Description of Evaluations

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 In this activity, you are going to write about an experience you have lived about being

part of a live event.

 You are going to describe this moment by including the type of event that was, people

you went to, what you did to be part of this, the best and worst part of the event, the

reactions you had towards it, quality of the event, expectations and some other details you

would like to mention.

 In the same writing, you are going to mention if it was better to have this event on stage

or screen. I mean if it is better to have a live event or have it on television.

 Among the events you can write about are: plays, conferences, sports, concerts, operas,

seminars, others.

 You can include pictures as well.

 Write your activity on a page/page on a half

 Check spelling, grammar, punctuation, coherence of ideas

 Send your file through a PDF format and be sure you justify it

 Due date: March 3rd

 Send your file through MOODLE. You have the whole day to do it.

 Investigate one of the topics that your teacher will share with you

 As soon as you choose your topic, send the one you chose in the group. So that the rest of

students can choose the rest of topics.

 Look for the information that the topic refers to. Describe the problem, how this problem

is related to breaking the rules, explain if this case is seen here in the country and provide

some recommendations (affirmative, negative) including the structures of should/

shouldn’t have


1. Speeding

2. Littering

3. Spraying graffiti

4. Vandalizing public property

5. Shoplifting

6. Illegal parking

7. Illegal downloading

8. Underage drinking

9. Jaywalking

10. Copyright infringement

11. Breaking transit rules

12. Sharing prescribed medication

13. Drinking and smoking in public areas

14. Tax evasion

15. Drugs consumption

16. Cheating on tests


 Surf the internet and investigate about a job that is unusual to know and to
listen about it
 Talk about what the job consists on, people who do it, where it is developed,
advantages and disadvantages, what makes the job interesting, weird and
catchy, comment if you would like to be part of it. ( These are just some
ideas you can base your presentation, but you are free to talk about whatever
you want).
 Create slides or infographics where you show what this job refers to. Include
pictures as reference.
 You have exactly 5 minutes to develop your presentation. PLEASE manage
your time so that everybody can have the enough time to present. Make sure
you talk the time that has been given.
 AVOID READING, if so your grade will be bad and can affect your final
 Due date: Thursday, March 9th.
 The activity will be developed in the live session.

Criteria Points

5. The student speaks confidently and naturally with no distracting hesitations. Ideas flow smoothly.
3. The student hesitates several times, but generally seems to know the desired words, even if it is
necessary to think about them a bit.
1. The student has many hesitations and great difficulty remembering or selecting words.

5. Pronunciation is accurate, with correct inflections, numbers of syllables and other correct nuances of
3. Pronunciation is satisfactory; however, words sometimes have incorrect inflections or are otherwise
sometimes hard to understand.
1. Pronunciation is very hard or impossible to understand.

5. The speaker speaks with no more incorrect grammar.

3. The speaker occasionally uses inappropriate verb tenses and/or incorrectly uses parts of speech,
however the speaker has the ability to correct grammar without prompts.
1. The speaker makes frequent use of inappropriate verb tenses and/or incorrectly constructs sentences
or uses parts of speech.

5. Vocabulary is sufficient to be understood in most settings and words are used with their correct meaning.
3. Vocabulary is moderate, although the speaker sometimes needs help identifying the correct words. There
are only occasional problems with correct meanings of words.
1. Vocabulary is very limited and/or incorrect words are often used.
Understanding/comprehension of questions

5. The speaker is knowledgeable about the questions have been asked and provides a significant level of
3. The speaker is aware of the questions have been asked and attempts to provide relevant ideas about it.
Provides some details.
1. Speaker seems to have little or no understanding of the questions. Statements are superficial or not
Quality of information given

5. There was abundant and clear information in the development of the interview. Ideas were completely
coherent and understandable.
3. There was some information given but not coherent enough. There were just some details.
1. There was not enough information according to the questions that were asked.


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