Research Questionnaire

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Questions 1 – Strongly 2 - Disagree 3 - Indecisive 4 - Agree 5–

disagree Strongly

Descriptive Statistics on Irresponsibility Sub-Dimension of Academic Procrastination Scale

1. I procrastinate my academic
tasks despite not having a more
important thing to do.
2. I procrastinate my academic
tasks to the last minute as I am
an unplanned person.
3. I procrastinate the tasks like
doing the assignments or
studying for an exam because I
have a low level of
concentration for studying.
4. I procrastinate studying for
the exams to the last day
because of unnecessary
5. I procrastinate my academic
tasks to another day as there is
not a motivating force that will
activate me
6. I leave fulfilling academic
tasks to the last day as I do not
arrange them according to their
7. I am not willing to do the
assignments even when the due
is close.
8. I leave doing my academic
tasks to the last minute since I
am not motivated to do them.
9. I spend most of my time on
entertaining activities instead of
studying although I regret.
10. I study the exams on the last
day because of insufficient
11. I am a person who says
her/himself I will start studying
this time but doesn’t.
12. I am a time-waster.
13. I leave the academic tasks
that require much effort to the
last minute.
14. I leave fulfilling academic
tasks to the last minute as I
spend much time on social
activities like watching movie,
playing games, etc.
15. I do even my important
academic tasks in the last
16. I can’t motivate myself
when I start doing my academic
Descriptive Statistics on Perceived Quality of the Academic Task Sub-Dimension of Academic
Procrastination Scale
17. I procrastinate my
responsibilities like studying the
lessons or preparing for an
exam because of failure
18. It takes a long time even to
start studying
19. I plan how much time I will
spend on academic tasks in
20. I quickly start doing
assignments that require much
21. I quickly start and finish
academic tasks that are easy to
22. I do the academic tasks that
require thinking over on time as
I love them.
23. I do the assignments that I
can handle on time
24. I show enough effort to
hand my assignment on time.
25. I quickly do the assignments
that I enjoy while doing.
26. I quickly start doing
academic tasks if they are
enjoyable to do.
27. I do the academic tasks that
attract me on time.
28. I do the academic tasks on
time even if they are
29. I do the academic tasks on
time even if they are difficult.
Descriptive Statistics on Negative Perception towards the Lecturer Sub-Dimension of Academic
Procrastination Scale
30. I procrastinate academic
tasks that are given by a
lecturer who I think will not
teach me something.
31. I procrastinate academic
tasks that are given by an
oppressive lecturer
32. I procrastinate academic
tasks that are given by lecturers
who waste the time instead of
teaching the students to the last
Descriptive Statistics on Academic Perfectionism & Reaction to Teacher Sub-Dimension of Academic
Procrastination Scale
33. I don’t do the assignments
given by lecturers that I don’t
like on time.
34. I procrastinate the
assignments given by lecturers
who do not give enough
importance to their lectures to
the last minute.
35. I am late for studying other
exams as I study over and over
for an exam.
36. There have been risks of late
returns as I do corrections on
assignments again and again.
37. I keep doing the
assignments to the last day as I
want to do them in the best
38. Even thinking of doing the
best procrastinates starting to

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