Cloud Computing - IT492: - Chapter 3

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Cloud Computing _IT492

— Chapter 3 —
Part I: Fundamental Cloud Computing
Fundamental Concepts and Models

Text Book: “Cloud Computing: Concepts, technology and Architecture

by Thomas Earl, Zaigham Mahmood and Ricardo puttini


 Cloud Delivery Models

 Cloud Deployment Models

 Summary

Cloud Delivery Models

 A cloud delivery model represents a specific, pre-packaged

combination of IT resources offered by a cloud provider.

 Three common cloud delivery models have become widely

established and formalized:

 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Cloud Delivery Models

 Many specialized variations of the three base cloud delivery

models have emerged, each comprised of a distinct
combination of IT resources. Some examples include:

 Storage-as-a-Service
 Database-as-a-Service
 Security-as-a-Service
 Communication-as-a-Service
 Integration-as-a-Service
 Testing-as-a-Service
 Process-as-a-Service
Note: cloud delivery model can be referred to as a cloud service delivery model
because each model is classified as a different type of cloud service offering.

Cloud Delivery Models

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
 A self-contained IT environment comprised of infrastructure-
centric IT resources that can be accessed and managed via
cloud service-based interfaces and tools.

 Can include hardware, network, connectivity, operating

systems, and other IT resources.

 Provide cloud consumers with a high level of control and

responsibility over its configuration and utilization.

Cloud Delivery Models

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

 Is used by cloud consumers that require a high level of control

over the cloud-based environment they intend to create.

 The IT resources provided by IaaS are generally not pre-

configured, placing the administrative responsibility directly
upon the cloud consumer.

Q: How is it differing from traditional hosting or outsourcing


Cloud Delivery Models

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Cloud Delivery Models

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

 Represents a pre-defined “ready-to-use” environment

typically comprised of already deployed and configured IT

 Relies on the usage of a ready-made environment that

establishes a set of pre-packaged products and tools used to
support the entire delivery lifecycle of custom applications.

Cloud Delivery Models

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Common reasons a cloud consumer would use and invest in a

PaaS environment include:

 The cloud consumer wants to extend on-premise environments

into the cloud for scalability and economic purposes.
 The cloud consumer uses the ready-made environment to
entirely substitute an on-premise environment.
 The cloud consumer wants to become a cloud provider and
deploys its own cloud services to be made available to other
external cloud consumers.

Cloud Delivery Models

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

 The cloud consumer is granted a lower level of control over the

underlying IT resources that host and provision the platform.

 By working within a ready-made platform, the cloud consumer

is spared the administrative burden of setting up and
maintaining the bare infrastructure IT resources provided via
the IaaS model.

Cloud Delivery Models

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Cloud Delivery Models

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
 A software program positioned as a shared cloud service and
made available as a “product” or generic utility.

 The SaaS delivery model is typically used to make a reusable

cloud service widely available to a range of cloud consumers.

 A cloud consumer is generally granted very limited

administrative control over a SaaS implementation.

Cloud Delivery Models

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Comparison of typical cloud delivery
Cloud Delivery Model Typical Level of Typical Functionality
Control Granted to Made Available to
Cloud Consumer Cloud Consumer
SaaS Use and usage-related Access to the front-end
configuration user interface
PaaS Limited administrative Moderate level of
administrative control
over IT resources
relevant to cloud
consumer’s usage of
IaaS Full administrative Full access to virtualized
infrastructure-related IT
resources and, probably,
to underlying physical IT
Typical activities
Cloud Delivery Common Cloud Common Cloud Provider
Model Consumer Activities Activities

SaaS Use and configure cloud Implement, manage, and

service maintain cloud service;
Monitor usage by cloud
PaaS Develop, test, deploy, Pre-configure platform and
and manage cloud provision underlying
services and cloud- infrastructure, middleware,
based solutions and other IT resources;
Monitor usage by cloud
IaaS Set up and configure Provision and manage the
bare infrastructure, and physical processing, storage,
install, manage, and networking, and hosting;
monitor any needed Monitor usage by cloud
software consumers
Common examples of SaaS, PaaS, &

Combining Cloud Delivery Models

 The three base cloud delivery models comprise a natural

provisioning hierarchy, allowing for opportunities for the
combined application of the models to be explored.

 The two common combinations:

 IaaS + PaaS
 IaaS + PaaS + SaaS

Combining Cloud Delivery Models

IaaS + PaaS

 A PaaS environment will be built upon an underlying

infrastructure comparable to the physical and virtual servers
and other IT resources provided in an IaaS environment.

Combining Cloud Delivery Models
IaaS + PaaS

Combining Cloud Delivery Models
IaaS + PaaS

Combining Cloud Delivery Models

IaaS + PaaS
 The motivation for such an arrangement may be influenced by
economics or maybe because the first cloud provider is close to
exceeding its existing capacity by serving other cloud

 Or, perhaps a particular cloud consumer imposes a legal

requirement for data to be physically stored in a specific region
(different from where the first cloud provider’s cloud resides),
as in the previous example.

Combining Cloud Delivery Models

IaaS + PaaS +SaaS

 All three cloud delivery models can be combined to establish

layers of IT resources that build upon each other.

Combining Cloud Delivery Models
IaaS + PaaS +SaaS

Summary of Key points 1

 IaaS offers cloud consumers a high level of administrative

control over “raw” infrastructure-based IT resources.

 PaaS enables a cloud provider to offer a preconfigured

environment that cloud consumers can use to build and deploy
cloud services and solutions.

 SaaS is a cloud deliver model for shared cloud services that can
be positioned as commercialized products hosted by clouds.

Summary of Key points 1

 Different combinations of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are possible,

depending on how cloud consumers and cloud providers
choose to leverage the natural hierarchy established by these
base cloud delivery models.


 Cloud Delivery Models

 Cloud Deployment Models

 Summary

Cloud deployment models

 A cloud deployment model represents a specific type of cloud

environment, primarily distinguished by ownership, size, and
 Four common cloud deployment models:
 Public clouds
 Community clouds
 Private clouds
 Hybrid clouds

Cloud deployment models

Public Clouds
 A public cloud is a publicly accessible cloud environment
owned by a third-party cloud provider.

 The IT resources on public clouds are generally offered to cloud

consumers at a cost or are commercialized via other avenues.

 The cloud provider is responsible for the creation and on-

going maintenance of the public cloud and its IT resources.

Cloud deployment models

Primary public clouds in the market

Cloud deployment models

Public Clouds
 Advantages of Public Cloud:

 Public cloud is owned at a lower cost than the private and hybrid cloud.
 Public cloud is maintained by the cloud service provider, so do not need to
worry about the maintenance.
 Public cloud is easier to integrate. Hence it offers a better flexibility approach to
 Public cloud is location independent because its services are delivered through
the internet.
 Public cloud is highly scalable as per the requirement of computing resources.
 It is accessible by the general public, so there is no limit to the number of users.

Cloud deployment models

Public Clouds
 Disadvantages of Public Cloud:

 Public Cloud is less secure because resources are shared publicly.

 Performance depends upon the high-speed internet network link to the
cloud provider.
 The Client has no control of data.

Cloud deployment models

Community Clouds
 A community cloud is similar to a public cloud except that its
access is limited to a specific community of cloud consumers.

 The community cloud may be jointly owned by the community

members or by a third-party cloud provider that provisions a
public cloud with limited access.

 The member cloud consumers of the community typically

share the responsibility for defining and evolving the
community cloud.

Cloud deployment models

Community Clouds

 Membership in the community does not necessarily guarantee

access to or control of all the cloud’s IT resources. Parties
outside the community are generally not granted access unless
allowed by the community.

Cloud deployment models

A sample community clouds

Cloud deployment models

Community Clouds
 Advantages of Community Cloud:

 Community cloud is cost-effective because the whole cloud is being

shared by several organizations or communities.
 Community cloud is suitable for organizations that want to have a
collaborative cloud with more security features than the public cloud.
 It provides better security than the public cloud.
 It provdes collaborative and distributive environment.
 Community cloud allows us to share cloud resources, infrastructure, and
other capabilities among various organizations.

Cloud deployment models

Community Clouds
 Disadvantages of Community Cloud

 Community cloud is not a good choice for every organization.

 Security features are not as good as the private cloud.
 It is not suitable if there is no collaboration.
 The fixed amount of data storage and bandwidth is shared among all
community members.

Cloud deployment models

Private Clouds
 A private cloud is owned by a single organization.

 Private clouds enable an organization to use cloud computing

technology as a means of centralizing access to IT resources
by different parts, locations, or departments of the

Cloud deployment models

Private Clouds

 With a private cloud, the same organization is technically both

the cloud consumer and cloud provider (see Figure in slide 39).

 In order to differentiate these roles:

 A separate department typically assumes the responsibility
for provisioning the cloud cloud provider
 Departments requesting the access to the private cloud
assume the cloud consumer role

Cloud deployment models

A sample private cloud

Cloud deployment models

Private Clouds
 Advantages of Private Cloud:

 Private cloud provides a high level of security and privacy to the users.
 Private cloud offers better performance with improved speed and
space capacity.
 It allows the IT team to quickly allocate and deliver on-demand IT
 The organization has full control over the cloud because it is managed
by the organization itself. So, there is no need for the organization to
depends on anybody.
 It is suitable for organizations that require a separate cloud for their
personal use and data security is the first priority.

Cloud deployment models

Private Clouds
 Disadvantages of Private Cloud:

 Skilled people are required to manage and operate cloud services.

 Private cloud is accessible within the organization, so the area of

operations is limited.

 Private cloud is not suitable for organizations that have a high user
base, and organizations that do not have the prebuilt infrastructure,
sufficient manpower to maintain and manage the cloud.

Cloud deployment models

Hybrid Clouds
 A hybrid cloud is a cloud environment comprised of two or
more different cloud deployment models

 Example: a cloud consumer may choose to deploy cloud

services processing sensitive data to a private cloud and
other less sensitive cloud services to a public cloud

Cloud deployment models

Hybrid cloud architecture

Cloud deployment models

Hybrid Clouds
 Advantages of Hybrid Cloud

 Hybrid cloud is suitable for organizations that require more security

than the public cloud.
 Hybrid cloud helps you to deliver new products and services more
 Hybrid cloud provides an excellent way to reduce the risk.
 Hybrid cloud offers flexible resources because of the public cloud and
secure resources because of the private cloud.

Cloud deployment models

Hybrid Clouds
 Disadvantages of Hybrid Cloud

 In Hybrid Cloud, security feature is not as good as the private cloud.

 Managing a hybrid cloud is complex because it is difficult to manage
more than one type of deployment model.
 In the hybrid cloud, the reliability of the services depends on cloud
service providers.

Cloud deployment models

Other Cloud Deployment Models

 Virtual Private Cloud – Also known as a “dedicated cloud” or

“hosted cloud,” this model results in a self-contained cloud
environment hosted and managed by a public cloud provider,
and made available to a cloud consumer.

Cloud deployment models

Other Cloud Deployment Models

 Inter-Cloud – This model is based on an architecture

comprised of two or more inter-connected clouds.

Summary of Key points 2

 A public cloud is owned by a third party and generally offers

commercialized cloud services and IT resources to cloud
consumer organizations.

 A private cloud is owned by an individual organization and

resides within the organization’s premises.

 A community cloud is normally limited for access by a group of

cloud consumers that may also share responsibility in its

 A hybrid cloud is a combination of two or more cloud

deployment models.


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