Overview of Capacitive Couplings in Windings: April 2015
Overview of Capacitive Couplings in Windings: April 2015
Overview of Capacitive Couplings in Windings: April 2015
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Abstract-The use of electrical machines (EMs) with application today [1-3]. Some advantages of using VFDs
variable-frequency drives (VFDs) results in electromagnetic are: higher efficiency of a driven motor, fast control
interference (EMI). At high frequencies (HFs) of conducted response,accurate speed control,good torque response,etc.
EMI, the impedance of an EM insulation system fed from a [4,5]. High switching frequency of VFD in correlation with
VFD is small due to the parasitic capacitive couplings. Thus, the high rate of voltage rise and fall times (50-300ns [6-9]),
the conducted EMI currents flow through the insulation sets a significant voltage stress on the winding insulation
into the other conductive parts of the machine or ground. system. Winding insulation system, together with two
This can cause damage to the insulation, accelerate
conductive parts of the machine, forms a capacitive
corrosion and bearings, and influence other electrically
coupling. Inside an EM,the following capacitive couplings
and/or mechanically connected equipment in the system. In
can be observed,as shown in Fig. 1 [10]:
order to understand the phenomena of EMI and how to
minimize it, one must understand parasitic capacitances in • stator winding-to-core capacitance (Cws);
a VFD-cable-EM system. Many authors analyze the topic of • phase-to-phase capacitance (Cpp);
parasitic capacitances of cables and machine's bearing
capacitances. However, not many pUblications are focused
• stator winding -to-rotor capacitance (CWR);
on the detailed analysis of the windings. In most cases, the • stator core-to- rotor capacitance (CSR);
Cpp / �
Inner I "
\, __
addressed in this paper [14]. The conducted EMI,however, 3.5 4 4.5 5.5
200 IF'
PWM signal (v)
is manifested through differential- and common-mode
����lW' I
voltages and currents (DMV, DMC, CMV and CMC,
.. .
o U
respectively) with harmonic frequencies ranging from
3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
lS0kHz up to 30MHz [ lS-17]. Electronic switching
elements inside an inverter,i.e. IGBTs,represent the source d) PWM signal (w)
through all phase conductors and returns via the ground 100 ' . . . . . . . . .
. .
o .. .
presented in Fig. 2. Connections between the phase
. . . . . . ,
U 4 U 5 U 6
-;;;:c [ill
Xc = in HF domain
From this example it can be seen that at 50Hz and even
at 400Hz the reactance is still high. However, considering
the HF harmonics of CM signals, it is obvious that
reactance is almost negligible. It should be noted that this
example is only given for the capacitive reactance,while in
reality, the total impedance of the winding insulation Fig. 5: Detailed equivalent circuit of a coil at HF
system should be considered. This impedance can be
calculated using the equivalent circuits given in Section 3
or measured with appropriate high current RLC meters.
Referenced publications propose lumped parameter
circuit models in order to qualify and quantify parasitic
capacitances of windings. To analyze the winding and its
insulation system at HF of CM signals, the basic lumped
parameter equivalent circuit of a phase winding at HF
should be observed as in Fig. 4 [25-27]. Here: L is the total
inductance and it includes main and leakage inductances,R
is the serial connection of ac winding resistance and core
resistance,C represents stray capacitance which consists of
turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground capacitances,which will be
further elaborated on in Section 4. Inductance and Fig. 6: Detailed equivalent circuit of coil at HF with capacitance
resistance are frequency dependent,due to eddy-currents in towards the ground being taken into consideration
the core,and skin and proximity effect in the winding. Stray
capacitance is assumed not to be frequency dependent [29]. TYPES OF CAPACITANCES
In a more detailed representation,equivalent circuits of Basic types of parasitic capacitances regarding the
a coil are given in Figs. 5 and 6 [30] and [32]. Some authors windings are turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground.
are applying the same equivalent circuits to represent the Additionally,coil-to-coil,coil-to-ground,phase-to-phase,
winding [31]. These equivalent circuits represent a coil and and phase-to-ground capacitances can be observed as an
designations are: Rp/ represents AC iron losses (eddy extension of basic types [47].
current and hysteresis losses inside the magnetic core and From the two basic types of capacitances, the
the frame); RCI represents dissipative phenomena due to HF capacitance matrix [48,49] can be formed with diagonal
capacitive current and dielectric losses; RLJ is AC wire elements Cu, which are called "self-capacitance
resistance; CJ represents turn-to-turn capacitance; LJ is coefficients" [49-55]. They are positive constants and
overall inductance of the coil (sum of overhang part and slot represent, the sum of c�racitances � etween the i1h
part of the coil). Overall inductance LJ and AC wire conductor and every other Ut ) conductor III the system,as
resistance are frequency dependent,but in order to use this well as between the ith conductor and its ground. Non
equivalent circuit in frequency and time domain, these diagonal elements Cij, which are called "mutual
values are usually set to average value [11]. Values of Rp/, capacitance coefficients",and exist between the ith and lh
RCI and RLJ are usually a couple of kQ-:-10x kQ,10x Q and conductor. They are negative constants that represent the
100x Q, respectively. Additional capacitance towards the mutual partial capacitance between the ith and /h conductor
ground must be taken into consideration with the resistance in the system. In Fig. 7,an example of a random coil cross
Rg and the capacitance Cg. section with four conductors is given.
ett = E·(i (3)
Fig. 7: An example of capacitances between four conductors of which Taking into account parallel plate capacitor, another
two have round and two have rectangular cross-section [54] approach for calculation of turn-to-turn capacitance is
given in [28] and with regard to the Fig. 11. It is based on
The combination of cross-sections of the conductors (two
the calculation of the capacitance between two infinite,
rectangular and two round conductors) is given
straight, parallel conductors in homogenous medium (in
deliberately. The capacitance matrix for this example is
this case it will be assumed air).
given with (1). For the general case,this matrix would be
given with (2).
c:; I +C:;2 +
+C:;3+C:;4 Ctt
- C:; I
+C;3+C;4 Fig. 8: Simple,two-turn coil and its capacitances [33]
-CI3 +�3+C44
rI Ctt
-e:;2 -
e:; ll
8 Ctt
+,,+C2J1 (2) CIg2 ---I
Ir-I Ctt
Cnl +c'12 +
+···+c'm � Ctt
Turn-to-Turn Capacitance
Fig. 9: Single-row coil and distributed network of its capacitances [33]
Turn-to-turn capacitance implies the capacitance Clgl Clll
between any two conductors inside the same coil. Turn-to
turn capacitance Cit is calculated between the turns i andj
Utj). This capacitance can be calculated in different ways,
l 1II�
..L I
c1I2 CIg2
depending on the shape of the conductor and their C'12 Clll CII2 CIg2
arrangement in the slot. T
t--I+---III I I I
CI12 Clll .I CII2 CIg2
J) Formed winding - Conductors with rectangular cross I
I--I�- II I I
section: For rectangular conductors it is relatively easy to CII2 Clll CII2 CIg2
calculate Cit. Thanks to the surface contours of form -
I---� � I
Ctt2 1
wound coils,which are sufficiently and necessarily regular
ICII21 1 T
to permit the representation of a coil in a slot or end region
Clll Clgl
by equivalent parallel-plate capacitors [33]. In this case,
capacitance is given with (3), where E:, A, and de, are Fig. 10: Double-row coil and distributed network of its capacitances
permittivity,conductor surface and distance between two
turns edges,respectively [34].
DI12 r I t
h h
� e-O
Fig. 11: Cross-section of rectangular wires and ground [28] Fig. 12: Cross-section of round wires and ground,D=2r [28]
Turn-to-turn capacitance from Fig. 11 would be: Equation (8) is the same as (6) with regards to the
mathematical identity between cosh-I (x) and In(x). If
k ED L b insulation thickness cannot be neglected, it should be
Ctt =
taken into consideration by applying of the following
The factor k includes edge effects which are the function equation:
of the winding geometry. Equation (4) does not consider
insulation coating thickness, i.e. t« d-a. If the insulation
coating thickness cannot be neglected, the equation (5)
should be used.
k ED L b
Where factor F is given by:
Ctt = --------:;--
d - a - 2.t. 1 -
( E�)
In equations (4) and (5) it is assumed that L is the turn
lz r
length. (10)
the fringing effects. In the zone of 1[/3, the air gap path And the air gap capacitance is:
between two elementary cylindrical surfaces of adjacent Co L
turns is the length of a line of the electric field connecting d Cg = de (14)
2C1 cos B)
the two opposite elementary cylindrical surfaces, i.e. x.
This length is a function of angle B, as shown in Fig. 15. The total capacitance between two turns is:
In this region the capacitance must be integrated along the dCc dCg
dCtt =
d c + 2 dCg
angle B, i.e. over the angle of 1[/3. The elementary (15)
cylindrical surface for calculating the insulation layer
capacitance is given in Fig. 16.
First, the capacitance of the insulating coating is After the integration over the angle of 1[/3:
calculated with respect to Fig. 16. The elementary
capacitance of the cylindrical insulation coating shell is
given by:
Co c r
dCc = dl dB (11)
M=-l+v'3 (17) calculate the turn-to-turn capacitance based on the coil
geometry. The turn-to-turn capacitance can be obtained
and only by measurements and then calculating the
N = 2Er + In
D capacitance via resonant frequency and inductance matrix
o . (18)
Dc as explained in [29] and [32], or via stored energy as
In order to simplify equation (16),instead of e, a new presented in [40,41].
angle e is introduced. It is the angle at which the serial Turn-to-Ground Capacitance
connection of elementary capacitances of the insulation
Turn-to-ground capacitances (Cg) is the capacitance
coatings is equal to the elementary capacitance of the air
between the turn and the slot wall. It is also referred as a
turn self-capacitance. It is larger than turn-to-turn
e* T = dCg (19) capacitance and it can also be calculated in different ways,
depending on the wire type and its configuration in the
The capacitance of the insulating coating is now: slot.
Cc =
2 E o Er L e* J) Formed winding - Conductors with rectangular cross
D (20) section: From Figs. 8-10 it can be noticed that Cg will be
In -2..
Dc the same for two-turn coil,but it will be different in the
case of multi-turn coils. The difference will appear
If it is assumed that the insulation coating thickness s
between the outer turns (top and bottom) and the inner
is small comparing to the conductor diameter,cylindrical
turns, which will have the capacitance CgJ and Ctg2,
shell can be further approximated with parallel plate
respectively (Ctg4Cg2). This difference appears due to
capacitor,so (20) becomes:
difference of surfaces which are facing the slot wall. It is
Cc =
Eo Er L Da e* (21) obvious that Cg, > Cg2 considering that the outer turn has
t larger surface.
And the air gap capacitance will be: Turn-to-ground capacitance for the coil in Fig. 11 can
Cg = Eo L cot [ (�*) - (�)] cot (22)
be calculated in the similar way as Cu. If the insulation
coating thickness is negligible, i.e. t« d,-a/2, the result
Where Da represents average diameter of the insulation
will be:
coating: kED L b
Ct g = (26)
(23) h -Z
If the insulation coating thickness cannot be neglected,
With a couple of simple mathematical operations
* Cg will be:
between (12), (14) (19), (20) and (21), angle e can be
expressed as: kED L b
Ct g = (27)
e* = cos-1 1( -�)
Er Da
(24) h-!!:'-t
2 (
Finally,the overall turn-to turn capacitance will be: 2) Formed winding - Conductors with round cross-section:
For the case from Fig. 12,Ctg will be given by (28) if the
Ctt = Eo L [Er Dt e* + ("2e') - 3.732]
cot (25) insulation coating thickness can be neglected,i.e. t« h-r,
if that is not the case,then expression (29) is applied.
2 1[ Eo L
Previous analysis is given under the assumption of
uniformly-wound single-wire coils.
Detailed derivation of (25) is presented in [37]. (28)
network of serial capacitances it can be obtained that Cg is ground. In the expression blV, I and Se represent coil width,
double the Cu given by (25),i.e.: an average length of a tum, and the distance between
horizontal axis of a layer, respectively. For Cll, Se is
calculated as:
In the reality,the basic cell for calculating Cg is wider Se = boll + 1.26 Do - 1.15 Dc (33)
than the one used for calculating Cu. The angle between
the elementary cylindrical surfaces from Fig. 15 and the While for CIg,Se is:
ground plane will actually be n/2. For the simplicity 1
reasons, expression (31) is given as a first-order Se = bolg + (34)
"2 (1.26 Do - 1.15 DJ
Distance between two layers, i.e. between a layer and
3) Random winding (mush-wound cois) - Conductors with ground is given with All, i.e. Aig.
round cross-section: As explained in the case of Cu, for
random-wound coil it is not possible to determine Cg on Alternative expression for calculating CII is presented
the basis of coil geometry. In [42] Cg was determined as in [44]:
an average value of the measured coil-to-ground nt (nt + 1) (2 nt + 1)
capacitances,divided with the number of turns. It can be Cll = 2 l Ctt (35)
stated that turn-to-ground capacitance can be obtained 6 nt
only by measurements [32] and [42]. where nt is number of turns in the layer and I is average
C. Layer-to-Layer and Layer-to-Ground
length of a tum.
In the previous interpretation of turn-to-turn and turn Voltage distribution among layers must be taken into
to-ground capacitance it was explained how to calculate consideration as well,as shown in [43,44].
mentioned capacitance,considering them as an elementary If z represents the number of layers in a coil then self
capacitances regarding the windings in EM. The next step capacitance of a coil is given as:
capacitances with increased accuracy.
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