Segler Rubric-Capstoneprojects
Segler Rubric-Capstoneprojects
Segler Rubric-Capstoneprojects
Level of Attainment
4 3 2 1 0
Project Selection The need for the project(s) is The need for the project(s) is The need for the project(s) is The need for the project(s) is The need for the project(s) is
The degree to which the project(s) thoroughly demonstrated clearly shown (e.g. ratings, unclear; the project fits within not presented; the project not presented; the project
addresses Standards/Principles in (e.g. ratings, rubric, or rubric, or evaluation the practicum student's scope may fall outside the practicum clearly falls outside the
need of improvement, as well as evaluation dashboard is dashboard is provided); the of influence. student's scope of influence. practicum student's scope of
fits within the scope of influence provided); the project fits well project fits within the influence.
within the practicum student's practicum student's scope of
scope of influence. influence.
Standards Addressed The project(s) clearly The project(s) addresses 3 or The project(s) addresses less The project(s) addresses less The project(s) does not seem
The number of Standards and addresses 3 or more more Standards and at least 1 than 3 Standards, but than 3 Standards, and to address any of the
Principles underlying each Standards, and addresses Principle underlying each addresses more than 1 addresses only 1 Principle Standards or Principles.
Standard that the project(s) more than 1 Principle standard. Principle underlying each underlying each standard.
address underlying each standard. standard.
Alignment with The project(s) clearly and The project(s) clearly align The project(s) clearly align The project(s) align with the The project(s) align with the
Standards/Principles thoroughly align with the with the identified with the identified identified identified
The degree to which the project(s) identified Standards/Principles; the Standards/Principles; the Standards/Principles; the Standards/Principles; the
aligns with the identified Standards/Principles; the completion/implementation of completion/implementation of completion/implementation of completion/implementation of
Standards/Principles and thus completion/implementation of the project(s) would directly the project(s) would directly the project(s) would directly the project(s) may affect
could yield improvement for the the project(s) would directly and positively affect the and positively affect the and positively affect the ratings for criteria underlying
library’s programs and positively affect the library program's ratings for library program's ratings for library program's ratings for principles, but change the
library program's ratings for at least 3 Principles. at least 2 Principles. at least 1 Principle. library program's ratings for
at least 1 Standards and at any Principles or Standards.
least 3 Principles.
Project Quality Project artifacts presented for Project artifacts presented for Project artifacts presented for Project artifacts presented for Project artifacts presented for
How clearly the various artifacts review are clearly introduced, review are introduced, review are adequately review are not clearly review are not clearly
created for the projects are thoroughly developed, adequately developed, developed and appropriately introduced or organized for introduced, not organized for
introduced to viewers/reviewers, organized well, and organized well, and accommodate identified reviewers, but are either reviewers, inadequately
how well developed and organized appropriately accommodate appropriately accommodate audiences, but are not clearly adequately developed or do developed, or inappropriate
they are, and how appropriately identified audiences. identified audiences. introduced or organized for appropriately accommodate for identified audiences.
they accommodate identified reviewers. identified audiences.
Contributions to Discussion Posts project and reviews of Posts project and reviews of Posts project and reviews of Posts project and reviews of Posts either the project or the
Completes and posts the project in peers' projects by specified peers' projects by specified peers' projects by specified peers' projects by specified reviews after the specified
time for others to review; provides deadlines; reviews are deadlines; reviews are deadlines; reviews provide deadlines; reviews do not deadlines.
reviews that are thorough and thorough, comprehensive, thorough and provide helpful helpful feedback. provide helpful feedback.
helpful. and provide helpful feedback. feedback.