DLL - English 9 - Week 1

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: CELINE S. PEREZ Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG 08-22&24,2022 (WEEK 1)
Teaching Dates and Time: 7:30-9:30AM/9:45-11:45 AM/1:00-3:00 PM Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing, assessing,
summarizing information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a
speech choir.
B.Performance Standards The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
C. Learning Competencies Compose clear and coherent sentence using modals
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter) Conduct and Facilitation of Psychosocial Introduction to English 9 Quarter 1, Module 1: MODALS Conduct and Facilitation of Psychosocial Support
Support Activities Activities
III. Learning Resources
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning https://lrmdsnegor.net/flexied-module/
Resources (LR) Portal) (ADM Self-Learning Modules - Negros Oriental Division Learning
B.Other Learning Resources https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/
usp=sharing Youtube Downloaded Learning Videos usp=sharing

Psychological Support Activity Pack Psychological Support Activity Pack (Teacher’s

(Teacher’s Guide) Guide)
A.Review Previous Lessons/Introduction - Greeting: Introduction of the lesson. - Greeting:
of the Lesson Warm greeting for the learners. Warm greeting for the learners.
- Check and welcome the learners for this Ask the learners if they are familiar with the following: Review of the previous Psychosocial Support
BOSY. Activities
- Setting of Class Rules and can, may, should
shall, must
Let the learners share their thoughts about the words above.
- General Orientation

B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson Let the learners watch a video of F2F Teacher tells the class we are exploring our feelings
Preparation Video for Learners, Parents, and Let the learners answer the PRE-TEST given in their for today. Sometimes, when we pay close attention to
Teachers_For Dissemination module. ourselves and give time to actually check in with how
we are feeling, we might notice that we have more
than one feeling at a time. Share with them that this is
normal, especially in the time of a pandemic or
disaster, and other transitions we might be going
WHAT I KNOW through.
Choose the correct modals to complete the sentences. Write the
sentences on your paper. During this time, they are free to explore these
feelings. Remind the learners that there are no right
or wrong emotions and that paying attention to how
we feel can give us information about ourselves and
how we can handle situations.
C. Presenting examples /instances of the - Check the learners’ status, experiences and Let the learners watch an introductory video about modal verbs and Give each learner a piece of paper and coloring
new lessons emotions during the pandemic crisis. its materials.
uses. - Allow the class to settle and quiet down, with
- Let the learners answer the pre- each learner sitting either at their desk or in
evaluation of Psychosocial Support their own space on the floor.
Form “PAGSUSURI SA - Ask the learners to gently close their eyes (if
SIKOSOSYAL PARA SA BALIK comfortable) or lower their gaze on the floor
ESKWELA (Grades 7 to 12)” To and listen to the sound of the teacher's
check the learner’s voice.
- psychosocial well-being.
The teacher can play soft instrumental background
music for this
D. Discussing new concepts and - To be able to acknowledge and Discuss: Ask the learners to think of a time when they felt
practicing new skills #1. express the feelings of the learners, different emotions.
the teacher will give an activity from - Modals are auxiliary verbs which give different meanings to
the Psychological Support Activity their main verbs. They express a mood or an attitude of a
Pack entitled, “FEELINGS CIRCLE” speaker or a writer. They convey ideas about permission,
Learners are invited to reflect on how obligation, prohibition. Understandings of these modals
feekings can exist simultaneously and provide clarity and correctness in expressions.
deepen their self-awareness.

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing - After the activity, the teacher will let the Discuss: As the learners open their eyes, ask “How are you
and concern to new skills #2 students to share their outputs to class. - Modals of Permission feeling today?”
- Modals of Obligation On their sheet of paper, ask the learners to draw a
- Modals of Pohibition picture with the colors that
match the way they feel right now.
F.Developing Mastery (Leads to Ask the learners: - Let the students read the passage “.How to Be Healthy”. Ask learners:
Formative Assesment 3 Write the sentences which contain a modal of permission,
1. What did you learn about yourself obligation, or prohibition on the first column, and the What feeling/s did you show in your picture?
and feelings today? modals and their types on the second column.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Discuss ow it’s important to identify their Let the students appreciate that using modal verbs, you're able to All feelings are valid and how we express them is
concepts and skills in daily living feelings in order to deal with them. express, politeness - Finally, some modal verbs are “polite”, something we can learn more about. Although it takes
meaning that you'll sound more polite when you use them to ask time to learn how to navigate through our emotions,
questions or propose suggestions being curious about our difficult emotions and trusting
that they will pass is a healthy way to deal
with difficult emotions.
H. Making Generalizations & Ask the learners what they discovered about Ask: Ask learners:
Abstractions about the lessons themselves after doing their activity. Why modal verbs are important? How did this exercise help you understand your
Let the students learned that Modal verbs help when speaking
about ability, making requests and offers, asking permission, and
I.Evaluating Learning Let the students write a sentence using the modal verb provided. - Let the learners answer the post-evaluation of
1. Permission – may Psychosocial Support Form “PAGSUSURI SA
2. Obligation – should SIKOSOSYAL PARA SA BALIK ESKWELA (Grades
3. Prohibition – must 7 to 12)” To check the learner’s psychosocial well-
J. Additional activities for application or


1. Getting to know each other. Meet and greet
the learners with a smile and a warm welcome.
Inform students of policies and guidelines. Talk
about the rules and procedures in the
2. Provide an opportunity for students to
introduce themselves. Each student may
speak briefly (1-2 minutes maximum) about
3. Provide students with basic information
about the curriculum. Show leamers the books
they'll be using and the subjects they'll be
studying. Also, show leamers some modules
they'll be accomplishing (show them the parts).
Consider sharing information about learning
competencies, contents, types of
assessments, and grading policies

VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal/supervisor can help me
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher School Head

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