05-06 Lec 5 - 6
05-06 Lec 5 - 6
05-06 Lec 5 - 6
Structure-Property Correlation
The structure of solids 2
Topics to discuss today ...
Polymer structures
Occurrence and importance of crystalline imperfections
Classification of crystalline imperfections
Point defects
1. W D Callister, Jr. and D G Rethwisch. Materials Science and Engineering – An Introduction
9th Ed, Wiley, 2014
Polymer molecules are very large: they are macromolecules.
r = ln
Branched polymers
• Inefficient chain packing
causes reduced density
• Examples: LDPE
Linear polymers
• Van der Waals bonding between chains.
• Examples: polyethylene, nylon, HDPE. Network polymers
3D networks made from trifunctional mers.
Examples: epoxies, phenol formaldehyde
Cross-linked polymers
• Chains are connected by
covalent bonds.
• Example: rubbers.
(a) Linear, unbranched polymer (b) Linear, branched polymer
rc (rs–ra)
% Crystallinity = x100
rs (rc–ra)
rc = density of perfect crystalline polymer
ra = density of completely amorphous polymer
rs = density of partially crystalline polymer sample
amorphous region
The degree of crystallinity depends on
1. Rate of cooling (faster cooling, less crystallinity) annealing causes crystalline
regions to grow % crystallinity ↑
2. Type of polymer (simple structure, more crystallinity)
3. Linear polymer more easily form crystals. Density, TS, E ↑ with crystallinity
Computations of the Density and Percent Crystallinity of Polyethylene
(a) Compute the density of totally crystalline polyethylene. The orthorhombic unit cell
for polyethylene, which is equivalent of two ethylene repeat units, is contained within
each unit cell, has the edge lengths of a=0.741 nm, b=0.494 nm, and c=0.255 nm.
(b) Using the answer to part (a), calculate the percent crystallinity of a branched
polyethylene that has a density of 0.925 g/cm3. The density for the totally amorphous
material is 0.870 g/cm3.
n = number of repeat units within the unit cell (for polyethylene n = 2)
VC = unit cell volume (which is the product of the three unit cell edge lengths)
VC = (0.741 nm)(0.494 nm)(0.255 nm) = 9.33*10-23 cm3/unit cell
𝜌𝑐 𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌𝑎
% crystallinity = x 100
𝜌𝑠 𝜌𝑐 − 𝜌𝑎
= 46.4%
Structure Properties
The processing of materials
determines the nature and amount of defects in it.
Thermo-mechanical processing
why are defects important ?
Without defects:
• solid-state electronic devices could not exist
• metals would be much stronger
• ceramics would be much tougher
• crystals would have no color
based on dimensions of defects
Example 1:
The effect of temperature on vacancy concentrations
Calculate the equilibrium number of vacancies per cubic meter for copper at 27 °C
and 1000°C. The energy for vacancy formation is 0.9 eV/atom; the atomic weight
and density for copper are 63.5 g/mol and 8.4 g/cm3, respectively.
NA r
N =
(6.023*1023 # atom/mol) x (8.4 g/cm3) x (106 cm3/m3)
= (63.5 g/mol)
= 7.96*1028 # atom/m 3
The number of vacancies at 27°C (= 300 K):
NV = N exp (-QV / kT)
- 0.9 eV/atom
= ( 7.96*1028 # atoms/m3 ) x exp
(8.62*10-5 eV/K) x (300 K)
= 6.11*1013 vacancies/m 3
All real solids are impure. Very pure metals are only about
99.9999% pure (i.e., ~ one impurity per 106 host atoms)
Even very small impurity atoms are larger than interstitial sites,
so all interstitial impurities introduce lattice strains on the
adjacent host atoms.
Carbon distorts the BCC crystal structure more
than the FCC crystal –why?
Intrinsic defect
• The edge dislocation is dislocation
designated by a
perpendicular sign, either
⊥ if the half plane is above
the dislocation line, or T
if the plane is below the
dislocation line.
slip plane
screw dislocations
Burgers vector, b
mixed dislocations
Special grain boundaries with mirrored atomic positions across the boundary.
Produced by shear deformation of BCC/HCP materials (mechanical twin), or
during annealing following deformation (annealing twin) of FCC materials.
Application of a stress to the perfect crystal (a) may cause a displacement of the atoms,
(b) causing the formation of a twin. Note that the crystal has deformed as a result of twinning.
Bulk or Volume Defects
affect optical, thermal, and mechanical properties
act as stress concentrator and affect mechanical properties
Foreign inclusions
affect electrical, mechanical, optical properties