Careers - Who Am I
Careers - Who Am I
Careers - Who Am I
Name: Samantha
Letter Percentage
I 52%
S 54%
F 54%
J 63%
T 82%
I = Introverted
S = Observant
F = Feeling
J = Judging
T = Turbulent
Strengths - Supportive
- Reliable
- Observant
- Enthusiastic
- Hardworking
- Good practical skills
I feel this test was accurate with what careers I would work well in. Currently, I am in retail
which is a good fit for me as I get to help people choose outfits and find clothing throughout the
store. I feel this an accurate depiction of my personality. It was quite surprising how accurate my
character traits were. I agree that I am supportive, reliable, and hardworking. I definitely take
things personally and I am reluctant to change, but I am working on this by trying new things
even when I get nervous. Within relationships, people often turn to me in times of need for
advice which is represented by my personality type. At my job, I always give people great
service and I am known to solve problems efficiently and effectively. I am extremely unwilling to
play up my achievements and often just wait until someone notices my hard work. Last month, I
quit my old job as a kitchen manager and hostess as I felt lots of extra work was pushed onto
me as I was reliable to get it done (imagine hosting, serving, making food, and doing dishes at
the same time on a busy Friday night). This change from a job I had been at for over a year with
great coworkers to retail was difficult, but worth it. I was also trusted a lot at work; as a manager
I had a key to the restaurant and was responsible for all closing, opening, and handling the
money from the till.
2. Upload the worksheet and your write up to your Portfolio tab on your website.
Write a short sentence or two explaining what you learned about yourself from this