner and
is worth a trick. Expect partner to make game.
Preemptive Jump Overcalls
Even if the opponents have opened the bidding, you can still preempt. It is a bit
less effective, since the opponents have already had a chance to open
communications, but you can still disrupt their auction. A jump overcall is an
overcall in a suit made one level higher than necessary. So over an opening bid
of 1♥, a bid of 2♠ is a jump overcall; over 1♦, 3♣ is a jump overcall.
“Jump Overcall”
An overcall in a suit made one level higher than necessary.
Many years ago, bridge players generally used a jump overcall to show a hand
that was stronger than a normal overcall. However, the hands for this type of bid
rarely occurred, and now most people use the bid to show a preemptive hand.
When you make a preemptive jump overcall at the two-level, your hand should
look like a weak-two bid (with a good six-card suit). Similarly, a hand for a
preemptive jump overcall at the three-level should look like an opening bid at
the three-level; it will include a seven-card suit. So if your opponent opens 1♦
and you bid 2♥, you should have:
A good six-card suit with two of the top three honors or three of the
top five honors
6-10 HCP
Less than an opening bid
If the opponents open 1♥ and you bid 3♦, you should have:
You respond to a preemptive jump overcall in the same way that you would
respond to an opening bid at the same level.
1. You have:
1. a) Over 1♦, bid 2♥. With a good six-card suit and 6 HCP, your hand
meets the requirements for a preemptive jump overcall at the two-
b) Over 1♠, you should pass. You do not have a hand suitable to bid at
the three-level: you need to have a seven-card suit. Likewise, you
cannot bid 2♥: remember that for a non-jump overcall at the two-level
you need an opening bid.
2. a) Bid 3♥. With three-card support for partner and a weak hand, raise
his preempt. This will make it harder for the opponents to find their
best spot.
b) Bid 4♥. With four-card support, raise to game. You do not have a
good enough hand to expect to make it, but the opponents are likely to
be able to make something their way. It is better for you to take a small
minus than to let the opponents bid and make a game or slam.
In the play sections of this book, we have spent most of the time talking about
contracts from declarer’s perspective. Now it is time to look at the play from the
defenders’ point of view. Perhaps the most important decision that the defense
needs to make is the opening lead. A surprisingly large number of contracts are
won or lost based on its selection. Let’s review some good choices of lead, more
or less in order of preference.
Apart from your own hand (and partner’s bids, if any), you have one other
source of information to help you to decide what to lead — the opponents’
auction. Let’s look at an example. Your hand is:
The opponents have arrived at 4♠. Which of your kings should you lead?
Actually, you can’t answer that question properly without knowing the
opponents’ bidding. Suppose this was their auction:
On this auction, the king of diamonds is the obvious lead. The opponents have
two good suits: hearts and spades. You want to set up your diamond tricks
before they can set up the heart suit — if you lead hearts, you will be helping
them! Remember, you can use what the opponents are saying to each other in the
auction to your advantage.
“Attitude Signal”
When partner leads a high card in a suit, the spot card you play tells partner
whether or not you like the suit. A high spot card says you like the suit and
a low spot card says you don’t.
West opens the bidding with 1♠. North has a good seven-card suit and six
tricks — enough for a preemptive jump overcall at the three-level at this
vulnerability. Next, with a full opening bid, East can introduce his good heart
suit. This bid is forcing. With four trumps for his partner, West raises to 4♥.
North’s bid helps South to find the best lead of the ♦A. North ‘smiles’ by playing
the ♦9 and South continues with another diamond.
Declarer counts his losers. He has the two diamond losers and the ♠A to lose
as well. His plan is to lead trumps as soon as possible and then force out the ♠A
to set up his spade winners. If North plays a third round of diamonds at Trick 3,
declarer has to be careful to trump it with a high heart. North is almost certain to
have seven diamonds and declarer cannot afford to have South overruff the third
diamond with the ♥10 or the ♥9.
North opens with a weak two-bid in hearts. East passes and South considers
whether he has enough to raise North to game in hearts. Feeling unsure, he
decides to find out more by bidding 2NT. When North shows the ♦K, South likes
the prospects a lot better and bids 4♥.
East starts off with the ♣A and when West plays the encouraging ♣9, he
continues with two more rounds of clubs, West trumping. West will cash the ♠A
and defeat the contract.
Even though the contract did not make, South did not make a mistake by
bidding 4♥. First, 4♥ has just three top losers (without the ruff) and will make a
lot of the time. Second, as it turns out, East-West can make nine tricks in spades,
so even if North-South go down one, it is better than letting East-West play and
make 3♠.
The defense did very well here by selecting the right lead and using an attitude
signal to find the club ruff.
Deal 4 — Dealer East
Neither vulnerable.
After East and South both pass, West opens the hand 1♠. North has an excellent
hand with support for all of the unbid suits and makes a takeout double. With
five-card trump support for his partner, East leaps all the way to 4♠, a
preemptive game raise. South just doesn’t have enough to bid 5♥.
North starts off with the ♣A and South discourages with the ♣4. North may
choose to play the ♣K next anyway, since he has the ♣Q as well, making it a
fairly safe continuation. Declarer will trump the ♣K. Now he stops to count his
losers. He has three heart losers, two diamond losers and a club loser. He can
trump two heart losers in dummy. If trumps divide 2-1, he will also have enough
trumps in dummy for his diamond loser if diamonds don’t break. Declarer starts
off with the ♠A and when the trumps split, he is sure of his contract. He draws
the remaining trump and eventually ruffs one diamond loser and two heart losers
in dummy.
Okay, so now you can play bridge — at least, you can play well enough to have
fun with your friends. But bridge is a game that you never stop learning,
however good you get to be. Here are a few ways that you can expand your
bridge horizons and sample more of the fascinating world that is just opening up
for you.
(You knew we were going to say that!) Thousands of books have been written
about bridge. Here’s a very short list of titles that you may find helpful in
expanding your bridge knowledge:
All these titles should be available at most good bookstores. You can also find
them at bridge supply houses such as Baron Barclay (1-800-274-2221) in the
Barbara Seagram’s Cheat Sheet is another invaluable aid for new players. It
is available from bridge supply houses and also directly from the author
( It is a detailed summary of standard bidding that
you can keep in your lap and refer to while you play.
A great way to practice your declarer play is with Fred Gitelman’s Bridge
Master 2000 software — but make sure you get the Beginner edition!
There is almost certainly a bridge club in the area where you live. If you live in a
large city, there may be several. A bridge club runs duplicate games, and often
there will be separate events for novice players. Most clubs will help you find a
partner if you show up on your own. To find a bridge club in North America,
check the listings on the American Contract Bridge League web site
( Many bridge clubs also offer lessons at various levels, which is
another good way to improve your game. You can also look for a local teacher
through the American Bridge Teachers’ Association (
The best way to get more out of this wonderful game is to play more of it. Play
in your own home with friends, or summon up your courage and head out to a
local bridge club — you’ll soon meet lots of people who share your passion. If
you really get into the game, you may want to try a local tournament — again,
these will often feature events restricted to newcomers, so you don’t have to play
against the sharks!
And today, you can even play bridge online. There are a number of bridge-
playing Internet sites, but the most popular is Bridge Base Online
(, in part because it’s absolutely free. Just
download the software (also free) and you’ll quickly find yourself in a world-
wide bridge club. Sit down at a table, pick up a hand, and start playing — it’s as
simple as that. The site keeps detailed records of all the hands and results, so you
can look at what other people did on the same cards and see how you might
improve. Play at any time of the day or night, for as short or long a time as you
want. Players indicate their level, so you can easily find a group playing at the
same standard as yourself. Have fun and make new bridge friends from all over
the world. BBO also offers shows that feature world championships and other
top competitions, with expert commentary. Log in any time and watch the very
best that bridge has to offer.
It’s entirely possible that we have done a terrible thing to you by helping you
learn to play bridge. Like many others before you, you may have taken the first
steps along the road to a lifelong addiction. If that is so, we make no apology.
You’re going to have a great time, so enjoy it.
Happy bridging!
Adequate Trump Support
Three cards including an honor in partner’s suit (or any three if partner is known
to have at least a five-card suit).
Artificial Bid
A bid that does not mean what it says; a convention.
Attitude Signal
When partner leads a suit, the spot card you play tells partner whether or not you
like the suit. A high spot card says you like the suit and a low spot card says you
A bidding process in which each side bids for the contract.
Balanced Hand
A hand with even distribution and no short suits — at most one doubleton.
A conventional bid of 4NT once a trump suit has been agreed, to ask for aces in
a slam auction.
The first six tricks taken by declarer. These tricks have no value in the scoring.
Broken Sequence
An imperfect sequence, featuring a gap between the second and third cards.
Examples: KQ10, Q J9.
When one player has made a limited bid showing an exact point range, his
partner becomes ‘captain’ of the auction and can take charge of the bidding.
Chicago Scoring
A popular way to play bridge, where vulnerability rotates around the table, and
bonuses are awarded for making partscore, game or slam.
The final bid of the auction. It identifies the trump suit (if any) and the number
of tricks above book that must be taken by the partnership that won the auction.
A bid with a specific agreed-upon artificial meaning. It may not say anything
about the suit bid.
A bid of the opponents’ suit. It does not show length in the suit bid. When used
in response to a takeout double, it is forcing to game.
The distribution of fifty-two cards dealt around the table to all four players.
The player who distributes the cards at the start of a deal. Dealer always starts
the auction, by bidding or passing.
The player who first named the final denomination (suit or notrump) for the side
that won the auction. Declarer decides what to play to each trick from both his
hand and dummy.
The opening leader and his partner, whose goal it is to prevent declarer from
taking all of the tricks he needs to make his contract.
If a player has no cards in the suit led, then he can ‘discard’, which is to play any
card he chooses.
A bid of ‘double’ raises the stakes: the opponents get more for making their
contract and you will get more if they go down. Often a special meaning is
assigned to a double (see Takeout Double).
Drawing Trumps
The act of leading high trumps to remove the opponents trumps. Some people
call it ‘pulling’ trumps or ‘getting the kiddies off the street’.
Declarer’s partner’s hand, which is laid face up on the table after the opening
Dummy Points
A way of evaluating your hand when you have a fit for partner’s suit (and thus
your hand will be dummy), placing high value on your short suits.
A winner that allows declarer or a defender to get from one hand to the other.
Excellent Trump Support
Four-card support for partner’s suit.
A method of making tricks by leading towards your high cards; this can enable
you to win a trick even when you are missing a top honor.
Following Suit
Playing a card of the suit led to the trick (if you have one). The rules of bridge
require you to follow suit, if you can do so.
A forcing bid is one that partner may not pass. A bid may be forcing for this turn
only, or may be forcing until a game contract is reached.
A contract that is worth at least 100 points: 3NT, 4♥, 4♠, 5♣ and 5♦ are all game
Go Down
Fail to make your contract.
Grand Slam
A bid of seven of anything (7♣, 7♦, 7♥, 7♠ or 7NT); a contract to take all of the
The thirteen cards a bridge player is dealt.
A strategy of refusing to win a trick with a high honor, saving the winner for a
later trick.
Any card above the ten in a suit.
At rubber bridge, a bonus scored for holding four or five of the top trumps in one
hand, or all four aces at notrump.
Jacoby Transfer
In response to an opening 1NT bid, a bid of 2♦ asks partner to bid 2♥; a bid
of 2♥ asks partner to bid 2♠. This promises at least five cards in the transfer suit.
A similar convention can be used in other notrump auctions, such as when
responding to an opening 2NT bid.
Jump Overcall
An overcall in a suit made one level higher than necessary.
Jump Shift
A jump bid in a new suit. When responder makes a jump shift at his first bid, it
shows 19+ points and is game-forcing.
The person who plays the first card to a trick is said to lead to the trick.
Limit Raise
A raise to three of a suit in response to an opening bid in the same suit. It
shows 10-12 points and excellent trump support.
Limited Bid
A bid that shows a specific point range.
Major Suits
The two higher-ranking suits: hearts (second from top) and spades (top).
Minor Suits
The two lower-ranking suits: clubs (lowest) and diamonds (second from
Not Forcing
A bid which partner may pass if he wants to.
Not Vulnerable
When not vulnerable, a pair scores smaller bonuses for game, small and grand
slams, and suffers lower penalties for going down than they would if vulnerable.
The highest denomination. Notrump contracts are played without a trump suit.
Opening Lead
The very first card played in a deal, by declarer’s left-hand opponent.
Opening Leader
The person on declarer’s left, who starts the play by leading to the first trick.
A bid of a new suit or notrump after an opponent has opened the bidding.
Tricks that the declaring side takes over and above the contract requirements.
A contract worth less than 100 points.
Playing Strength
The trick-taking potential of a hand, as opposed to the high-card strength.
Preemptive Bid
A bid designed to use up space in the auction and to make it difficult for the
opponents to bid effectively. A preemptive opening bid such as 3♠ is made with
a weak hand and a long strong suit.
A bid that chooses between two suits partner has bid.
A higher bid in partner’s suit.
The partner of the player who opens the bidding.
Rubber Bridge
A form of bridge in which your objective is to make two games (called ‘winning
the rubber’) before the opponents do.
Ruff, Ruffing
See Trumping.
Single Raise
A raise of partner’s bid by one level (e.g. bidding 2♠ in response to 1♠), which
shows that you have a fit for partner’s suit.
A contract at the six-or seven-level.
Small Slam
A bid of six of anything (6♣, 6♦, 6♥, 6♠ or 6NT); a contract to take twelve tricks.
A conventional response in clubs that asks an opening notrump bidder whether
he holds a four-card major (e.g. a 2♣ response to 1NT).
A likely winner in a suit that will prevent the opponents from taking lots of
tricks in the suit right away.
Takeout Double
A double of an opponent’s bid that asks partner to choose one of the unbid suits.
A conventional bid that asks partner to bid a suit, instead of doing so yourself. A
common example is a Jacoby Transfer.
During the play, each player in turn, going clockwise, places a card face up on
the table until four cards have been played.
Trump Suit
The suit decided (through the bidding) to be worth more than the other suits; a
card played in the trump suit will beat any card played in an ordinary suit.
Trumping (also called ‘Ruffing’)
Playing a trump when a different suit has been led. This can be done if you
cannot follow suit.
Tricks by which the declaring side falls short of making its contract.
Unlimited Bid
A bid whose upper range is as yet unknown. An unlimited bid is always forcing.
When vulnerable, a pair gets bigger bonuses for game, small and grand slams,
and suffers larger penalties for going down.
Waiting Bid
This type of bid gives partner room to tell you exactly what type of hand he
has — you are waiting to hear more from partner before you start to describe
your hand.
Weak Two-Bid
An opening suit bid at the two-level made on a weak hand with a good suit.
A trick that you can take without giving up the lead.
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