F02 HW7

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DESIGN OF MACHINERY SOLUTION MANUAL 84 —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—__ Statement: A 224ooh er has AGMA standard fll depth avo eth wth dame pich of, Ganane ‘the pitch diameter, circular pitch, addendum, dedendum, tooth thickness and cee Given: ‘Tooth mumber N:=22 Diametral pith p 4 = 4. Solution: See Mathcad ile 901 "+ Calculate the pitch diameter using equation 9.4 and the circular pitch sing equation 944 Pitch diameter ar d= 5.5000%n Pa pith py Pe 07854 Pa 2 Use the equations in Table 9-1 to calculate the addendum, dedendum, tooth thickness and clearance, ‘Addendum aoa = 1.0000 2=0.2500%in Pa Dedendum bn 12500 b=03125¢n Pa Tooth thickness 1-05, 2039276 Clearance: ent ¢ = 0.0625sin Pa Note: The circular tooth thickness exactly half of the circular pitch, so the equation used above i more Sarre the on in Table 9-1. Also, all ee mensions should be played to four decal sees ine ‘manuficturing tolerances for gear tect profiles are usually expressed in ethousanie of om nck 2nd Eaton, 1908 ESIGN OF MACHINERY SOLUTION MANUAL 92-4 EF prose 9.2 (agin ner Rf SR STI (atement: 4 40.ooth gear has AGMA standard fil depth invout teth with dametal pitch of 10. Calculate the pitch diameter crula pitch, addendum, dedendum, tooth hicknes, and clerance. fren: Toothumber 2840 Diameral ich p i= 10! tution: See Mahe fe P90. acl pitch iamtr wing equation 940 andthe clr ph sing eatin 9 Pitch diameter d= 4.000% Crelarpitch pe: Pe= 031424 Pa Use the equations in Tale 91 to calculate th addendum, dedendum, tooth thickness and clearance, v=.0000 Addendum a 2 0.1000%i0 Pa Dedendum 0125000 “Tooth thickness L1S7Iain Clearance = 00250%n Note: The cular toot thickness exactly half ofthe circular pitch, zo the equation used above ie more curate han the one in Table 91. Also al gear dimensions shouldbe displayed to four decimal paces since ‘manufctring tolerances for gear eth profiles ar usually expressed in ten¢housandhs of en inch ‘von, 1900 07

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