Crisis Management Action Plan 9 Steps: After Risks/vulnerability Audit, How To Get Prepared?
Crisis Management Action Plan 9 Steps: After Risks/vulnerability Audit, How To Get Prepared?
Crisis Management Action Plan 9 Steps: After Risks/vulnerability Audit, How To Get Prepared?
1. Anticipate crisis
Gather your crisis management team for long brainstorming sessions
4. Identify spokespersons
Within each team, there should be individuals who are the only ones authorized to speak for the
organization in times of crisis --- for message consistency
What can be an appropriate holding statement by a hotel chain with properties very likely
to be hit by a natural disaster, for instance, tsunami( 海 啸 )—before the organization
headquarters have any hard factual information.
· The goal of any holding statement is to acknowledge the event, empathize with those affected,
and confirm that you are responding and taking the matter seriously.
If there have been casualties and a relative response center is being established include the contact
number in the holding statement.
Information for the media – Any major event is going to draw press scrutiny so include a point of
contact. This should be the media response team who can field calls, handle interview requests, and
issue updates on the situation as these are approved.
Key message
Should be accurate, brief and easy to use in quote, memorable
Keep your messages simple: when people are impatient and angry, they can not read many words
For fire:
Safety precaution like the evacuation procures
Policy on using nonflammable décor items
The floor plan of the structure
Fire expert as spokesperson
Medial facilities nearby…
Notification system
Media relations
News/press conferences (one of the fastest ways to spread crisis related information widely)
Press conferences - for printed media (newspaper and magazine)
News conferences – more accurate terms (printed, broadcast and online media)
Questions: the main case, 具体伤亡人数