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Ratio Regulator Zero Governor FRG/6 Series: CSA Certified

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Ratio Regulator

Zero Governor

FRG/6 Series

CSA Certified
• ANSI Z21.18 / CSA 6.3
• CSA Requirement # 5.01
• Zero Governor and Gas/Air
• File # 157406

US and Canadian Models

• FRG 705/6
• FRG 707/6
• FRG 710/6
• FRG 712/6
• FRG 715/6
• FRG 720/6
• FRG 725/6
• FRG 730/6
• 1/2 in. NPT - 3 in. NPT

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Approved Product
• Approval code G3-0106-191
• Commerical / Industrial Gas

Codes and Standards Description Application (General)

This product is intended for instal- The FRG ratio regulator/zero governor The FRG is recommended for industrial
lations covered by but not limited to has an adjustable setpoint spring and and commercial heating applications. It
NFPA 86, ANSI Z83.4, ANSI Z83.18, nonadjustable counterspring. is suitable for dry natural gas, propane,
ANSI Z21.13, UL 795, CSD-1, - Optional Low fire bypass for ½ in. butane, air and inert gases. Suitable for
CSA B149.1, CSA B149.3 and NPT to 2 in. NPT models. Ideal for low up to 0.1 % by volume, dry H2S.
CSA B149.6. flow or for high turndown applications.
- Steady, precise and instantaneous Application (Ratio Regulator)
DUNGS is an ISO 9001 regulation of the outlet pressure. Holds a constant gas/air ratio during
manufacturing facility. - Connection for air impulse line. turndown by varying gas flow to the
FRG/6 Sales Brochure • Nr. 226363 • Ed. 05/17

- Inlet and outlet ¼ in. NPT test ports burner in proportion to combustion air
on each side. flow. Adjustable ratio for excess gas or
- Factory installed vent limiter. Review air operation.
applicable codes for vent line require-
ments. Application (Zero Governor)
Controls fuel by reducing incoming gas
pressure to zero or adjustable to slightly
above or below atmospheric pressure.

FRG/6 Spring-loaded ratio regulator/zero governor with adjustable setpoint spring and defined counterspring. Internal
sensing of output pressure; air impluse line connection is standard.

Pipe thread (NPT) 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 ¼" 1 ½" 2" 2 ½" 3"
Max. operating pressure 7 PSI (500 mbar) Factory Rating; 5 PSI (350mbar) CSA Certified
Max. body pressure 15 PSI (1000 mbar)
Optimal inlet pressure range Ratio regulator = 3 to 82 in. W.C. (7 to 200 mbar)
Zero Governor = 3 to 20 in. W.C. (7 to 50 mbar) with 10:1 turndown
Zero Governor = 3 to 82 in. W.C. (7 to 200 mbar) with 3:1 turndown
Output pressure range Ratio regulator output = 0 to 60 in. W.C. (0 mbar to 150 mbar)
Zero Governor output= -2 to 2 in. W.C. (-5 mbar to 5 mbar)
Materials in contact with gas Housing: Aluminium
Seals and diaphragms: NBR
Ambient temperature +5°F to +160 °F for up to 7 PSI for regulating behavior (+/- 10% of setpoint).
-40 °F to +160 °F: Diaphragms are suitable for the low temperature, but there
may be out of range regulating behavior.
CSA Certified for -40 °F to +160 °F for up to 5 PSI.
Installation position Regulator dome vertically upright or horizontally.
Test ports / Pilot gas connections ¼ in. NPT on both sides of the inlet section and ¼ in. NPT on both sides of the outlet
section. Taps/connections only on one side when low fire bypass is used.
Low fire Bypass (Optional) Field mountable low fire bypass: ½ in. NPT to 2 in. NPT on either side of
Vent line connection / air impulse line • The vent line connection/air impulse line connection is G ¼“ for FRG‘s up
connection / vent limiter to 1“ NPT, and it is G ½“ for FRG‘s 1 ¼ to 3“ NPT. A G thread to NPT thread
field mountable adapter is available.
• For gas/air ratio applications at pressure ratio of approximately 1:1, use the
existing connection as pressure connection for air impulse line / blower
pressure, and at low fire, the air impulse line pressure shall be between 0.2
to 1.0 in WC.
• The FRG/6 also has a factory installed vent limiting device, which limits the
escape of gas to less than 0.5 CFH @ 5 PSI in case atmospheric diaphragm
ruptures. Venting required unless otherwise accepted by the authority having
Hysterisis +/- 10%

Pressure taps
Pulse and blower connection

1 Breathing plug/vent line conection

for zero governor applications or
connection for an air impulse line
for ratio regulator applications.

2 Pressure connection in inlet section,

both sides ¼ in. NPT.

3 Pressure connection in outlet sec-

tion, both sides ¼ in. NPT.

Low fire bypass option can be mounted

on either side of valves (½" - 2").

Low fire bypass

option for
FRG 705/6 - 720/6.
P/N 225256
Dimensions inch (mm)

NPT Field mountable adapter

f Replacement Spring Clearance

for air impulse line
G 1/4 to 1/4“ NPT Part # 231944
G 1/2 to 1/2“ NPT Part # 231945

Size Upstream Port 1/4" NPT

Downstream Port 1/4" NPT

Type Order No. Pressuremax. Size Dimensions [inch] Weight [lbs]

[PSI] Dimensions [mm] [kg]
a b c d e f
FRG 705/6 226458 7 NPT 1/2 2.9 4.5 0.9 5.6 G 1/4 8.9 1.3
75 115 24 143 225 0.6
FRG 707/6 226459 7 NPT 3/4 3.9 5.1 1.1 6.5 G 1/4 9.6 2.2
100 130 28 165 245 1.0
FRG 710/6 226460 7 NPT 1 4.3 5.7 1.3 7.5 G 1/4 12.2 2.6
110 145 6 190 310 1.2
FRG 712/6 226461 7 NPT 1 1/4 5.9 7.7 1.6 9.8 G 1/2 14.2 5.9
150 195 40 250 365 2.7
FRG 715/6 226462 7 NPT 1 1/2 5.9 7.7 1.6 9.8 G 1/2 14.2 5.5
150 195 40 250 365 2.5
FRG 720/6 226463 7 NPT 2 6.7 9.8 1.9 12.2 G 1/2 17.7 7.7
170 250 47 310 450 3.5
FRG 725/6 226464 7 NPT 2 1/2 9.1 11.2 3.7 15.9 G 1/2 23.2 16.5
230 285 95 405 590 7.5
FRG 730/6 226465 7 NPT 3 10.4 11.2 3.7 15.9 G 1/2 23.2 22.0
265 285 95 405 590 10.0
Low fire 225256

Replacement spring
Size Order No.
FRG 705/6 NPT 1/2 229817
FRG 707/6 NPT 3/4 229833
FRG 710/6 NPT 1 229842
FRG 712/6 NPT 1 1/4 229851
FRG 715/6 NPT 1 1/2 229851
FRG 720/6 NPT 2 229874
FRG 725/6 NPT 2 1/2 229883
FRG 730/6 NPT 3 229883
Functional description adjustment of the setpoint spring and pressures. Excessive adjustment of the
The FRG/6 functions according to the the installation position, the force of the setpoint spring leads to positive regulator
principle between the force of: counterspring is compensated. output pressures.
- the adjustable setpoint spring
- the counterspring force When used as a ratio regulator, adjusting NOTE: Materials in contact with gas,
- the differential pressure at the work- the setpoint spring or biasing for excess air impulse and connection lines must
ing diaphragm based on zero atmo- air/excess gas should be performed at be of durable, crack proof material that
sphere. low fire. Outlet gas pressure from the is resistant to thermal, chemical and
- the air impulse line pressure FRG is directly proportional to the air mechanical loads.
and impulse line pressure. I.e. increasing the
- the force due to weight of the moving air impulse line pressure increases the
parts outlet gas pressure.
Do not apply combustible gas,
The counterspring acts against the set- In zero governor applications biasing combustible gas air mixtures
point spring and the weight due to force (adjustment of the setpoint spring) leads to the air impulse line. Only dry air
of the moving parts. Depending on the to negative or positive regulator output shall be used.

FRG sectional drawing

Pressure regulator shown in closed position

1 Housing 5 Diaphragm disc. 9 Setpoint spring

2 Regulating disc. 6 Atmospheric diaphragm 10 Adjustment device
3 Internal impulse sensor 7 Vent limiter 11 Counterspring
4 Balancing diaphragm 8 Breathing plug / Air impulse line
Application of zero governor (stan-
dard design)
The FRG regulates gas flow propor-
tional to the vacuum signal, which
can come from other equipment using
negative pressure as the signal.
Gas motor
The zero governer is adjustable with
the setpoint spring. KH GF FRS DMV FRG
° °
Vmin. = Vmax. x 0.1*
Air filter
For Vmax see flow diagram on page 8
* Inlet pressure up to 20 "W.C.

Zero governor outlet pressure

Outlet pressure
p2 ["W.C.]
see page 4

Resulting ou
tput pressure

° [CFH]
V ° max. at high fire

The above illustration shows adjustability (fuel biasing) of the FRG when used as a zero governor. Refer to page 8 for
sizing FRG at maximum flow rate.

Application of ratio regulator
(standard design)
Used as a ratio regulator for gas-air ratio
applications with fixed pressure ratio
V = 1:1 on gas equipment based on
air impulse line pressure.

Internal adjustable setpoint spring for Blower Air Valve

bias control; bias adjustments to be
made at low fire. Lower flow rates pos- Industrial
sible with low air impulse line pressure burner
and optional low fire bypass restrictor
(225-256). Available for FRG up to 2" KH GF DMV FRG
V °
=V x 0.05
min. max.
Adjustable bypass
restrictor (optional)
° see flow diagram on page 8
For Vmax

pressure High Fire

0.95 (gas) : 1 (air)

Output Pressure

Actual pressure ratio


Biasing limit

Ratio Regulator shall be adjusted inside this range


for optimal performance

Low Fire Air impulse line pressure Air pressure ["W.C.]

The above illustration shows that the air impulse line pressure equals the gas outlet pressure at low fire. However the air
impulse line slightly exceeds the gas outlet pressure at high fire rate.

Flow diagram
Low fire bypass


Screw for wire seal
20 operating range
Bypass restrictor
adjustable for
FRG 705/6
FRG 707/6
Pressure drop (in. W.C.)

FRG 710/6
10 FRG 712/6
FRG 715/6
FRG 720/6

Order No.


Protective Cap

Flow (CFH) of natural gas; s.p. 0.65 at 60 °F

Pressure drop for other gases the “corrected” flow rate in CFH through f (f = 0.66 for propane). Use this “cor-
To determine the pressure drop when the valve for the other gas used. For ex- rected” flow rate and the flow curve on
using a gas other than natural gas, ample, when using propane, divide the the next page to determine pressure
use the flow formula below and f value volume (CFH) of propane required for drop for propane.
located in the table below to determine the application by the calculated value

Determining equivalent flow through valves using another gas

° ° Type of gas Density

Vgas used = V Natural gas x f [kg/m3]
s.g. f

Natural gas 0.81 0.65 1.00

Butane 2.39 1.95 0.58
Propane 1.86 1.50 0.66
Density of Natural gas Air 1.24 1.00 0.80

f= Density of gas used

Ratio Regulator
Zero Governor

FRG/6 Series

Flow Curve (mechanically opened)

Shows maximum possible flow through FRG/6

operating range
Pressure drop (in. W.C.)

Based on 60 °F
14.65 psia, dry

Flow (CFH) of natural gas; s.p. 0.65 at 60 °F

A minimum of 3 in. W.C. ∆p is required when sizing at maximum flow capacity for optimal control on high turndown
applications (40 : 1). A 2 in. W.C. ∆p can be applied for sizing if a lower turndown (in the range of 10 : 1) is required.
Sizing the FRG/6 using a 1 in. W.C. ∆p or less is not recommended.
We reserve the right to make any changes in the interest of technical progress.

Karl Dungs, Inc. Karl Dungs GmbH & Co. KG

3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE P.O. Box 12 29
Suite 150 D-73602 Schorndorf, Germany
Blaine, MN 55449, U.S.A. Phone +49 (0)7181-804-0
Phone 763 582-1700 Fax +49 (0)7181-804-166
Fax 763 582-1799 e-mail info@dungs.com
e-mail info@karldungsusa.com Internet http://www.dungs.com
Internet http://www.dungs.com/usa/ 8…8

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