Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids: Lesson 1
Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids: Lesson 1
Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids: Lesson 1
Infectious It is a pathogenic microbe
Infection Control
Agent/ responsible for causing an
Once the chain of infection is understood, it will be
Causative Agent infection.
easier for laboratoreans to break it- minimizing the
Reservoir It pertains to a source of an spread of the disease. The Center for Disease
infectious agent or a place Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
where the microbe can Occupational Safety and Health Administration
survive and grow or (OSHA) devised guidelines to break the chain of
multiply. This include infection
humans, animals, food,
water, soil, and 1. Universal Precautions
contaminated articles and The Universal Precaution considers blood
equipment. and certain body fluids of all individuals to
Exit Pathway An exit pathway is a way be potentially infectious. The focus of
an infectious agent is able
infection control is the prevention of
to leave a reservoir host.
patient-to-personnel transmission.
Infectious agents can exit
a reservoir host in
secretions from the eyes, In addition, it also recommends wearing
nose, or mouth; exudates of gloves when collecting or handling
from wounds; tissue blood and body fluids contaminated with
specimens; blood from blood, wearing of face shields when there
venipuncture and skin is danger of splashing on mucus
puncture sites; and membranes and disposing all needles
excretions of feces and and sharp objects in puncture resistant
urine. containers. The UP excludes urine and
Means of It talks of the method an body fluids not visibly contaminated by
Transmission infectious agent uses to blood as potentially infectious
travel from a reservoir to a
susceptible individual. It
2. Body Substance Isolation (BSI)
include airborne, contact,
droplet, vector, and It sets guidelines that are not limited to
vehicle. blood-borne pathogens since it considers
Entry Pathway The way an infectious all body fluids and moist body substances
agent is able to enter a to be potentially infectious. In its
susceptible host. It include guidelines, personnels are recommended
body orifices; mucous to wear gloves at all times when
membranes of the eyes, encountering moist body substances
although it does not require hand washing
following removal of gloves unless visual because it may just cause
contamination is present. contamination to the area.
The fire tetrahedron shows us that there are three Types of Fire Extinguishers and Contents
(3) major components needed before fire is Fire extinguishers are commercially produced
produced. materials used to smother fire. The types of fire
Oxygen: At least 16% of Oxygen is required extinguishers vary since there are different types
to sustain the oxidation process of fuel- in the of fires to be extinguished.
presence of heat- in order to produce fire.
Fuel: Any material that can be considered as 1. Type of Fire Extinguisher Contents
either flammable or combustible and is a. Water Type: Useful for types of all
consumed when fire is produced. ordinary combustibles (wood, paper,
Heat: It is needed to raise the temperature of rugs)
the material until it ignites or catches fire. b. Dry Chemical Type: Effective against
Some of the possible sources of heat includes most fires but particularly those involving
direct exposure to sunlight, cigarette butt, flammable liquids, metals and electric
electricity, candles, lighters etc. fires
c. Carbon Dioxide Type: Useful for small
Based on the requirements for fire to be produced, fire due to flammable liquids
fire, then, is defined as the constant oxidation of
an ignited fuel due to the presence of heat. It is 2. Type of Fire Extinguishers
noteworthy that fire is classified based on the type a. Class A Extinguishers: Use soda and
of fuel to be burnt. Thus, fire extinguishers are also acid or water to cool the fire.
classified depending on the type of fire to be b. Class B extinguishers: Use foam, dry
smothered. chemical, or carbon dioxide to smother
the fire.
Classification of Fire c. Class C extinguishers: use dry
1. Class A fires chemical, carbon dioxide, Halon, or other
It is a type of fire that occurs with ordinary non-conducting agents to smother the
combustible materials, such as wood, papers, fire.
or clothing. It requires water or water-based d. Class ABC (multipurpose)
solutions to cool or quench the fire to extinguishers: use dry chemical
extinguish it. reagents to smother the fire. They can be
used on class A, B, and C fires.
2. Class B fires e. Class K extinguishers: use a potassium-
It is a type of fire that occurs with flammable based alkaline liquid specifically
liquids and vapors, such as paint, oil, grease, formulated to fight high-temperature
or gasoline. It requires blocking of the source grease, oil, or fat fires by cooling and
of oxygen or smothering the fuel to extinguish smothering them without splashing. Some
it. class K extinguishers can also be used on
class A, B, and C fires.
3. Class C fires
It is a type of fire that occurs with electrical The Joint Commission on Accreditation of
equipment. It requires nonconducting agents Healthcare Organizations (JACHO) requires that
to be extinguished. all healthcare institutions have post evacuation
routes and detailed plans to follow in the event of
4. Class D fires fire. In addition, all laboratory personnel should
It is a type of fire that occurs with combustible also be familiar with the following procedures.
or reactive metals, such as sodium,
potassium, magnesium, and lithium. It
requires dry powder agents or sand to
G. Physical Hazard tools and equipment. Here the practitioner follows
The laboratory contains many mechanical devices the simple philosophy of “a place for everything,
which cause accidents if they malfunction or are and everything in its place”. This will help the other
used improperly. In addition, there are also staff members locate the required resources
hazards that are associated to structural or easily and swiftly. This concept can be applied to
mechanical defects as slippery floors, projections any sector. In other words, the practitioner of 5S
that cause cuts and bruises like nails, inadequate concepts arranges all the resources and tools in a
lighting, machinery with unprotected moving parts, systematic manner.
In order to avoid untoward injury, it is recommended to; Step 3: Shine (Seiso)
1. Avoid running or rushing In this step, the practitioner ensures that the
2. Watch for wet floors equipment and tools are tidy and they can be
3. Avoid dangling jewelry readily used by other staff members. If this
4. Tie back long hair concept is applied in the information technology
5. Operate laboratory equipment as recommended sector, then the practitioner has the responsibility
by the manufacturer to delete all the irrelevant files and folders and
6. Maintain an organized and clean workspace clean the file system. In simple words, this concept
7. Get enough help when lifting heavy items and focuses on tidiness and cleanliness at the
remember to bend your knees when lifting workplace.
anything awkward or heavy.
Step 4: Standardize (Seiketsu)
The practitioner can combine similar work
LESSON 3 activities in their facility and allot a workspace for
Importance of 5s that particular process in the work facility. For
In order to avoid accidents and hazards in the laboratory, instance, if there are five microscopes scattered
it is recommended that 5S have to be incorporated in our across different locations doing the same work,
daily activity in the workplace then the practitioner can place all these units at
one place so that better results can be achieved
5S housekeeping technique that is adopted from the through constant monitoring of work processes.
Japanese. It was popularised by Taichi Ohno (designer of This concept can be applied in any section of the
Toyota Production System) and Shigeo Shingo laboratory to reduce the redundancy.
(associated with the concept of Poka-yoke). 5S is a set of
5 Japanese words starting with S. Translated into English, Step 5: Sustain (Shitsuke)
by which all the words start with S as well. This is the final step or stage in 5S concept
implementation. In this stage, the practitioner has
Step 1: Sort (Seiri) to ensure that tools, equipment and resources are
In this step, the 5s concept practitioner has the in neat and tidy condition and they are placed
responsibility to go through all the equipment, where they are meant to be.
tools and resources they have and determine
which equipment or resources have to be retained
on the work floor and which resources have to be
eliminated. When they find tools that are not
relevant to their work they can simply place back
that equipment to the storeroom or return them
back to the concerned departments. If they feel
that some resources need to be completely
eliminated from the workspace, then they have to
put a red tag on that particular item and get
authorization or permission from their senior
officials before they dispose it or recycle the item.
In simple words, the practitioner has to segregate
the important or useful things from the
unnecessary thing and discard the unnecessary.