Surveying Lecture-2

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Magnetic Compass

Magnetic compass is used to find out the magnetic bearing of survey lines. The
bearings may either measured in Whole Circle Bearing (W.C.B) system or in
Quadrantal Bearing (Q.B) system based on the type of compass used. The basic
principle of magnetic compass is if a strip of steel or iron is magnetized and
pivoted exactly at centre so that it can swing freely, then it will establish itself in
the magnetic meridian at the place of arrangement.

Major types of magnetic compass are:

• Prismatic compass
• Surveyor’s compass
Prismatic compass
Prismatic compass is a portable magnetic compass which can be either used as a
hand instrument or can be fitted on a tripod. It contains a prism which is used for
accurate measurement of readings. The greatest advantage of this compass is both
sighting and reading can be done simultaneously without changing the position.
Temporary Adjustment for Prismatic Compass
The temporary adjustments usually followed for prismatic compass are:
3.Focusing the Prism

1. Centering: In this step, the instrument is kept exactly over the station point. This can be
done either by adjusting the tripod stands or by using a plumb-bob. Sometimes, a pebble can
be freely dropped from this center to the bottom of the instrument to check the centering.
2. Levelling: The instrument must be held such that the graduated disc swings freely and when
viewed from the top edge it must appear level. If it is not used as a hand instrument, a tripod is
used to support the instrument for levelling.
3. Focusing the Prism: Till the readings are observed sharp and clear, the prism attachment is
slid up and down for proper focusing.
The compass is initially held over the starting station of the survey line and the adjustments are provided. The
magnetic meridian is thus obtained and then starts to take the measurements by sighting to the next station. As
shown in figure above, the readings increase in clockwise direction i.e. from the south ( 0°) to West (90°) and
North (180°) and East (270°)
Surveyor’s compass
Surveyor’s compass consists of a circular brass box containing a magnetic needle
which swings freely over a brass circle. The horizontal angle is measured using a
pair of sights located on north – south axis of the compass. They are usually
mounted over a tripod and leveled using a ball and socket mechanism.
Adjustments for Surveyor Compass
The temporary adjustments for the surveyor's compass are the same as that of the
prismatic compass. The permanent adjustments are sometimes necessary for the
surveyor's compass-like:
1.Adjustments in Levels
2.Adjustment of needle
3.Adjustment of Sight vanes
4.Adjustment of the Pivot
Fore Bearing & Back Bearing of Survey Line
Bearings measured in the direction of progress of the survey are known as fore
bearing and bearings measured opposite to the direction of the survey are known
as back bearing.
Magnetic Declination
Magnetic declination, or magnetic variation, is the angle on the horizontal plane
between magnetic north (the direction the north end of a magnetized compass
needle points, corresponding to the direction of the Earth's magnetic field lines)
and true north (the direction along a meridian towards the geographic North
Isogonic & Agonic Lines
An isogonic line is a line over the surface of the earth upon which magnetic
declination is constant. An agonic line is an isogonic line upon which the
declination is zero.
Variation of Magnetic Declination
The magnetic declination at a place is not constant. It varies due to the following
Secular Variation:
The magnetic meridian behaves like a pendulum with respect to the true meridian. After every 100 –
150 years, it swings from one direction to the opposite direction, and hence the declination varies.
This variation is known as ‘secular variation’.
Annual Variation:
The magnetic declination varies due to the rotation of the earth, with its axis inclined, in an elliptical
path around the sun during a year. This variation is known as ‘annual variation’. The amount of
variation is1 to 2 minutes.
Diurnal Variation:
The magnetic declination varies due to the rotation of the earth on its own axis in 24 hours. This
variation is known as ‘diurnal variation’. The amount of variation is found to be about 3 – 12
Irregular Variation:
The magnetic declination is found to vary suddenly due to some natural causes, such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, and so on. This variation is known as ‘irregular variations’.
Dip of the Magnetic Needle
 Magnetic dip, dip angle, or magnetic inclination is the angle made
with the horizontal by the Earth's magnetic field lines.
 This angle varies at different points on the Earth's surface.
 Positive values of inclination indicate that the magnetic field of the
Earth is pointing downward, into the Earth, at the point of
measurement, and negative values indicate that it is pointing upward.
 Magnetic dip results from the tendency of a magnet to align itself with
lines of magnetic field.
 As the Earth's magnetic field lines are not parallel to the surface, the
north end of a compass needle will point downward in the northern
hemisphere (positive dip) or upward in the southern hemisphere
(negative dip).
 The range of dip is from -90 degrees (at the South Magnetic Pole) to
+90 degrees (at the North Magnetic Pole).
 Contour lines along which the dip measured at the Earth's surface is
equal are referred to as isoclinic lines. The locus of the points having
zero dip is called the magnetic equator or aclinic line.
Local Attraction
While compass surveying, the magnetic needle is sometimes disturbed from its normal
position under the influence of external attractive forces. Such a disturbing influence is called
as local attraction.
The sources of local attraction may be natural or artificial. Natural sources include Iron ores
or magnetic rocks while as artificial sources consist of steel structures, iron pipes, current
carrying conductors.
The iron made surveying instruments such as metric chains, ranging rods and arrows should
also be kept at a safe distance apart from compass.
Local attraction at a place can be detected by observing bearings from both ends of the line in
the area. If fore bearing and back bearing of a line differ exactly by 180°, there is no local
attraction at either station. But if this difference is not equal to 180°, then local attraction
exists there either at one or both ends of the line.
It mostly causes errors in observations while surveying and thus suitable methods are
employed to neglect these errors.
Elimination of local attraction
Method 1
• This method is based on the difference of fore and back bearings. We already
know that the difference between fore and back bearing of a line will be 180˚ if
there is no errors in measurement.
• So based on this error free observation of bearings, corrections for other lines
can be calculated.
• However if there is no two bearing has a difference of 180˚, we can calculate the
correction from the mean value of that bearings which may have least error.
Method 2
• This method is more faster method for applying correction. This is based on the
interior angles of the closed traverse formed.
• The interior angles measured will be correct on the basis of the fact that these
angles are not affected by the local attraction whereas the stations are. So the
sum of total interior angles for a closed traverse will be (2n-4) 90˚.
• If there is any error exists both sum will not be same.
• The total error can be distributed among the angles equally because equal error
will occur on each interior angle.
• So starting from the correct observation of bearing which has a difference in
fore and back bearing is 180˚, we can calculate all other corrected bearings.
Problems on WCB & QB
Problems on FB & BB
Problems on Magnetic Declination

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