Local Youth Development Plan: City of Danao
Local Youth Development Plan: City of Danao
Local Youth Development Plan: City of Danao
Agenda Statement:
Strengthening the preparation of active citizens through active volunteerism and shapeshifting the role of the Youths to have a freedom in the community.
Youth Objectives Performance Indicator Target PPAs Priority Area Annual Budget
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3]
Lesser community To produce Youths Increase number of Youth-serving Youth-serving Youth-serving 1. Volunteer to Members of P 30,000.00
participation and who are active in terms Youth Organizations, Organizations in Organizations in Organizations the SK’s Youth-serving
involvement to of their rights to be Charities, and Danao City Danao City in Danao City activities Organizations
citizenship roles involved in voting, Volunteers around the in Danao City
on the Youth. volunteerism, and community 2. Volunteerism
campaigning causes. Day
Agenda Statement:
Education is a human right as well as a force for long-term growth and peace. Every goal in the 2030 Agenda requires education to empower people with the knowledge, skills and values
to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.
Youth Development Objectives Performance Target PPAs Priority Area Annual Budget
Concerns Indicator
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3]
Growing number of To empower and To successfully Recognized Youth- Recognized Youth- Recognized Youth- 1. Educational Representatives P 50,000.00
out of school Youths give the Youths a educate and have serving Organizations serving serving Drives of each
venue for proper, equitable access Organizations Organizations Organization
sustainable, and to Education
quality access to 2. Education
Education. Awareness
3. Training for
field Youths
Agenda Statement:
Provides strategies for mitigating land, air, and water degradation while protecting habitats and their diversity. Poverty, overconsumption, health, and education are all addressed.
Less To strengthen To create and Youth-serving Youth-serving Youth-serving 1. Establish Selected Youth P 20,000.00
Environmental the progress and build an Organizations in Organizations in Organizations in Sidlak Eco Leaders and
engagement level of Environmental the City the City the City Movers, an Representatives
towards the participation group of Youths Environmental in each
sector. among all that will act as Youth Organization.
Youths in the eco movers. Organization
City. 2. Initiate Tree
growing and
3. Environmental
Youth Development Objectives Performance Target PPAs Priority Area Annual Budget
Concerns Indicator
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3]
The increasing gap To provide To establish a Youth-serving Youth-serving Youth-serving 1. Social Activities Screened and P 15,000.00
of Youth exchange competent Youth Youth-enforced organizations organizations organizations credible
activities, Leaders in group of social 2. Youth Representatives
participation across general activities and Trafficking of each Youth-
the region, national, especially within training for a quality serving
and around the the locality program 3. Leadership organizations
globe. Exchange
Youth Development Objectives Performance Target PPAs Priority Area Annual Budget
Concerns Indicator
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3]
Less interest of To empower To successfully Youth-serving Youth-serving Youth-serving 1. Capability Representatives P 15,000.00
some Youths in Youths to become educate and Organizations Organizations Organizations Building and of each Youth-
active participatory actively create awareness in the City in the City in the City Leadership serving
Governance participative in to the Youths Seminar Organizations in
good Governance. regarding good the City
and active
Agenda Statement:
Ensuring healthy lifestyles and encouraging well-being at all ages especially the Youth. The world is currently experiencing a global health crisis unlike any other — COVID-19 is
causing human agony, undermining the global economy, and upending the lives of billions of people worldwide.
With the To strengthen To raise Youth-serving Youth-serving Youth-serving 1. Health and Youth-serving P 45,000.00
pandemic that hit the progress of awareness and organizations organizations organizations Safety organizations
the land, the Health and establish a safe Education
Youth has been Safety Education and healthy Symposium
challenged in among the activities to the 2. HIV / AIDS
coping up and Youths in the Youths of Danao Educational
adapting the community and City Seminars
prevailing to accomplish a 3. Mental Health
changes of the safe venue for Awareness
new normal. Mental Health. 4. Drug
5. Youth Health
Approved by: Noted by:
DCYC Chairman Local Youth Development Officer
Prevailing To have a safe To establish Youth- Youth-serving Youth- 1. Peace and Order Members of P 15,000.00
challenges of the space for the programs that serving Organizations serving Day / Peace and Youth-serving
Youth in terms of Youths where concern safety Organization in Danao City Organization order Campaign Organizations in
peace and they can enjoy and order. s in Danao s in Danao 2. Launch a Danao City
security. and sustain a City City symposium /
peaceful and educational drive
empowered. for Peace and
Order in the Youth
Social treatment To have and Having an Full registered Full registered Full registered 1. Gender Equality Danao City P 30,000.00
and equality on provide a safe, established activity and and and Education/seminars
Youth in the strong, and that will channel acknowledged acknowledged acknowledged
corresponding versatile and address their Youth-serving Youth-serving Youth-serving
sector. environment for needs and Organizations Organizations Organizations
the concerned. concerns through
attaining the
To create a activities.
reliable source of
outlet for Youth
with special needs
and the like.
2. Youth with Special Danao City
needs / Disability