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Pagdato Cot Digestive-System

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School Passi National High School Learning Area Science

Quarter and
Teacher Crystel Jade C. Pagdato 4th Quarter, Week 1
Week Number

Domain Living Things and Their Environment

The learners will demonstrate understanding of the digestive system and
Content Standard its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory
systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy
The student will present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases
Performance Task
resulting from nutrient deficiency
Most Essential Learning
Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion
Competency (MELC)

K to 12 CG Code S8LTIVa-13

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. describe how the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts work

2. explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion; and
3. examine the action of enzymes as catalyst and how it helps in
II. SUBJECT MATTER Digestive System
 Digestion is the breakdown of large food particles into smaller and
absorbable nutrients needed for energy production, growth, and
cellular repair.
 Ingestion is consuming something orally, whether it be food, drink,
medicine or other substance.
 Absorption is the movement of digested food molecules through
the wall of the intestine into the blood or lymph.
a. Science Ideas/ Concepts:
 Assimilation is the movement of digested food molecules into the
cells of the body where they are used.
 Excretion is the process of removing wastes and excess water
from the body.
 Enzyme is a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms,
regulating the rate at which chemical reactions proceed without
itself being altered in the process.
Science 8 Curriculum Guide/MELC
Module in Science 8
b. Materials
Power point Presentation
Activity Sheets
 Department of Education Region 6 – Western Visayas (2021).
Environmental Science Learner’s Module Quarter 4 Week 1.

c. References Online sources:

https://microbenotes.com/the- human-digestive-system-organs-and-
 Defining
d. Science Processes/ Skills  Explaining
 Inferring
 Shows interest in the lesson.
 Openness to learn new things.
e. Value Integration:  Eagerness to share his/her ideas with the class.
 Appreciation of the value of the lesson and its applications in real
life situations
A. Prayer
Preliminary Activities Ask the students to stand for the prayer.
Indicator 4 Dear Lord and Father of all, thank you for today. Thank you for ways in
Establish safe and secure which you provide for us all. For your protection and love we thank you.
learning environments to Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn.
enhance learning through the Inspire us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world
consistent implementation of
policies, guidelines and
around us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen
b. Attendance Check
(The teacher states the class rules The teacher will check the attendance of the students and take note
before starting the class to establish
safe and secure learning of those students who are absent.
environments and enhance learning
through the consistent c. Classroom Management/ Rules/ Reminders
implementation of policies, The teacher will remind the students the following:
guidelines and procedures.)
1. See to it that you are following the proper
Indicator 5 health protocols.
Indicator 5 2. If you are not feeling well, inform the
Maintain learning environments teacher always and participate in class
that promote
learningrespect discussion and activities
and care to encourage learning
environments that promote 3. Use polite words and respectful tone in asking questions or
fairness, respect and care to
(The teacher enhances polite and interacting with class discussion
encourage learning 4. Avoid making unnecessary noise and
respectful interactions with learners
enhancesby polite
stating disturbing your classmates.
and respectful interactions with 5. Participate enthusiastically in classroom
learners and among learners by activities and enjoy learning.
stating the lesson).
Lesson Proper (7’Es Model)
Indicator 7 * All throughout the discussion of the lesson, the teacher will give stars with
equivalent points for students who answer questions and who participate in
Apply range of successful class. This is done for students to be motivated and to increase their
strategies that maintain positive experience of the lesson.
learning environments that
motivate learners to work
productively by assuming = 3 points = 1 point
responsibility for their own
learning = 2 points
(The teacher is able to create a
learning environment that
sustains learners’ active Before we proceed to our new topic for today, let’s first have a recap of
engagement and self-motivation your previous lesson.
through the use of positive
reinforcement such as rewards
through points). Take a look on the following pictures.

Indicator 3
Use effective non-verbal
(through the use of pictures
exchange communication
system) Indicator 1
and verbal classroom
communication strategies (the
Apply knowledge
teacher will ask the ofstudents
towithin andthe
describe across curriculum
given pictures)
toteaching areas
support learner
understanding, participation,
(The teacherand
engagement applies extensive
knowledge of content beyond his/her
areateacher establishesbyclassroom
of specialization sharing
interesting facts promote
practices which about theopen
topic  Can you describe the pictures shown?
communication between the
which will then motivate learners to
teachers and learners and among  Can you guess what part of their body do they use for feeding?
the learnerstheand
teaching area to
their peers).
expand their knowledge and satisfy
their curiosity). Some animals have mouth and teeth, others have beak, and for snail
they have their radula. Their food varies depending on the kind of animals
whether they are considered as herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.

The teacher will share 3 facts about Digestive system to make students
more curious and excited to learn more about the topic.

 An adult’s digestive system is approximately

9 meters long.
 Food usually takes between 24 and 72
hours to pass from your mouth to the toilet.
 Your small intestine begins digesting your food about 30
minutes after eating.

Indicator 3
The teacher will show pictures of people doing “mukbang” which is
Use effective non-verbal a video or webcast in which the host eats a large quantity of food for
(through the use of pictures the entertainment of viewers
exchange communication
system) and verbal classroom
communication strategies (the
teacher will ask the students to
describe the given pictures) to
support learner understanding,
participation, engagement and

(The teacher establishes classroom

practices which promote open
communication between the
teachers and learners and among
the learners and their peers).

Indicator 2
 Why do we really need food?
Display proficient use of Mother  Is it really essential to sustain life?
Tongue, Filipino and English to  Have you ever wondered where does the food you eat goes?
facilitate teaching and learning.
 What will happened to the food once we put it in our mouth?
(Teacher’s use of Mother tongue,  How can we get the needed nutrients from the food we eat?
and/or Filipino, and/or English
demonstrates a well-developed Before we proceed to the activity proper, let first have a Word Drill. These
ability in using communication are the important words that we will encounter as we discuss our lesson for
strategies, such as code switching today. It is important for us to learn how to correctly pronounce these
and translation to better facilitate words and also the tagalog translation of each word.
the discussion.)

Word Pronunciation Tagalog Translation

Indicator 1
Digestion dai·jes·chn pantunaw
Apply knowledge of content Ingestion uhn·jes·chn paglunok
within and across curriculum Absorption uhb·zorp·shn pagsipsip
teaching areas Assimilation uh·si·muh·lay·sh asimilasyon
(The teacher cites intra and n
interdisciplinary content relationship Excretion uhk·skree·shn paglabas
as the teacher provides a word
*Note: the teacher will translate some words in tagalog for students to
better understand each process.
Before the start of the group activity, the teacher will remind the students
Indicator 6
about the protocols to be observed (wearing of mask, social distancing and
Maintain learning environments using alcohol/sanitizers regularly)
that nurture and inspire learners
to participate, cooperate and The teacher will group the class into 5 groups. Each group must have a
collaborate in continued learning
leader, a secretary, reporter, materials manager, peace officer etc. Each
(The teacher constructs carefully member of the group has their corresponding roles to play and
structured groups in which learners responsibilities.
are engaged in learning experiences
that clearly reflect all elements of ACTIVITY 1
cooperative learning). Part A. A Sweet Break
Indicator 2 After performing this activity, you should be able to:
Display proficient use of Mother 1. describe the process of mechanical digestion; and
Tongue, Filipino and English to 2. explain how the physical breaking down of food helps in its digestion.
facilitate teaching and learning.

(Teacher’s use of Mother tongue, Materials Needed:

and/or Filipino, and/or English two 100 mL beakers or clear containers
demonstrates a well-developed warm water
ability in using communication two pieces of candies (hard candies)
strategies, such as code switching mortar and pestle
and translation to better facilitate paper towel
the activity).
1. Fill the two beakers with warm water. See to it that the amount of water
placed in each glass is about similar. And then label the glasses A and B.
2. Prepare two pieces of candies. Wrap a piece of candy in a paper towel
and crush it using a mortar and pestle or any hard object like a piece of
3. Place one piece of candy into the glass of warm water labeled A and put
the crushed piece of candy in the remaining glass of warm water labeled B.
4. Observe how long it takes for the whole candy in Glass A and the
crushed piece of candy in Glass B to dissolve.

Q1. How does crushing the candy to smaller pieces affect its dissolution?
Q2. What does crushing the candy represent in the process of digestion?

Part B. How Does It Taste?

Have a piece of a soda cracker. Chew it for about three (3) minutes before
you swallow it. Observe the changes the soda cracker will undergo as you
mechanically and chemically digest it. Record your observation in the table

Indicator 8

Design, adapt and implement

teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and

(The teacher demonstrates an

expanded understanding of the
educability of individual learners.) *These activities are well suited for gifted/fast learners.

The teacher will discuss the results of the activity and present a short
discussion about the topic using a PowerPoint presentation.
Digestion is the breakdown of large food particles into smaller and
absorbable nutrients needed for energy production, growth, and cellular
repair. It begins with ingestion through the mouth and ends with defecation
or excretion.

Digestion takes place in the gastrointestinal tract in two main forms:

mechanical and chemical.

digestion is the physical
Indicator 2 degradation of large food
particles into smaller
Display proficient use of Mother
Tongue, Filipino and English to
pieces that digestive
facilitate teaching and learning. enzymes can access
through chemical
(Teacher’s use of Mother tongue, digestion.
and/or Filipino, and/or English
demonstrates a well-developed
ability in using communication
Chemical digestion
strategies, such as code switching
is the enzymatic
and translation to better facilitate cleavage of proteins,
the discussion). carbohydrates, and fats
into tiny amino acids,
sugars, and fatty acids.

Indicator 3 Once food enters

the mouth, it mixes with
Use effective verbal and non-
verbal classroom
saliva and gets chewed
communication strategies to through the process of
support learner mastication. Saliva is rich
understanding, participation, in mucus and salivary
engagement and achievement
enzymes such as amylase, which helps break down carbohydrates. And
(The teacher will make use of together, with the effects of mastication, it creates a mass called a food
spoken words and written bolus. The food bolus then travels down the esophagus via wave-like
communication as well as non-
spoken messages that include
muscular contractions, called peristalsis, before it reaches the stomach.
facial expressions, and gestures
throughout the class discussion).

The pancreas is located below the stomach. It secretes a mix of

enzymes that together are called pancreatic juice, which helps neutralize
the very acidic chyme when it enters the small intestine.

The liver digests food by producing bile to break down fats, removing
toxins, and breaking down and storing some vitamins and minerals. The
gall bladder stores the bile that is produced by the liver. When needed, bile
passes into the small intestine, where it breaks down fat.

Digestion ends in the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed in

the small intestine's villi, tiny finger-like processes. Villi contain capillary
beds, as well as lymphatic vessels called lacteals. Fatty acids absorbed
from broken-down chyme passes into the lacteals. Capillaries absorb
glucose, fructose, and galactose, transported to all cells of the body.

Assimilation is the movement of digested food molecules into the

cells of the body where they are used.
Wastes that remain after digestion go to the large intestine, where
water is also reabsorbed. These wastes, including the water that was not
reabsorbed, are temporarily stored in the rectum before they are excreted
out of the body through the anus. Egestion or excretion happens when
these feces pass out of the body through the anus.
Bring the lesson to a conclusion by asking students to do a collaborative
Indicator 6 learning activity through Think-Pair-Share. Students will be ask to stand up
and pair up with someone in the room other than in their group. This
Maintain learning environments activity will cultivate students’ social interaction in which other students and
that nurture and inspire vice versa can assist one’s weakness. This will encourage the learners to
learners to participate,
cooperate and collaborate in give each other’s best and strengthen the learner’s flaws by developing
continued learning with peers. Once in pairs, ask them to complete the spaces in the text by
using the words in the box. After completing the activity, one of them will
(The teacher constructs carefully
present their answers in front through body language.
structured groups in which learners
are engaged in learning experiences
that clearly reflect all elements of
cooperative learning).
Activity 2. Let’s Digest!

Indicator 3
fats bile nutrients chime large intestine
Use effective verbal and non-
verbal classroom
communication strategies to
blood gastric waste anus
support learner understanding,
participation, engagement and
The stomach contains acid called________juices. Muscles contract to
(Students will use verbal mix food with this acid. This makes a thick liquid called _______.
communication strategy when
interacting with their partner as
well as non-verbal communication
Chyme from the stomach passes into the small __________. Here,
strategy through the use of body the chyme mixes with a liquid from the liver called __________and
language in presenting their pancreatic juices from the pancreas. These liquids break the chyme into
answers in class. This is done to ________, proteins, carbohydrates, ________, vitamins and minerals can
establish classroom practices which
promote open communication now pass through the wall of the small intestine and into the ________.
between the teachers and learners
and among the learners and their Any food left in the small intestine is now _________. This material
passes into the _________ intestine where any extra water is absorbed
into the blood. Dry waste passes into the rectum and waits to leave the
body through the _________.

Indicator 1
*OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: In case there is still remaining time, the teacher will
Apply knowledge of content give this additional activity for students to work in class.
within and across curriculum
teaching areas The teacher will ask the students to:
(The teacher cites intra and
Make an eye-catching poster that will show at least three healthful
interdisciplinary content relationship practices that will maintain the normal functioning of your digestive system.
as the teacher provide activity Use short bond paper for your output.
wherein students will apply their
skills and creativity from their art
Indicator 8

Design, adapt and implement

teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and

(The teacher’s instructional

strategies respond to individual with
talents in drawing.)

care to

ts equal
dent to
utilize a *Teacher will then ask a particular students to summarize what they have
student learned for the particular lesson.

F. EVALUATE Directions: Write the letter of the best answer in your notebook.
1. What do you call the wave-like contraction that transports food along the
digestive tract?
A. Absorption
B. Peristalsis
C. Swallowing
D. Vomiting
2. Which of the following refers to the process wherein large food
molecules are broken down into soluble and diffusible molecules that can
be absorbed into the body cells?

A. Absorption
B. Assimilation
C. Digestion
D. Ingestion
3. Which of the following sequences correctly traces the passage of food
through the human digestive tract?
A. Esophagus, pharynx, stomach, large intestines, large intestine
B. Esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, pharynx
C. Pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines
D. Pharynx, stomach, esophagus, small intestines, large intestines
4. Final and complete digestion happens in the_______.
A. Large intestine
B. Rectum
C. Small intestine
D. Stomach
5. The enzyme in the saliva that helps digest food is called__________.
A. Amylase
B. Lipase
C. Pepsin
D. Starch
6. Saliva does the following EXCEPT.
A. Aids in swallowing
B. Partially digest starch
C. Produces bile
D. Softens food
7. A muscular sac located on the posterior surface of the liver that stores
and concentrates bile.
A. Epiglottis
B. Gall bladder
C. Liver
D. Pancreas
8. How does food move through your digestive tract?
A. It moves by gravity
B. It moves by wavelike muscle contractions
C. It moves by cilia
D. It moves by chemical absorption
9. What is the major function of the large intestine?
A. Breakdown of fats
B. Defecation
C. Ingestion
D. Water reabsorption
10. Which of the following is NOT an accessory organ of the digestive
A. Liver
B. Pancreas
C. Pharynx
D. Salivary glands

Answers to the Test 1

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B
9. D 10. C
**Test developed is based on or anchored on the Table of Specification
covering the new Bloom’s Taxonomy
Topic Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Total

Digestive 3
1, 4, 5 2,7 9 6,10 8 10
TOTAL 3 2 1 2 1 10
Congratulations! You are SUPERB!
Score at least 75% correct; if NOT, ask your teacher!

Prepared by:


Secondary Science Teacher I

Checked and observed by:


JHS Asst. Principal II for Academics Head, Science Department


MT-I, Science Department

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