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PDS - Boscoseal Admix

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Key Features Performance Properties

-- Maximizes waterproofing within Chloride Permeability < 525
concrete. Water Permeability 7.25 x 10-13
-- Withstand extreme hydrostatic Water Penetration
< 20mm
pressure > 7 bar (DIN 1048.5)
-- Exceptional durability -20oC to 50 oC. Shinkage
< 600 Microstrains
(AS 1012-13) - 28 days
-- Reduces shrinkage and cracking.
-- Protection of concrete against certain Suitable PH range 3.0 (acid) - 11.0 (Alkaline)

aggressive chemicals including

chloride attack to steel reinforcing. application GUIDELINES
-- Sealing static cracks up to 0.4mm. For waterproofing concrete the recommended addition
-- Complies with SS 375 : 2001 - Potable rate for Boscoseal Admix is 0.8% to 1.2% by weight of
water. cement. For enhanced chemical resistance, please
consult Bostik to determine the approximate addition
rate. Boscoseal Admix is added to the concrete at the
Description time of batching. The sequence of procedures for
Boscoseal Admix is use for treating the concrete to addition will vary according to the type of batch plant
create protection and waterproofing in it. This admixture operation and equipment.
is a concrete additive designed to be added at the time of
batching and by doing so catalytic crystalline growth are READY-MIX PLANT - DRY BATCH OPERATION
being form within the concrete making it waterproof. Boscoseal Admix powder is to be added into the drum
of the ready-mix truck. Drive the truck under the batch
Crystal growth in Pores & Capillary tracts of concrete plant and add 60% to 70% of the required water along
shown through electron microscope. with 140 kg to 230 kg of aggregates. 2 to 3 minutes of
mixing is needed to ensure the Admix is distributed
evenly throughout the mix water. Balance of materials
are to be added into the ready-mix truck in accordance
with standard batch practices.


Mix Boscoseal Admix with water to form a very thin
Crystal growth in concrete after application of crystal slurry (e.g. 6 kg to 8 kg of powder mixed with 10 liters of
forming waterproofer. water). Pour the required amount of material into the
drum of the ready-mix truck. The aggregate, cement
and water should be batched and mixed in the plant in
accordance with standard practices (taking into account
the quantity of water that has already been placed in the
ready-mix truck). Pour the concrete into the truck and
mix for at least 5 minutes to ensure even distribution of
the Boscoseal Admix throughout the concrete.
Fully developed crystal growth at 28 days within the
capillary tracts of concrete blocking flow of water. PRECAST BATCH PLANT - PAN MIXER
Boscoseal Admix is to be added into the rock and sand,
Recommended uses mix thoroughly for 2 to 3 minutes before adding the
• Water tanks and Reservoirs cement and water. The total concrete mass should be
• Water retaining structures blended using standard practices.
• Basements
• Marine application
While mixing Boscoseal Admix with the concrete, It is
important to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Do not add
dry Boscoseal Admix powder directly to wet concrete as
this may cause clumping and thorough dispersion will
not occur.

Normal practices for placing and curing concrete should
be followed as laid out in your local standards.

Boscoseal Admix is available in 20 kg pail.


Boscoseal Admix should be stored at room temperature
of maximum 38oC, keep dry and out of direct sunlight.
Shelf life is 18 months in tightly sealed original bag.


Boscoseal Admix should only be used as directed.
we always recommend that the Health & Safety Data
Sheet is carefully read prior to application of the material.
Our recommendations for protective equipment should
be strictly adhered to for your personal protection.

The information and recommendations relating to the
application and end-use of the product are given in good faith Smart help
and based on tests which we believe to be reliable. Differing
materials, substrates, environments, site conditions, and +606 678 9788
product storage, handling and application may affect results.
However, no warranty in respect of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship, whatsoever, can be inferred either from Bostik Findley (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. 1994010000474 (286152-V)
this information, or from any written recommendations, Lot 112 & 113, Kawasan Perindustrian Senawang,
or from any other advise offered. No guarantee of their 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan,
accuracy can be made because of the great range of field Malaysia
conditions and variation encountered in raw materials, Tel : +606 678 9788 Fax : +606 678 9766
manufacturing equipment and methods. Thus, the products
are sold with limited warranty only, and on condition that www.bostik.com
purchasers will make their own tests to determine the an Arkema company
suitability of the product for their particular purposes. Under
no circumstances will Bostik be liable to anyone except for
replacement of the products or refund of the purchase price.
This document supersedes all previously published literature.


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