Automatics Vehicle License Plate Recognition Using MATLAB
Automatics Vehicle License Plate Recognition Using MATLAB
Automatics Vehicle License Plate Recognition Using MATLAB
Abstract - The objective of this paper is to be able to detect the area of a car license in a photograph. Using computer vision and
digital image processing techniques. The different processes to which a photograph of a car is subjected will be explained in order to
detect its registration. It will be indicated under what conditions the presented algorithm is effective and correctly detects the
registration and under what conditions it can produce false positives. Indicate that the algorithm will only detect the area where the
license plate is located, adjusting as much as possible the size of this zone to the size of the license plate.
Keywords - Median filter , canny edge detection, image convolution , image binarization.
1. Introduction
the OCR process is performed later. When done in situ,
he ANPR ( Automatic Number Plate Recognition the information captured from the alphanumeric
registration, date and time, identification of the place and
or ANPR in English ) is a method of mass
surveillance which uses optical character any other information that is required is completed in
recognition on images to read the license plates of about 250 milliseconds. This information, now converted
vehicles. In 2005, systems can scan license plates into small data packets, can be easily transferred to a
with an approximate frequency of one per second in remote computer for further processing if necessary or
vehicles with speeds of up to 160 km / h. They can use the stored in the place to be retrieved later.
existing closed circuit television or radars, or ones
designed specifically for this task. They are used by the In the other arrangement, there is typically a large number
various police forces and as a method of electronic toll of PCs used in a server farm to handle high workloads,
collection on the payment highways, and to monitor such as those found in the London Congestion Charge
traffic activity as a red light at an intersection. project. Often in such systems, there is a need to send
images to the remote server and this may require high
The ANPR can be used to store the images captured by bandwidth transmission means. The drawbacks of these
the cameras, as well as the license plate text, and some systems are centered on the fear regarding the privacy of
can be configured to store a photograph of the driver. citizens' movements and media reports about
These systems often use infrared illumination to make it misidentification and high error rates. However, as they
possible for the camera to take pictures at any time of the have been developed, these systems have been much more
day. At least one camera version for intersection accurate and reliable.
monitoring includes a powerful flash, which serves to
illuminate the scene and make the offender aware of his 1.1. Methodology
error. The ANPR technology tends to be region-specific,
due to the variation between license plates from one place The proposed algorithm is designed to recognize license
to another. plates of cars currently used in Europe , both those located
at the front and at the rear. This algorithm will take as
The system software runs on a standard PC hardware and input an image of a vehicle, perform a pre-processing
can be linked with other applications or databases. First, it process to adjust the quality of the image, then mark the
uses a series of image manipulation techniques to detect, area of the image where the license plate is located, be
normalize and enhance the image of the license plate making segmentation, and finally proceed to the location
number, and finally, optical character recognition to and extraction of the license plate. In summary, the steps
extract the alphanumeric from the license plate. The of the algorithm are:
ANPR / ALPR systems can be used in two ways; one
allows the process to be performed in its entirety in the 1-Pre-processed image
place of the shot in real time, while the other transmits all 2-Segmentation of the image.
images from many cameras to a remote computer where 3-Location and extraction of the license plate
Copyright (c) 2017 International Journal of Computer Science and Network. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSN - International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2017
ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420
Impact Factor: 1.5
Captured image from the camera result of this process is an image with less noise and
greater smoothing.
Pre-processing image
Copyright (c) 2017 International Journal of Computer Science and Network. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSN - International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2017
ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420
Impact Factor: 1.5
The result of this process is the following graphic: 1- First of all, an erosion of the image is applied.
This morphological transformation combines
two sets using vector subtraction. One of these
sets will be the image resulting from the previous
processes and the other will be the following: [0
0 1 0 0; 0 1 1 1 0; 1 1 1 1 1; 0 1 1 1 0; 0 0 1 0 0].
2- Then the transformation called opening is
calculated. To calculate this transformation to the
result of applying erosion to the image, a dilation
process is applied. This transformation, dilation,
Fig.5 intensities of the plate region combines two sets using the addition of vectors.
3- Finally, the image is closed. For this the result of
If we look at the graph we can see that in the area of the the erosion is subtracted from the result of the
registration is where the rows are concentrated with opening.
greater intensity.
2.3 Crop the image The result is an image with perfectly defined edges and
closed regions, which will allow detecting the position of
From the calculation of intensities, the row with greater the license plate.
intensity is obtained. Once this index is obtained, the
image 81 is trimmed up and down, size enough to contain
the license plate.
1- Morphological transformations
Copyright (c) 2017 International Journal of Computer Science and Network. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSN - International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2017
ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420
Impact Factor: 1.5
3.4 Calculation and extraction of regions Fig.13 region of license plate is detect
The next step is to calculate the existing regions. This will Acknowledgment
allow us to later identify the enrollment since it will be a
The work of H.AlHAMZAWI was supported by the
region itself. The process consists of several steps:
Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship.
1- We label the connected regions. In our case, we
also indicate that the connected regions must 4. Conclusion
have at least 8 connected objects.
2- The second step is to fill in the connected The method described in this communication has shown a
regions. relatively high success rate when used in sequences of
3- Finally, the regions are identified. images. The phase of locating license plates handles
complex scenes quite well, demonstrating a high
Below are the images resulting from steps 2 and 3. discriminatory power. However, it would be desirable to
improve the character recognition in the future as well as
the location of the license plate sides.
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Fig.11 the result for 1 and 2 steps in Calculation and extraction of
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In the previous image, we can see the filling of connected Wan C. (2004) “Automatic License Plate Recognition”.
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[3] Transport for London,
Copyright (c) 2017 International Journal of Computer Science and Network. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSN - International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2017
ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420
Impact Factor: 1.5
Copyright (c) 2017 International Journal of Computer Science and Network. All Rights Reserved.