Appendix 1 (For Clinical Departments) Information Security and Privacy Compliance Audit Requirements

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Appendix 1 (For Clinical Departments)

Information Security and Privacy Compliance Audit Requirements

Cluster: KEC Attn: Mr. Wilkin NG, EAII (MRD)

Hospital: TKOH Email:
Dept/Ward: AMB/DMC

Compliance Audit Undertaken By:

Name/Rank: Wong Ngai Kit/ WM Signature:

Contact No.: 22081765 Date: 5/1/2023

Note: Confidential / Sensitive Personal Data:

a) ID number + personal data / contact or clinical data or photo
b) Name + personal data / contact or clinical data or photo
c) Photo + personal data / contact or clinical data

Wards/ Departments

# Assessment Item Details Yes/No/ Remarks

1. Notice of patients a) “Notice to Patients” is posted on the Y
relevant notice boards to inform
patients on the collection / use of
personal data, and their rights of
accessing / correcting the personal

2. Public display a) Observe all public means (e.g. notice Y

boards, posters) to ensure that it does
not contain unnecessary confidential
patient / staff personal data.
b) All appreciation cards and letters which Y
have personal identifiable information
(PII) should have the PII covered while
displaying in public areas. The original
purpose of the cards is considered

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# Assessment Item Details Yes/No/ Remarks
normally for viewing by staff, not for
general public.

3. Placement of a) Medical records are kept at designated Y

medical records or secured places, and are protected
from unauthorized access.
b) No medical records are left on counter Y
tops, tables or bed side unattended or
without cover.
c) Medical record forms which are placed Y
at the bed end are properly covered.
d) There is a mechanism for safe keeping Y
of medical records.

4. Transportation of a) The medical records and personal Y

medical records records transported within and outside
the institutions are covered.

5. Personal a) No patient personal data is displayed on Y

Computers computer screen unattended or being
viewed by unauthorized persons (shall
be safeguarded by screen saver or user-
b) PCs are not attached with any Y
removable devices (shall only allow
HA or Cluster IT endorsed secure
devices such as secure USBs).

c) Files inside PCs such as the PC desktop Y

shall be protected by encryption or
password protection for confidential
patient data / staff information.

6. Disposal of a) Confidential documents are disposed Y

confidential in a secure manner such as using
documents confidential waste paper/ document

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# Assessment Item Details Yes/No/ Remarks
collection bags separated from office
paper waste.
7. Printing and use of a) The printing of gum labels are confined
gum labels to a few workstations which have the
actual need.
b) Gum label with HKID and name Y
should not be used for just identifying
personal belongings in order to avoid
unnecessary exposure. (e.g. gum labels
with HKID should not be put on to the
personal belongings such as cups /

8. Recycled papers a) Paper used in printers or fax machines Y

in wards or common area do not
contain confidential patient / staff
personal data.

9. Disposal of Printer a) The printer cartridges retained PII used Y

Cartridge (thermal for Clinical Data printing (e.g. GCR,
ribbon) endoscopy printer) should be disposed
in confidential collection bags
separated from paper or other wastes.

10. Disposal of VCD, a) Optical Discs and hard disks shall not Y
CD & Medical be disposed as ordinary communal
Hard Disk waste and must be properly disposed
by shredding and degaussing.
11. Handling of a) Designated devices were used for Y
clinical photos and capturing photos/image recording in
image recordings the department.
b) The designated devices are kept at Y
secured places and are protected from
unauthorized, accidental access and
inappropriate use.

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# Assessment Item Details Yes/No/ Remarks
c) A master logbook is kept to track the Y
recording, duplicating, borrowing,
returning and final disposal of all the

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