Atoms PYQ
Atoms PYQ
Atoms PYQ
PYQ 01
Topic - 1 : Atomic Structure and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model
MCQs with One Correct Answer 4. e electron in a hydrogen atom rst jumps from the
third excited state to the second excited state and subse-
1. In a hydrogen atom the electron makes a transition from quently to the rst excited state. e ratio of the respec-
(n + 1)th level. If n >> 1, the frequency of radiation emit- tive wavelengths, l1/l2, of the photons emitted in this
ted is proportional to: [Main Sep. 02, 2020 (II)] process is: [Main 12 April 2019 II]
1 to n'th level 1 (a) 20/7 (b) 27/5
(a) (b)
n n3 (c) 7/5 (d) 9/7
1 1 ++
(c) (d) 5. In Li , electron in rst Bohr orbit is excited to a level by a
n2 n4 radiation of wavelength l. When the ion gets deexcited to
2. e energy required to ionise a hydrogen like ion in its the ground state in all possible ways (including interme-
ground state is 9 Rydbergs. What is the wavelength of diate emissions), a total of six spectral lines are observed.
the radiation emitted when the electron in this ion jumps What is the value of l ? [Main 12 April 2019 II]
from the second excited state to the ground state? (Given : h = 6.63 ¥ 10–34 Js; c = 3 ¥ 108 ms–1)
[Main 9 Jan. 2020 II] (a) 11.4 nm (b) 9.4 nm
(a) 24.2 nm (b) 11.4 nm (c) 12.3 nm (d) 10.8 nm
(c) 35.8 nm (d) 8.6 nm 6. Taking the wavelength of rst Balmer line in hydrogen
3. e time period of revolution of electron in its ground spectrum (n = 3 to n = 2) as 660 nm, the wavelength of
state orbit in a hydrogen atom is 1.6 ¥ 10–16 s. e fre- the 2nd Balmer line (n = 4 to n = 2) will be;
quency of revolution of the electron in its rst excited [Main 9 April 2019 I]
state (in s–1) is : [Main 7 Jan. 2020 I]
(a) 889.2 nm (b) 488.9 nm
(a) 1.6 ¥ 1014 (b) 7.8 ¥ 1014
(c) 642.7 nm (d) 388.9 nm
(c) 6.2 ¥ 1015 (d) 5.6 ¥ 1012
e key feature of Bohr’s theory of spectrum of hydrogen atom is the quantization of angular momentum when an electron is revolving
around a proton. We will extend this to a general rotational motion to nd quantized rotational energy of a diatomic molecule assuming
it to be rigid. e rule to be applied is Bohr’s quantization condition. [2010]
52. A diatomic molecule has moment of inertia I. By Bohr’s quantization condition its rotational energy in the nth level (n = 0 is not
allowed) is
1 Ê h2 ˆ 1 Ê h2 ˆ
(a) (b)
n2 ËÁ 8p 2 I ¯˜ n ÁË 8p 2 I ˜¯
Ê h2 ˆ Ê h2 ˆ
(c) nÁ 2 ˜ (d) n2 Á 2 ˜
Ë 8p I ¯ Ë 8p I ¯
53. It is found that the excitation frequency from, ground to the rst excited state of rotation for the CO molecule is close to
4 –34
¥ 1011 Hz. en the moment of inertia of CO molecule about its center of mass is close to (Take h = 2p ¥ 10 J s)
(a) 2.76 ¥ 10–46 kg m2 (b) 1.87 ¥ 10–46 kg m2
(c) 4.67 ¥ 10–47 kg m2 (d) 1.17 ¥ 10–47 kg m2
54. In a CO molecule, the distance between C (mass = 12 a.m.u) and O (mass = 16 a.m.u.), where 1 a.m.u. ¥ 10 -27 kg, is close to
(a) 2.4 ¥ 10–10 m (b) 1.9 ¥ 10–10 m
(c) 1.3 ¥ 10 m (d) 4.4 ¥ 10–11 m
When a paticle is restricted to move along x-axis between x = 0 and x = a, where a is of nanometer dimension, its energy can take
only certain specic values. e allowed energies of the particle moving in such a restricted region, correspond to the formation of
standing waves with nodes at its ends x = 0 and x = a. e wavelength of this standing wave is related to the linear momentum p of the
particle according to the de Broglie relation. e energy of the particle according to the de Broglie relation. e energy of the particle
of mass m is related to its linear momentum as E = . us, the energy of the particle can be denoted by a quantum number ‘n’
taking values 1, 2, 3, ..... 2m
(n = 1, called the ground state)corresponding to the number of loops in the standing wave.
Use the model described above to answer the following three questions for a particle moving in the line x = 0 to x = a. Take h = 6.6 ¥
10–34 Js and e = 1.6 ¥ 10–19 C.
55. e allowed energy for the particle for a particular value of n is proportional to [2009]
–2 –3/2
(a) a (b) a
(c) a (d) a2
56. If the mass of particle is m = 1.0 ¥ 10–30 kg and a = 6.6 nm. the energy of the particle in its ground state is closest to [2009]
(a) 0.8 meV (b) 8 meV
(c) 80 meV (d) 800 meV
57. e speed of the particle, that can take discrete values, is proportional to [2009]
–3/2 –1
(a) n (b) n
(c) n1/2 (d) n
In a mixture of H-He gas (He+ is singly ionized He atom), H atoms and He+ ions are excited to their respective rst excited states.
Subsequently, H atoms transfer their total excitation energy He+ ions (by collisions). Assume that the Bohr model of atom is exactly
valid. [2008]
58. e quantum number n of the state nally populated in He+ ions is-
(a) 1.2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
59. e wavelength of light emitted in the visible region by H+ ions after collisions with H atoms is-
(a) 6.5 ¥ 10-7 m (b) 5.6 ¥ 10-7 m
(c) 4.8 ¥ 10-7 m (d) 4.0 ¥ 10-7 m
60. e ratio of the kinetic energy of the n = 2 electron for the H atom to that of He+ ion is-
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/2
(c) 1 (d) 2
(i) e value of Z. (iv) e kinetic energy, potential energy and the angular
(ii) e energy required to excite the electron from the momentum of the electron in the rst Bohr orbit.
third to the fourth Bohr orbit. (v) e radius of the rst Bohr orbit.
(iii) e wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation re- (e ionization energy of hydrogen atom = 13.6 eV, Bohr
quired to remove the electron from the rst Bohr radius = 5.3 ¥ 10–11 metre, velocity of light = 3 ¥ 108 m/
orbit to innity. sec. Planck,s constant = 6.6 ¥ 10–34 joules - sec).
Answer Key
Topic- 1 : Atomic Structure and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model
1. (c) d) 2. (c)