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Consents Undertaking
Further, the Borrower agrees that in case of issuance of two or more BDO Credit Cards, BDO may give a separate Credit Card Limit for each of the Card issued or a
consolidated Shared Credit Card Limit for existing and future BDO Credit Cards, expressed in Philippine Pesos. The Borrower understands that Shared Credit Card Limit
is the Credit Limit assigned to a Cardholder across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Any request for increase in Credit Limit may be accommodated by BDO, subject to
compliance with BDO’s requirements.
Home Loan (Additional Party)
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Consents Undertaking
I confirm that I understand and agree that my information may continue to be processed, collected, used, stored, or disclosed for ten (10) years from my
last transaction date with any member of the BDO Group or until the expiration of the retention limits set by applicable laws, whichever comes later.
I hereby acknowledge and understand that should I wish to withdraw my consent to receive information about new or related products and services of
the BDO Group, or to access, update, or correct certain personal data as set out in this form, I may communicate directly with BDO Unibank, Inc. Data
Protection Officer through data_protection_officer_bdounibankinc@bdo.com.ph. I further acknowledge and understand that I may access and view BDO
Unibank, Inc.’s Data Privacy Statement at https://www.bdo.com.ph/privacy-statement or obtain a copy thereof from a BDO Unibank, Inc.’s branch office.
1. The Borrower hereby certifies that the provided information are true and correct 7. In case of disapproval, the Borrower understands that BDO is under no obligation to
and shall form part of the loan documents and the signatures indicated herein disclose the reason/s for such disapproval.
are genuine. The Borrower’s or his authorized representative’s provision of any
8. The Borrower further certifies that the proceeds of the loan, if this application is
information which is not true or updated may cause BDO Unibank, Inc. (BDO) to approved, will be used solely for the purpose stated in this application.
automatically reject the Borrower’s loan application or cancel its approval.
9. The Borrower hereby authorizes BDO, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their
2. The Borrower authorizes BDO to obtain relevant information as it may require respective representatives and agents (“BDO Group”) to send notices, offers and
concerning this application from other institutions/persons. All information announcements to the Borrower as BDO or any member of the BDO Group may deem
obtained by or provided to BDO pursuant to this application shall be BDO’s proper, including without limitation, information regarding the status of the Borrower’s
loan application, details concerning the Borrower’s approved/availed loan, and product
property whether or not the loan is granted.
offers via email, as well as broadcast messaging service, multi-media messaging service,
and/or short messaging service as these terms are defined in the regulations of the
3. The Borrower agrees that this loan application shall be subject to Applicable Laws1 National Telecommunications Commission (NTC). The Borrower agrees to hold BDO free
(including BSP circulars, rules, and regulations), and policies of BDO and and harmless against any loss, injury or damage that the Borrower may suffer in relation
undertake to comply with/submit all the loan requirements. to any notification/announcement sent by BDO to the Borrower in the format stated
herein. It is agreed and understood that unless and until BDO is in receipt of a written
notice from the Borrower not to be sent such messages, the Borrower’s authority as
4. The Borrower hereby waives in favor of BDO confidentiality of client information
given herein shall be deemed continuing, valid and effective.
including without limitation, the provisions of Republic Act Nos. 1405 (The Law on
Secrecy of Bank Deposits), 6426 (Foreign Currency Deposit Act), and Section 55.1.b
of Republic Act No. 8791 (General Banking Law) and any law relating to the
secrecy of bank deposits for purposes of BDO’s evaluation of the Borrower’s
application herein. The Borrower authorizes BDO to: (a) pursuant to BSP Circular
No. 472 Series of 2005 as implemented by BIR Revenue Regulation RR-4 2005,
conduct random verification with the Bureau of Internal Revenue in order to
establish authenticity of the ITR, accompanying financial statements and such
other documents/information/data submitted by the Borrower, and/or (b) obtain (Please type your name or initials in the box)
or disclose such information regarding the Borrower or the loan/credit facilities
applied for hereunder to any party as BDO may deem necessary or as may be
required or allowed by applicable laws, rules and regulations. The Borrower also
authorizes BDO to request information regarding the status of any court case to
which the Borrower is a party.
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