Farrukh Sultan
(Trainee Electrical Engineer
Boiler is a closed vessel used to generate steam with the help of heat generated by burning of fuel at a
desired temperature and pressure.
Principle of Boiler
Fuel is burnt which produces hot gases and the heat energy of these gases are transferred to the
water through convection which increases the temperature of the water and produces steam.
Saturated (Moisture content ranges between 6-10%)
Wet (Containing High Moisture)
Superheated (Contains Less than 1% Moisture)
Followings are the types of Boilers
Efficient than fire tube.
Produces steam at constant pressure.
Consume less fuel as compared to fire tube.
Less labor is required to operate
Complex design.
Required skilled operator.
Maintenance and production cost is high.
Suitable for large operations.
More space required as compare to fire tube.
Low maintenance cost.
Economical for small scale industry.
Production cost is low.
Simple and compact design.
Easy to clean.
Less space require.
Less safe as compared to water tube
Steam quality is low.
Less efficient than water tube
Head-to-head Comparison
Particulars Fire Tube Boiler Water Tube Boiler
Position Of Water and Hot gases Hot gases inside the tube and Water inside tube and hot gases
water outside the tube outside tube
Mode Of Firing Internally Fired Externally Fired
Operation Pressure Limited to 16 bar Can go up to 100 bar
Rate Of Stem Production Lower Higher
Suitability Not Suitable for Large Power Suitable for large power plants
Risk on Rusting Lesser Explosion risk due to More risk on bursting due to
lower pressure higher pressure
Floor Area For a given power it occupies For a given power it occupies
more floor area less floor area
Construction Complex Simple
Transportation Difficult Simple
Shell Diameter Large for same power Small for same power
Chances Of Explosion Less More
Treatment Of Water Not so necessary More Necessary
Accessibility Of Various Parts Various parts not so easily More Accessible
accessible for cleaning repair and
Requirements of Skills Require less skill for efficient and More Accessible
economic working
Boiler shell
Combustion chamber
Heating surface
Consists of one or more steel plates bent into a cylindrical form and riveted or welded
together. The shell ends are closed with end plates
Furnace of the boiler is used for burning fuel and providing heat to the water source for
producing steam
It is a platform in the furnace upon which fuel is burnt.
Pressure Gauge:
This indicates the pressure of steam in the boiler
Safety Valve:
A spring-loaded valve that automatically opens when pressure attains the valve setting.
Used to prevent excessive pressure from building up in a boiler
Coal Dumper
Coal dumper is present opening and closing of dumper controls the amount of coal that is
feeding into the chain grate.
Generally, 50-100mm coal Dumper is opened.
Economizer contains 80 fin-type tubes. The water flow from these tubes. The Gases
having a temperature of 300°C exit from the boiler heating section and enter the
economizer to heat the water from 75°C to 120°C.
The temperature of these hot gases reduced from 300°C to 200°C as passes through
the economizer. This boiler accessory increases the efficiency of the boiler.
Water Drum:
It is basically a water tank in which heat is supplied through the furnace to produce steam.
It is actually the steam producing component of boiler.
It control the feed water in the water drum up to 20mm level of glass gauge. The glass
gauge also indicates the level of water in the steam drum.
Cyclone fan collects the ash that is present in the gases and in this section air temperature
reduced up to 120-150°C.
Wet scrubber is like a tall structure consist of water tubes the water is sprinkled on the
gases. As a result, ash is collected by spraying water inside it.
It is a structure through which the gases are released in the atmosphere. Temperature of
the gases should not be less than 100°C.
A fan which forces the intake air and creates positive pressure in the system.
Forced fan carries fresh air from the environment that passes through the air pre heater
and convert the hot air into the furnace to induced burning
A fan that are used to evacuate a space or create negative air pressure in the system.
Induced fan carries all the gases that are produce in the boiler to the chimney and
released in to the environment.
Coal Boiler:
It is Water tube boiler. Its steam capacity is 20 Ton/hour
The process of the water flow, ash formation and dumping, gasses formation and steam generation are
Water Flow:
Feed Water Tank:
To store water
Capacity 20 Ton
There are 2 pumps of 55KW each that are used to feed water to the boiler. Water level sensor is
used in the boiler to detect water level in the boiler. The optimum level for the water is 50-75. If it
comes below the range, pumps automatically deliver the water to the Boiler.
Coal (crushed by a crusher) as a fuel is fed into the hoper which is delivered by the bucket when lifted
Chain is then used to deliver coal into the boiler. The coal on the chain is then burned throughout the
boiler while going in this area called Furnace. Air is also pumped into it through Forced Draft (FD) fan
(55KW) from air and ash damper to speed up the burning process. There are 8 air and ash damper on
each side.
After burning the fly ash flies into the air but the hard ash drops down at the end of the chain which
through ash conveyor is dumper.
Some ash falls down through the gaps in the chain. The air and ash damper have levers that expel out
the ash that has been fallen onto them.
Induced Fan (ID) fan (132KW) as an exhausts fan to pump out the gasses from the boiler. Gasses coming
from boiler then go to the economizer.
Economizer uses boiler coal gasses to heat the water (coming from water tank) which is then transferred
again to the boiler for efficiency. Here the temperature of the gasses are reduced to some extent.
After that gasses are then moved to air pre-heater. Those gasses heat up the air which is induced into
the furnace through an FD fan.
These gasses then go to the multi-cyclone also known as dust collectors. Fly ash collected in the drums
(Two in quantity) located at the bottom of the dust collector.
The remaining gasses then go to the ID fan which throw gasses to wet scrubber. In wet scrubber, water
is showered on the gasses to remove the remaining fly ashes in the gasses. Wet scrubber is then
connected to the chimney. The gasses passes through it are then 100% ash free. The chimney then
throw the gases into the air.
The water coming from the wet scrubber is contaminated. It is then dumped in the underground tank
known as Ash Pit. There are 3 ash pits, the ash is settled down and clean water is then dumped into the
main water disposal line.
Flow Chart Diagram of Coal Boiler:
General Facts:
1 Kg of coal is required 18 Kg of air to burn the fuel.
Flowmeter checks the flow of the steam in each main pipe.
FD Fan Air > Fuel = White Smoke from chimney.
FD Fan Air < Fuel = Black Smoke from chimney.
FD Fan Air ratio proportional to fuel = Transparent color of gasses.
Control Room:
Following are the item located in the Control Room Panels.
Transmitter (Flow, Pressure, Differentiator)
DPT (Diff. Pressure Transmitter) sends signal to PLC. It is located on AP.
MOV (Motorized Operated Valve).
Level Transmitter (Manifold to adjust and calibrate the pressure, Equalizer to adjust through
atm and discharger at the bottom to release rust.).
RTD and Thermocouple.
Gauge [Pressure (up to 40 psi), Compound, Vacuum (Scale is in negative), Temperature (Scale up
to 400 to 500 °C)]. Gauge has a spring in it and the liquid used in it is glycerin because to
eliminate the abrupt movement of the needle. Glycerin has high viscosity.
In Differentiator, It calculated the difference of the two (Temp and Pressure) and sends the
signal to PLC.
Transmitter has always two point (Levels)High and Low.