Seepage Analysis, Stress Distribution & Compaction
Seepage Analysis, Stress Distribution & Compaction
Seepage Analysis, Stress Distribution & Compaction
Nf z z
The ratio is a characteristic of the flow net. It is
known as shape factor. It is independent of
Δz Vx
permeability of soil and depends only on the Δz Vx
configuration or shape of soil mass.
2. Total head: The loss of head from one equipotantial Δxt
line to the next is .
Nd x x
Total head at any point (P);
hp = h – n∆h (A) Original section (B) Transformed section
Where Interface
Δh = Loss of head
ΔL = Length of the flow field α1
Flow line
Flow Net in Anisotropic Soils
The discharge through an anisotropic soil mass is given by:
(k1 > k2 )
q = K ′h
Nd Flow Net in a Non-homogeneous
k1 k2
K ′ = K X KZ =
tan α1 tan α 2
•• Laplace equation used in the construction of flow
in isotopic soils is given by: Flow Net in Earth Dams
∂2h ∂2h
+ =0 A
∂x 2 ∂z 2 ∇ Directrix
•• In case of anisotropic soils, Laplace equation is not h Phreatic line
•• In order to satisfy the Laplace equation, original
Kz D C Filter
section has to be transformed by, xt = x
Kx S
•• The line ‘AB’ is known as phreatic line or seepage line or 3. Soil is weightless and free from residual stresses
top flow line. before the application of the load.
•• On phreatic line, pressure head is zero and total head is •• Vertical stress (σ z ) at point ‘p’ due to a point load
equal to the elevation head. ‘Q’ is given by:
•• Kozney’s solution is used to find discharge through the 5
body of earth dam. 2
q = k ⋅s 3Q 1
σz =
2π z 2 r 2
Where, s is the distance between the focus and directory 1 +
known as focal distance.
z = Vertical distance of point below ground
r = Radial distance of point = x2 + y2
Example 1 σ z = IB
The flow net constructed for the dam is shown in the fol-
lowing figure. Taking the coefficient of permeability as 3.8 Where
× 106 m/s, the quantity of flow (in cm3/s) under the dam per
metre of dam is: 3
IB = 5
50 M r 2 2
2π 1 +
6.3 M The coefficient IB is known as Boussinesq
influence coefficient.
1.6 M S
9.4 M Important Points
17.2 M 1. sz does not depend on modulus of elasticity (E) and
Poison’s ratio (m). Hence, these are applicable for
every type of soils.
2. Applicable for shallow footings only.
Impermeable stratum
3. The vertical stress decreases rapidly with an increase
r r
in ratio and becomes extremely small at = 5.0
Solution z z
From the given figure: or more. Theoretically, sz is zero only at an infinite
Number of flow channel, Nf = 3 distance from the point load.
Number of equipotential drop, Nd = 10
•• Radial shear stress ς rz = (σ z )
K ⋅H ⋅Nf z
Quantity of flow in cm3/s = q =
Nd At top, z = 0, ζ rz = 0.
= 3.8 × 105m /s × 6.3 × Isobar Diagram
= 7.182 × 10 −6 × 106 cm3 /s/n •• An isobar is a curve joining the points of equal vertical
stress intensity.
Q = 7182 cm3 /s/m. •• An isobar is a spatial curved surface and has the shape of
a lemniscate curve.
•• It is symmetrical about the vertical axis passing through
Stresses Due to Applied Loads the load point.
Boussinesq’s Theory •• The zone within which stresses have significant effect on
the settlement of structures is known as pressure bulb.
1. Soil mass is an elastic continuum. •• The pressure inside an isobar is greater than the pressure
2. Soil is homogeneous, isotropic and semi-infinite. present on that isobar.
1 2
σ z = q 1 − R 2
1 +
σ z = q(1 − cos3θ )
0.1 Q Where
q = Intensity of load per unit area t .
R = Radius of loaded area.
Z = 2.185 mm Z = Vertical distance of the point below the centre of uni-
formly loaded circular area.
Isobar of 0.1Q
Newmark’s Influence Charts
Stress Distribution •• To find the vertical stress, below the loaded are of any
Vertical stress distribution on a horizontal plane: shape.
•• The vertical stress at any point ‘p’ is given by:
σ z = Inq
Z I = Influence coefficient
n = Number of small area units covered by the plan
q = Intensity of load
•• The point ‘p’ at which the vertical stress is required may
be anywhere within or outside the loaded area.
Vertical stress distribution on a vertical plane: •• Newmark’s influence chart is based on the Boussinesq
Vertical Stress Under a Circular Loaded Area •• Both m and n can be interchangeable.
Intensity = q
If a point ‘p’ is not at the corner of a rectangular area,
make it as a corner and find the vertical stress.
For example, point ‘p’ is lying in the inner part of the rectan-
gular area as shown in the figure.
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
Circular load
Vertical stress due to a circular loaded area is given by: D G C
The given rectangle is sub-divided into 4 small rectangles, Contact Pressure Distribution
each having one corner at point ‘p’. The vertical stress of p •• The upward pressure, due to soil on under side of the
is equal to that from four small rectangles. footing, is termed as contact pressure.
σ z = [ ( I N )1 + ( I N )2 + ( I N )3 + ( I N )4 ] q •• Contact pressure depends on various factors, such as elas-
tic properties of the footing, material and soil, the thick-
ness of footing.
Westergaard’s Theory
•• Westergaard’s solution assumes that soil mass consists GS GS
of infinitely rigid thin sheet of materials sandwiched in a Settlement
homogeneous soil mass.
•• Westergaard’s theory is applicable for sedimentary Contact pressure
deposits. (a) Flexible footing (b) Rigid footing
•• Vertical stress at a point ‘p’ below the concentrated load
‘Q’ is given by: Contact pressure on saturated day
Q 1
σz = 2
πz 2
1 + 2 r
z (a) Flexible footing (b) Rigid footing
Q Contact pressure on sand
σ z = Iw
Standard Proctor Test (IS Light •• The lines for other degree of saturation, such as 90%,
Compaction Test) 80% are not identical with the lines for other percentages
of air voids, such as 10%, 20%.
•• Mould is of 100 mm diameter, 127.3 mm height and 1000
•• For plotting air void line, the following equation is used.
ml capacity.
•• Weight of rammer recommended is 2.6 kg and height of
(1 − na )G γ w
fall is 31 cm. (γ d ) =
•• Soil is compacted in 3 layers with each layer given by 25 1+ w G
hammer blows.
•• Standard proctor test is recommended for the compaction
of fills behind retaining wall and in highways and earth Factors Affecting Compaction
dams where light rollers are used. 1. Water content: As water content increases, the soil
particles get lubricated and particles have closer
Modified Proctor Test (IS Heavy packing. This leads to increase in dry density. As
Compaction Test) water content increases, dry density increases reaches
to the maximum at optimum water content and, then
•• Test is recommended in modern highways and runways
decrease as the soil particles are replaced by water.
where heavier compaction is required.
•• Mould used is same as the standard proctor test. 2. Amount of compaction: With increase in the amount
•• Weight of rammer recommended is 4.90 kg and height of of compaction there is an increase in dry density and
fall is 45 cm. decrease in optimum water content.
3. Type of soil: The maximum dry density and the
NOTES optimum water content for different soils are shown
1. The compactive effort in the modified proc- in the following figure.
tor test is about 4.55 times that in standard
proctor test. (1) (1) Well graded sand
Dry density (gm/ml)
2. If the percentage of soil retained on 4.75 mm sieve (2) Low plasticity silt
is more than 20%, large mould of capacity 2250 (2) (3) Low plasticity clay
ml is used. In this case, 56 blows are required for (4) High plasticity clay
each layer.
Compaction Curve
•• A compaction curve is a plot between the water content as
abscissa and corresponding dry density as ordinate. Water content (%)
Compaction curves for different soils
(2) (1) Standard proctor test
(2) Modified proctor test
Dry density (gm/ml)
1. For an anisotropic soil, permeability in x and y direc- respectively. The base length of a concrete dam resting
tion are Kx and Ky respectively in a two dimensions in this soil is 100 m. When the flow net is developed for
flow. The effective permeability for the soil is given by this soil with 1 : 25 scale factor in the vertical direction,
Kx the reduced base length of the dam will be
(A) Kx + Ky (B)
Ky (A) 2.63 m
( )
1/ 2 (B) 4.00 m
(C) K x2 + K y2 ( K x K y )1/ 2
(C) 6.08 m
2. The coefficients of permeability of a soil in hori- (D) 5.43 m
zontal and vertical direction are 3.46 and 1.5 m/day
12. In the case of stratified soil layers, the best equation (A) 4.67 kN/m3
that can be adopted for computing the pressure distri- (B) 11.5 kN/m3
bution is (C) 16.26 kN/m3
(A) Prandtl’s (B) Skempton’s (D) 18.85 kN/m3
(C) Westergaard’s (D) Boussinesq’s 19. The intensity of radial shear stress at a point 8 m below
13. Westergaard’s formula for vertical stress gives greater vertically and 5 m horizontally below a point load of 3
value of stress than that by the Boussinesq’s formula, tonnes is
when r/z exceeds (A) 1.438 t/m2 (B) 1.583 t/m2
(A) 1.5 (B) 2.5 (C) 1.875 t/m2 (D) 2.013 t/m2
(C) 3.5 (D) 4.0 20. The curves indicating the distribution of excess hydro-
14. A point load of 700 kN is applied on the surface of static pressure in the soil are known as
thick layer of saturated clay. Using Boussinesq elastic (A) isobars (B) isochrones
analysis, the estimated vertical stress (σv) at a depth of (C) isotopes (D) isohyts
2 m and a radial distance of 1.0 m from the point of 21. A 50 kN load acts on the surface of an infinite elastic
application of load is medium the vertical pressure intensity in kN/m2 at
(A) 47.5 kPa (B) 47.6 kPa 10 m below and 4 m away from the load will be
(C) 47.7 kPa (D) 47.8 kPa (A) 0.048 kN/m2
15. In a compaction test, as the compaction effort is (B) 0.096 kN/m2
increased, the optimum moisture content (C) 0.049 kN/m2
(A) decreases. (D) 0.035 kN/m2
(B) remains same. 2 2. For a given flow net, if number of flow channels and
(C) increases. number of potential drops are found as 12 and 8; then
(D) increases first there after decreases. what would be the shape factor of the flow net?
16. A clayey soil has a maximum dry density of 16 (A) 4 (B) 1.67
kN/m3 and optimum moisture content of 12%. A con- (C) 1.5 (D) 1.71
tractor during the construction of core of an earth dam 23. The seepage occuring through an earthen dam is rep-
obtained the dry density 15.2 kN/m3 and water content resented by a flownet comprising of 12 equipotential
11%. This construction is acceptable because drops and 24 flow channels. The coefficient of perme-
(A) the density is less than the maximum dry density ability is 4 mm/min and the head loss is 5 m. The rate of
and water content is on dry side of optimum. seepage (expressed in cm3/s per m length of the dam)
(B) the compaction density is very low and water con- through the earthen dam is _____.
tent is less than 12%. (A) 665 (B) 775
(C) the compaction is done on the dry side of the (C) 525 (D) 420
24. A 40 kN point load acts on the surface of an infinite
(D) both the dry density and the water content of the
elastic medium. The vertical pressure intensity in kN/
compacted soil are within the desirable limits.
m2 at a point 4.0 m below and 3.0 m away from the load
17. Compaction of an embankment is carried out in will be _____ kN/m2.
500 mm thick layers. The rammer used for compaction (A) 0.10 (B) 0.20
has a foot area of 0.05 sq. m and the energy imparted (C) 0.30 (D) 0.40
in every drop of remmar is 400 Nm. Assuming 50%
25. A granular soil possess saturated density of 21 kN/
more energy in each pass over the compacted area due
m3. Its effective angle of internal friction is 40 degrees.
to overlap, the number of passes required to develop,
If the desired factor of safety is 1.5, the safe angle of
compactive energy equivalent to Indian standard light
slope for this soil, when seepage occurs at and parallel
compaction for eacllayer would be
to the slope surface, will be (take γw: 10 kN/m3)
(A) 10 (B) 16
(C) 20 (D) 26 (A) 25° (B) 20°
(C) 16° (D) 12°
18. In a standard proctor test, 1.8 kg of moist soil was fill-
ing the mould (volume = 944 cc) after compaction. A 26. Water is following in an upward direction through a
soil sample weighing 23 g was taken from the mould stratum of sand, 5 m thick, under a total head difference
and oven dried for 24 hours at a temperature of 110°C. of 2.5 m. The sand has a specific gravity of 2.65 and
Weight of the dry sample was found to be 20 g. Specific void ratio of 0.07. The factor of safety against quick
gravity of soil solids is G = 2.7. The theoretical maxi- sand condition will be
mum volume of the dry unit weight of the soil at that (A) 1.0 (B) 1.5
water content is equal to (C) 2.0 (D) 3.0
27. Westergaard’s formula for vertical stress gives greater 28. A point load of 700 kN is applied on the surface of
value of stress than that by the Bousinnesq’s formula, thick layer of saturated clay. Using Boussinesq’s elastic
when r/z exceeds, analysis, the estimated vertical stress (sv) at a depth of
(A) 1.5 2 m at a radial distance of 2 m from the point of appli-
(B) 2.5 cation of the load is _____.
(C) 3.5 (A) 41.7 kPa (B) 21.7 kPa
(D) 4 (C) 14.7 kPa (D) 12.7 kPa
unit volume of soil. With regard to the above tests, 10. The contact pressure for a rigid footing resting on
the following two statements are made clay at the centre and the edges are respectively
[GATE, 2014]
[GATE, 2012]
(A) maximum and zero.
I. The optimum moisture content is expected to be (B) zero and maximum.
more for the tests with higher energy. (C) maximum and minimum.
II. The maximum dry density is expected to be more (D) minimum and maximum.
for the tests with higher energy.
11. The seepage occurring through an earthen dam is
The correct option evaluating the above statements is represented by a flownet comprising of 10 equipo-
(A) Only I is true tential drops and 20 flow channels. The coefficient
(B) Only II is true of permeability of the soil is 3 mm/min and the head
(C) Both I and II are true loss is 5 m. The rate of seepage (expressed in cm3/s
(D) Neither I nor II is true per m length of the dam) through the earthen dam is
_________. [GATE, 2016]
9. The ratio Nf /Nd is known as shape factor, where Nf 12. OMC-SP and MDD-SP denote the optimum mois-
is the number of flow channels and Nd is the num- ture content and maximum dry density obtained
ber of equipotential drops. Flow net is always drawn from standard Proctor compaction test, respectively.
with a constant b/a ratio, where b and a are distances OMC-MP and MDD-MP denote the optimum mois-
between two consecutive flow lines and equipotential ture content and maximum dry density obtained from
lines, respectively. Assuming that b/a ratio remain the the modified Proctor compaction test, respectively.
same, the shape factor of a flow net will change if the Which one of the following is correct?
[GATE, 2013] [GATE, 2016]
(A) upstream and downstream heads are interchanged. (A) OMC-SP < OMC-MP and MDD-SP < MDD-MP
(B) soil in the flow space is changed. (B) OMC-SP > OMC-MP and MDD-SP < MDD-MP
(C) dimension of the flow space are changed. (C) OMC-SP < OMC-MP and MDD-SP > MDD-MP
(D) head difference causing the flow is changed. (D) OMC-SP > OMC-MP and MDD-SP > MDD-MP
Answer Keys
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. 7.18 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. B
1 1. D 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. B
21. D 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. C