Razor E300
Razor E300
Razor E300
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Safety Warnings ............................................................ 1 Troubleshooting Guide............................................ 11-12
Before You Begin ........................................................... 2 E100, E200 and E300 Scooter Parts ...................... 13-18
Assembly and Set-Up ................................................. 3-4 Safety Reminders .......................................... Back Cover
Repair and Maintenance ........................................... 4-10 Warranty ........................................................ Back Cover
WARNING: Riding the E100, E200 or E300 scooter can be Failing to properly adjust and tighten the clamps and retainers that affix
a hazardous activity. Certain conditions may cause the equipment to the handlebars and folding system can cause you to lose control and
fail without fault of the manufacturer. Like other electric vehicles, fall. When properly adjusted, you cannot twist the front wheel out of
the scooter can and is intended to move, and it is therefore possible line with the handlebars or move the T-tube out of adjustment. If you can
to lose control, fall off and/or get into dangerous situations that no twist or force these components to move or come off by hand, readjust
amount of care, instruction or expertise can eliminate. If such things and properly retighten clamp mechanisms.
occur you can be seriously injured or die, even when using safety
equipment and other precautions. RIDE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND Do not attempt or do stunts or tricks on your E100, E200 or E300 scooter.
USE COMMON SENSE. The scooters are not made to withstand abuse from misuse such as
jumping, curb grinding or any other type of stunts.
This manual contains many warnings and cautions concerning the
consequences of failing to maintain, inspect or properly use your Maintain a hold on the handlebars at all times.
E100, E200 or E300 scooter. Because any incident can result in serious Never carry passengers or allow more than one person at a time to ride
injury or even death, we do not repeat the warning of possible serious the scooter.
injury or death each time such a possibility is mentioned.
Never use near steps or swimming pools.
PARENTAL SUPERVISION Keep your fingers and other body parts away from the chain, drive chain,
This manual contains important safety information. It is your steering system, wheels and all other moving components.
responsibility to review this information and make sure that all riders
understand all warnings, cautions, instructions and safety topics and Never use headphones or a cell phone when riding.
assure that young riders are able to safely and responsibly use this Never hitch a ride with another vehicle.
product. Razor recommends that you periodically review and reinforce
the information in this manual with younger riders, and that you Do not ride your scooter in wet or icy weather and never immerse
inspect and maintain your children’s vehicle to insure their safety. the scooter in water, as the electrical and drive components could be
damaged by water or create other possibly unsafe conditions.
The recommended rider ages of 8 and older for the E100 scooter and
12 and older for the E200 and E300 scooters are only estimates, and The E100, E200 and E300 scooters are intended for use on flat, dry
can be affected by the rider’s size, weight or skills. Any rider unable to surfaces such as pavement or level ground without loose debris such
fit comfortably on the scooter should not attempt to ride it. as sand, leaves, rocks or gravel. Wet, slick, bumpy, uneven or rough
A parent’s decision to allow his or her child to ride this surfaces may impair traction and contribute to possible accidents. Do
product should be based on the child’s maturity, skill and not drive your scooter in mud, ice, puddles or water. Avoid excessive
ability to follow rules. speeds that can be associated with downhill rides. Never risk damaging
surfaces such as carpet or flooring by use of an E100, E200 or E300
Keep this product away from small children and remember that it is scooter indoors.
intended for use only by persons who are, at a minimum, completely
comfortable and competent while operating the vehicle. Do not ride at night or when visibility is limited.
scooter or 220 pounds for the E200 and E300 scooters. Always wear proper protective equipment such as an approved safety
helmet (with chin strap securely buckled), elbow pads and kneepads. A
Rider weight does not necessarily mean a person’s size is appropriate helmet may be legally required by local law or regulation in your area.
to fit or maintain control of the scooter. A long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and gloves are recommended. Always
Do not touch the brakes or motor on your scooter when in use as wear athletic shoes (lace-up shoes with rubber soles), never drive
these parts can become very hot. barefooted or in sandals, and keep shoelaces tied and out of the way of
the wheels, motor and drive system.
Refer to the section on safety for additional warnings.
ACCEPTABLE RIDING PRACTICES AND The charger supplied with the E100, E200 or E300 scooter should be
CONDITIONS regularly examined for damage to the cord, plug, enclosure and other
Always check and obey any local laws or regulations which parts, and in the event of such damage, the bike must not be charged
may affect the locations where the E100, E200 or E300 scooter until the charger has been repaired or replaced.
may be used.
Use only with the recommended charger.
Ride defensively. Watch out for potential obstacles that could catch
your wheel or force you to swerve suddenly or lose control. Be careful The charger is not a toy.
to avoid pedestrians, skaters, skateboards, scooters, bikes, children or Always disconnect from the charger prior to wiping down and cleaning
animals who may enter your path, and respect the rights and property your scooter with liquid.
of others.
Do not activate the speed control on the hand grip unless you are on THE ABOVE WARNINGS INCREASES RISK OF
the scooter and in a safe, outdoor environment suitable for riding. The SERIOUS INJURY. USE WITH APPROPRIATE
E100 scooter must be moving at 3 miles per hour before the motor CAUTION AND SERIOUS ATTENTION TO SAFE
will start. OPERATION.
user manuals2 on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:10:50 PM
Remove contents from box. Remove the foam separators that protect the components from damage during
shipping. Inspect the contents of the box for scratches in the paint, dents or kinked cables that may have WARNING:
occurred during shipping. Because the scooter was 95 percent assembled and packed at the factory, there DO NOT USE NON-RAZOR
should not be any problems, even if the box has a few scars or dents. PRODUCTS WITH YOUR
RAZOR E100, E200 or
E300 SCOOTER. The scooter
Estimated Assembly and Set-Up Time has been built to certain Razor
Razor recommends assembly by an adult with experience in bicycle mechanics. design specifications. The original
Allow up to 20 minutes for assembly, not including initial charge time. equipment supplied at the time of
Allow up to 12 hours for initial charge (see page 3 for charging information. sale was selected on the basis of
its compatibility with the frame,
fork and all other parts. Certain
aftermarket products may or may
Brake Lever not be compatible.
Speed Control
Brake Lever
T-tube Handlebar height adjust
Extension Tube
Charger Folding System
Plug Locking Knob
On/off switch
and charging port
Front Fork
Battery pack
and motor Tire
controller Wheel
Required Tools
Some tools may be supplied; however, we recommend the use of mechanic’s grade tools. Use the supplied
tools only as a last resort.
Need Help? Visit our web site for updates and a list of authorized service centers at www.razor.com
or call toll-free at 866-467-2967 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
user manuals3 on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:10:52 PM
WARNING: Failure
to recharge the battery at least
once a month may result in
a battery that will no longer
accept a charge.
1 Loosen the locking knob 2 Remove the plastic protector 3 Slide the quill into the
and swing to the 6 o’clock po- covering the base of the handle- fork until it bottoms on the WARNING: Failure
sition to unfold the handlebar. bar assembly. Insert the “quill” headset. to properly tighten the wedge
part of the handlebar assembly may allow the handlebars to
into the fork. You may have to dislodge while riding and may
loosen the wedge to allow it to cause you to lose control and
slip into the fork. fall. When correctly tightened,
the handlebars will not rotate
out of alignment with the
front wheel under normal
4 Using a 6mm hexagonal 5 Pivot the handlebar assembly 6 Swing the locking knob to Note: The cable and wire
key wrench, tighten the upright. the 12 o’clock position and assembly from the handlebar
wedge by turning the bolt tighten by hand as firmly as must not wrap around the
clockwise. The wedge is possible. steering tube or handlebar
properly tightened when the as shown in step 3. Sharp
handlebars cannot be twisted bends or twisting of the brake
out of alignment with the cable can cause the brakes to
front wheel. malfunction.
user manuals4 on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:10:54 PM
1 To adjust the brake cable 2 (E100) 2 (E200 & E300) WARNING: The
play, thread the brake lever Inspect the brake pads (A) If the brake lever adjuster is brake is capable of skidding
adjuster in or out 1/4 to 1/2 turn for proper alignment against threaded outward and the brake the tire and throwing an
until the desired brake adjust- the wheel or excess wear. To still has too much slack, use the unsuspecting rider. Practice
ment is attained. Most realign brake pads, loosen the rear brake adjuster for addi- in an open area free from
adjustments are complete at fixing nut (B) and adjust the pad tional adjustment. obstacles until you are familiar
this step. If brake still needs to contact the rim. Retighten with the brake function. Avoid
further adjustment, proceed to and test the function, readjust skidding to a stop as this can
step 2. as needed. cause you to lose control or
damage the rear tire.
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1 With a Phillips screwdriver, 2 With a 10mm wrench, 3 With two 8mm wrenches,
loosen the two screws and loosen the brake cable anchor loosen brake housing anchor
remove the chain guard. and disconnect the cable. and disconnect. Keep the spacer
and washers together.
4 With a 10mm wrench, loosen 5 With two 17mm wrenches, 6 Pull the wheel out. Note the
both axle adjusters an equal loosen the axle. Push the wheel arrangement of the hardware
amount, about five turns. forward in the slots to loosen sequence. The spacer order is
the chain. small, medium and large, with
the small spacer between the
brake and frame, the medium
between the brake and wheel
and the long between the wheel
and frame.
7 Install new chain or wheel by 8 To hook up the brake housing 9 Install the brake spring and
maneuvering the chain onto the anchor, align the cable guide thread the cable wire into the
sprocket and slipping the axle adjuster and install the spacer cable anchor. Thread the cable
into the slots on the frame. and bolt. Do not tighten until to its original position and
final step. tighten securely.
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10 Install the axle adjusters 11 Tighten both axle adjust- 12 Tighten the brake housing
and axle nuts. Tighten until they ers the same number of turns anchor securely. Test ride and
just barely hold the hardware to fine-tune the tension on the check. Readjust as needed.
in place. chain and to approximately
maintain the centering of the
user manuals9 on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:11:07 PM
❑ Front Tire Replacement
Tools required: 10mm wrench, two (2) 17mm wrenches and a flathead screwdriver.
1 (E100 Only) Loosen 2 Using two 17mm wrenches, 3 Remove wheel and replace
the brake pad bolt and remove loosen the front axle bolts by tire. To reinstall wheel, reverse
one brake pad. turning the wrenches counter these steps. Helpful hint: You
clockwise. may need to use a flathead
screwdriver to center the axil
and the bolts.
user manuals10on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:11:09 PM
❑ Charger
The transformer/charger supplied with the scooter should be regularly examined for damage to the cord,
plug, enclosure and other parts, and, in the event of such damage, the scooter must not be charged until it
has been repaired
or replaced.
Use ONLY with the recommended charger.
❑ Replacement Parts
The most frequently requested replacement parts (wheels, tires, tubes, batteries and chargers) are
available for purchase at some Razor retail partners or online at www.razorama.com. For other parts
contact an authorized Razor repair center.
❑ Repair Centers
For a list of authorized Razor repair centers:
• Check online at www.razor.com.
• Send e-mail to customerservice@razorusa.com or call 866-467-2967 for the center nearest you.
user manuals11on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:11:10 PM
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Scooter does not run Undercharged battery Charge the battery. A new battery should have been charged for at
least 12 hours before using the scooter for the first time and up to 8
hours after each subsequent use.
Charger is not working Make sure power flow to the wall outlet is on.
Loose wires or connectors You may check to see if your charger is working by using a volt meter
or asking your local Razor authorized service center to test your
charger for you.
E100 only - Scooter must be Kick start to 3mph then twist the throttle to start motor.
traveling 3mph before motor will
Scooter was running but Tripped circuit breaker Check all wires and connectors to make sure they are tight.
suddenly stopped
The circuit breaker (next to on/off switch) will automatically shut off
the power if the motor is overloaded.
Short run time (less than Undercharged battery Charge the battery. A new battery should have been charged for at
30 minutes per charge) least 12 hours before using the scooter for the first time and up to 8
hours after each subsequent use.
Check all wires and connectors. Make sure the battery connector is
tightly plugged into the charger connector, and that the charger is
plugged into the wall.
Battery is old and will not accept Make sure power flow to the wall outlet is on.
full charge
Even with proper care, a rechargeable battery does not last forever.
Average battery life is 1 to 2 years depending on scooter use and
conditions. Replace only with a Razor replacement battery.
Brakes are not adjusted properly Refer to adjusting the brakes instructions on page 4.
Scooter runs sluggishly Driving conditions are too stressful Use only on solid, flat, clean and dry surfaces such as pavement or
level ground.
Tires are not properly inflated The tires are inflated when shipped, but they invariably will lose
some pressure between the point of manufacturing and your
purchase. Refer to instructions on page 5 of this manual to properly
inflate tires.
Scooter is overloaded Make sure you do not overload the scooter by allowing more than
one rider at a time, exceeding the E100 120 lb. or E200 and E300 220
lb. maximum weight limit, going up a hill or towing objects behind
the scooter. If the scooter is overloaded, the circuit breaker may trip
and shut off power to the motor. Correct the driving conditions that
caused the overload, wait a few seconds, and then push the breaker
to reset the circuit. Avoid repeatedly tripping the circuit breaker.
Brake dragging E100: Use your fingers to twist the adjuster in either direction until
wheel is centered between pads.
user manuals12on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:11:11 PM
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Sometimes the scooter Brakes are not adjusted properly Refer to adjusting the brakes instructions on page 4.
doesn’t run, but other
times it does Loose wires or connectors Check all wires around the motors and all connectors to make sure
they are tight.
Charger gets warm Motor or electrical switch Contact your local Razor authorized service center for diagnosis and
during use damage repair.
Scooter does not stop Normal response to charger use No action required. This is normal for some chargers and is no cause
when applying the brake for concern. If your charger does not get warm during use, it does not
mean that it is not working properly.
Scooter makes loud Brakes are not adjusted properly Refer to adjusting the brakes instructions on page 4.
noises or grinding TM TM
sounds Chain is too dry Apply a lubricant such as 3 in 1 or Tri-Flow to the chain.
Brake rotor is dragging on brake Use your fingers to twist the caliper adjuster in either direction until
pads rotor is centered between pads.
Need Help? Visit our web site for updates and a list of authorized service centers at www.razor.com
or call toll-free at 866-467-2967 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific T Time.
user manuals13on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:11:11 PM
Keep your scooter running for years with genuine Razor parts. Visit our web site or e-mail us for more information on spare part availability.
(Specifications subject to change without notice.)
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user manuals15on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:11:12 PM
Keep your scooter running for years with genuine Razor parts. Visit our web site or e-mail us for more information on spare part availability.
(Specifications subject to change without notice.)
user manuals16on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:11:12 PM
user manuals17on ManualsBase.com 3/10/06 2:11:13 PM
Keep your scooter running for years with genuine Razor parts. Visit our web site or e-mail us for more information on spare part availability.
(Specifications subject to change without notice.)
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❑ Loose Parts
Check and secure all fasteners before every
ride. Make sure steering stem clamp bolts are
locked properly in place. There should not be any
❑ Tire Inflation
Periodically inspect the tires for excess wear,
and regularly check the tire pressure and re-
inflate as necessary. If you get a flat tire, the
unusual rattles or sounds from loose parts or inner tube can be patched or a new tube can be
broken components. If you are not sure, ask an purchased from Razor or an authorized repair
experienced mechanic to check. center.
❑ Brake
Check the brakes for proper function. When
you squeeze the lever, the brake should provide
positive braking action. When you apply the
❑ Safety Gear
Always wear proper protective equipment such
as an approved safety helmet, elbow pads and
kneepads. Always wear athletic shoes (lace-up
brake with the speed control on, the brake cut- shoes with rubber soles), never drive barefooted
off switch will stop the motor. or in sandals, and keep shoelaces tied and out of
the way of the wheels, motor and drive system.
Razor Limited Warranty For your records, save your original sales receipt with this manual and
The manufacturer warranties this product to be free of manufacturing write the serial number below.
defects for a period of 90 days from date of purchase. This Limited
Warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, tires, tubes or __________________________________________
cables, or any damage, failure or loss caused by improper assembly, Item Numbers
maintenance, or storage or use of the Razor electric chopper. E100 13100E-BL
This Limited Warranty will be void if the product is ever E125 13125E-BK Black
• used in a manner other than for recreation or transportation 13111110 Red
• modified in any way; E200 13200E-SL
E200S 13201S-SL
• rented. E225S 13112850
The manufacturer is not liable for incidental or consequential loss or E300 13300E-SL
damage due directly or indirectly to the use of this product. E300S 13301S-SL
E325S 13116390
Razor does not offer an extended warranty. If you have purchased an
extended warranty, it must be honored by the store at which it was
Need Help? Visit our web site for updates and a list of authorized service centers at www.razor.com
or call toll-free at 866-467-2967 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time.