This document contains a survey measuring different dimensions of academic procrastination. It includes 38 questions across several sub-dimensions: irresponsibility, perceived quality of academic tasks, negative perception of lecturers, and perfectionism and reaction to teachers. Respondents are asked to rate their agreement with statements about procrastinating and completing academic tasks on a 5-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The questions probe reasons for delaying work, attitudes towards different types of tasks and teachers, and perfectionist tendencies that can lead to procrastination.
This document contains a survey measuring different dimensions of academic procrastination. It includes 38 questions across several sub-dimensions: irresponsibility, perceived quality of academic tasks, negative perception of lecturers, and perfectionism and reaction to teachers. Respondents are asked to rate their agreement with statements about procrastinating and completing academic tasks on a 5-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The questions probe reasons for delaying work, attitudes towards different types of tasks and teachers, and perfectionist tendencies that can lead to procrastination.
This document contains a survey measuring different dimensions of academic procrastination. It includes 38 questions across several sub-dimensions: irresponsibility, perceived quality of academic tasks, negative perception of lecturers, and perfectionism and reaction to teachers. Respondents are asked to rate their agreement with statements about procrastinating and completing academic tasks on a 5-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The questions probe reasons for delaying work, attitudes towards different types of tasks and teachers, and perfectionist tendencies that can lead to procrastination.
This document contains a survey measuring different dimensions of academic procrastination. It includes 38 questions across several sub-dimensions: irresponsibility, perceived quality of academic tasks, negative perception of lecturers, and perfectionism and reaction to teachers. Respondents are asked to rate their agreement with statements about procrastinating and completing academic tasks on a 5-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The questions probe reasons for delaying work, attitudes towards different types of tasks and teachers, and perfectionist tendencies that can lead to procrastination.
Descriptive Statistics on Irresponsibility Sub-Dimension of Academic Procrastination Scale
1. I procrastinate my academic tasks despite not having a more important thing to do. 2. I procrastinate my academic tasks to the last minute as I am an unplanned person. 3. I procrastinate the tasks like doing the assignments or studying for an exam because I have a low level of concentration for studying. 4. I procrastinate studying for the exams to the last day because of unnecessary reasons. 5. I procrastinate my academic tasks to another day as there is not a motivating force that will activate me 6. I leave fulfilling academic tasks to the last day as I do not arrange them according to their priorities 7. I am not willing to do the assignments even when the due is close. 8. I leave doing my academic tasks to the last minute since I am not motivated to do them. 9. I spend most of my time on entertaining activities instead of studying although I regret. 10. I study the exams on the last day because of insufficient motivation. 11. I am a person who says her/himself I will start studying this time but doesn’t. 12. I am a time-waster. 13. I leave the academic tasks that require much effort to the last minute. 14. I leave fulfilling academic tasks to the last minute as I spend much time on social activities like watching movie, playing games, etc. 15. I do even my important academic tasks in the last minute. 16. I can’t motivate myself when I start doing my academic tasks. Descriptive Statistics on Perceived Quality of the Academic Task Sub-Dimension of Academic Procrastination Scale 17. I procrastinate my responsibilities like studying the lessons or preparing for an exam because of failure concerns. 18. It takes a long time even to start studying 19. I plan how much time I will spend on academic tasks in advance 20. I quickly start doing assignments that require much time. 21. I quickly start and finish academic tasks that are easy to do. 22. I do the academic tasks that require thinking over on time as I love them. 23. I do the assignments that I can handle on time 24. I show enough effort to hand my assignment on time. 25. I quickly do the assignments that I enjoy while doing. 26. I quickly start doing academic tasks if they are enjoyable to do. 27. I do the academic tasks that attract me on time. 28. I do the academic tasks on time even if they are compelling. 29. I do the academic tasks on time even if they are difficult. Descriptive Statistics on Negative Perception towards the Lecturer Sub-Dimension of Academic Procrastination Scale 30. I procrastinate academic tasks that are given by a lecturer who I think will not teach me something. 31. I procrastinate academic tasks that are given by an oppressive lecturer 32. I procrastinate academic tasks that are given by lecturers who waste the time instead of teaching the students to the last minute. Descriptive Statistics on Academic Perfectionism & Reaction to Teacher Sub-Dimension of Academic Procrastination Scale 33. I don’t do the assignments given by lecturers that I don’t like on time. 34. I procrastinate the assignments given by lecturers who do not give enough importance to their lectures to the last minute. 35. I am late for studying other exams as I study over and over for an exam. 36. There have been risks of late returns as I do corrections on assignments again and again. 37. I keep doing the assignments to the last day as I want to do them in the best way. 38. Even thinking of doing the best procrastinates starting to study.