Advanced Driver Assistant System: Zihui Liu Chen Zhu Department of Electrical Engineering
Advanced Driver Assistant System: Zihui Liu Chen Zhu Department of Electrical Engineering
Advanced Driver Assistant System: Zihui Liu Chen Zhu Department of Electrical Engineering
Related Work
In order to train the models on 2-layer neutral To prevent overfitting, we apply L2 regularization to
network and convolutional neutral network. For each our networks. We penalize the squared magnitude of
vehicle model (Acura ILX, Honda Civic, Hyundai all parameters by adding the term 2
𝜆𝜔2 to every
Sonata) investigated in this project, 120 photos of weight of our networks, where λ is the regularization
each car make rear view have been collected. So strength.
there are totally 360 photos for the entire data set. A
portion of photos are obtained from google images 3) Results
while another portion we collected using photos
Below is the weight of the second FC layer of our
taken on I-101 and I-280. There are some constraints
neural networks. Loss history can be seen from
on gathering data. One constraint is that there is not
Figure 7 and Figure 8. As can be seen from, our loss
converges after around 5000 iterations. The accuracy
on the testing set can be up to 75%.
3) Result
Our loss function converges after around 6000
iterations and can achieve up to 78% accuracy on
our testing set.
3.3.4 Convolutional Neural Networks For the project, we only implement two simple
1) Architecture neural networks. They give relatively good result
compared to SIFT matching. Since we only have
We implement a simple convolutional neural 100 training images for each car make, the trained
networks based on Tensorflow. Our networks have 3 networks might be biased so that the accuracy stays
convolutional layers. Each convolutional layer around 75%~78%. We believe the accuracy can be
comes with a max pooling layer to do down- improved by using larger datasets. Besides, in our
sampling. The filters we use in each layer are results, a regular neural networks and a
specified in the figure 10. We also use a softmax convolutional neural networks both achieve
classifier to output class scores. satisfying results. However, we still consider
convolutional neural networks a better method to do
2) Regularization
car make identification. Regular neural networks
This time we use dropout [9] method to prevent will fail to handle huge number of parameters and
from overfitting. While training, neurons are lead to overfitting when input images are large [8].
dropped out (set to zero) at certain probability. No With larger datasets and deeper convolutional neural
dropout is implemented during testing. networks, our proposed method can be robust and
accurate in car make recognition.