Indalin Plus Technology: Production of Auto-Grade LPG & High Octane Gasoline

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The growth rate in LPG demand is expected to Gasoline octane is also very high due to
rise further with the introduction of LPG as presence of higher amount of BTX. All these
automobile fuel. At the same time, naphtha is features of INDALIN Plus enable direct
going to be in surplus in near future, due to blending of gasoline product into the refinery
increasing use of natural gas and also the MS pool.
significant increase in refining capacity. In view
of this, IndianOil R&D Centre has developed a Simultaneous reduction in olefins, sulfur and
new process called ‘INDALIN Plus’ for increase in octane for the gasoline fraction are
conversion of naphtha/ light gas oil streams of the remarkable feature of the process. The
any origin including straight run naphtha and process can also be integrated with BTX plant
natural gas condensate to high yield of saturated for production of aromatics and further increase
LPG and high octane gasoline containing higher in LPG yield.
quantity of aromatics such as toluene, xylene
with simultaneous reduction in olefins and sulfur
in liquid product.

Process description

INDALIN Plus employs circulating fluidized

bed reactor and regenerator hardware and
proprietary catalyst formulation without
requiring any external source of hydrogen and
feed pre-treatment. It produces saturated LPG
with potential to qualify as Auto-grade LPG.
The operating conditions, hardware and catalysts
are selected to make the process highly selective
towards production of saturated LPG and high-
octane gasoline.

Olefins are not generated; rather the olefins in

feed are converted resulting in very low olefins
content in gasoline product. Also, the LPG is
much less olefinic qualifying the specifications
of Auto-grade LPG. Another important feature
of INDALIN PLUS is the very high degree of
desulfurization in the range of 80-95%
depending on the feed. This reduces the sulfur
content in gasoline product significantly.

The information in this document is proprietary and should not be copied or used without prior permission.
IOC assumes no legal responsibility or recommend to practice the technology without license.
Salient Features Advantages

 High LPG yield (up to 60 wt% of fresh feed)  Feed flexibility – can process feed of any
meeting the specifications of Auto-grade LPG. origin in naphtha/ kerosene/ light gas oil/
 Up to 42 wt% of feed premium quality natural gas condensate.
Gasoline with RON high as 95 and olefins  Flexibility to change the ratio of LPG/
content less than 2 wt%. gasoline as per the demand.
 Gasoline is rich in BTX (more than 50 wt%) –  No requirement of feed pre-treatment and
higher margin through recovery of BTX and external hydrogen supply.
recycle of non-aromatic part of gasoline.  Excellent integration with aromatics complex
 High degree of desulfurization in the range of for production of petrochemical feedstock.
80-95% depending on the feed –this reduces
the sulfur content in gasoline product Backup Strengths
 Hardware configuration similar to  Proven experience in design, revamp,
conventional FCC unit - no major scale-up troubleshooting, optimization, etc. of process
issue. units employing circulating fluidized bed
 Capability to handle feed stocks up to 95% systems.
TBP point of 400°C from different sources.  Pilot plant data bank and evaluation facilities.
 Operability at wide range of severities to  Facilities for characterization of feed, product
maximize either LPG or Gasoline depending and catalyst.
on refiner’s objective.  Excellent technical support and
troubleshooting expertise.
 Wide operating experience of

Contact details

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd

Research & Development Centre, Sector-13
Faridabad-121007, Haryana, India
Tel: +91-129-2294376

The information in this document is proprietary and should not be copied or used without prior permission.
IOC assumes no legal responsibility or recommend to practice the technology without license.

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