Techical Pre
Techical Pre
Techical Pre
Technical Writing
Ethics in writing means that you're honest with your
audience, you represent your evidence accurately by
avoiding exaggeration or disinformation, and you give
credit to the resources you use to complete your
Pertains to federal
protection (different from
registered trademark).
Ex: It is correct to specify
that you want a box
Kleenex® brand tissue
It is incorrect to ask for
Contract Law
Pertains to
responsibilities or
obligation of writers
especially claims they
made on their paper.
Ex: professional
malpractice, defamation,
product defect and etc.
DO’s of Technical Communication
Misleading the readers
Type of Documents
• Drafting
• Reviewing
• Revising
• Editing
Gain Technical Knowledge
Writing is somewhat delicate type of writing. You must put the words
in the write order so that people will understand what you are saying
or writing.
• Use active voice
• Be organized
• Be consistent
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