Effective Teamwork
Effective Teamwork
Effective Teamwork
You should remember that "together we can change the world". Sticking and
sharing together is the most important skill for teamwork that you should be
aware of it clearly.
Key Elements of Teamwork
Listening to the others
When you are a team, you should know to respect and listen to other’s
opinions. Because none of us are perfect. No matter how much great
their opinions are, they still have mistakes. We are listeners who have to
recognize those mistakes in order to contribute opinions making idea
becomes better.
Helping and respecting each other
In the same team, members need to help each other. Supposing that
other members have troubles, you should be willing to share and help
them. It will create the connection between members.
Moreover, every member must respect each other, you shouldn’t think
that you are better than the others, or overestimate yourself and
underestimate the others Helping and respecting each other is the
biggest motivation to work forward the same goal till the end.
Being responsible for your duties
Whether you work individual or in team, you need to practice the skill
which is to be responsible for work. When you work individual, providing
the result is not good, you will be the only one who take responsibility
for it. But working in team is different. If you just rely on the others or
not finish duties which you are assigned, it means you are affecting the
whole team. Then all credits of those who are attempting to do well will
be denied. Since the final result is the very measurement of work, not a
task completed.
Encouraging and developing individual
These are skills for those who are team leader. A leader has a firm stuff
and competence is the one who knows how to encourage and create
motivation, conditions for all members having personal development in
team. When each individual member be encouraged and have chance to
develop is such a motivation for them to put more effort into work and
they will realize their personal value risen higher.
You should know the way to make yourself connect with other
members. Otherwise, you will feel lonely, sometimes finding that you
are not treasured much in team, but that’s only what you imagine. You
should learn how to close to other people. Only the connection would
make a perfect team, because every member will be more sociable in
sharing and helping each other toward job as well as life.