Plain Language and Law: DR Jenny Hall
Plain Language and Law: DR Jenny Hall
Plain Language and Law: DR Jenny Hall
Dr Jenny Hall
April 2023
[Reading: Skills Workbook pp 118 – 127]
Background and the need
for plain language
Acknowledgment to Tina Romner who gave permission to use some of the content in this presentation
Moving towards a drafting style that takes contextual
factors into account and reflects accessible language
•OR …
•In a nutshell -
• Language the way you speak, almost, but if wouldn’t use a word in
conversation/ training, avoid using it.
Where does the need for plain language come from?
Language has been used throughout history as a means of exclusion and power
In the Middle Ages: Latin versus the spoken languages of Europe
In the colonial era: colonial languages versus indigenous languages
South Africa: apartheid and Afrikaans
Jargon: legalese (inter alia, ad hoc, herewithin), medical
jargon, business jargon, IT jargon (disruptive, leverage,
bandwidth, scrums)
Lawyers and language
• Change is required …
• Call for:
The right to information
The right to participation
• Values enshrined in the Constitution (more about that
What is the benefit?
Removes ambiguity
Communicates effectively
Eliminates barriers
01 02 03 04 05 06
Baby talk, A “dumbing Stripping Just Imprecise Banning
or an down” of out editorial – vague or new
attempt to information necessary “polishing” inaccurate words or
be playful technical after you or letting excluding
or pc and legal finish grammar long
information writing slip words
2 Plain language and the
law in South Africa
“Early in the drafting process it was decided that the Constitution must as far as possible
be drafted in simple and easily understandable language. The reasons are obvious: (a)
South Africa is a country with vast differences between the educated elite and the illiterate
and poorly educated masses. (b) English is the first language of a small minority of South
Africans. (c) Historically the majority of South Africans were excluded by apartheid
policies from many of the benefits of the law. (d) A constitution belongs to all, not only the
privileged few; it has been described as “the autobiography of a nation”, “a mirror of the
nation’s sole”, and the “birth certificate” of the democratic South Africa. (e) The
Constitution – specifically the Bill of Rights – can and should be a powerful educational
tool. It ought to visibly feature on the walls of school classrooms, community centres,
police offices and Magistrates courts. (f) Transparency, openness and accountability are
constitutional values. (g) The rule of law is central to our constitutional democracy. For the
law to rule, people must know and understand what the law is.”
Justice Van der Westhuizen, 2013
6(5) For the purposes of this Act, a prospectus, notice, disclosure or document is in plain language if it
is reasonable to conclude that a person of the class of persons for whom the prospectus, notice,
disclosure or document is intended, with average literacy skills and minimal experience in dealing with
company law matters, could be expected to understand the content, significance and import of the
prospectus, notice, disclosure or document without undue effort, having regard to –
(a) the context, comprehensiveness and consistency of the prospectus, notice, disclosure or
(b) the organisation, form and style of the prospectus, notice, disclosure or document;
(c) the vocabulary, usage and sentence structure of the prospectus, notice, disclosure or document;
(d) the use of any illustrations, examples, headings or other aids to reading and understanding in the
prospectus, notice, disclosure or document.
Plain language and the law
Useful headings:
• Illustrate how your document has been organised – helps the reader to
navigate the document
• Help to break up the information
• Help readers to find information quickly
Topic headings .
Compliance and enforcement (used as main headings and in formal writing like
Using lists in opinions, letters and manuals
Using lists:
• Highlight a series of steps, requirements, or pieces of information in a
visually clear way
• Help your reader to focus on important material
• Is useful because they:
• Always use a lead in
sentence to explain The tenant may deduct any costs which he
your list incurs because:
• Make sure each bullet • the landlord failed to provide a gardening
in a list can make a service; or
complete sentence if • security system repair
combined with the
• the security system is faulty and requires
lead-in sentence
Use tables… in certain types of documents
Helps your audience see relationships that are often hidden in dense text
An “if-then” table helps organise material (if this is the case, then that happens)
The table below shows that most people who were interviewed in the
study agree that human rights are important.
Don’t use –
• Emotive language (unfortunately, surprisingly, etc)
• Slang
• Clichés (at the end of the day)
• Contractions (can’t, mustn’t, won’t)
• Tautologies (dead corpse, new innovation, added bonus)
• Unnecessary abbreviations
Avoid old and outdated language
hereafter henceforth
whereof thereafter
Alternate words
Landlord Tenant
Alternate words
• commence
• particulars
• persons
• prior to
•… bearing in mind that certain terms used in legislation have particular meanings
and are commonly understood
Alternate words
• commence - begin
• particulars - details
• prior to - before
• Use the strongest, most direct form of the verb possible - verbs tell your
audience what to do. Make sure it’s clear who does what.
• We hide verbs by turning them into nouns, making them less effective and
using more words than we need.
• Say “we manage the programme” or “we analyse data” not “we are
responsible for management of the programme” or “we conduct an
analysis of the data.”
• Hidden verbs often go hand in hand with passive verbs
Verbs disguised as nouns
Avoid Use
Do an assessment Assess