Assessment of The Gas Turbine Performance at Khartoum North and Kuku Power Stations
Assessment of The Gas Turbine Performance at Khartoum North and Kuku Power Stations
Assessment of The Gas Turbine Performance at Khartoum North and Kuku Power Stations
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics
Prepared by:
Abdelgadir Ahmed Eltahir
Supervised by:
Dr. Mohammed M. Elawad
April 2009
Dedication ……………………………………………………………. i
Acknowledgements…………………………………………………… ii
Abstract………………………………………………………………. iii
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………….. v
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………… vi
INDICATIVE………………………………………………………… vii
1.2 GAS TURBINE IN SUDAN…………………………………….. 3
1.2.1 Khartoum north gas turbine (K.N.G.T)……………………… 3
1.2.2 Kuku gas turbine……………………………………………….. 4
1.3 LITRATURE REVIW…………………………………………… 4
1.4 OBJECTIVE……………………………………………………… 5
2.1 GAS TURBINE HISTORY……………………………………… 6
2.2 GAS TURBINE THEORY ………………………………………. 8
2.4.1 Compressors ……………………………………………….. 14 Axial-Flow Compressors…………………………………… 14 Centrifugal Compressors……………………………………. 15
2.4.2 Combustors…………………………………………………….. 16 Tubular Combustion Chamber ………………………………. 17 Can-Annular Combustion Chamber ………………………….. 18 Annular Combustion Chamber………………………………... 18 Combustor Operation………………………………………. 19
2.4.3 Turbine………………………………………………………. 20 Axial-Flow Turbines………………………………………… 20 Radial-Inflow Turbine ……………………………………… 21
3.1 ELECTRICITY COST………………………………………….. 22
3.1.1 Fixed cost ……………………………………………………….. 22
3.1.2 Variable………………………………………………………… 22
3.2 TARIFF OF ELECTRICITY …………………………………… 23
3.2.1 Tariff rate type…………………………………………………. 23
3.2.2 Kilowatt hour (kwh) Cost Calculation………………………. 24
4-1-1 Ambient conditions effective…………………………. 31
4.1.2 Load ……………………………………………………………. 32
4-2 EFFICIENCY CALCULATION………………………………… 32
5-3 RECOMMENDATION…………………………………………... 39
REFERENCES………………………………………………………… 40
Appendix……………………………………………………………….. 41
To my mother
To my father
To all my friends and
All praises and thanks are due to ALLAH (Subhana WA taala) for
bestowing me with health, knowledge and patience to complete this
My thanks to Old Gas Turbine power Stations staff for given help to
complete this research.
The study found that the average per unit of energy produced
in plants is (0.54) Sudanese pounds, which is considerably high
compared to average selling price of kilowatt-hour which is
(0,237) Sudanese pounds. The study also found that thermal
efficiency has been found that the average thermal efficiency of the
units’ ranges between (15% and 21%) is less than the usual
efficiency of gas turbines.
ﻣﺴﺘﺨﻠﺺ اﻟﺒﺤﺚ
اﻟﻬﺪاف ﻣﻦ هﺬا اﻟﺒﺤﺚ هﻮ ﺗﻘﻴﻢ اداء اﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﻨﺎت اﻟﻐﺎزﻳﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻠﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻟﻘﻮﻣﻴﺔ
ﻟﻠﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎء وهﻲ ﺧﻤﺲ وﺣﺪات ﻣﻮزﻋﺔ ﻋﻠﻲ ﻣﺤﻄﺘﻴﻦ
• ﻣﺤﻄﺔ ﺷﻤﺎل اﻟﺨﺮﻃﻮم اﻟﻐﺎزﻳﺔ )ﺛﻼث وﺣﺪات (
• ﻣﺤﻄﺔ آﻮآﻮ اﻟﻐﺎزﻳﺔ ) وﺣﺪﺗﺎن(
اﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﻨﺎت اﻟﻐﺎزﻳﺔ داﺧﻞ اﻟﺸﺒﻜﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﺒﺮ ﻣﻦ اهﻢ اﻟﻌﻨﺎﺻﺮ اﻟﻤﻜﻮﻧﺔ ﻻﺳﺘﻘﺮار اﻟﺸﺒﻜﺔ
وﺳﺪ اﻟﻨﻘﺺ ﺧﺼﻮﺻﺎ ﻓﻲ ﻓﺼﻞ اﻟﺼﻴﻒ.
ﺗﻘﻴﻢ اﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﻨﺎت ﻓﻲ هﺬا اﻟﺒﺤﺚ ﺗﻢ ﻋﺒﺮ وﺳﻴﻠﺘﻴﻦ -:
.1ﺑﺤﺴﺎب ﻣﺘﻮﺳﻂ ﺳﻌﺮ ﺗﻜﻠﻔﺔ اﻧﺘﺎج وﺣﺪة اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺠﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﺤﻄﺘﻴﻦ ﻣﻮﺿﻊ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ.
.2ﺑﺤﺴﺎب اﻟﻜﻔﺎءة اﻟﺤﺮارﻳﺔ ﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﻨﺎت اﻟﻐﺎزﻳﺔ ﺣﺴﺐ ﻇﺮوف اﻟﺘﺸﻐﻴﻞ اﻟﻤﺤﻠﻴﺔ.
Figure (2-1) Open cycle gas turbine component………………………… 9
Figure (2-2) The T-s and P-v diagrams of an ideal Brayton cycle……….. 10
Figure (2-3) Aero-derivative gas turbine internal parts………………….. 12
Figure (2-4) Industrial gas turbine internal parts………………………… 13
Figure (2-5) Axial-Flow Compressors…………………………………… 15
Figure (2-6) Centrifugal Compressors…………………………………… 16
Figure (2-7) Tubular Combustion Chamber …………………………… 17
Figure (2-8) Can-annular combustor type………………………………. 18
Figure (2-9) Annular Combustion Chamber……………………………... 19
Figure (2-10) Axial-Inflow Turbine…………………………………….. 20
Figure (2-11) Radial-Inflow Turbine……………………………………. 21
Figure (3-1) The monthly (kwhr) cost for (Sep2005-Aug2008)………… 27
Figure (3-2) The (kwhr) item cost percentage for (Sep2005-Aug2006).. 28
Figure (3-3) The (kwhr) item cost percentage for (Sep2006-Aug2007)… 29
Figure (3-4) The (kwhr) item cost percentage for (Sep2007-Aug2008)… 29
Figure (4-1) effect of inlet temperature to power output……………… 31
Figure (4-2) The old gas turbine power stations monthly efficiency ……. 34
Figure (4-3) Unit1 K.N.G.T monthly efficiency for Years studied……. 35
Figure (4-4) Unit3 K.N.G.T monthly efficiency for Years studied……. 35
Figure (4-5) Unit4 K.N.G.T monthly efficiency for Years studied……. 36
Figure (4-6) Unit1 Kuku monthly efficiency for Years studied……….. 36
Figure (4-7) Unit2 Kuku monthly efficiency for Years studied……….. 37
Annual item cost per kwhr for years (Sep 2005 to Aug 2008)……….. 28
Average of KW per hour for three years (Sep 2005 to Aug 2008)…… 32
Monthly thermal efficiency for three years form (Sep 05 to Aug 08)... 33
ISO International Standard Organization…….. -
N.E.C National Electricity Corporation………… -
Symbol Unit
T Temperature………………………………… K,C
P Pressure……………………………………… Bar
V Volume………………………………………. m³
h Enthalpy……………………………................ KJ/kg
Q Heat…………………………………………… KJ/kg
W Work………………………………………….. KJ/kg
Specific Value………………………………... KJ/kg.k
Efficiency…………………………………….. -
1982, the last 20th years for which statistical information was available. Rural
electrification was found only in some of the villages associated with the main
irrigation projects.
Approximately 75 percent of the country's total electric power was
produced by the National Electricity Corporation (N.E.C), a state enterprise.
The remaining 25 percent was generated for self-use by various industries
including food processing and sugar factories, textile mills, and the Khartoum
refinery. Private and (N.E.C), electricity generation increased about 50 percent
in the 1980s, to an estimated 900 gigawatt hours in 1989 in attempts to counter
frequent cuts in electric power. (N.E.C), also handled all regular electricity
distribution to the public. In 1989 (N.E.C) power stations had a total generating
capacity of 606 MW, of which about 53 percent was hydroelectric and the
remainder thermal.
The largest hydroelectric plant was at El Rosaries Dam on the Blue Nile;
it had a capacity of 280 MW. Other hydroelectric stations were located at the
Sennar Dam farther downs stream 15 MW and at Khashm al Qirbah Dam on
the Atbarah River; The Sennar and Rosaries dams were constructed originally
to provide irrigation, Sennar in 1925 and Rosaries in 1966. Electric-power
generating facilities were added only when increasing consumer demands had
made them potentially viable (Sennar in 1962 and Rosaries in 1971), yet power
generation in Sudan has never satisfied actual needs [3].
The Grid, in addition to its Rosaries and Sennar hydroelectric plants, had
thermal plants at Bahri in northern Khartoum, where work on a 180-megawatt
(now constrict a new phase on a 200 megawatt and Gerri power station were
work on 480 MW and Khartoum north gas turbine on 70 MW plus kuku gas
turbine power station on 25 MW [2].
In response Sudan's power shortage problems, projects are underway to
add both fossil-fuelled and hydropower generating capacity. The largest of
these projects are the proposed Merowe and Kajbar hydro electric facilities in
northern Sudan. The 1,250 MW Merowe facilities are to be located 250 miles
north of Khartoum at the Nile River's fourth cataract. So far, Egypt has voiced
no major objections to the project's planned diversion of Nile River flows.
Construction began in (2007), with completion scheduled for (July 2008). But
the start up could be delayed until late (2008) or early (2009) [2].
The location of Khartoum north gas turbine in Bahri city eastern Blue
Nile river and beside Dr sharif steam power station the biggest thermal power
station in Sudan and (K.N.G.T) it is first part of gas turbine station which it
consist of two phases (1&2) .
Phase (1) this is the starting of working of Gas turbine in Sudan in 1991
with two units 20 MW each, the units are relocated from Italy to Khartoum in
1991. The Diesel Oil fired Gas Turbines is being operated as a simple cycle
power plant of (2 x 20 MW). The power generated in the plant is fed into the
(33 kV) transmission line and the extension of an existing substation at
Khartoum North into the grid of (N.E.C), the national utility.1&2 units
protected by Nuovo Pignone Company. In 2001 according to the failure in the
generator rotor the (N.E.C) disposition from the unit (2) as a scrap.
Phase (2) this phase was started to build in (January 2001) with two units
(25 MW) for each as designer. These Units are relocated from Germany to
Khartoum from (November 2000) until (April 2001). The Diesel Oil fired Gas
Turbines is being operated as a simple cycle power plant of (2 x 25 MW) [4].
The power generated in the plant is fed into the (110 kV) transmission
line and the extension of an existing substation at Khartoum North into the grid
of NEC, the national utility, (3&4) units protected by AGE Kanis Company in
1973 and work there from 1973 up to 1998, In 2008 Sep according to the
failure in the generator stator the (N.E.C) disposition from the unit (3) as scrap.
The starting of running of Kuku gas turbine station is in 1985 with two
unit that was protected in 1983 by capacity (10 MW) to unit one and (12 MW)
to unit 2 as designer .In 1992 translated unit 2 to Portsudan to improve the local
city grid .In 1998 the (N.E.C) return the unit and maintenance it and
reoperation the unit in the same position till 2008 when the compressor failure
and sold it as scarp [4].
supplies occurring during an emergency or during the peak load demand
periods. Such systems, especially those operating in an open or simple
cycle have the disadvantage of being least efficient and so the unit cost
of generated electricity is relatively high. For example, in Jordan, gas
turbines used as peaking units consumed about 35x103 tones of diesel
fuel, but supplied less than 111 GWh. i.e., 1.3% of electricity generated
in 2005. The average efficiency of GT peaking plants in Jordan over the
last five years was in the range of (20-28%). Such low efficiencies can
be attributed to many reasons, such as, operation mode, poor
maintenance, engine size and age [5]. For the Sudan, in spite of it is one
of the first countries that entered the electricity industry, but it is one of
underdeveloped countries in this field, Electrical grid did not reach
saturation point once, and the average per person in the Sudan, less than
one hundred kilowatt / hours per year which is very low compared the
average per capita in most countries of the world, where the average per
capita is more than ten thousand kilowatt hours per year in several
countries. Up the supply of electricity in Sudan to less than a quarter of
its population cover less electricity than the average 10% of the country.
Electricity tariffs are high compared with the average per capita income,
compared with neighboring countries. Owners of production and service
sectors complain of high electricity tariff, where the electricity is about
20% of the cost of production and services and the electricity supply is
unstable. The rate (63%) of the total electricity produced in the country
comes from the production and thermal (37%) of production water,
which makes the high cost of electricity production and therefore sold at
high prices to consumers as the cost of production of the Kilo-watt /
hour (709) cents in the dollar amount of the cost of the Merowe Dam (4)
cents only. The director general of the national electricity energy
produced from electricity, which had existed before the year 1999 were
all (450) MW them (250) MW of Damazin, and (15) MW from Sennar,
and (150) MW Khartoum north power station.
Monopoly of the electricity industry by the Government and not to enter
the investment, Prevention of the evaluate studies of power stations properly
and regularly. The national electricity Corporation has the power of multiple
kinds of ways of power generations. And evaluate the performance of the
(N.E.C) and the calculation of the cost of production is an average production
of each species.
The objective of this study is to assess the performance five f Gas
Turbine units at Khartoum north and kuku power stations, during period of
three years, from September 2005 up to August 2008, by two factors:-
1- The energy cost at Khartoum North and Kuku gas turbine power
2- The thermal efficiency of the stations at the local conditions operations.
Gas turbine has become in the recent years, the basic item of the modern
energy plants. It is like the other method of power generator system has
advantages and disadvantages [6]:-
Advantages of GTE’s
Quicker response time.
Weight reduction of 70%.
Faster Acceleration/deceleration.
Modular replacement.
Less vibration.
More economical (when it use as combine cycle).
Disadvantages of GTE’s
Many parts under high stress.
High pitched noise.
Needs large quantities of air.
Large quantities of hot exhaust.
The concepts of a gas turbine are not entirely new at all. The first
recognition of the theory of the gas turbine can be recollected back to 150 BC
where a Greek philosopher and mathematician, Hero, invented a toy (Aeolipile)
that rotated on top of a boiling pot of water. This caused a reaction effect of
hot air or steam that moved several nozzles arranged on a wheel. The aeolipile
is considered by many sources to be the first turbine engine. In 1232, the
Chinese began to use rockets as weapons which follow the same theory as the
combustion engine. Then the next recognition of the knowledge and
development of the gas turbine is evident in the sketches drawn by Leonardo da
Vinci in 1500 AD showing a device that would rotate when driven by hot air
flowing up a chimney .This device is the basic theory of a gas turbine itself, it
worked by hot air from the fire which rose upward to pass through a series of
fan like blades that turned the roasting spit. There was then Giovanni Branca
who in 1629 developed a stamping mill that used jets of steam to rotate a
turbine that then rotated to operate machinery. Ferdinand Verbeist built a
model carriage that used a steam jet for power in 1678. However, in 1687, Sir
Isaac Newton announced the three laws of motion. These formed the basis for
the modern propulsion theory.
There were many more advances in the progression to build a gas
turbine. Sir Charles Parson patented a steam turbine which was used to power
a ship in 1897. However, it wasn’t until 1930 when Sir Frank Whittle patented
a design for a gas turbine. He was an Englishman whose patent was for a jet
aircraft engine. Using his ideas, along with the contributions of fellow
scientists, Whittle developed a working gas turbine engine (GTE) in April
1937. His early work on the theory of gas propulsion was based on the
contributions of most of the earlier pioneers of this field.
The reason why the gas turbine appeared so much later than other types
of internal combustion engines was because of the difficulty of finding
materials for the working parts, especially the turbine blades, as they would
have to withstand extremely high temperatures of the burning gas without
melting or weakening.
Whittle then designed the first successful turbojet aero plane, the Gloster
Meteor, flown over Great Britain. After the Second World War the jet engine
became the most popular method of powering aero planes and consequently the
gas turbine rapidly developed to what we have today [7].
A simple gas turbine is comprised of three main sections a compressor,
combustor, and a power turbine. The gas-turbine operates on the principle of
the Brayton cycle, where compressed air is mixed with fuel, and burned under
constant pressure conditions. The resulting hot gas is allowed to expand
through a turbine to perform work. In a 33% efficient gas-turbine
approximately (two / thirds) of this work is spent compressing the air, the rest
is available for other work. (Mechanical drive electrical generation).
Figure (2-1) shows the main component of gas turbine open cycle [8].
P Qin
2 3 3
1 4 Qout
1-2: Compression
2-3: Combustion
The changes in kinetic and potential energies are neglected, the energy
balance for a steady-flow process can be express, on a unit-mass basis, as
Then the thermal efficiency of the ideal Brayton cycle under the cold air-
standard assumptions becomes:-
Compressor and turbine work:-
- (2-7)
The pressure ratio
To isotropic expansion
η (2-10)
industrial unit in easily accessible base-load applications. This is changing with
the aero-derivative and the heavy frame industrial gas turbines competing on
the same economic level. Table (2-1) comparison between Industrial Gas
Turbines to Aero-Derivative.
2.4.1 Compressors
Gas turbines use axial and centrifugal compressors. Small gas turbines
use centrifugal compressors while all the larger ones use axial compressors.
have low efficiency than axial-flow compressors. The main advantages are
simplicity, strength, and short length. Figure (2-6) show the centrifugal
compressor and the way of air in and out from the compressor.
2.4.2 Combustors
16 Tubular (side combustors) Combustion Chamber
17 Can-Annular Combustion Chamber
combustion casing. This design is very compact, cheaper to manufacture and
because it is more efficient it produces less pollution than the other types of
combustion chamber. Figure (2-9) show inside section of annular combustion
2.4.3 Turbine
A turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a fluid flow and
most important of turbine of gas engine
As with the compressor, there are two basic types of turbine - Axial-flow
and radial-inflow turbines. The vast majority of gas turbines employ the axial
flow turbines. In the axial flow turbines the gas enters the row of nozzle blades
with high pressure and temperature and expanded there and then leave the
turbine. The radial can handle low mass flows more efficiency than the axial
flow machine and has been widely used in the cryogenic industry as a turbo
expander, and turbo charger for reciprocating engine. Although for all but the
lowest power the axial flow turbines normally the more efficient. Figure (2-10)
show the Axial flow Turbine.
20 Radial-Inflow Turbine
This chapter focuses on the calculation of the energy cost (cost of one
kilowatt- hour) at Old gas turbine power stations. The cost including all
variables operation and maintenance items cost. Tables (A-1) and (A-2) shows
some technical data for Khartoum north gas turbine power station and kuku
power station.
In economics, and cost accounting, total cost (or total costs) describes
the total economic cost of production and is made up of variable costs, which
vary according to quantity produced such as raw materials, plus fixed costs,
which are independent of quantity produced such as expenses for assets like
buildings [11].
3.1.1 Fixed cost
It is the Main cost of the power station
1/ land cost
2/ Building cost
3/ Item cost
4/ Power line cost
5/ Design
3.1.2 Variable
1- Salaries & Wages
2- Operational Cost
3- Maintenance Cost
4- General Expenditure
5- Depreciation
Tariff is the fees that are paid for the reproduction of the work. Tariff in
electricity is definition as what the customers pay to the (1KWhr). In the power
generation the minimal cost will be by the correct balancing to the calculation
of fixed and operation cost .The main method to compare the ways of
generation power is comparing the annual cost to each. It can reduce the energy
cost by applying some economical factors [12]:-
1/ Decreasing the fixed investment.
2/ Selected the fair unit capacity.
3/ Running the unit in max load .
4/ Use the best type of fuel.
5/ Bulled the station near load area.
The tariff must be:-
1/ Easy to calculate
2/ Animate that customer has a highest consumption
In this study to evaluate the operation of Old Gas Turbine Power
Stations by applying tow step energy cost and thermal efficiency, the field of
the screech of the study is five gas turbine units and the studding period is three
years from September 2005 up to August 2008.
When calculated the (Kwhr) cost in Old gas turbine stations we calculate
it by operations cost only due to some factors.
1- Majority of this unit came to Sudan as a gift.
2-This unit will sell as scrap after running (no depreciations).
3-All stations holder by government (no land cost, no taxations).
4-The electricity in Sudan is service not investment.
To calculate the (kwhr) cost of the stations ignore the Depreciation part
because all of unit will be sold as scrap after used. Table (3-1) shows the
(kwhr) item cost for Sep 2005.
… (3-1)
Table (3-1) The (kwhr) item cost for Sep 2005 [17]
Item Cost (SDG) Item cost (%)
Salaries & Wages 51559.94 1.8
Operational cost 2694534.7 93.3
Maintenance cost 67394.4 2.3
General Expenditure 60501.7 2.1
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14860 0.5
Total 2888850.7 100
Table (3-2) shows the monthly (kWhr) cost from (Sep 2005 - Aug 2008).
Figure (3-1) shows the monthly (kwhr) cost for (Sep.2005 to Aug.2008)
Table (3-2) The monthly (kwhr) cost (Sep.2005 to Aug.2008)
Month (KWhr ) Cost Month (KWhr) Cost
Sep-05 0.42 Mar-07 0.33
Oct-05 0.48 Apr-07 0.38
Nov-05 0.79 May-07 0.37
Dec-05 0.55 Jun-07 0.38
Jan-06 0.4 Jul-07 0.58
Feb-06 0.82 Aug-07 0.48
Mar-06 0.38 Sep-07 0.49
Apr-06 0.78 Oct-07 0.73
May-06 0.36 Nov-07 0.54
Jun-06 0.37 Dec-07 0.68
Jul-06 0.38 Jan-08 0.87
Aug-06 0.34 Feb-08 1.03
Sep-06 0.38 Mar-08 0.51
Oct-06 0.37 Apr-08 0.48
Nov-06 0.43 May-08 0.6
Dec-06 0.94 Jun-08 0.63
Jan-07 0.48 Jul-08 0.6
Feb-07 0.47 Aug-08 0.64
From table (A-3) the high cost of Kilowatt-hour is the fuel cost because
of gas turbine is high consumption of fuel and the last years the petrol price
was very high. Table (3-3) show the annual item cost per (kwhr) for three
years. Figure (3-3), (3-4) and (3-5) shows the annual item cost.
Table (3-3) Annual item cost per kwhr for three years (Sep 2005 - Aug 2008)
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Item (SDG) % (SDG) % (SDG) %
Operational cost 51,231,000 69.8 48,289,790 84.3 63,338,730 64.4
Salaries Wages 724,064.9 1.0 2,363,780 4.2 10,256,440 10.5
Maintenance cost 20,216,790 27.5 2,365,485 4.1 14,563,930 14.8
General Expend 1,047,682 1.4 2,448,660 4.2 9,906,380 10.1
Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0
Insurance 178,276.08 0.3 178,276,8 3.2 1,782,768 0.2
Total 73,397,810 100 55,645,990 100 98,243,760 100
Energy conversion efficiency is the ratio between the useful output of an
energy conversion machine and the input, in energy terms. The useful output
may be electric power, mechanical work, or heat. Energy conversion efficiency
is not defined uniquely, but instead depends on the usefulness of the output. All
or part of the heat produced from burning a fuel may become rejected waste
heat if, for example, work is the desired output from a thermodynamic cycle
η = (4-1)
Substituted in (4-1):-
η = efficiency. = out put power (KWhr) .
mf = fuel mass used (Kg).
CV = calorific value (Kj/Kg).
Substituted in (4-3)
= 17.86%
Table (4-1) contain the monthly thermal efficiency for three years form (Sep 05
to Aug 08) Figure (4-2) shows the old gas turbine power stations monthly
efficiency three years. Figure (4-2), (4-3), (4-4), (4-5) and (4-6) shows the units
monthly efficiency for Years studied.
Figure (4-2) U1 K.N.G.T monthly efficiency per studies years
Figure (4-4) U4 K.N.G.T monthly efficiency per studies years
Figure (4-6) U2 Kuku monthly efficiency per studies years
The Gas Plants that exist within the national electricity grid are Gas
Turbine Generating Units which were distributed as following:
- Khartoum North Gas turbine power station (3 units)
- Kuku Gas turbine power station (2 units)
This research concerns with assessing the operation of these units from
September 2005 to August 2008. The research focused on discussing two
important factors:
1- Production Cost of these units compared to sale price.
2- The thermal efficiency of these units.
Regarding the production cost, the maintenance and operating cost was taken
seriously into account in addition to administrative expenses and insurance cost
regardless the cost of installation, land , and taxes because electricity power in
Sudan is provided as a service only.
The energy cost price for one kilowatt hour of old gas turbine power
stations found between (0.38 - 0.8) SDG. And the average cost was (0.54) SDG
which is considered very high compared to sales price (0.237) SDG per
Thermal efficiency was the second factor that was used in assessing the
plant .It represents in following formula: the percentage of (production/ fuel)
consumption. Found that the thermal efficiency ranged between (18% - 21%)
except in June 2007it is lowest efficiency because of many units work in the
minimum load for long time.
Some steps should be taken in order to improve the performance of these
- The Gas Tribune should exist in the national electricity grid because they are
essential in rushing hours and blackout.
- The old units should be replaced by new ones that do not have technical
(Oct – 2008).
(2008 )ﻳﻮﻟﻴﻮ.اﻟﻤﺎﺿﻲ واﻟﺤﺎﺿﺮ. اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻟﻘﻮﻣﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎء/2
4- (Dec – 2008)
5- (Jun-2009)
6- (Dec-2008)
7 -Henry Cohen, G. F. C. Rogers, H. I. H. Saravanamuttoo Gas Turbine
5th Edition (Hardcover - June - 2000)
8- http://www. Rajalakshmi .org
9-Gas Turbine Frame 6 & Combine Cycle Description Operation Training
Programmer (2000).Training Division, Electricity Generation Authority of
ROCKET PROPLULTION New chand Jain (prop.) Stander
publisher’s distributors, 1705-B, Nai sarak, Delhi-1100, Edition:
2000. Second edition. (2005)
11- (Dec-
12- Dr M. E. Abu goukh Engineering Economy
13-A K .Raja Power Plant Engineering. Amit Prakash Srivastava, Manish
Dwivedi (2006)
14-Meherwan p Byce The Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook Third
15-J.HHORLOCK. Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles. Pergamon.(2003)
. (Software Program)ﺑﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ اﻟﻤﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت ﻟﻠﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻟﻘﻮﻣﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎء- 16
Table (A-1) Technical data of K.N.G.T power station
Table (A-2) Technical data of Kuku power station
Kuku (1) Kuku (2)
Table (A-3) shows the monthly item cost for kwhr for three years
KWh cost for power generation in month Sep 2005
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 51.55994 1.784790723
Operational cost 2694.5347 93.27358671
Maintenance cost 67.3944 2.332913884
General Expenditure 60.5017 2.094317272
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.86 0.514391408
Total 2888.85074 100
Actual send out power 6884.053 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 3015.678 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.419643884 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Oct 2005
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 51.155 4.21788964
Operational cost 962.345 79.34835316
Maintenance cost 70.5034 5.813225696
General Expenditure 113.9505 9.395574889
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 1.224956615
Total 1212.8103 100
Actual send out power 2549.367 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 1056.605 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.475729975 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Nov 2005
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 52.2 11.39937107
Operational cost 231.96 50.65513627
Maintenance cost 90.12 19.6802935
General Expenditure 68.79 15.02227463
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.85 3.242924528
Total 457.92 100
Actual send out power 582.864 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 244.909 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.785637816 SDG
continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Des 2005
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 51.55 5.52870508
Operational cost 648.6 69.56194209
Maintenance cost 156.5 16.78452658
General Expenditure 60.9 6.531486699
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 1.593339557
Total 932.4064 100
Actual send out power 1710.685 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 712.749 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.545048562 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Jan 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 52.05 3.027594914
Operational cost 1540.93 89.6313512
Maintenance cost 41.72 2.426729295
General Expenditure 69.63 4.050171639
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.86415295
Total 1719.1864 100
Actual send out power 4330.127 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 1687.138 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.397029094 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Fep 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 98.71 2.679119102
Operational cost 3272.71 88.82564963
Maintenance cost 155.83 4.229430955
General Expenditure 142.32 3.862751804
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.85 0.403048512
Total 3684.42 100
Actual send out power 4503.382 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 1763.238 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.818145118 SDG
continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Mar 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 48.65 1.355460391
Operational cost 3389.4 94.43365772
Maintenance cost 69.67 1.941108436
General Expenditure 66.61 1.855852346
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.413921105
Total 3589.1864 100
Actual send out power 9326.145 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 3715.355 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.384852091 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Apr 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 102.3 1.213119277
Operational cost 8059.52 95.57340247
Maintenance cost 82.79 0.981760947
General Expenditure 173.34 2.055543455
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.176173854
Total 8432.8064 100
Actual send out power 10763.346 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 4419.414 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.783474433 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month May 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 52.77 0.774059385
Operational cost 6643.91 97.45652623
Maintenance cost 29.93 0.439029702
General Expenditure 75.84 1.112462834
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.217921847
Total 6817.3064 100
Actual send out power 18812.372 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 7292.853 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.362384201 SDG
continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Jun 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 49.68 0.691495705
Operational cost 6921.29 96.33740559
Maintenance cost 128.38 1.786920665
General Expenditure 70.22 0.977391876
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.206786167
Total 7184.4264 100
Actual send out power 19268.285 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 7722.522 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.372862785 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Jul 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 57.3 0.55124159
Operational cost 10184.59 97.97852686
Maintenance cost 62.61 0.602325235
General Expenditure 75.36 0.724983704
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.14292261
Total 10394.7164 100
Actual send out power 27259.273 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 1056.605 Te
Cost of KWh 0.381327719 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Aug 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 56.14 0.535570179
Operational cost 10286.53 98.13250285
Maintenance cost 54.54 0.520306333
General Expenditure 70.22 0.669892019
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.141728621
Total 10482.2864 100
Actual send out power 30556.933 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 11249.199 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.343041182 SDG
Continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Sep 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 57 0.562285089
Operational cost 9914.47 97.80278322
Maintenance cost 65.06 0.641794173
General Expenditure 85.82 0.846584321
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.146553196
Total 10137.2064 100
Actual send out power 26341.54 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 10884.989 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.384837272 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Oct 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 107.66 1.469957474
Operational cost 7059.09 96.38270582
Maintenance cost 30.435 0.415550397
General Expenditure 111.98 1.528941464
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.202844847
Total 7324.0214 100
Actual send out power 19822.826 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 7747.863 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.36947413 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Nov 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 65.75 4.220109621
Operational cost 1335.29 85.70448938
Maintenance cost 40.77 2.616788886
General Expenditure 101.35 6.505066314
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.953545803
Total 1558.0164 100
Actual send out power 3598.287 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 1456.546 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.432988364 SDG
Continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Dec 2006
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 143.31 16.0159339
Operational cost 417.24 46.629602
Maintenance cost 182.37 20.38117274
General Expenditure 137.02 15.3129807
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 1.660310658
Total 894.7964 100
Actual send out power 955.738 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 430.922 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.936236081 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Jan 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 65.2 10.50483803
Operational cost 489.07 78.79756339
Maintenance cost 26.32 4.240603326
General Expenditure 25.22 4.063374463
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 2.393620792
Total 620.6664 100
Actual send out power 1279.861 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 532.704 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.484948287 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Fep 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 65.91 5.615639748
Operational cost 959.82 81.7782331
Maintenance cost 60.76 5.176851329
General Expenditure 72.34 6.16348626
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 1.265789567
Total 1173.6864 100
Actual send out power 2509.578 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 1095.27 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.467682774 SDG
Continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Mar 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 72.7 2.353591399
Operational cost 2840.36 91.95387712
Maintenance cost 88.71 2.871899491
General Expenditure 72.27 2.33967057
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.48096142
Total 3088.8964 100
Actual send out power 9433.218 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 3832.242 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.327448851 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Apr 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 65.93 1.294395732
Operational cost 4776.86 93.78351578
Maintenance cost 168 3.298323721
General Expenditure 67.85 1.33209086
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.291673908
Total 5093.4964 100
Actual send out power 13335.444 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 5239.939 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.381951767 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month May 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 65.63 1.340592537
Operational cost 4665.81 95.3062634
Maintenance cost 77.72 1.58754917
General Expenditure 71.58 1.462130334
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.303464558
Total 4895.5964 100
Actual send out power 13196.323 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 5117.916 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.370981856 SDG
Continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Jun 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 65.05 1.6031461
Operational cost 3803.47 93.73586619
Maintenance cost 100.95 2.487895446
General Expenditure 73.32 1.806958832
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.366133431
Total 4057.6464 100
Actual send out power 10621.169 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 9193.082 Te
Cost of KWh 0.38203388 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Jul 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 790.57 9.92865764
Operational cost 5163.71 64.85030894
Maintenance cost 1202.32 15.09976808
General Expenditure 791.05 9.934685892
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.186579442
Total 7962.5064 100
Actual send out power 13728.232 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 5581.351 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.580009604 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Aug 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 799.07 9.039809281
Operational cost 6864.6 77.65862163
Maintenance cost 322.07 3.643549845
General Expenditure 838.86 9.489950083
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.168069159
Total 8839.4564 100
Actual send out power 18282.182 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 7453.55 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.483501171 SDG
Continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Sep 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 815.29 8.131014237
Operational cost 7629.56 76.09079098
Maintenance cost 666.16 6.643717504
General Expenditure 901.05 8.986312083
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.148165193
Total 10026.9164 100
Actual send out power 20339.387 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 8273142 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.492980265 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Oct 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 1618.66 13.70228479
Operational cost 7128.03 60.34021785
Maintenance cost 1849.25 15.65427584
General Expenditure 1202.27 10.17745909
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.125762435
Total 11813.0664 100
Actual send out power 16293.415 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 7577.67 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.7250209 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Nov 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 773.3 10.21264381
Operational cost 5387.3 71.14777702
Maintenance cost 723.91 9.560371107
General Expenditure 672.62 8.883005918
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.196202148
Total 7571.9864 100
Actual send out power 13825.358 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 5814.655 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.54768827 SDG
Continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Dec 2007
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 792.13 15.02538038
Operational cost 2729.56 51.77518497
Maintenance cost 729.28 13.83322107
General Expenditure 1006.12 19.08441254
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.281801044
Total 5271.9464 100
Actual send out power 7748.765 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 2878.953 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.680359567 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Jan 2008
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 792.13 20.44619913
Operational cost 1755 45.29948301
Maintenance cost 760.69 19.63468019
General Expenditure 551.54 14.23616915
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.383468512
Total 3874.2164 100
Actual send out power 4432.729 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 1841.491 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.874002539 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Fep 2008
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 745.39 16.62278466
Operational cost 1695.92 37.82035306
Maintenance cost 1165.6 25.99379895
General Expenditure 862.38 19.2317539
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.331309433
Total 4484.1464 100
Actual send out power 4364.306 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 1774.8 Ton
Cost of KWh 1.027459211 SDG
Continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Mar 2008
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 770.66 7.283262962
Operational cost 7588.49 71.71640951
Maintenance cost 1436.42 13.57514933
General Expenditure 770.82 7.284775071
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.140403119
Total 10581.2464 100
Actual send out power 20782.275 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 8228.389 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.509147646 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Apr 2008
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 761.97 6.894597647
Operational cost 8584.25 77.67359588
Maintenance cost 946.57 8.564929453
General Expenditure 744.05 6.732450595
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.134426422
Total 11051.6964 100
Actual send out power 23211.137 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 9329.835 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.476137658 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month May 2008
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 768.16 8.47493306
Operational cost 5734.21 63.26422347
Maintenance cost 1710.66 18.87331934
General Expenditure 836.02 9.223616872
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.163907253
Total 9063.9064 100
Actual send out power 15008.657 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 6199.783 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.603911889 SDG
Continue table (A-3)
KWh cost for power generation in month Jun 2008
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 781.89 9.131843171
Operational cost 5136.39 59.98888328
Maintenance cost 1814 21.18605368
General Expenditure 815.1 9.519709126
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.173510743
Total 8562.2364 100
Actual send out power 13517.616 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 551.775 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.633413199 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Jul 2008
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 782.37 9.847862811
Operational cost 4921.34 61.94598613
Maintenance cost 1458.99 18.36462717
General Expenditure 767.01 9.654523122
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.187000766
Total 7944.5664 100
Actual send out power 13241.215 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 5302.389 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.59998772 SDG
KWh cost for power generation in month Aug 2008
Item Cost(SDG) % Age of Item cost
Salaries & Wages 854.49 10.68402785
Operational cost 5048.68 63.12565124
Maintenance cost 1302.4 16.28442448
General Expenditure 777.4 9.720140962
Depreciation 0 0
Insurance 14.8564 0.18575547
Total 7997.8264 100
Actual send out power 12443.418 MWh
Fuel Oil Consumed 5449.901 Ton
Cost of KWh 0.642735493 SDG
Table (A-5) efficiency of U 1(K.N.G.T) (Sep 2005 - Aug 2008)
month MWhr F. con η%
Sep-05 1430 694 16
Oct-05 36 24 12
Nov-05 16.5 5 26
Dec-05 264 146 14
Jan-06 1222.32 527.5 18
Feb-06 1216.38 518 18
Mar-06 2446.45 1049 18
Apr-06 3367.94 1449.85 18
May-06 2992.82 1237.58 19
Jun-06 2666.73 1121.06 19
Jul-06 3635.27 1552.22 18
Aug-06 5497.84 2018.76 21
Sep-06 4210.8 1816.3 18
Oct-06 2726.72 1074.47 19
Nov-06 686.37 276.556 19
Dec-06 145.2 66.79 17
Jan-07 259.96 106.5 19
Feb-07 584.1 241.3 19
Mar-07 608.95 243.516 20
Apr-07 1945.68 708.312 21
May-07 0 0 0
Jun-07 0 0 0
Jul-07 0 0 0
Aug-07 0 0 0
Sep-07 0 0 0
Oct-07 0 0 0
Nov-07 0 0 0
Dec-07 0 0 0
Jan-08 0 0 0
Feb-08 0 0 0
Mar-08 5085.75 2084.49 19
Apr-08 5915.39 2444.75 18
May-08 4929.7 1908.23 20
Jun-08 2649.7 1010.05 21
Jul-08 2092.3 772.83 21
Aug-08 7596.61 3586.42 17
Table (A-5) efficiency of U 3 (K.N.G.T) (Sep 2005 - Aug 2008)
month MWhr F. con η%
Sep-05 2078 857.74 18
Oct-05 1114 447.19 19
Nov-05 372 151.74 19
Dec-05 904 350.72 20
Jan-06 0 0 0
Feb-06 434 180.86 19
Mar-06 1710 653.76 20
Apr-06 2348 930.58 19
May-06 6052 2281.78 21
Jun-06 5988 2387.44 20
Jul-06 9238 3907.97 18
Aug-06 8796 3250.02 21
Sep-06 8122 3543.55 18
Oct-06 5192 2006.9 20
Nov-06 916.8 366.9 19
Dec-06 395.2 181.93 17
Jan-07 436 178.685 19
Feb-07 716 286.42 20
Mar-07 0 0 0
Apr-07 0 0 0
May-07 0 0 0
Jun-07 0 0 0
Jul-07 3090 1308.86 18
Aug-07 4332 1766.14 19
Sep-07 4969 2120.19 18
Oct-07 3786 1635.98 18
Nov-07 4000 1688.83 19
Dec-07 896.6 399.305 18
Jan-08 0 0 0
Feb-08 0 0 0
Mar-08 187.4 85.8 17
Apr-08 5132 2082.3 19
May-08 2048 867.33 18
Jun-08 0 0 0
Jul-08 0 0 0
Aug-08 0 0 0
Table (A-5) efficiency of U 4 (K.N.G.T) (Sep 2005 - Aug 2008)
month MWhr F. con η%
Sep-05 1540 756.6 15
Oct-05 762.1 354.24 17
Nov-05 152 71.78 17
Dec-05 328 135.32 19
Jan-06 1950 748.07 20
Feb-06 1918 723.58 21
Mar-06 4014 1572.55 20
Apr-06 4996 1982.97 20
May-06 5494 2192.84 20
Jun-06 5000 2041.46 19
Jul-06 5012 2204.59 18
Aug-06 6508 2427.82 20
Sep-06 5506 2364.67 18
Oct-06 5328 2211.24 19
Nov-06 1046 458.06 18
Dec-06 256 119.76 17
Jan-07 444 192.335 18
Feb-07 1032 492.56 16
Mar-07 3762 1747.5 17
Apr-07 8002 3259.84 19
May-07 7208 2924.88 19
Jun-07 3778 1621.17 18
Jul-07 4000 1772.84 18
Aug-07 5296 2299.67 18
Sep-07 7048 2986.63 18
Oct-07 6560 2854.5 18
Nov-07 5880 2624.39 18
Dec-07 2804 1226.11 18
Jan-08 2330 985.035 19
Feb-08 1916 796.735 19
Mar-08 6610 2695.13 19
Apr-08 4138 1779.06 18
May-08 3836 1670.8 18
Jun-08 7328 3151.22 18
Jul-08 5962 2563.32 18
Aug-08 0 0 0
Table (A-5) efficiency of U 1 (Kuku) (Sep 2005 - Aug 2008)
month MWhr F. con η%
Sep-05 1370.7 500.69 21
Oct-05 575.7 201.18 22
Nov-05 10.3 3.605 22
Dec-05 115 40.255 22
Jan-06 263.9 93.675 22
Feb-06 237.2 83.04 22
Mar-06 327.4 113.985 22
Apr-06 122.8 42.98 22
May-06 0 0 0
Jun-06 2630.9 1027.14 20
Jul-06 4696.21 1713.69 21
Aug-06 4764.6 1707.59 22
Sep-06 3629.6 1313.52 22
Oct-06 3112.8 1136.81 21
Nov-06 203.2 73.366 22
Dec-06 32.2 11.176 23
Jan-07 60.9 21.924 22
Feb-07 206.1 74.99 22
Mar-07 2041.8 730.107 22
Apr-07 2382.8 881.062 21
May-07 2093.1 754.609 22
Jun-07 4178.24 6575.73 4.9
Jul-07 2710.2 1003.75 21
Aug-07 4182.5 1612.74 20
Sep-07 3821.5 1429.26 21
Oct-07 806.5 334.656 19
Nov-07 0 0 0
Dec-07 241.078 117.6 16
Jan-08 0 0 0
Feb-08 1488.8 553.929 21
Mar-08 4684.6 1739.56 21
Apr-08 3230.1 1199.73 21
May-08 0 0 0
Jun-08 0 0 0
Jul-08 0 0 0
Aug-08 0 0 0
Table (A-5) efficiency of U 2 (Kuku) (Sep 2005 - Aug 2008)
month MWhr F. con η%
Sep-05 534.7 500.69 8
Oct-05 86.1 29.995 22
Nov-05 10.3 3.603 22
Dec-05 116.6 40.225 22
Jan-06 935 317.893 23
Feb-06 714.7 257.758 21
Mar-06 921.1 326.06 22
Apr-06 38.6 42.98 7
May-06 4454.6 1580.65 22
Jun-06 3180.5 1145.43 21
Jul-06 4942.8 1803.65 21
Aug-06 5284.2 1890.01 21
Sep-06 5130.3 1846.95 22
Oct-06 3660.7 1318.44 22
Nov-06 783.1 281.664 22
Dec-06 143.5 51.266 22
Jan-07 93.5 33.26 22
Feb-07 0 0 0
Mar-07 3096 1111.07 22
Apr-07 1085.3 390.73 22
May-07 3992.5 1438.43 22
Jun-07 2770.5 996.179 22
Jul-07 4046.8 1495.91 21
Aug-07 4608.2 1775 20
Sep-07 4635.4 1737.06 21
Oct-07 5050.5 2643.9 15
Nov-07 4029 1501.44 21
Dec-07 3869.39 1135.94 27
Jan-08 2150.8 856.456 20
Feb-08 1022.06 424.136 19
Mar-08 4345.5 1623.42 21
Apr-08 4937.1 1824 21
May-08 4307.7 1753.42 19
Jun-08 3630.5 1390.51 20
Jul-08 5277.4 1966.24 21
Aug-08 4942.2 1863.14 21
Figure (4-2) monthly efficiency for three years
Figure (3-1) (kwhr) monthly cost per month for three years