Another One
Another One
Another One
Question: Why does student ask, study and investigate? Is there a need?
Students tend to ask questions for some reason, but the question is, why does the student
ask anyways? Well as a student I ask questions because I am curious. I always seek for answers
because I want to learn something new. Just like studying, I am studying as hard as I can to learn
and to use that knowledge in the near future. In addition, I believe that students are doing some
investigation to widen their knowledge about a certain topic. But, is there really a need?
Question: Why does the student ask, study and investigate? Is there a need?
Students ask, study, and investigate because they want to learn more about something they don't
know and gain more knowledge. They can discover what else they are capable of doing by
exploring their capabilities and skills.
Miranda, Lester
Question: Why does the student ask, study and investigate? Is there a need?
The students ask questions, study, investigate, because we prefer to have more knowledge, it is
not bad to ask questions or investigate, because, this is also the way to increase our knowledge,
and if we have other students asked us questions, we know something and can answer them.
Question: Why does student ask, study and investigate? Is there a need?
A crucial part of learning is asking questions. As they strive to integrate their existing
knowledge and new information in their attempts to make sense of these concepts, students can
direct their learning with the aid of questions. The goal of an inquiry is to gather evidence that
will support or refute claims of fraud and wrongdoing. It is a formally sanctioned fact-finding
procedure carried out in an impartial and objective manner with the intention of establishing the
pertinent facts and formulating suggestions in this regard.
Sangalang, Kimberly S.
Question: Why does student ask, study and investigate? Is there a need?
Nowadays students are willing to explore to gain more knowledge. Once that they have
discovered something, they instantly want to know that new thing because they are interested
about that certain topic. We need to study more as a student to have more knowledge, when you
study you learn, when you learn you’ll gain new knowledge and when you have knowledge
you’re educated. In terms of investigating, students are more open minded about exploring
different case study which students are willing to study just to be knowledgeable enough.
Students nowadays is very clever and open minded that they are willing to learn more and more.
Ilagan, Jean C.
Question: Why does student ask, study and investigate? Is there a need?
Investigation, asking and study are important for students because it helps them to
examine and review things about something. This also helps to discover things with facts or with
prove. Students can also be developed their problem-solving skills through investigating because
in enables students to explore, discover and ask about something. Through investigation, it can
train student's critical thinking and analytical thinking. Asking is also important in order for us to
gain information about something. Overall, we need to investigate, ask and study in order to
discover, explore, develop skills and gain learnings as well as to have information based with
facts or proof.
Alcantara, Hannah Bea F.
In your own words, what do you think are the good characteristics that a research should
In my own perspective, I think one of the good characteristics that a research should have
is it must be understandable in a way that the students will not have a hard time
comprehending what they have read. It should not be confusing to the readers. Not just
that but it will also help the students to better understand the research and attain new
knowledge that can be useful in their future. Another good characteristic that a research
must have is evidences. The researchers must provide facts that will make their findings
as well as their conclusion a valid one. In addition, a research must have its purpose,
because having a certain purpose and objective will lead towards a good outcome.
Without its purpose, it will be hard for the researcher to lead in their expected
conclusions. On the other hand, a good characteristic that researchers must possess is a
good perseverance. Curiosity will also help the researchers to solve the unanswered
questions. And I think those are the good characteristics that a research as well as
researcher should have in making a research.
What do you think is the main purpose of research? Justify your answer.
For me, the main purpose of research is to provide knowledge to next generations which
can help them to gain new learning that can be beneficial in their future. Also, to provide
some explanations and facts that will support their conclusions. It will also help the
students to improve their critical thinking and it will also enhance not only do scientific
theories, concepts, and ideas benefit individuals, but they also benefit society. Moreover,
it enables the readers as well as the researcher to pursue their interest and learn different
and new things. It also helps the researchers to organize their thoughts, craft narratives or
make arguments based on what they have searched for and after that they will have a
chance to share their newfound knowledge with the rest of the world. In short, through
the help of research, it can help several readers to widen and enlighten their minds on
different kind of things around the world.
Dimaano, Glydel L.
In your own words what do you think are the good characteristics that a research should
A good researcher will be willing to consider other hypotheses for the occurrences under
investigation. People must be willing to take risks and push past their comfort and
security zones. They must be naturally curious about how what they are studying affects
its environment.
Ilagan, Jean C.
In your own words what do you think are the good characteristics that a research should
When we say research, it is systematic study that enables us to gather and explore new
concepts in order to solve the problem. There are lots of good characteristics that a
research should have. The first one is purposive. When we say purposive, this means that
a research should have a purpose of why you gather or conduct the research. Under its
purpose, people should know the aim or objective of it. Second is controlled. When we
say control, it refers to the methodology that is applied in a research. Third is rigorous,
wherein it ensures that the procedure of a research is appropriate and justified. Fourth is
systematic. This means that it is in a flow or in sequence. Next is valid. A research should
be valid and verifiable because it should be factual or needs reliability. Lastly, a research
should be critical and empirical. Critical and empirical in means of a research should
interpret data and arguments and also gathers evidences in a theory. Also, it enables to
know factual and truth about the topic.
Miranda. Lester C.
In your own words what do you think are the good characteristics that research should
The good characteristics that research should have it ought to fill a knowledge gap. It
needs to be substantial enough to add to the body of prior study. It ought to inspire more
study. A good researcher must have an open mind as well as a critical mindset. It
promotes a love of and confidence in reading, writing, analyzing, and sharing valuable
Sangalang, Kimberly S.
In your own words what do you think are the good characteristics that a research should
Specific, Measurable,Attainable,Relevant, Time-based this are the characteristics that
research should have, A excellent research question clearly states the objectives of the
study and limits its scope. Researchers may make sure they stay on track during their
study by developing a solid research question. Most of the time, the research question
affects all of the other actions a researcher does when doing their study. A successful
research study should use also an empirical data, which is one of its most crucial
characteristics. The research data has been gathered empirically by researchers
themselves through experience, experimentation, or observation.
What do you think is the main purpose of research? Justify your answer.
The main purpose of the research is by extending knowledge through scientific theories;
concepts, and ideas, research aims to benefit society. It summarizes the research study’s
specific topic and goals, giving readers an accurate, concrete understanding of the
findings, the purpose of research, and its characteristics. A research purpose is achieved
through developing hypothesis, gathering data, analyzing.
In your own words what do you think are the good characteristics that a research should
In my opinion, research's primary goal is to advance society by expanding our knowledge
of the world through scientific theories, concepts, and ideas. Research is also essential
because it improves human society. It comes from our inborn urge as humans to try to
make our lives better and take control of the world. To accomplish this, we must sharpen
our comprehension and insight. We must understand how things function (or don't
function) in order to come up with new applications for them or increase their
effectiveness. Research can be a technique for gaining knowledge and facilitating
learning; therefore, it is important and necessary in our daily lives. It helps people to
comprehend problems and raises awareness of them.
What do you think is the main purpose of research? Justify your answer.
For me, the main purpose of research is to provide some informations or knowledge for
every reader who was curious about a certain topic. Through the help of research the
readers will be able to gain new knowledge that will help them to better understand the
topic. It also enables the readers to develop their own understanding and critical thinking.
Furthermore, its purpose was to help not just every individuals but the society as well. In
a way that they will be aware on their surroundings as they already know what are the
possible solutions that they could make in any situations. In short, research is not just all
about knowledge but it is also about awareness. We all know that research is a process of
seeking out answers to a specific problem. It can be done for a variety of reasons,
including understanding a phenomenon, observing behavior, or testing a theory. So
another purpose that I can think of is to explore the world, describe different new thing
and share it to other researchers or readers.
Alcantara, Hannah Bea F.
What do you think is the main purpose of research? Justify your answer.
For me, the main purpose of research is to provide knowledge to next generations which
can help them to gain new learning that can be beneficial in their future. Also, to provide
some explanations and facts that will support their conclusions. It will also help the
students to improve their critical thinking and it will also enhance not only do scientific
theories, concepts, and ideas benefit individuals, but they also benefit society. Moreover,
it enables the readers as well as the researcher to pursue their interest and learn different
and new things. It also helps the researchers to organize their thoughts, craft narratives or
make arguments based on what they have searched for and after that they will have a
chance to share their newfound knowledge with the rest of the world. In short, through
the help of research, it can help several readers to widen and enlighten their minds on
different kind of things around the world.
Dimaano, Glydel L.
Ilagan, Jean C.
Miranda. Lester C.
Sangalang, Kimberly S.
What do you think is the main purpose of research? Justify your answer.
The main purpose of the research is by extending knowledge through scientific theories;
concepts, and ideas, research aims to benefit society. It summarizes the research study’s
specific topic and goals, giving readers an accurate, concrete understanding of the
findings, the purpose of research, and its characteristics. A research purpose is achieved
through developing hypothesis, gathering data, analyzing.
What do you think is the main purpose of research? Justify your answer.
For me, the main purpose of research is to provide some informations or knowledge for
every reader who was curious about a certain topic. Through the help of research the
readers will be able to gain new knowledge that will help them to better understand the
topic. It also enables the readers to develop their own understanding and critical thinking.
Furthermore, its purpose was to help not just every individuals but the society as well. In
a way that they will be aware on their surroundings as they already know what are the
possible solutions that they could make in any situations. In short, research is not just all
about knowledge but it is also about awareness. We all know that research is a process of
seeking out answers to a specific problem. It can be done for a variety of reasons,
including understanding a phenomenon, observing behavior, or testing a theory. So
another purpose that I can think of is to explore the world, describe different new thing
and share it to other researchers or readers.