Fluid Products: Chemistry, Bonds With Passion
Fluid Products: Chemistry, Bonds With Passion
Fluid Products: Chemistry, Bonds With Passion
services including toll
Email: Enquiry@Aikmoh.com.sg
blending, repacking
and other logistics
Singapore 638457
20 Tuas Street
Updated: 20180209
Hydrocarbon Fluids Aromatic% Distilation
Range °C
Density at
15.6 °C
Point °C
CAS Number
Conventional Series °C
Aromatic Toluene 99 110 - 111 7 0.870 10 108-88-3/203-625-9
AM Series
Xylene 99 139 - 142 28 0.871 11 1330-20-7
Aromatic 100 99 161 - 171 46 0.875 14 64742-95-6
Aromatic 150 99 186 -204 66 0.897 15 64742-94-5
Aromatic 200 99 230 - 280 100 0.996 12 64742-94-5
HAN 120 77 185 – 265 66 0.850 28 64742-94-5
LAWS 10 150 -210 > 40 0.770 63 64742-47-8
Others Aromatic Blends/Mixtures for different aromatic% are available if required.
Dearomatized Hexane < 0.01 65 - 75 < -18 0.67 66 110-54-3 / 64742-49-0
Isohexane < 0.01 53 - 65 < -30 0.65 70 64742-49-0
AM Series
Heptane < 0.01 89 - 100 < -7 0.71 68 64742-49-0
60/145 (1425) < 0.1 66 - 120 < -18 0.72 69 64742-49-0
SBP 80/100 < 0.1 78 - 115 <0 0.71 68 64742-49-0
D30 < 0.1 146 - 172 >30 0.77 67 64742-47-8
D40 < 0.1 150 - 210 >40 0.77 68 64742-47-8
D60 < 0.1 177 - 215 >63 0.80 71 64742-47-8